The Great American Alligator Museum - New Orleans, LA

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[Music] hey you all and good morning carpet bagger here coming to you live from the south more specifically we are in Nola of course for the uninitiated Nola stands for new Orleans louisi Anna and uh I have completed the Great River Road Trip we got to the end of the Mississippi River yesterday at least as close to the end as was physically possible but uh the thing is as much as I love this city as much as I love New Orleans I don't have time to stick around because I have another place to be somewhere else far north so I'm going to end up having to basically backtrack up the Mississippi River uh would have to be there in I think uh 3 days 3 days time going to have to uh be um upward North from here and I'm going to begin headed north today but before before we leave uh Nola also known as New Orleans um there's one thing thing I wanted to check out so please follow me I do love these postcard style uh murals here let's see what's in these letters like you get the old postcards and there'll be like sites from the city within the letters here we have uh St Louis Cathedral we were just over there yesterday in Jackson Square got a Marty gr mask got some uh some beads from Marty gr and some Jazz performers as well and uh there is the Super Dome the Super Dome there uh where the Saints play I believe the Saints use the FL as their logo also the whole city kind of uses the FL a French design oh there's a pelican on top of the top of the a that's the state bird and a delicious platter of crawfish but over here across the street is what I wanted to see we have the Great American alligator Museum here Museum dedicated to the alligator who itself is somewhat of a symbol of New Orleans can see this comic foreground here where you can embody a uh alligator wrestler yeah I've been absolutely fascinated by alligator wrestling for quite some time I remember the first time I went to Florida I was I was determined to see alligator wrestling I made sure I checked out an alligator wrestling show and I remember it's not really it's not wrestling they don't hurt the alligator it's kind of a way of um of like handling an alligator in a safe manner um they used to use it both the uh the Native Americans and the white settlers in Florida would use it as a way to remove alligators uh from dangerous areas um I know a lot of times the farmers you know try to move them from uh you know from like ponds or things that their cattle might go into so they would actually like have a way because you know M the main idea behind alligator wrestling is alligators can snap their jaws shut like with intense Force but the muscles to open them aren't as uh aren't as strong so they will uh you know they they find ways to hold the jaw shut to maneuver the jaw to manipulate the alligator in like kind of kind of a showy fashion there's different moves like you to put your you put the alligator's like Jaw under your chin I think that's called the face off because you can have your face bit off by uh by the alligator um so yeah a lot of fun a lot of fun I think some people don't like it as much anymore or like the idea just because of the name sounds like you're hurting the animal but it's really just kind of a classic art form of safely handling an alligator you can see here in the uh front window here a 70 million year old tail waiting to be told see the what the the gator there reading a book it says Life and Times of Wall-E Gator got some different books about alligators there see a little miniature tax armig Gator there dressed like a golfer you can see see him there little Alligator Bar here at the alligator bartender it's some alligator beer and then alligator cigarettes next to the alligator ashtray there oh yeah they there's that alligator beer mug alligator salt and pepper shakers bunch of alligator Christmas ornaments there without further Ado Let's uh head inside and oh my goodness check this place out this is amazing of course I have uh my own uh profound love for alligators and how they tie into tourism here in New Orleans as well as Florida this is I guess their mascot Pho says he is a 13 foot long 1,000 lound alligator that was hunted in uh in Florida so I W that's that's amazing this place this place looks like a lot of fun we start over here talking about uh about tourism and uh I think that's you know what kind of got me into alligators yeah there is um postcard with alligator wrestling there says at Tropical hobby land so yeah this was a big thing in Florida back in the day see the alligator wrestlers there and um I know the um the native people that that do the alligator wrestling they're always wearing these very interesting uh coats they almost look kind of like a uh decorative sweater there look at that pennant with the alligator wrestling and this is a total different breed of alligator wrestling here that's Tuffy truell and he's actually wrestling an alligator in a wrestling ring and um that that's that does not look like a very safe way to handle an alligator that's like a that's like an illegal alligator wrestling hold you can see