Star Citizen added some SERIOUS sleek speed! (Mirai Pulse First Impressions)

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welcome to the start of the video this is what you're going to see today hey there guys how's it going welcome back to some more Star Citizen today we're going to be checking out the new uh marai pulse which is a really small hence the really small ship here a little hover bike and when I say bike it actually looks very much like a like a motorbike so I'm quite excited there's two variants so we're going to be checking them out today and um yeah of course kick back relax uh we've got loads coming up on the channel so if you're interested in the new Invictus week which is massive event in Star cities in lots of new ships I say lots I think there's a few um lots of things check out make sure you subscribe it's going to be pretty busy over here on the channel but yeah anyway um let's get on and as I understand it it's night time so we're going to head over to a Mining facility to spawn them in so we can look at them in daylight and they'll look great so yeah that's what we're doing today and I'm going to actually get in my seat kind of ran downstairs immersive mode oh my word that looks great oh love it look at this beautiful day it's a beautiful day no I can't do that copyright damn it don't worry no one's going to copyright that it's terrible singing oh man One update one thing about this update actually is the new Cloud Tech um it looks absolutely beautiful and I love it oh it looks like it's a bit stormy down here today that's fine uh where are the areas where you can spawn on this side here we go landing GE yeah we'll just park right outside make life easy wow beautiful micro deck immersion right let's go and have a little look so here we go morai pulse marai pulse LX so there's two variants there's the morai pulse which you'll see in a minute which is the one with the gun on and then the LX is like the racing variant now I believe let me just double check while I'm here uh there's a giveaway there's a giveaway uh cig very kindly sent me one to give away to one of you uh the I'm going to read it out I'll take a screen actually while I'm here I'll put it up on the screen so you can see it the community 3.23 community giveaway pulse and freelancer miss so it contains two ships which is kind of cool so it's the just the pulse not the racing variant and the freelancer both of which have lifetime insurance which is really nice um so I will give that to one of you um so yeah you're welcome anyway let's get the pulse out it is a combat as you can see Focus combat racing um and what I really want to do well I want to check it out but I kind of want to do like a bunker Mission or something with it cuz I think you can fit it through the doors your has which is hilarious oh my word look at it it's tiny holy that's small all right hang on way smaller than I thought it was I can't see a Blooming Thing can we just stop the storm Chris turn it off it's so small it's tiny oh wow oh I love that though it's interesting because like you see the videos cig make and stuff and it just doesn't do it justice sometimes and this is one of those ships like it is absolutely tiny absolutely looks like it could have two wheels on it FYI cig I want the ranger give me a motorbike hang on you know what we could put it in the ship actually love it w that's nice you got like the motorbike handlebars uh okay let's turn it on oh look at it oh I love the sound it makes okay oh I love it it's so good there we go there we go sweet went in like a charm actually wow wow wow wow wow wow look how easily it fits in here guys it's and there's plenty of room as well I got to say I really like this lighting effect on the front the headlight I suppose you got that mean Gatling gun which I believe is like a lake a Gatling gun which is kind of interesting got some really nice um angles and stuff I really like it it's kind of weird though it kind of looks like it's like two hands you know you know when you've seen like that anime and they're like pow no one's seen that but okay never mind um you got some really nice handlebars here it definitely has that motorbike silhouette uh which I'm a huge fan actually nice looking rear jet booster thing some nice aerodynamics there o hang on storage wow so the actual seat pops up that's awesome hang on can I put a beverage in here let's do that ah nice I love that yeah you got the foot pegs it looks like it would take a plion kind of which is interesting open what's this what is that nice animation but I don't know what that's for as for the fuel maybe kind of looks like a fuel thing what the freak just okay what that's mad how the heck did they fit that all in it's like literally components and nothing else okay that animation is crazy what how did that even work this is the sort of thing I really love about Star Citizen details like that that's nuts is there another one oh my word this thing is just nutty lovely if I go around the other side is there another there is another one okay so they've managed to put we have to go around this side for this one it's amazing they actually managed to put the components physically in the machine and somehow make it look