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waiting for this for a long time I've been making this podcast happen you made it Jacob nice to meet you buddy bro you ready oh yeah bro [Music] Derek yes I got the two-step dude I'm supposed to be here for a podcast bad level she's going to work oh I can do some work and I went ahead dude [Music] you know we kind of wanted you to have you on one because like last year or two years ago I think when you started right three years 20 20. yeah we our brand came out about a year and a half ago uh and um probably making videos probably three years now so on all platforms yeah so I remember seeing you when you're coming out on Tick Tock about two and a half years ago I was like who is this crazy guy but he's awesome it is this I don't know you know it makes it easy you film your normal life if you'd have woke up that morning and been like all right I'm gonna go viral and do this and do that it never would have worked you know you just go out there and you know pretty much me and the wife we just filmed what we do we cook and entertain and have a good time and that's what people they want to see the Cajun culture and they want to see a good time and they want to learn a little bit too you know I feel like all this positive I feel like you're spreading positivity through your your videos and like through right now in the news and what's going on in the United States it's just like I feel like so much negativity is going on like I feel how did you grow up being positive that positive to spread the word like that well and and like I just touched on Cajuns asses Cajuns if you don't know what a coolness is reach it up as a small small area south of the I-10 either born in it oh you're not you know and if somebody says oh I don't like to be called that well they ain't really one you know so you know growing up Cajuns and I'm gonna use that word Cajuns for now on but occasionally entertain us yeah and and to bring somebody's smile on their face and now being able to travel and especially when you travel to a new area and you say uh they never had crawfish before you get to have that Cajun experience you know what I mean yeah that's what it's about us and you know look in the world today like you say and you look on social media everybody is out there doing their thing and everybody's jumping on them you know and that's one of the things I do is cook how you like this is how I do it you know but cook how you like and then this is how easy it is and you know it really makes me happy you see people getting back in the kitchen with their kids how cooking is fun who cares if it's burned all right we're on our pizza but we had fun doing it yeah it's time together with the family it's an experience and the Cajun culture is like it's the root of everything and it grows out from there and I don't care what you're cooking it could be Hamburger Helper get together you know just stay positive and just bring it back to my childhood my grandpa and all and just cooking and and just and nobody was dragging on nobody but it's having fun you know so so the birth of stale cracker how did how does one how did this all start and then I feel like in my life and in our lives too is like we have all these milestones we get to that might be getting married or that might be uh getting your first buck or something like that right and you always have that vision of what um just like the Milestone like the exact moment happened do you remember the exact moment that you're like okay I gotta do this right I've had uh you know it all started I was against The Tick Tock and the social media I watched YouTube hunting and fishing on it and uh my little girl does uh competition Dance and Cheer hey hey come on buddy Baseball playing not a cowboy [Music] they said somebody else was coming to play baseball man how you doing buddy this is Jacob how you doing dude nice to meet you oh that's what I'm talking about it he's the most southern boy here awesome where you from probably McDonald Tennessee no so anyway um her doing a competition dancing chair they did a lot on Tick Tock and then it's like everybody my wife had to send it to a man trying to open the app I'm like I let me get the app so I started watching it and I'm like there's people claiming to be Cajun or whatever and I'm like and I go to that payday from way up North or something and are they just doing something that I'm not saying not right but it's just like I'm about to learn them something and it just happened that I went to my daddy's house and and and uh you know another family members out and that shrimp didn't peel and I've been trying I said you got it I worked on a shrimp boat a couple of Summers during high school and the dude that that ran the boat for a living he taught me how to boil shrimp that peel yeah and uh so I said I'm about to come out with this video on my own family you know man I got that move raggedy over wrong I'm about to learn your shrimp that pill man we made the video and I went to bed drank a little too much went to bed it happened when I woke up the next morning my wife's like hey you've seen your video like yeah I