STARFIELD: What if You Just Land Somewhere on a Random Planet? - Sandbox Exploration Walkthrough

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g'day folks ziggity here with a bit of star field today I wanted to walk you through some of the game's freeform exploration I'm taking a look here at oborum Prime which looks to have life on it and somewhat Earth-like conditions though it does have quite low gravity I'm okay with that though low gravity is quite fun let's pull up into orbit and give it a quick scan there is another ship in orbit when we pull up but we both seem pretty happy to leave each other alone from orbit you can perform a preliminary scan which shows some basic information and resource distributions though it doesn't always show very rare resources you'll have to discover those on the actual Planet itself if you really like exploration there are some skills that you can get that can improve how much information you get from orbital scanning it looks like oborum has two unique features or traits which we'll have to discover down on the surface and it has a couple of okay resources but most interesting is that it has a ton of plant and animal life it also seems to have some interesting Variety in biomes to do a full survey and discover all the different features of a planet or Moon you may well have to hop around to different Landing sites in different biomes but we'll just drop down in a random place today monsters okay clear so anyway that you land on a planet's surface the game will procedurally generate a huge map around your Landing site and they will basically always be some interesting things within walking distance it makes even Baron rocks feel like they have something going on though some planets are definitely more interesting than others it actually turns out that I had previously taken a survey bounty to find a unique Planet trait here on this planet and I just forgotten about it so we might as well work on that while we're here when I first land and disembark I like to use the hand scanner to get a bit more info on points of interest nearby to get an idea of where I want to head first you can look over a point of Interest marker and press the E key and that reveals what type of point of interest it's going to be and there's all sorts of different ones life signs natural formations human structures mines caves and anomalies we can already see that this planet is teeming with life with some weird jellyfish things in the air and some insectoids grazing nearby what better way to get familiar with the locals than to hunt them when it comes to getting the scanning information you can either scan them or hunt them both actually works minerals and other raw resources only require one scan but animals and plants can take quite a few scans to get all of the information together this game always seems to be full of surprises and it seems that these horn face insect creatures have some sort of strange ritual going on here I don't know if it's like a mating dance or some sort of warning but it seems that some other insectoids nearby are getting kind of riled up and getting into a fight with them turns out to be a prime opportunity to get a bunch of scans all at once and maybe sneak in and loot some rare resources it turns out that while they are herbivores they do seem to be a bit territorial or I don't know maybe I was messing with some of the Beatles food and they got a bit fancy about it scanning fauna tells you information on Behavior resources that can be harvested from them and even unique traits like that the horn faces reflect melee damage foreign so up the hill I come upon what looks like a scientific base at this point I can't actually know if it's abandoned full of friendly scientists who might need some help or if it's full of pirates or other nasties so it's always a good idea to just Scout a little bit first it ends up looking like Pirates have moved in so it's time to take out one of the Lookouts and move around the edge to find a good vantage point thank you I have a few points in stealth on this character so they lose track of me after a little while and I can get the jump on another one of them from this Harbor roof up here now that my element of surprise has been consumed it's time to take some combat stims and go for the Messier approach hot plus that Dragon I took there gives more health and damage resistance great for when you want to get in close this shotgun actually has doubled melee damage and does a pretty good job of Staggering which combo is nice with a close range weapon like this there's still a few Pirates camped out on some High Ground nearby peppering shots at me but I want to clear out this hard block first before I move on so I use the airlock and get inside and cook a grenade to stun the pirate that's lurking Within grenades are really useful in this game for staggering enemies and getting them out of cover afterwards while I'm looting one of the elite Pirates gets a little bit creative and gets the jump on me from the airlock Elite enemies like this one can have multiple armor bars and they can end up being quite tough especially when you're boxed in against them like this however an airlock is a pretty bad place to stand when your enemy has grenades coming at you Elite enemies always drop a rare item at least and are a good source of legendaries as well it wasn't much actual loot to be had in this Hab so I head back outside and catch one of the Pirates off guard my little suppressed rifle here doesn't do a ton of damage I'm not really able to take him out quickly enough and they end up charging me so I switched to a legendary pistol that I have that has a chance to fire Tesla rounds that can stun and slow enemies pretty good in this situation oh with the outside seemingly clear I have a bit of a rummage through some of the other exterior locations finding a few suppliers and resources and then I head inside the other Hub catching a pirate who is I guess playing computer games or something and had their headphones on and didn't realize they were being raided so get them off guard there's a few more supplies in here to scoop up and then it's over to the main building locations like this can have lots of different exterior areas to them tents pads drilling platforms construction sites and all sorts of little tidbits you can explore in a pretty large area sometimes too so it can be quite worth exploring outside it's not just all like an entrance to a cave or something foreign so in the main building now there's a bit of a kill box choke point I have to get through this magnet accelerated silence pistol is very cool but Emma has been a bit rare for it I like to use it for situations like this to keep a jump on an enemy though to break through this choke point though I switched to a grenade launcher that I picked up recently which is super satisfying I love this thing [Music] oh while I'm looting the bodies one more guy makes his way over and enemies