Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Documentary - The Whole Story!

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I choked on my own blood hearing all those internet reviewers talk about TFA and JJ like they were the second coming of Christ. It hurt my soul...and then they started trashing the PT just to praise TFA...I think I might've puked my heart out...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SWPrequelFan81566 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man I was really getting over the ST, but now after watching some of this I’m right back to feeling unbearable frustration at the stupidity of people who loved TFA and the myopia & cowardice of the jerks who made that piece of shit movie.

TL;DRβ€”only watch this if you want to be a miserable fuck

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kovadose πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you since its release in 1977 Star Wars has had an extreme influence and impact on entertainment culture and our world George Lucas created a timeless masterpiece fans of Star Wars for decades were content to look at the past while hoping for more Star Wars in their future after Episode three hit theaters in 2005 fans would keep Star Wars alive through games animated series novels comic books and various forms of collecting while always wanting more soon for all fans there would be a new new hope [Music] you [Music] I am proud to announce the Walt Disney Company is acquiring Lucasfilm the global entertainment company founded by George Lucas and the home of the legendary Star Wars franchise in October of 2012 Star Wars took over the news with a simple announcement the Walt Disney Company purchased Lucasfilm for 4.1 billion dollars simultaneously Disney announced they were in the pre-production for what would become the first movie in a new Star Wars sequel trilogy George Lucas announced it's now time for me to pass Star Wars on to a new generation of filmmakers Disney CEO Bob Iger said upon the purchase this is one of the great entertainment properties of all time one of the best branded and one of the most valuable and it's just fantastic for us to have the opportunity to both buy it run it and grow it this was a promising forward-looking statement from the Disney CEO earlier in 2012 Kathleen Kennedy had been promoted to co-chair of Lucasfilm obviously I've been talking about retiring for several years now I wanted to get into sort of another stage of life where I'm not in the film business anymore I don't have to run a corporation and occurred to me one day that the perfect person to take over the company was Kathy it's just such a perfect fit the main thing is to protect these characters make sure that they still continue to live in the way that you created them and that the universe of Star Wars continues to grow now under the Walt Disney Company's control mrs. Kennedy was given full rein of the franchise Kennedy's choice of director for the first new movie was none other than JJ Abrams who would also write the script with star wars alumni Lawrence Kasdan Abrams and his production company bad robot were not strangers on the science-fiction scene most fans seem to believe that Abrams was a good choice since he was a self-proclaimed Star Wars junkie it was obvious the JJ Abrams liked to play in the science fiction sandbox based on critical reviews of abraham's past work with series such as lost and his rebooting of the sci-fi juggernaut Star Trek some people were skeptical as he was given creative control but Star Wars is too big to fail right Kathy Kennedy and I sat down and started talking about what was possible that I found myself really hungry to do this movie Kathy brought up of character asking who is the Skywalker of course working with Kathy and Lawrence Kasdan and you know this incredible cast it just was something that was very hard to deny after months of rumors and virtual silence from director JJ Abrams Disney and Lucasfilm the cast of Star Wars Episode seven has finally been revealed as we've expected for quite some time original cast members Harrison Ford Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill will all reprise their role in the new trilogy in addition to some of the original cast members that film will include a slew of new actors you guys including Adam driver who has long been rumored to be playing the main villain in the film other previously member names that have been confirmed include attack the blocks John boyega and about time star domhnall gleeson the cast will also include Lord of the Rings Andy Serkis which is awesome film legend Max von Sydow inside Llewyn Davis star Oscar Isaac and relative newcomer Daisy Ridley has been an awakening have you felt it in late 2014 the first teaser trailer for the new Star Wars sequel landed and it was titled the force awakens fans seemed excited the new trailer accomplished its mission Star Wars was once again the talk of this galaxy people wondered chatted and posted on YouTube many had questions such as who is this new character John boyega is playing who is the girl could she be the daughter of Princess Leia perhaps there was also excitement about this new cute little droid then in the trailer x-wings and of course how could you not walk away perplexed by the custom lightsaber finishing off for the majestic Millennium Falcon fans were hooked we didn't know much but Star Wars was back this was a rallying call for the sagas legion of fans and it seemed to work finally December 18th 2015 the day had come Star Wars Episode 7 is breaking all kinds of box-office records and making Mickey Mouse look like a genius with his four billion dollar purchase of the franchise from George Lucas Star Wars The Force awakens has already raked in an estimated 238 million dollars at US theaters the biggest opening weekend in history the movie did 248 million dollars on opening weekend which was the highest opening weekend of all time the reaction from fans was mostly positive in the beginning [Music] fantastic amazing I see it again right now if I could oh the movie was awesome n yeah it takes me back to being a little kid the prequels I reckon 100% better than all of the prequels and on par with the original series I can see that the mammal is being passed on and it's yeah it's pretty exciting it's pretty exciting JJ Abrams did a great job in directing this movie and look forward to number two more than my expectation star wars the force awakens is being called the film of a generations Star Wars Episode 7 the force awakens has finally arrived [Music] finally the force awakens ladies and gentlemen and I can safely tell you a Christian I've seen the movie and it kicks ass this is the movie you want to relaunch the greatest franchise of all time it is so much better than the prequels which I don't hate it's not quite as good as the classic trilogy films in my opinion but my god there's so much to love here there absolutely is lots of love and what it also doesn't say you have to remember how much material that JJ Abrams is cramming in 30 years of Star Wars lore into one movie and I thought he did a really good job in doing that basically the movie so good Thank You JJ Abrams for saving Star Wars what's up shows we just saw Star Wars this is a spoiler sorry episode 7 the force awakens okay first of all did the movie disappoint no it did not disappoint it did not disappoint