made the video Yeah well yeah Tick Tock just all those Tick Tock she said you see your video I'm like I made the video she's like you know it's got like two million views overnight like holy I was like we gotta do she's like go put that back on and slam another paddle let's cook something else and we just saw Shield crab and actually you know gumbo you know just started cooking what's natural and all of a sudden a month you got a million followers so and I was like man this is this is crazy you start reading the comments and you start seeing what people want and then we you know we launched a Cajun two-step which was a little it's a dance but it's a dance my grandpa used to do when he would season his dish and then we never looked back since then you know on to merchandise more seasoning more we're coming out with uh you know dipping sauce we have a hot sauce Walmart Nations I gotta get some of that because my hot sauce yeah I got one coming for you yeah I'm gonna tell you the name of it not not you're not gonna tell me I am going to tell you what is this explain that huh The Rougarou is a it's a swamp creature mythical swamp creature so there's another name I got a buddy that uh there's another name for it in another place in the world but it's it's a a scary creature that lives in the swamp and all those Cajuns all go out there at night frogging we all looking for the Ruger Rule and we never find him you know what I mean some people say they've seen him but I call them what's he supposed to look like uh it's it's a werewolf with a tail wait wait so it's just like a kind of it's like a snipe you ever heard a snipe or like a beak it's like a snipe your shoe yes no no it's not a real honey this is more of a mythical thing somebody took you snipe hunting no [Laughter] what'd you tell them you wanna go snipe one no I think I think I think our camp counselors one one year took us out like for a sniper we're little I think right you had a little bag by a whole yeah and we just got the jack-o-lanterns over here oh yeah you mean jackalopes jackalopes that's like when you carve a pumpkin uh Lantern like that yeah I don't know is that you've ever seen one of those what the rabbit with the horns yeah oh yeah we got nutras with horns Nutri rats we actually we have otters uh I'd say a little we call them not nutrias but they're uh what are they called they're like swamp rats those are neutral yeah but I think it's like a Tennessee thing like a muskrat muskrat oh yeah they tastes the same you eat them huh if you're small enough anything down then money on dude they'll taste good yeah so what's getting a little hunting real quick uh even though we consider this a hunting podcast but right it's kind of turning into more of this we're gonna see who who this person is and what your personality is and um I feel like nowadays people kind of view that don't understand hunting view hunting as or they see people as killers or murderers right and people like that and they don't really get the reasoning behind it and I feel like for you it wanted to meet thing and then two it's a challenge thing I think you enjoy to be outdoors but kind of run me through like how did you grow up in the in the bayou and like just run me through a typical day as a young man so I'm gonna touch on this first and then we'll go back to your question is is I'm very fortunate at this time in my life to have have hunted in a swamp with dogs uh dear dogs you know what I'm talking about that's how we were born and raised in swamp I mean you I mean you you get dropped off in the morning an airboat on a Cypress stump and they'll come pick you up at noon there's no walking there's no the dogs are swimming to death swimming uh and then moving up and then then we finally went out about 15 my dad got a lease in in Mississippi and also we walk into the standing tennis shoes like well I like this and you know and then then now you know being able to hunt a bunch of public land in Illinois is if you see the full circle and and deer hunting is different in each region and I'm not saying up north is easier but I'm saying it's easier you know what I mean uh you know you you go hunting up there and the wind's wrong here comes the deer it blows at you and runs 50 yards and it just goes the deer smell your down south they're gonna tear trees up getting out that ain't now stop running around three parishes over bro so it's just you know and then so let's get back to the question I grew up with my grandpa with my daddy hunting the swamp airboats running dogs and uh but it was it was Camp life yeah they don't have that no more that's not camps with 100 150 200 members where you got them in the morning my grandpa was a camp cook helped them cook loaded up all these dogs got in the air boat went out there it was man that's fun yeah that's a day of fun you know everybody in town was part of it and nowadays he dropped one deer dog off everybody wants to get Holland and screaming yeah you know times have changed and my kids won't you know now you got these hunting clubs it's so expensive you might have 10 members everybody paying five six thousand dollars a member it's not it's