Star Wars Themed Bigfoot Festival on May the Fourth! - Smoky Mountain Big Foot Festival 2024

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hey you all and good morning carpet bagger here coming to you live from the south more specifically we are in Townsend Tennessee and even more specifically than that we are at the fourth annual Smoky Mountain Bigfoot Festival in addition to being the fourth annual it is also the May the 4th as I record this Star Wars Day now they've had different themes in the past for the Bigfoot Festival you know there was one where the the Sasquatches got married there is one where the Sasquatches got pregnant and there is one where the baby Sasquatch was being drafted to a college uh football team um so I think this year being May the 4th they're actually going to incorporate some Star Wars theming in with uh with the Bigfoot Festival and uh so I am here for that unfortunately unfortunately it is pretty rainy right now it is projected to be rainy all day long um but I've never been one to let rain get in the way of a good time and I've been this like I said I've been this is the fourth annual Festival I've been to the past three I have not missed a Smoky Mountain Bigfoot festival yet so I figured that um that I would I would I would tough it out and go to the uh the fourth annual Smoky Mountain big for festival however however um I'm not so hot about taking my new camera out into the rain I've got other ways to prepare for rain I've got real shoes on I got my rain coat in the back I'm going to throw that on I don't know if I want my brand new camera that I really enjoy I don't know if I want that to be rained on so I bought brought an alternative I got my DJI osmo action cam and this is uh at least partially waterproof so I think we're good to go on this but this is this is why I'm not using the new camera and Jen uh was not feeling well today so she sadly um was not able to come with me I was very sad because you know she is a big Star Wars fan I am a big Bigfoot fan but at last she just wasn't feeling up to it uh this morning but uh let's go Brave this Bigfoot [Music] Festival all right I got the uh VIP parking was about 30 something dollar it'll let me park here closer to the actual event and of course if it gets just crazy rainy I can run back and hide in my car okay so the Smoky Mountain Bigfoot Festival held here at the Townsen Visitor Center in Townsen Tennessee this building here I don't think this building was here last year I think this is a brand new facility here and it looks like it's uh looks like it's a look where they sell beer it says beer pickup over there starting to look like Woodstock here I got a little bit a bit of mud and make our way through the mud interesting to see how many people show up today you know the door the gates just opened there's not a lot of people here but maybe people will be showing up as uh as the day goes on okay one thing that they've had at the past Bigfoot festivals is wrestling I think the one year they did not have it but uh they're supposed to have wrestling this year supposed to be uh the first thing that occurs here um but it is a lot of rain I don't know if they can wrestle in uh in the rain like this yeah that that ring is very soggy woo first of the Ring we have the East Tennessee Championship heavyweight champion God Savage what's up towns in Tennessee you know it's too bad that we had to leave New Market come to an armpit like this today hey because I'm looking out here in the crowd and I see a bunch of people standing in the rain they should spend less time at the McDonald's drive-thru and spent more time in the house of gangs like Scott Savage came out here to the town call everyone fat and that is to prove to all of you this Bigfoot mythical creature does not exist and if he does exist Scott Savage is going to take him in that ring and put him down he just said Bigfoot doesn't exist I think he's the biggest heal here shut up punk oh my gosh Guy's super rude he does have pretty big muscles I have to admit that can't take that away from him there he comes L gentl Here Comes Bigfoot oh I knew he was real ladies and gentlemen bigot Bigfoot big foot excuse me I've been told that that is little foot okay little foot is actually ring a smaller Sasquatch here Oh's got to check check Bigfoot to see if he's got any weapons on him he's not actually wearing any clothing oh no bigot pushes away the referee you want bigot all right starting out here by wrestling Bigfoot in the rain get oh Bigfoot's clapping no like clapping for you they don't like you I don't like you they for sure don't like you oh there we go big p getting some people to [Applause] clap lock up [Music] there oh what's he doing what's up big [Laughter] boot oh just slap Bigfoot in the face oh yeah these people don't like it when you slap Bigfoot oh [Music] oh is this your hero he's body slamming big foot oh oh Stinger splash [Applause] come here come here come on little foot let's go pull my ha and then he po me in the [Music] ass dude he was pulling my hair pulling Bigfoot hair I'm not shut up oh shoulder [Applause] block oh he just spit on him don't let him that way big spit on [Applause] Bigfoot going count on him a low blow finish this PK off oh SP Buster [Music] I'll wait big school boy he sliding one ladies gentlem [Applause] M he's super angry and