Talking BBQ with Stalekracker & Chad Ward – Season 4: Episode 4

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[Music] welcome to malcolm reads how to barbecue right a podcast where we talk about barbecue share recipes and discuss all things delicious and now here's your host malcolm and rachelle reed hey welcome back to the how to barbecue write podcast i'm your host malcolm reed joined by my lovely and talented wife as always my southern shell shell what's up a lot it is a whirlwind around here today that's good thing hey we got some special guests with us mr stale cracker from tick tock what's going on man man nothing much i just love being here i love the invite to come down and put a little cajun spirit on this barbecue hey we're always ready for that i hope this ain't too far north for you now i got a nosebleed about jackson i almost turned around went home it was okay we could give you money we can get you some oxygen if you need it or some what do you call it uh some hydration high quality h2o yeah there you go i love that i love that so shel what are we going to talk about i know we want to get to to mr stale here in a minute but we got some things that we like to go over first what you got on the list today i mean most of it's just i got a lot of questions okay we're jumping into questions well i like that i like your style yeah um i just want to know uh what's your favorite thing to cook my favorite thing to cook is a jambalaya i just that's my little signature deal and uh i just i just enjoy the time it takes to cook it you could you could wait and you could hydrate and it takes four or five hours to cook and it's just just something i enjoy doing yeah what size pot do you like to eat you use the mini pots or you use the pig no i probably about 30 gallons i cooked for a bunch of people when we yeah yeah i've uh man i love jambalaya it's one of my favorite things to cook too you got to make that rice pot right you get that rice right that's the most important thing is the rice you know yeah it is that's that's what that dish is really it's about getting everything flavored right to make the rice taste right well that's why people cook pasta layer because they can't cook rice is that what it is i saw it now i saw your tick tock with the pot man that's the good stuff and that that velveeta set it off and a lot of times i wish i could cook for myself yeah but i got young kids and we have a bunch of young people around the house and uh you got to make it good for them if i cook for myself and nobody eats it it's no good you know so you got to change it up a little bit and the kids love it it's it's a good deal you know i heard that so if anybody doesn't know who stale cracker is y'all don't know where rocky i've been hiding under but but on tick-tock you have just come on strong man i wanted to get a little bit of how you found out about tick-tock how you got started and how you kind of found your voice on it what you know doing what you do if you can tell us a little bit about answer some of that that'd be great absolutely so at first i was against tick tock because i just didn't know what it was like everything else and then my daughter she's 16 and she's in a competition cheer and dance so that's one of the things they do is they post stuff on there i said let me get tic tocs like at least watch what's going on and then then they show me how you could duet a video and i i made a silly video of her doing backflips and i tried to do it and obviously i wasn't good at it and then uh i did one little video making a dip it's got it got a few views and i said you know let me do my special ball shrimp on there cause every time i bought shrimp at a a place or event everybody wants to know how i did it because they peeled so good call it the appeal ability i don't know the appeal of village that's the word yeah the appealability scale you know like we were talking about earlier if you have shrimp that peel and they taste nasty they're gonna eat every shrimp you got shrimp that don't peel then you don't have a whole pile of shrimp left you know you're wasting your shrimp so you know i i put the i put the character on and i got out there and i slammed the pot down and i balled the shrimp and i called out a few people even that's you know there's cajun people that think they can borrow shrimp and you go to their house and you're like i'm gonna be nice about it so i just called them all out in the video and also this video got two three million views and i was done with tick tock and my wife was like oh no no no no no no you can't just your second video can't hit two million views and you stop yeah you know so then i you know then i did another video and another video and just started building and building and and then i go three four days without posting nothing in the comments can you do something i don't care what you do do something because we like the voice yeah we like you we like your positivity and i'll go to my my comments and and even if there's bad comments i'll i'll say something good back to them you know cause i'm not i didn't start it for nothing you know i didn't start it for no reason so i have no reason to to try to push nothing yeah i never asked for followers i never asked for anything i just put out good cooking videos and and then i came out with the cookbook and what i love about it is i'm getting positivity back from people that could watch the 60 second tick tock and then go to the cookbook and cook the same thing i cooked and it it looks better than when i cook i hate to tell it it looks better and they have a great time with their kids and family and i mean it's so positive and and to get the people that that reach out to you on like a direct message say hey my kid's depressed or i'm going through this in my life can you just talk to him and i i just don't know i didn't know i had that five on people yeah and then once that started it was like a it's it's not a snowball it was going up and i and i got addicted to it actually i love when i post a video if you ever see it when i post a video i'll sit there and i'll comment for at least an hour or two and it's adrenaline rush cause so much positive you know it's it's it's a addiction really that's really cool how so how long have you been doing that about five months that's it yes five months holy smokes you got over 2 million followers and 2.6 million followers i went from one million to two million in a month oh man it was crazy so was it just every every little video was hidden or was it just like one went viral and they might have started making making them all go viral i guess if it's to do with crawfish people i don't i didn't know people obsessed with crawfish if it's a crawfish video or shrimp video it gets a lot of views yeah and and so it's not just people from louisiana or the south it's people from all over right people you know so cajuns don't like other cages they do but they're not they're not gonna say they use your recipe yeah they're not gonna buy you a cookbook cause their mom got a cookbook you know they're not gonna buy you cookbook and i think it was they do they do they nobody goes against nobody's mom you know that's right so and i think it's i wanna say yankees or northern people but i think more of my following is from up there and it's like oh we get cooked like him look how easy it is and and i think that's what it's about you know that's what i mean i know part of it is just kind of a character you you just not you ain't got to be yourself on it but the food looks so good that the food is legit that you do right i mean that's that's the whole thing that's what make that to me when i watch it i was like dang this guy can cook yeah and uh i didn't mean to cut you off no no so and and then other occasion tick tocks that cook reach out to me it's like man i'm stuck at 2 500 followers what are you doing different i said the only thing i could i could uh you know come up with is i have catchy slogans for the kids from five-year-olds i get duets from five years saying that's money dude put that on my crack oh my god he loves it yeah so then you get from the 18 to the 30 year olds they say i drink beer so they know i'm a normal human you know what i'm saying yeah so they follow me because this this we can hang out with this guy we can do something and then the older people says they watch the cooking and says oh this dude this dude cooks it like my grandpa yeah he's cooking yeah he's cooking old school so i'm pulling people from you know i have people in nursing homes acting like me i know i know no lie i get videos that's good so i'm from five year olds to 80 year olds i'm pulling pulling them all in just from the character my you know my uh the way i cook it's just pulling everybody in yeah that's the difference that's awesome well where so where did you get the cooking skills from did you grow up in a cooking household or someone you know absolutely i grew up next door to my grandfather and uh he was from franklin louisiana by new iberia uh he moved here i'm from labidyville which is right outside of thibodaux okay and he was a county agent which is almost now like a traveling vet and on my days off i was i was in his back pocket but we also were joined by hunting clubs there would be 100 200 members that we ran deer dogs in the swamp and then after you hunted at noon they had to have a camp chef and which was my grandpa and no matter what like like i was telling you earlier he would go to the scraps that people left after they cleaned a deer and cooked the best saucepan corn you ever ate in your life yeah or would have a fireman's fare and he would cook a crawfish bisque or jambalaya he was all you know cracklings or whatever and i was there i was in his back pocket and and just stuff he cooked just amazed everybody and you know i lost it for a while i played baseball in high school and then in college and he passed away when i was uh probably 20 years old and i lost it for a while for at least 10 years i didn't cook really just whatever and i said i need to get back to it you know he had a special season and and he had a special way of doing things and so i said it's time to go back to it now before it tic toc out me and my wife were cooking like him before yeah i said you know and once the shrimp video went viral i said let's bring him back you know let's bring him back so that's what we're doing come out with a cookbook we're coming out with a seasoning within four or five weeks are you doing are you doing the two steps you know what i'm saying you've got to send me some of that oh man it's it's going to be something you can put on everything it's going to be it's going to be lower sodium high on flavor high on spice obviously you know i mean you got to have a spicy occasion yeah but you know that's where it started and it started from nothing and now it's now we're building something you know it's something positive that's all everything i do i want it to