SSundee 2021 Rewind ( Best, Funny, Unlucky moments )

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so those were actually sponsored by ea for some weird reason who would sponsor this who lives in a pineapple under the sea all right boys i'm going to perform heart surgery because i'm the dentist you know what you said heart no heart surgery heart surgery heart surgery heart surgery you're the heart yeah i'm the heart surgeon dentist and also i'm gonna be at karen right now and i'm gonna yell at you guys hit the like button right now yeah i yelled at you carol bask kill the black button wet cake convince me that it didn't happen welcome bye listen listen listen listen guys i got something to say i got something to say something to say what are you gonna say it's nice to meet you what's up dudes welcome back to among us we have a nuke literally you will not miss it just wait for it as always do me a favor hit the like button down below if you turn the like button blue you'll win the like button what just hit the like button if you're enjoying these among us wait did you hear me talking wait here what color are you i heard your boy dead with a football [Music] who's the mommy i don't want to do this anymore [Music] i hate this can we just call we just call it a day wait i'm a grandchild oh you soldiers line up here line up everybody single file line facing me if you want to see tomorrow you get lying young man oh yeah i will call your mother no don't call her hey [Music] i don't want to see any of you again that was the dumbest thing we've ever done okay okay [Laughter] oh this isn't this uh predicament where we find ourselves okay okay we don't know who's who at this point oh what was that wait gary gary bro what that was you now do not try to put this on me and gary killed central's right i'm like you saw him i saw you outside he just ran off you saw him right he sliced him and ran away hey zod yeah i have the modifier of torch lights don't affect me you can see everything you literally watched it happen yeah you just got caught red-handed both bodies navigation both bodies navigation [Laughter] okay this doesn't count as my words thanks captain obvious oh i'm frozen i can't move we all just froze in place this is gonna be so difficult for the killers how i'm trying i'm trying to think of ways to do this as [Music] [Laughter] brown died brown died right there and ambrew just walked out of there i'm gonna wait until they turn on lights and then i'm gonna report this i'm sorry i love you you just heard ambrose amber just said sorry to biffle a few minutes later ambrew mommy let me riddle you a riddler okay whenever biffle died we have to vote here keep in mind i may or may not have been invisible as the spy when i went out there and found the body when the lights were down i heard ambrew whisper i'm sorry [Applause] okay but hang on at least he was sorry all right boys oh my thank you did somebody just rip one oh my oh everyone's gotta me what the who what i think that was fleek hello hey jerome listen listen listen listen listen i have a suspicion i'm literally not doing any of this right now help help did you just teleport away from me i'm getting take me to food dad i'm hungry i'm hungry i'm so hungry i need to eat some chicken i am hungry i'm i'm hunky i'm hungry i'm so hungry thanks dada thanks dad this is getting weird isn't it [Laughter] oh no are you good did you just kill button him [Music] you can hear it [Music] [Applause] oh my gosh what uh i don't want to play that i can't do this wait this is where i just was yeah that's that hallway do i go this way jump nobody knows i'm here look i'm jumped up here they don't know i'm here i'm gonna land on flico whenever he stops i'm going to land on flicko and there's biffle there's jerome i'm going to land right now [Music] i'm going to try this workout what is this workout i invented something new you know what guys look at nika every time i look at nico fault all i think is his eyes are really close together let me fix that yeah there we go there's normal nico right with with the weird looking eyes this is enhanced nico and even closer together uh current record 721 collapse in one minute hold on what how are you wait what [Music] i'm gonna catch you i don't know i can do that so once again welcome back to among us this time we've added in the juggling jester [Music] [Applause] you know what you know what bring it bring it i got my auto clicker i got my auto clicker okay you know i don't even want to be here i don't even want to i don't know dude i'm just quick with them here let me show you let me show you come here let me show you let me show you here you do this look how fast i'm clicking you see how fast i'm clicking are you using right click and left click or yeah i use all clicks six day one already okay this doesn't make any i have 20. oh no oh no oh no guys are we okay just dodge everybody just dodge everybody just dodge hey i got this so as i got clicking i'm dropping my next [Music] wait wait no no i forgot yeah i can't kill henry i trust henry uh yeah i'm [Music] i gotta find biffle i gotta turn these lights on i gotta find biffle [Music] [Applause] i waited a second i had one second sunday can you go away for a second yeah [Music] uh [Laughter] [Applause] oh no i can't see i literally can't see you forgot to let the lights go all the way down before you pulled out the sniper there [Laughter] no i thought they were dead so many dead bodies we're gonna do let's go ahead oh no oh no oh no oh no he just saw me he just saw me vent he just saw me vent i'm sorry iron man wait oh my gosh jerry am i buried okay listen listen listen listen let's think about this let's think about this let's think about this let's think about this okay okay listen listen listen okay okay okay sigils was the killer yeah sorry yeah i'm okay with that [Laughter] nine seconds nobody's on it i'm about to win in five four three two save the city boys we are out here i gotta assemble the target okay i got the dog face i got the put the face on the dog give the dog a body put that there put that there [Music] [Music] 22. oh no no no no no