I'm so glad it didn't disappoint we haven't had this part of the peanut gallery chat oh yeah go ahead yes or no did it disappoint um I will say I thought I'd liked it more than I did I loved the force awakens I went and saw the force awakens like six times in theaters I loved it I was just so enthusiastic as a Star Wars fan prior to the force awakens what did you think of the movie I thought it was very exciting exciting I think exciting is the best word to describe it I felt that the movie pretty much did what it had to do many were thrilled to see the return of Harrison Ford reprising his iconic role as Han Solo John Williams created another beautiful score there was a new generation of characters The New Yorker reported Star Wars The Force awakens directed by JJ Abrams feels young and as an act of pure storytelling it streams by with fluency and zip the force is with us forever so I feel on it that I've been allowed to continue the journey what happens to these characters that we know and love it's a world I want to get back to immediately the star wolves magic it does take your breath away and that is something that George Lucas started and we're definitely carrying that one I've been a Star Wars fan as an adult and a child between this is crazy just look around oh my this part of my Star Wars journey is quite different now because now I feel part of the family we're going back to these stories that people feel intensely about [Music] some fans however had an unsettling feeling that they couldn't quite put their finger on in the beginning many fans went to social media to voice both their concerns and their critique of the film in this video I want to make the case that the force awakens is not a very good film and also a terrible Star Wars film so far to say that it is in fact the worst and the prequels after watching the force awakens I was really hurt and disappointed some of the more popular criticisms of the force awakens include the force awakens is a soft reboot of the franchise a simple rehashing of a new hope the original cast were never reunited on screen the movie should have focused on honoring the original cast and allow them to pass on the torch to the new cast Luke Skywalker was in the movie for less than one minute with no lines of dialogue Rey is too powerful Captain phasma is insignificant to the movie han solo is a failed father and husband who abandoned his family kylo Ren the main antagonist is whiny and childish the Leia race scene after the death of Han Solo how could they have to baka Hans best friend walked by Leah with no thought or mention of what just took place why would Lee abhe embracing Rey in this scene this is an insult to Chuy's character and just plain bad writing even with these criticisms when the dust finally cleared there was a reluctant optimism as most fans believed Luke will be in the next movie so it will be good [Music] [Music] you [Music] the plan laid out by Disney was to release a new Star Wars film every two years continuing the Skywalker saga as fans left the theater in December of 2015 most began looking ahead to the next installment of this sequel trilogy which would land on December of 2017 between films fans were able to go see rogue one a Star Wars story most believe that rogue one was an exceptional Star Wars film but they yearned for what would be episode eight there were so many questions that needed answering such as where did Rey come from who were her parents how will Luke Skywalker impact this story since he will be back there was a rumored spoiler that Luke saves Rey when confronting and defeating the Knights of Ren and there was a great anticipation for such a rumor to be played out while the force awakens was still in production Disney announced on June 20th 2014 that Rian Johnson would write in direct Episode eight while writing the treatment for Episode nine Johnson's resume was brief but influential he was most known for directing 2012 science fiction film looper more recently he earned a Directors Guild of America Award for directing a few highly regarded episodes of Breaking Bad Kathleen Kennedy had given creative control to JJ Abrams to jumpstart the sequel trilogy now her plan was to give the same degree of control to Rian Johnson for the middle part of the story and then hand it off to Colin Trevorrow who would make the final installment you know I have to say Rian Johnson is I don't have enough accolades to say about him and I know he's been on the show and I loved watching his interview because that's so much Ryan he just had amazingly good time every single day he's such a huge fan I mean from the times that I've talked to Ryan he's just such a genuinely excited interested person and it seemed like he had kind of his whole roadmap out from the beginning he did he wrote the script which I'm a lot of people don't necessarily realize I think it's something that he'd thought about a long time before he ever put pen to paper and then he went off I remember he's in a driving snowstorm up in the mountains putting the final touches on the script and then it came back just bubbling over with ideas and excitement so he has this interesting way that he works where he needs that time alone and then he's so incredibly collaborative when he comes into the process of making a movie you know I think he's done an exceptional job of taking these new characters and some of the legacy characters and moving us to this next place I think he doesn't answer all the questions I will say that upfront there are certain questions he does answer in a really wonderfully provocative way and I think there'll be some surprises that people aren't expecting upon deciding to accept the role of director Johnson retreated to the mountains where he would penned the script for what would become Star Wars Episode eight the last Jedi it was unsettling from many as fans began to realize the Disney's approach to this story wasn't like that of George Lucas Lucas envisioned most of the saga during the writing process and had his story played out in six movies episode one through six unlike their predecessor Disney's episode 7 through 9 were not planned in advance in May of 2017 ryan johnson posted on twitter when they came to me there was no mapped story presented beyond the force awakens on february 15th 2016 Lucasfilm released a production announcement video the movie was 22 months away from release fans would stay up to speed on Star Wars in the news while patiently awaiting the next step in the process the teaser trailer while waiting for the teaser trailer the Star Wars galaxy changed forever on December 27th 2016 good evening I'm Tom yamas in for David tonight and we begin with the passing of a Hollywood legend and an American original Carrie Fisher whose role as Princess Leia in Star Wars vaulted her to pop culture immortality died today in Los Angeles with her family by her side she was 60 years old Fisher who publicly and at times humorously battled personal demons went into cardiac arrest on a flight to Los Angeles Friday the tributes pouring in as we come on the air her Star Wars co-star Mark Hamill who played Luke Skywalker tweeting no words hashtag devastated that sentiment echoed across the entertainment galaxy tonight the world is mourning Carrie Fisher who won so many battles as Princess Leia but lost the final one in a Los Angeles hospital this morning a family spokesman issuing