be positive let's go in the right direction that's cool man that's a that's a great story yes and paying homage to your granddad absolutely and and on the season in battle it has his little slogan it's awesome that you know when he cooked he would always taste his his food in front of people and be man that's bland that's no good and then he hit it with the cajun two steps that's what he said he would call it the two sets that was and okay occasion tuesday is a dance yeah but he would make a little dance like he'll jump around and splash it in the pot you know and nobody he had in his little pocket kind of like my seasoning belt that i wear my chest yeah yeah yeah it popped in there and everybody knew what it was and it took a while i had to go back to my uncle we had to talk about it like hey one time i saw him doing this and one time i saw him mixing this let's try to recreate it and if it's not 100 it's 95 of what would what his agent two step was so i'm excited about it bringing it back yeah yeah no that's i think that's a great story and it's cool that you're doing that and get to keep those family roots going and teaching your kids how to do it and other folks how to do it that's what it's all about to me yes that's why i love making the videos that we do because you're sharing it with folks you know like i know everybody's got their way of doing stuff right i like learning you learn how to cook them shrimp hey i got a lot of i got a lot of learning [Laughter] so is that built a custom job or no i got that that belt comes from amazon and it was uh oh okay yeah it was it was you know we had somebody build me some american flag belts i'm really patriotic and i rather i wear the grunt style shirts for the military and all and and uh and then so i had to have an american flag when made and that's what i wear now but it's pretty cool you put your beer in it you got your seasoning you know you don't have to go far you know what does your kids think about having a tick tock star for a dad do they they give you a hard time on it or they see my little boy i always talk about her my little boy don't even care he has shoes on so he don't care about much as long as he can he can uh he can play call of duty yeah but my little girl 16 and and you know in her high school it's funny that the boys would be like hey can we come over not to hang out with you hang out with still cracker because he's crazy we're going to we're going to drive a car through a through a tire or blow something up oh that cadillac what was that cadillac i said elder was you driving that reverse that fast i can't admit to that i don't know who was driving it was like it was a professional yeah it had to be no i was cutting it up i swear you changed gears i didn't know they had reverse had a second nah that's funny so uh and and so i in in playing college baseball i played at nichols and i played at southwest mississippi junior college and i'm getting a lot of requests from high school kids and teams to go out there and i would love to go back and just practice with them just yeah just you know show there's good things and what you know what the world going on today is everything's negative that's right let's bring some positivity so our local hernando high school football coach come by here yesterday and they wanted to know if it was cool if some of the football players come over and met you absolutely i was like hey open to the public man you got this you got these guys wanting to come and and shake your hands absolutely and i know you know they they all think you're hero to a lot of them that's crazy no i think it's cool it really is how long does it take you to make a tick tock it tick tocks in 60 seconds yeah yeah we know that it takes way long enough to make one now the car crashes into the tire that one that was a one-take and and and i get a lot of comments about when people do watch us do tick tocks or do like these interviews and all and i did a youtube video recently went off show fishing out of venice yeah and the guy said i picked you because i saw you in front of the camera and you just you just naturally he said i brought other people that are famous from the camera and they melt because they don't have all the special effects and all the stuff he said you just sit there and just ramble off and have fun like and so we did we went out of venice and we fished and we we did interviews and it was a great time and uh the youtube video is a blue gabe off of uh youtube go check it out and uh it was a great i mean the waves were bad i caught the biggest wahoo i ever caught and we we funneled some beers you didn't get sick no i don't get so you you told me somebody used to be on a shrimp boat so yeah like i said when i was 17 i went out on a shrimp boat with a shrimp captain and uh we uh we caught a bunch of shrimp and and uh but he gave me an ice chest this is my payday you know he says look son i'm gonna give you these shrimp you know how to cook shrimp you know how to ball them yes sir i know how he said well tell me how and i started and he's like stop right there you're gonna mess him up and then he's the one who taught me how to ball shrimp and from then on you know one with the man that catches shrimp tell you how to do it you got to do it it's a great it's a great little i'd say it's a secret it's on a tick tock you can watch it yeah it's a great though how do you cook shrimp how do you cook how you bought shrimp you're boiling with a peel that's how you ball them now you ball them you get fresh water nothing in you can add some lemons i do put lemons in it you get it to a rolling ball all right and then you put your shrimp in maybe a minute or two you pull your shrimp out put them on the side then you put all your seasoning and all your fixings whatever you like you know people start they saw me put hot dogs and they freaked out man you could put chicken wings you could i don't like fruit i don't like the the i don't like the the uh the pineapples and all that in any ball but people do it like you mean i say if you put ribs or whatever but put whatever you like in there and when your potatoes get like they are like like al dente what i call them where you can almost slice through them you go ahead and kill the fire let it soak and then once it gets the way you can put your hand in the water where it don't burn you you had your shrimp back in and the reason why your shrimp was going to stick is because of the salt at a high temperature makes that shell stick to the meat so once you get your water under a certain temperature you add the shrimp back in there they're not going to stick and they're just peeled they'll just come right out the shell jump out the shell they do it it makes it enjoyable you know like i said if they don't peel ain't nobody don't care how they taste ain't nobody gonna eat them you know they don't want to fight with that that's true yep i know i've gotten royal royal reds that i couldn't get out of pay good money for that you can't get the peeling off of you at a fancy restaurant absolutely that's why that's why they did it at the restaurant so you won't eat that much that's right they sell you a pound of them you can't eat them all you could eat or you could peel how about that no i've got i know some dudes they'll eat that peeling and all oh they don't slow down they must be half merman or something i don't know what did they talk to you the next day they might have been tore up i used to work with the dude we must bust us up eat trip he just ate the peel and all would he eat the head the whole thing i've seen people do when you fry them you find them real crispy you can do that like when i do whole fried fish i can nibble on the uh you know the fish i like that crappie feed y'all have crappie down there no we call them soccer soccer no such thing as the crop is inside well where she's from down below jackson they call them white perch white purse yeah yeah they're crappie up here yeah we got tons of them awesome that's why i came when i moved up here i was like what what's crappie what are you talking about you said white party ears perk up uh-huh oh yeah i think that's the best fish there is out there that's the best of eating yup do y'all uh fry catfish down there absolutely my blues right i would do blues but my face is the appaloosa's cat you know what that is was a flathead you had a spotty cat yeah we call them i don't know why we call them on that but that's that's my favorite one you can do anything i just did a uh uh uh saucepay con i saw you know it was a coupon coupon and i did it with some big blues but before that i did a uh i blackened some uh some spotted cat and put it over some rice it was good i got a i got a question for you put shrimp in your beer shrimp in my beer i've never seen nobody do that i saw them boys from gonzales dude they got their little bee salad shrimp they put them in their beer mm-hmm it makes them briny makes that beer a little salty little brownie you never give me some dry shrimp maybe they were the deer that's what it was i think it is dehydrated yeah yeah turtle food yeah that's what it was they showed me his cup there was some little shrimp in there i ain't never seen nothing like that the funny thing is the same guy that taught me how to ball shrimp taught me how to make dried shrimp when you go trawling and you catch the small shrimp you gotta do something with them yeah and uh so that's why you don't cut the string on a crawfish sack so you can fill it up with the small shrimp and you leave it on your roof of your house for about a day and it dries them out and you take that crawfish sack and you beat it on the ground on the cement and it knocks all the shell off the the dry shrimp and then when you get them out it's like it is in the package that's wild stuff so you're gonna have me untie my crawfish put them in the pot even if you don't exactly just please don't tie your crosstalk good luck because so we using my grandfather back to him because they recycle either you use them for crawfish and again or when you pick pecans or you you put cans in them or i mean or you could strain stuff with them there's so much you could do with a crawfish sack besides cutting it and throwing away i mean i ain't gonna cut another one don't call it even if you don't wait you've seen at my house i don't know you see my videos but we hang them up as decorations it's like a trophy room yeah you know so yeah it looks pretty good yeah i like that i like that yeah so how do you bull crawfish uh we have time for that anybody can ball crawfish there's not there's no really secret to it that means whatever seasonings you like whatever fixings you like crawfish you know bring it to a rolling ball put your crawfish in you know let it ball two three four minutes and cut it and let it soak you know just but you gotta get that water cool though yeah did that shrimp yeah once once you once you you kill a fire and get it soak a little while you