Star Trek New Voyages, 4x08, Kitumba, Subtitles

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captain's log stardate 26 23.3 urgent cryptic orders have mysteriously diverted the enterprise to space station k-7 and the disputed area with the klingon empire jim what's going on bones you know as much as we do i can tell you this much we're not the only starship that's involved we've monitored coded orders to 29 starships and 12 starfleet installations this sector's become extremely unstable since the disappearance of the organians the klingons have become increasingly active after realizing enforcement of the treaty is now problematic gentlemen let's get some answers well i don't like it this cloak and dagger stuff always manages to fill my sick bay let's get some answers gentlemen mr scott energize admiral shannon welcome aboard see you know my officers dr mccoy mr spock commander scott scotty commodore probert captain martin what's this all about sir well the klingons are about to destroy every vested to peace we have with them well there haven't been any reports of raiding or pirating in the system for quite some time well they mean pulling back gathering an attack force klingon battle groups are massing around every planet and station on the border war games are not uncommon trading tactics no no this is much bigger than anything we've ever seen how a massive attack on the federation is imminent admiral i have great respect for starfleet intelligence but trying to interpret klingon mentality captain is confirmed epsilon 9 has intercepted and authenticated a battle plant that will turn your blood cold our order sir to proceed directly to the klingon home world once there convince the emperor to give up this plan of war to chronos with one starship you're talking suicide we'll be facing the entire klingon fleet before we get apart a second of space you'll have an advantage mr scott beam over our guest what guest your best shot at arriving on chrono safely he'll give you all the details you need in order to secure a safe mission remember when the organians said that we would end up working together despite our many differences well the two of you are going to have to do just that you have to stop this war before it begins space the final frontier these are the voyages of the starship enterprise its five-year mission to explore strange new worlds to seek out new life and new civilizations to boldly go where no man has gone before captain's log supplement with war looming the enterprise has been ordered deep into klingon territory to the klingon our mission to convince their emperor to stand down our guide a klingon warrior who shows no signs of having been affected by the augment virus have none of you earthers ever seen a klingon only those genetically engineered improved with human dna this is captain james t kirk he's the commander of this ship captain this is kasha he escaped the empire at a freighter jim we picked him up on sherman's planet no klingon would ever defect and i sure as hell wouldn't trust him if he did i'm not defected nor am i working with you we merely have a mutual goal if we could reach the katumba this war can be averted captain what's a katamba not a what doctor a whom the katumba is their emperor he's a sacred ruler who rules as a god he carries the blood of kevis all of the planets peoples and battle fleets of the empire are his personal property civilized people do not own other people the history of your earth says otherwise you're a loyal slave in yet you come here ready to sell out your emperor why the katoomba is a 16 year old boy since birth he's been sheltered he's never left chronos he's scarcely more than a figurehead the real power lies with his regents warlord malekathon and his deputy khali as regent moukan ended the boy's education to get rid of kasha the more i hear of this the less i like it a klingon that would betray his own people because he's afraid of war i just don't buy this i do not fear war captain i relish it really then why don't you tell me what a klingon warrior is really afraid of a dishonorable death this is not war captain this is certain death with no purpose as formidable as the forces that mount fun has gathered the federations are no less so i know the power of your starships i fought them myself in my younger days only mutual annihilation can come from open war between us if the kitamba comes of age in the midst of such a war klingon pride will demand that you continue it bonus take mr kesha down to sickbay for an examination you question my honor captain so be it subject me to all your truth devices you will find i do not lie the empire prepares a massive strike from many directions with all our forces look we're going to a war zone would you rather i figure out your biology while i'm tending to your injuries a warrior would not need the interference of an earth doctor a tudor or peace emissary might jack you realize you're risking my in the lives of my crew on the chance that this klingon is trustworthy shaw can help you avoid patrols and open battles or he could lead us into both capturing the enterprise would allow the klingons to dissect its technology and destroy the balance of powder which is precisely why the klingons should never ever get the enterprise are we clear captain perfectly we're expendable report battle groups in sector 12 14 and 19 are in place and prepared all colonies on the border are manned and ready for