will actually often come from other parts of the building to investigate louder engagements like this it's interesting foreign so this room over here is protected by an advanced lock but I have a few skill points in security so it's time to do some Digi picking Digi picking is a puzzle where you have to find which key goes in which holes and they're sometimes incorrect choices or multiple correct ones I don't mind it overall it's better than Fallout 4's hacking at least locked rooms like this are generally bonuses ways to get more loot from a location but not necessary to conquer it sometimes though they can provide a special advantage or a shortcut or something like that so when I'm rummaging like this I'm looking for high Credit Value low weight items or of course useful things that I can actually use I actually end up finding a rare classic book that's worth a lot here that I can sell to a book collector I know there's also a safe nearby with some credits inside and a few credit sticks scattered around learning to spot useful items scattered or hidden amongst the junk is a skill in this game I'm also actually putting up a looting guide for launch to help you all out with it as it's a bit overwhelming at first sorting loot in this game it's very fun when you know what you're doing just rummaging through everything so heading upstairs I find another rare book in the room but not much else so it's time to move on interestingly though someone else has found me and takes a very optimistic pot shot from stealth it's interesting how the enemies feel a bit less static than in previous Bethesda games they seem to move around a lot more turns out to be an elite enemy and I decided to test out a new laser pistol I found that has a chance to ignite laughs [Music] it's not bad and a few grenades help seal the deal I ended up getting a new legendary helmet off this enemy and it's kind of an excellent hunting helmet super interesting but not useful currently so there's another storage room and you'll notice I'm skipping some Component Resources like these Square things that are magnets it's just because these sorts of components are pretty heavy and I already have a bunch of them on my ship I'm far better off grabbing guns for credits and resources I actually need so I engage the final group of enemies here from stealth and it looks like they're trying to get into a locked room [Music] all right after the still thing comes the opposite of stealthing of course there's another nasty Elite this time who ends up camping the doorway so I chip away at them for a bit and then I push in to finish them off with a shoddy after quickly searching that room I find another locked storage which has a weapon case with a very expensive shotgun that I'll take to sell outside there's another pistol that's quite valuable too and this overall is proving to be a pretty good run for credits at the very least after that it's time to figure out what the Pirates were trying to break into and hilariously it actually seems they accidentally locked their leader inside the lock is too hard for me well it was except I just leveled up so I take the next point in security and crack my first Master Lock it looks like that pirate didn't expect me to be able to get in after their crew couldn't do so what the heck I should have gone for a stealth mailing attack for some huge damage but I was caught off guard I wasn't expecting them to not be expecting me so a firefight breaks out and I have The High Ground so we all know that it's over for the Corsair [Music] laughs God damn it suddenly actually turns out to be super tough and not wanting to use all of my ammo I move in disable them and whip out my Katana I picked up from my gang buddies in neon City swords versus fists is pretty one-sided in the end there actually wasn't much in that room that they were locked in but it was pretty funny that they locked their boss in and were trying to get them out a nice bit of environmental storytelling there kind of I begin the search for the location reward crate each Zone that has enemies inside of it has some sort of big rewards crate that you can find at the end though the definition of what is the end is kind of free form because the zones aren't all quite so linear I end up finding it in one of the adjoining rooms you can see that they tend to have a lot of loot in them even though this one's kind of on the lighter side that said this one did have an excellent shotgun upgrade for me this thing is quite meaty so I replace my old one with it now I recalled that there was one more room upstairs so I scoped that out before leaving funnily enough it actually had a computer that could unlock the room from earlier so both me and the Pirates kind of look like idiots the only other thing is a very um interesting hat that one will be going in my private collection so I have one last little scrounge and head outside inventory burgeoning with fresh loot as long as you're not overburdened you can fast travel back to your ship from anywhere even inside of a dungeon you don't have to walk out the entrance and as long as you're within 250 meters of your ship you can stash loot in the cargo hold easily to make space for future adventuring so I drop off my Loot and head back out after all I still need to discover the planet's unique traits which I suspect I can from some nearby locations I tagged when I landed getting a bit of cardio in I headed up that hill and I saw what I was looking for a very strange formation of sack egg possible things it seems that this planet has a bit of an issue with disease and that was what my earlier Bounty was to research some of these locations will have some sort of special hidden resources or loot or a person in trouble or some rare fauna nearby or something like that not always though and this time I'm just happy to complete my bounty and earn four and a half thousand credits for a scan not bad foreign [Applause] a couple nearby bugs this makes PM Loot and then head over to the anomaly that I tagged earlier Foster King some gold along the way of course so I get a pretty nice view from the top of this hill and I see that there's actually more anomalies nearby but one thing at a time it's pretty easy to get distracted in this game the anomaly looks to be some kind of Tower I made a new local on the way a cute little Beetle and after some unnecessary fetal murder I clear out some more hostile bugs and take a look at the tower it looks like it's a very cool looking gravitational anomaly with a bunch of rare and valuable resources around the base a very nice find what that's all about I'll leave you folks to discover when you play for yourselves and that is where I'll leave it today I hope you enjoyed yourselves I'm Ziggy D and thanks for watching
Channel: ZiggyD Gaming
Views: 18,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MxdDWJV8dbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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