Star Trek Voyager Reunion | Stars In The House, Tuesday, 5/26 at 8PM ET

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This was a really sweet get-together. We watched live last night, and it was great seeing them joke and reminisce. It was also fun seeing everyone's houses, except Ethan Phillips who seems to have been in a homeless shelter.

I have the impression that Robert Beltran (Chakotay) isn't as involved in the convention/post-Trek life as the others, so it was really good to see him there, too. His "hello" to Roxanne Dawson sounded like it had been a long time.

And Tim Russ closed it out with a song!

👍︎︎ 125 👤︎︎ u/GeneralTonic 📅︎︎ May 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Brilliant, thanks :)

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/Lux-01 📅︎︎ May 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Oh how i miss them.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/WabashSon 📅︎︎ May 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

It really made me smile to see them all. It was like seeing old friends after many years.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/Darieush 📅︎︎ May 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

I don't know how often these video reunions were done before Covid times, but I love it. Hopefully we get more of those for so many shows.

So much easier and less time consuming for the actors and great to watch.

"Kate, there is no window in space. You can't put your fingers there!" Awesome.

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/WienerWuerstl 📅︎︎ May 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

My crew! Ahhh i love them.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/grosgrainribbon 📅︎︎ May 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Was so short! I wanted more :D

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/lysdexic__ 📅︎︎ May 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

My absolute favorite part was Kate and Jeri talking about how wonderful Ethan Phillips was, and then Robert coming in like "I thought he was a pain in the ass" and Tim seconding it. Of course Tuvok and The Doctor had some less than desirable interactions with Neelix lol

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/JediRalts 📅︎︎ May 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