battle lord malcolm good now we position our fleets to fill the void between our ships will be so numerous they'll blot out the very stars captain the talk informed us of a glorious victory lord a fleet of merchant vessels destroyed on the way to sherman's plan personal ambition kill him he's just a boy malthon with no powers no contacts and knows nothing if we waste a hundred ships guarding his sacred presence there is no place in my plan for a weak pampered boy report under to the klingon border sir steady she goes the bridge is yours we've never ventured this part of the disputed area without encountering klingon ships well with kasha's help hopefully we won't encounter any more you all know our mission and if we're to have any chance of success it's going to depend on this crew's ability to work with our guests you know i gotta hand it to him jim kasha doesn't trust us any more than we trust him but i'll be damned if he didn't sit still for every test i could think of i'm finding kasha to be more reasonable than any klingon we've encountered and much less governed by emotion than humans quite unexpected and refreshing well spock if you prefer klingons i'm sure we can arrange to leave you behind environmental we've adjusted kasha's quarters to meet his specifications and i got botany digging up all the live worms they can spare forward captain kirk i have information which will ensure we reach chronos and safety we have charts mapped during a mission of enterprise in x01 president archer's mission was over 100 years ago i offer updated charts and vital information on military posts and patrol schedules that's rather odd information for a teacher to have not for the teacher of the katumba is send this down to astrometrics captain sensors have registered a man-made object for an instant again for 2.3 seconds location 253 mark iv unable to determine range the tenant put it on the main viewer extreme mag captain there's a ghost ship and must be destroyed we've heard rumors of fast one-man ships with cloaking devices i will not reveal the defenses of the empire not even to complete this mission you might have mentioned that before we sailed into klingon space those ships are unarmed captain all power is reserved for the cloaking device then it's not much of a threat untrue captain we're in disputed space headed directly for the empire's border if he gains the power to transmit our position he will notify the feet of our intentions you cannot find it captain allow me to assist jim is this our mission to destroy every ship we need we'll be no better than the klingons we'd be replacing warfare with terrorism another contacts are two seconds captain our mission ends here if he transmits our position jim you're hunting an unarmed ship it's subspace radio as its weapon doctor i suspect plotting its course feeding to navigation follow that ship lay on a course warp back to six i see i have it approximately 200 000 kilometers mr off i need photon torpedoes timed fuses 25 000 kilometers yes take an evasive action correcting course range 100 000 closing fast we're going to overshoot it slow to impulse he's turned again he's gotta know he can't escape ship the ship broadcasting appeal to surrender surrender captain no klingon would dishonor himself so once he'd be close he will gain the power to transmit our position no response sir fifty thousand he will signal it is his duty thirty thousand photon torpedoes brought us possible spread at this range the will impact us as well jim this is murder any way you cut it fire mr sal take damage control reports resume course he died with honor his name will be remembered by his house i've never met a klingon i'd considered honorable you have not met all klingons doctor many of our great houses use the concept of honor as their guide doesn't matter what fancy excuse you give it you didn't even flinch at that man's death a small price to pay for peace doctor wasn't small to him the class m planet slightly larger than earth from cronus our sacred planet we have carried the glory of the klingon empire to star systems beyond measure by carried you mean enslaved protected captain each system we bring into the empire further guarantees the existence of all we managed to do that with mutual trade agreements clumsy and inefficient i'm sure your subjects would prefer a little inefficiency to klingon rule they have easy lives for the few laws imposed they enjoy the benefits of belonging to the empire we experience those laws and benefits first hand on argenia then you know captain it is our warriors only difficult lives for the honor of their duty they serve aboard ships without any of the luxuries you enjoy aboard the enterprise spacious cabins soft beds recreation areas we reserve our spaces for combat training areas society cannot thrive if all it does is prepare for combat we pass on values in history to our children without the aid of swimming pools and bowling alleys on our warships doctor oh well i'm surprised you make time for children those retired raise our young to the age of warrior training mothers don't raise their own children a practice not uncommon on earth in cultures where women were thought unfit to teach their sons to die sparta fueled japan captain uh keisha star charts aren't adequate they're vague from astronomy textbook ideas not a navigational program can you make it work well i've overlapped the two maps into the database and have programmed the computer