RURAL MISSOURI: Unbelievable Small Towns In The Middle Of Nowhere - Far Off The Interstate

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well everybody uh I am in rural Missouri I'll show you where I'm at I'm uh in the middle of the state you can see I'm right there in between Kansas City and St Louis a little bit north of Columbia so Central kind of in the northern half I'm going to view visit a few towns here interesting places I'm about to enter the downtown of Moberly uh this is a bigger town around 13 700 people that's the population that's been here for the last 50 60 years in that area so this is not a town that is dying I'm looking at the downtown there's some cars here so it's not a it's you know it's not dead a lot of the uh old storefronts I've got businesses in them it looks pretty nice actually probably really nice in um in the summer the poverty level in this town is 22.2 percent that's pretty high uh average household income is 50 800. which is a little on the low side yeah this is basically a secondary Street of downtown not quite as many people uh there is a lot of churches here I'm going to drive by a couple well more than a couple because there are a lot of them I this might be the highest concentration of churches I've seen in a town this size ever you can see one's down the street there so I'll drive by and take a look at a couple of those but um yeah fair amount of traffic here you abandoned empty buildings like that one right there interesting looking place though coat Street Presbyterian it's beautiful there's a lot more I'm going to show several of them to you coming up right now uh we got a church here coming up on this street but it doesn't look like it's in very good shape see I can't quite read it I yeah that's not even in operation it doesn't look like greater New Life Ministries yeah that one seems uh seems like it's probably not in operation seen a little bit of the poverty though beautiful beautiful older homes but they're uh yeah you could tell the money's not there to take care of them hey a cat though somebody challenged me to be sure and find a cat in every video so up there it is done for this one Cat found anyway I'm gonna show you some more churches there is a masonic temple and um geez I don't know what this one is I don't see a sign this says sanctuary but then you see one right over here let me go over to that I see a couple of them see one right there don't know what it is yet yeah so let me drive up to it uh Central Christian Church and I'll swing around to that other one yeah there's a small Church Moberly Bible Methodist Church and then we've got uh we've got a what probably the most impressive one right here this is a beauty impressive structure Saint Pius 10 Catholic Church there you go so this is one of those uh what do you call traditional super traditional Catholics churches it's a beautiful building though um set up this way so here it is the 4th Street Theater uh it like I said it's still in operation that is a beautiful building [Music] that is absolutely gorgeous and across the street here they have Public Library so look at that couple of beautiful buildings right across the street from each other yeah you see um a lot of beautiful houses and you see a lot of these mixed in yeah these are driving the median average down they could be fixed up though well okay I've seen everything here I want to see time to head to the next town well Australian series definitely got me off the beaten path directed me to my next town dirt road Gravel Road I guess you would call it it's very forlorn looking out here isn't it here in Northern rural Missouri uh by the way today is Thursday it's about one in the afternoon right now it's 30 let me look at the temperature 33 degrees outside and there's a strong wind that's ice cold so it's not particularly Pleasant outside I don't know how often I will be getting out of the car if at all but anyway yeah I am continuing my way to the next town it's called higbee it's got a few miles to go got ourselves a stop sign in the middle of nowhere I mean middle of nowhere I haven't even seen a house well wait a minute there's one right there first house I've seen in quite a while I didn't realize there is this much Open Country in Missouri I think I'm on an even smaller road now too but anyway yeah I'll just keep going all right everyone I am in Higby higbee Missouri it's a small town but they make a lot of barrels here wood barrels for wine and bourbon this is one of the companies that does what is this the oak Co-op Cooperage interesting Town though I'm just going to drive in and show it to you I'll tell you a little bit about it as I drive in towards the city center or the Town Center I should say there's only 437 people here back in 1920 a little over 100 years ago there were 1400 people here so it has lost a lot of its population since then median household income is forty five thousand two hundred so that is pretty low median home value is 146 700. average age 32.8 I'm about to hit well I'm about to hit the downtown here in a second of course you know there's going to be a Dollar General they're always here they have a Distillery here too I'm going to go over there I think it's called skull splitter not sure what they make but I'm gonna go see um and if they sell anything I buy it I'm always uh looking for some unique bottles of liquor for my collection I have a collection of that believe it or not anyway this is downtown right here it's not big yeah this building here it's done for so gutted I like this here it's interesting that this flagpole right here in the middle of what I would guess would be the main part of downtown of course I'm pretty much through it now there's City Hall and Department of utilities and we've got a church here too Higby Christian Church how about that and then uh I'm in the neighborhoods well I'm just taking a look around the town I'm gonna turn into a neighborhood and try to miss this squirrel a lot of the roads are dirt roads big yards though can't argue with that a lot of space hmm well maybe I'll uh go ahead and head over to that Distillery it's another church there yeah why don't I do that let's go check it out so this is that skull Splitters Distillery or yes skull splitter spirits Distillery I wonder if they sell anything in here Cooper's Oak Winery also and I'm gonna go check it out so I'm inside a