get you got to get that water cool because they sit there balling the whole time people let them soak for 30 minutes in boiling water then you know then you got mushy crawfish so yeah so okay i know you got the seafood all the all the old school dish is covered do you mess with barbecue or the grill at all i suck do you really i suck well we might could do some swapping then i might show you something on the grill and maybe you can just trade me a little a little cajun ticket if you look at my tick tocks i have not one rib no i have you ever tried or you just yes i do i can do it i like to eat it but i just man that's so competitive there's so many like i cooked a steak on tick tock and that just tore me up even garden rams that came out oh no i mean come on you know no i think i could cook a d so once you cook a good steak you know once you once you can do that you don't need to go to a restaurant anymore but everybody like steaks are like balling crawfish everybody does it different but to do a like a fine rib or or beat my beef ribs is my favorite yeah or stuff like that and put on tick tock and just let let people like you just tap me up i wouldn't i'm just not gonna do it you know you're an expert expert i don't do that but but i mean you know you cook it the way you like it who's who am i to say that that ain't right right it's just how you like it you know that's it yeah i'm not a barbecue expert and i say it in my videos all the time you know i just that's not i'm a i call myself a big pot cooker yeah i i'm going to cook a big dish i'm going to cook something you know something you said for that now yeah been able to cook for the masses that's it man i'm not a finesse cooker not at all do you eat other people's gumbo or jambalaya are you kind of picky about you know oh no i like i'll go to anybody's crawfish ball and eat now yeah i mean you might tell them they suck but you'll eat it i mean no i don't talk but there's always something you can learn from anybody else one little thing and and my signature move in my shrimp and my crawfish i learned from my cousin a long time ago he puts a gallon of pickled jalapenos in there and if you don't like jalapenos then don't put it in there don't comment on my video that you're like i mean yeah hey but it doesn't have a gallon back here we're gonna use dude i'm telling you it doesn't make it any spicier but if you like the jalapeno flavor i mean it's a next level deal and i learned that from somewhere else i didn't turn my back to it you know and just every time somebody cooks every time somebody speaks if you can learn one thing and then that's what makes you better don't don't ever diss somebody because they do something different you know you know so i go to these barbecue i teach barbecue classes but i also go to barbecue classes and i go in with that same mindset if i could come away with just one thing most time you come away with way more than that right but if you can come away with one thing i mean you learned something you didn't know so that's a skill that you picked up yep i agree i i totally agree with that approach yes tell us about so i saw and i know my shell michelle wants to know because you had the blue plate out tell us about the dipping sauce oh so the dipping sauce she's she's she's probably the world's biggest fan of blue plate mayonnaise made down in new orleans now that's where it's from so i do have a bottle of dukes at the house i'm gonna make a video i don't even know what i don't even compare oh i see i don't want so the thing is so you got there's a competition i did you got blue plate and you got date uh dukes but also you got seasoning and you got a old bay yeah man don't you piss off no old baby but they'll send you a nasty note in the mail i'm telling you you know man i don't know what it is but i'm not hiding it obey just don't have a spice to me i mean it's got all the clove but they're missing the they're missing the other steps just like the cajun half step it's old bay i like that i would have used that but you know when i cook i when i cook shrimp and all and i get all these comments obey obey obey so i went buy some stuff's expensive yeah i bought it i tried it and i made a video i made a funny video i don't know if you've seen it but i poured it in some cereal with some beer and i had to hit it with the shoe step just so i could eat my cereal but but anyway so so uh what are we relating to we're going back to blue plates yeah the blue plate so we were talking about my grandfather now we're going back to my grandmother my mama and uh every time we had we bawled anything she made a dip and now it was mainly mayonnaise mustard ketchup mixed together maybe a little uh liam perron or whatever yeah definitely and and and my wife had took it to a next level she adds a little crab ball to it she adds a little you know i got videos out there with everything we put a little hot sauce in it yeah but once you make this dip if you put it in a you know you know in a ketchup bottle you can use it on anything i love it on some soccer leg on a piece of white bread it's over you know and the fun almost past coffee sandwich i almost passed out one time so we go to this we go to grand isle and we go to a restaurant and there's this thing on the table i'm like what is this i look at this i mean i'm gonna say the name brandon i don't even know they make it anymore it's called wow wee sauce i look at it it's like man that's mustard ketchup that's all i was like i could have made this 40 years ago it ain't near as good as you because it ain't made with blue plate because you taste that they got it too sweet you know we bought someone's like oh this is it this is going to be our new dipping sauce i mean man that would be awesome keep in your fridge you don't have to mix it up make it or you can put it in a pan and then put the fictions you like in it to make it what you want and i was like man it's so simple why did i do that but you know it was funny i was looking at it on the table i was like we've been doing that forever and so the funny thing about my dipping sauce so when i put it on tick tock he said you copied cane sauce i was like we've been doing this like so there ain't no canes in thibodeau no no there is probably well there's some sugarcane like my grandma been making this from 1968. let me know when canes came out you know it's just something that oh that was the first thing we got the saxophonies and you know there's all kinds of those little chicken joints they have a it's a out in utah they call it a fry sauce right it's just a combo i mean it's i i use it on everything man it's a good little sauce to always have on deck you know it goes with it goes with seafood really good i mean that's what i like i like to put it on a hamburger just you like man as much to catch it up on your hamburger if you don't if you do you you slather that on there and you got it covered a little spicy hood you know i bet it'd be good on a barbecue sandwich it probably would probably be not if i cook the barbecue i promise you that yep do you mess with nutrient rat i've ate it before but so a neutral you think about it an animal tastes like wood it eats a nutrients grass a rabbit eats grass i love rabbits my bet my favorite thing and i'm about to do one on tick tock some another tick tock is probably going to do it you never let them know what you're going to do is my grandpa had a smoked rabbit gumbo unbelievable tame rabbit absolutely you take a rabbit you skinned it he had a rabbit farm we i grew up on a small a small animal farm and i have one myself you take or you take a couple rabbits you clean them and you smoke them a cold smoke to where they get that that orange looking flavor and uh you cut them up and you put them in a gumbo and it just it just makes the whole gumbo that smoky great flavor with the sausage you know it's a good it's a it's a good thing to do so it's just just stuff like that and i just want to keep i like bring it back i've never thought about putting i put i put turkey and smoked turkey and gumbo that's a mustang yeah smoked turkey when he's got to go in there yeah it's it's a game changer but smoke rabbit gumbo try it get yourself over here we have two rabbits in the freezer yeah yeah oh yeah and doesn't taste well you know i don't have to take out a smoke nut you know i can do that easy it's so easy so good hardest part about gumbo to me is is sitting there making that being patient making that route all right why you ate your hydration that's it that's the that's why i like to cook it's a yeah it's at least about a c it's about a six pack if you do it right oh absolutely yeah you get it that right color absolutely but i learned so what little what little cajun cooking that i that i know i attribute to my days watching pbs seeing justin wilson on i know you remember him coming up yeah that was where i i learned what a gumbo was i didn't know i mean you know we didn't have my mom and dad didn't make gumbo absolutely we didn't make jambalaya but i remember seeing those old videos and i've got a couple of his cookbooks and yeah this is good stuff man the fun fact i'll tell you the story see me and my grandfather he loved justin wilson and we watched his videos he passed away and i went play college baseball at southwest mississippi i get apartment on lake dixie springs just a little jinky apartment whatever and uh we start and i see this this man outside a nice brick house and look that's justin wilson yeah the suspenders and everything everything on his yard i was like no no no i go over there and it's actually justin wilson i lived by him for two years he actually passed away when i lived next door really and so i got to meet the man and then so it's so humbling when i'm cooking and people comment you're the modern day justin wilson the fun fact i met the guy i talked to the guy spoke to the guy you know and then me and my grandpa grew up watching the guy i just everything's just so coming together for this for what i'm doing right now you know it's just i've never done anything in my life that never fell in place like it is right now yeah that's that's that's too cool yeah yeah six months tick tock two million and six months that's falling yeah that's pretty good yeah pretty good that's real good it took ten years on youtube for us to get just a minute youtube's a different game yeah hey you got to start making some long form ones and getting them over there man people cross over that's what we've found just been and tick tock what a month and a half or so tyler it hadn't been long we've uh you know it's it's a it's crazy how much people want to pick up their cell phones or whatever and and get get some information from it absolutely they're watching all that so dinner regular wait night who's cooking you or your wife so if you ever watch a tick tock i'm about to rap me out right here if it's something finesse or it's a dessert that's my wife that's like those uh those uh