no no no no 36. i got 36. he can't get that yes 35 beat him by one reactor gets called we go running down and then ian just turns and runs the cafeteria that is very strong he finds kate yeah and then reports let's let's let's just listen i saw three of you run to reactor so i was like okay the boys got it you know what i mean you're right the boys [Applause] got some good oxygen can you smell the air i'm going to turn invisible i'm a sleepy boy in a sleepy bed i do my homework i don't eat my vegetables i get super skinny and everyone's a winner why am i moving they're somebody call 911 [Music] my little pony we're going to play a little game gary a game ah check this out oh gosh oh gary i don't see anything what am i checking out you better run oh oh my gosh i'm gonna pick you back up wait wait wait what what and wait what is this wait can i go in the vent as i'm no i'm stuck in the vent i'm actually stuck in the vent no i'm stuck in the vent no there we go mr beeson teleport i gotta teleport out i'm gonna teleport i gotta go all the way to the offices oh there's the mace oh wait oh no did i break it oh no i think i broke it oh oh no wait hold on oh i think i'm good hold on yeah there we go okay i'll just do the maze no hold on let's go up here can i see it no i broke it [Laughter] wait how did i just die wait what i still have hearts though wait you're not dead i'm diverted okay again i'm literally dead you're good oh gosh i'm i'm glitching oh you just vanished are you here flying is not enabled on the server i was six thousand blocks in the air oh my gosh it just got banned from his own server hey hey nico do me a favor do me a favor what's up what's up what's up uh right click that bed wait why would you right-click the you bed crashed my game dude what just happened hey you're so free did you crush your everyone's skills no this is my feet you know what god wow how you are a genius do your tasks who has one more task who had the last test you guys are actual bots [Music] i thought i was going where are you guys at hey hey listen listen let's have a meeting you guys want to meet in the middle we'll just talk about things somebody want to tell him wait does he not know no he just doesn't not know what you already caught everyone dude we're the last two did i yeah i don't know if i want to go to the nether with this speed though oh i think i do i think i think you guys like my portal what's wrong with your pump like this wow hey i gotta tell you something i gotta tell you something i got to tell you something come over here i got to tell you something did you just he just right how wait okay oh no they got through here take this jerome wait for it [Music] wait for what hold on let me find a chunk loader [Music] [Applause] wait for it now [Music] hey grey cyan wait dead body oh wait where was it hello huh that was very audien why did you just did you just out yourself out in myself this is my server this is guys this is good you know you know you know what video is good when all my friends die and it's my server can i eat something like that for you wait looking great now look what you've done my girl moving to the left i have a report button what do i do guys i'm spamming r right now welcome to sunday linguine is where you get your linguine he had half duprini oh no look um look him it's been fun man it's been fun they stand still i can get a triple kill what what no i'm not a couple no no i'm giving you your points back i'm giving you your love your battery back yeah go ahead go ahead win go ahead and win yeah yeah yeah i just i felt bad for cheating [Laughter] you smell like onion you can't smell onions just like onions it's fine we'll just be here the whole time how many people [Laughter] oh what do you want to do hello can you hear me hey what's up man can you hear me yeah i can hear you [Music] [Laughter] oh guys i have some information what's your information what's your information what is it idiot i gotta kill him i guess you can say he didn't plunge his way out of that one that was so bad don't ever make that joke again i don't know there's definitely two impostors because we haven't voted anyone out no we didn't vote somebody out wait who do we put up uh your mom we need to help someone out and i think we need to vote dude do you guys do you guys do you guys want to know his name yes his name is einstein einstein i get it here's i i guess are you sure he's an artificial intelligence and not an artificial idiot well if any would be you know down there gary is that you idiot wait oh can you hear me yeah okay okay watch this watch this i'm gonna shift onto you so we can swap abilities okay yeah you beat this you take the c you take the seer and i'll take somebody else's role you have to get back though because i like shifting yeah yeah yeah yeah okay go ahead go ahead ready three two one hold on what if i turn off the lights wow [Laughter] [Music] i literally can't do that oh you misty missed you buddy it's coming back wow i'm gonna hit this snipe i'm gonna hit this knife i'm gonna hit this night [Music] what did you just fart on me what just happened four let me do the ultimate zoom three [Music] [Music] where is it [Music] who's the medic somebody please res me please please please don't don't report it why would you report the body now i'm dead forever you know what if they don't subscribe then this happens why did he just that was so mean why were we the examples why did he just you don't want to wait do you don't trust zod [Laughter] what just happened what do you want robot looking freak did he just lure me into it i don't know how i feel about [Music] no i didn't see what color that was no wait i'm going to stop the recording i can find this i got it just killed them which means i can't talk anymore i was looking at the footage wait who was it wait why is it not working no no no oh [Music] am i the only crew member [Applause] [Music]
Channel: SSundee Best Moments
Views: 568,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SSundee
Id: 4mS9awsvI-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 03 2022
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