not the same my kids sadly won't be raised in the hunting club you know what I'm saying like I was and uh you know just it just I think the people that that don't have the advantage that I have starting off in the swamp and moving around I still hunting the swamp I still hunting Mississippi I still go up north it's just it's just a I appreciate all types of hunting you know yeah from the swamp from the Piney Woods up to the beautiful Midwest so in the north are you you touched on the point you know it's easier in the North like what's your favorite I'd say what's your favorite like game animal that you could catch Queen cook type of thing if it was you if you were to go anywhere in the United States you know bucket list is an elk you know uh I like to do that elk um I don't know man I mean I've killed plenty of deer and I can't get enough of it you know I I do a little turkey hunting but I'm not you know some people drive across the world we might have to change that I don't know I killed a few turkeys I've been on some great turkey hunts and like I have to turn on the people like you hook for life I'm like no I'm good so you you've been like 10 yards from a gobbler oh yeah yeah I've done that's I feel like it's not some people just don't what you like I love it it's like one of my favorite yeah I feel like it's almost like a Russian deer running yeah it's just I like the tracking like part of it so the Turkish yeah yeah having to actually move around yeah and like I like it's like you're spying on them yeah it's fun it's not like you're actually this one yeah it might be that just really in pain yeah you'll break a few sticks too like last year yeah yeah but I I don't know I enjoy turkey hunting but it's you know I like about it is you can go with somebody else and you could kind of talk but no I you know the hunting I guess the catch cooking clean would be deer you know always a different a different state a different time a different place uh I'm always looking for that because you know I've killed in Texas I've killed there in Alabama uh but there's always I see I watch video of people killing them you know in the mountains and stuff just I don't know I just that's one of my big things of deer hunting alligator hunting's fun but it turns to work quick you know it's more of a job it's more of a harvest get paid for the alligator get paid for the hide definitely fun doing it but once you get home you got some work to do yeah so for sure yeah so do you ever get into any duck hunting Doug Clinton said I was born and raised we did the deer hunting and then we duck hunted in the afternoon morning we ran dogs deer dogs and then the afternoon we duck hunted and my daddy actually trained duck dogs and it got a point to him about 15 16. I remember me and Daddy sitting in the blind with the dogs and the dog was getting old and it was cold ain't no more birds salt water then moved in and we looked at each other they said that uh don't you wish we were deer hunting I was like man I think so Daddy I said I'm wet I'm cool I ain't killed but one pool dude you know the poodle is no that's uh they call it the black duck it's the one that stays he's laughing over a poodle yeah a poodle but anyway it's uh it's not even a duck really it's a red it's a real family it's name it but anyway so I was like man he said we'll hunt to this dog is done you know we got three years left in this dog and we'll we'll call her rapping and we never look back after that man I've killed plenty plenty of ducks and salt water Camden you know after all the Hurricanes and Ducks left and the Flyway changed and we changed our tactics and started killing deer so I know you've said you went hunting with your granddad and that's something that we've done like our whole entire life so I have so many memorable stories and times with my granddad what's like the most memorable like hunting story so we uh we're out there in a swamp we got our hip boots on and we get out to where we're going we're sitting on the old old Cypress stump and we're sitting out there and uh I was you know being young and I was a little fatty back then my favorite memory is boy here reaching that bag potting meat and crackers man I couldn't wait the favorite thing I weighed every day with a pot of meat and crackers and I was winning one time he killed a really good book he was way in a swamp and I remember him he was all exciting high five and he went back to the camp and he's telling everybody how big it was and he's like why you didn't bring it out they say I'll go back get the head but I ain't dragging him that far you know but uh yeah just you know the camp life that's what I missed and this is something that it's not there no more you know so yeah we used to eat honey buns all the time please more of a zebra cake kind of man zebra cake Christmas cake Christmas cake super cakes oh they're all the same yeah did you know the oatmeal cream pie this is this is a delicious stuff yes little that little Debbie story if you got if you got all the little Debbies together right and they you know they you know they're cutting it and scrapping it they have like these little chunks of cake