bell peppers i cook that was her i had no clue what i was doing i had no clue if it's a big pot if it's a ball that's me like her the desserts the cracker cake the the the macaroni and cheese that's hers that's why i ain't gonna lie that's hers and and uh the uh the cinnamon rolls that's her stuff yeah but that's what makes us get to looking along we can sit there and cook together she's camera shy she tells me what to do and i do it and but you know so i say 50 50. you know does she hold the camera no my little girl oh my little girl i got the whole family involved michelle does our camera yeah so uh yeah so it's a 50 50 deal and like i said if you see something meaty and big that's me you see a dessert you can call me i would listen i i admit it you gonna lie about that no no no no i like it it's all great all good well uh chill if you got any more questions for us today i think man i'm just glad that you come by and hung out with us man we got to know you i can't wait for tomorrow it's gonna be a big deal we gotta we gotta get together and collab on on some crossover barbecue and absolutely cajun recipes i'd love to make the rabbit he did i can smoke the rabbit you can make the gumbo that's a good deal that would be a good video absolutely i can get you the turkey wings and rabbits absolutely what kind of sausage you put in there it if we use uh there's a little place by the house double d's so they make their own homemade smoked sauce we'll make that or uh you know just whatever you know local we're trying to stay local with sausage and all and i get a bunch of deer sausage made and uh we use that in a lot a lot of stuff we got it why don't you use it you know that's right and our ground meat 99 is deer ground meat you know so well awesome well still cracker we appreciate you coming by man you're welcome to come back hang out with us anytime it's been a pleasure and where can they find you yeah yes yeah i mean i'm on tick tock instagram facebook youtube my youtube ain't really that good don't go there but go to tiktok if you want to see see me work the magic you know so yeah i'm easy to find still crack official that's where i'm at they get the merch you got the cookbook got the cookbooks the merchandise shirts i did want to ask you about the cookbook real quick okay how was that putting that together my wife typed the whole thing out uh and she put her recipes in that and i brought my grandfather's recipes in there and it was one of those things we i was i was against doing i just wanted to make videos and make people happy they're like you gotta you gotta make merchandise i'm like all right do that then like we really need to come out with our grandfather's season and i think we really knew it and i got the price on doing this like oh lord like that's expensive to come out with a new product you know not knowing coming from i've never done nothing like that and we started things just like you know my wife's like let's come out with a cookbook and let's run this cookbook until we have the money to make the season and then we at that point now it's gonna be it's gonna be in the next four to six weeks we're gonna launch my grandfather's cajun two step and it's gonna be it's it's a great season and it's i'm not saying it's gonna cover everything that is out there but it's gonna be something special and it's gonna be something special you sprinkle in your dish to make it good so folks are going to hey you got i really do want something absolutely good luck on that good luck on the cookbook nothing we're doing good anything we can help you with brother you holler at us we know a little bit about seasons i agree with how to get them bottled yes sir all right well man until next time man hey we're back how to barbecue right podcast we've got another guest with us for this episode it's my good buddy chad ward from traeger grills chad man thanks for coming down to hernando and hanging out with us thank you man happy to be here it's going to be an awesome weekend yeah but we're excited you know our grand opening is going on we're going to do a video together you got a recipe i know we kind of talked about a little bit but we're gonna we're gonna do some cooking on some traegers and we're gonna we're gonna have a good time man i'm excited absolutely so mine i gotta tell you man this headquarters you guys have built here along with the store is absolutely gorgeous um kind of gives me something to work towards you know we kind of felt like we lucked into this building because it's kind of worked out for everything we needed it's got the warehouse space it's got the the room for the classrooms and demos and stuff and then we got a podcast studio that you know it was kind of here already and then and then the little retail that's that's kind of what the shop is and what we're trying to draw people here with and so it's you know it's kind of all in one shop no it's it's a great spot and speaking of classroom man how much do you miss teaching oh dude the kovids messed us all up and that's what i wanted that was one of the questions i had when we were in show we're talking when's the shop classes starting back at traeger you know we we go back and forth you know we've we've i hate using the word pivot i don't use it like it's been used way too much during the thing um but we made two big changes at trigger um when we couldn't do the shop class tour anymore first one being we started with the trigger kitchen lives you know that we do on our youtube channel and on our facebook channel and those have been great i think we've done about 33 35 of those um we're doing them every two weeks now but it was just a way to engage i know for me as someone that was on the road you know 200 225 days a year i mean those first couple of months of quarantine was like you're going crazy well i live by myself dudes i'm talking to the walls like and i love to talk you know what i mean so it was a interesting time so i know we started those trigger kitchen lives and that was great and then we've um got another offering called private table classes and so we usually do those on thursdays and saturdays and it's kind of cool it's a zoom class um 10 to 15 people and i think i've done probably 20 25 of those um and they've been good i really like those because when you and you know this from doing the you know youtubes and facebooks yeah you're talking to hundreds of people at the time or thousands but the feedback loop is two three four five minutes delayed yeah whereas when you're doing the zoom class you know it's almost like being in a real classroom because you can see reactions you can kind of play off of your crowd so we've done those two things and they've been successful but man it's still nothing like going to one of our awesome retailers and getting to meet all their their folks or our beautiful hq and and the big difference with the zoom classes or cherry kitchen live is they can't taste it yeah yeah i mean that's that says i feel like the biggest jerk in the world when i'm like oh well let me check let me tell you how it tastes yeah yeah yeah people people are throwing things at their tv they're at their computer screen like that ain't fair you you just can't beat the in-person feel you get from it that's you know and that's me i could have done some zoom classes and things like that but i just didn't feel like people were getting the same experience i mean you can watch my videos if you want to see how to cook something when you come to a class it's about being there and eating the food and smelling the smells and seeing how we work the grill shaking the hands all the isms that we use and everything you know it's all that so yeah no i agree and i think you know i i got pitman on board so hopefully i can get you on board i think whenever when the world settles down me and pitman come here and do a class me and you go to pitman to do a class and then you and pittman come to my place yeah and we could hit all areas of the country right mississippi texas florida i think it'd be a black and then when canada opens up i know we all work with dixons i believe you work with dixons yeah but you know i've never been to canada ever really yeah i'll tell you what i've done a couple of classes up in toronto outside of toronto and uh dude they love their barbecue i'm sure you see it from your youtube channel constantly i bet i get i don't know 30 40 emails a day just people hey can you ship something to canada for me hey can you ship something to canada i mean yeah and we have a few you know we don't nothing like traeger has but it's just it's amazing how much those guys are in the barbecue up there man they really really are oh so y'all are talking about doing a tour yeah tour t-shirts can we make a tour t-shirt we're doing a tour we've got to do it boys are back i want it like the molly hatchet style yeah there you go no i just 38 special that'd be a ton of fun i think it would too you know we got to go out we lucked up the year before cove and we went to mats and we was like we were planning on going back we had such a good time out there well now he's got that little storefront too yeah yeah he was nice just he was just opening it up he had it open we were there we got to go over there that's kind of where we finished the class and let people you know peruse and pick up some some items and things like that but it's it's cool yeah that's a cool little town watching it is yeah especially that area he's in that downtown area it's just got a lot of nostalgia i mean it kind of feels like you're in small town texas yeah right there in dallas yeah it was easier for me to get to because we're on this side you well you probably flew in yeah we drove yeah and it and it's not yeah you definitely look out because you get on that south side yeah you don't mess with the county so i was going to ask you you said um are you still splitting time between utah and florida are you mainly just hanging out at home right now i've just been staying at home i was in i've been in utah twice three times since covid one of them was a bunch of the guys from the office said hey we're having a golf tournament you got to come out another one was i just got to missing the guys on our what we call our community team on the marketing team the guys that handle the influencers and ambassadors and that kind of stuff and then it wasn't until two weeks ago i actually went in the office in utah and it was cool got to catch up with jeremy a little bit and and we've gotten really good at working remote and we've just been one of the brands that have been so fortunate during this time i mean the the growth we've seen between 19 and 20 has been remarkable um because you've had grills yeah we've had grills that's been a big problem in the industry people just didn't have have something to sell yeah and don't get me wrong we've got stuff to sell we wish we had more stuff to sell but i think everybody's in that boat right now and it's no lack of