you can see the inflatable Bigfoot here giving us all the big thumbs up here at the Smoky Mountain Bigfoot Festival here we come over here and check out some of the merchandise for the festival see the uh logo this year Sasquatch in his Darth Vader helmet of course it is May the 4th and it says may the forest be with you these here are uh the new performers this year this is big toen it is is a it is a a Beethoven a I guess a a a Sasquatch playing Beethoven on a uh piano there and a Star Wars theme band the uh solo not solo there and look at this I have seen the uh the Oscar Meer wiener mobile before I don't know that I've ever seen the Planters nutmobile a big uh truck here the shape of a peanut that is pretty amazing oh I'd love to see that uh kening down the road wow look at that how's it going man what's some peut good how are you oh you going to we peanuts oh yeah oh yeah yeah thank you appreciate it man yeah stay good let's check out some of the vendors here this is a Wampus cat Custom Creations these holsters here for n and then check out all these uh wonderful crochet Cryptids this is uh Felicia seon Felicia crafty Adventures got our boy Moth Man there actually was gifted from this booth gifted a Mothman much like this last year and then we got the Audrey 2 style plant and a variety of Bigfoot oh what's that right there cthulu that's cthulu oh I looking them the wrong way there he is he got the tentacles in his uh in his face El crochet cthulu we laying down some hay here to combat the muddiness every year they have chainsaw artists here creating creating uh different Sasquatches out of wood during during the festival at the end of the festival they actually have an auction where they auction off these amazing sculptures here yeah this guy taking form right there look at that blowtorch there to burn wet wood though oh no that it's hard to burn wet wood it's giv a little Scorch there it's fighting against fighting against the rain there you go see like the color com to his face there he applies the fire mini Sasquatches here look at these treasure chests with the uh big mouth I think these are from something from a video game maybe if you know what these are from leave a comment in the comment section see some of the Precision Dental work going on there pretty impressive uh Alien there too love the all the detail there in the [Music] alien we got a little Bigfoot puppet there Marette that's pretty amazing [Music] see the moth the myth the legend here oh yeah some more uh more fun little Cryptids here fuzzy Sasquatch Fresno Nightcrawler there and look at this the sun the sun is coming out wait a minute I'm not supposed to not supposed to point my camera at the sun that's right they have Everest Air Comfort at its peak and look who we have here this is okay this is a mascot Eddie Eddie Eddie the yeti nice to meet you Eddie Eddie the yeti how's it going there Eddie we do the can we do it we do like a fist there we go it's a pleasure pleasure to meet you Eddie show up here at the giving some uh support to you your your cousin Sasquatch here at the Smoky Mountain Bigfoot Festival it's a pleasure to meet [Music] you the sun has come out the rain has lifted here at the Smokey Mountain Bigfoot Festival I went back to the car I dished my raincoat got my hat got my brand new pocket 3 and uh we're you know I don't want to on this channel I don't want to make it a point of constantly discussing my uh my equipment my camera issues but I uh I did figure the rain was clear enough I felt safe going and getting the pocket 3 and uh leaving my uh my action cam in the car so let me know let me know the difference if you notice any difference between the two but yeah I just wanted to since since the rain was gone wanted to play with my uh with my new toy there was a lot of Doom and Gloom about the rain to day so good to see uh a nice sunny Smoky Mountain Bigfoot Festival okay this is the uh new band debuting today this is solo not solo a Star Wars themed band Stormtrooper there on solo and then greo back there on uh on the drums [Music] [Music] on your head on the ground [Music] Bigfoot Sasquatch 24 here some campaign stickers here says protect our national parks where big foot a proponent of protecting the national parks as that is his home how's it going Bigfoot oh like the Hat really like like to have some great overalls there b outfit in the market all right let's get in there oh point it at me I'll Point At You Ah he's killing me for no reason oh he's just joking all right it's great to great to meet you Bigfoot got these sassy sisters here selling these uh these plushy bigfoots these ones have overalls like the one we just met and you have uh original recipe Bigfoot right there oh then we have these cheerleading Sasquatches here as well some uh Sasquatch shirts here he is with his uh his ranger hat there he is catching a delicious bass looks like hunting hunting for a deer I think Bigfoot actually do uh hunt deers from what I've heard here is him uh drinking some moonshine and apparently dragging Joe Biden out of the White House yeah very very long line here for the celebrity meet and greet tent see a turtl man there from Call of the Wild Man hello therea shout out from the turtle man check this out check this out actually love that show we got it on right here pretty cool and then look at this here this is