Fluid and Electrolytes Easy Memorization Tricks for Nursing NCLEX RN & LPN

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hey guys nurse Mike here and welcome to simple nursing calm before we get today's lectures started please remember to access your free quiz and preview our cool nifty new study guides not here on YouTube click the link right up here at any time during this video all right guys let's begin now potassium is function is to maintain heart and muscle contraction hyperkalemia is over 5.0 so the big signs and symptoms is the heart will be tight and contracted like a cramp so you're gonna have hyper heart st elevation peaked t-waves wide QRS s and severe high potassium you'll have v-fib as well as cardiac standstill also hypotension a low blood pressure and bradycardia because guys everything in the heart is so tight and contracted now in the gi it'll be tight and contracted as well so diarrhea and hyper active bell sounds too much going on right here in the bowels now third neuromuscular lis you'll have tight and contracted so paralysis and the extremities basically they can't move paresthesias or numbness increased DTR is these deep tendon reflexes too much action and contraction also profound muscle weakness or basically just a general feeling of heaviness so guys a real quick NCLEX tip for you words like profound and severe are late and serious signs indicating a priority patient so guys always assess these patients first now hi Bo cailli Mia hypo meaning low and slow this is less than 3.5 potassium we usually start seeing signs and symptoms below 3.0 now first in the heart it's gonna be low and slow so guys flat t-waves ST depression and also write this down prominent you waves because are you wave shut up you okay now number two muscular system will be low and slow so you'll have decreased deep tendon reflexes flaccid paralysis meaning paralyzed limbs like they can't move now the GI tract will be low and slow so guys decreased motility hypo active bowel sounds and constipation abdominal distension and please write this on is very important paralytic ileus basically meaning a paralyzed intestine now this is priority because it could lead to an SB Oh a small bowel obstruction basically the intestines could explode so hyper and hypo Kali mia this high and low potassium guys try not to get confused here because both of them have confusion and weakness for neurological as well as respiratory failure so guys stick to the top three I just listed above and you should do well on your test all right next we have salty sodium aka just sodium sodium three functions is to maintain blood pressure blood volume as well as pH balance so what happens if you have too much and our hyper and a Tremec so basically your patients gonna be big and bloated so the skin's gonna look like Santa Claus to be honest you'll have flesh red and rosy cheeks a big add enema s-- water bed skin and also a low-grade fever ii polydipsia for excessive thirst because all the excess salts in the body now third these are late and serious signs these three right here so write these down swollen dry tongue big tip for the NCLEX guides also nausea vomiting and increased muscle tone very very severe hypernatremia late signs write them down guys huge for the test now hypo this low sodium depends on the cause either too much or too little fluid but guys in both cases you have top three priorities first is neuro you'll have seizures and comas second is the heart you'll have tachycardia basically a high heart rate as well as weak thready pulses third you'll go into respiratory arrest meaning your patients not breathing technically both high and low sodium's have neurological deficits like restlessness and fatigue as well as dominant cramping but remember hypernatremia severe signs as nausea vomiting red beefy tongue and increased muscle tone next we have the family favorite miss four-eyed chloride she's so cute she always follows her sister around miss salty sodium and does everything that sodium does so her main function is the same as salty sodium so we have three here it's to maintain blood volume blood pressure as well as pH in your body fluids so with hyper chloride amia it's gonna be nearly the same as high sodium you'll have nausea vomiting swollen dried tongue as well as confusion now what's hi Bo you'll have nearly the same as low sodium so excessive diarrhea vomiting sweating as well as fever that's really the only difference here Wow doggy we have Magnum magnesium the sheriff in town he's the guy with the big guns here his main function is to maintain law and order in the muscles by calming them down keeping the peace mainly in the heart uterus and the deep tendon reflexes now magnesium is required for both calcium and vitamin D absorption and this is why his best friend is calcium okay guys so write this down hyper mag all the organs will be calm and quiet so thinking your mind the