Sleek so it's kind of like grounded in the physical size of all these components nice got a nice seat there actually you know what let's take this out and uh try and find a nice spot where it's not too stormy so we can actually appreciate the darn thing after many hours of surging Microtech I finally stumbled upon somewhere where there wasn't a storm I could get back to taking a tour of my new favorite hover bike all right okay let's have a little look this looks like a perfect spot for hover bikes completely flat no storm absolutely love it oh I love the noise woohoo uh it seems to be stuck in the ground a little bit there we go oh my word look at this thing I really like it let's check out the Gatling on here heck yeah man okay that's pretty sweet how fast does it go that is my question let's turn off to couple mode full speed we don't need brakes oh my word what the woo oh my word that looks incredible how fast does it go though that is my question um who ow G right um hang on let's just grab my tractor beam here there we go it's going to self right are we are we do we do that now oh my word you absolutely oh I love the Gatling gun on the front that's so unnecessary but I love it okay okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa steady oh man so how is it to like go around corners and stuff cuz obviously that's pretty important I really really like the styling of it obviously it comes in different colors and variations as well whoa hold up hold up I don't think I've seen the birds yet just whiz past them that's pretty cool turn the power off nice I got to say that does look really nice though wait I can grab them that doesn't seem right no no no no no you're coming with me sir I don't think it's actually doing anything is it working nah it doesn't work what if I shoot one I'm such a terrible person they look cool though I feel bad but also just want to kind of check one out store what am I storing here what if we just grabbed it can I use my new ship as a table no come on please behave hey there we go we get a proper look at it now oh man that's uh that's really something m l this is definitely one of those vehicles in the game where there are no bad angles of it like I really love the aerodynamics of the back I love the Gatling gun on the front w a that's cool right okay you know what this thing feels fast who whoa whoa whoa whoa hey that's neat man all right you know what we got to do oh that's a good screenshot right there hold up hey I you know what we got to do though we've had some like it's obviously very fast um but what we need to do here is obviously test it out against uh bunkers so I'm going to see if I can find a mission here okay you know what I might do here cuz it's kind of I remember this uh location it's kind of like in the middle of some mountains here and so what I might do is just land up this mountain and kind of go down with the uh pulse that might be quite a neat idea yeah there's a nice little spot also look awesome when I look over the edge what you Reon nice wait who W whoa whoa whoa whoa we're not going to fall down the cliff are we no we're good cool yeah let's uh have a little look here one moment ship oh wow let's have a look over the mountain oh no we had loads of space for the cliff I it felt like I was really close so wow look at that mountains hello you know what I was going to walk to the edge but I feel like we're nowhere close to the edge so let's just take the bike all right out we go nice let's have a little look shall we all right so what we don't want to do is like launch ourselves off off the mountain Edge yeah this would have taken me ages to kind of wander down here there we go slowly oh my word that looks awesome right where are we going uh there's that one down there and I believe where we're going is down there yeah there's already someone parked down there which is kind of useful this suddenly feels like a bad idea okay there's where we're going I can see it now I don't want to there we go all right here we go we made it yay cool nice no why why why when I say yay we made it do you immediately explode it's genuinely been half an hour since I was last at this location I'm mad I went to go and put a marai in the back of this ship it does fit you'll see that in a minute but I I went to the garage on Microtech and I exploded second time and I wasn't recording but I definitely swore very loudly because I have I just this game is so punishing when you die it really is and when you die a second time before you even got back to what you were doing it hurts a lot um but as I said we are here now so let's continue with the video okay so as you can see the marai pulse does actually fit in here can I move it with this tract to be yes I can okay cool it was a pretty tricky look at that fits anywhere guys all right um whoa who whoa pilot seat let's freaking go engine on all right I'm going to take this so slow Ely you have no idea because if I die before I even get down in the bunker again I might cry okay surely we are going so slow okay just take it easy game okay um my body must be down here somewhere oh that was close um we'll look for that later right now I've got things to do so does it oh look are you are you kidding me