SMITHSONIAN's Pop Culture Treasures of Entertainment Memorabilia of American History

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well hello again Washington DC it's been a while today we are going to one of the places I've always wanted to go in my life I want to go to the Smithsonian Museum of American history today oh please show me some Hendrick please the nice thing about Washington DC is that all the museums are pretty much free problem is you just have to find parking I think we're actually following the Boy Scouts oh buddy as soon as we get here we're looking at memorabilia they've got Little Jimmy Dickens Hawaiian lap steel player Buddy Emmons lap steel here they've got Steve craer his guitar and amplifier here from Booker T and the MGs and Blues Brothers Band a Dave jeromeo Low Rider and where we're heading we're heading to the third floor that's where the entertainment section is and then we'll look around from there beautiful look at that here they've got the making of money and everything right here I'm telling you this place is like a school it is full of kids screaming kids already okay here we go entertainment Nation over here they have dizzy glasp horn his trumpet kind of a unique style pointing up 1977 look over here R2D2 and C3PO from Return of the Jedi 1983 it's pretty cool and they're totally all for filming and everything here they just told me I couldn't use my little handle my little selfie stick handle Kermit Miss Piggy night at the Opera here from the [Music] 70s that is so cool I've seen several Kermit but never gets old giant circus Banner that's awesome I love it you know I'm a barnab and Bailey [Music] fan statue is a painted wood statue from PT barnham circus wagon from 1902 and then speaking of bnam and Bailey they have Tom thumbs hat down [Music] here here we have a baseball and a mint from 1875 and a guide book for how to play the [Music] game says this is Cardinal woy costume worn by Charlotte kushman not real familiar with who that is it was from 1857 so you can tell by the floor the yellow brick road Follow the yellow brick road right to Judy Garland's ruby slippers one of the authentic pair that we know for sure these are 1939 no light at all in this case so it's kind of hard to bring out the beauty in them cuz it's really a dark case but I'm going to try my best here and with smudged glass from people pressing their nose up against it wow very cool to see so here they have the costume of ly Manuel Miranda from Hamilton 2015 and they have a picture of him wearing it here they have a shield used by Chris Evans in Captain America witer soldier the suit here this red suit was Ellen degenerous and then the guitar up here was Toby Keith's guitar who recently passed away so up here you see some skateboards it says that these are the first skateboards of Tony Hawk says that number 19 which is this bottom one here that was Tony Hawk's first board and Jamie Reyes used the orange one and then here they have the necklace chain of nipy hustle who was basically like assassinated outside of his own store he would put a lot of the money that he made back into the community and he' opened a store in the community and was killed right outside the store this is Elizabeth Moss's costume from the handmaid's tail [Music] stoke's platform that lab coat is Bill Nye the Science Guy and then this is a piece from Jurassic Park a prop this is the Cape of Walter Marcato if you ever heard of him I saw a documentary on him he was a um it's kind of like a he was on Univision and telmundo and he was a psychic they have his crystal ball here as well as his like gown he said he basically just went away cuz he didn't he didn't want people to see him age and there's the stopwatch from 60 Minutes the intro of 60 minutes [Music] all you Dr fouchy fans that was his face mask that he wore to the Nationals game 20120 that black suit was John Stewart's suit that he wore when he interviewed President Obama and this 98 jersey for the Washington was Jason Collins he wore the 98 on his jersey and tribute to Matthew Shepard college student who was who died after being tortured for being gay and then this microphone this goldplated microphone was Oprah said she used it for the season opener of her 24th season Mia Ham's Team USA Jersey sorry about the flickering the lighting that they're using I can't really seem to get around it this like bat suit that was hi berries when she was protesting that there were no um black superheroes during 2014 te oh this is the sign for mash from the camp how cool is [Music] that Joe Lewis's boxing gloves I have a picture of him right over there one of the greatest Fighters of all time boxers it says these are his gloves from his first bout with Max smelling 1936 it's a very famous rivalry they had Legend and buried at Arlington veteran oh boy you know what that is so here you can do the fun photo with this guitar but the actual real prince guitar is right there custom made and played the yellow Cloud guitar from [Music] 1983 Charlie [Applause] McCarthy the original Charlie that's great that is the typewriter used by Orson wells in 1926 during the peak of his career oh and look at that animation sketch of Steamboat Willie Mickey [Music] Mouse