St Louis: The MOST Dangerous City In The United States / Journey To The Top Of The Gateway Arch

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] go i'm heading into the city crossing the mighty mississippi river the river i love but you all know that don't you and of course there's the uh gateway arch but i'm heading deep into the city now gotta try to find a place to park though that's always the trick well looky here found a place to park you can see the bronco at the side of the street here in downtown saint louis the view from where i'm at always like to go down a couple alleys in these big cities looks pretty rough doesn't it [Music] yeah this building here i'm gonna go around to the front of it but it's very old i don't know if i want to keep walking in here but here i go seems fine there's a guy over there in the corner i'm just gonna steer clear of him looks like he's homeless i'm gonna head back out of here this is the old courthouse building built in the mid-1800s looks like a capitol building doesn't it it's got the dome on it but it's not it's actually a museum now st louis itself was founded in 1764. used to be one of america's greatest cities in the late 1800s into the early 1900s but its population started declining uh well not until 1950 let me uh back up in 1950 it hit the population hit a high of 856 000 and um last census just over 300 000 so it's lost well over half its population st louis has got a lot of problems with crime as i said earlier and murders especially it's the murder capital the metro's still pretty big 2.8 million so it's 20th but st louis is surely not the the acidity that it used to be it's got some claims to fame though this was the first u.s city to host the olympics and that happened in 1904 interesting anyway the gateway arch finished in 1965 623 feet high the largest arch in the world i don't think that surprises anybody well as if i needed a reminder that it's freaking cold out here steam escaping from below the streets of saint louis a lot of steam must be really warm down there meanwhile it's freezing cold up here man that's awesome eagle up top there st louis is the home to anheuser-busch i don't know if that has anything to do with that but you know they have that american eagle as one of their symbols and their advertising [Music] that's a beauty though the crawford i'm gonna guess it's a hotel probably far too expensive for me to afford here at the u.s bank plaza a lot of people get their paychecks on u.s bank cards i believe this is their headquarters you're still not seeing homeless here in downtown just saw the one guy dumpster diving in that alley so it's pretty clear that st louis has some sort of system in place to get these people off the street when it's cold because it got down below freezing last night and it's supposed to get in the 20s tonight that's cold giving you a look at some of the um beautiful old buildings down here if you're a or an architecture buff and you love old old buildings st louis is a good a good place to come visit there's lots of great old stuff here look at that [Music] on a one-way street here this caught my eye pretty interesting huh and this is a high-rise apartment building with this interesting looking statue in front this building across the street this grand old building is boarded up it's empty give you a look at it that's just screaming to be refurbished isn't it but it is sadly unoccupied railway exchange building this was a grand building in its day huh i mean i'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that there's some historical significance to it but it is empty now i don't know if you can see inside yeah you can see it's just trashed in there [Music] that's a damn shame that's really beautiful right i'm uh still well i'm on the edge of downtown get you a little view of where i'm at i'm going to head into some of the neighborhoods surrounding the city take a look at uh those areas see what it looks like well somebody's dog just running around loose this area looks okay i mean it doesn't look bad at all i want to head this direction but i don't want to hit this dog that would not be good these places look okay i mean well let's not kid ourselves that's not in good shape but uh huh and the roads are really bad yeah i was from a distance thinking these places look pretty nice but i'm seeing with or up close that uh they are not man look at that [Music] wow well there's a tractor there so apparently they're going to fix this i guess it burned down huh the ever present family dollar i see more family dollars in the united states than any other store just so you guys know that that's one thing i've taken from all my travels family dollar is everywhere and driving up a street here i believe these are people live here i wonder how old these houses are they all look exactly alike huh it's crazy yeah this is uh well see for yourself i'm gonna stop get a close look at that building this is completely falling apart i don't know i guess people live here i'm not sure uh i probably don't want to be here so i'm going to i'm going to drive out of here and i'm at an intersection this guy's just sitting here in the road i guess he's panhandling but uh it's weird he's not asking for money he's just this other guy over here they're just uh standing in the road it's kind of bizarre and i'm stuck at this light he doesn't seem to be uh dangerous though he's just standing there st louis is a crazy place all right i am in uh or near ferguson now those of you who follow the news are aware of the events that happened there with the teenager 18 year old kid michael brown he went into this ferguson market and liquor store had some situations with the clerk came out and the police were called and um well you know the story now there's a lot of conflicting reports about what happened uh apparently he came into the store twice uh earlier in the day he came in and had a big arm full of cigarillos lawyers for him tried to say that he uh um had a deal with the clerk or with the clerks at this place and they were just making a transaction but the clerks flatly denied that saying that he was trying to shoplift the cigarillos and they simply made him return them um supposed to be right here is that it right there right anyway we all know what happened next he went in for a second time shoved the clerk stole some of the cigarillos police were called and all that stuff happened let me see if i'm in the right spot [Music] it's right here somewhere destination i believe that's it right there but it's not called uh yeah this is it the destination is on your left 9101 west florissant avenue yeah that's it it's not called the um obviously it's not called ferguson