to look for uncharted anomalies but still these sensors are going to have to work overtime to make sure we don't fly into anything come into the bridge kirk here i'll click on battlegroup dead ahead five ships captain older models but their weapons are fully off even the enterprise is in a match for five birds of prey battle stations captain slaughter oneplus bird of price sensors range we're on klingon territory what's it gonna be war and dishonor one of your damned military secrets this is where you make up your mind about this mission should you be unwilling to provide the range of these ship's sensors it would be unwise to continue further into klingon territory jim if you ever wanted a definition of suicide this is it six parsecs maximum unreliable beyond five on current course they will pass without coming in the sensor range stop all engines shut down all non-essential systems you admit defeat already our power down will be less likely to be spotted drifting 6.2 parsecs drifting within sensor range klingon battle group proceeding on course they're moving away when they reach a parsec's distance resume normal ship operation we wait in silence until they pass only fools don't attack but without honor are we gonna spend the entire trip hiding in the bushes well this klingon stands there and lectures us about honor honor mr scott his behavior that adheres to a clear sense of what is morally right the specifics of any given action must meet no further qualification to be in fact honorable do the ends justify the means the hiding may not be the better part of the valor dog but in this case it means we kill fewer people we shall not be hiding we shall be cleverly avoiding patrols on their known stations and how do we avoid the 100-odd ships guarding your home planet we cannot it shall be a challenge to survive the patrol's lines but sanctuary will be granted once we reach the sacred planet and this law has been upheld before no ship has ever made oh i return to headquarters to finalize the war plans i'll leave the child rearing to you it is easy now that the tudor is gone katama's father was not so simple cunning in fact until great strategy and effort one wonders whether the katamba is in truth his father's son as long as the people believe the blood of kales runs through his veins they follow him blindly oh well the ketumba serves our purposes for now verified all weapons subsystems are operating at peak efficiency we've even managed to exceed the standard complement of photon torpedoes even if we use every weapon we have it isn't going to get us through 100 klingon ships the alternative i'm almost through with the initial programming an old submarine trick in the depths of space there i see it there's a glitch an error in the reverse algorithm or they're back in the programming you have to trace it back further this sequence is incomplete i see it this maneuver isn't in the starfleet technical database you know every military tactic in the database sometimes you have to be creative oh you missed this step it's a small gap the logic subroutine will bridge those steps the first rule of security work is never assume anything the smallest detail could mean life or death i can assume russian is your native language because you speak with an accent or that i know women find accents irresistible if we don't solve the sequencing problem then we activate this device the enterprise will implode and a great fiery ball approaching the klingon home system 10 parsecs captain there is a klingon patrol on sensors range 8.2 parsecs on screen battle stations go to red alert battle stations all hands to battle station the home system guard you can't circumvent them confirm they completely surround the system rome's walls are the soldiers even the strongest walls can follow the right battery jim tell me there's a plan b we have a sensor contact commander a federation starship and lord marthon thinks us redundant identify enterprise when our ships are targeting us your plan captain speed and some good old-fashioned human ingenuity centel stacks ready when you are sir stand by two four two mark eight four factor six hi sir we can't outrun all of them how is this any better than plan a the guard will expect us to make a suicide run in hopes of reaching kronos which is exactly why we're heading for altar where the fleet is based dealt our system is 3.9 light years distant of course laid in whoa we're going where there are more ships sir there's no way then my eyes deceive me no federation captain could have come this far klingons closing up maximum shield's up arm phaser sir no divert more power to the shield we're at warp nine there's no more power to be had sign back off let them get within firing range firing range five seconds shield's at maximum i cannot hold them left forever emergency speed ram the ship down their throat out of range they're coming about prepare to alter course for chronos on my mark hi sir closing 10 seconds to range weapons now not too close and too many aim with care or of our glorious victory tell him the earth we're inside the home system controller what just happened they destroyed a decoy bones it distracted them enough to allow us to change our cores in ancient submariner maneuver the decoy emits a signal that appears to be the ship of origin a signal so overpowering that it jams sensor contact to the actual ship good work mr chekhov i owe your team a raise thank you sir well you could