a statement saying that Fisher passed away at 8:55 this morning she was loved by the world and she will be missed profoundly this devastating news came just four months after the death of another original cast member Kenny Baker Lucasfilm would respond with a beautiful tribute to the princess [Music] you on April 14th 2017 fans attended or viewed from afar Star Wars Celebration in Orlando Florida the cast seemed to be in high spirits and showed a lot of excitement the last Jedi we have questions they have answers ladies and gentlemen please welcome president of Lucasfilm Kathleen Kennedy and I want to thank every single one of you out there for showing up and not only showing up but really showing us a lot of love because it gives us the confidence to keep going in that direction thank you we get this is the best fan family in the world man this is the big news however was that the original teaser was released similar to the teaser for the force awakens this trailer resulted in many questions but unlike the force awakens this teaser created a feeling of skepticism for many [Music] to end [Music] what a by the same token you enjoy did he say fine to the Jedi to any me why is Luke Skywalker saying that it's time for the Jedi to end what does the title the last Jedi even mean who is the last Jedi is it Luke or Rey these questions were very concerning for many fans one more important date would occur before the main event on October 9th 2017 fans were able to see the official trailer for the last Jedi [Music] [Music] I need someone to show me my place in all this [Music] [Music] that might be that might be one of the best trailers I've ever seen that was incredible guys so I have to ask you the question on everybody's mind I imagine for the last two years does Luke Skywalker finally get to speak in this film the Luke Skywalker didn't have a speaking role in the force awakens the actor Mark Hamill was always up for an interview coming back all these years later what is it like to find Luke's voice again not just vocally but metaphorically what's it like getting back into this character after all these years did you go back and watch the old films is he had such a new place that it didn't matter well in in seven you discovered Luke obviously is a hermit on this island that he's there so much unsaid about where he's been and what he's done and actors like to write their own backstories you know you want to figure out what you've done and where you've been and but I realized that's wasn't really important to the story of force awakens I still made it up myself and you know I show it to JJ and he you know was accommodating but basically patted me on the head gave me a cookie and made me go away because you know whatever make it up I mean they allude to things that have happened and to a certain extent you know it's not Luke's story anymore but I think he's an important part of the overall arc of the saga and again there's a lot of mystery about him even within the film so you have to fill in your your own backstory I'm sure there'll be comic books and video games and novels that tell the story but like I say there's and I shared with Ryan a lot of my own things I thought I have to relate to things that are real in my own life to understand where Luke is at this point in his life I'm gonna break in here make sure that everybody out there realizes he is so significantly important to the NIP this next bill that's good to hear based on his comments Hamilton across as being uncomfortable with the movie as he did more interviews it seemed that Mark Hamill was doing more than simply promoting the movie It was as if he was speaking to the fans giving them a warning and resulting in more reasons to have concern was your initial reaction when he found out you were returning just for one scene when I read seven I said I love everybody's part except mine and on on this one it was similar in the sense that I said to Ryan I'm so surprised how you see leaked these films now are being made by children that's the biggest difference from when we last saw Luke in the end of Return of the Jedi too when we meet him now in the last Jedi but who is this guy there's been a lot of stuff like the books video games that have added to Luke's the journey yeah I've been looking for these Jedi artifact things how much does that play into the what your performance how much are you paying attention to this new Canon stuff you'll see so we signed on and you know as I say I didn't know I didn't know it was going to be bought by Disney because this was summer of 2012 then they announced that Disney had bought Lucasfilm around Halloween which would be October 30th it was announced and you know we didn't know what the director was going to be and then then they announced JJ Abrams and it all came out it was all all very very exciting and [Music] you know I hope people are happy it seems like gives it in Hollywood remember kids it's not important if it's a high quality only if it makes money a Jedi must and it's time for the Jedi to end did your vision in Ryan's vision did it coincide with the way that Luke ends up in this film that you thought it would all these years later no no not at all - how much off Luke Skywalker did you discuss with Colin Trevorrow I had discussions with Colin and I was very excited because we were on the same page in terms of where we wanted to go and how we wanted to see Luke in a way we've never seen him even in in this current version but I don't know what went on I don't want to know because there's no upside to that story I mean I like all those people on like Cathy and I like Lawrence Kasdan and all the people that were involved in that decision but sometimes ignorance is bliss and they don't tell me anything and I think it's just because the attitude of tossing on the go worked really well so it's it's it's a it's still keeping that kind of like well see again I mean I told her Brian this is no surprise I said I just fundamentally disagree with your concept of this character and how you use him my character always represented hope and optimism and now here I am very pessimistic and disillusioned and sort of demoralized as many fans began to reflect there was a realization that Mark Hamill had done the same thing in the not so distant past during the production and release of the force awakens to go into the movie and recapture your childhood you're setting yourself up for disappointment on December 15 2017 excited fans were finally able to see Star Wars the last Jedi finally I get a chance to talk about this movie and I'm gonna start off talking about this movie by going right to it I loved it I love this movie man we love this movie right first time I saw it yeah not so much not so much we liked it liked it we had a good time that premiere I've seen it twice now and the second time I saw it yeah I loved it the second I had a lot of issues with the movie there's no doubt about it it's a very different Star Wars movie it is something you can tell Rian Johnson is you can feel his taste on this entire film you can I mean it is a different movie all the way from start to finish they take some risks they take some chances and I thought it I thought it paid off for the most part I thought I'd actually make a video and explain why going after leaving the first time I liked it a lot but there's a lot of things I did not like but now after coming out of