That was nice - Roxann Dawson looks a lot like the MCU's Aunt May with those glasses on.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/AnotherJasonOnReddit 📅︎︎ May 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
ah hi everyone I'm James Wesley Shepard s key and our dog cool and it keeps coming out of this hollow area business started in the house drives in the house is an entertainment show that we do twice a day we began it right when probably shut down and we've been doing it twice a day ever since we robbed just show maybe 115 at this point we do we basically bring people together around the world so that they feel connected because everyone's isolating so much and we also do it to raise money for the Actors Fund so you can just watch it enjoy or you can donate someone to the ACK responder $5 is the minimum it can't be involved in money star trek humor hey Larry the point is you go to Stockholm to donate the money goes to the actress one of the actors fun is a Miss nomer and then Miss nomer is a fancy word meaning it's not just for actors it is for what James it is for any professional in the performing arts it is for people that are not just actors but people that are costume designers uh sure 'he's concessionaires voice teachers dance teachers people that are all over the country it is basically a human services organization that is there now for people in time of need and which basically means everyone in the performing arts is out of work yeah so and here's a great letter I want to read I know we have so many fans and new and new people that are watching tonight but this letter I'm gonna read to the Actors Fund is the photo 7 that got money but you go to the actor friend exam you say I can't get my health insurance it can't be my rent I can't pay my electric bill they say how much is it and they hand you the money I mean they're an amazing organization right I've been around for my gosh a hundred over hundred twenty-five years oh my gosh okay I just wanted to say thank you thank you thank you so much for relieving the stress that I had about being able to pay rent this month the actress pond is a godsend I'm so grateful I really appreciate all of your help during these challenging times in the world and I pray that all is well with you and all of your loved ones have a great weekend with best wishes for continued success that's what we're talking about paying rent paying health insurance premiums literally paying for food mostly is because you keep hearing pence writing for my groceries and by the way the people that do the amazing makeup on all the Star Trek all the crazy base other people have to do everyone is out of work and people have checked to check many people they are most most people most people in the arts live check to check yeah and those checks aren't coming so anyway as soon as you make the donation as far as calm forward you're gonna get a receipt for the donation it starts in the house twenty twenty at gmail and then one of these amazing searching people read it out loud I already have donations already so some people who follow starts in the house maybe to do animations they need to do it in advance because before 8 o'clock Eastern we were already getting a lot of donation receipts emailed to us because they knew the trick demand of it early and they one of their names read by a cast member a Star Trek Voyager speaking of Star Trek Voyager because that's already talked about today we there's actually I don't know how many of the cast members know this but there's actually not surprisingly really a college course being taught at DePaul University by Brian Maj and the entire class is watching right now it's part of their course work to watch the show and we wanted to give a shout out to them for for watching it's good this course titled and maybe Brian module teach it again in the fall is called Star Trek Voyager ethics and the Enlightenment that's the name of the course and so all of the actual it see right here because we have a picture because they had their they had their course meet today where is it so oh right here there they all are well that's the class so they're so they're joining us so and speaking of the money for the actress line we are now we have reached just our show load now there's a lot of different sources of people giving to the Actors Fund but for this particular show with the five ten twenty three dollars that's right the average donation I'm gonna guess is like 30 bucks we've rate rephrase on the show over three hundred and twenty-two thousand dollars yeah that's today's total so hopefully we can bring it up with the trek fans yes I'm gonna play the theme okay now hold on before we get before we do this yes we have to we have to tell everyone not and not everyone can be on the screen at the sink yeah so before you're panicking you're like oh my God where is so-and-so the second half of the show that we can only get five people on the screen one time because unlike maybe other reunions you've seen which is fantastic they're not lie yeah let's see all these different people in it zoom this isn't zoom this is called stream yard which enables us to be able to stream it out to Twitter and Facebook and YouTube and for it to be seen by as many people as possible we can that way we can react to questions like that's right ask them oh wow I didn't know there was an emoji for that look how cool is that we can react so we can add let me tell you old-school but we've got a lot of questions that have come in on on Instagram and emails and all of that so Brian um right there at the teacher hello yes okay so we're gonna start bringing people on all right let me make sure I've got the right order here all right so Seth is going to play company good live music all right first up Karen way hey how are you Roxanne [Applause] [Music] we're gonna bring you on right now Bob bought the card oh yes oh great hello everybody that sound just like the full orchestra introduction of what totally did Seth it was amazing is this one of those things where you guys are constantly having zooms and chatting or is this the person we've seen each other in a while we saw each other on that fabled boat I wasn't there I know I missed the party Seth they had they had a cruise in March which right before the the pandemic blew up the first week of March they were all on a cruise but I couldn't go so horribly sick didn't you get sick and Roxy did you get sick no I was doing very close to you for a very long time [Laughter] Garin I'm gonna text you donations right now so keep talking we have an Alberta text you right now as we speak oh my gosh okay so like I said we've gotten so many we've gotten so many questions I don't know where to start but I'm gonna just I'm gonna just dive in here okay if you don't mind and then the thing is about this platform is we can't as much as we may want to all join in at the same time you have to almost like not raise your hand like you're in school but kind of or take a breath so that we know who's going to do the talk at the same time the voice will kind of but Garrett before we begin you want to talk okay Paul from the UK $15 Rika from Germany fifty one dollars that's a nice interesting number Maxine from New York $25 Michael from New York $25 jean-francois from Canada $10 Sheri from Oregon $28 dawn from Theriot $51 Marina from New Jersey 100 three dollars Thank You marina Jason and etai from Pennsylvania $23 voyager superfans there you go we do have people watching all over the world so kate i'm gonna the first question is gonna be for you it's from Steve and Australia and he says when I first saw Voyager and a female captain I was absolutely hooked the moment it started and it was about time what did it feel like being the first woman captain it was terrific it was overwhelming it was absolutely overwhelming I mean I was really shot out of a cannon as you know I was not the first choice Ravi Abruzzo played it for about two seconds and then she left because it was and she very bravely left I've always been grateful to her for that and I had about four days to collect myself and then I started on Monday morning so it was it was a formidable undertaking but once I got my sea legs if you'll pardon the expression yeah it was great it was just Rick legs yeah exactly your tricks superfan beforehand I was a non-fan never walked science fiction never read science fiction didn't know anything about science fiction in fact I met Patrick Stewart at a wedding reception he won't recall this because it was know so many years ago but I said why is everybody making such a big deal about Patrick Stewart who's Patrick Stewart of the wife of the one yes and I said I don't have no idea what they're talking you may as well be speaking Greek and actually guys it stood me in good stead because I didn't I didn't have any I anticipated nothing short of trying to embody this character that's it Robbie yeah I raised my hand I just I have to tell Kate that you know some of us like the people on the bridge had worked with John VA we had worked on the on the bridge a bit and there was a lot of uncertainty I guess when John viev left there was a lot of uncertainty were we was the show gonna get made you know were they gonna make make it a male captain maybe they couldn't find a female who could who they felt could do this and the moment you said the first line in the bridge we personally I felt like this show is gonna work we're gonna make it like this now it's all together so it was very very clear to us yes who was on the bridge that were you all on the bridge then no it was just Robbie Robbie and I that's me maybe Tim no my memories of you all there no you're right it wasn't him it was just it was just you and I that's right no can totally clothed no I just remember Kate I just want to say everyone breathes a sigh of relief when you said engage because the way Jean via of bejeweled said engaged she whispered it she said engage and closed her eyes and so when you came in and said it and you were just like engage you kind of you know you you enunciated you and everyone everyone breathes a sigh of relief Canadian versus versus American first off we want to thank you for organizing all this you and Kate so thank you thank you and one other thing you said because I see that Robert Beltran is on is on deck so I'm going to switch you out but what did you tell me about all the different Roberts and how you had to keep trying and we are one third of the Voyager cast is named Robert so we we had to and because I worked last I got assigned Bob so uh Robbie Robbie MacNeil Robert Duncan MacNeil became Robbie and Robert Beltran stayed Robert and I got Bob which was the only thing other than you got Berto I got Roberto from Kate only from Kate only otherwise he was either Bob or hey you so I'm having to go but I'll come back after Robert I'll see you guys later all right switch out a Bob Bobby Pete says we're gonna put on oh sorry wrong okay hold on we're gonna put on Robert commander Chakotay fan that worked out this sequence of entrances and I'm glad I'm one of your favorites are you you look great where are you Robert where are you I'm at my house I'm in the dining room where there's decent light and you and I you had a my little nice touch my little Maltese that my daughter begged and begged for how is your daughter she's great thank you my dog is scared she doesn't want to leave my side because they left and when when they leave she's afraid that I'm gonna leave too okay okay Coco everything's good basically what if you like most about your character on Voyager what did you like least about your character Voyager Roxanne you go first well I don't know you least least is the makeup okay which was a two-and-a-half-hour to put on in 45-minute removal so that was definitely my least favorite thing about it and my favorite thing about it is all of these people which is like really cool and the fact that we are still even talking to each other 25 years later in spite of amazing it's it it's really it was such an extraordinary experience I entered Star Trek I just got married I left Star Trek with two kids and I still had my husband and I started directing so I was like wait I knew well done you happy what about you what did you love most what did I love what I what I hated most was I think Garrett Garrett and I are doing a podcast and we started rewatching the show recently we started rewatching from the first season oh and what what I realized was I really hated the way that character started he was kind of a jerk he was like there was so many the list of unlikable qualities about him he was supposed to be this rebel but he really was the more I look at it I was like oh what a horrible person but um but what I love the most about my character was how he changed and by the end of the series I think he really really evolved into a very different person all because of Roxanne thank you in the beginning they were a little slightly arrogant anyway Robbie McNeil was always hiding that book weren't you always hiding I was I was always reading yeah I used to bring a book on the on the bridge and I would read I would just read you know voraciously and so sometimes I'd get lost in a book and Kate would have to wake me up and Robbie Robbie the actor was reading a book all the time on a set yeah yeah Robbie MacNeil me pilot the powder other acnes listening we're reading we're studying acting is studying I thought it was a fascinating tool a fascinating acting - thank you I always like to have a little business you know so I thought reading was like some nature is like a prop right I have it right yeah did you like the most would you like the least I'll start with the least least favorite would have to be the very tight and hot uniforms that we had to wear they they were made to fit perfectly when you're standing up they had these little stirrups at the bottom but when you're sitting down on a chair it pulled in all the wrong places so that's my least favorite my most favorite is probably gonna have to be a tie between the relationships I developed with my fellow actors that you see on this screen that you're gonna see later and also to be part of a show that over the years I've been at different conventions where people have come up to me and said I was in a horrible place in my life or maybe they were a huge accident or something and they were either suicidal or had a prognosis where they weren't going to survive but watching