Stand in the Gap | Medina Pullings (Sunday)

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you know I came to Ghana on assignment to Accra to be a blessing to be a mail lady to deliver the mail yes mail lady that's what I see myself as that's what I told them when I went to Bronx River Bronx River projects I used to go down to the ice cream truck and watch the truck but I didn't have money to buy the ice cream but I still celebrated the ice cream so in our project snare that was the close to our church we went over there doing some outreach we'd like to knock on the doors and minister in the streets I just can't get away from that I just love it so we were out there of Bishop and the ice cream truck Road through sat there for a little while there was no sale nobody bought anything he was getting ready God said stop the truck we want to get all the children ice cream there was not really many kids outside at that point but it was like somebody took a bullhorn and made an announcement in all the apartment buildings because kids came from everywhere looked like a youth conference they came downstairs they were all around the truck and the kids were walking up to the pitches on the truck saying really anyone so you can get anyone you want so some were getting the biggest ones and then others were getting the smallest ones but they just couldn't believe it all the kids is getting ice cream so finally the kids started asking me who are you who are you who are you I said I'm the mail lady I came to deliver the mail to let you know that jesus loves you I said all of that to say this I came to Ghana to be a blessing and then coming to be a blessing I've been blessed myself I will never forget empowerment Worship Center and the great people that I have met here and one of them being a bishop who absolutely bishop Gideon you have blessed my life I have all of my notes and I have been impacted by you getting down there doing those situps I am provoked to do better I am provoked to do better and it may seem like light stuff but you know what a lot of that stuff that you talked about with some of the things going on even with my husband before he got sick not resting enough not eating right stressing all of those things and guess what when God brought him back guess what he started doing having a whole lot of fun that balance just kind of just kicked right in thank you so much I have all those five things written down you are amazing thank you for blessing our life let's celebrate and thank God again but Bishop Gideon come on come on a mighty man of God we believe God that we'll have long healthy life - yes just because we say that doesn't mean that we could just do anything with our temples and just eat anything and don't exercise thank you for that reminder and setting us straight I have all my notes right here to reflect on it and I want to thank God I want to thank God for Bishop Hammond and lady Hammond with you help me praise God for them let's praise God for my brother my friend my intercessor proper Gideon dance so come on let's praise God forgive hallelujah hallelujah and most of all till our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ nobody like him you may take your seats we're going in the Word of God hallelujah we're going to John the fourth chapter John 4 amen and we won't be before you Long John 4 within in 48 hours yes 48 hours a prayer non-stop prayer we're gonna pray until you bless me Jesus how many of your lives have been changed and transformed through the prayer oh I don't hear anything how many of your lives were transformed through the prayer how many of you know that your life will never be the same because of the prayer thank you Jesus hallelujah you're more real than the wind in my my lungs and you're more real than the ground I'm standing on [Music] your thoughts define me you're inside me your mind we are look jesus answered and said unto her if thou knewest the gift of God and who it is that saith to thee give me to drink thou wouldest have asked of him and he would have given thee living water in this particular scripture in the background we see here that before the conversation begins with the Samaritan woman in which we know that the Samaritans and the Jews had no dealings but the scripture tells us that Jesus said that he had need to need to go through Samaria so this was not something I just want to it was a need - this had to happen this was on purpose but before he has a conversation with the Samaritan woman the disciples are sent out to the city to go in by food to get food for Jesus because Jesus is in his physical body tired and needs to be refreshed he is naturally hungry so they leave away with them and you know what you look kind of look like when you're a little hungry and when you're tired and have you ever said I'm tired and then you were more tired so I stopped just saying I'm tired because the Martin said I'm tired and I'm just more tired and so they go away to the city to go get food for Jesus and in the meantime Jesus meets a woman at the well woman at the well in the middle of the day but it was hot it is hot it is hot as fire she needs a drink she's going to get water from the well not just to drink but water for supply and Jesus is intentionally there to meet her aren't you glad that Jesus had to go through your neighborhood as a girl from what they called the Boogie Down Bronx the Bronx in New York Bronx River projects to be exact they say can any good thing come out of the Bronx I'm a living testimony yes something good can come out of the bras when Jesus is in your life well just like this woman this woman was caught in a vicious cycle but Jesus it's ready to deal with her issues he uses some questions to get her to come to herself he uses questions to get her to open up to get her to recognize the inner internal issue that is happening on the inside he begins to ask her he asked her where woman where's your husband and she says I have none while some of you