a very uh seductive Sasquatch here on the side of that van good so Squatch berries here are made by the shanadoa Sasquatch look at that the warning says may cause en llarge feet and abnormal hair growth see the uh instead of Mountain Dew it's Mountain dude because the Bigfoot you know he is a lives in the mountains and he is a dude duu D E I guess there is the Sasquatch shann andoa sasquatch reveal he is uh actually Donald Trump he was Donald Trump all along here at the Paranormal Road Tripper Booth here they actually have a museum covering all sorts of paranormal stuff in uh the state of Kentucky I've been there it's an excellent Museum and they have all these uh all these different Sasquatch uh casts I actually purchased this one this one uh one year here the famous Patterson gimlin uh cast see the chupacabra foot there's little foot we saw little foot wrestling earlier and this is the famed bosberg foot cast it's the one that had like a deformation or entry in the foot apparently this is the matching foot it's actually a non-deformed foot that is the other foot to that Sasquatch and other bits of Cryptids here Moth Man feathers Bigfoot fur Yeti fur dog man fur and they sell bottled vampires these are uh actual vampires captured in their vaporous state inside of wine bottles have you Big Ape Creations here oh look at this I like their tree knocker where you knock on wood to attract Sasquatches this one's like a little it's like a little baseball bat there some different uh Bigfoot art as well in all honesty it's getting a little muddy here [Music] I thought you that little [Music] girl that Ross the most famous eing cloggers in the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] see out here Bigfoot in the mud braving the mud to go get some selfies with some of his uh some of his fans Bigfoot are you keeping keeping out of the mud you don't mind the mud you live in the mud no you get a little bit of mud little bit your hands are clean what do you guys want me to take a picture all you guys she doesn't want Bigfoot just ditched me it's time we grab some food from one of these many food trucks a lot of uh options here there's payor Palm fre they used to have a restaurant over at the island it was really good but I noticed this giant this giant uh slab of ribs here an anr Texas barbecue maybe we should uh get some barbecue today so a lot of options to choose from they have Texas Twinkies there and I guess their their special is Bigfoot balls maybe we need to uh see what Bigfoot balls are so sadly they are out of the Texas Twinkie now Texas Twinkie is a uh is a is a jalapeno stuffed with cream cheese and barbecue and then wrapped in bacon so that sounds pretty good but they are actually sold out of Texas Twinkies um fortunately they did have some Bigfoot balls left so we will be feasting on Bigfoot balls all right here are our Bigfoot balls said that they are sausage balls of uh of some sort all right let's check out these big footballs I got the uh Coca-Cola Z sugar time ready it's a lot of cheese I think there's like potato in there as well actually she's more like almost more like a ball of hash browns and cheese I don't know is there are these vegetarian big footballs I don't see any sausage in these oh not bad they're still very good but it seems like kind of like a hash brown a fried hash brown ball pretty [Music] good ladies and gentlemen boys and girls you've waited for this moment yes first time appearing here at the Bigfoot Festival we have big toen playing the classics Round of Applause as he enters the stage there is Big toin [Music] [Music] you [Music] oh look at this slash Squatch SL squatch's back [Music] there [Music] go there we [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go big toin congratulations on your your debut performance thank you so much it was wonderful beautiful get in here with uh how to there we go thumbs up excellent tickling tickling those ivories it was wonderful [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's that [Music] noise oh no look who's coming stop that stupid guitar you long-haired hippie freak that hat is redent oh no Darth Vader just showed up calm down your M PE I didn't come to this produ planet in this ridiculous festival for fun the sooner I can leave town the [Music] better listen up you TOs and freaks there was something I need to tell you pay [Music] attention big [Music] fruit I am the father oh Darth Vader's Bigfoot's father oh no that's impossible it up fball [Music] wait wait hold on she his father wait cheac says Chewbacca sasquatch's father so look at this never thought I'd see these two people in the same place so it turns out that I guess I guess the moral of the story was uh Chewbacca is sasquatch's father I always thought I always thought Chewbacca was some sort of giant dog creature but apparently he's actually uh the father oh look at that they love they love each other they love each other a lot look at that going to be I'll let him take the mic doing the uh Bigfoot calling contest hey y'all having fun yet all right that's what we want to hear I'm Diamond Jim boardwine if any is out here last year I was one of the speakers again and I judged one of the Bigfoot Callin contest last year and for some reason they called me back again this year so I'm happy to be here and glad to see y'all out some of y'all might know