effort i mean i know for us right now one of the biggest things and it's completely out of your control is the ports oh yeah is is you know there there's some people that i'm you know when i'm talking to guys that on other brands they're saying man we've had containers in port for 30 45 60 days and just haven't got them unloaded and that's that's what really stinks you got product and you just can't get it unloaded oh yeah we've been through that we have and you had to go through two at the beginning you know i know we went through it with our rub line at whiskey bent is when lids became an issue oh yeah when throttles became an issue and then everybody starts hoarding up bottles because like well i don't want to run out of it you know what i mean it's like the price shoots up you don't want to have to take the price increase on on your customer because you know everybody's hurting exactly it was it's a bad and they're still we're not in the clear on the plastic stuff no i got it i got an email this week so you know there's still going to be plastic shortage because you know they switched everything to sanitizer that was what got the they said they all everything was being used and then the resin or whatever they're using to make the caps with well the same things happen with that pet plastic that they're using for the sauce bottles and things yep well and the other one that's been interesting to watch is nitro gloves oh man i saw you carrying them in your store i had to quit carrying them in mine because the wholesale my wholesale price went up like four triples yeah yeah what i used to get i think it was eight or nine dollar box of gloves is now like 20 something dollars i'm in that same boat yeah and you mean you can't just pass that on to the customer i mean we're basically the guy we we order them we got like a glove rip he's like well we don't know when we're getting them if we get some we'll send them to you so he'll email us out of the blue hey we got 20 boxes do you want them there's like heck yeah send them to us you know yeah but then when they're gone they're gone you'll never know when you're gonna get them i've tried i've tried sourcing them all different places they're just none yeah we have two and it's been it's been absolutely crazy because it seems like every time i do a trigger kitchen live or something and i i do the same thing you do the cotton gloves with the yeah naturals over the top and it was always nice people go well you can just go to whiskey and barbecue supply and pick them up there blah blah now it's like uh well i don't know where you can pick him up you're lucky you could say harbor freight or whatever yeah i mean i understand they need them that's part of you know ppe absolutely yeah so it's i mean that's you know i'd rather somebody in hospital doctor's office or whatever emergency situation yes i have a glove that us barbecue guys but i do miss them i've ordered me a few boxes but if you'll notice a lot of times i got down the master in the one hand yeah yeah i don't put i don't like to put them on two anymore yeah i'll do as much stuff as i can with one completely agree but well have you ever cooked a low and slow pork butt yes own a traeger yes that's what we did for our recipe that was our recipe this week and i'm gonna tell you chad it'll give anybody's a run for the money if people think you can't get bark and you can't get smoke green you can't get smoked flavor on a on a pellet grill they're wrong especially depending on you know if you're using that iron ironwood or using that that timberline where you know we've kind of built that algorithm with super smoke which you can use under 225 puts about three times more smoke in the chamber i mean it builds great bark it builds great flavor um and that was one of the things when i you know it's funny but you know jeremy andrus and tri-atlantic bought traeger seven and a half years ago and i've been around for about seven years of that ride and i remember when i first first got the opportunity to they said hey we got a blank sheet of paper we want you to help us build a grill that competition guys would be proud of and what came out of that was the first version of the timberline and i was one of the guys that said man we need and i didn't call it super smoke i said man we need some kind of method at lower temp where we can just get more smoke on the meat you know excuse me and i know i'm choking all my oil up over here and uh but no i mean i'm super proud of where the product lines came where it's you know where it's going it's uh it's pretty remarkable but it means a lot to me that you'll say that because i know you've cooked on everything under the sun and for you to be happy enough with it and say it can go up against anything that uh that means a lot no that's exactly i mean i've lo i mean the traeger timberline dude that's the best cooking pellet grill i've had i've owned the odors cooked on memphis different model traegers louisiana that timberline it's a machine yeah no it's it's really built you know way you can retain heat in it and i mean that thing whether you're at 200 225 or you're at 350 375 that's usually within two three degrees either way always yeah great video it's my favorite grill i didn't say anything about super smoke in the video because i know everybody don't have that yeah yeah yeah no no that that's very super smoke shoot yep that's just an added bonus i mean i've gotten plenty of you know really good smoke off of just a pro series that doesn't have that feature either you know yeah what does it do so there's a there's an algorithm in there that between the way that we drop the pellets and the way that we we uh regulate the air going to it it just allows it to create more blue smoke then until that's what operation mode yeah it's just slowing that auger down yep slowing that auger down letting that pellet burn and pulse in the air kind of more quickly and then kind of take a quick break and then pulse it some more so kind of really ignite the pellet let that smoke build sit back and then provide more air to it to generate the smoke a little bit harder yeah but always focused on that that clean blue smoke you know want to make sure it's not that that you know on non-combusted creosote so do you get questions on why can't you do it over 225 yes and it's because and the reason you can't do it over 225 is you have to feed the pellets at a higher rate to get to that over 225 temperature which takes away the added amount of smoke that you get on a super smoke setting so traeger just figured out in the lab that yeah exactly that's the optimal point where it's not going to work yeah there's no unlock code that if you pay us 50 bucks you can yeah you can get you can do something [Music] we need that yeah it was just the uh it was just the physics behind yeah yeah so we would need a double auger system that was creating that while the other one was figured there you go that's been our guest that's what i've been wanting to do to design a separate like smoke chain because you know everybody wants to use a smoke tube so yeah yeah these they they really don't work right kind of work really don't work but if you had another fire pot in there that was your smoke fire pot didn't you control it separately it was producing smoke while your other one was generating btus yeah that could be interesting you could be you could be doing some smoking then things are good that's what i think about when i drink whiskey but no i did so the pork butt i cooked it was about ten it was it's a big pork butt ten things ten and a half pounds 14 hours and i started out on 200 and i went that for eight of the hours you know i got i put it on went to bed and got up and then just said okay i'll bump it you know 220 something like that still keeping it in super smoke range man you talk about juicy i did fat down and then bark all over the outside and it was i mean it'll never get like you can't get it above 190. i think that's about top out you keep it at those temps but it's let go of every bit of fat in itself and it just turns it to liquid juice just flavored all in there you pull it off and man it was just it gets that good crunchy bark on the outside it's really good it's been our go-to pork butt here here lately it's got the old school flavor man yeah no it really does and with no no touch in it yeah yeah and and i love those overnight cooks like that i mean i've been doing a an overnight brisket you know just set that baby at 185 super smoke let it go overnight i mean you you got a big enough hopper you ain't got to worry about no how about you know for those first eight hours at 200 i burned what two inches of pellets i mean it wasn't even down very past the lip yep no and and and then when you get up in the morning you can kind of decide where you want to go with it you don't need depending on if you're serving for lunch or serving for dinner you want to build some more bark you want to get it done you know whatever the case may be i mean i remember i started doing that a couple years ago actually me and pittman were cooking an event at nike and i was like man we're gonna go out with the nike guys and party a little bit i don't know if i'll be messing around with a brisket at two three in the morning and so we just put that baby on at 10 o'clock before we went out and 185 didn't we kind of stumbled home and looked at it like perfect oh man it's working out let's go to bed you know some of my best barbecue has been has been cooked that very same way chad yeah yeah yeah just like put it on screw it it don't matter let's go you know yep have a good time we'll come back check it out later as long as the power don't go out yeah you're gold long as the power don't go out we got a way to fix you weren't opening it you weren't spraying it you weren't jacking with it you weren't you know sitting there worried about the clot you just let it do its thing and i'll tell you you brought it up with spraying i mean when it comes to cooking on a trigger i i bet i may spray two percent of the time and it's just because some anomaly you know what i mean where you know it's just a nice moist cook you don't really know what you have to yeah you know i definitely understand on other other people when i used to run stick burners it's not absolutely good it's a definite different heat dry heat oh hickory if i don't spray it it's moving so much convection air in there it'll turn something into jerky on the top absolutely but man that triggers it's got a nice damp nice damp heat to it and i just rarely find myself having to spread anything yeah so for people that don't know chad what are you what are you officially doing for traeger so as for traeger i am it's kind of cool toddler director of barbecue marketing i love it so my that's one of the best titles so so my you know and i'm about to have mine i've been with the brand seven years the first two years was kind of a spokesperson ambassador and then