would say well she wasn't being honest when she said that but I would like to think not necessarily not being honest because of technically the one that she was with wouldn't her husband and she wasn't with come on the five previous ones and then the sixth one was not her husband so she says she says I don't have a husband it kind of reminds me of some times they were there within a time in our past where we say you know what I rather act like that never happened I don't know about you but I've had some photos Frodo's from from we were called the worst times of my life and when I would see those pictures those pictures would bring me right back to a place I would rather forget to a place I would rather not remember have you ever looked at some pictures and wanted to take the scissors and cut them up they are not the pictures that we would put on Facebook they are not the pictures that we were put on social media we would rather not have a conversation about that oh you're really quiet in here okay some of some of you have exes that if they walked in here you would not make an announcement that you used to date that as a matter of fact you would make your way to the other side of the church because you don't want anybody to know that that's who you used to talk to yeah ha ha ha you know what I'm talking about BC time before Christ come on before the blood was applied some of the things that we were attracted to oh my goodness what was I thinking as a matter of fact when Jesus came into my heart and I begin to to pray and and we begin to develop a love relationship an intimate love relationship and he became my very best friend he started dealing with stuff he actually told me when I could wear makeup and different things like that you know some people think that done that God in your life and and him being your father and the Holy Spirit being in your life it's just you know make you feel good but he will deal with your everyday life he will teach you all things all things so that even if it's being a better mother or a better father or educator or whatever it is he's right there to teach you and so because I was out of the house at a very early early age I was gone from home at the age of 16 years old and so the Holy Spirit at God used the Holy Spirit as my counselor to talk to me to show me to tell me what I could do what I could not do tell me I couldn't date don't date anybody right now I'm telling you oh yes no matter where you are today you might be feeling like you know what I don't have a mother I don't have a father maybe that's your situation but I want you to know the Lord will take you up he will parent you he will father you he will protect you he will cover you all yes yes she will and he's been doing it for a very very very very long time and I thought to myself even with this trip my first trip coming over to Africa and I looked at how God just assigned Bishop Pucci to be right there to make sure that I was good I said you know Papa you're the best dad ever you just take such good care of me when you have God in your life there is no lack there is no lack he is the all sufficient God everything that you need is in Jesus everything that you need is in Jesus everything you need is in Jesus I don't know why I'm pressed to say this but I remember fast-forward when I was in my and in my childhood Church with teenage church and I was there and I'm I had a little crush on my husband I had a crush on him yes I even always said I had an attraction to him I liked him but I disciplined myself to not think about him in church because that was about the word but I didn't like him so I told my best friend Jesus I said well if it's your will please let it be your will if it's your will bring us together at the appointed time well there were other girls that weren't liking him and you know you know you know he he's a minister and and and then there were some girls that like him you know they did daddy he had the bishop and the dears and and that and my daddy on drugs in the street but I would say to the Lord you're the best dad any girl could ever have and you know what when it came time for him to get married I wasn't lacking nothing it didn't matter that my daddy was not a bishop because God Almighty was my father you're a good good father oh yeah [Music] whoo that sound good yeah thank you Jesus everything that you need is in God so this woman of course we can see here that she was looking for love in all the wrong places all the wrong places evidently all the relationships were going south they were going bad they were going back then the next one go back then the next one go back let's one go back five going back you the common denominator so evidently something is wrong with her not necessarily that all these men are doing her that sometimes we can be looking for man to supply what only God can take care I want you to know that only Jesus can satisfy a thirsty soul no man on earth I mean I love my husband I love him with all of my heart he's a great husband he's a great dad but he can't be Jesus this woman is in a vicious cycle she's in a vicious cycle and she's in a pattern and here it is same old same old same old same old same have you ever seen same ole same ole same ole same ole same see I don't mind same same same when it's good good good but I do mind same same same when it's bad bad bad have you ever been to the place where you kept seeing the same old bad stuff come on come on have you ever been to the place where you were tired of your own self I've been there when I see see I'm Dutchess how I am you know people like to go around you know having a blame game who I didn't have this oh I didn't have that I don't have no time for that you have to have things that I went through even when I was younger they were stuff that I was subject to but let me tell you something I wasn't gonna waste my time having a pity party for myself based off of something that somebody did to me years ago know I'm gonna be free I'm