have told me it was plan b captain we're picking up klingon transmissions on speakers maintain present course hi sir last known course was to fleet headquarters lord knopfon all scans show negative there's no federation ship heading here we confirm they're called standard orbit open the channel lieutenant i sir on viewer this is captain james t kirk of the starship enterprise representing the united federation of planets in accordance with your laws and customs we demand sanctuary i am khali regent i will consider it we read another ship on route from altar i presume it is the real regent and that he's coming to tell you what to do sanctuary is granted thank you then may i request an audience with the ketumba so that i may assure him of our peaceful intentions if you presume too much i presume that it is the region's duty to teach the kitumba how to rule wisely malcolm will fail that duty if he denies the katumba an audience with his greatest my what an exaggerated sense of importance you possess kirk malkthon will present your request you will be told of the sacred leader's decision thank you for your most gracious consideration great if the kid says no we'll be trapped here until our supplies run out we don't have that option boats you know i'd feel a little better if our security chief was carrying real weapons the law bans modern weapons from chronos you know if you paid attention to the briefing you would know that oh but we can't carry a knife a sword a bat let the me back a taj take a couldn't look a chipset and mitsub you know sometimes you scare me woman captain a ceremonial sword will make a better impression didn't we used to cut cake with this at the academy captain i implore you again to reconsider your actions wait for the katamba's invitation keisha this boy is isolated he probably has no idea that this ship is even in orbit not don has no reason to tell him anything our meeting with him has no benefit and carries a great deal of risk come with us present us to the timber i cannot i must respect the law which now borrows me from the sacred planet it is a matter of honor captain the katumba's weekly audience is the only time he's seen in public it's our only chance to speak with them without the region's influence the katumba is quick-witted and honorable but he is a boy when he sees the face of his enemy his curiosity will force a meeting take this with you announce to the katama that you bear a gift the dagger of a klingon killed honorably in battle it'll be a message to a warrior already present then there are others working with you i do not know his face or his name however he will reveal himself to you once he sees that dagger no we came here as peace emissaries not a spies captain this warrior serves the katumba and you will find him to be your ally the success of this mission depends upon your ability to work with him would you like a cloak to go with that dagger mr spock you're in command if we fail to return from this mission the orders from starfleet command fall to you the enterprise must not be captured or fall into enemy hands i understand sir energized so uh ah human approach who are you that you dare to come before me in the uniform of my enemy i'm captain james t kirk of the starship enterprise my ship has earned the right of sanctuary on behalf of the united federation of planets i've come to pay respect to the sacred leader of the klingon people it is my hope that we can work together to avoid a conflict devastating to both of us kirk you are the federation's most annoying insect this great captain this man of legend begs for mercy before we even attack he achieved the impossible with the help of a traitor he is not worthy of the katumba's time i bring a gift a dagger taken from a klingon warrior who fell in battle i ask that i may return it in order to honor him who served the katumba so bravely i will secure this gift catumba your rash actions have endangered all that we have built each time i meet you i'm more shocked that human civilization has managed to survive this long what's going on what are you doing here kirk there's no time for that now i've got you out safely go kirk if you are the one chosen by kisha then you must speak with the katumba alone i can arrange it but not now if i do not prove to mouth on the jordaeth cronus he will hunt you and honour is not a word he understands wave my signal cut kirk twitter prize beam us up now the fourth and ninth fleets have mobilized they arrive on station in two days time draws near with the katumba seal the invasion begins all ships sensor raising communication laser on alert board kirk remains on his ship i would gladly collect his dead rotting carcass if he would simply stay there and die i trust he won't double the gods on the katumba when kirk returns he dies slowly are these disguises going to work but that's like the majority of the population answer servers and subjects and many of them look human i wasn't looking forward to facial reconstruction mr prescott you have the captain's orders if anything happens to this ship you're fired as i should be lieutenant transport will be initiated from the planet cogs jury riggers relays to send your signal through at least four different klingon ships so our transport to the planet isn't detected i don't like it if it ever got lost there's no way i could find you jim you realize you're putting your lives in the hands of a man who's tried to blow us up before peace