Standard & Isolation Precautions Droplet Vs Airborne Precautions Nursing NCLEX, RN & LPN

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[Applause] [Music] i know droplet and airborne precautions can get a little confusing so user memory tricks pimp for droplet precautions and mtv for airborne precautions so just think you're on air with mtv like music television and think of pimp my ride like that old tv show when you're dropping your lowrider really low so for droplet precautions p is for pertussis i is for influenza that normal flu every year m is for meningitis specifically bacterial and p is for pneumonia basically pneumonia and for airborne precautions m is for measles t is for tb tuberculosis and v is for varicella now a lot of test questions come from ppe here so write this down for droplet precautions number one is surgical mask and goggles and number two is a single room now ati mentioned that we teach unlicensed personnel to wear a mask and for airborne precautions the number one thing is staff must wear n95 masks the patient has to be in a negative pressure room the door must be closed and here is a tricky one write this down when you're transporting the patient the patient must wear a surgical mask now a few different textbooks had different things to say about this but overall surgical mask was the most recommended when a patient leaves the room so guys write that down not n95 but surgical mask now a little side note here don't let the nclex trick you here with those fundamental questions when you're putting on and taking off ppe you like that did you well click here and get access to over a thousand fun visual videos 300 study guide cheat sheets and a massive quiz bank loaded with detailed rationales to test your knowledge neatly organized in our new app click here to get started for free [Music] so when you put on or dawn ppe just think the gown goes first the mass second goggles and then lastly gloves and it's almost the exact opposite when you're taking off or doffing gloves are first then the goggles and here's the tricky one the gown third and then lastly the mask fourth now for the top two missed questions from this section question number one a patient presents to urgent care 48 hours after a tuberculin skin test the site looks red and raised with a 19 millimeter in duration the nurse knows which of the following select all that apply okay now before we look at the options from the tb video you know that tb is an airborne infectious disease and anything over 15 millimeters is positive for tb infection now the real question is this is the tb active or inactive aka latent so we definitely do a chest x-ray to confirm the status or three early morning speedum samples on three consecutive days so option number one anticipate orders for a chest x-ray or sputum samples yes we have to confirm if the tb is active or inactive now option number two this one's a little bit tricky here collect blood for a quantum fieron tb test now you're probably asking yourself what the heck is that well this test can actually be used for an alternation of a tb skin test but in practice we typically do an x-ray or a sputum test first now option number three the patient has active tuberculosis no this option is incorrect because we don't even know if it's active or inactive that's why we have to do option number one all these tests to confirm that now option number four the patient has a tuberculosis infection yes this is true so write this down guys the body has developed antibodies and shows presence of tb but again even though the patient is infected it doesn't mean that the patient is contagious only active tb is contagious now option number five immediately place the patient on droplet precaution no we place the patient on airborne precaution and it's only done for active tb patients and the patient's not really confirmed for active form yet but this option is wrong because again tb is airborne precautions and not droplet now question two when caring for a patient with bacterial meningococcal meningitis the nurse implements which of the following select all that apply okay the key word here is meningitis so before looking at the options what do you know about meningitis well meningitis is the inflammation of the meninges right it's an infection so any head inflammation can lead to increased icp so we want to make sure to keep the lights and noise low as well as watch for seizures and meningitis is highly contagious especially bacterial requiring droplet precautions so remember the m in our acronym p-i-m-p stands for meningitis and only surgical mask and goggles not an n95 so surgical mask is required here as well as a single room and not a negative pressure room so option number one advise the unlicensed personnel to wear a surgical mask yes the key term there is surgical mask not n95 now option two implement padded side rails yes seizure precautions especially for that increased icp which is very common with meningitis that infection inside the meninges now option three keep the light and noise low in the room yes once again for that increased icp risk and option four and five are incorrect place the patient on a negative pressure room no this is only done for airborne and not for droplet and put the patient on an n95 mask before entering the room no again this is only for airborne for droplet we use that surgical mask as well as the goggles alright guys that wraps it up for this segment don't forget to take your quiz and download the study guides thanks for watching for our full video and new quiz bank click right up here to access your free trial and please consider subscribing to our youtube channel last but not least a big thanks to our team of experts helping us make these great videos alright guys see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Simple Nursing
Views: 15,229
Rating: 4.9532557 out of 5
Keywords: ISOLATION, PRECAUTION, DROPLET, AIRBORNE, NURSING, PEE, NCLEX, RN, CONTACT, LPN, DON, Donning and removing PPE, PPE, Standard precautions, Isolation precautions
Id: EknQ4CudbEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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