gonna live my life and I'm gonna move forward I'm gonna deal with what what I can get better at come on some of you are imprisoned based on what somebody did to you when you was a child and I'm being insensitive maybe you wouldn't molested maybe you were raped but let me tell you something that's 20 years later you better decide to get your life the life that Jesus died for the light that come on come on then he rules for for you to get up and you can get up through Jesus out of any situation shoes Thank You Bishop to be a Victoire rather than a victim so I'm the type of person where I'm gonna look at where where I should have done better or could have done better or to look at the man in the mirror as long as you're looking around at everybody else and it's everybody else's fault and it's the people on the jobs fault and nobody at the church likes you if you think nobody at the church like you something is really wrong with you because when you can categorize a whole church they're not like you you coo coo coo coo coo coo coo so there are times when I realize that some of the things come on that I was going through or some things that were have become a vicious cycle in my life with not just necessarily the devil but some stuff was put together by my own hands but sometimes we give the enemy credit for stuff that he didn't even do he tells him hey boy stand down they're doing a good job all by themselves there are certain patterns he studies us come on there's a method to the madness okay if he knows your weaknesses the ability to hold on to the word he'll say stand down we just have to allow other stuff to come in and they'll forget what God said see it becomes a vicious cycle there are times where I want to just look at myself as they're going a corner and I'm gonna stay over here because I'm tired of you because I was tired of the same pattern come on can we be real in this place tired of the same situation tired of the same stuff but how aren't you glad that Jesus can come in and break a vicious cycle Jesus can come and break a pattern hallelujah that is detrimental to your life Jesus can come in and break those things that are taking you full speed ahead in the wrong direction hallelujah I declare today in the name of Jesus that business cycles are broken they are broken they are broken they are broken they are broken poverty cycles are broken in the name of Jesus they are broken sickness cycles are broken in the name of Jesus it's almost like when it's a psycho is on autopilot it just happens it's like the washing machine go from the wash to the rinse come on huh to the soap to the wash to the rent it just happens it's just next it's just next but I'm so thankful that the next that would have been it's not going to happen because the next it's gonna be the breakthrough the next it's not gonna be a vicious cycle but it's going to be a virtuous cycle a virtuous cycle is a cycle that brings life a cycle that brings strength a cycle of integrity hallelujah that comes from Jesus somebody lift your hands and say I thank God for a virtuous cycle now getting to where the meat of what it is I believe that God wants to say to us today in the scripture Jesus said it down new is the gift of God if you knew the gift of God you would ask me for a drink if you knew the gift if you knew who I was you would ask me for the drink so she didn't know about the drink nor the gift she didn't know the gift she didn't know him in fellowship she didn't know him in intimacy she did not know him she did not have relationship with Jesus and she did not know that that gift has now become available to her if she had known she would have asked we cannot ask for what we don't know about when we look at this particular scripture and I was looking at it and the Lord said to me he said don't look at it just for the Samaritan woman but look at it for my bride the church how sometimes my church comes to me and they don't know what to ask that there another conversation somebody say another conversation another conversation that God wants to have with you another conversation beyond the mundane beyond everyday life beyond situations and circumstances sometimes if we're not careful and we don't listen to the Holy Spirit we can be having conversations about stuff that are on a very low level and God wants to talk about something much bigger he wants to talk about something much greater there is another conversation he wants to have with you you know the Bible says take no thought for what you shall eat what you shall drink what you gonna live come on what you gonna stay for your heavenly Father knows that you have need of them but seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be what added unto you and so when you want to talk about paying your rent or pay your bill that wants to have a conversation about the kingdom invade and Earth about his mind his will hallelujah his agenda what he wants to do in the earth are you ready for it is there somebody here that is open to have a conversation another conversation with God because he wants to use you in a great way [Music] somebody say speak Lord he wants to have another conversation with you reminded of Mary and Martha Mary and Martha at the house Jesus shows up with the crew Martha immediately jumps into what she thinks she's supposed to do she's in the kitchen slamming pots she's walking around she's making things happen she's cooking she's prepping she's doing everything but what's necessary she's doing everything but what's necessary because she's resorting to what she thinks hospitality wise she should do but she has not tapped in to Jesus to find out what it is that he wants in this moment we have to be careful as a church that we don't give Jesus what we think he's been always wanting and be sensitive come on to give him in this moment what is it that he wants that's why the Pharisees when they were in that house with Jesus they were in the house with Jesus they didn't kiss his feet they