there's already a Mori pulse down there that's hilarious someone had the exact same idea in we go oh my word this is hilarious oh ow it's very sensitive okay right I will have to get off of it uh Sub Zero let's get back on I'm quite excited by this turn the engine on I hope the enemy is ready okay no hello yeah so I've put the speed limit on to help me here um hello aha yeah that works there's no audio right now why this is the best moment I'm going to quickly jump in here so I'm going to put in some audio for the video cuz it would sound cool so if you hear me complain about no audio that's because I've superimposed it over the top you're welcome yeah so I've put the speed limit on to help me here um hello aha yeah that works there's no audio right now why this is the best moment game this is not the time to glitch out yes you can't get me I'm afraid coming I get shot in the back no no no no no no no no no let me turn around no oh God this is terrible no I'll run him over where are you oh why is there no audio it would have been so much cooler oh God it's okay dealt with oh hello okay yep three left okay we're good a man the fact the audio for the bike is like glitched out is such a shame cuz this would have been hilarious I mean this works brilliantly kind of it's not the best it's not I wouldn't do this all the time but for the memes pretty perfect welcome to the start of the video this is what you're going to see today nice okay so there we go I recorded the intro there that was the last guy as well um one thing we do need to do though is actually go and have a look at the racing variant so I'm going to take this back to my uh Avenger and can I hit buttons while I'm on this oh that would make my life so much easier all right here it is the marai pulse LX in this lime green wow that actually does look pretty sick okay yeah no that's quite nice very cool hang on take a juicy screeny of that so on the front here rather than the Gatling gun oh the light's different as well hold up can I like zoom into that let me just hit the focus button so I think that's like rows of Lins oh that's nice actually I really like like I really appreciate nice LEDs on like bikes and cars and stuff don't know about you guys that's like a weird thing maybe but yeah man the green is kind of nice um so yeah rather than the Gatling gun you have this extra intake and I didn't really get to mention it before and I'll I'll load it up again but I really like the small little details on these ships like the little looks like air cooling I mean it would be like oil I guess oil cooled I don't know it doesn't really matter but man it looks nice though probably got the same opening mechanics as the previous yeah same storage compartment which was cool to see like before and then now hang on how do we open the top there it is yeah so you got all your components there looking good but how does it ride let's have a look oh that's sweet is it obviously you got like mechanical buttons as well um I find it odd in Star Citizen how so many of the ships and vehicles have self-destruct button like probably the closest button that's odd to me but hey you might need that let's go down to the L here I mean a lot of people I don't know how many people are going to use these kind of vehicles like all the oh my word that was close all the time um but with the grav L racing becoming a mode I definitely see people kind of learning to use these really well and optimally I suppose um they are a lot of fun but at at the moment like Mission wise they don't really have a huge amount of use aside from kind of what you saw me do earlier but I don't know if I would recommend that for the daily oh yeah it's just cool isn't it screenshot oh man whoa oh my word that turned you see that I thought I was going to die then 100% no oh dude okay wow this thing really turns I don't know if I noticed that before and I don't know if it's specific to this one yeah wow this thing really good um [Laughter] okay all right I don't know what happened there micro textile citiz and stuff I suppose um there's the new ship the new vehicle sorry the morai pulse looks really awesome um I feel like there's still maybe it's just desync or something I don't know what happened there the ship just exploded um there's been a few times where it's and and it's not specific to the marai PSE uh the X1 kind of did the same um it's hover vehicles in general there's something about like them colliding with the ground and it just exp I don't know what it is so what we need guys and let me know in the comment section if you agree is the Ranger because that touches the ground and we can see where we are I want that motor bike guys I want it um but yeah no it's been fun apart from dying a few times um I'll see you next time bye-bye
Channel: Olli43
Views: 37,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star citizen, star citizen 3.23, star citizen game, star citizen gameplay, star citizen 2024, sc, olli43, star citizen 3.23 live, star citizen update, star citizen alpha, star citizen upgrade, starcitizen, Mirai Pulse, Mirai Pulse LX, star citizen bike
Id: R8H_lr49xvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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