starts with the courage to trust dr mccoy and a good sword so where's yours prepare to beam down the signal should be coming through soon we have the coordinates getting a little too old for space travel kirk do not push me kirk i have no stomach for working with the enemy neither do i but we don't have any choice i am free to leave her at any time yuka got trapped really then why are you still here there are some things in this universe more important than my personal ambitions never thought i'd hear a klingon say that he's lying you know nothing of klingons kisha did well to bring you here although i did not expect it to be the enterprise we both know that the enterprise is the only ship that could have made it this far you usually run from death coke not embrace it and you usually breed it not stop it despite our differences gentlemen i think we can all agree there is nothing to be gained by a war that ends in mutual annihilation no we do not i welcome battle with kirk i embrace a war of endless victories and glories but not this war and not now kirk know that meltdown has issued orders to the strike groups there wait only the word to act the region wields the power but it belongs to the katumba only he seal can start this war and there is nothing to stop malcolm from seeking it we should take out malkfire he's death that's an earth's hand we'll only start the war you seek to prevent no klingon could get close on a front assassination kirk you must convince the katumba not to sanction this war before mountain obtains a seal i have a plan kirk but we're going to need a private audience with the katumba there may be a wake hey often frequents his tavern come on peter we need a distraction i'm on it he is unknown without his ceremonial robes there are secret passages out of the palace you are surprised kurt that a klingon teenager acts like a teenager no not upslams hey you look like a singer the enemy captain katumba this will earn you death you take great risks arthur the cost of doing nothing makes risk a sane man's only choice you seek risk i have heard of kirk if you've heard of me then you know that i seek peace katumba i'm asking you to stop this war before it begins otherwise the galaxy will descend into chaos and the fighting will be endless on behalf of your own people stop this now how dare you bring this earther performing with talk of peace we do not prepare for war you ask us to lower our defenses to invite attack by the federation the federation would never strike first but we'll defend ourselves if necessary we do not prepare for war knockthon prepares for war in your name malcolm makes no such plans i was afraid you might say something like that enterprise now see i've come for the katumba seal we launch tomorrow my lord a full search has been completed everyone has been questioned we will the katama's not in the palace the guards are being tortured they don't know where he is stop the torture kill them sector gamma alpha five nine battle groups preparing to attack four federation colonies these are ghost ships in the disputed area their espionages told you that these are research colonies there is no glory in conquering unarmed outposts you do not understand my people forest colonization is not unique to the empire belief in government superiority or envy and resources and energy inspires such a logic our energy is generated on our moon praxis it keeps the sacred planet pristine for all to enjoy relying on an outside resource for all your energy needs unwise it is easy for the federation they have one people one mind i have many and their ways battle against each other it is the nature of my empire and nature doesn't change easily do you write your own propaganda or simply believe in it you live teacher i am pleased i was told you erased your dishonor by causing your own death forgive me i choose to restore my honor by action rather than death i brought your enemies to you that you may know the truth malchon plans a war that will destroy your people and bring an end to the empire of chaos i hear my father's voice through you teacher and i listen they know you're missing and we've got to take you back you'll escort the catula now no no it is not time may we speak alone of course you've done well keisha you remain committed to the course i do kirk serves our purpose and you've convinced him well his righteousness is his undoing you have less honor than a giraffe kirk it will be my pleasure to make you pay for your receipt later we're copper the katumba so are you captain the search patrols are everywhere back inside where we found him distract his companion do you have a problem with that ensign no sir fools where's peter he's a cat peter's still distracting how to get a medal for that take them to the palace dungeon at least the katama kept us out of the actual dungeon and i don't know that i got through to him one thing's for certain our involvement here is going to force melathon's hand if we stop this war another one follows right behind it no the klingon empire is just a massive warring factions dozens of great houses each with its own agenda and the population is dividing up throwing itself into camps along family lines battling in the streets this isn't sparta this isn't feudal japan this is medieval england when rome fell the country was divided into all these feudal states each one of them vying for control complete chaos how did they solve it a boy pulled a sword from a