skull splitter Distillery tried some moonshine I'm gonna buy two bottles of it and then let me let me give you a taste of our sweet wine okay this is chocolate Brandy I'm going to take a bottle of that yeah and uh here is a chocolate a sweet a black cherry wine black cherry wine now that's a big Wine Drinker but I'll give it a try I'll just give you a taste okay like cherry wine it tastes like black cherry and then yeah okay that was this the that's that's the that's the apple pie the apple pie yeah so apple pie I'm gonna take that too okay I'm gonna take all four of those we run out of labels we had to improvise that's okay and the guy who makes her labels is sick oh is he so that's yeah so what is this one here this this is just a black cherry oh the black cherry wine didn't you just give me that one no it's a white grape Peach white grape Peach and this is wine also it's wine yeah come on I'll give you a little okay right here okay this is cool that's Uncle Neil who's the winner of the Hide and Seek contest oh awesome so you used to make barrels for for wine and there's a walnut Barrel that I made oh cool there's your egg Walnut Animal okay cool and it's just for show awesome you know and all of this is mostly tools for making barrels by hand and garden tools tools of the trade for making barrels by hand that's awesome well that's the best way though okay but it's the best way right or no it's quite a collection and I've got one outside I come from China how about that that's actually exact Daniel's demonstration piece here that's what I usually drink yeah Jack Daniel's pretty good we like the Lakers Maker's Mark and we all like makers too we like the Devil's cut I haven't had the Devils cut I haven't had that that's Tennessee though right yeah no no it's Kentucky oh Kentucky okay Jim Beam I think well I'm following this gentleman who uh owns this killer here and he's going to show me a Barrel Making Place because like I told you earlier that's pretty big industry here making barrels for wine and whiskey yeah you guys remember at the beginning of the video I was at this place where they make barrels for wine I guess he's going to show me the inside so how cool is that well he's brought me into the factory floor here where they are making barrels for wine you can smell the wood that's cool pretty it is smells good in here too yeah he's making one over there I can wow so all these will be filled with wine or wine or whiskey okay how about that what is this here is this where they're smoked yes look at that that is cool so that's how they get that first that burnt smell to them toasted Oak he's making a whiskey barrel it would be charred okay he keeps different levels of fire at certain times so that's why it gives it to the Smoky yeah that is fantastic yeah that is pretty awesome this one is charged on the inside for Spirits you know for like whiskey my bourbon whiskey okay so everything handmade here yeah okay I was trying to say Co-op I was pronouncing it wrong that's the label for the wine what's it called it's called Silver Oak Silver Oak wine and then the people that started it we put a sand and we'll wind him through his age yeah I guess the better I like it yeah that is really cool so Dale you founded this with your father-in-law this whole operation how about that knew nothing about it learn taught yourself and now uh it's a multi-million dollar operation but it don't like I said somebody bought you out well it's owned by one of the most successful wineries in the world that is cool that's that is fantastic okay one more thing so these are the finished barrels ready to ship to the wineries in California well uh mostly wineries in California a lot of them and they're actually wineries probably uh all over the world all over the world they can I know they sent some to Scotland to fill up a scotch whiskey nice but sometimes this place is full right now she's down to only two three hundred thousand dollars worth yeah okay so sometimes it's crowned full in here depends on the time of year you know time of the year A lot of times in the late summer and fall you ship a lot of barrels I see all right everyone that's it for Higby I want to thank Dale for showing me all that cool stuff and I've got uh some moonshine I'm gonna be enjoying later anyway uh time to head to the next town all right I'm entering the town of Armstrong population 2022 is 235 Peak year for population was 1920. there were 616 people here 120 or 102 years ago let me do the right math average our median age here is 33 33.8 so that's pretty young median household income is forty thousand nine hundred median home values 166 800. very small town obviously this is pretty much it for downtown and it looks largely abandoned I'm gonna spend a lot of time here I guess I'll just take a quick look Town that's small you only got a couple of streets so there's not much more than this an old um semi truck here it looks like it's abandoned all of this looks abandoned doesn't it it's even got a trailer I wonder what's going on here yeah this truck is been off the road a long time though yeah like I said not too much to the town right you're out in the open country that way I'm gonna head to the next town uh it's called Glasgow uh this this is a town and I'm talking about Glasgow that has a shocking amount of places on the national register uh so we're gonna go check that out um yeah all right I just want to see this over here yeah cool all right I'm gonna head to Glasgow now all right everyone I'm entering the town of Glasgow really interesting looking place I've already done a preliminary drive-through scouted it out uh something like a hundred buildings and homes here are on a national register really shocking for a town this size population in 2022 1083 I'll tell you a little bit more about that in a second first of all I want you to take a look at this bridge kind of in the middle of frame here this is the Glasgow railroad bridge built in 1879 this was the world's first all still Bridge ever built it's crossing the Missouri River you can see it there let me show you from the other direction anyway yeah first all still Bridge ever built a architectural Wonder at the time anyway I'm going to turn around and show you the town next all right guys I have turned around going to head into town now first of all let me show you this beautiful view coming in you can see the