Stabilisation Via Tracking In Davinci Resolve 17

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oh it's me again yes and today we have a very exciting tutorial today we're going to be doing stabilization via tracking and we're going to be showing you how to do things like this now doesn't this look super super crazy i know i know right okay so without further ado let us indulge so here we are in adventure resolve 17 welcome and welcome we are actually going to spend the majority of our time today in the fusion page don't worry don't worry it's not scary we're going to be running through everything you need to know in order to do the effect as shown before so without further ado let us indulge so we're going to be working with two clips today this clip here and this clip i think we're going to start with this clip because it's a little bit more dynamic a bit more exciting so without further ado let's just get started so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select onto the clips that i want to start the effect on so i want this clip hover over it and then transition from the edit page to that's right the fusion page i'm going to click onto it it's going to take 10 million years to load but it's okay okay so here we are in the fusion page now straight away i know for a fact that my fusion looks way different from yours don't worry we're going to spend time right now setting up so it can look the exact same so in a fusion page we do not need the media open we don't need effects library open we don't need clips open we just need the nodes tab open this is very important also you might see that i only have one window at the moment additionally in a fusion tab you may have two windows but for this effect only i'm only going to need one window so i'm going to go to this icon right here click onto it and it's going to change it to a single window next you'll notice that my actual nodes here are quite wide they're quite large it has like a thumbnail view a lot of people ask me before how to do this i'm going to show you right now so all you need to do is go within a node section click within any space then right click and then make sure force source tile images is on force or tile pictures is on and show thumbnails is on and just like that you'll be able to see you'll have your nodes in the thumbnail view okay lastly make sure spline is off keyframes is off metadata is off and we have inspector open because this is all we're going to need okay so we're finally ready to get started with the effect so right now you can see we have two nodes we have immediate in nodes and we have a media out so the media in is our footage and the media out is the output so what we need is to put a node in between here and the node that we're going to use is the planar tracker now i'm going to have a whole video specifically on just the player tracker but today we're going over the track stabilization effect so negotiate needs the player tracker node to do this so click onto your media in node then press control space bar on your keyboard and this menu here is going to pop up what you're going to need to do is find the planar tracker all type in a search bar which will pop up automatically lane and playing the tracker should be the first result then press add right just like that you can see we have a player tracker node if for whatever reason your player tracker node is outside of your media in and your media out node all you need to do click onto the plane of tracker nodes hold shift and drag it onto the line in between midi intermediate out and just like that you can see it's going to snap in between perfect here we have the planar tracker node and on the right hand side if your inspector's open it should be open make sure inspectors open you're going to see all of the controls and parameters that we need in order to get the effect started the first thing is the operation mode we're going to leave this to track for now the next thing you can see here is the reference time this basically is telling resolve where do you want the track to start so right now i typically have my reference time to frame 0 because i want the effect to start at the beginning of the clip if for whatever reason you want the effect to start maybe here in the clip you'd move to the point in the clip where you'd want the effect to start and press set and this will tell drench resolve at frame 245 we want the tracking to start that's all the reference time does and as you can see it will put a little keyframe marker here or a little indication showing you when the reference time is me personally i want the effect to start at the beginning of the frame so i'm going to go all the way to the beginning of the timeline right here and i'm going to press set to set the reference time next you're going to see tracker this will have different points between point and hybrid point area you're going to need to play between these two depending on your footage but now and for most things points works fine i'll say that again for most things point works fine to leave onto point you're next going to see the motion type now this is a little bit difficult to explain but bear with me now for the effect that you saw in the beginning of the video all i used was the motion type translation now this is very important with translation once you've tracked the footage it's just going to use left right up and down to stabilize the clip it's just going to use those parameters left right up and down if we change the motion type to translation and rotation it will actually move left right up down and also it may rotate the clip in order to stabilize the footage if somebody has their head moving a little bit it may actually rotate the whole frame in order to stabilize the footage this is very very disorientating for most people which is why i normally leave on translation translation rotation scale not only does this but it will zoom into the clip and also to stabilize the effect but the effect that we've done in the beginning of the video i only used translation i repeat i only translate so for now we're going to leave the motion type just to translation output we're going to leave track channel we're going to leave now the next one we're going to do is basically going to highlight the area which we want to start tracking so for the majority of the shots that we're going to track we want it to start tracking around the head because that's the area we want to start stabilizing right right so what we're going to do make sure playing track is selected make sure it's selected go to our clip i'm going to zoom in and i want to stabilize his head so what i'm going to do i'm going to start clicking and as you can see it's giving us kind of like a pen