stone fairy tales aren't going to help these people now peter arthur was real he did unite england for a time the knights and their codes now that was fiction you know some of the great houses follow a similar code they place honor above all else others value victory by any means and at any cost we can't allow the wrong people to take over we can be facing an empire of savage ruthless killers while they're in chaos we should exert ourselves to make sure a proper government is in place teach them democracy give them values better lives sorry peter good intentions usually lead to imperialism we have one mission here people and that's to stop a war whatever political intrigue these people have in mind for us we're not going to get involved is that understood they're lying about their motives keisha and the katoma's reunion were staged to get our sympathy believe me they have their own agenda and whatever it is it's not to stop a war kark he speaks of honor and he still betrayed us because somehow lieutenant in his mind betraying us was the honorable thing to do kill them hold these are my prisoners i decide how to dispose of them they harm the sacred leaders person the penalty is dead do you see harm to me go all of you thank you that wouldn't have been an honorable death you are a very strange human well the federation believes in honor as well we've learned that through our differences we can come together kisha taught that one must see what lies beyond appearance but i cannot see who you are captain i'm a man who sees no honor in you fighting a war that will destroy your empire don't give in to this madness secret leader malphone asks an audience he has glorious news oh where are my gods who you are coax balkan and you weapons officer tell me spock are you also careless in your ship's holiday play four of our crew beamed down the meat with you now they're missing they are prisoners in the sacred palace convicted of kidnapping the katumba and violating sanctuary their trial was swift i didn't know the vulcans had a sense of humor they'd better be alive the kitumba seems amused by them but malcolm is in control of mrs cook dead his forces have begun to move into the city i know you want captain kirk dead but even you must realize that he is instrumental in stopping this suicidal war you misjudge me vulcan i want kirk dead by my hand not executed like some vermin the palace is not open to malthus troops it is the only safe place for earthers today convenient how many operatives do you have in the city none for your purposes you will take us the captain what did you do to the katoma i left him in your care he's worse off now than when kesha had him it's the federation enemies and i haven't been able to determine what devices they used on his mind execute them they are under the protection of the katampa they are not under my protection you wield the katamba's power you have no power of your own without the katumba seal this victory over the federation dies bring me the sword of kirk spot i've got the door commander we're pleased to find you all in good health captain the kitumba has refused to apply his seal to the war plants meltdown is now desperate and a desperate klingon is a dangerous one kirk you are all in great danger malfun has sent cali to ulta your life is perfect you must prepare to defend yourself he's the sacred leader and a descendant of caylos himself no klingon's ever going to harm him my father was young and mysteriously died only months after malcolm was appointed warlord we have to get him to the enterprise to safety hide on an enemy vessel kirk i cannot rule on an enemy vessel that's orbiting the sacred planet no but you have a hundred in orbit take command over one of them and defy milk fun it will not work malcolm removed kelly as a threat and will come for the seal again he will know where he is immediately not if they think the kitumba is still here mr spock is about the same heightened build with a cloak no one would know the difference i can modulate my voice into a reasonable facility of the kitumbas it will gain you the necessary time give spock your cape i'm offering you a chance to take your life and your empire back take it lieutenant ahura take command of the landing party and get back to the enterprise at once you've had time to study the plans and consider the consequences of your actions apply your seal now the plan lord malkhthon poses many dangers i question it the dangers are to your enemies only the prisoners see they've escaped find them the cries of the patak have poisoned your mind in the name of chaos i restore the glory of the empire george the human captain has killed the katoma execute them now you stay in god the sacred prisons kirk enterprise medical emergency beam us up now mockthon on course for altar warp factor four bones how's he doing i'm doing everything i can jim war begins captain i am thought deaden must counter manned mouth on in person a klingon ship without orders cannot draw close enough for transport but a federation ship could with a large enough diversion i command but a fraction of the vessels melt on duska timber but they are at your disposal they're going to notice a federation starship in the middle of the klingon fleet not if they can't see us they learn of a cloaking device would suffice cotton it'll have to be routed to the defacto shields if it fails allow me captain as you wish sacred leader you know karg leak looks pretty comfortable