Star Trek Legacy WILL HAPPEN and Here's Why...

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if you're one of the Star Trek fans who just  finished watching Picard season 3 and thought   wait what that's it I want more Star Trek in the  25th Century then we have some good news for you   while nothing has been greenlit and there are  no announcements as of now for more Star Trek   in the Picard timeline we're going to just come  out and say it that's right take it from the guys   who watched all of Picard season 3 almost four  months before the show came out I mean there we   were on the Paramount lot sifting through Jonathan  Frank's trash with only binoculars and sensitive   sound equipment when we happen to see the whole  season through an open window into someone's   office could have happened to anyone back to the  point our intense observation skills combined   with several key incidents as well as what we are  hearing from normal channels makes us believe that   Star Trek in the 25th Century or Star Trek Legacy  is definitely happening and we are going to share   all of the signs that we believe prove it what  do we know a lot so you don't want to miss this   episode and if you haven't already subscribed to  our Channel please do so now and give us a thumbs   up if you want more honest pop culture like  this and make sure you stay tuned to the end   to see how to get this awesome Star Trek Legacy  design from The Amazing artists at so then will it be you've probably heard  the name Star Trek Legacy bouncing around   the internet since March 22nd it's trended on  Twitter and Tick Tock multiple times the name   Star Trek Legacy was coined by Star Trek  Picard season 3 showrunner Terry matalis   when he was asked what he would name a show  continuing the current story if he was asked   to do it in a tweet he called it a spin-off show  from Star Trek Picard a 25th Century show that   explores the last generation and the next this  hit Twitter about eight hours before episode 6   was released by Paramount plus and of course that  episode titled the Bounty showcased a federation   Fleet museum with Star Trek ships that spanned  all 50 plus years of the franchise no Trek fan   would have ever expected to see all those ships  on the same screen together ever following that   episode would be the first time Star Trek Legacy  trended on Twitter and it's where we find our   first piece of evidence that Star Trek Legacy  will happen after the matalis tweet and the   following fan react action CBS wasted no time  buying the domain name we   know because we checked following matalis tweet  the name had been for sale by a private owner   for five thousand dollars the very next day CBS  Studios Inc published the domain name and moved   it to the name servers why would  the studio do this if they had no plans to make   Star Trek Legacy and let's be clear up until  this point there were absolutely no plans for   metals to do any Star Trek shows following Picard  and that isn't a huge surprise considering Picard   was always supposed to go only three seasons  but even following the purchase of the domain   name sources said all was Quiet on the Western  Front despite a fantastic Premiere and five   solid weeks of shows that had fans Whispering  this might be the best season of Star Trek in   20 plus years insiders were reporting that Star  Trek Legacy in any name was colder than Siberia   so you're telling me there's a chance but we  believe this was likely the point that the studio   was beginning to realize Legacy would have to be  dealt with and as it turns out there was a pretty   good reason why they were quiet about Star Trek  after Picard it got in the way of their plans but   you know what they say best laid plans only three  weeks before Legacy was born Star Trek discovery's   cancellation had been announced fans of that  show were not happy about it and Picard season   3 success may have been a little salt in the wound  the studio would not want to hide more Trek in the   25th Century right after canceling Trek in the  32nd Century I mean they had plans all along to   continue Trek following Discovery but they weren't  ready to release that news yet and why wouldn't   you wait for say first Contact Day in only a few  short weeks to announce a discovery spin-off duh   it's a Star Trek Legacy it was becoming a problem  some crazy YouTubers started a petition   and every new site covering entertainment was  trying to plot out what a Picard spin-off show   would look like and the only thing fans seem to  have on their minds is that Picard season 3 should   never end Terry matalis Mania was starting to set  in with fans who felt like he had the pulse of   what Star Trek should be moving forward to say the  studio didn't see this coming is an understatement   fans didn't know where Alex kurtzman found this  guy but he was perfect for Star Trek the problem   was how do you hype the next Star Trek show you've  been planning for more than a year when the chance   for Star Trek Legacy keep getting louder well the  answer is you don't wait until no one can hear you   hey so only a week after matalis announced his  theoretical Legacy show Paramount drops the news   on a Starfleet Academy show never before had  March 30th been so eventful for Star Trek why   didn't the studio wait six more days to announce  Academy on First Contact day when fans are most   primed for news because they needed