the last uh july will be my five year employee anniversary and my responsibility is just you know really promoting the brand you know going out and working with different ambassadors um you know tommy and you hooked back up you know just said hey you know love to get a trigger to you and you know it once again it's one of those things where you know and i do it not just in barbecue but in country music and athletics that's what i was trying to say you say ambassadors we're talking about superstars yeah yeah you're the superstar contact you're kind of the go between traeger and these big time people you know i was i was telling the guys in the break room uh talking to the guy from swine life and this night and i said man if you told me 10 years ago this is going to be my job like it's it's amazing and you know i mean you know a couple weeks ago the super bowl week i was you know did an instagram live with justin herbert for getting rookie of the year for the nfl and two weeks before that was cooking with ken griffey junior at his house which seems to be like in every monthly acquaintance you know thing now yeah and uh and just man it's cool and i think the one thing it says about barbecue is you know i mean king of junior 630 home runs isn't that but but chad i need to learn how to cook a brisket hot and fast like barbecue flows through everybody's veins you know what i mean and it's cool to be able to have the the skill set and the knowledge level to be able to you know this guy's want to pick my brain yeah what i'm saying and and i'm sitting here just trying not to be a geek like dude let me talk to you about when you you know what one two count you know is on the mound and uh but but but it's cool because i mean it just barbecue resonates with it all i mean it's it's just awesome to be a part of and so yes that's my title so i you know and i do a lot of the you know customer facing stuff for traeger um but yeah director of barbecue marketing that's a that's a heck of a job yeah so have you have you got to go cook with joe rogan yet i know i know y'all got him some trailers i've cooked with rogan i've cooked at elk camp with him two or three times really um i will tell you what if you like joe and joe show yeah same thing i say about dan patrick they're ten times even more genuine in person oh really oh yeah and joe like when joe's passionate about something like elk hunting like cooking like archery dude is all in yeah you know what i mean like yeah like i remember when he he tagged out and uh you're gonna go home really he's like no i'm just gonna hang out with chad you know help them and learn how to cook some stuff and it's like so rad but i mean it's so humbling when those guys you know you know want to share camp with you and well we're going to help camp oh well chad's got to come or you know i mean that's that's fun i want to see you get burnt he he's cooking on this take him wreck tech bart crystal i know i know he's you got to get him a traeger it hurts me every time i see him talk about his rector he hauls that thing around on tour with him for people i know and i actually tried reaching out through a couple of different channels before he did that just because i think chrysler is freaking out yeah exactly and uh but yeah we'll we'll see if we can't get him uh get him converted yeah i need to see him with one we uh tom segura come to memphis was it it was it was during right before kevin we got the chance to go see him live yeah who's killer man i i still got to say one of the coolest things speaking of memphis in may is we got that coming up hopefully yeah two years ago two or three years ago i can't remember two mate two or three looking across the way you know we get set up this and that look across the way and there stands dave grohl and our buddy billy terrell's tent i'm like uh what is this yeah you know yeah and and it's been cool you know because dave's got such a passion for cooking i mean he's totally legit he's into it man yeah me and me and my buddy tim montana went out and cooked with his charity probably a year and a half ago in california and dude that guy stayed up all night with the pit like he's not one of those guys like running his line goes yeah you know what 108 i think yeah and uh and he's like he's not one of those dudes that just goes to bed and you know hey ten the fire like i mean i think he slept in 90 minutes and then was standing right next to me serving barbecue for four hours the next day like it's pretty cool yeah it was it was good food yeah he can cook no he came walking through our booth at memphis the man i chill flipped out i was like i mean i grew up absolutely i did i was taught a moment i was talking to some guys and he come up and just gave me a big old hug i was like who is this guy he's like hey man big fan of yours i'm dave grohl and i was like oh i'm a big fan here yeah but look the dude i was talking to got pissed he didn't give a flip about dave grohl he wanted to talk to me and so i thought he was going to hit dave grohl i was like hold up man hold up man i'll be with you yeah i was like please don't hit him man he's just here to talk barbecue he's a cool guy probably she's cool guys guitar player you know nirvana yeah oh that's funny so you said that uh you're coming to the house you're doing a video this week with us yes will be released on our youtube channel what you cooking we're going to do you know malcolm kind of said man do something that just says traeger and i think the one thing about traeger that's awesome that you don't get a lot of the grills you cook the whole dang meal on it so we're going to do just a basic you know spatchcock chicken brine it for a couple hours dry it off season it up throw it on at 375. we're gonna let it go for a little bit and then get our brussels sprouts prepped and do some balsamic brussels sprouts and that way you know we'll put those on a little bit into the chicken cook but that to me just proves do it at the same time boom one grill you know it all pulls off at the same time let's eat asparagus is one of the best things asparagus is the best on a pellet grill no i i would agree asparagus work to me what i do with asparagus usually is i'll when i'm reverse searing my steak i'll throw it on the top rack and then usually by the time my steaks rested that asparagus get ready at 4 500 after you know 8 12 minutes it's ready to go oh yeah it's it's too easy yep toss it a little olive oil little you know salt pepper garlic action don't need much no not at all yeah i'm one of those with veggies i mean you know don't don't try to cover them up kind of yeah break them up yeah so you sear your steak first and then move it up to the top first i'm gonna reverse here okay so when i'm when i'm searing my steaks at the end then i'll throw my asparagus on the top rack gotcha you know because at that higher heat it only needs you know 12. depending on hops depending on how big this yeah if you get those thumb sizes you get those tree trunks i hate those i like when that young asparagus is tender yep that's the best those don't take long at all no i'm down with that i'm looking forward to the brussels sprouts so do you do bacon in them or i do i do bacon and a little balsamic vinegar um that's in a little cook so usually i kind of roast them off and then towards the end i'll add some chicken stock some balsamic vinegar and the bacon so it kind of makes a little sauce yeah lightly cooks down yeah you do them in like a cast iron skillet or a cast iron skillet or you know a little bit deeper sheet pan yeah yeah yeah a little sheet pan that would work too yeah so but but it works out really well um and man brussels is one of those things i never liked until i had them off the grill you know i'm saying i remember brussels sprout i was saying i will put cheese on them you'll like them you know but they're always bold and just no flavor no flavor bad cabbage flavor i was like i'm not eating this i refuse to until we started learning how to cook them on a grill and a more roasted style yeah and then they just they they pop with flavor they do they're really so good and and you know when you're talking about brussels too they'll kind of take on wherever you lead them you know what i mean as far as flavor profile i mean they're not super overpowering so you know it's one of those it's nice it's got a good you know good crunch good mouth feel and my favorite is i always when i'm trimming them if those leaves fall off i go ahead and throw them in the skillet later on oh man like a little chip yeah a little brussel chips yep that's better than a kale chip any day i absolutely agree my friend well i like i mean i have them you know yeah i have them don't you do too yeah so yeah when i i'll stem them and then i'll half them and when i have some of those leaves come off they're going in have you ever just uh kept any of your bacon fat and got it a little warm and drizzled it over before you season them so what what i'll end up doing is i'll i'll put a little bit of olive oil on them and season them but what we'll do is i'll have those brussels on the bottom rack and then on the middle rack we'll have the bacon cooking over the top of it so it kind of cooks down into it's hot deer yeah it lets it drip down into it yep and then once it gets done we'll take and cut it up and put it in there that's all day yeah exactly two big boys ain't gonna say no to that are they no no we're eating healthy that's right we eat greens yeah yeah chicken and greens our doctors ought to be proud of that [ __ ] man they'd have to know about the three pounds of bacon hanging over you got gotta make it taste good ain't gonna tell all the secrets that's right so what al so what's traeger have coming up on the year we're gonna get to see traeger memphis may if they have it we're gonna see some more festival type stuff or i'm working on that right now um trying to get you know we're talking about memphis in may you know it's just one of those things that's it's almost thing near in the middle right you know like we're starting to see numbers get better you know what i mean so so we'll see i mean i personally i would love for us to be there um but have talked to kevin over at memphis in may and i got another call with our group on monday and uh just kind of evaluate the whole situation but would love to be there um we've been doing some small veteran events which is really big to us i mean thank you we love giving back to our military love giving back to the communities that have helped us build um got a couple things in the country music space coming up you know not sponsoring any tours or anything like that but just some cool um doing it in april i'll be doing an event with uh brently gilbert for some veterans um you know so we just try to you know right now you know i don't know when shop classes will come back i mean i'm gonna say worst case beginning at 2022 um you know if we could sneak a couple in yeah fourth