me I've uh like said I've been a Bigfoot researcher since longer I want to have meant for of these Ely young ladies here but um I've been like I've been a researcher I've wrote a couple books on the subject and some folks may know me if y'all any of y'all ever heard of Hill blies in the holler on Facebook I'm one of the hillbillies in the holler last time I heard we've got like 450,000 followers I didn't know there that many people out there in the world but anyway plus uh i' I did a couple episodes of mountain men couple years ago if y'all ever watched Mountain Man you might have seen me on there I played the mountain so anyway looking forward to hearing y'all's bigfoot calls and thank y'all for coming out name's Robin very nice very nice okay come on up are you next buddy yes okay come here right here over here right here to me oh this way this way yeah hey what's your name I T and how old are you three four four okay we're [Music] [Applause] ready so good okay next contestant very nice we might see big foot coming out of the woods yes all right up next lovely lady very good Sophia all right up next your name Gary all right Gary go ahead that woke me up that was pretty good J that was pretty good okay up next oh [Music] oh very nice we haven't heard something like that before good job Jared all right my name is Carol all right Carol go ahead very nice is that how you call people to dinner too oh her husband says she has a big mouth Carol he's so funny not next my name is Tyson tyon have you been working on that for a while no okay no he just m- no that was good Tyson all right up next come on very nice all right come on up what is your name Tracy all right Tracy I'm going to call him it's 2024 honey that was good all right Tracy you got me that was good she's calling him on his on her phone duh they've been working hard on that one yes they have all right up next oh boyy oh boy what's your name it's the peanut truck Guy Mason and you are the peanut truck guy yeah oh my gosh the peanut truck's here I forgot how can I forget all right ready all right come here Bigfoot come here Bigfoot good boy very nice thank you so much come on hi what is your name my name is r and how old are you five six he's six he's six okay go ahead I mean you going to try again okay erase that try again very good thank you buddy very nice thank you all right here we go what is your name Bryson how old are you 13 all right Bryson go ahead well Bryson that was loud that was very loud yes thank you bud all right hey what is your name Luka all right Luca go ahead hi [Music] very nice that was a I met Bigfoot he said that was the real ro oh he's met Bigfoot and he said he's heard it before okay obviously seven all right seven-year-old Calvin go ahead wow Calvin that was shattered I didn't think I've heard that oh he's wild you're wild oh my goodness all right our last contestant come on what is your name Christina all right Christina go ahead he's not answering he's not hey Dad how's it going I'm at the Sasquatch Festival doing this call for a Sasquatch say hi go ahead Dad I said hello what's up that's a s call oh that was good thank you she really did have her dad on the line like that was a real deal yes all right oh hello hey hey you I didn't see you right there what is your name Robbie simps all right Robbie [Applause] go very good all right I'm going to talk to the judge and we will be back in a quick second they're uh having a conference about the best SAS call all right there iio all right so the winner of the Bigfoot calling contest is the last guy that went the one in the white shirt that scared the living M Jesus out of me yes very good come on down he wins a fabulous plaque that says winner Bigfoot calling contest winner do you have any words to say about your winning if you a't first you're last baby oh there we go yeah there Ricky Bobby Ricky Bobby there you go all right over here we have yle Yeti and Friends these little yeti dolls those look a little bit like Chewbacca who apparently is the father of Sasquatch little Sasquatch princess there oh yeah look at the little like half goat half baby there [Music] there's some Bigfoot magnets there to the face and the keychains little furry eyeball look at these little these little fellas down here I love all the different types of monsters [Music] here so I guess these are Sasquatches these are Yetis here and then these are assorted creatures there a little cousin it right there these are very cute look at all little [Music] outfits Grinchy little Grinchy babies [Music] there they're actually going to be doing the chainsaw art auction here shortly so let's check in on the finished carvings all right let's look at some of these wonderful Creations see this Sasquatch is completely naked and he is using a raccoon to cover his groin how'd you get in this [Music] situation this guy is enjoying a Mike's Hard Lemonade here the Bigfoot bench oh this guy here got a skunk in his hand and he's smelling the the the rear end of the skunk and it smells bad so he has a clothes pin on his nose a meditating sasquat here and then a cring Elvis squat he's got an owl on his head he's also clutching an owl against his chest uh-oh this Sasquatch here has got a secret Sasquatch is hiding in a tree because it's too peoply out there now this is a bear not a Sasquatch but looks like oh no you deceit