the second one this is why I love Star Wars the last Jedi I absolutely love the last Jedi as a complete film this is a movie that is going to thrill Star Wars fans it's going to completely enraptured non Star Wars fans just people who are going to the movies to watch movie they're gonna love it it's such a beautiful balance of you know being connected to the overall trilogy to the overall series I should say yet it stands on its own as well as a great motion picture this is a fantastic movie that fits in very well it is worthy of the Star Wars name we say we love the last Jedi it's because of this it's because the last shot has been doing the thing that Star Wars has tried to do since 1977 give people hope and the last Jedi was what finally made me feel that too thanks for watching many fans left the theater shocked disgusted and hurt okay the last Jedi's a skillfully crafted well acted technically brilliant disgrace a film that put the dagger the force awakens had stabbed into the franchise's back and pushed it all the way home piercing the heart of Star Wars and killing it off once and for all it just fills me up with so much rage inside of my body that it starts lighting my brain cells on fire this movie is trash bruh this is a wack trash garbage movie and I can't believe what Disney did to me JJ built some characters up he built oh I'm so upset is I can't even talk about it I can't I'm just like oh oh man sorry slash today is officially the worst Star Wars film I've ever seen in my entire life I knew this was gonna be bad from the second the opening crawl finished general Hux who is a comedian he's a joke he's a joke character he might as well be in space balls he says your mama joke he's like I'm on hold for your mother or something like that like what is happening and the Bombers apparently gravity applies in space which is weird it's pretty much the Empire Strikes Back that's what it is rebels are discovered rebels have to escape their base a rebel ship is constantly pursued by the big bad guys the entire conflict of the galaxy has been reduced to about a dozen maybe like eight or nine first-order Star Destroyers chasing three rebel ships the rebels inexplicably being able to just slightly outrun Oh out of space yeah like this for an hour I hate the fact that this movie basically is like one ship chasing another ship that's the movie pew pew pew pew pew uh right ray once again did nothing I didn't really learn jack squat about Ray the most only powered worse written character of all Star Wars history why is she so powerful how did she learn how to be a Jedi with no Jedi training she flies ships she speaks Wookiee she speaks droid she knows how to just instinctively use a lightsaber and she's super freaking powerful you just made her like perfect I mean she is superwoman she is just holy beyond reproach and then he and then he milks a giant lactating see moose utterly disappointing that was just one of the cringe-worthy scenes I have ever seen and that was another problem that really kind of hammered it home to me that this is not the movie I thought it would be and Chewie and I don't know why Rian Johnson hates Chewbacca so much but the only thing he made him do was almost eaten up or that all he did and again it was just played out for jokes Leia in space again what she died I was like oh my god they killed her and then she was like nah I got the forest and then she kind of just like zoomed away and it's like white is happening there then we go on lay is incapacitated and this other lady takes over so in comes laura dern with very purple hair it felt less alien and more like watching a woman going through a midlife crisis so po wants to know all right what are we gonna do but she's a strong independent purple haired woman and she don't need no man so she's not gonna tell do you have a plan she's like oh I have a plan could you tell us mm-hmm no the the new order has been destroying ships left and right that ships literally as ships literally run out of gas we're watching people run out of gas in outer space is this a Star Wars movie they kill off Admiral Ackbar off screen you don't see him he says one line in the whole movie that she is going to run a transport vessel through a Star Destroyer using Lightspeed it's a cool image why has no one ever thought of this in the history of Star Wars because Luke didn't set it on fire he created a lightning bolt that struck a tree and as a ghost has the ability to call lightning down from the sky such Rose terrible character like honestly the worst character since Jar Jar beings you got taken her out of the movie and it would not have changed the plot the story no what else can we talk about that stupid planet that they went to the casino planet or we learned about where we learned about capitalism disease I believe in Star Wars you want to talk about that part then turns to Rose any sighs well I guess it was worth it you mean losing the entire galaxy was worth you going there to free a few camel horses that will be recaptured five seconds from now Rose turns to him she takes a saddle off the camel horse dog and she goes now it's worth it what Rose wasn't going to allow john boyega's character fin to fly into the battering ram and save everyone rose rams her ship into his ship which could potentially kill both of them it it wasn't a proper send-off to Luke Skywalker he was just it's like he doing well now we know why mark hamill said that he fundamentally disagreed with everything they did with his character the biggest travesty of this entire movie to me Luke Skywalker Ivor I remember growing up thinking what can Luke Skywalker do next and this isn't what I imagined not even close he's a total bum [Music] [Music] you [Music] it would be two long years before the next movie the last Jedi was still the talk on the Internet YouTube and other social media outlets many Star Wars movie goers had been hurt before after the Phantom Menace premiered on May 19 1999 many fans had feelings of anger fear and aggression thusly aligning with the dark side of the force with that said Star Wars fandom had never been in such a dark place as it was after the last Jedi it seemed that a Star Wars Galaxies civil war had begun the two years of waiting would be a dark time for the franchise and there would be many signs to indicate that the health of this beloved franchise was one of sickness on September 5th 2017 word broke that Colin Trevorrow was leaving Star Wars Episode nine due to creative differences speculation ran wild for a week then on September 12th Disney announced that JJ Abrams would be returning to direct the final installment of the Skywalker's saga there were mixed reactions so it is official guys JJ Abrams is going to return to Star Wars to write and direct a Star Wars Episode nine so big news coming out of the Star Wars world is that JJ Abrams the director of the force awakens is now the official director for Episode nine and honestly I'm really happy Star Wars you're killing me here I cannot think of a more bland choice this is a divisive kind of response if people are having to it online and even here at IGN listen a lot of us were suckered in many ways about the force awakens I didn't think it was good a lot of people did but I would have to say that a lot of us thought that you could have good Star Wars eventually from that movie it wasn't awful like the last Jedi there was a foundation