town there on the banks of the river on the other side of this bridge it's beautiful isn't it look at all that I'm going to make a left here and go into downtown virtually every building you see here in this downtown is on the national register and it is a busy full downtown too uh all the businesses look open you know it's just not it's not sitting here empty it's fantastic uh let's see we're coming up on it now poverty right here is 10.1 so that's low low poverty rate median household income is 52 900. uh average age is 46.1 a bit of an older town average home value is 149 100 or that's the median home value anyway so there's those numbers now as I enter this downtown you'll see all these old buildings a lot of these have been here since the mid-1800s look at all the cars here yeah a lot of people down here even here on this uh crummy day look at this way cool uh old drugstore I'm gonna make a right here show you some of these spectacular buildings there's some Churches here too um built in the mid-1800s many of them that little beautiful building that's sitting empty it looks like but I mean look at that look at the artwork on that incredible Lewis Library erected uh what is it 1866 yeah this one is on a national register I know that I remember reading it and so is this church here um yeah United Methodist Church it's mid-1800s as well look at the Statue out front that guy cool let's see what else I can find here I know there's another church to my right let me see if I can get to it ah look at this one here so you can't get that kind of detail you know anymore without a costing a fortune I kind of like that light green too it's interesting anyway uh yeah you can see the town over this way very picturesque isn't it look at this there's that church I'm trying to get to right there Spire kind of dominant dominates the sky here look at that beautiful old home built in 1832 that is also on the national register I mean there's just architecturally speaking this town is is kind of unreal you know a place this small having this much see if I can get over there to that church Saint Mary Catholic Church and just you know look at these houses let me slow down here give you a good look at that I got a purple house here and then right across the street look at that I mean that's that's a mansion anyway the Saint Mary Catholic Church wow look at that is a work of art on a national register as well wow what a town I mean wow that's all you can really say uh and it's everywhere I turn even though wow look at this one here though um yeah this one this one's abandoned and it looks like Nature's reclaiming it hey hate to see that I wonder why somebody doesn't buy that this one might be empty too even though it's not quite as or in a quite a bad a shape but it's got some boarded up Windows sitting on the hill here and another look at the town in this direction an amazing place isn't it I mean wow this is one of the most beautiful towns I've been to incredible eub Chapel United Methodist Church quite a few churches here First Baptist Church hmm wow look at that house looks haunted doesn't it is abandoned as you can see Nature has taken it that is wow that is something up there on the hill all by itself huh I'm gonna head to the next town that's called uh Fayette all right everyone I'm entering the town of Fayette population 2022 2827. Peak population was 1970 there were 3 500 people here it's lost a little bit uh it's also home to Central Methodist University it's to the left here I'm driving past it beautiful homes holy cow unreal I'm gonna head into downtown and want to get there virtually every building in downtown Fayette is on a national register including the Magnificent and I mean beautiful County courthouse building which will be up here on the left it was built in 1887 so we'll be seeing it shortly it's right up just a little bit farther down the road here uh I'll give you some numbers real quick as I reapproach it poverty level is 15.5 so that's pretty good median household income is 61 900. anyway there is the county courthouse building me drive by it slowly show it to you it is beautiful building and look at that that is amazing anyways got a square for it downtown so I'll take a cruise around it like I said virtually every building is on a national register most of them built in the 1800s the late 1800s lots of cars down here so hot again it's like a lot of the towns we've seen on this little road trip this is vibrant downtown that people come to to shop and and gather the best kind of downtown let's see what other what numbers didn't I give you uh the median age is 27.6 but this this is one of those odd median age towns like we've seen before show you this mural here um the male's median age is 23.7 females 32.4 so the girls have got almost 10 years on the guys here wow look at the detail roof the woodwork that is a masterpiece look it looks like it has a little guest house in the back for it that's the ultimate when you can have a little guest house you know for your friends who come to visit this is the Fayette swimming pool or City Park swimming pool built in 1936 we'll get out take a look at it obviously this time of year not any swimming going on but yeah the swimming pool has been here since 1936. that's crazy ah and it's on a national register I'm gonna swing around here take a look at the front of it well here's the entrance Fayette city park swimming pool how about that you know what's kind of crazy is it's like an above ground pool at least part of it is see you have to be up in there to uh actually see it wow swimming pool built in 1936. probably didn't see that a lot back then amazing beautiful Park here oh about so so cold though anyway well I'm gonna wrap the video up here uh pretty cool I like this trip we are going to head to Jefferson City next the capital of Missouri take a look at that town and uh then I'm gonna head down to South or we are going to head down to South West Missouri there's some towns there I want to look at and uh then on to Bentonville Arkansas check out the birthplace of Walmart so uh be looking for those
Channel: Joe & Nic's Road Trip
Views: 483,561
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Id: aEUg3qlNsSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 13sec (2113 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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