didn't put any oil on his feet they didn't recognize that he needed to be anointed as a matter of fact they thought that it was ridiculous for that woman to do that they didn't think that she should have done that they were not able to tap in they were not sensitive to what it was that he needed see God has another conversation that he wants to have with you that's bigger than the average stuff that's going on in your life but there is something great there's some great intentions there's some great endeavors there's some great enterprise there's some great territory that God wants to use you to conquer here is some conquest that God is gonna send you on and he's saying I don't want to talk about the stuff that has already settled I took my my son's there they're older my daughter's younger I have four sons and one girl and I took my older sons to the doctor till since there you know they have to see the adult doctor so we're gone there's like a camping out trip take them to the doctor we get in there three or three of my four sons come out I'm like okay we're almost done we've been camping out here we could've took a picnic basket and boarded here and so before my last Sun came out the doctor came out and he says um I need you to come with me really quickly come with me so he walks really fast to the back I walked behind him we get it in the back of my son's chest as they're up on the x-ray and so he looks at any points and my son's heart and he says your son's heart is twice the size that it should be twice the size that it should be he says immediately I don't want him doing anything strenuous I don't want him doing any sports I don't want him doing any strenuous activities at work he has to take it easy right away and I want him to see the specialist on next week Wednesday and so my oldest son you have to know him he's like the comedian so he says oh hey Doc can I get that note right away because he wanted to go to work that day and every time they asked him to do some work you pull the paper out he was so bad that when we got home I told him I asked him to pick something up off the floor and he said mom I cannot do that my heart and so and so then later on that evening later on that evening when nobody was around he was just making jokes earlier but I found out that sometimes just because somebody is joking doesn't mean they're not hurting or they're not wondering or they're not scared sometimes that joking and that laughing is a cover-up for something deeper that is going on on the inside and so my son came to me and he said to me mom I said yes son he said you don't care about me now my boys know that their mother who of them my favorite time is when I'm in the bed and all for them uh surrounding me and I tell them this is the best times of my life these are my favorite moments I have all my son right here and they just talk and wit conversation and so he's by himself and he says he said you don't care about me I said what do you mean he said didn't you hear what the doctor said I looked at him I said boy nothing is wrong with you he said how do you know that are you the doctor the doctor said that my heart is twice the size that that it should be and that's a dangerous thing so how do you know I'm fine I said because I spoke to God about it and God said nothing is wrong with you [Music] now that's not always let me say this that's not always God's response that's not always God's response but here it is talking about another conversation sometimes the enemy will try to occupy space that is supposed to be given for something else by representing something that looks like an emergency to throw us into anxiety and then we're wasting energy come on and effort in an area that is not needed so that we cannot have the conversation that God really wants to have in that moment so what did that do for me what it did for me was I was able come on because it was like a week away before he went to the specialist I didn't have to go every day will told double time on time I saw who you better get away from my son oh you better back up right now oh he's got our healthcare I didn't have to do that because God or what y'all looking at me God already told me nothing's wrong with him so why am i praying over nothing [Music] [Applause] now as a mom I told it my duty to pray for my family every day so yes but I was not gonna occupy 24 hours a day or all of my awake time with my son my son my son going to bed my son my son my son when God said he's already alright sometimes the enemy blocks the conversation that God wants to have with you because he sends something to look like an emergency something come on that's not even a real situation the devil is a liar the devil is a liar the devil is a liar okay are y'all gonna get mad at me why I'm gonna spend time being concerned cuz somebody tried to work which crap on me I'm not concerned with that I know it doesn't work I know it won't prosper so it wastes energy in areas where it's not needed when God was to have another conversation when God wants to use you to make the kingdoms of this world that kingdoms of our Lord where God wants to use you to carry heaven into Earth for you to be that portal for you to be that line for you to be that connection for you to be that vehicle for you to be that transportation to take his agenda to a particular area God [Music] good but flipside just one of the things that Bishop Gideon said first thing he said peace those five things do you know we don't hold our peace if we don't value it and we just let it go over anything that comes do you not know that the opposite of that is torment okay okay I've been there before and I don't like it the I said one day I'm gonna preach the sermon call I don't like it there I don't like it there the place went we don't hold our peace the place where we to where we let our heart that means we have the ability to choose to trust God or not come on to allow the Holy Spirit to help us come on he will help you he will