there but we found out like I've said before that it was a foundation built in sand because it is mystery box Jar Jar Abrams behind it all and don't doubt at all that some of that agenda came from him as episode 9 was in production there was still a debate on the previous movie Rian Johnson's the last Jedi most comments seemed to be negative towards the movie but there was an occasional staunch defender this resulted in the fanbase being divided like never before it started with the website Rotten Tomatoes commonly used by fans who want to know if a movie is worth watching or not Rotten Tomatoes said Star Wars the last Jedi honors the sagas rich legacy while adding some surprising twists and delivering all the emotion rich action fans could hope for the tomato meter which is the rating given by movie critics scored the last Jedi above 90 percent conversely the audience score had it in the 40 percentile range moviegoers had never seen a blockbuster film with such a gap between critical and casual reviews as the Galactic fans Civil War raged on the fanbase was seeing another first director and writer Rian Johnson took to social media to chime in what's up geeks and gamers it's Jeremy coming to you with another video and today Rian Johnson is breaking down right before our very eyes this guy is losing it and I don't know if he's just starting to realize the reality that almost every normal person has realized that either a he's never doing a Star Wars movie again or B if he does one nobody's gonna care about it Johnson would be joined by other notable Lucasfilm employees as the attack and defense continued many wondered if any parts of the last Jedi would be retconned some fans implored Lucasfilm to bring back the character of Luke Skywalker and to portray him more like the original trilogy did special about him become the Jedi that saved the universe that turned his father back from the dark side and looked into the face of evil and said I will never turn to the dark side because I am a Jedi like my father before me and that was Luke Skywalker and stuff like that is what made Star Wars so great Mark Hamill would continue to let all fans know his feelings while the movie was in production just as he did with the force awakens and the last Jedi now Mark Hamill is the voice of Chucky and the new child's play movie it had its le premiere last night and mark confirmed that he's gonna be in Star Wars the rise of Skywalker but he hopes it's the last time he plays Luke it's really really really really gonna be I sure hope so also on May 10th 2018 Disney premiered a new film solo a Star Wars story Disney hoped that this film would make fans feel better about the state of the franchise they hoped for the repeated success of rogue one which premiered following Episode 7 the force awakens the original directors of solo Phil Lord and Chris Miller would be fired by Lucasfilm over creative differences of the movie even though a large majority of the film had been shot they would be replaced by Ron Howard who had only 11 months to rework the project until its deadline Solo was widely viewed as the first Star Wars cinematic failure many people believed that this failure was the result of the continuing decline of all things Star Wars caused by the new sequel trilogy something larger was happening something that went beyond the Star Wars cinematic films many believed that fans were witnessing the beginning of the end of Star Wars people questioned if it was on an inevitable decline that would result in the death of the franchise while others believed it was dead already there would be plenty of news outside of the movies to keep fans busy Disney opened its theme park galaxy's edge the reviews like the last movie were very mixed another original cast member would be lost on April 30th 2019 with the death of Peter Mayhew the gentle giant who played fan favorite Chewbacca Disney announced the production and revival of the animated series the Clone Wars other announcements included future Star Wars productions that would be available on the Disney streaming service Disney Plus these projects included a rogue one spin-off series the mandalorian a new trilogy of movies that would not be in the skywalker saga and the return of you and mcgregor as obi-wan Kenobi in a new series another thing that kept fans busy was discussing popular theories in leaks concerning episode 9 as more theories leaks and potential spoilers hit the news more and more fans would claim that they no longer care about the franchise and that this current version of Star Wars held by the Walt Disney Corporation was not their Star Wars we've stated earlier it's very hard to be blindly optimistic when we Star Wars fans have been dumped on for a few years from bad filmmaking to bad PR Disney has run you off and there's nothing wrong with that it's your prerogative speaking of it seems to be JJ Abrams prerogative to try and fans once again this time he's claiming that the episode 8 didn't derail anything while I doubt that I'm glad the question is out there I mean was it always the plan to kill off Luke Skywalker and makes his journey amount that nothing was it always the plan to have the rebellion be the resistance down to 14 people was it always the plan to have Snoke be it nobody just like Rey Kathleen Kennedy sat there and lied to everyone and told them that she was gonna stay true to the message that George Lucas told and she was gonna stay true to the characters in the story in the universe that George Lucas built and she threw that on the side she lied to everyone I'm so frustrated because I had so much hope when I first found out that Disney was taking over Star Wars I was so excited I was so excited because the founder of my childhood right the place where I went to go and relive my youth and it's just turned into a complete and utter catastrophe every year fans look forward to Star Wars Celebration on April 12 2019 celebration would take place in Chicago the cast of the sequel trilogy with the exception of Mark Hamill would be reunited during the episode 9 panel fans would be treated with the first viewing of the teaser and would learn the official name of episode 9 the rise of Skywalker [Laughter] fans would be in for a surprise at the end of the teaser [Applause] roll it what did I think of the teaser well I said the other day that I thought it was never been more important in Star Wars history for a trailer to be good it didn't have to be the best trailer ever but it's never been more important for a Star Wars trailer to be good and be solid especially coming off of the divisiveness of Star Wars Episode eight it was vital that it's good and I'll say this I thought the trailer was good this is it it's out the Star Wars Episode nine trailer from the Star Wars Celebration in Chicago I'm scared the last Jedi to say the least as aged very poorly I freaking hate it I'm one of those that thinks that it it helps divide the Star Wars fan base and it destroys a lot of the lore irreparable just a stupid movie I hate it exist initially you know I liked it but we can talk more about that later now that is in the past let the past die right let us see if JJ Abrams can somehow redeem it right for those of us that didn't like it oh is that the radar dish from the Death Star put it back on Endor I don't immediately love that but I'm already getting used to it out respect we reject it doesn't