you know they put all those little babies together and make the oatmeal cream pie that's how it's How It's Made almost like powdered meat with chicken yeah so if you got the scraps you're using it and they're making my profit off it pretty cool yeah didn't know that I still eat them though so we were talking in the car about the yard pimp and I don't think has anyone asked you about that I don't I want a podcast um I think we might have touched it before but uh I want to let everyone know the story a lot of people ask about it uh so my my grandpa was a county agent uh which back 20 years ago is almost like a traveling vet not as traveling bits you know and this he was over the four each the ffe and uh I lived here my grandpa lived next door we had a goat path between you know I was there every morning he would get on his front porch toasted wheat bread and black coffee that's all we had every day now my grandma when she was smoking uh mom Frozen drinking diet Coke but anyway so anyway we're sitting out there on the porch and man he had chickens and all kind of you know we had a small small animal farm no no uh cows or horses but anyway so hit you know free-ranging chickens yeah somebody he said boy come here I'm about to learn you something about life I can't pull apart what you got he said watch son you know Sunrise coming up he said these chickens are about to start coming out all these trees he said you know you know big Henry the one that whips all of them he said that ain't that yard pimp so what you mean he said watch or the hair They Come Out Boy big Henry hit the ground boy he strutting looking good he said look over there that's the yard pimp he done got on five hens already and this dude ain't got laid yet that's the yard pimp out there and it was truthful man he was trying to be on Macho for the girls and the other one just running around sticking and moving you know so so you have all you have all these yeah you have all these slogans you know it and then that might be a Cajun thing right you know you might use some caves in language or and they're mixed around with it right so when this you know I'm talking about Brands a lot did that come before stale cracker or was the yard pimp you're like this is my this is my no it's almost like the cat head biscuit yo okay but it's something that we always use you know and uh you know it's like that's money dude like everything we do like half the money what about put that on a cracker where'd that come so I'm gonna tell you about the cracker store that's where I got the name from is uh you know you know everybody likes to stop stuff up with a biscuit you ever heard somebody says that up with a biscuit and I always said boy put that on a cracker and it always you know just mess with it and one day my buddy came over and we um we went to get on a side by side do some riding and it was stale crackers all in the side by side well that one had a little bit too much to drink the day before and was riding around eating crackers and I left them out and they all got soggy and he was like wow you ain't nothing but a stale cracker all right and then he caught it started calling that and somebody else heard it and like I couldn't get rid of the nickname stale cracker so your nickname has always been stale crackers uh it's probably eight nine years old yeah so that's crazy yeah and I was like yeah so I get on social media like what I'm gonna be I'm like you got to be still crashed so I still cracker somebody already had it with the c I'm like still crack it with a cake not knowing nothing from zero followers that was my name that's like hilarious maybe I would have named it something else I know I had 10 million followers following a stale crash that's so funny as I I was texting someone the other day I was like you you know you're coming I was like he got a snow cracker and see I said no with a K yeah the K and the C means no difference just that wasn't available you know it worked out you know so yeah well um I was going to talk about this for a second uh so we've been watching the show Meg and I my wife and I and then this is gonna like come from a perspective of you know we're all fun and games and we're going to talk about some more emotional stuff but uh we've been watching this show called special forces and they're in the military I didn't know this they had to send death notes to their their family and it's saying like hey I love you type of thing like this is gonna If I Die Tomorrow this is what I'm gonna give you right so I want to know like you're busy is crap right now right I mean you're on the road right now I mean you're in Chattanooga right now right what would you say to your family if tomorrow was the last day yeah I don't know the water comes put the Natty light on the top shelf left for another day yeah you know uh and and I'm gonna reach on this is this is I built something that's a brand that stale crack is not going to be here forever yeah uh but this guy right here the Cajun two-step I hope is still on the Shelf in 100 years yeah I hope my my kids grandkids grandkids hey that dude's still here spiritually but his products are still here