Build the Ultimate Power in the Starfield Universe

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] until this battle station is fully operational we are vulnerable the Rebel Alliance is too well equipped they're more dangerous than you realize got him I got him great kid don't get cocky dangerous to your Starfleet Commander not to this battle station fear will keep the local systems in line fear of this battle station and what of the Rebellion if the rebels have obtained a complete technical readout of this station it is possible however unlikely they might find a weakness and exploit it any attack made by the rebels against this station would be a useless gesture no matter what technical data they've obtained this station is now the ultimate power in the universe I suggest we use it this bickering is pointless a lord Vader will provide us with the location of the Rebel Fortress by the time this station is operational we will then crush the Rebellion with one swift stroke at attention Fleet from here you will witness the final destruction of the alliance and the end of your insignificant Rebellion as you can see your friends have fail now witness the fire power of this fully armed and operational battle station fire at will Commander once more the Sith will rule the galaxy and we shall PE what's up ship Builders I made this build video by request so if there is a certain ship you'd like to see if I can build please let me know now up until now my build videos have focused on what I call either the lightweight fighter ship class or the middle of the road allrounder good at everything master of nothing ship class but I haven't yet done a video about a heavy cargo ship that is what this Destroyer has been for me I'm using slow C-Class engines and have a decent amount of cargo on this ship meaning it is not going to outmaneuver anything in combat now I did reduce some of the cargo I initially had just for this build video but we'll talk more about that later to start let's look at the main ship system starting with the reactor this is using the pinch 8A reactor which is a favorite of mine due to it providing your ship with the most amount of hole points in the entire game and by a large margin at 1,950 now we're giving up four points in reactor power uh from the highest reactor power reactors in the game but for a slow heavy ship I'd rather have more Health to survive the beating we're inevitably going to take since we aren't trying to outmaneuver anyone for the grav drive if you know how I pick grav drives I scroll through the available grab drives and choose the one that gives my ship with its mass at least 28 Lighty years of jump range so for this heavy ship we're using one of the most powerful grab drives and one of the most heaviest in the entire game for the shield again we want the most health possible for this slow heavy ship so I'm using the Assurance sg800 Shield this has the most Shield health in the entire game at, 1600 so that combined with our reactor that gives us the most whole value in the entire game we should have a overall defensive stat that is tough to match for the engines I'm using three of the Poseidon dt230 engines I felt these engines fit the aesthetic of the ship fairly well especially the fact that the maximum you are allowed to use is three of them but additionally these engines actually provide for the most ship Mass above their own mass of any engine in the game before you lose engine performance now I know that might come as a shock that they even perform better than the S 68 30s if if you haven't watched my past videos on this I know you're going to disagree and I'll link to a separate video that covers this in detail but what this really comes down to is the difference between the mobility statistic shown to you in the ship Builder screen which deals with your rotation speed and your ship's actual acceleration and your engine's ability to change your ship's momentum finally for weapons for a slow heavy ship it's all turrets PBO 100 Auto Neutron turrets on the back the PBO 300 Auto Alpha turrets facing either side and then to the front of the ship we've got the obliterator 250 me Alpha turrets or at least that's what I started with I ended up switching these out to the manual firing auto Alpha beams just to have a manually firing weapon but it that's totally up to you before we dive into the detail build a few places you're going to want to stop just to get some specific Parts you'll want to go to new Homestead on Titan it's the moon of Saturn and talk to the ship technician there this is the one place where you can get the ng20 landing gear and you're going to want to get four of them this landing gear has the highest Landing thrust in the game and so we're going to want this for our heavy ship after you've bought that landing gear and just attached it to your base ship you're going to want to then travel to the naron system specifically to the Stout ekland stary yard once you're there we're going to need to get a few pieces here specifically the contiki b600 bridge you're going to want to get those Poseidon DT 230 engines three of them now I also have a 2X two have on this ship which in order to get 2x two halves or anything bigger than 2x1 you'll have to go to a specific ship manufacturer for that so pick one up here we'll also want to get that side entrance stability Pro Landing Bay which is a specific stoud Landing Bay you want to get the pinch 8A reactor here as well uh as your weapons so you can get some pretty powerful weapons from this ship vender the PB 100s the PB 300s and those obliterator Alpha beams for the rest of this build you're going to want to go to your Outpost Landing Pad that's where we'll get the rest of our structural pieces that span multiple ship manufacturers and for the detail build we're actually going to build this one piece by piece this time so now that we've got all the pieces that we need and we're at our Outpost Landing pad we're going to start with our Landing Bay now this Landing Bay has an entrance on the side so you're going to enter from the side which means we need a little one by one to enter into attach that to the side and this is actually going to serve as our Docker as