OMAHA: Trolling Nebraska's Flattest City

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[Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] all right everybody i am in omaha nebraska i don't know if you can see the skyline there in the distance i'm heading in to downtown i'm not sure if i'm going to get a drone shot if you haven't seen it yet probably not because it is extremely windy i don't know if you can see that u.s flag there extremely windy here in omaha it's too windy to get the drone up in the sky at least it's looking like that's what's going to happen it's a hot muggy day here in omaha early june it's 10 o'clock in the morning and it's already in the 90s so i am heading into town on dodge [Music] if you live here in omaha you're very familiar with that with the street but anyway yeah i'm gonna head into downtown i'm gonna stay on dodge when i as i head in i'm still a little bit far out i'm like uh yeah 85th street right now so got a little ways to go the street is definitely changing a lot less suburban looking and it's starting to become or starting to look more like an older city street still got some new stuff here like popeyes so it looks like we are heading into that a little bit more maybe you can see the buildings the sun is really not in the favorable place for video heading this direction so hopefully uh you can see stuff but yeah uh i'm gonna head into downtown once i get there i'll get out on foot and then afterwards i'll drive out now into the neighborhoods i won't be going east because that's iowa but i will be heading north and west and south and we'll take a look at some of the neighborhoods there all right i am in downtown let's take a little drive through here let you see it uh omaha's got just shy of half a million people in the city proper and uh it's just shy of a million people in the metro so it is pretty big cities not a huge city but it's not a small city either out the suburbs the traffic got quite bad here it doesn't seem so bad in downtown it's about 10 15. i believe that's the tallest building in the city right there like i said i'll be getting out on foot here in a bit i'm just going to do a quick drive through looks pretty nice kind of quiet though huh i mean people at work i know it's lunchtime or not lunch time yet but uh it's still a little quiet all right anyway i'm going to uh find a spot on the missouri river get on uh get out on foot there first i'm near the missouri river i'm having a hard time getting to it in a quarter mile turn left onto capitol avenue all right thank you for that australian siri she's trying to get me uh in the right places right now i'm trying to get to the heartland fountain i guess i think it's a park i've seen pictures of the fountain looks pretty awesome i would like to see it that's where i'm heading right now yeah i'm trying to go to the heartland of america park and fountain and um [Music] thank you siri this is it uh i guess they're working on it the pictures that look spectacular i'm kind of bummed it's where i want to start the video here's a picture of it that's what it looks like right now so i guess that's off the table all right then so i guess i'm just gonna head here into downtown and uh find a place to park and look around pretty nice here though huh all right i'm out on foot i'm at the wilderness and courage pioneer park it's a collection of statues here it's pretty fantastic it sounds kind of to the right here not in exactly the best place to see but yeah it looks pretty awesome huh omaha likes to call itself the gateway to the west and in a sense it was because it was one of the places you'd stop for heading out yes i know st louis calls themselves that as well and they even have a gateway arch it's pretty cool look to have the the cow's tongue hanging out that's a lot of detail as i make my way through downtown on foot i want to tell you a little bit more about the city in the late 1800s omaha was rough and tumble disputes settled with gunfight it's a lot more civilized now obviously and it's got some other claims to fame omaha is the birthplace of the tv dinner yeah some guy by the name of carl swanson invented them if you're like me and you've had plenty of tv dinners in your life the swanson name is all too familiar this is also the birthplace of raisin bran the cereal mutual of omaha is here the largest railroad company is here union pacific i'm sure if you've looked at trains like i do especially if you're male because we we males we all love trains don't we you'll be familiar with the union pacific name and of course berkshire hathaway is here one of the largest investment firms in the world run by some guy named warren buffett don't worry i know exactly who he is one of the richest men in the world sometimes the richest not right this second though you guys ahead of me uh reuben sandwich was invented here i don't know if i can pronounce the guy's name reuben cool kulafowski yes i know i'm mangling it but the story as i read it is that he was gambling here and he told the chef to throw these ingredients onto bread and thus the reuben was born it's real nice fountain in it