help us and when we don't go in that place in and stay in that place of peace what will happen could you imagine what would have happened to my life were just a weak deal with my son my first baby my child that I carried for nine months and all I see is the image of his heart that they said is twice the size okay I can guess this is what would have happened flashes of a scene of a funeral flashes are burying my son fractions of our family without our oldest flashes of our family we've been inclined huh you know what I'm talking about cuz the enemy when he gets an inch come on then he going to take a yard you let him in the car he don't take a backseat he want to try and then what he'll drive with it's a short film a film I'm a featured film from the devil that will give you a picture that will scare you into a corner and have you panicking but one word from God one conversation from God let's say nothing is wrong with you gave me the ability to rest at night gave me the ability to have peace ability to function gave me the ability to do in that day my god assignment so by the time he went to the to the specialist that following Wednesday we took him to the to the specialist and the doctor said you're healthy as an ox but do you understand that gap those days in the middle what kind of torment I would have been in if I didn't have the right conversation with God and I'm somewhere wearing myself out come on come on come wear myself out in the area that it is not required sometimes it is not the bad thing that is a hindrance but it is the good thing that has taken the place of the god thing it's the good thing come on that is occupying space that the god thing needs it's the good thing come on that we are tied up with it doing but God is saying I've got a greater work for you to do I've got more for you to do I got purpose for you I have something for you to do that only you can do you were designed to do it you would design there you were designed to make a different Oh one time I'm on the prayer line we're having a great time don't start your day who start off right okay one of my sons I won't give him names but one of my sons decide he wanna act like a nut so he's cutting up he was cutting up in school and he knew you're gonna have a conversation with his father and he'd want to have that conversation because he had this cool haircut in this cool hairstyle and he knew his daddy was gonna cut his hair and so when he came in the house and he saw my husband he ran out and decided he's running away he's running away now my mom many emotional self would get in a car and drive around all night looking for him the Holy Ghost told me go to bed I went to bed and I went to sleep I went to bed no I'm telling you that is not my normal self that is the the power of God peace at work and me come on come on see one of the greatest commodities that we can show the world it's not how much money we have but how much peace we have how much joy we're [Music] the summit of have money but they don't have no peace they don't have no joy they don't have no fulfillment [Music] so I went to sleep I rested in God I wasn't always there it was another time in my life where I would be just time in about every little thing that went on but one day something happened to me my value for peace went up and I didn't let it go so easily hallelujah the next morning I got up I said father what shall I do he said do everything you would normally do do everything you would normally do so I got on the prayer line and I said oh pray for myself good that wasn't about me that was my assignment to pray for them huh I said what else I'm gonna do so I did everything that I would normally do in the morning that he would have me to do when I worked out that I so after I finished working out I said okay Lord where is he he told me exactly where he was I went to exactly where he was come on went through exactly where he was and guess what he was not on not on drugs or nothing but tell you how how sin would you I would have been up all night panicking this boy was on the bench sleep he was so sleep I had to shake him and say get up and come on home he was he was sure nothing was gonna happen again that's how sleep he was but could you imagine you know what would happen if the conversation that I had with God if I didn't have that great conversation I would have been panicking I would have been looking all over for him come on and then guess what I wouldn't have even found him am i helping somebody here had the right conversation okay well I tell you I had my daughter my daughter was at the house my sister-in-law was over talking about another conversation my sister-in-law was over the house and my daughter loves hanging out with her because she's so girly they spend time together they have fun well my sister-in-law left so when my sister-in-law left I went looking for my daughter I called her she's not answering so I said mattina she's not answering so I said okay I told her brothers don't get your sister tell her come here they can't find her so I go upstairs I'm looking I'm like okay where's she got my sister-in-law I said where's Medina did you take her with you I didn't see him when you went out she said no she's still at the house I'm saying Matina she's not answering me well all of a sudden I could feel the anxiety I could feel the stress I could feel like my thinking was about to be just you know bombarded with negative thoughts I'll meet my daughter to answer me right away well the Holy Spirit says she's fine he whispers I calm down she's fine well you know what I did I pressed override I didn't call him anything down I'm like if she's fine why is she not answering me I'm looking under the bed I'm looking in the closet I'm looking upstairs I'm looking downstairs her brothers are looking around the block it is now a hour later we are getting ready to call the cops and the Holy Spirit says calm down she's fine he whispers I'm looking all around I'm panicking I am in