big guns the sheriff is in town so the heart is gonna be calm and quiet you'll have heart blocks prolonged PR intervals basically the heart is common quiet as well as vital signs like bradycardia or low heart rate and hypotension a low blood pressure so the deep tendon reflexes will be common quiet you'll have hyporeflexia decreased DTRS lungs will be common quiet depressed shallow respirations and the GI while you guessed it calm and quiet hypoactive bowel sounds now for hypo magnesium this is totally the opposite there's no sheriff in town no law and order hypo mag everything is like buck wild yeah so the heart's gonna be buck wild your EKGs gonna show torsades de pointes basically a tornado in the heart you'll also have v-fib possibly as what was a high heart rate called tachycardia but for EKG specifically you'll have ST depression and t-wave inversion now number two for our deep tendon reflexes guys they're gonna be going buck wild like hyperreflexia increased DTRS and number three the eyes are gonna be going buck wild abnormal eye movements called nystagmus and number four the GI system will be going buck wild with diarrhea now technically both with hyper and hypo mag the neurological system will be confused and irritable as well as the lungs you'll have shallow respirations and up next we have kaki calcium from Muscle Beach California because calcium CA kind of looks like California CA calcium's main function is to keep the three be strong bones blood and beats blood for clotting factors and beats for heart beats so hypercalcemia everything is gonna be so swollen and slow with moans groans and stones so constipation from a swollen and slow GI bone pain because calcium is leaving the bones and going into the bloodstream will also have kidney stones called renal calculi as well as deep tendon reflexes will be swollen and slow so decrease DTRS and severe muscle weakness okay now next is hypocalcemia now this one's a little bit fun because cocky calcium goes to Mexico Baja California so he learns to new dance moves so write this down Travis EA's which is basically that arm to work with a blood pressure cuff on and also she Vox sign basically the smile when you're stroking the cheek guys those are the two biggest ones for your next test so write those down he'll also have diarrhea so just think he had bad burritos in Mexico and lastly circum aural tingling basically tingling around the mouth lastly let's think about his job functions making the three be strong the bones the blood and the beats but guys calcium's on vacation you think he's gonna think about his job functions so you think we'll have strong bones no but they're gonna be weak so you're gonna have a risk for fractures strong blood clotting no so you're gonna have a risk for bleeding what about strong heart beats mm no you'll have cardiac dysrhythmias all from this hypo low Kelsey Mia now last but not least is friendly frat boy phosphates calcium's worst enemy he basically does the opposite that calcium does now phosphate is essential for bone in teeth formation and helps regulate calcium even though yes they're complete enemies so guys please write this down they always work inversely so if calcium is high then phosphate is low and when calcium is low then phosphate is high so hyper phosphate amia you guys think low calcium because remember high phosphate low calcium calcium went to Mexico so you're gonna have those two dance moves Travis a sign as well as Shabaks and you also have diarrhea and write this down because we've just covered it weak bones a risk for fractures weak blood a risk for bleeding and weak beats from cardiac dysrhythmias lastly we have hypophosphatemia so think high calcium swollen and slow with moans groans and stones so we'll have constipation decreased swollen DTRS deep tendon reflexes severe muscle weakness as well as decreased heart rate respiratory rates and kidney stones from the renal calculi thanks for watching for our full video and new quiz Bank click right up here to access your free trial and please consider subscribing to our YouTube channel last but not least a big thanks to our team of experts helping us make these great videos alright guys see you next time you
Channel: Simple Nursing
Views: 1,110,471
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Keywords: Fluid and electrolytes for nursing students, signs and symptoms of fluid and electrolyte problems, Hyperkalemia, hypokalemia, hyponatremia, hypernatremia, Memory tricks trick for electrolytes, how to remember all the electrolytes, memorize, Electrolyte imbalances, managing electrolyte deficits, electrolyte disorders, chvostek’s sign, trousseau’s, Registered nurse RN, RN, Osmosis, Pharmacology, NCLEX, ATI exit, HESI exit, Kaplan, student nurse, nursing student, simplenursing, simple nursing
Id: N1Db7re91GM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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