here they're acknowledging the Rockford peaches that we saw in A League of Their Own girls professional baseball team that is Irving Berlin's uniform hat that he wore and this is the Army but I thought it was Sergeant Slaughters at first then they have his sheet music from God Bless America they have a figurine of May West because she was a provocative liberated woman figure in movies and then they have this coat that Betty Davis wore in the movie Now Voyager and then that cup right over here that giant cup is the trophy that gertude erlay won for swimming the English Channel and there are her goggles from doing it there's a lot of the boxing gloves right there were worn by Jean tunny in the Long Count fight with chck Dempsey 1927 that trophy is actually a 194 road racing trophy that was awarded to the great Jim Thorp and those dumbbells are marketed by Sandow the perfect man and then these shorts these are Bessie bonehill [Music] shorts she was an impersonator who crossed the line of male and female for the her time right there and that is Frank Sinatra's bow tie here in the center they have a baseball sign by Babe Ruth Buck Leonard's travel bag from his time in the Negro Leagues and he actually just got in the Hall of f last year this is Selena's outfit no you're you can be from multiple places here's the back of Selena's clothing if you want to see it so here they have Rocky's robe which Stallone I believe still technically owns this but loans it out that is really cool to see who's not a rocky fan plus it's got the Shamrock Meats patch on there and everything and then this hat was Larry hagman's hat from Dallas popular popular show of the80s and then the hockey gloves were worn in the 1980 Olympics by the US hockey team oh that's awesome that is the boom box of fat Five Freddy who is the host of umtv raps from around 1985 and then the sweatshirt that we see was New York City Breakers B boy crew founder Michael Holman's sweatshirt and then of course Michael Jordan's jersey from the 96 97 season cuz he's probably the greatest basketball player of all time oh this is talking about the warning label the parental advisor coming out because of two Live Crew Luther Campbell hey you made it to Smithsonian Willie Nelson's headband and a program from fade the great Willie Nelson and that red skirt is Cindy loer punk prom skirt from the cover of her debut solo album she's so unusual then we also have prop egg from Alien from 1986 cracked egg and then Christy yamaguchi's 1992 skates and they also have Gloria eston's dress from the Miami Sound Machine and also one of her conga drums pretty cool display here oh perfect one of the main things I wanted to come see Archie and Edith's chair Glenn Beck actually bought the set recently so he has the real set but there are the chairs back when you could do things that are Politically Incorrect and it was still considered funny the way it should be poking humor at the absurdities of life and the absurdities of people that worn in chair that is so cool old Archie okay there's a play bill from The Crucible by Arthur Miller and they have an autographed baseball signed by Jackie Robinson kind of hard to see but he's the very top autograph on there and then that is the German Professor costume that Sid Caesar used to wear who I did meet um when he was in the Beverly Hills rehabilitation hospital with Shelley wers when I went to visit her they were both in there at the same time they'd have lunch together sometimes I'm not trying to be a hero and then you see Tonto and The Lone Ranger behind there that's because they have the mask right there and I'm going to stay right here and fight for this that is Diana Ross's dress from The [Music] Supremes that is really cool and that was a handmade sign announcing the acid tests it says if you look through there you can see where it says the Grateful Dead and Neil Cassidy and then Phyllis Diller her dress can't miss that picture of her head right behind it so it almost looks like she's wearing it and she even has the matching shoes for [Music] it then football icon Roger [Music] stabach it says that was his Naval Academy Jersey actually and then Muhammad Ali's robe the great Muhammad Ali says this is the robe that he wore while training for fight with George Foreman in [Music] 1974 the Yankees hat was worn by Ali Reynolds and he was a Native American pitcher for the Yankees who used to promote American Indian causes and that's Ray werner's Basketball Association jacket because he was in the uh part of the national wheelchair basketball association 1954 so that's what the nwba is well that costume's great that Zer Mel's costume from fider on the roof this was important because of the the uh the impact of the topic was about Jewish Americans and immigration all that and then they have the baseball glove of Sandy kofax that is Roberto cles Jersey from 1970 it looks like it says and then they have Lavar Burton shackles from Roots when he played kin 1977 and that's Billy Jean King's uniform she wore for the Battle of the sex's match 1973 over here we have a couple of Muppets here see that's Rosita and then the outfit was from Dr Lor long who played Susan Robinson on Sesame Street you ever been scared and then