okay well i'm continuing my walk in the city i can't help but notice how quiet it is very quiet downtown it's a tuesday uh what time is it 11 26 on a tuesday june 14th so it's about lunchtime kind of expected to see some people out on the streets but there's really really none it's a very quiet downtown man that wind it is relentless you probably can't even hear me a little before noon maybe that's why there's nobody out here on the streets not sure now that is a beautiful building the rose blumkin performing arts center that is gorgeous i'm going to head over to old market here in a second it's very close an entertainment district in a city i just wandered over here a bit i watched one of these videos that you see on youtube the best the worst things of omaha etc and i was watching one where it said that omaha was flat made me laugh omaha is not flat downtown area here it's a little bit even though you can see that that's a hill but you get out past 16th and it's very hilly and one of the commenters said you've clearly not been to omaha made me laugh there's so many of those videos titled like that and they list off the worst and best and they show you pictures and that's it i mean here i am actually going to these places at least give me credit for that maybe i miss a thing here and there but unlike those uh channels and there's many of them and i'm not going to name names i actually go to these places and see them myself so i just had to say that i'm not sure why i just watched one of them last night and i thought wow silly me i actually visit these places these guys are making all this money they don't even go there they just pull pictures off the internet anyway did that sound like a rant that's not what i'm trying to sound like because i do love coming to these places love it and seeing what it's really like and uh huh like i said we're staying way out in the suburbs and it is beautiful there lots of traffic but boy the city center it's very dead let's see what time it is uh yeah it's noon now there's just nobody out and about on a tuesday that is a beautiful building kensington tower [Music] yeah that one is too old market lofts all right so i think i am here in the old market district and look there there's people this is where the people are i guess this is one of the favorite places of omaha big entertainment district these old warehouse areas that are mostly abandoned convert them into shopping and restaurants bars [Music] perfect place for that kind of stuff yeah it's nice looks like i'm coming out of it now well downtown is very quiet not a lot of people here but there are a lot of apartment buildings under construction that's all apartment buildings right here on the edge of downtown so clearly uh they're working to change that and get people living here in the city i mean look at all that that is a lot of apartment units and just on the other side of them is the missouri river so uh yeah looks like it's gonna be a nice place to live it looks like they are doing a type of riverfront development here this goes on to the other side of the street behind me it's not finished yet looks like there's going to be all kinds of lighting um right there is the missouri river and of course in the distance that's iowa but yeah this looks like it's going to be really nice when they finish it like i said it goes over here to the other side that's gonna be really cool anyway i'm gonna head back to the bronco then i'm gonna drive out of the city and check out some of the neighborhoods i'm going to go north then south and then i'll head out west later on i'll grab the wife we're going to do something we're also going to go to the zoo i don't know if i mentioned that yet but omaha has a world-class zoo i mean it's one of the reasons we came here and it's the number one attraction in omaha that will be coming later or it might be in its own video not sure yet all right now i'm going to explore some of the neighborhoods just outside of downtown give you an idea where i'm at there's downtown right there i'm gonna head north first uh then i'm gonna go south and then west okay so i'm gonna turn right on florence boulevard and um head directly into north omaha we'll just go uh just going to go a little bit just going to go a few blocks in see what the neighborhoods look like all right i'm a couple blocks farther north into the residential area so far it looks pretty nice doesn't it look at these houses these are really nice i had read that this is the worst part of the city north not seeing that right now these houses are all in really good condition look at them and they look really nice of course some of them are apartments but yeah pretty nice housing here looks like i'm heading into an older part of the neighborhood though that's perhaps not been gentrified yeah but it's looking like yeah look here i guess that's a house it's actually quite beautiful definitely a lot more grown in here though isn't it so i think what we're seeing here is some gentrification for sure i've seen a little bit of uh run down and abandon here definitely this is like remind you a little bit inner city detroit