some of these uh old brochures from alligator alligator Farms there's Gator Land right there old brochure with the alligator smoking a cigar on it and uh the Gator Land um Gator land okay so this is not this is not the Gator land in Orlando this is the Gator land in St Augustine I know currently there's the uh St Augustine um alligator farm uh I don't know if that's what used to be called Gator Land um that seems seems Seems uh seems a little confusing so apparently there was more than one Gator land at one day I don't know I don't know if they're actually connected though but there is a tribute to uh Gatorland Orlando's um famous new alligator jaw leene the alligator missing uh the top part of her jaw and um I have not got a chance to to see Jolene yet actually um she's been off off public display so I I hear that she's on public display now so looking forward to getting out there and uh seeing Jolene with uh with my own eyes here is the California alligator farm apparently Alligator Tours spand all the way back to California back in the day it's a pretty cool Penance there yeah here are some brochures for the St uh St Augustine Alligator Farm I know they have one of the wor the largest crocodiles there Maximo and yeah view Master there oh there's goch goch was um was the record holder at one point before he passed away and was replaced with Maxima here we have gator fashion you can see these purses here made out of alligators made out of small alligators you can see where the whole alligator turned into a purse there or into a satchel and um yeah these handbags just have a whole whole alligator on the uh on the outside yeah these are crazy this is just wild yeah look at that one up there yeah different stuff made out of alligator leather look at these ladies alligator shoes with the alligator head there on the toes there's key Rings um it's a still a popular tourist item is the the alligator hand back scratcher or keychain these are gentleman's accessories is that like an alligator I think these are alligator shoehorns there here are uh alligator pet guides how to take care of an alligator as a pet which I part of me really really wants to do but part of me uh knows that's not a good idea yeah here's like a a mail order from a newspaper where you can um send $1 away and they will mail you a baby alligator at these deformed Gator heads here these come from alligator Farms where they produce massive amounts of uh of alligators so because they're creating so many there's a high percentage of you know you a larger chance for an alligator to be born with a deformation see these massive skulls here these Gator skulls on the wall and then down here we actually have a live alligator of course how could you have an alligator Museum without a uh a live alligator there look at that little guy there they're so cute they're so cute I I would I would love to just pet him on the head I know uh I don't know I think to think I I I I think it just depends on the alligator I think some actually will let you pet them but you know they got sharp teeth and strong Jaws you don't want to you don't want to chance it talks about myths and legends uh of alligators says that the native people believe them to have uh Mystic Powers said that an alligator tooth necklace to protect you from evil you see the scary movies there circus cron it's a terrifying alligator horror movie and then this these are stills from the uh the alligator people and people there uh-oh see people man actually transforms into an alligator some vintage alligator toys here there it is uh some hand puppets oh look at that alligator alligator Beanie Babies back there little bobble-headed alligators of Pez dispenser and then uh this is Wally Gator here guess uh I don't know if I'm trying to remember I think I do remember Wally Gator vaguely um yeah there's the little to anyone remember Wally Gator if you remember Wally Gator leave a comment in the comment section these wooden toys over here characters here from uh the Pogo the posum comic book um which I don't I'm not very familiar with Pogo but I know there was a pogo Museum in the Oki phoi swamp in Georgia there's Pogo there I guess it's friend Albert the alligator some plush Gators here and then this is swampy and Alley from the Disney game Where's My Water I actually I actually remember I played a lot of where's uh where's my water I just I but I completely forgot it existed till just this moment is anyone else remember that uh it's like an app where we had to make the water flow in the right direction a lot of a lot of fun oh some battery operated alligators oh yeah look at this Mr Al e Gator there remote control alligator toy oh look at that there's a uh Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter a coing bobing head figure up here a lot of uh crocodile and alligator horror movies it's Walt Disney's Prowlers of the Everglade then Lake plet up there giant alligator different motos and keepsakes here yeah you see the different varieties of alligator beer hopp and Gator there these are Gator cigarette holders I guess okay so you put like like put the cigarette in there then put that in your mouth like I guess