Explaining the Faith - St. Francis of Assisi: The World's Most Beloved Saint
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Divine Mercy
Views: 253,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Divine Mercy, Mercy, Jesus, Christ, Marian, priest, grace, pray, prays, praying, chris alar, alar, fr. Chris, fr. alar, Catholic, Church, God, fr. chris alar, blessed virgin, Mary, Immaculate Heart, blessing, worship, Salvation, Faustina, Conversion, Prayer, Saints, Scripture, St. Francis, Assisi, saints, San Damiano, Friars, Friars Minor, Franciscans, poverty, tonsure, monk, creche, nativity scene, patron saint of animals, prayer of st. francis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 25sec (5245 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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