or uh baltimore just gonna drive down the street a little bit more and uh then i'm gonna go on the other side of downtown let's see what the south side looks like yeah this area seems to be um largely ignored in terms of uh opening businesses up all right i'm going to turn around right up here give you another little look here and then look you see pretty nice houses here and you can see the tallest building in the city straight ahead south of us all right i've seen enough here i'm going to go on the other side of downtown let's take a look at the neighborhoods over there all right i'm directly west of downtown there's a tall building i'm just pointing the tall tall building out because when i show it and cameron kind of give you a feel of where we are in the city but anyway yeah so we're just passing through downtown and heading south now i'm still gonna laugh out of that uh youtube travel video that said that omaha was flat really omaha is not flat yeah i'm making my way through flat omaha i'm still here south of uh downtown gosh this looks like um this looks like something in uh mexico a border town wow it's crazy i mean i don't know how i can even get up that i got a bronco i don't think i can get up that looks like i might be in a bit of a hispanic area now there's the tallest building in the city a landmark to just kind of give you a feeling of where i'm at like i said i am in south omaha now yeah definitely a hispanic area isn't it so there's the building we'll check out some of the houses see if there's any cool architecture old style houses old uh designs those are always more interesting i mean honestly parts of omaha's like san francisco seriously flat omaha's flat joke i think ought to tell you guys what uh youtube channel that is so you can go make fun of it this is hardly flat holy cow better have some uh breaks in good working order driving this part of town anyway uh yeah 13th street interesting i think i've seen everything i want i didn't want to spend too much time here just get a look and a feel of south omaha just out of downtown i mean you could almost say that i'm almost in town oh this is uh yeah this is the bohemian area i'm going to bring the wife back here this afternoon after i'm done i believe that's the right area anyway you can see that i am approaching downtown again there's the city's tall skyscraper so i'm going to uh go in here cut a hard left and go into west omaha see what the uh city and the neighborhoods look like there nice view from here though isn't it kind of right in downtown at the moment so i'm going to head in this direction directly west let's see what we can find out here huh again lots and lots of apartments under construction all over the city a lot of interesting one-of-a-kind restaurants over here but the food's really good in them at la casa and then we've got a broncos hamburgers that's awesome huh 11 was bar look at that mural [Music] yeah this is where the big houses are this is the nice part of town the trees these are very old homes but uh some of them are anyway wow they're beautiful though yeah look at these beautiful homes that is really interesting looking that's why i love these older neighborhoods none of the houses look like the other you know versus suburbs people always say why aren't you going out part of town where the suburbs are real it's nice this is why they don't have houses like that or like this in suburbs they just don't look at these beautiful homes wow i don't want to even speculate how much they cost they probably have basements too and like this one's three stories absolutely gorgeous all right well that's going to be it for this part of the video i'm going to uh go back to the hotel grab the wife we're going to go to little bohemia and that bridge the pedestrian bridge so that's going to come up next well we are in nebraska aren't we well there it is the missouri river it's what i was trying to see this morning just couldn't seem to find it but here it is but we're at the bob curry pedestrian bridge right there it's pretty good huh yeah it's pretty big it's one of the landmarks of the city so uh yeah we're gonna head up there right now right they got some cool fountains here it's really nice wife is lagging behind you want to get in the water i dare you i'll do it let's see it i'll be shocked if you actually do that yeah why not go make a run for it all right i wanna see you go i wanna see you go let's do it do it well there's no point in that that's that takes all the fun out of it you're not gonna do it are you lucked out because the water went away we are making our way up the bridge getting some nice views up here of the mighty missouri river not everybody knows this i've mentioned it in the kansas city video but this is the longest river in the united states all right there it is i knew it was here somewhere the iowa nebraska line wow so i'll come find you later you're in iowa at the moment right now what i'm in iowa i'm in nebraska iowa and nebraska yeah i'm standing in nebraska but my shadow's in iowa you're standing in nebraska and your shadows in iowa yep that's true i just looked over