physically you know what I mean you build a brand you build something for a lifetime yeah and I think what happens with the social media ride is is I watch it on YouTube and I grew up watching YouTube and you see people and then never see him again yeah well as this is going on I'm not just coming out with just products yeah coming up it's got the tribute to my grandpa it's got his recipe right there it tells you where it came from it ain't like I said well let's mix this together and make a little you know make a dollar off of followers no this is you know everything I came out with and it's coming out with it's tested proven that it's good if I'm not gonna eat it I'm not gonna sell it to you you know I'm not just gonna re-label something just to make a dollar you know and uh so that's that's what the thing is is if I had to leave something to my family like a note is I won't be here forever but I'm Gonna Leave something behind for all of y'all that's that's it man and uh throwing that cookbook right there I'm gonna show you some things right here so this is my family recipes if you flip through it you can see me and my grandpa we sitting on that log right there hunting you know what I'm saying absolutely a cracker right there yeah those little cracker so but if you flip through it you know it's got stores that kill that in Texas but that's me and my dad my first boat killed I killed my first beer when I was 18 with a bull yeah you know just stuff like that and it's stories and everything I'll tell you you know got my first goldfish with a bow you know it just shows that a lot of times on social media you really don't know what's behind it is really real or is this a big Persona you know yeah and some of it is you know but you know getting this cookbook and it just shows it's got growing up the boucheries which is a hog rules the Bitcoin which is you know my biggest turtle is 78 pounds you know hopefully we go to Arkansas next week and I Crush that you know but anyway so it it you know just just having something like this to leave behind instead of a photo album you know like oh that was that was Papa Joe whatever you just leave something behind and I would leave that in a note is still crack is not here but I think that's so important that we touched on that because you know on social media people that sit around and they're watching Tick Tock and they're swiping and swiping swiping right and they see this character that is so positive and and they just love enjoy watching you cook and and fall on your cookbook and and cooking like you do right and they wanna they almost want to be you people impersonate you all the time awesome and it's it doesn't bother me at all with that doing what people doing that and you can see people that are doing it at a true fans but you can see people doing it be like and I don't blame them they're like well what I've been doing ain't working what he's doing is working they may try to do more what he does now it is what it is on that but it's it's what you don't see behind the scenes that we're talking about earlier about the messages that we get and I check my Instagram messages and between me and Jacob right there we check out Facebook and all that but how many messages we getting like man I'm gonna blow my head off last night but I read them I watched your videos oh all the time I'm going through this I'm going through that you make me laugh and no and I love it when they start this this is when I know every you will never see this that's when I started reading but last night I had a bad night I had I lost this I'm I'm a handicap or whatever your videos get me through it and I said hey bro that's light at the end of the tunnel here's my personal number you want to call you want to talk you want to do whatever you want to do hey dude that's that's there's way more out there than you know you're focused on the wrong thing right now you know so and that people don't see that and that's about the positivity that you know even with the military people coming back or a lot of military people that are or somewhere away from their families like man you're bringing me back home yeah we can get together and we can laugh and be like well I'm gonna drink a beer with this dude you know so that's what it's about that's just part of it and it's it's people don't see that part you know they'd be like why you keep doing all like jumping around like a fool I'm like and one thing in the videos I throw a lot of stuff off I'll break stuff and so and and the older people like man you look like a fool doing that quit it but when I go to the event like tomorrow and that little kid walks up you know they say I love it when you break stuff I love him hey I'm gonna keep doing it for them kids at least they could get on there and the parents come up to me and they like you know your page is the only page I could give them my phone and say watch their cracker all night ain't that much cursing there ain't no political ain't no it's funny cooking entertainment that means a lot to me I'm gonna keep my page clean as I can you know Gotta Throw a few little puns in there a little Deep South in there yeah you gotta