matter if they dust off land oh it doesn't matter if they bring Palatine back from the dead doesn't matter if they bring in snow or they apply lo Ren with us helmet fixed or they have the amazing wonder ray doing backward flips gymnastics in the desert it doesn't matter if we have c-3po firing a bow caster doesn't matter what degradation as they put Chewbacca - I am boycotting this movie and I'm calling for everyone who was a true fan of Star Wars to boycott this movie before the official trailer would be released Lucasfilm would offer the world a glimpse of the new movie with a preview at d23 there seemed to be a sudden shift in promotional strategy with the last Jedi Lucasfilm was keen to say let the past die with a new sizzle reel at d23 it seemed Lucasfilm would call upon the Past to provide a sense of nostalgia to promote the new film [Music] a thousand generations live in you now the Star Wars franchise would continue to be on shaky ground on September 23rd there was big news of Bob iger's memoir titled the ride of a lifetime lessons learned from 15 years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company excerpts from the book depicted a very upset George Lucas with the direction of the sequel trilogy so they decided they didn't want to use the stories they said that we're gonna go do their own thing and so I decided fine but basically I'm not gonna try to they weren't that keen to have me involved anyway but at the same time I said I'm not gonna if I get in there I'm just gonna cause trouble because they're not gonna do what I wanted to do so I don't have the control to do that anymore and all I would do is muck everything up so I said okay I will go my way Bob Iger says in his book I read George's outlines and decided we needed to buy them though we made clear and the purchase agreement that we would not be contractually obligated to adhere to the plot lines he laid out he knew that I was going to stand firm on the question of creative control but it wasn't an easy thing for him to accept and so he reluctantly agreed to be available to consult with us at our request I promised that we would be open to his ideas but like the outlines we would be under no obligation George immediately got upset as they Michael art and Kathleen Kennedy began to describe the plot and it dawned on him that we weren't using one of the stories he submitted during the negotiations now in the first meeting with him about the future of Star Wars George felt betrayed with his news supporters of the sequel trilogy could no longer deny the fan outcry that something was amiss with this trilogy the final trailer for the rise of Skywalker would drop during Monday Night Football on October 21st tickets were also available for pre-sale [Music] [Music] yeah that's just Star Wars Episode nine I have no hype but but I'm not angry I'm not I'm not like purposefully going against it trying to bash it I just don't really care I'm not looking for the highest news when I'm scrolling YouTube I'm not really looking at people's videos that much for it I mean some if it looks like it might sort of catch my eye that's a video to watch but I don't really care for the speculation of episode 9 I don't care for the news that comes out about it I don't care what Rian Johnson says I mean his movies done it's over it I was over a year ago we had it we got our stay out we got most of what we you know all get all our concerns out and we you know responded back to people that were saying crap about us just yeah just kind of done talking about it fans and critics alike would have to wait less than two months for the December 19th release date the rise of Skywalker ad pg-13 not laying these stars will be out in Hollywood tonight as the final chapter in the Star Wars saga makes it into its world premiere it seemed a large percentage of the general audience favored this movie a lot more than the last Jedi its opening night in the force is strong with the first crowds to see the rise of Skywalker it was a really fun night out here at the movies and most of the people that we spoke with said they were really happy with the way this film turned out many of them lowered their expectations so they wouldn't be let down after the first round of film reviews were rather critical of the storyline now this film has been getting mixed reviews in the press but the fans say the force is still strong [Music] a lot of tearjerkers oh I would be definitely singing probably the best in the thriller this new trilogy but I think it's justice there was some course correction that I think was well needed this movie was so incredibly good I mean this was so so well done this movie episode 9 the rise of Skywalker in my opinion was really amazing I think I liked it I think there's definitely parts about it that I liked there's definitely scenes in it I liked and there's definitely plot points in ideas that I liked the movie was great knowing the leaks beforehand helped me know what to prepare for so I wasn't surprised at anything it was a fun movie to watch nice story closure as good as time was going on people kind of forgotten what Star Wars was about and it really it was just about like you know having a good time you know transporting yourself to a land far far away and just enjoying something new Disney is expecting weekend sales to reach about 160 million dollars sounds like a lot of money but that will still be about 60 million dollars less than when the last Jedi opened two years ago just like before to their horror many left the theater disgusted and in disbelief in several of the creative choices made by Lucasfilm you hi everyone so I just finished watching rise of Skywalker it's a mixture it's a mixture of emotions right now it really is but this is just this is dumb this is sorry sorry very very dumb I'm just I'm just kind I like I can't believe it I honestly can't believe what I just watch I just can I will we're here we saw the rise of Skywalker I'm glad people like it it just seems like we're back where we started there we go how did we get here what happens if what happened to Star Wars what happened where are we what weird alternate dimension am I in now is this as bad or worse or better than the last Jedi I don't know I think they all suck I I liked this movie but also hated it with every part of my being at the same time we'll get your thoughts later hated it it is not a film that I would suggest wasting money on I would have want nothing more than to go in that theater and just forget about all the stuff online and the leaks and whatever else BS there's out there and to just be a fan of Star Wars and to have my popcorn and just go into a galaxy far far away and fall in love with it and just be a little kid again and I went in with that intent and I couldn't because it felt like a studio rushing through beats to please every fan they could try and check off the list and try and justify a lot of the things they did and you could just see it on screen the rise of Skywalker is my least favorite of the nine core saga films I saw some people say this movie's bold like it had some bold decisions III didn't see anything bold in here there's nothing bold about this movie there's a difference between bold and desperate this film doesn't take away from my Star Wars fandom I still love Star Wars just as much it doesn't diminish my love of Star Wars in any way it surpassed my expectations on how