well so we're going to put the slim Docker underneath this which we can then flip upside down and in that way we get a pretty compact Bay and Docker to start on the other side of this we're going to put the aulander this aulander is nice because it can have connection points on all sides whereas that ng20 landing gear that we got uh only has connector points on the left and the right sides and on the back here this will kind of form the back underbelly of the ship we're going to get this damos belly piece and we're going to put one on each of those pieces so three across towards the front here's where we're going to start using those ng20 landing gear that we picked up so I'm going to use the wide version and we're going to connect three of them together and then we'll actually have one in front of those it doesn't actually connect just yet because again they only have connector points on the sides or the top so we're going to have to connect them all together once we get to that upper layer but on the sides here we're going to use these stoud uh cap a pieces flip those upside down I'm going to have to move this a little bit to make space and we'll duplicate that and have one on each side just like that so this is kind of the underbelly of this ship when I first built it I didn't have quite a small underbelly actually didn't have this layer the layer above it was the bottom layer um and that gave me more surface area which I could have more landing gear and then more cargo as the bottom layer I changed that just for Aesthetics but it's completely up to you how you how you do this the next layer up uh you'll come up single ladder on the ship into an Armory and that lets us attach those landing gear as you see so our goal is to have one ladder um straight off the landing Bay through the main column of the ship straight up to the bridge we'll have cargo here uh on each side of that Hab and I'm just choosing the heaviest shouldn't say the heaviest but the container with the most space most cargo space just to get as much cargo and as compact an area as we can and then this stoud nose cap uh in front of that which lets us then attach our the rest of our bottom layer so you can kind of see where we're going with the shape of this we'll use a lot of these Stroud cap A's and a lot of those uh Stroud nose caps along with some damos wings to kind of get the wedge shape of the Destroyer [Music] here now on the back of this stoud cap we're going to actually have the Stroud Cap B we're going to flip it around so that it has a connector piece facing outward a connection point and on that connection point we're going to put Nova cowling and so again you can see this wedge shape starting to form here and right in this open spot is where we're going to put our first Poseidon engine so you can have up to three of these and it's going to slot in there just like that now we're going to duplicate each of these pieces flip them around do the same thing on the other side [Music] and we're nearly done with this second layer the next thing we're going to do is extend out the Habs again choice of Habs is completely up to you here you see I've got an empty Workshop Hab these empty Habs are new you can go with an empty version you can go with the full version again completely up to you what you choose but we'll extend this forward a bit with some of these stoud capes that are again flipped upside down so not only does this get us kind of that wedge shape uh front to back but underneath as well we're kind of sloping downwards as we go from the front or the four side of the ship to the back with how those Stroud cap pieces slope stoud nose cap again just to complete that same slope shape and we'll have one underneath here back one more right there so that about does it for that second layer onto the third again another 2x two half again we should have one single ladder from the 1 by one have at the bottom all the way up through the center kind of the center column here and then what that allows us to do is to put on some of our bigger pieces so we've got the pinch AA reactor on one side and we'll put the grav drive on the other for the grab drive I'm going with the j52 gets us a lot of J Jump thrust which for a heavy ship we will need as we add more and more mass with more cargo and more structural pieces the other thing I put on is these 900t helium tanks these are the most efficient in terms of fuel to mass and they have connector points on the sides which lets us get our third engine now to fill out the rest to the shape we're going to duplicate some of these from the previous layer so the stoud Cap B and the Nova cing and then in front of those we'll have these stoud cap nose cap C [Music] pieces and then up to you how you choose to fill out the middle space here whether you use some more Habs what combination of habs or if you just want to use structural pieces completely up to you for me I'm going to go with uh 3x one Hab we'll keep the damos kind of military theme maybe do the living [Music] quarters this is also a good excuse to use some of the bigger Hab pieces so like that 2 by two that we picked up or you could even go with a larger like 3x two um and fit that into the middle here which is a good place to use one sometimes it can be tough to find uses for some of these larger Habs that fit the aesthetic of a ship so you see I've got a little open space in here just to make sure I maintain connection points I might throw a structural piece in there just this damos whole piece just to take up space you could put more Cargo in there you know that might impact your Mobility but up to you and then we'll run a couple more Habs out to the very front so living quarters or you could go with control station to get more creu space more creu slots again completely up to you to keep our shape we're going to grab and copy some more of the stoud nose cap C's and from here we'll grab the damos wing a that I referred to earlier and start to put those on the sides flip these around and put some on the other side gets us a nice wedge shape without using the same piece too many times which can get too repetitive to your eyes and the last thing I like to add is just a little window on the front