throw a little bit in that but and that's what keeps me going and that's when you wake up in the morning and you read the message and they're all positive and you're helping people out you know we went to Florida not long ago in Fort Myers helped the people after the hurricane and being able to do stuff like that you know before you know you're tied up with all kind of stuff going on people hey man come help and help and now being able to do this full time and help it's a good thing how many panels do you think you've broken since you've started making videos I broke a few you know they ate the paddle sponsorship is a good one they sent me a lot of them yeah well we got some better ones coming I ain't gonna try to break those though yeah so back to your grandfather and and and before you know and how you grew up and stuff like that do you have anything that's kind of like passed down cooking wise or do you have anything that's kind of just remember like your trophy in your house like if your house is on fire right like what like to your heart like what are you grabbing all my deer heads like first off yeah if my house burns and my deer heads are in it you know I want an insurance fraud I promise guns in to see but my deer heads are coming first well I'm gonna grab my wife's puppy dogs first because what I know is what we had to deal with her what do you got what you mean so we got two Rat Terriers I got a black German Shepherd and she just bought a A padoodle or whatever them dogs yeah something like that German noodles you're trying to be bougie or whatever but no so we got four dogs and uh but uh she loves her dogs and if I had to run back in there and grab some I'd grab my grandpa's old Magna light pot they don't even make them no more it's just an old school metal pot they another company's making them now which is a good part but I'd grab that grab deer heads dogs and run yeah obviously you've gone all over the country right doing this where's been your favorite place to go all right it might be here it might be it might be until you eat that pie when we get there but you wanted to take me to Lookout Mountain Sunset Rock I don't know what you've got going on bro hey don't let me get in the truck by him by himself [Music] so I've been to uh I didn't have to answer the question so last year they put me up in a castle in Pennsylvania in a winery in a castle I didn't know it was haunted is the name of the place Winery he had an event the next day and uh he got me up there picked up me and my buddy from the airport and what's cool about it I can get along with anybody so people like you're not nervous when you meet these people I'm like no just get in with them I don't like my jumper I'll do something you know they don't well I'll make I'll make it through b my wife's always worried about the dude picks me up we go pick up the Crawfish and then we go this way cast I knew it was at a cab I didn't know we're staying there and the dude was like is the key like what you mean he's like yeah there's there's 62 bedrooms there's this and that he's like that's in the cellar there's a movie theater popcorn whiskey wine all right yeah he's like find your room just don't stay in this one room because it's it's hard to make the bed it's the big thing I'm like okay so I went getting every bed to make I had to pick the comfortable bed room so we're walking around I do it it would mess me up was that was a a switch that said light for the pool so I wanted to find a pool so I got my buddy walking outside on the phone I keep hitting this light you know like hey you said no they didn't say I'm coming today cement at the pool in so we never found it that night you already talk about how the case and two-step name came around yeah I did it by the grandpa doing the doing these little signature move you know and that and uh so when I started my videos I was you know using season but like it was a little two-step little cage and two-step and it hit me I was like man my grandpa had his own season and you know now it's you know back you know the 80s and 90s the you we got so much more you know opportunities in season and his freshness and all that than what he had now and so I got with my uncles I got with my dad I got all my cousins and all I'm like man let's see what Grandpa was doing you know and we we mixed around like this is the closest we gonna get it and I think it's better because of the freshness you know and we taking lemon and lime and dry liquid and drying it and putting it back in there nobody else is doing that you know and that's why you know that's why it's four five six dollars on the shelf and other stuff is a dollar exactly you buy what you get you know and you keep the sodium down and you you fill it with good good freshness and that's what we're doing so I think I would have one question saying one question well yeah but uh like he was saying her like and you uh we're like really close to our grandfather like hunting and everything and I have like a favorite hunting story like this one one time we shot a deer and like hit its leg and we tracked it for like a mile or two and I was wondering if you have like a