Star Trek save their life so that is probably what I'm most proud of being part of something that is safe people's lives you I'm full Robert name uh yeah my least well my favorite thing was any time I got to say a coochie Moya over-the-top happy about that wonderful Robby yesterday actually yeah my least favorite oh gosh the long hours I think mm-hmm I don't think Robby notice them because in the middle of reading a Danielle Steele book no never Danielle Steele no get back to me okay Mulgrew what was your release in your most favorite I think the most favorite there he goes what is it sleep when the dead what's sleep when I'm dead this one Warren Zevon by are you a born bibliophile sorry go ahead properly the most favorite is obvious because I was the captain and what could be more gratifying than that not much the first female captain was pretty mm-hmm it was pretty extraordinary as I said to you earlier it was daunting but I think I was ready for that task and happy to meet it with this group all of whom I drew to to learn but my least favorite was the conflict that I still say today exists for all women in a leading role who are raising children by themselves at home which I was that was a very very difficult conflict I'm afraid I may have brought that onto the set a few times but I tried not to but it was ongoing for seven years because those were their formative years they were 10 and 11 when I got the role and they missed me to this day they've not once seen it Wow Wow well I couldn't better than would anything have made it easier I could they have accommodated you I mean if I quit that's it I mean so now her kids are tough they want their mother they don't care they don't understand that they did not understand that and I honestly didn't expect them to especially what do boys but uh that's the way it goes I wish I'd been a little clearer as a mother about my own passion instead of allowing the guilt to sort of override it because if you're clear and you say this is what I love and this is what I'm going to juice kids and I hope one day you have the same passion ah it might have been easier but anyway those that's my my best in my least yeah so interesting 22 that video well I know that one of the questions actually speaking of women and role models was for you Roxanne about about you being a really amazing role model for women in the sciences it's like what ranks and also you like you were saying you went on for to directing right amazing what was memorable directing experiences uh I thought that question was going like um let's go on getting ready to answer that other question uh well I just had I just had a enormous amount of wonderful directing experiences starting it starts with the first show that I first episode I did they're called riddles where Tim Russ was the lead in that and I I adored it but I've had many others I think alike right now in penny dreadful City of Angels which is airing right now which is a John Logan show but you know he's got a Moulin Rouge on Broadway he did until the virus but John Logan wrote this and he's a Broadway babe and it's kind of fun to incorporate or to actually you know be with somebody who understands script and language and but that's airing right now and that's been that was a exciting exciting experience and there have been so many in between so it'd be I'd be hard-pressed to UM pick any more well I you know I think also I think this may be where you thought it was my question was going I and I combined the questions which was my my clothes cut my cousin I'm really close to Janet who lives in Wisconsin she and her husband Jason or Trekkies hey Jason hey Janet and right before the show which was like you got to talk to Roxanne and tell her what a role model she was in in regards to your murder and and dealing with depression and mental health and mental health in general part Vulcan and dealing with your journey you don't have 20 people reach out yeah sorry do people reach out to you about that that mostly about that yeah and that's but that actually has been like one of the best things about about that and the fact that the writers kind of let me go there with with this character and to really explore what that was and and how so often we as people do not feel like we belong in one place to another but that were split you know and that we it's just it's a it was a wonderful um they really wrote for me very well and I was very happy with the way they took the character but yes depression mental health though issues I think we're dealt with beautifully yes and yeah a lot a lot of you have approached me about about that on a very personal level like what you said Garrett about really affecting them and their lives and that is tremendously rewarding yes it's funny you mention it because both you and Robbie Broadway background Robbie you did the national torments of the woods and it's you yeah I did I did the first national tour of into the woods and did that with Cleo Laine and and Andrey Gill who's passed away I don't know did you know Ray nobody Charlotte ray Charlotte ray played my mother yes it was wonderful it was so exciting I got to work with Stephen Sondheim who I had grown up you know just a huge fan and admire Stephen and so I did the first national tour I had not been on Broadway at that point and when I came back they they asked me if I would take over for Ben Ben yeah degree but they were there Jack they asked me if I'd take over and I said yes my first Broadway show I was so excited and then they told me what that it was scale and I was like what I just got off the road I was making like a lot more money on the road and so I ended up not doing the the Broadway company because I just I always like like anyway but I ended up on Broadway of a couple years later with six degrees of separation and in the original cast of that show it was amazing I found this clip of you and I was like Robin a continual see got tricks here what please [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] yeah I was I was milking the cow Seth I had to try to milk milky white and there was no milk so we had to go sell it and then the giant you know I'm aware of the plot wait a second I just realized as I was logging on to this I have this little trinket of my very first Broadway show that I saw in New York this is do you remember these these old it's it's like the Broadway it's the Broadway souvenir so this is Annie that was the first Broadway show I ever saw yeah I don't know if they make these anymore but I keep it on my desk I don't think they do Roxanne sign background I'm obsessed you got to do that show what's it the most amazing thing you've ever done in your life veena attentive Voyager no it was it was my first job right out of college I graduated from Berkeley I went to an open audition lied to my employer I was working at San Francisco Ballet and I lied I was a receptionist and they saw me on TV auditioning they fired me the next day I learned them and heard the Caine wrote an article because San Francisco Ballet was now using me as sort of to say oh look at our receptionist is now in course I'm so I three days to New York fired her but then they wanted you in an article yes I said I had food poisoning and they