bear out there making fake Sasquatch prints what a lousy lion bear and it looks like the chainsaw Harbors just can't quit they've already finished their Sasquatch sculptur and they've started working on new sculptures here [Music] oh [Music] uh-oh looks like the rain the rain has finally returned all right let's get out of these muddy shoes and into some nice cozy Crocs here oh my gosh I don't know if I'll ever be able to wear these shoes again I think these are uh these are permanently muddied I don't know I'll spray them off spray them off the hose when I get home and maybe we can uh maybe we can uh save the shoes oh my gosh why is it so hard getting shoes in a garbage man there we go there we go when we showed up here things looked pretty dire the the the rain was coming down the sky was cloudy but the sky opened up illuminated the fourth annual Smoky Mountain Bigfoot festival and we had a wonderful Festival I've been to all four got quite a uh quite a streak going here with the Smoky Mountain uh Bigfoot festival always you always love coming here I loved the uh creativity you know they kind of do a different theme every year the the Incorporated the Star Wars into this year which was uh was a lot of fun turns out Chewbacca is Bigfoot's father and of course we had uh we had uh big toen made his uh his debut the uh Beethoven inspired Bigfoot musician so hopefully we'll make it again for the fifth annual uh Bigfoot Festival next year we'll cross her fingers and hope for a good weather a year in advance uh I did read some of your comments today about the the new camera I'm still still working with it still working out some Kinks um you I got to peek at some comments here and there in between uh events here today um one thing I noticed and I took note of is a lot of people said that it looked like I was looking down here into the viewfinder and I was um so yeah I I need to cuz the the the lens the gimbal is is on top so I need to look at the gimbal but it's it's hard it's hard for me cuz I'm so used to looking at the viewfinder that I always want to look talk into the viewfinder but apparently it looks weird it looks like I'm not talking to you so I got to look up eyes up here buddy got to look up here so I will work on that I will try to keep my eyes locked on the uh the actual uh actual camera the actual camera there made a funny motion towards me um so yeah I'm G to work on that maybe if I pull back a little further it looks more like so I'm looking right into the viewfinder now does it look like I'm looking at you I don't know we'll we'll work on it so that's a work in progress also some people noted that the video was not in 4k and actually uh it was not um I uploaded the uh the the 4K files to my computer I went into my editor and I could not edit them the program froze the files were too big so had to downgrade them in order to uh be able to edit them so it's going to be 1080p for for now until I configure a workaround on how to actually get 4k footage edited um on my computer it maybe possible my computer's just not um not strong enough to to deal with those files you know if anyone has any suggestions on that use mavi as a video editor if anyone if anyone can help me along here I will try to get that 4K footage eventually if I can find a a way to actually be able to to work with the files on uh on my computer I upload them into moabi and I can't um they freeze up they can't they won't uh they won't play while I'm while I'm editing so I ended up having to downgrade them and I've switched everything back to 10 uh 1080 um so that's where it was going to be until until I can figure out a way to do otherwise but thank you guys so much um for following along today as I'm working with the new camera some of you really hated the face follow feature and some of you really liked it maybe it's a little weird in the car here maybe in the car we could turn it off but uh I don't know I'll play with it I'll I I'll try to figure out because there seemed about it seemed pretty split 50/50 on people that liked it and people that didn't like it so I'm I'm I'm I'm listening to your comments I will be addressing them and I appreciate the the great feedback that uh that you guys have given me but uh if you like these videos please hit the subscribe button um I travel around the country I film roadside attractions amusement parks museums haunted houses and other fun stuff if you'd like to uh help out the channel consider contributing to patreon $3 or more to get you a postcard once a month from me to you also selling enamel pins in the Etsy Shop doing personalized messages on Cameo and of course all those things I'll keep this train on the track eyes up here this boat in the water and this derable in the air until next time my friends this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 20,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, jacob, vlog, blog, roadtrip, travel, road trip, road-trip, roadside attraction, roadside america, americana, weird, strange, unsual, fun, odd, bigfoot, sasquatch, cryptid, festival, smoky mountain bigfoot festival, zeb ross, clogger, dancing, slashquatch, bigtoeven, wrestling, chainsaw
Id: f5lWAOkLTgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 8sec (2708 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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