favorite hunting story with your grandma that's a good one yeah oh definitely definitely uh so probably back to what me and my dad and it's it's um we were in Saint Francisville hunting and I shot a buck and it rolled all the way down the hill in the creek and uh we go and get it when we load it up on the four-wheeler you know and it's dark and you know the four wheelers got old cracked Muffler you know it's old it's Old Timber Wolf you know and we go in the creek coming out we come up a hill and go down and he moves the limb and the limb comes back hits me right there all right so I'm trying to be tough you know I'm 15 years old and that that I can't see you cry I didn't know my it was so cool I didn't know my nose was bleeding I had blood every like and I'm just holding on you know dude when you pull up at the camp and everybody at the camp is looking you know and they're like what exactly yeah he got him a bucket like did they shoot himself yeah I was like yeah that's not and I did like that and it was blood everywhere yeah I had a similar story where it was like one of the first those I shot we shot my grandfather he shot a buck and then he shot a doe and then I shot and when I shot my dough it was like one of the first those shot I was probably like seven or something and I had my eye right on the scope and made a bloody purple caliber you couldn't hit one unless you got scoped yeah so let's switch back to duck and I'll tell you my funniest duck hunting store so I got my dog got me and the buddy we in the blind and uh I had that got no right gut you know so I slip out in the back dude what's happened a few times right right and I had the old coveralls on and it was cold going to back my asset man man I keep looking I said dog you right here you had to in the blind you know well I pooed on my sleeve and it was cold and I kept wiping it bro I was like man something smells like yeah like the sun come on my buddy's like you either ate a Snicker bar or you your face and I was wiping it on me man dude I never lived that down I like I was like if you tell anybody this hat like sure enough soon as we got back to town like he he put on his sleeve and wiped it on his face we're blaming to poor dog the whole time the dog's like he did but that was like one of the times like that's so embarrassed oh man it is what it is it's part of hunting it happens yeah I don't know maybe it didn't happen to y'all yeah I got a I got a similar poop story the the first time I I ever went hunting was him and my dad oh and and I was like oh like I before that I wasn't like too crazy about it I wanted to stay home with Mom I said I want to like be there with her but it was like the first time I'd gone and my dad was like oh he's like I gotta go real bad and so he was a coffee drinker yeah and so he was like he was like he was like yeah take your shirt off and so you took my shirt off and went in the field right in front of us just squatted down squeeze one out right in front of my shirt right through my shirt he brought it back that's a good thing his son's a shirt off of his body oh that is terrible I'll just lose a sock eat a sock that's what I lose I was doing what he told me just going through a lot of leaves yeah I don't use leaves no one ever workouts tell them the story about the the pepper and the washing his hands with this oh so um one time I'd been hunting with our Granddad for about two three days in a row and we were we're at this hunting camping you would go and you'd Mark what stand you were going to be in and you pick you'd pick one for the whole weekend or you'd Mark a couple for the whole weekend and we picked this one we were going to be hunting there the whole weekend so we'd leave like a couple water bottles or a backpack or something in there and you know we'd been peeing like we were gonna pee out the door of the Box being a water bottle to sit on the ground and one morning we got in there real early it's still dark and we'd eaten a honey bun or something he's like man my hands are sticking I'm gonna pour some water on him and he got to pouring like water on his hands and I was like Peppa that smells awful and he he was like oh crap he got and started pouring pee on over his hands ome yeah yeah so we were talking about gator hunting before and on the way here where I was like oh I'm gonna get a gator tag oh and Jacob was saying it's impossible to get get her get her tag yeah what's your process of of going to hunt Gators I mean what you know it's it's a short season and uh us we you know we getting about 10 tags with the with the land on the tags that we get some people get two 300 tags and they got to get a crew together you know and uh you know we get the tags in in last year since we overpopulated they actually are letting people try to get public land tags which is a good thing you know and so you know it all starts as the day before we prep you know get our old rotten chicken the whole rotten yellow pimp and we hang them from trees and go check the lines and if we get lucky and see a good gate of swimming yeah we'll throw the throw the line over and snag it and uh you know try to get him close to the boat