got the call that said well you obviously don't have food poisoning we just saw you on TV auditioning and so at the news on the news you know so I was fired and then I was hired so it was interesting yeah but it was great I know I treasure that I treasure that period of time like a goal in my life I I have a question for Ruxin how long we did you play that role I did it in the early 80s I first started on the road and then took over Deanna on Broadway for quite a few years and I left and did theater came back and then I went back to close the show in 1990 April 28 1990 I was the last Morales Wow yeah Rallos meaning that she was featured on the Phil Donahue show sounding amazing and I think you sounded something like this [Music] the sweetness and the sorrow wish me luck the same you [Music] but I can't regret what I did for love what I did [Music] Ruxin that's so great literally five-year only there was only five years before you did Voyager a second half but hang out because maybe we can bring you guys in and out you guys sir you guys been so fun I want you to reboot and right rows for some middle-aged gay people all right Jack into the woods okay and then we have our medical break actually we should bring on and as one is good friends good that's right up Luke and it's good friend Bob Picard Oh Oh take a four you're on mute Bob Bob how are you I am well doctor it's a pleasure to see you again for the Star Trek fans who do not know dr. Jon LaPook and I were classmates at Yale even though he looks far younger and is a Silver Fox we were at Yale the same time and for a brief period of time we were both biology majors obviously that panned out for you and we were both in a singing group called the sob s the Society of Orpheus and Bacchus and that's right Bob had an amazing voice back then and still I remember your opera for what would something died in in the Australian the in the atmosphere a port I want to say a porcini cooker so oh yes I have I sang opera on Voyager about six different episodes so I don't know exactly what you did when you still with some star that burned down you were saying goodbye to it oh god yes of course well this was just on my own when the the NASA's Cassini mission her senior did and the spacecraft was yes that is the most viewed performance I've ever done on the Internet it is it I've never gone viral before or since and I'm sure it won't happen again but anyway yes that was my tribute my opera tribute to the NASA's Cassini mission thanks I got to give a little shout-out to Seth and to Kate and to Bob and these things don't get just produced by themselves and I'm seeing these old clips come in and out and you guys from the very beginning have what episode is this the zillion I think one hundred and fifteen hundred and sixteen everyday you're doing this and you're not doing it you know you're doing it for for love what you did for love yeah no I couldn't agree more those clips that you got of Mike my colleagues Robert Duncan MacNeil and Roxanne were just superb and and and I'm sure the Star Trek fans are completely enamored with the fact that you guys went to all that effort to dig that up because that is your you know that's your turf that's your area of expertise and and to do that I'm sure meant a lot to the hardcore Star Trek fan okay so talented those guys and by the way Bob you were with Jon 35 years ago today because hello happy Anniversary Johnny Cage yes I was at your wedding congratulations what a memorable event that was and congratulations to your dear wife yeah take with you know the greatest miracle you meet the right person and then another miracles with your kids and a few more miracles with your friends you keep your hair a few more miracles like that we want to show this great clip that you and John did on CBS this is for all the Star Trek or the Star Trek fans this means that basically everything has happened on Star Trek has basically happened in real life so here's a clip all about that this is dr. on the poke and Bob's on the step Star Trek predicted the way you would scan someone is through a non-invasive way without really touching them Star Trek's tricorder today we have CT scan MRI and ultrasound what else has come true where Captain Kirk would talk to someone on the flat-screen TV I can talk to a patient now see their image see their scans remotely dr. McCoy's hypo spray helped inspire needle-free injectors the visor that ledge or DC we now have glasses that beam light to a chip implanted in the retina what about sickbay they get on the bed and all of a sudden all the monitors would go on like the monitors we have here and that has come true we have wireless telemetry we got a sneak preview into modern medicine from this starship sickbay but at the end of the day Star Trek was about a lot more than just fancy gadgets it foresaw a world of inclusiveness with doctors of color male and female and in the new series Star Trek discovery a physician who is openly gay what were we doing in a nebula no wait don't tell me we consulted a specialist in Star Trek style medicine bob Picardo played the emergency medical hologram on the Voyager series and then I would appear and I would say please state the nature of the medical emergency so do you think that eventually in the future a computer algorithm could entirely replace a physician ultimately that artificial intelligence physician will be created from the personal experiences of a large group of doctors so yes I believe the day will come when you will be obsolete until we reach that final frontier computer end program I remain dr. Jon LaPook CBS News New York [Laughter] you know what I loved what I loved about that is it made return there were the gadgets the gizmos but really I think what the fans will agree what set Star Trek apart from everything else and this was Gene Roddenberry and or the other people was the inclusiveness the fact that you're seeing you know everything from a gay doctor to every color Under the Sun to you name it they had episodes you know where it was crazy that one person was half white and half black and hated the other person who was half white half black the other way and themes of inclusiveness I don't remember I wouldn't you know I like Twilight Zone I like a lot of those shows but this really just nailed that whole theme and I think that's what set it apart also I could not agree more with the doctors you know prognosis your prognosis I'm wait I'm still weighing on we've got so many Trekkie fans watching but I just want to see since we have such a big audience doctor LaPook anything you want to say about wearing masks should we stop because the virus has really gone down a lot what do you want to say about that man no we just keep saying folks wear the masks you know we still have a lot of states where it's increasing you have to do the social distancing you have to wear the mask you have to care about the next person and I know it's hard we're getting mixed signals from everywhere but when you go outside wear that mask if you're gonna be around anybody anywhere close just keep following I think I'm gonna have something about at this Sunday on CBS Sunday morning we're thinking about doing another piece of medicine yes please all right well