like the Penguin and I don't know if this here or if this just okay so like you put a row of cigarettes there there's like an ashtray and I guess it would have like spines that are cigarettes up there very interesting very interesting and uh yeah they do have the alligator brand cigarettes there you can light your cigarette with an alligator so you can have your cigarette in an alligator holder your alligator brand cigarette in an alligator cigarette holder and then you can light that cigarette with an alligator lighter the full alligator smoking experience toothpick holders and then uh says alligator repair kit but apparently that doesn't uh that's for now for repairing an alligator that's to repairing a tire and oh medicinal tonic LAX Anna aure chill killer so a patent medicine with the alligator logo and what's this a Talking Alligator there it's a transistor radio it's a flashlight yeah you can you can basically make anything at into an alligator is what it uh what it appears alligator soap holder oh I like the staplers that's creative that's creative use of uh of how an alligator works the St the staplers some pencil sharpeners there oh look at that remember I remember was a kid um in school one of the most fun things to do for whatever reason was was to use the pencil sharpener I think it was just a good excuse to get out of your chair I remember the the teacher would make you show you her penc your pencil to make sure that it need sharpening before you went to the uh the pencil sharpener because we would abuse it as just a way to not have to sit in our seat some alligator kitchen wear down here the corn holders you can hold your Caba corn with h with an alligator oh yeah it's a golf putting golf putting toy there then down here we got some alligator cookie jars here is chachis and gigos and I love those words I don't know what the difference between a chachki and a giga is generally I think it's just something that sits on your shelf and gathers dust which you know I am a very guilty of having a lot of chachis and gigos around my house um especially the bunkers packed with them actually the entire house kind of spread it out with uh chachis and gigos now yeah perfect for your curiosity cabinet oh I like the like the snow globe that's probably one of my favorite uh chachis Andor Giga have a little alligator tea here these alligator tea sets this really is this really is like an amazing collection of alligator related items there's alligator Nutcracker Yes again that's perfect like perfect for the alligator theme as they put a little nut a little Walnut there in the alligator's mouth let him crack it got letter openers these uh beer bottle openers wow these are piters picturers down here this alligator here with a stack of money okay we saw the chachis we saw the gigos now let's check out the knickknacks and gimrs I don't know I don't know I've ever heard of a gimr before but uh got the alligator planters oh my gosh coffee cups there I didn't know Chef boy Rd had a uh alligator themed pasta called Sir choms a lot various items watering bottles door stops down here so we saw the chachkies we saw the gigos we saw the knick-knacks we even saw the gim cracks but are you ready to see the bobbles curios and dads I know I am oh my God yeah these are ashtrays oh yeah yeah this completes the alligator smoking experience that we were talking about earlier alligator in the State of Florida is one giant ashtray this is I had a tub of fun in Louisiana a bathtub full of cigarette butts E I do appreciate the design of these some great designs to these alligator trays but they do hearken back to a time you know when people smoked inside it was was a very uh very very smelly time to be alive I'm so glad people don't smoke inside anymore yeah gives me a new appreciation I love these dishes though I do love the designs I can't argue with that just you know go go outside go go outside to smoke the trinkets toys and Trifles here of course salt and pepper shakers one of the big collector's items from back in the day I think that's one thing I love about alligators is they just kind of are this midcentury symbol for uh for tourism this also reminds me of the salt and pepper shaker in Gatlinburg which I haven't been there in a while may need to go back and and check that out at some point you see the lady there riding the alligator the alligator getting ready to bite wait the alligator getting ready to bite me is that me I think that's me that the alligator ready ready to bite there that looks like me seriously yeah like I said salt and pepper uh alligator shakers almost their own genre here Santa and Mrs Claus riding on the back of an alligator you got the alligator alligator shoes there alligator faces on them alligators coming out of eggs you see up there tying in two different themes from Florida alligators and oranges here we talk more about the natural history side of the alligator the big petrified alligator skeleton there and up there a massive crocodile skull on the wall yeah some different Alligator fossils in this case it's vertebrae and uh and Bones here is uh some heads there it's alligator head in the middle a Cayman