to change  the news cycle sooner than expected Discovery   fans were grumbling and Picard fans were getting  louder the announcement of Academy immediately   appeases Discovery fans and would quiet the chance  for Star Trek Legacy or so they believed and let's   be clear it's not that they don't want a Star  Trek Legacy show it's that it's not part of the   plans they've been developing for a long time  no one saw matalis coming in and making waves   like this with the third season of Picard but  instead of quieting calls for a new matala show   The Academy announcement was like a speed bump  for the monster truck sized fan excitement for   Star Trek Legacy yeah hell yeah then on April  14th Picard season news dropped that no one saw   coming and it would be a game changer but before  we tell you about that game-changing news please   help us keep the lights on by listening to a quick  message about this video sponsor bespoke post is   an exciting monthly membership club delivering  a box of awesome top shelf goods from under the   radar Brands it's free to join and you can skip  a month or cancel anytime we love bespoke post   because ninety percent of the products come from  small Brands many of which are based right here   in the United States for example the American  barbecue rub in the carnivore box is made by   the Great American Spice company in Rockford  Michigan every month bespoke post introduces   members to cool new products that include outdoor  gear barware home and kitchen goods clothing and   more they even have live oysters everything you  get is based on a preference quiz that you fill   out when you become a member each box of awesome  has around seventy dollars worth of goods inside   but costs you only a fraction of the value you  get a box of awesome assigned to you and before   it shipped you'll get a preview of what's to come  so you can keep it swap it for a different box   or even skip the month entirely for no charge  you only pay for what you want we really like   the siphon box that includes a cool and different  way to make coffee as well as the park box which   has the perfect chair on the go to get 20 off  your first box of awesome click the link in the   description and enter the popcast 20 at checkout  or go to backslash thepopcast20   right after this video you'll be glad you did  contractor no I will not bow to any sponsor   the news that no one saw coming on April 14th was  Nielsen's top 10 rated original programming shows   and Star Trek Picard was number nine this was a  Star Trek first for Nelson and only the second   time for Paramount plus who had the Yellowstone  spin-off 1923 cracked the top 10 as well and   what makes this even more impressive is that  most of the other shows above Picard were on   streamers like Netflix and Disney plus who have  significantly more subscribers than Paramount   and what made this interesting is the numbers were  taken around the fourth episode of the series and   the show's popularity only grew more from there we  believe it's at this moment Paramount Executives   began to realize they weren't going to be able  to ignore Star Trek in the 25th Century what's   going on I don't know if that damn thing's getting  bigger and it's also about this time that what we   were hearing from inside sources became more about  what we weren't hearing the constant chatter about   there being nothing to report stopped altogether  in no way does this mean the studio was prepared   to Green Light Star Trek Legacy but it's more like  likely things went from not going to happen to   hold up we need to talk about this wait what did  you just say the one thing that we can say for   sure is that this is the most the human Collective  has hyped up Star Trek in decades and Paramount   wasn't about to let rampant fan excitement go away  without getting some mileage from it Whispers of   the Picard season 3 finale being played on  IMAX had been around for weeks but news on   it officially broke April 10th live fan screenings  would take place at 10 participating IMAX theaters   in major cities around the country in for a  penny in for a pound Paramount also dropped   the announcement of a Star Trek section 31 movie  The Day Before the IMAX event takes place kudos to   Paramount public relations for dominating the news  cycle while some people saw this as distracting   from a Star Trek Legacy show we think it was just  an opportunity to ride the wave and capitalize on   the excitement but the real proof that Star Trek  Legacy will happen is what happened during the   IMAX event kurtzman while being interviewed by Fox  La was asked about the fan outcry for Star Trek   Legacy his response was anything is possible we've  heard the fans loud and clear there's obviously   more story to tell so we'll see many people have  been focusing on the fact that he seems perturbed   during the interview reading that he doesn't like  Star Trek Legacy but we don't see it that way at   all look at his words loud and clear there's  obviously more story to tell these are not the   words you use when you're trying to avoid doing  something here's the problem how does he squeeze   in a Star Trek Legacy Show when he already has a  Full Slate of shows to do we have to remember that   in February Paramount announced that its streaming  would reach a peak in 2023 which means they expect   to stream less shows in 2024 they have to cut  back in order to turn a