in your chair spot mr spock a minor repair the sword struck no vital organs vulcan physiology deadhead captain it looks like the klingon fleet my lord a battle force for 100 ships is approaching no orders on record activate planetary defense systems uprising heal them james t kirk the murderer of our sacred leader has been executed he's shipped destroyed the protector fleet of the sacred leader now comes to alta where his region now resides our fleet is ready to deploy for battle i have no need for babysitters we are honored with the sacred duty to guard the ketumba an honor which we have carried for longer than your house has existed mountain you will not dissuade us from our duty then take your leisurely orbit around the outer planet and do not disturb the warriors who glorify the empire as you command my lord i haven't seen driving that bad since i stole a corvette as a kid get us within transporter range before the confusion dies hi sir 30 seconds it is my duty to lead the attack you can't if you die malphine will win mr spock if we should fail on this mission make the destruction of this ship count understood sir energize cox fleet has cleared my lord wait i'm arena transporter intruders sound the alarm warriors traders have invaded all time that's one i order you two uh yes bend me up traitors have invaded ulta they have schemed to murder the sacred leader and advance their own power as your kitumba i hereby order all klingon battlefleets to stand down and return to base the plans for this war are faulty and it diminishes us modern weapons do not touch the hand of the ketuma it is the law i am the law i am the kitumba since my ascendance you and those that follow you have treated me as a subject malcon has spilled the blood of chaos assassinated two who bore the sacred power one you live the kitumba lives i do not fear death and fear life malcolm you and the house of duras will be forever marked by dishonor then i live to see you die again so i give you a challenge traitor you and all those like you who would seek to diminish the power of the descendants of kalas i order kisha to form a government for me and i name him as my high chancellor i charge him to bring together all the leaders of the great houses and to re-establish the high council if there is to be fighting among you let it take place in the council chamber from this day forward the klingon empire will be governed by honor and i name karg the great house of mokai as my warlord and i charge him to protect my borders against those who would violate my sacred territory and to spread the glory and the honor of the klingon empire to the betterment of those i own captain kirk you have violated sanctuary but the kitumba grants you a reprieve karg will see that you have safe passage to the empire's borders do not enter my space again or you will be destroyed there's a fundamental problem in setting up an honorable government by means of treachery you knew i was using you for my own purposes yes and i used your purposes to stop this war let the boy emperor know that the federation is not one of his playthings not now not ever be gone arthur approaching disputed area captain we're being hailed by the dark destroyer on screen lieutenant kirk i returned to safety as ordered then i guess this is goodbye now that you're warlord i'm sure we won't see you again on the contrary i should have a fleet to my back when next we meet until then kept until then you realize that we unknowingly provided him with the complete readout of every ship in the grenada empire he'll need all the help he can get more lord just means he's a bigger target yeah but you have to admit it was a brilliant move for the katama to set up a parliamentary government and a way for the great houses to fight amongst themselves still doctor lasting change has to be something that comes from within something you're willing to work the klingons are warriors by nature i would predict that this is just the beginning of a new era of internal struggle all the battle philosopher keeps them fighting in their own borders still it would be interesting to see the klingon empire 100 years from now now you can keep your interest i'll be glad i'm not going to be around mr chekhov set a course for space station k7 helm warp vector 6. captain's log stardate 7713.6 massive explosion ripped apart thousands of kilometers of the planet's surface i don't know what happened scotty doesn't know what happened that's why i need to talk with her i have to be part of the investigation i need to be with all due respect you aren't listening to me those people were my colleagues my friends it was not an accident then it was sabotaged jim she's most uncommon votes captain that was an incredibly stupid thing to do ah you're welcome what am i so incompetent that i didn't see a black market operating right under my nose or i'm just playing stupid you are going way over the top on this over the top i have barely left the launch pad all hands right alert raise shields standby phasers you so so you
Channel: startreknewvoyages
Views: 1,521,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Trek: Phase II (TV Program), Star Trek (Fictional Universe), Kitumba, star trek: new voyages, Star Trek: Phase 2, Star Trek: TOS, Captions, Subtitles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 33sec (3933 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2014
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.