liquor and market anymore or actually it was ferguson market and liquor but that's the building where it uh all started they've changed the name i'm sure because of the uh all of the uh unwelcome fame that comes with the the building and the business but yeah that's it that's where it happened okay so there's another shot of that what was once the former ferguson market and liquor i'm going to head to the actual site of the shooting now that would be my next destination canfield drive it happened at canfield apartments which should be uh right down the street here once i turn right in a quarter of a mile you can hear siri direct in me anyway yeah i'm gonna well heck it's just right up here so i'll just keep the camera on but this is the neighborhood this is where it happened okay she's saying turn left right up here uh is that it yeah this is where it happened i double checked uh if you look in pictures of when it happened you can see these buildings but it happened right according to cerium right there on it yeah 2943 canfield drive drive this is it right here yeah 2943 canville drive i don't know if you can see that 2943 right here in the street right here where i'm driving on right now that's where he was shot and left in the street and uh i'll go up here and turn around basically started the uh the black lives matter movement right there and this is kind of the neighborhood around it just giving you an idea what it looks like i'm going to turn around and go back there but um well there's a spot right there it looks like uh i understand they keep stuff in the street where he died i believe that's it right there somebody has something there that this is the very spot where it happened yeah i am sitting right here [Music] so anyway yep an infamous place in history [Music] the black lives matter uh movement began here and uh we all have opinions on that and let's not kid ourselves the press about them has been negative lately concerning their leaders keeping the uh keeping the money for themselves but um i guess they can just work whoa got those two cars just look like they were going to uh you just saw what i saw in my rearview mirror wow anyway yeah that's where it happened gateway arch national park so how cool huh there's where the arch goes into the ground very solid feeling but of course it would be give you a look of what i'm looking at right now um a lot of graffiti or attempted graffiti the side here looks like people have tried to scratch their names and stuff in it succeeded in some places i guess that's kind of cool makes sense that people would do that david and randy well there you go very modern inscription arch entry here all right well that's going to be interesting to see how that works i'm going to do that now all right i'm inside this lower area i'm gonna go get my tickets all right all right i got my ticket i'm ready to go up all right let's do security it's quite day to day here which is okay with me yep there we go camera doesn't want to focus does it anyway this is the way to get on the i guess it's an elevator it's gonna be interesting to see all right my ticket's been checked i'm heading to the tram looks like i've got a line all right we're getting ready to get on the tram our tour guide is getting ready lotus okay we're below obviously below the arch all right we're going downstairs now get on the tram i am following the uh tour guide upstairs to number seven that's my car i guess all right explain it to us that's gonna be all right so the door's open that's what i'm going to get into right now that's where this was i'm in this little capsule all right everyone seasoning make sure you are clear the trim card door starts to be closing once again the doors are closing thank you visiting enjoy your time at the top so because of the way the uh well because there's only 25 at a time i was a 25th person so i got to be in a car all by myself how exciting yeah you can see i guess you can see that yeah we are heading up now whoa that's crazy you can feel the the car it's kind of just on some wheels that adjust as it goes up you can feel it as it adjusts as we go up wow look at that work areas i guess you can see the machinery how cool huh [Music] this is it still more stairs but it's slowing down for sure well i've got just this and here i guess they have to wait to get me off oh there we go door's open wow all right we are off the tram now i'm going up the stairs to the last part last little section to get to the very very top all right here we are almost to the top all right here it is the very very top of the arch [Music] and there's well there's st louis how cool huh look you can see the baseball park let's think louis cardinals play over here to the other side [Music] wow all right cool huh this is the very tip of the gateway arch you come up on two trams from each side over on this side get a good view of what it looks like of course a bunch of us here checking out the sights [Applause] all right our time is done we're going down now i've got to go to my car which is number seven all right my door's open the car is empty i'm getting back in for the ride down back down to the ground as i go down though all i gotta say is this is a feat of engineering it really is as i'm going down the leg the north leg of the gateway arch it's amazing something like this is built american ingenuity at its finest seriously this was built in the 60s that's it almost to the bottom let's see if we can see the bottom down there oh there it is adjusting wow look there's that work room again and then stairs [Music] the door's about to open here are people getting ready for the next trip up there it is they're done you can see people entering for their ride up and i'm assuming we're heading out towards one of the legs well and there it is we're coming out the way we came in underneath the arch right in the middle all right one more look here underneath directly underneath the arch a little restaurant even over here and then there's a museum this way if you want to go to the museum i'm not i'm going to exit so i'll be coming out right by one of the legs of the arch and yep there it is wow it's hard to believe it just rode up all the way in that that's crazy that was totally awesome one of the most awesome things we've done on this trip i gotta say that was incredible amazing the wife's going to be sorry she missed that all right well [Music] i am going to head back to the hotel start getting ready for our next destination you
Channel: Joe & Nic's Road Trip
Views: 401,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XjAhVQXd-sI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2022
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