head over there a TX stery baby crocodile and there is an allig an an Al an alligator uh phus and uh there's the crocodile brain the brain is very small it's actually um I think it's actually smaller than the phus heading in here see this giant crocodile rug here on the wall oh look at that he man versus Beast comic books Kona monarch of Monster Island all these uh all these uh comics of men battling alligators Toro son of stone there's uh Tarzan fighting a fighting an alligator oh yeah this is getting intense so we next up we're heading into the fullart room oh I think we just passed under some alligator mistletoe there I got the alligator headband there you have a little Gator on top of your head very stylish uh alligator canes there and this fancy jacket with little shoulder Gators you can see the wood carved Gators there there's the Wicker Gator yeah it seems that uh Gators are a very popular um subject matter for uh for folk art but uh look what we have down here now for those of you that follow the channel you know that the Aida Mystery House just across Lake pona train one of my favorite alltime uh alltime attractions here and here we have Daryl the Dogg Gator one of one of the attractions from Thea Mystery House here at the American alligator Museum doing a cameo appearance this is made by uh John pre uh the owner of the uh AA Mystery House and uh another one of his uh works there he does a lot though you go to be Mystery House a lot of the a lot of the appeal is the um the alligator art the different uh creatures he creates out of alligators there's a swamp ghost and a uh sneaky Gator the snaky Gator is not made uh by John prev this is uh the snaky Gator made by uh Dwayne McGee of Alpine Tennessee look at this alligator guitar here that's also made by John prey see the Marty Garo costume there themed after the gator got the gator eyes there on uh on the crown and uh it's all just Christmas Gators in here oh there's another there's another Gator Nutcracker and uh yeah just various ornaments there and Gators are kind of a natural fit uh for Christmas they're green colored and they um you know they uh the blood um it makes the red so you got red and green Cayman ashtrays there Gator bobble head the gator here is made out of melted martyr beads and spatulas you can see the glowing red eyes and then here are some alligator lamps either have the bulb come out of the top of their head or their mouth the bottom half of this room is locked off but you can see the cabinet there full of uh like little alligators dressed up in human clothes and these are very popular tourist items at one point and here in the gift shop you have all things all things Gator here your Gator plushies Gator toys oh check this out this is a uh the Gator King inspired by Joe Exotic from Tiger King wow shirts there and you got just tons and tons of plushy Gators take home some Gator feet there there's some big ones a little bit of Gator jerky as well so simply amazing I absolutely adore the Great American alligator Museum a perfect roadside action here in uh in New Orleans you know like I said myself I love alligators I think that kind of ties in to my love for traveling and tourism just such a big big thing uh in the go for the Golden Age of Tourism the alligator such a symbol to me it uh I think the collection was amazing the uh exhibits the folk art everything Wonder comes together wonderfully here at the uh Great American alligator Museum and something else caught my eye down here just a few doors down from the Great American alligator Museum I saw this see the possums there little baby possums hanging in the window we have Sesame the posum shop now years back I started watching a uh a viral posum on Facebook Sesame the posum and most of the short videos just included uh Sesame wearing pajamas and eating various food items you know very cute Pome had a lot of personality and um yeah it was just something I something I followed on Facebook back in the day as you did back in the day with Facebook and uh then I found out that Sesame the posa was actually having a Meetup in Atlanta at junk man's daughters actually traveled to Atlanta to meet Sesame the posum unfortunately I did get to meet Sesame Sesame was sleeping in uh in her baby carriage so I got to see Sesame but she was unconscious and sadly um just a few months later Sesame passed away which as sad as it is um possums have very very short life expectancies they only live about 2 years on average um but here I had no idea this was here this is I guess a shop in homage to Sesame the possums let's take a peek inside see the pum there little baby psum coming out of the pouch they are marsupial after all this is the Cali ceiling mobile I guess in addition to being the Sesame um the posum shop this is also called Coco Al art and apparel but uh let's let's take a peek inside oh my good goodness there's a giant statue of uh of Sesame the AP possum there oh in her adorable in her adorable uh pajamas I actually have hanging in my bunker a painting painted by Sesame the little possum did hand paintings and they sold them at the Meetup so I like what the heck I love posum so I bought the the piece