indescribably dumb it is and it's as related to the last Jedi I'm a bit for one I'm a bit speechless on how actually dumb it is even though I knew what was gonna happen because the leaks were 100 1000 percent correct there are scenes that I thought were really great there's just so so much in this film that didn't work for me that rise of Skywalker is shaping up to be an utter freakin disaster you've got reviews like this from our good friend Scott Mendelsohn who's been known to be a shill but even he is saying rise of Skywalker is the worst Star Wars movie ever the story felt very convoluted and rushed the times in all acts of the film as that the movie was multiple movies in one or even at times it didn't take enough time to focus on some of the core characters I left the film conflicted I think that there are some good things that they tried to do in the film and I think they also faced a number of really large obstacles in trying to button up every storyline that had been started not just in the force awakens but also tried to be continued in the right and the last Jedi so there was a lot of material to try to juggle and when when they tried to add buttons to all of those storylines and make every fan satisfied by what happened I think they struggled a little bit with that I think a lot of people are gonna like it's got big highlight moments JJ went for some stuff that's very different and very bold and I applauded for it like I said I think a lot of people are gonna really like this movie unfortunately I'm not one of them I got to say I don't ever remember walking out of a Star Wars movies disappointed as I wasn't this one haha how how are the people that we've always considered to be the shills how are they now not liking this this thing is just a mess it's a mess through and through and alls it does is destroy Anakin sacrifice Luke's story Palpatine is a joke I'll say this first as a caveat kind of for the entire conversation we just saw the movie we've seen it once and it's definitely a movie I think everyone's gonna need to see more than once to fully process and frankly even remember because it is incredibly complex if you are so inclined you could say convoluted the piece is completely overwhelming and obviously you're also dealing with the conclusion not only of character arcs from the sequel trilogy but of certain storylines for last you just noted four plus decades of moviemaking that's a lot to digest and to know how to feel about it and also just to understand so I didn't feel great about it so Star Wars Episode nine is a four-hour movie they crushed into two and a half hours because it feels like this movie probably should have been a lot longer and the movie right of Skywalker plays like two movies on fast-forward it's hard to overstate just how disastrous this film is in terms of Star Wars Canon sheev Palpatine has died in these movies before and then he came back so I need you to explain to me fully that he's really dead here because otherwise I just think his essence is just out there still is he gonna go inhabit somebody else they're not going to in 25 years from now there might be another Palpatine movie that's the thing is a lot of it a lot of the actual story mechanics feel unexamined and they it feels like they were written quickly well it's going to be an absolute but I can fix it the pacing in this movie is absolutely atrocious what bothered me the most about this movie is that the story is so messy in this film kylo is on a mission to do a thing Rey and the rest of the resistance are also doing a thing and the emperor is in the movie doing a thing but as a story it's very convoluted and extremely messy as a conclusion to a trilogy it feels even more messy when you look back at the three films and you see that they just don't really fill a cohesive holes you know when you finish watching a movie and you go to the restroom to pee especially if you're a guy that was the saddest and most quiet pee session I've ever been part of everyone was just like quiet and just like shaking their heads anybody want to tell me what they thought about it anybody thumbs up right there thumbs up okay good I would say that this film is a Miss that the that all of the the leaks that you've heard a true aunt and then some it's a miss it's the writing in this film is atrocious for me I went into the movie looking for restitution I don't feel like I got that the one thing that JJ should have done it's very simple if you if you're gonna wreck on anything about the last Jedi it's bringing Luke back that's what so many fans wanted they wanted Luke Skywalker back in the flesh and instead we get like a little 5-minute force go scene with him another thing this movie didn't do so great is illustrate the threat level you know threat fear of danger that's kind of what makes an adventure thrilling but there's a simmer that running through this place just massacring stormtroopers bull's eyes every time no need to take cover ever which tells the audience there's no need to worry which means no threat which means no thrill which means boring I mean I love a good god mode code myself but once in a while don't make it the movie in the very beginning everything's just rarely happening nothing's explained they say about a year so has passed by since the last film but you feel like you've missed - two or three movies worth of exposition because characters have changed the direction of the characters has changed a lot and it really just goes to show you that this might be one of the worst trilogies of all time only in the fact that the movies don't connect but it was like okay maybe the movie just starts out a little choppy but the choppiness stays with the movie for quite some time doesn't help there's not a lot of intrigue at all I think anytime there could be intrigue it's like someone pops into frame to explain something it's like Oh what would they need with that I'll just pop it into frame okay let's go do the thing then but what should we do alright now we know it doesn't feel like there's an organic unraveling of information as much as there is just exposition vomit so it needs to be said yes the movie does feel like a bit of a hot mess highlight reel of a reddit wish list of Easter eggs and references like they weren't quite sure how they wanted to end things and JJ Abrams came in really late they didn't have a lot of time to finish the script so they said what can we give fans that they will hate the least the third act at a point just felt ridiculous only word I can use to describe it as ridiculous it's like Abrams was like we got to do really big stuff let's do big stuff it's like this movie or at least the third act was made by someone who likes Star Wars ish things but doesn't really know the Star Wars there are rules in star wars so as soon as I walked out of the theater I looked at my wife and I said I'm guessing that has a sixty-one percent on Rotten Tomatoes just a gut feeling just a number that popped into my head that I was throwing out there based on my feelings at that moment and she said it has a 58 and I went huh because that was kind of in line with where my head was at and then I asked her what the audience score was and she said an 86 and I whipped around and I said what here's the thing it's got an audience score of 87 percent now the critics are out there trying to blame us for this disaster and that's their spin it's