tool and i'm just going to click around his head here the reason why is because there's a little bit of information here there's quite a contrast between his head and his actual hair as you can see i also don't necessarily want to do his whole head including his eyes because he actually starts to box and when he boxes his hand covers his eyes now if i wasn't careful the track will actually pick up his boxing glove and try to track that instead of his head which is not what we want so for now i only selected part of the area which i know is not going to be covered by something else something that has high areas of contrast and is in the location we want to track okay now that we have all of that sorted remember the reference point is at the beginning of a clip because that's where we want to start the track track is on point motion type translation everything else is set all we need to do now is track forward so i'm going to go all the way down here and press this icon here to back forward or track to the end if you started somewhere in the middle you wanted to track backwards all you need to do is press this icon here it's going to track all the way to the end but we started at the beginning so we're gonna track forward without further ado let us see what happens and just like that as you can see he's picking up all of the points on his head on his forehead and his hair and because of the position of where i put the points it's not actually clashing with his gloves as i zoom out right now you can see we actually have a pretty good track it's not picking up the background at all and just like that just like that you can see we have all of these tracking points all of these keyframes right here and literally anywhere we go you can see it's tracked and locked onto his head okay so now what do we do well we have all of these points how do we stabilize it well my friends let me show you and tell you all of my secrets because all you need to do make sure your player track is selected go to the operation mode change it from track to stabilize and if we go to the beginning and we press play you'll see just like that we've literally tracked and stabilized the footage and right now it's using the point where we attract which is the point in his head as the reference in order to stabilize the clip and as you can see it looks pretty good but there is one thing that you notice straight away yep the giant elephant in the room is this we have all of this empty space now depending depending on the effect that you're going for this may be all you need to do it's like in the beginning of the video you saw for example this here right now we have the clips here and this looks not bad to be honest so depends on what you want you may actually want to have the effect where you're showing left and right of your framing or the empty space but my friends those who do not want this empty space there's actually a few different ways around three different ways in which we can solve this so the first way is as followed right now we have a media in we have the planar tracker we have a media out node correct well the next node that we can actually add is the transform node so we can actually add a transform node after the planar tracking mode and move and manipulate the image so press ctrl spacebar to open up this window then type in transform and as you can see we have a transform node right here i'm going to press add and it should snap directly after the player tracker after i click onto the transform node you're going to see that the inspector window controls change right now we have center pivot size aspect etc all we're going to need to really adjust is the size and the center so i'm going to zoom in and as you can see i have these controls in the middle here i can manipulate and move left and right if i wanted i go to begin up the clip and i press play and as you can see we've zoomed in enough to the fact that you don't see the edges but i think this is too much so i'm going to scale down everything slightly press play i'm gonna move the frame in so the frame it doesn't look too crazy move it up let's play now if you didn't want to do this in fusion page there's actually a second way to do this but before i show you i'm to show you one more time how to do the stabilization via tracking effect because you know repetition burns into the memory so we're going to do the stabilization effect again onto this clip here this interesting clip here so we're going to hover over the clip in the edit page we're going to go to the fusion tab i'm going to click onto the media in node control spacebar to get a new node i'm going to type in planer to get the planer tracker perfect i'm going to click onto the planar tracker node set my reference point to begin of the clip i'm then going to zoom into her face and i'm actually going to draw the point i want to stabilize straight away for the tracking point i'm going to keep it to point motion type change it to translation and that should be set i'm going to zoom out and i'm just going to track forward and let davinci resolve do its magic now we have that i'm going to click onto our planer tracker change the operation mode from track to stabilize and again we have our stabilized clip and right now this looks super crazy we have quite a lot of edges but the effect looks exactly what we like you might have a problem with performance and it might not play back smoothly if this is the case all you need to do is go to the edit page wait for this red line to turn blue and once it turns blue everything would be rendered it'll be smooth to play back but now the way in the edit page this is where the second place that you can go to in order to adjust the frame it is right now we don't want these edges to be super crazy so what we can do is open up the inspector and again all we need to do is adjust the transform control but this time we're not going to be using the nodes no no no no we're literally just using the inspector controls so i'm going to go to my transform controls and i'm going to zoom in i'm also going to go to the left hand side here and make sure that transform is selected that's just so that we can manipulate and move the footage any way we want i'm going to zoom in quite a lot because i know that this clip is kind of crazy and play it back as you can see it's not going to be smooth again because it needs to render and i'm recording but nope we can see a little bit of the edges here so i'm gonna move it to the left a bit go back seems to be okay seems to be okay just like that we've got the effect stabilized tracked and we've reframed we've literally reframed the whole image within the edit page with no nodes within the fusion page now finally there's actually one