it and look there's a bird with the bird nest here on the bridge oh can you see it yeah i see it yeah he's like uh get lost people it's got that look on his face or it's good i guess it's a her huh how can you tell look at its nest it's all nice and neat yeah perfect she's got her beak open so i think that's uh like i want to fight come on bring it on maybe she's just hungry might be that too but probably not she probably just wants us to get away from her nest which we will right now here's omar the troll hey he's right here yeah the famous troll of uh omaha omar you should go take a picture of it yeah it will all right so my wife of course she's got to climb up there yeah oh i thought you were taking a snapshot well i'm going to take video if you're going to climb up there and get all up in his business i'm just hugging him yeah i'm stroking his nice pretty blue hair yeah all right we're in little bohemia now here in uh omaha it's a cool uh some cool artwork there huh there's the bohemian cafe across the street it's a tuesday evening about seven which probably explains why there's not much in the way of people here a lot of the stuff's just sitting empty still you get the feeling it's still a bit in development here beer k2 this bar there you go not sure if we're going to go in there we might go to a different place i'd read that this is a real cool place but um it's got a lot of work it needs a lot of work it's got a lot of a lot to go before it's really uh developed huh i think we're going to go to a different place uh maybe it's a little bit more lively all right we're in old market it's a lot more lively here so uh we're gonna find a place and have a beer maybe uh have a little snack yeah yeah that looks like a big go-kart really yeah is that a real car uh no he's driving it okay upstream brewing company [Music] we're gonna give them a try all right go ahead honey [Music] all right we're inside now i'm having a cask condition pale ale drawn up from the basement and what do you have in some kind of cider right yeah glacial till cider glacial chill cider cool they said it's local but of course they don't make it here yeah and the place is packed big time this is where everybody is well this looks interesting local wagyu corn dogs house made corn dogs with a scotch ale ketchup i mean how can you not try that i was confused because i thought it had to be a i thought it had to be a regular hot dog yeah i got to try that okay so our wagyu corn dogs have arrived the scotch the scotch i'll catch it oh yeah that's just this is going to be interesting yeah there it is that's a wagyu wagyu is that how you say it wagyu beef uh dog there in the middle that's pretty awesome very good this place has an amazing looking menu it really does yeah it does it has a great look at me everything is fresh obviously this is really good it didn't come frozen in a bag no this is this is house made everything well it's a nice quiet night tonight we're gonna go to one more place dubliner pub oh hold on hold on what do you call these things yeah the dubliner we're going to go to it you got to go downstairs to get there so here we go looks kind of dark what do you think wow smells dark and musky here [Music] i like the environment already it looks like an irish bar nice quiet well we decided to have some tennessee whiskey [Music] in the irish bar the dubliner it's a pretty cool place though underneath the build whatever this building was but it's this is down below ground i like the vibe it's really cool huh definitely dark yeah i like that it's cool down here too well this bar is hopping i mean it's uh what time is it it's 8 30 and it's just filling up with people [Music] all right we just left the uh dubliner looks like some homeless people hang out there huh but anyway it's a lovely night here in omaha [Music] anyway uh i don't know she who wears a little feather i don't know this is the end of this video uh we had a great time in omaha it's a nice city people are very friendly uh welcoming very nice people but anyway uh we are going to the zoo here in omaha tomorrow but it's going to get its own video because the zoo here is so awesome but we had a nice time here in omaha like i said it's a city almost a million people it's got growing pains that's to feel like it um the downtown is a little bit dead but you can tell that they are working on that and you know because the great cities have vibrant downtowns three to five years downtown omaha it's going to be a totally different place oh i do you can see all the construction all the apartments under construction it's crazy it's going to be a lot of people living here three to five years here in the city center and omaha will take its place as one of the great small american cities right i like it a lot we enjoyed ourselves but anyway the next video will be the zoo and then uh lincoln the state capitol so uh be looking for those videos you
Channel: Joe & Nic's Road Trip
Views: 95,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 27sec (2127 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2022
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