almost like they got together and agreed upon a narrative maybe even maybe even a narrative that came from Disney if we want to play some 4d chess here because if you notice they don't really the only thing they blame Disney for was trying to please the fans which wasn't what they were trying to do at all you have Ray our main protagonist of the story now if you like me took issue with her sort of Mary Souness prior to this film and the fact that she was able to do so many things without good explanation as to how or why you will not be satisfied with in this film Riya is now at peak boss level Mary so in this film like if you thought the Mary Sue problem was going to be resolved in this film you are gonna be sorely disappointed because not only is it not resolved it just gets worse she is so overpowered in this film it is absurd and it creates all sort of stupid contradiction rheya so this movie she so she is so overpowered she's more powerful here than you've ever seen her moments where our main trio was supposed to be I suppose depicting their relationship to us their friendship to us also are they friends are Poe Finn and right are they actually friends one thing I know is in this movie you look at Return of the Jedi you even look at Anakin and obi-wan by the time Revenge of the Sith happens at least in the first part yeah they're bickering obi-wan rolls his eyes a few times shakes his head maybe but you can tell they do have a friendship there's a keen ship there everyone returning the Jedi is like all kumbaya all the time one time han Solo kind of exploded on Leia could you tell Luke is that he you could tell you that I'm sorry I'm sorry rise a Skywalker they just they bicker and argue over each other all the time that kind of arguing that just gets your anxiety up you're like God okay you all can't wait for this to end too huh if you're on the fence to save your money don't give it to Disney please please I I wanted to see this for me was like I wanted to attend star wars his funeral like I just wanted to go I figured I'd to give my respects I wanted to see how my favorite franchise died and I that's why if it was up to me like if I knew what I knew now I would go back and not give Disney my money because I just feel so horrible [Music] look I have to say that overall I think that the Star Wars has been a tremendous disappointment because unfortunately it was the first time where corporate interests were more important than an individual man's creative vision it's a fact of life that when a corporation like Disney buys your product Disney was buying Star Wars with the express purpose of selling it to the most amount of people on multiple platforms theme parks apparel toys and then of course movies and TV shows but when you do that that means that a corporation's interests always come before the truth of the story that you want to be telling and I think that's no way to make films but if people were to allow this whole trilogy to stand and just sort of carry on as if it's now part of of the actual Canon the law the mythology of Star Wars what does this mean well what it would mean is this they're basically Disney have now completely destroyed we're not completely but they have hugely undermined and done major damage to the original source material they've actually actively attacked the mythology of Star Wars by doing what they have done so this isn't just some sloppy writing this is things and decisions and storytelling decisions that are so bad that they now have profound ramifications for the original trilogy the original story the original mythology the original source material they have taken one of the greatest stories in American history I mean really probably the greatest story in American history as far as film is concerned and flushed it down the toilet so they could get a few extra bucks so they can squeeze the blood out of the nostalgia turnip I would say to two people that what needs to happen arrows doesn't he just needs to stop making Star Wars movies . and and and they need to have a very serious cold hard reevaluation and an honest critique and evaluation of their own performance and all of this it really has been an insane ride it's finally come to a close with the rise of Skywalker finally like Leia slowly waking up in dead space after being blown out of her transport in last Jedi I woke up to the fact that something I once loved was changed forever but suffice it to say for a fan of that galaxy far far away the rise of Palpatine is the fall of Star Wars from the center of the earth this is dictor van du Coq pitting you all my friends stay angry alright dude in 28 years it's finally over yeah all done until until the next one as individual movies you can argue that they're good or bad but as a trilogy of films it is a disjointed mess look I don't hate JJ I don't hate Ryan I don't hate Kathleen I'm frustrated but I do think this sequel trilogy was a letdown that's the inherit problem of what a corporation buys something a corporation doesn't know how to tell a story only an individual knows how to tell a story only a human being knows how to tell stories the force awakens attempted to retcon the original trilogy the last Jedi attempted to retcon the force awakens and the original trilogy the rise of Skywalker attempts to retcon just about everything Lucasfilm has no clue what they're doing no one there respects the IP or the process of writing in these films and as a result we have a worthless trilogy that can honestly be watched without the last Jedi now like if you pretend that Snoke and Luke had heart attacks from TFA everything plays out except of course for all the damage that's been dealt to those wonderful movies set in a galaxy far far away as if it wasn't enough to assassinate Han as if it wasn't enough to assassinate Luke you had to rip the victory of Anakin Skywalker right out of his hands that fool didn't kill the Emperor Anakin didn't bring balance to the force because Palpatine never died Anakin didn't save the galaxy because the first order rose not long after Palpatine survived Anakin didn't end the war and save those heroes of this will because they all ended up humiliated and or dead they didn't win at the end of that movie if anything you could skip the OT because it's mostly inconsequential to the greater saga of Ray vs Palpatine and none of these characters behave like themselves anyway that is the legacy of Disney Star Wars so whether you loved it or hated it the Disney sequel trilogy has ended and many fans wonder where will Star Wars go from here only time will tell but we hope it returns to the love of the past [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: Echo Base Network
Views: 274,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: STAR WARS: A SEQUEL TRILOGY DOCUMENTARY, STAR WARS, SEQUEL TRILOGY, DOCUMENTARY, STAR WARS DOCUMENTARY, STAR WARS TRILOGY, DISNEY TRILOGY, star wars, sequel trilogy, star wars documentary, lucasfilm, george lucas, documentary, star wars theory, star wars the rise of skywalker, palpatine, behind the scenes, the last jedi, the making of star wars, making of, star wars doc, the making of a saga, from star wars to jedi, star wars interview, star wars trilogy, disney, rian johnson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 9sec (4809 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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