thank you peace out I love you he's given that okay holidays even I've given the fur me the finger is known as the Vulcan salute yes okay okay apart too yeah by the way guys we are doing virus talk it sounds like it's escape time it's not the point of the show is to have medical correspondent that's always been part of the show the correspondent to really help with the virus we've always been talking and I'm sure that Captain Janeway would agree let's let's bring her on right now and ask her we're gonna bring on again for part two because I want to ask is there have been a couple people commenting captain Jake what would Captain Janeway say if this were if this were going on right now which is pandemic we're going on right now I would certainly abide by what science dictates thank you to the rule I mean to the letter that would be wearing the mask at all times wearing the gloves when you should keeping the social distance of at least six feet and staying in as much as she possibly can I'm in Virginia now and I see that it's every other person it's an absolute 50/50 thing I said to a guy on the elevator nice looking tall guy about 40 years old I said why are you not wearing your mask in your loves we're within two feet of each other he said you sound like a Democrat great here's my floor I'm up you know there's I think that there is a political ization of it all going on Monica all right the point is why that's why I said what would Captain Janeway say yeah that's why I preached it broad way baby six okay okay you ready answer this but I love this question what did you like the most about your character and what did you like the least on Star Trek of why AJ who are you asking oh yeah s the last part first because he is here very beginning didn't answer all right first of all I'm the one who who posited that question that was the my backup question I said that always works so I take credit for that however I may have posited the question I didn't come up with an answer that's the sad part I think that my least favorite thing about the character was playing him early on when he had absolutely no effect whatsoever he was a blank slate he was a new piece of technology he was colorless and humorless and Dulles could be but the great thing about the concept of the character was that he was a piece of technology that had a that was willful that had kind of a bad attitude because he felt he wasn't being respected and once I into that understanding and earned the respect of my fellow crew members by always trying to do more than I was intended to do he his personality grew over the course of the seven years so that so my least favorite thing became my most favorite thing and then to expand quickly on what both Kate said and what Garrett said the wonderful thing that Star Trek means so much to to the devoted audience member who's watched it over all the various incarnations of all the different series and that's very meaningful to me that that that it means something to people during their lives and that it's been so inspirational to the real people of science and exploration so many astronauts that I have met over the years say that they watch Star Trek as a kid and that science fiction and other like Star Trek has inspired them to pursue their careers in exploration in engineering in space in planetary science whatever so that is really really gratifying from the perspective of an actor who is a science lover and and a science major in the past right we want to make sure everyone right we kind of check your phone I just text you donations for those who are coming in joining us a little bit late what is raising misses this is we're raising money for the Actors Fund which helps everyone in the Performing Arts for their rent through their utility bills to their food to their insurance premiums a lot of people in the arts they get their insurance based on number of weeks and so their weeks or there are days that they've worked on set they're not going to necessarily be working and they're gonna lose their insurance that's the big worry in New York can I say some thank you all right from Kyra in New York $25.00 thank you so much for hosting this virtual voyager cast reunion panel that's for Seth and James sandy from North Carolina $36 Matthew from New Jersey $51 Alexis from South Carolina $25 Anna from Illinois $25 Naomi from California $5 Neville from California $10 Erin from Georgia $5 Sheila from Oklahoma $75 Rachel's from Australia $10 and she's watching from Australia Wow she should be working and I'm doing her I want to say that historically and all of my colleagues will agree I'm sure the Star Trek fans have always stepped forward to support the causes that we say hey this is what's important to us have a look at this they always step forward and have a look at it and they support it and we are deeply grateful for that we are indeed we are Dean thank you thank you Bob ooh that is a trademark of the of the Star Trek fan of the Voyager fan generosity of spirit and pocket when it matters to us I've seen that for the last 25 years it's quite astounding and very very grateful we had a lot of madness so Tim what about you what did you like most about your character what if you like least as posited by Baba Carnac well I would say what I like most about playing the character was the fact that I was you know I was able to I was was able to be the foil for the the human condition on in terms of the interaction with people and and their emotions and I I always enjoyed being able to do that because this character the way he is is sort of flat and dries as Bob likes to say I have to play King Lear with an eyebrow more or less I like I would I didn't like this much which is almost related that was as an actor I would have been I missed being able to create a whole range of emotions as it were when you trained as an actor as my colleague propel you your training to show a range of emotions for years and years and then I end up playing this role for seven years where I don't show any so it was nice to get out of the box once in a while and that was the one thing that I did that I you know I did I could say I didn't like anything at all it was just that be Jewish have too many emotions Jerry what about the course it wasn't an enormous a lot of fun not being able to go to the bathroom without the entire crew knowing it and having a production shutdown that was a bathroom if I had to go pick which everyone knows on the radio Jerry's going 10:1 that's 20 because it was you know I had to have somebody dress me and undress me and it was it was a 20-minute thing to get me undressed gotta bathroom get dressed get back to set it was a thing you never thought of having like a special Star Trek diaper tight now if you notice that wasn't a lot of room yeah I actually got so sick my first season on the show because I felt so bad that it was a production shutdown so I would just not drink all day and I think I'm really ill it's not a good hydrated Wow yeah my favorite thing of the character I think it was she was a she was a gift to play as an actor and continues to be now on the card she's there was so much growth because she started out not even human so um so that was wonderful so kind of directly