quarter at hq you know without going on the road that'd be awesome but it's just kind of a wait-and-see approach i mean we've kind of taken and budget-wise the second half of the year we've got budget for certain events but once again we're just gonna do what's right and responsible but um man when we can get back out there it's gonna be a big shop class tour it's gonna be i mean it's gonna be believe me we have missed it just as much as people miss coming and being a part of the stuff we do most definitely most definitely what about uh game day that was i always like turning on tv and seeing the trailer there at game day did you get i mean kovac kind of put a damper on some of that yeah so i was on tour with the game day guys all year in 19. um so i'd usually fly in on a wednesday or thursday cook for the whole crew on friday and then do saturday and if it was a game i wanted to stay for i did if it wouldn't i was fly out out on the next saturday afternoon flight um it was really cool um and it's been a great recognition for us i mean we know that the the college sports fan is in our demographic yeah definitely especially here in the sec you know down here but but even you know as i got to go to other places i mean i went north dakota st there was a north dakota state south dakota state game i go to this i go into this i go into this little old diner i'd read about you know i'm supposed to have the best two and a half dollar cheeseburger you can find and went there and it was kind of like three o'clock in the afternoon nobody's in there and the owner comes out and he goes man you're that traeger guy and i was like yeah i guess sell my [ __ ] i guess we got recognition on the dakotas too and uh and so yeah so that was but yeah game day was was huge um and and will continue to be a part of that this year uh based on what capacity i don't know i mean i felt i you know i made so many good friends on that game day crew and that game day crew at its biggest is you know about 150 170 people wow it's what it takes together just to show up at the school and put that on absolutely because you've got all the guys that you know you've got a crew of six guys that run the overhead cameras you've got all the producers you've got all the guys jock in the equipment here to there so you you think about you don't see all that you don't you don't it's all behind the scenes yeah you know i i honestly thought like when we were having our first introductory calls but i'm like okay so on friday when i cook for the crew what are we cooking for like you know 40 50 people now you know and then you have and then you have all the other brands too you've got coca-cola you got home depot you've got you know what i mean um but you're the only food guy though right exactly you know the interesting thing about it is we don't shop for that until friday morning so we'll literally they get done they get done we'll go out friday morning as soon as the grocery store opens so we cook a bunch of quick cook stuff you know pork chops that kind of thing and then well we we don't have anywhere to store that much food yeah there's no refrigeration exactly so we literally go in and run up a 1500 tab at a grocery store which we end up being their favorite grocery their favorite game to ever come in town yeah and and then literally we go back and cook it and we serve it 12 12 30. yeah wow yeah so it's a it's a lot of fun i uh what's your crew look like to to pull that off so what happens is usually it's just me but there's a um roadkill grill is what they call themselves it's a group of eight or ten guys that are staff on game day that help help so they've been doing it i'm kind of in addition that in the traeger's in addition to the crew okay they're used to cooking for the crew they're used to it we've just taken it kind of to another level a little more elevated and uh using the traeger instead of what they were using in the past gotcha gotcha tommy tommy marshall he's the guy that created roadkill grill i think 13 14 years ago he's worked on game day since the inception that's cool yeah so no that's been fun and then you know the dan patrick show i mean that's been a big those two things have really been huge for traeger from uh you know really integration in the sports world as dan can dan cook on it i'll tell you what man dan has gotten much much better at cooking on it he's much better yeah he uh he he embraces it he um me and me and julie went up there girl meets girl on instagram we went up there for the super bowl and worked our butt off this year usually what we do with a crew of five or six me and her did by ourselves because we were trying to keep the crew low i mean we went yeah got covid tested um all that stuff and uh julie made a grouper with the traeger black and saskatchewan and a little pineapple sauce on top dan ate five pieces of it five sides five sides of grouper i've never seen him eat so much of something in his life and then literally he's like dude you gotta give me that recipe i'm like damn it's so easy it's like you can do it 350 black in saskatchewan pineapples also at the time was like why did i make the pineapple sauce i was like you go to the grocery store and you buy this brand yeah and he's like no way that's that's out of the produce case was like that's how the produce case and so literally for the flying home that day is like dude i can't find grouper up here can i use monkfish i was like yeah monkfish we find it's just where do you find monkfish [Laughter] readily available in connecticut i guess so i got that yeah and so that freezer yeah i had to fly the grouper up there um because we were doing kind of the whole tampa bay thing versus kansas city yeah so i had to have the grouper and then he ended up finding a fishmonger there in town and now can get him grouper but he was so proud of me he he did it with that monk first two days later and it all turned out phenomenal grouper's good eating fish it really is oh man one of my favorite that and redfish oh yeah but yeah it was different this year i mean this is the first time i've been doing the dan patrick show for five years and this is the first time we haven't been on site and it was 45 minutes so you weren't you weren't even home for super bowl i i flew home sunday morning oh man but yes that's in the backyard yeah i mean i mean literally if we'd have been on site at the super bowl like we have been the last four years it was 45 minutes door-to-door they would have been yeah it's probably better yeah somebody's looking out for you yeah but yeah so instead we did it in in the so we're supposed to cook thursday friday we go up we get in saturday night we get our coveted test on sunday so we can't go into the studio until our covid test clears 24 to 48 hours we didn't do the rapid one because the rapid ones had a little hit and miss on it yeah and so i'm like okay well you know tuesday we'll be able to get in the studio and get prepped on wednesday so we get our coveted results back on monday both negative and it's snowing a foot an hour [Laughter] like well we can't go out shopping today so then i i texted and i said hey man here's both of our negative covet tests he's like oh great man you can go shopping tomorrow why don't we cook wednesday thursday and friday on the show and i could never tell dan knows yeah so you made it happen i kind of looked at julian's like wow what do you think what do you think about cooking wins and she's like well if you can't tell dad no i can't tell him no and i was like you probably could she's like nope i'm not telling him no so we uh yes we did wednesday thursday and friday and it was uh it was a lot of fun how what's his crew like oh his crew is great man so they've got uh you know the danettes um they're great guys and then uh the executive bruce heard the show eric jones he's a really good guy i mean there's about a about 13 people up there and and if you've ever watched the show that the man cave that he's built that's cool let's do it it's so rad so right so we've got some basketball cord in it don't i mean inside yeah it was one hoop right yeah so we we just renewed with them for two more years and uh is that part of like a trigger deal yeah oh really yeah i just don't i just thought dan liked you no no we we so the funny part about how that relationship started if i'm going too long tell me um so when i first started as an employee denny bruce which was our senior vice president of sales marketing operations great guys the ceo of dickies now i've been there maybe two months and he was like chad i'm working on something that we really haven't done here before and i was like what's that he goes uh then we're gonna sponsor the dan patrick show and i'm like uh he is i think you want i want you to be like the dude for it and i'm like oh yeah you better i was like i can remember my dad getting so mad at me as a kid with my little 13 inch tv in my room watching you know staying up late like having it on like volume three yeah laying right next to it listening to keith olbermann and dan patrick on the 11 o'clock sports center i was like i've been a damn patrick fan forever so long story short a couple months go by and he and then he was all right we're going to do it but dan wants to taste food off the grill first like he wants to it's a product you can get behind which one i respect the hell out of that yeah most guys just take the check and and figure it out later um so i said oh cool when are we going like all right we're going to rent an airbnb up there we'll have a bunch of grills show up and you're going to cook for you know 25 people and so all right cool i think i've now been with the company all of maybe two months and uh hadn't done a traeger type event before where you've seen ours i mean very polished you know all the accents everything look man i'm out there i'm doing like a barbecue guy man i got pop-up tables white tablecloths i don't know no different you know what i mean that's right and i hadn't been learned up yet and so uh so but cook a great meal and i remember about 10 minutes before i'm going to serve and doing the whole thing you know i cooked breast you know snake river farms brisket uh you know had a carving station set up go carve it to order and uh i hear dan's manager go he's talking to denny he said hey then he's like uh long week you know i don't know if dan will stay more than 10 or 15 minutes well i look at that as a challenge yeah so i take them burn-ins i got all cut up and caramelized i put them in the yeti under me that i'm sitting on carving brisket i figure i'll play the dumb the dumb redneck thing here in a minute yeah so get all of them served i look up there and you know dan's about halfway through his plate and like all right perfect time open up the yeti and get that big old bowl of burnt ends and kind of come up the stairs like oh shucks guys i i forgot this is but i guess i'm bringing the right time that's what we call meat candy these are