such a panic that when I look through my window and we have a lot of trees in my neighborhood it kind of looks like a forest it looks like the trees are moving like this literally out of my natural eyes trees are moving they're up weeded uprooted and they're spinning around why because anxiety has taken over me so greatly that I'm seeing things that or not I'm seeing things that are wrong I miss miss judging things because anxiety now is affecting my eyes is it affecting what I'm hearing and so I'm looking and I'm panicking it's over an hour conversation he had a word for me calm down she's fine but I didn't function under that word I function of the panic with my son I function under the word that he gave me and so I saw the fruit of that the fruit of what my life was involved in the middle and have a night taken away from me see the enemy if he can just wipe you out of here he'll take away the quality of your life so you're alive here but you're not really living you're not really doing what God has called you to do you're not really functioning and where he's called you to function at so it's override our we're about to call the police and I just yell out I yell I said Medina you better get out here yes mommy she said let me tell you before she could tell me what she told me I went into the other room I closed the door I slit down and I wept like a baby because I was so worked up I was so worked up by what the enemy presented penny your daughter is missing I went through what a parent would go through in the first few minutes of finding out that their child has been abducted unnecessarily how many things have we experienced unnecessarily as a result of something that the enemy introduced and God had another conversation his conversation wasn't let's worry about her his conversation was with not let's go recover her his conversation wasn't let's go get out of APB his conversation another conversation calm down she's fine she said morning I'm a good hider [Music] of course I explained to her you better not ever do that again but I also realized that God was teaching me a lesson and she was anointed to hide she said mommy you were standing right in front of me and you didn't see me you were standing right in front of me you didn't see me mommy the enemy's job is to occupy you in a conversation where you are not needed at so that you don't see the blessing the breakthrough that is right and one of you if you knew the gift of God if you knew you would ask me for a drink we cannot live greater than our level of Revelation what we understand what we know what we find out about God that's what we must read the scriptures to know what to pray rely on the Holy Spirit has got to give us what to pray because God is thinking bigger he's thinking bigger he's thinking bigger than at everything stuff that comes into our life he has something greater he wants to drop inside of you he wants to reveal mysteries to you he wants to give you fenced in things he wants to give you secret things he wants to give you treasures he wants to give you the hidden stuff that people cannot access on their own he wants to reveal it to you he wants to put it in your lap he want your knowledge beyond your years wisdom hallelujah he wants to give you understanding he wants to give you understanding he was the if you understand it he wants to give you [Music] hallelujah hell a they give me that drink I want this drink the Train never change anybody's life that drink of living water that would satisfy a thirsty soul hallelujah she drinks of it she drinks of it and she goes into the city she drinks huh and she goes into the city he reminds her the scripture with Jesus said come on if you believe on me as the scripture have said out of your belly out of your belly shall flow rivers of living waters not into your belly out of your belly in other words hallelujah hallelujah the rivers of God will impact your community the rivers of God will impact your workplace the rivers of God will impact your family hallelujah and when you show up hallelujah not only is you showing up but it is an establishment it is an establishment it is the government of God it is the rivers of God when you show up there rivers in that house when you show up there rivers on that job when you show up there rivers in that community there are rivers in that boardroom the waters the waters of gushing the waters of blowing the water [Music] boy that girl gets that drink and she runs into the community come see a man [Music] it wasn't just her speaking how she met the seventh man ah she met the man ah yes yes yes yeah seven the number of completion no need to look around no longer she is satisfied in him satisfied in Jesus hallelujah I want you to know that that vicious cycle is over it is over that pattern is over that dysfunction is over that thing that generational curse it's over but this is a new beginning your 7 is here Jesus the one huh hallelujah that gave his life for you you're gonna go into the city and then impact the world you're gonna impact your neighborhood they're gonna see you as a living proof that God is able to do anything you're gonna be God supposed to die God's poster woman this mobile billboard in the earth giving glory to God who shall lift up his name they shall know that he has done it they will know that he is halo they'll know he did a divine performance don't know that your life has been healed hallelujah glory be Nakata has Jesus huh interrupted any fishes cycle in your life open up your mouth the boy they follow that woman to come see a man who told everything that she had ever done ha Jesus had to give her a series of questions and conversation to get her to come to herself get to the place to ask the right question she went from being sarcastic glory be to God sarcastic yeah to asking for that drink to humble in herself and ask him for that drink and Jesus gave it to her if you knew the gift of God boy if you knew the gift of God you would asks bigger you