he's always the opposite of Tim where you had such a range that you got to play where's Tim had to be well she was very reserved and sort of Vulcan asking a lot of especially at the beginning when she didn't she wasn't comfortable expressing emotion she had never experienced it as Borg she didn't understand it she did wasn't comfortable with it so seven and Tuvok kind of bonded that kind of stuff very similar I remember Tim and I being concerned and we would have scenes together because our vocal inflections were kind of identical really really flip that exciting scene great but actually they ended up being fun characters disorder plugins anything what about you would you like most much as I think about at least I just I was laughing because of Jerry talking about how tight her costume was you know that costume was a derma regenerating suit it was to make her skin heal and I always used to say to her she remembers Jerry let's see if it worked [Laughter] I guess what I least liked about my character was the makeup which was difficult but um I liked that he had a big heart and he wore down his sleeve and that's rare and I embrace them I thought that was kind of lovely and I like Neelix a lot it was a good fella can I say something about Ethan this hand his makeup was insane like I think there was what your bottom lip exposed that's it his nose has covered his chin is covered his lunch are not coming the people here tend was ring the you know the big content it was a miserable miserable head of makeup to be wearing and he never complained I was there for four years I never heard this man complain I would like to not only a test to that but to go you one more in the seven years I worked with this man Jonathan Phillips he was the essence of equilibrium and grace yes you were the soul for me yeah thank you sweetheart thank you very much I I think he was a huge pain in the ass how are ya I also read yeah I resent a fact that he that he looks like me to that bug you know if you print if you leave me in the dryer for five extra minutes he looks exactly like that I started this is from Chris let alone that dear Miss McCardle on a huge fan I was wondering since the last episode was the time coming episode would you name is soon-to-be Joe like in the finale it was never meant to be what name do you suggest or well I never suggested that name I think the joke over the seven years was that my character once given by his captain the freedom to select his name he could make up his mind so the notion that he was an indecisive computer program was supposed to be funny I think two people in technology I mean the fact that they named me Joe was a personal joke to me because every male and my family other than me was named Joe all of my uncle's my father my brother Joe is the most popular name in my family so I didn't know that yep no they did not know that but it but it was it tickled me enormous ly I just want to show you the people are watching all over the world I love this comment is from Slav and watching Voyager while in lockdown in Ireland hey Jen I'm Gerry there's a question from Jen and she said how has it been to revisit your 7 of 9 character in Star Trek McCart it's it's been amazing it's not certainly not something that I ever thought was going to be happening by any stretch of the imagination but I love how they've written her I love how she's developed I love I mean she's been through a lot of crap and she keeps going and I love her resiliency and her guts and I love that she's trying and struggling and I just think she's awesome she I asked Jerry a question I don't know if you have the answer to it but what's what's the plan now going forward nobody knows anything waiting to see me in season 2 was picked up before season 1 aired and we're just in a holding pattern if we were originally supposed to start shooting the middle of June but they would have had to have started building the sets the beginning of May to do that which we can't do so we're just waiting I say they're hoping that we can start shooting in the fall I don't you know we always when we took the sitcom people we always kind of know the way things are done but were you like would you have read through to the beginning of the week like sit around and read the script would you just show up for your scenes like what was the typical week for the boys or edger envoys never had table we never had table means every lever so sometimes he didn't have a script sorry sometimes frequently is so meticulously connected would you get the scripted places under it might not have been under a full revised yet night we might not have gotten the actual like the final part of the last act or something because they were working on it to make sure it was tight I mean they're not gonna put anything on the screen this that didn't happen very often as I recall did it no I think it was you really got pages Cory writes precedes that day that once these and I think was a little bit slow and the rest of them were fine but but but we dealt typically on on hour-long shows there's been a couple that I've worked on that they had a table read during a lunch hour of one of the days we never had one ever petrol table read well did we ever get an hour-long lunch hour not very that digestion who was sort of the biggest cut up on this set was there some of those always cracking jokes like ripping off the nine guys Phillips yeah probably Phillips I may have been a little over the top but also Robert belt Robert Beltran is the most amazing mimic he does incredible impressions of many many actors so yes he was constantly hilarious and Roberto when did that start when did that nonsense usually really gets going ha ha attach this expense did that get going well just go back in time your Roman Catholic why what did that usually start well it usually how I don't understand how's it has to do with my Catholicism but I won't mind I understand it happened late on the bridge but remember I wasn't my character couldn't be on the bridge for the first three years and it also happened in the briefing room I think that's where people completely fell apart terrible terror Celeste the briefing room just muesli this means nothing to our hosts but there were certain sets that Omaha it was almost like in the air that people screwed around and the later it got the more they screwed around did you guys like ever pull literal pranks on each other and like shove something down the Star Trek outfits and Tim I say my favorite children are you do you mean that seriousness yes that way what did you pull pranks they pulled a seven-year prank on Tim on us don't you dare in his bathrobe Ahava story yes I know tron mimicking and that's when my close-up usually at one o'clock or they start I'm a terrible corpse or so I'd stop laughing at you fools yeah I made it not I may have gone for the Wardrobe person Matt Harvey was great and very creative with his hands he he helped me out once with a pair of shorts when I was supposed to expose myself to the crew on the bridge they were on camera and I was off-camera of course and he allowed he allowed me to to look more endowed than I would normally look him and I exposed myself to them and I got him - I got him - crack up to about 5 