more method and this method is automated which you'll be happy to believe so i'm going to go back to disable that click onto our clip go to the fusion tab right here in our inspector under our stabilized controls you'll actually see that we have a few things here here it has smoothing window now this smoothing window is essentially the type of blur that's being shown because right now during the stabilization effect it's actually blurring during parts of some motion now please do not confuse us this is not motion blur this is blurring some motion blur that it's using to blur this is actually a box blur and we can tell because if we change this we can change the gaussian blur right now if we change it to gaussian blur nothing's going to happen straight away it looks the exact same that's because we need to compute the stabilization but we're not going to do that just yet just bear with me just a little bit don't click off yet spare me a little bit okay so underneath all of that you can see we have clipping modes leave that to domain we're not going to get into that frame mode is what's important because here we have crop and we have zoom and effectively this is what you can use to adjust some of the parameters so if i change the offset of x and i change the scale you can see we're essentially doing what we've done before with the separate transform node and the transform controls in the edit mode but we can actually automate this process if we click auto zoom it should automatically zoom for us but it won't watch it's going to say basically we need to press the compute stabilization button but this is why i said we don't need to worry about this for now and if we go back to the crop mode and do the exact same thing auto crop gonna say the exact same thing we can't do it because we need to compute the stabilization so what i'm going to do is i'm going to press compute stabilization and now watch what happens if i press auto crop it's going to automatically crop in the image and adjust the frame in for us not only that but it's also changed the smoothing window the blurring type to original blur which is kind of nice and again i'll work the exact same way if i change the frame mode to zoom and i click auto zoom it's going to automatically zoom into the image and make sure that none of the edges are shown and just like that i've shown you three different ways of how to basically crop into your image to make sure it looks perfect now with that sorted you now know how to stabilize clips via tracking but there is a few things you need to know straight away the first thing is as followed if you're going to be doing this effect and you know you're going to be doing this effect before you start filming make sure the clip that you want to stabilize does not have anything covering the frame example this shot here we want to track and stabilize her face correct well if i go to the fusion tab you can see that i've tracked her face while she actually moves her hands just right in between her face watch what happens you see that straight away it's actually picked up her hands now davinci resolve is very powerful extremely powerful very very powerful but it is not perfect they can't account for things like this it can't actually account for things like this right now we're trying to track her face but we can't because our hands get in the way and right there immediately it loses the track and tracks onto our hands now technically we could still kind of stabilize this image but it's all a hassle i'd rather do preventative measures than corrective measures so please if you're filming and you know you're going to do this effect make sure your clip does not have anything covering what you want to be stabilizing okay perfect next thing is when you're filming make sure you're not filming a tight framing what do i mean by that so we have this clip here and as you can see it's medium framing but it's actually going to go closer towards the subject which is here watch what happens we've already tracked and stabilized this effect bear in mind as you can see it's tracked onto his face but we have a lot of empty space here like a lot a crazy amount and what's gonna happen if we try to zoom in to correct this is as follows watch the framing now gets super tight and completely crazy and this is not something that we want especially if the footage that you're shooting in is less than 4k you're going to have problems when you zoom in because you're gonna have loss of quality loss of resolution not only that but the framing is going to be completely different to what you initially envisioned whilst filming so the point is please also bear in mind the fact that you're going to be cropping in to stabilize the effect to make sure that no edges are showing the two things are make sure that nothing's covering the hands when filming and make sure your field of view is wide enough to be able to punch in and correct or any edges that may be showing so with that you now know how to stabilize wires tracking in davinci resolve 17 congratulations and with that let us go ahead and read some comments our rasheed says you made me smile and i learned something so thanks thank you al rashid howard campbell says this video in the power windows video you are now solidly in conversation as one of the best davinci resolve instructors on youtube let's go looking forward to the upcoming video on sound design thanks for taking the time to make these videos absolutely thank you howard and this was a very long video i think this video is about 30 minutes 35 minutes thank you for sitting through empowering through this video lastly we have jio and julio says thanks for the video great as always you're my favorite instructional davinci resolve 17 educator everything a noob like me needs the how the where the why and the when all in a matter that doesn't make me reach for the escape key keep from coming bro thank you very much dear anyway guys thank you very much for watching this video it's a little bit convoluted but we got there in the end if you found this video useful then let me know in the comments below i read all of the comments also you know my likes are still on sale 50 percent off you know you want to support me in the description anyway guys i'll see you in the next video peace [Music] you
Channel: Branden Arc
Views: 29,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Branden Arc, davinci resolve 17, Stabilisation, davinci resolve 17 stabilisation, davinci resolve 17 stabilization, stabilisation via tracking in davinci resolve, stabilization via tracking, davinci resolve tracker, davinci resolve stabilize
Id: OLC2KHhhi6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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