profit now that doesn't   mean they have to cut back Star Trek but when you  consider that the franchise is already putting   out 50 weeks of new content each year it doesn't  leave a lot of room for another show well Picard   is ending so that leaves a show opening right it  doesn't because the plan wasn't to Place Picard   with another series it was to replace it with a  series of movies and miniseries strange new worlds   lower decks Prodigy and Starfleet Academy would  account for 40 weeks with the movies and special   miniseries making up the other 10 weeks of content  the movies and special miniseries would actually   save the studio money so this leaves no room for  an entirely new series so kurtzman's response   during the interview was more likely frustration  at not being able to squeeze another sardine into   the already full can kurtzmann has no problem  changing direction when fans clearly voice what   they want when captain pike stole the show during  Discovery season 2 fans began calling loudly for   a captain Pike's spin-off series a  petition was started by fans and when it reached   nearly thirty thousand signatures kurtzman  came out and said the fans have been heard   loud and clear sound familiar guess what the Star petition is as of this video   still don't think Star Trek Legacy is coming  then how about this follow following the iMac   screening in Los Angeles kurtzman metallis and  our other Star Trek Legends took the stage for   a q a the moderator Begins by asking kurtzman  about metallis and what they had planned going   into season three kurtzman said that Terry was the  perfect person to do it on so many levels because   I think he understands at the deepest level  as a fan as an audience member as someone who   just knows track like the back of his hand exactly  what you want to feel and how you want to feel it   when you bring everybody back in short kurtzman  said he felt that they were in great hands with   him this is lavish praise that we have never  heard before from Alex especially about Terry   we attended the premiere and the only thing he  had to say at that time was Terry did a good   job and frankly it didn't feel like he meant it  maybe he was having a bad day maybe he didn't   think Picard season 3 would blow up the way it  did but the way he spoke about him for episode   1 and episode 10 were night and day and matalis  deserve to hear every word of it the bottom line   is you don't refer to him as someone who is the  perfect person to make Trek who knows Trek like   the back of his hand and knows exactly how to make  the audience feel and not give that guy more Star   Trek and you certainly don't say it publicly  to the whole world and then put him on the Last   Train to Clarksville and if all of that doesn't  convince you that some form of Star Trek Legacy   is coming we'll give you one more example at the  end of the IMAX q a the moderator makes a bold   statement he says I have a feeling especially  Captain seven for gonna see how robot where it   starts with the cup with these people and at that  moment metallis interrupts him and says there is   one more person he wants to mention and if you're  paying close attention it sounds as if matalis is   stopping him from saying whatever he is about  to say next people who were at the event said   it sounded like the moderator was about to make  an announcement and he was cut off was he about   to spill the beans on Star Trek Legacy what did he  mean by this isn't over and I have a feeling we'll   be seeing a lot more of Captain seven and these  people on the stage we don't know for certain what   was about to be said but the one thing we can say  is that something feels like it is cooking behind   the scenes and all of our pop cast Spidey senses  are telling us that in some shape or form Star   Trek Legacy is going to happen an outstanding  showrunner Terry matalis is going to be a part   of it what could this mean honestly chances of it  being a full-on show with 10 episode seasons is   probably unlikely Paramount has painted itself  into a corner but what that does leave us with   is movies and a limited run series could matalis  continue telling his story over the course of a   couple of movies or a limited series absolutely  and based on the success of that material could   it end up replacing one of the other shows at  the end of their run absolutely in our opinion   it's not a matter of if but when but what do you  think does the evidence point to a new Star Trek   Legacy with Terry matalis or was this all we'll  see of the next next Generation would you like   to see Q testing Jack as he once did Picard as the  Enterprise heads out on a new five-year Mission or   is it time to put the story to rest let's talk  about it in the comments below and if you're   excited about the idea of more Star Trek in the  25th Century created by showrunner Terry matalis   head over to and sign the petition add  your name to the list of nearly thirty thousand   fans who want to see more and don't forget our  Star Trek Legacy design in our store get 20 off   your purchase by using coupon code the popcast  the link is in the description below [Music] thank you [Music]   foreign
Channel: The Popcast
Views: 297,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek Legacy, Terry Matalas
Id: u077hALfUY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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