Stable Diffusion - Midjourney Mimic LoRA - Check it out!

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Hey everyone, Rodney here from Kleebz Tech.  Can you get Midjourney-like results with   Stable Diffusion? Can you achieve those  results with just four steps? Today,   I'm going to give you a quick rundown on LoRA  I ran into the other day: Mid Journey Mimic,   which is created to give you Mid Journey 5.2  model-like results using Stable Diffusion. Now,   I'm a big user of Mid Journey myself for some  things, so I decided to give this a try and see if   it does what it says. Since Fooocus is my primary  Stable Diffusion tool, I did my experimenting with   Fooocus. Unless I mention otherwise, all these  images were generated using only the Fooocus   V2 prompt expansion, and I went with the first  generated image. So, there was no cherry-picking   of good images. I used the same seed, did the  same thing with the checkpoint. I used the   Juggernaut XL version 8. This LoRA is designed  to mimic Mid Journey style 5.2, and it works. They say it acts as a detail tweaker, which  supplements the picture with details; a color   enhancer adds contrast, brightness,  background depth enhancer, which adds   depth to the background. They do recommend its use  only with weight from .1 to .8. You can set more,   but the picture, they said, will be colored;  smooth edges can break proportions. In my   experimentations, yeah, definitely anything  over .8 weren't the greatest results. Now, I will include a link to this,  obviously, in the description. And if   you're not familiar with how to add models  to Fooocus, I do have a video that covers   that with detailed instructions. But basically,  with all of these, you're going to download it,   put it into whatever folder the default one  for Fooocus is in the Fooocus models folder,   and then there's a LoRA folder. And that's all  you do. You put it in there. To download it from   this site, if you go from here, just go over to  download options, you click there, and then you   click on the file here, and then choose where you  want to save it. Save it to whichever folder you   keep your LoRAs in. Now, if you have it running  and you download it, you do need to click on the   refresh all files, so it will see the new ones.  And then you just select it in the dropdown. As we can see here, I have it selected, and then  you want to adjust the weight. .1 to .8 is the   recommended. That's pretty much what I found. I  actually even found a lot over .5 or .6 really,   I most of the time didn't like the  results, but it depended on the image. So, I'm not going to make you wait around for the  lightning results, if you're curious about that,   because I'm not going to go into a lot of detail  on those. Because I don't use the lightning model   a lot, I'm still experimenting a lot with it. So,  I had it set up to use the lightning setting in   Fooocus, and in there, I was using the Fooocus  V2 style, and the model was the Juggernaut, and   I did it with the Mid Journey LoRA off and with  .05 settings. And the results of that, the top   two images are the default lightning without the  LoRA enabled, and the bottom two are with it set   at 0.5. Depending on what you're going for with an  image, I do like the bottom images better. That's   basically the lightning result, so it does, to me,  seem to improve it when I played around with it. Now, let's just look at the regular results. The  first image on the top left will be LoRA disabled,   and then we had it at 0.25, 0.5, and  0.75. Probably at the lower weights,   I find it's more close to the 5.2  in certain aspects. It does change;   that is all I can really say there. Like, for  this image, I prefer the one with it disabled,   maybe at 0.2 to 0.5. For the Magical  Forest, I would like the bottom two   images preferably. But then again, it depends  on what you're really going for with the look. Now, for our wizard, I definitely liked it  around the 0.5 weight. I thought that was the   best image overall. And for the Woman Dancing in  the Street, I thought the bottom two were better;   it definitely improved. I felt that the  standard one just wasn't that great. As   for the Tranquil Forest at Sunrise, I think  the last one with the heavier weight actually   came out best. But then again, I like  all of them. I don't know if they hit   it perfectly with everything here. I  like the results of this LoRA overall. Now, for our still life, 0.5 is the one I  like the most. As for the astronaut one,   I think the original one was probably  fine there. None of them are perfect,   I'd have to say; most of these are  pretty bad images. Bottom left got   some really bad stuff going on, so  we'll just move on to the next one. Sailing ship, Viking sailing ship, I like  the bottom. I think 0.5, I don't know,   it might could be that lightning is making it  much better. Then we have our Hobbit Hole. Now,   the original one looks like I went outside  and took a picture of it. In my opinion,   the other ones are, yeah, definitely, I can  see the Mid Journey influence through these,   and on this one, I think as well, it's holding  the coffee cup properly. For the most part,   they're not too out of whack. I usually  don't get those good of results. Just to give a comparison of what I got for  when I went from the lightning settings I   showed before back over to the standard, just  the Juggernaut under the quality settings,   just so I'd have a comparison. So these were  the lightning ones that you're seeing on the   screen right now. But these are a couple of  examples; these are the same prompt run under   the standard quality settings, Juggernaut. The one  on the left is the default Juggernaut settings,   and the one on the right is with the 0.5  on the Mid Journey. Here's another one,   same prompt, Mid Journey is on the right,  with that at 0.5. On the left is just the   standard Juggernaut. I can definitely see  the Mid Journey type influence on this. That should give you an idea if you want to  check that LoRA out, especially if you're a   big fan of Mid Journey, or you just want to  get similar results, whatever it may be. So,   it does have overwhelmingly positive ratings  on the civit website, and a lot of   the reviews are really good. So, go check that  LoRA out, download it, and play around with it. Thanks for watching the video, and if you  found it helpful, please do hit the like   button. Any tips for getting better results  with this LoRA, just drop it in the comments   for everyone. Any other suggestions for any good  LoRA, definitely put them in the comments. I do   plan on doing some more videos like this,  and hope you have a good time creating.
Channel: Kleebz Tech AI
Views: 5,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stable diffusion tutorial, stable diffusion, stable diffusion secrets, fooocus tutorial, stable diffusion install, foocus, stable diffusion ai, stable diffusion xl, midjourney stable diffusion, midjourney stable diffusion model, lora review, stable diffusion lora, midjourney, olivio sarikas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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