of artwork I still have still have it hanging on the wall in my bunker as we enter here past the giant statue of Sesame oh we can see they have some uh the plushes there and I guess the they're dressed up for Marty gr because uh you know every day is Marty gr here in New Orleans oh yeah you got some aesome uh beads there guess bananas and grapes two of sesame's favorite foods oh and in case there is an emergency here there's a hammer so you can break the glass if uh you have a posum emergency here's the possum adoption center it's for $10 you can adopt one of these baby possums want dress like a cow one dressed like a dragon and a super cool posum there hanging out in the bathtub and you have these candles says blessed by sess Amy yeah guess these are like prayer candles the posum on it oh then you have some holy water here blessed by St Sesame so two of my favorite animals right here on uh on the same street here in the heart of New Orleans the Crescent City um this just wanted to note the Great American alligator Museum amazing Museum they operate it's free they just ask for donations um so just thought it was a great a great collection um I def definitely recommend anyone who's a fan of uh fan of roadside distractions fan of alligators um you know fan of like that midcentury traveling Vibe uh please stop by uh the great uh the Great American alligator Museum uh I loved it loved it so much I talked with with the owner she was super nice she was very passionate about uh about the project apparently this was a project the long time in the making they were supposed to open open right before hurricane Katrina so obviously that did not go well and it took until um I think she said 200 uh 22 before they finally got off the ground after that and um you know I've been building up getting some more media attention so please please go to the uh Great American alligator museum is definitely a a great stop here in uh in New Orleans and then Sesame the POS this was like a total like flashback for me like I remember Sesame the posum and I did have to I couldn't resist um I did have to get some some holy water there blessed by Sesame so I realized I don't have I don't have any holy water in my house actually I may have some of my vampire killing kit now that I'm thinking of it but yeah you know you never know you never know when you're going to be faced with the Demonic enti you can Splash that in their face and it will melt their face off so so uh yeah the a you know great great they raise money for wildlife they um you know they take in they take injured possums and do do rehabs on them and then you know they make money of course by selling the art and whatnot so two great places here in New Orleans I love this city wish I could stay a little longer but alas the road calls I have somewhere to be June 1st somewhere very north of here so um I need to get I need to get going I need to get driving I need to be heading north I'm pretty much did this whole Mississippi did this whole Mississippi road trip I'm pretty much turning around and driving back up the Mississippi headed headed straight North unfortunately you know it took us two weeks to get down here we got to do that three days so we're going to have to put some miles uh behind us here so um I'm going to get in this car and I'm going to drive as far north as I can into the evening tonight and then uh I'll grab a hotel room and we will start start fresh um the next day um another special thanks you guys for for following Along on this Mississippi road trip and then just you know these road trips in general my life is a road trip and I want to thank you guys um you know for for making it what it is for um you know allowing me to do this um allowing me to go on these adventures and make these videos it means the world to me so thank you course you do like these videos please subscribe I do travel around the country from roadside attractions amusement parks museums haunted houses and other fun random stuff uh if you'd like to support the channel in other ways consider contributing to patreon $3 or more get your postcard once a month from me to you got some new stuff coming to the Etsy shop soonish and uh still doing personalized messages on Cameo you'd like to send a message to your friends your family members yourself uh what for whatever occasion just check the description of this video and um we can make that happen and of course all those things help keep this train on the track this boat in the water and this deral in the air till next time my friends this once in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 20,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, jacob, vlog, blog, roadtrip, travel, road trip, road-trip, roadside attraction, roadside america, americana, weird, strange, unusual, fun, roadside, great american alligator museum, alligator, museum, reptile, kitsch, florida, new orleans, la, louisiana, attraction, odd, nola, sesame the opossum, possum, opossum, street
Id: xuGJawyl5As
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 56sec (2036 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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