burnt ends yeah and uh oh man yeah we can't miss out on those yeah yeah yeah you gotta kind of put them in the middle table and dan's eating a couple and i got to walk off and say hey chad why don't you sit down won't you tell me your story oh really and i'm like oh we're about to break this 10-minute barrier right hey hey i ain't going to come up for air son i'm going to start telling it and so he was giving him the full spill huh and so wide born october 8th 1976 hometown lakeland florida third grade first grade teacher was missing on davis but no so we get to uh i just get talking talking about bbq and how it started and this and that and denny and his manager are standing next to each other kind of below the deck and he goes i've never let i've never heard dan let somebody talk this long and then then he goes about 30 seconds later he goes check i gotta stop you right there i need to talk to my manager about something real quick he goes look yes i want to do this deal and he goes danny if we if we do the deal if we don't do the dudes like that guy's gonna come with my [ __ ] he's gonna come back he's like he's like he's like he's like and if we do do the deal like that's my guy right that's who i'm gonna work like yeah man that's that's your guy he's like we're gonna do the deal and so it kind of all got done right there and now i go back and you know not only do everything with him with traeger but i mean we probably talk once a week and go back and do him and his wife's christmas party every year and it's just fun feel like part of the family when i go up there i mean but he is he's just an amazing guy and and probably to me one of the best sports journalist hosts yeah in in our lifetime you know everyone too yeah he's good yeah just just a real down-to-earth guy and just and then it's one of the driest sense of humor and just give you an insight of how dan is when we were up there for the super bowl this year i said hey man we've got a guy that we kind of just hired he's our product manager about bringing new products to market this and that i said dude he's a lifelong fan is there any way you'd send him a birthday message like a cameo type yeah and he's like give me your phone all right so he walks around the man came like hey hey alex uh heard you just started here with a traeger uh not the over under on you making it there i'm gonna go with the under uh you know just just kind of just being dan you know what i mean and so i send it to him and he's like dude don't tell my wife this but i'm pretty sure this is the best moment of my life including my wedding and the birth of my child yeah and and just just that's how that's just how dan is he loves pleasing people he loves the fact that people enjoy listen to him listen to his show yeah and uh yeah to have be able to call a guy like that a true friend is is pretty awesome that's cool that's a good that's great i know it's a great story see and all because of barbecue all because of barbecue what happened the great connector that's right that's it it really is man i've always said man regardless of race religion political beliefs i feel like any group of people can get around a table full of family style barbecue and and have a good conversation have a good time that's why i do it yes sir really no i love it and it's kind of like we get we get to share ourselves on a plate you know what i mean yeah yeah part of your soul exactly let me put it out there for sure which we're going to do tomorrow we're going right i'll tell you what if anybody leaves this grand opening tomorrow hungry it's their own damn fault we've run out of refrigerator space for the meat we've yeah we're max capacity well we've got about a a 105 full of meat out there for our people we've already been shopping yeah we went shopping this morning went shopping then went to augusta you got to go to your house oh yeah you said oh man did you get some turnip greens i you know i didn't they're green but i usually do there i'll tell you what two years ago memphis in may i was here for four days and i ate augustus four times i love that place man did you go uh white or dark i want dark today the thighs and legs that's what i went man three piece start yeah um mac and cheese and baked beans yeah you know and what i like about their sides is they don't try to dress them no that's what it is you know the the the you know they throw a couple things in the beans which tightens it in a light bread yeah which i don't which i don't like runny beans so it tightens them up just enough yeah yeah and mac and cheese is a box mac and cheese dressed up a little bit but you know to me it just what it is on paper plates yeah i don't know if they still do you should get a 40 there oh you can you can still get the watch trying to you know tyler tyler this is his first visit our customer service guy and which by the way he was so he's a big fan of yours he was so geeked out to get to come to us yeah and uh so it's so cool for him and uh he's like yeah i you got you know because i ordered sweet tea and highlighter street he's like yo you guys mind nothing where do you get beer but it's got to be a 40 yeah uh what other size options are there she's like 12 24 or 40. i think i'll go 12. but our events guy that used to always come with us and do this uh kyle fisher he was always down for the lunch 40. yeah you got to do it man they're in rayford's that when you come to somebody do you ever end up at rayford's one night no never been oh if i haven't missed somebody we got to go okay can i have i don't know what night we'll have to go we need to go on like wednesday night or thursday night i usually come in on wednesday yeah we need to go to rayford's okay he don't get hopping there until you know midnight at 30. we go in there and everything's 40. i mean that's something yeah that sounds like a good time yeah oh 40 schlitz get ready for thursday that's it well hey i'm about ready for margarita man you ready to go let's do it all right you got any other questions for chad no he's answered all of them well actually i do but we'll ask those we're gonna save those for later you know we still got a video to shoot too that's right but uh we appreciate you coming and hanging out with us especially doing something and doing the podcast man coming helping us with this grand opening you know you know how much i love traeger and yes sir and being able to represent you all here in hernando that means a lot to us so we we appreciate that opportunity yeah nah man when you when you called and said hey man i'm up in the shop i'd love to carry trigger i don't think it took but another one or two phone calls we were able to make it all happen but nah man appreciate the love you've always given the brand appreciate being here and uh so happy for you guys i mean this headquarters i mean if people get the you know if you if you're in memphis take the 40-minute drive and come over here and see the shop and and you know see everything but uh but we're gonna make those classes happen so yes we are for sure we free that up we're going on tour yeah i love it i love it man i love it well thank you guys for having awesome before you get out where can folks find you besides that traeger yeah so uh you can find me at whiskey bbq on instagram and all that stuff and then uh our website whiskey event bbq supply we've got a line of rubs that are also six rubs and uh and a brine so i gotta get some of your stuff in here man i don't have it i was gonna hit you with that yeah i had a barbecue i was gonna hit you with that soft cell sometime this weekend oh what i don't mind no then that's the fun thing is you know i think sometimes you know while we wrap up here i don't think people realize how many of us that are in this barbecue game are dear friends that would do anything to help each other out that's right you know what i mean it's like you know i got a store i carry your stuff you've got a store you're soon gonna be carrying my hazard you know and heath that we're gonna go have dinner with tonight he's in my store and we've all been friends for so long and it's kind of it's kind of cool because we've been fortunate enough and we've worked hard enough at it that you know we've been able to build these brands and create these products and these followings and we don't take any for granted and we're super oh yeah i appreciate everybody that uses our stuff follows us cares about us but you know we're all a big family i mean there ain't no you know i have people all the time say well you know this rub over this rub and i'm like well why don't you try to combine them once you tried this one once and that one once you know what i mean like there's enough in that play playground for all of us oh yeah to have plenty of business and and i think that's great and you being one of the you know trailblazers and you know matt pitman's also always looking good to me about talking you know talking about things or that kind of stuff but uh i think it's also another thing is if you work hard enough and you have the vision and you know you you can do it that's it i would rather be doing it barbecue than anything else man completely agree with my friends you never meet i mean everybody everybody's gold absolutely michelle where can they find us if you'd like to connect with malcolm it's how to bbq right on facebook instagram twitter and now tick tock did you shut your my space down you know i need to go back no it might still be active if it is i'd like to get a clip of it i got a jam playing it was green onions you know though oh it's still playing on it i hope it's been playing the whole time i could hear it now tom may be my only friend there we used to spend a lot of time on yeah that's where it started yeah before website before is myspace we seized myspace to like our website if you want to come to our crawfish bowl you had to get the invite on myspace oh see i always use that as a joke in my classes about hey follow me on myspace and people laugh about it i've never had in my face i know you had to be on myspace for the malcolm reed crawfish we advertised everything there well there's some good pictures on there if you can ever find it man there ain't no telling about the archives well hey we appreciate everybody listening hanging out with us today we will be back next week and y'all check out the video me and chad are gonna do cooking some spatchcock chicken and some brussels sprouts with doing dinner on the tracker yes sir we'll see y'all next time we go
Channel: HowToBBQRight Podcast
Views: 265,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: howtobbqright, howtobbqright podcast, malcom reed, malcom reed podcast, barbecue, chadfromtraeger, chadward, howtobbqrightpodcast, malcomreed, stalekracker, traeger, whiskeybentbbq
Id: _ltWTc-AQac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 46sec (4726 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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