would acts bigger you would acts bigger you would act greater hallelujah you would act greater I used to suffer a lot with condemnation but read myself up over old stuff beating myself up over what I didn't get right because I was not focusing on the gift of God but the more I read the Word of God and the more I heard my Appa father speak to me he said ho it's not about your abilities it's not about how good you are but it's about my character my faithfulness and love towards you Medina you can't do anything to make me love you anymore I simply already tell her all the tip the tip you don't earn a gift you don't pay for again it's a gift of the Father if you knew the gift of God but so do your but you wouldn't worry about a pea he gives you peace he gives you joy he gets you per visit he gives you protection oh if your noona gypte eyes haven't seen her heart of man the things that God has prepared for you oh if you do the gift he'll make you to Linda and not Sephora the head and not the tail the gift will make room for you and bring you before great men great men great men ha the father has placed dibs on the inside of you today there is an unleashing today there is a divine release you will not be tied up with the good thing and ignore the door play today you are who you created me to be your eyes intuitive God wants to have another conversation Jeremiah I don't want to have a conversation about your childhood how young you are what I want to say it's what you say you are a prophet you are a prophet I have fortified you you will prophesy got in another conversation Joshua this morning because Moses is dead God doesn't want to talk about that he says Moses is dead let's go get up rise up go over this Jordan God is not trying to have a deep conversation over one has died he wants to talk to you hello Mary [Music] you're engaged yes God doesn't want to talk about the engagement he doesn't send an angel to congratulate her or her engagement to Joseph what do you sing the nature to say Hail Mary [Music] now our highly favored now our highly now I highly he wants to tell her how the Holy Spirit is gonna all the shadow her there's another conversation he wants to have with you it's people it's greater it's beyond your human to live there's another conversation [Music] there's another conversation hello Peter [Music] it's another conversation I want you to know in this next conversation with Donna hallelujah it's gonna be beyond your religious experience it shall be a divine encounter [Music] [Applause] [Music] open up your mouth [Music] [Music] [Music] a different conversation that's why you said let the whole sandwich let the week's out stop with the spies he wants us to be like Joshua and Caleb and say well [Applause] [Music] sooo will able to get the job done because greater is He that is in you then yoo-hoo [Music] that's you today and you know God wants to have another conversation and you just keep bringing up stuff that happens in everyday life life is going to happen you don't have to let it control you doesn't mean that a storm is not going to happen but the storm don't have to be in you you can be like Jesus sleeping [Music] resting and the confidence of knowing that all is well there's another conversation there's another conversation he says I'm gonna use you I'm gonna use you My dear fine I'm gonna use is that that's gonna happen so quickly [Music] it's gonna make your head swim it's gonna make your head swim it's gonna happen so fast your mind will have to take a second look it's so great you're gonna think that you're dreaming it's not a nightmare it seems like a fairy tale it seems like it's too good to be true but it is true it is real it is true it's real your best days are here your best days are here [Music] I'll call the junior begin on submit [Music] I didn't formation I with your [Music] all you gotta do is get in formation agree with God [Music] align your conversation with his word say only what he says [Music] [Music] your greatest enemy it's not what the enemy uses outside it's what he uses us to do to the battlefield of the mind a mind that has not surrendered and been transformed by the Word of God he understands that if he can get us to self-sabotage we'll be hindered there's another conversation and you go rise up like you know God is using you you're gonna get up in the morning like you know all of heaven is on your side you're gonna rise up in the morning and know that you're highly favored you're gonna rise up and know then the Lord goes before you you're gonna rise up and know that you're happy to ride protection you're gonna rise up and know that dear Leroy is waiting for you you're gonna light that brand new mercy has been provided for you huh if you receive like Mary go into singing going to shouting go into celebrated Mary before the baby was born she's gone insane oh my soul let's magnify the Lord he has slipped off my little mistake she begin to envision she began to see that day I want you to take a few minutes and envision it to see what God said [Music] [Music] pappan is gonna come and pray with you this is another conversation ah [Music] you can think and talk God know which graph gonna work on you [Music] that's another ploy of the enemy they have you running scared who's somebody burning a candle some so what they're gonna reap that the blood blocks it you want to keep you tighter with that so that business that is in you won't come forth but you too busy running scared all the stuff you have authority over [Music] Jesus didn't trip you see was raging the storm was going disciples are tripping and acting crazy Jesus did what he rested slept and because of them he got up and said okay peace be still he spoke to it
Channel: Empowerment Worship Centre
Views: 15,632
Rating: 4.9047618 out of 5
Id: QnGpUWzDwfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 50sec (3590 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 11 2018
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