down here that is the original Grover before he was blue get signal that's pretty cool I thought that's who that looked like but I was like yeah that's a weird like greenish yellow color to him then there's Cookie Monster the original Cookie Monster wow the original from 1969 Mr Roger shoes that he would always change in and out of at the beginning and the end of each show and then his right-hand man the mail carrier Mr mcy mail carrying uniform his Speedy Delivery including his [Music] hat and then beside it is howdy Duty the duckies did you read um [Music] that's Lonnie Burr's original hat cast of The [Music] Musketeers oh that's cool the gloves and the ears and the chain everything are Julie numar she wore on Batman when she played Catwoman that's neat [Music] and those are Jillian Anderson's prop credentials from xfiles and then this costume on the left was Zena Warrior [Music] Princess original costume from the '90s you have to pose next to this FBI bch for your middle outfit is from The Guild and then this gold one with the interesting head piece here that is the empress costume from Star Trek Discovery and these are katas from The Walking [Music] Dead and that is a piece of the floor from Woodstock which now if you look online somebody found a bunch of that flooring and is making necklaces out of it that you can buy and wear that's the actual stage wood floor from Woodstock oh and that's amazing Eddie Van Halen's Frank 2 Frankenstein 2 guitar Handmade by Eddie himself that is killer that absolutely should be in here so this black guitar was Paul Simon's guitar from his performance in Central Park in 1991 there's grandmas Flash's turntable and right above it they have have Jose Feliciano's classical guitar and there's Celia Cruz's shoes Queen of the salsa and that baton right there belonged to John philli Souza this tennis outfit this tennis uniform was Alia Gibson's Wimbledon uniform from 1957 shattering the color barrier [Music] have not seen any hendrik stuff like I was seeing on the promotional materials and I'm kind of surprised I haven't seen any I Love Lucy stuff either all right speaking of movies can't do it without the projectors and that is an Edison vitascope number one from 1896 early projector and then you have a radio microphone from WN from the' 40s studio microphone it says the first radio broadcast began in the 1920s but not until the 40s and 50s did hundreds of new local stations give a radio voice to communities of color long ignored by national Radio Networks WN became an Annapolis Maryland Institution for black listeners there's a hot point portable television from 1956 7 it's about the size of a cooler and it's got a handle on top how about that and then the Dolby Cinema processor from 1975 making Cinema's Blockbuster Cinemas and then there's the starcom 2 cable box from 1982 God look at that wow and then of course we move on to home video camcorders home video cassettes made Popular by America's Funniest Home Videos and then all you future vloggers like me thank you tones which is what I started on and as far as I can tell this might be our last item of the day of memorabilia you know her you love her who wouldn't want their own Genie there's the purple painted Genie bottle and there's Genie popping out of it that is awesome television iag Genie Tony Nelson finds a Genie in a Bottle for the Apple Nam Genie it's love at first sight for Tony it's a chance to have his every wish granted and it says it's a gift from Barbara Eden let's see what's in their little gift shop Whitney Selena get that no purple rain did not see anything Hendrick in there at the moment big big little teeny tiny mini snow globes with the ruby slippers in them wow I don't know how I missed this this thing is gigantic this big huge stained glass wow it's right up here as we first walked in well my friends we're going to call it a day thank you all for watching I think I might make another video in this Museum on one of the other floors so hope you enjoyed seeing the entertainment section I was not disappointed although I know they have F's leather jacket and it's not on display I know they don't display everything but would have loved to seen that so we will catch you next time have a great night and [Music] goodbye cuz there's a great SP behind every shadow when you think I am I'm say and I think will be arranged to be married on the B with the kittens in your own baby don't be scared you should never be scared cuz it's a simple
Channel: Daze with Jordan the Lion
Views: 61,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel vlogger, urbex, history, tourism, filming locations, travel, jacob the carpetbagger, daze with jordan the lion, jordan the lion, travel guide, vlog, vlogger, vlogging, lifestyle, wolters world, tourist, adam the woo, The daily woo, Graves, Cemetery, Dearly departed, Grimm life collective, Lamont at large, Hollywood graveyard, Famous graves, Celebrity homes, Biography, Smithsonian, Washington dc, Ruby slippers, Entertainment, Pop culture, Memorabilia, American history, Jim henson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 10sec (1630 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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