here so you walk completely to the front of the ship you can kind of see out which is kind of fun now for a next layer again another 2 by one this time a control station to get us some more crew slots and just because we're getting close to the bridge and I feel like a control station makes a lot of sense at this point and I'd like to take a minute and just start to pick some paint colors so I've got a nice red kind of darker red accent color on this ship uh it approximates the vendor class Star Destroyer a little bit and I also think it just separates it from the generic ships in the rest of the game for the rest of the pieces I'm just going to choose kind of a darker gray uh and apply that to all of our pieces so all three colors for all parts part s and then we'll have that red dark red accent now let's grab this piece put it on top of the other 2x one so again we have that consistent ladder all the way to the top and we're going to grab and copy this Stout cap a flip this around and make another copy for the other side and then we're going to put some damos callings on color this one red is it it's going to go on the front here of the hab and we're going to grab another cargo piece and put that behind the stoud cap color that gray do the same thing on the other side and then copy this and flip it the other direction so it's facing backwards and then some more damos callings and we'll want this to be gray as [Music] well and two more on the back and we're nearly there at this point we can put on our Shield so we'll go find that Assurance sg800 Shield this is going to sit right below our bridge and now to bring us up just underneath the bridge we're going to have another one by one Hab again you could pick whichever one you want go with this de most Companion Way color this red and put that right there now the other thing I like to do is put another window so we'll grab and copy that one from the front that'll Lookout right over the shield and then two of these damos Wings which will also color red on either side and then on the back just to finish off the back of that Hab so it's not so abrupt we'll get this hope Tech nose piece flip it backwards and that'll kind of make a nice finished look on the back here you want to color this red as well now last but not least the contiki bridge this b600 version is the highest most heaviest version it also has the most cargo so you can get a lot of cargo from a cockpit or bridge and it's usually the most efficient way to get cargo above actual cargo pieces in terms of cargo per Mass so we'll color this to fit the rest of our color scheme so the secondary colorway is the red one and now just just for a few more accent pieces uh on the top of the ship here I used the Deo spine pieces now the thing about these Deo spine pieces is they actually have a lot of weapon mounts so you see this spine C has three weapon mounts this is a good piece if you want to use like the Vanguard obliterator Auto projectors or the Hellfire Auto cannons because you can have up to six of each of those and so it's a good way to fit all of those on the ship now we want these to be red to give us that nice accent again gives us a bit of the venor class Star Destroyer look but in the Starfield Universe now this spine B piece again color these red this will come down the center of the ship so we'll copy those a few times and then to finish off each of these the spine a piece [Music] which angles down nicely if I can copy it there we go and that's the look we're going for and that just leaves weapons at this point so again for the weapons initially I had all turrets just because this is a slow heavy ship so PBO 100 Auto Neutron turret you can have up to four of these and put these on the back facing backwards so all four on the back two on each side on the top and the bottom sometimes flipping them upside down the game doesn't want to do it quite right so you have to be patient [Music] and then on the sides the pb300 auto Alpha turrets you see I've got a weapon Mount here on this damos wing and then to get it on that stoud cap piece we're actually going to need to use an equipment plate so go back to our structural tab up to the very top you should have the option for an equipment plate we'll put one of these on each side of that St cap and that will let us Mount our weapon there flip that around and then for our last weapon those obliterators in the front and again we can go with the turret version or the auto firing version completely up to you see as I flip this it wants to doesn't know where to mount it you can have three of these even though we have less their damage output is quite high and so these are some of the best turrets in the entire game and the last one will Mount to that stoud nose cap which is one of the few pieces that has a weapon mount underneath which is nice and that it for the build now let's take a quick walk through of the Interior one thing I love about this ship is just how imposing it is from the ground really gives you the sense of just how powerful a ship it really is and the side entance Landing Bay is better than entrance from the back as well just for the various landing pads out there ship it's like Christmas every day I'd love to see what someone could do with the empty Habs especially with all the space that you could make available in this ship for 2x two or 3x two Habs to make it look just like the inside or more like the inside of an actual Star Destroyer and as you'll see there is truly just one ladder from the top to the bottom and each level just has a series of habs right to walk through from front to back so really simple to navigate uh you'll never really get lost and with that I'm going to sign off I hope you enjoy this build it really is an imposing one to fly and if you have any requests for any builds please let me know until next time keep building [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] up up and away [Music] right
Channel: ShipTechnician
Views: 11,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bFAG9tfJUmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 59sec (1859 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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