so yeah so you get all these recipes you have a secret recipe for your gator bait let it sit out for a couple days it don't take long for chicken to go funky bro by September is still 102 in Louisiana dude so it don't take long for the maggots to get there you got any questions y'all got any questions you want to join let's just do natural man why don't you say this to the Steel character come on over here yeah zoom out zoom out on that yeah why don't you ask a question yeah ask a question yeah if you see that's a snail cracker that you thought my hat was fake it's wow look at that it's doc Peterson on the moment well yeah it died it would be great if I didn't I'm oh why would you think I am you could say it on camera what do you think I am well you know my kids are I know how old you are late 30s I thought late 30s but I've already appointed one yeah it ain't too bad it is you know but my dad my grandpa they're all white headed you know by the time they were my age so so that's you don't color that at all oh yeah yeah my Jacob does it yeah he's supposed to get a haircut yeah his baseball coach told him he said man yeah I got all you need is a little pair of scissors that's all he needs yeah I want to hear about your wife though special individual right now to put up with the shenanigans I pull on them uh you know it's a good mom two kids and and and you know taking time out to you know having one in competition dancing chair that's a full-time deal you know my little boy going to school and doing all his stuff uh you know just her her being a great mom and doing what she does allows me to do this without that there would be no me you know exactly you know I would say behind every good man is a good woman but she's right on the side of him he says nobody behind exactly uh and you know she lets me do this and and she knows my passion for it spreading the Cajun community and uh you know can't do it all by yourself yeah I feel like sometimes I get on this little trace of hunting too much and yeah yeah just a little bit Yeah like this year was a little overboard Oklahoma but if you come back with nothing [Music] went by a Chanel purse I got a purse kind of got caught up in it and I used to not come home with someone in Oklahoma when I got that bucket and I haven't come out with it yet but they're both going right there awesome awesome yeah yeah it just uh you know so I'm gonna give you a little secret about my cooking videos if it's baking is her recipe she's behind the camera going what did you see a bacon video dude I do plenty like not playing but I'll throw it like a cookies or cake that's her she's behind it like I'm like what I'm doing I don't know but that's so she helps out and uh you know we expanding no we we got a store now but we move into the interstate and she helps run that and you know the the employees we have and I'm just you know it's crazy going three years ago can't pay your light bill to now traveling and join you know it's uh I wish it's something that everybody could experience you know in their life so what's your biggest so like right now we're on the stage of you know we're we're not like to that you know Mount Everest the peak right of getting there yeah the plan where yes we're on our way uh and we can see the top right you know everyone get to the top what happens when you get to the top you stop don't ever be stagnant that's my whole goal is like some days I don't have to wake up at six in the morning but I'm gonna get up because if I sleep till seven I feel like you don't got stagnant you know it's uh it's just a drive that you have and I can tell you that is always keep your eye on the plan once you get to the top of it it's it's a quote right there yeah downhill man they need to go you need to get a plan hat I have a plan I can do something with that Lord we just love you and we praise you and we know that you are always at work and you are always good so awesome Lord that my new friend Mr cracker also believes in Providence and I know that he is here for a reason I pray Lord that he would feel your love and our Hospitality toward him I pray that you would continue to bless his crazy wild adventure of social media and new careers and I pray the same thing for Ben and all the things that he has going I thank you for this family and for our opportunity to welcome someone new and I pray that you would bless this food to our nourishment in Jesus name amen
Views: 326,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bearlevel, BEARLEVEL, stalekracker, boiling shrimp with crawfish, catch, kill clean cook, catch clean cook, stalekracker boiled shrimp, homemade cracklins, stalekracker cracklins, stalecracker cracklins, stalecracker cooking, stalekracker deer meat, venison, video podcast, podcast, public hunting, hunting, bowhunting tennessee, turkey hunting tennessee, turkey hunting alabama, cajun 2 step, stalekracker gumbo, stalekracker podcast, hunting podcast, fishing podcast, chattanooga, hunt
Id: SeL0Lm6p1Lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 23sec (2363 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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