seconds and I think they use at least the first three seconds of that job yes just to make it absolutely clear for the audience members they had stuffed a long black Nissan and attached it strategically to mr. Russ's nether region so he took his robe off it unfolded just to make that perfectly a very hairy thing people do not know that the costume people modeled that on me but I got to approve Bob from his comeback in the day oh so this is Bob Bob you began as a probably actor some of the Broadway credits and you are on this commercial it's been my entire childhood watching for Gemini you were playing like a 21 year old like a Harvard graduate yeah Bob when it's Bentley when you Cynthia said you were in Gemini I I think you sent the email like it 1 o'clock in the morning and you'll have some two commercials I'm crazy couldn't believe Texas I read it now it was the first major Broadway commercial Danny Aiello who played my father in the show narrates it I play the lead in the play if you come to see it and I'm the only person who doesn't speak in the commercial but I was 23 years old at the time playing 21 so I was playing younger you're standing you're standing at the end of the commercial with Danielle all right yeah that's me that's me with my hands in my birthday cake being petulant yes everybody watches for us we'll be everyone in New York knows his former self 21st birthday party put forward good people our neighbor Barney am i weird take human bite hi honey Lucia I'm not hungry I'll just pick my son's friend from Loudoun and his lovely city yeah I guess the power my really Gemini is the fourth longest running non-musical in the history of Broadway it was a and no one has ever heard of it anymore but thank God for that Broadway people have I can have so many more specific questions with us have to wrap up this way I want to make sure I can sir oh yes right so hold on you've done so many fan questions over whelmed rituals RI this is from Nick Blackmore [Music] that's my ride that's mine no sorry guys any other items that you carry that you carry on you or that you do before performing oh no no items like a lucky thing or like a ritual Oh like I always go over my lines like I always kiss this thing I'll be able to shake hands hmm no we're really boring you know the second James the whole thing of acting is nothing but superstitious that's why it's so magical that's why it's so edgy that's why it's so great and that's why the Actors Fund is so crucial and everybody donating tonight one if we've got to carry on guys so that we can have our superstitions share them with you as an audience and this is part of the Marvel of life yeah the greatness thanks for having us Kate you're busy Jeri Ryan I have a question for you mm-hmm how long did it take to go to the bed nosegay what was it like transitioning personalities your performance that episode was phenomenal oh thank you um that's really fun I mean that was a really fun episode because as Tim said you know when you're kind of playing a character that all the emotion well he didn't have them but mine were just suppressed it was really fun to have the episodes where you got to sort of break out and do all kinds of things and that was I think I was a Ferengi and a Klingon and a little girl and like all different kinds of things it was really fun I mean it was it was a it wasn't really fun challenge that would that question always from Molly Nelson Robert a question for Kate from John is there anything about Captain Janeway that you would do differently looking back at the series oh no question a lot I mean it's too great to explore right now except to say that I would certainly go back and redo the first season and endow that language which was diabolically difficult with real meaning I mean we were I was terribly under the gun those were very long days and I was shot out of a veritable cannon I didn't know what I was doing and had I had the license or had I had the guts to just sort of endow her more completely with knowledge of what she was saying I would have I think felt steadier on my feet but it happened quickly it happened quickly enough yes so you guys you fully memorized scripts like Saturday Night Live people with cards over the side or anything absolutely none are you kidding do you guys remember the hardest line you had to say where I was like really technical and annoying how about a whole page or two pages of a monologue where you carry the camera for one person to the next and at the very end you put your fingers on the window and they call cut and they say Kate there's no window in space you press with your fingers there or or the candle the candle in the background is out of focus we got to do that old pair in the gate remember here in the gate hey Bob I said you one more set of donations and then we have to sort of do our little finale we have to you guys there's so much to talk about we have to have you on for second voyage of Union arrays bob bob we boutta durations oh yes I'm sorry you didn't tell me any one time all right and somebody else to ask a question give me ten seconds all right here we go all right here we go all right how college born from Ireland $51 Ashley from Virginia $15 Tom from North Carolina $75 Roxanne from California $51 you know $25 he's the biggest Voyager fan according to Ian Clara from California $10 tape from Washington $10 Michael from Massachusetts $50 Mike and Jerry in Pittsburgh $25 Andrew from California $25 $25 so thank you all you guys great and thanks to my colleagues who jumped on this and said they wanted to do it in a second because they know it's important the Actors Fund since 1872 has been taking part of taking care of people of all stripes in the performing arts and the supporting businesses around the sub of the performing arts so so thank you thank you thank you music he was in Dreamgirls and Mike bacon to haul out a song from the past so Tim people do be shocked would be the voice you have so you gotta hit it for everybody grab the guitar Tim not again I want enough 101 course cheapskate okay all right all right [Music] [Applause] join us believe you feel good now join us leave you Jesus our join us come and waste an hour or two [Music] we got magic two hearts two kings and [Applause] okay you're all so great so we're gonna say goodbye to you we really do you want to come back you're so gay so Tim excellent are the singing thank you thank you Tim everybody that's right Kate Mulgrew you're so well-spoken you are the captain of our life to you I think okay thank you all goodbye colleagues goodbye seven James goodbye actors everywhere love it Garrett I love you look like you're in a studio for 1920s I was modernized to the mm I get the coolest with like what's happening are you trading the words in the words of George Takei umma it's just a green screen just a green screen behind me that's also going on thank you so much I had a blast Roxanne Dawson do you remember your lyrics nothing nothing [Music] [Music]
Channel: Stars In The House
Views: 324,483
Rating: 4.9335108 out of 5
Id: Fo8cVby5ag4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 50sec (4010 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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