SS: "Rest in a Reckless World" | Divine: Pastor E. Jackson - "Be Thou Perfect"

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i mean people have jesus said they were asking jesus for miracles and signs and jesus said look on the other side i will show you the sign of jonah and i believe are the wheel i mean he himself throws up the grave because we see all the miracles that god did from pharaoh from pharaohs in egypt right up as he lead them pillar of clothes america they were going through the red sea the mana he could have used food from what i didn't know he used mana and still these people were stubborn and we see these miracles and asked about that is why when his disciples when he sent him out and they came back rejoicing we raised the dead we cast out the healing of the castle the devil i never very in their euphoria and jesus relax he said he said that's not don't don't worry about that what you should worry about is that your name is written in the book why your name can only be written in the book if you are obedient and faithful whether you see miracles or not yes satan himself will do miracles so the key is god wants us to be obedient don't whether we see miracles on that whether we heal our cast or sit because when a miracle gone your feet might just go he wanted to stand on him yes don't worry about the miracles stand and believe and be firm then you cannot be shared with americans or not nobody can come and do tricks right and change you right you believe in your god and you know you know the word of god because when it comes you would know exactly which is false from which it's true amen and united what brother ambassador was saying um i don't understand how they were asking for signs and miracles and jesus was doing miracles in front of them jesus was making the blind sea and and making the lame walk yeah and instead of seeing the miracle and giving thanks for what god had done for them yes they were they they were saying he blaspheming and they were plotting against him yes you know and yet still turn around and ask for a sign he was a sign that he was there right even the miracle that he performed at lazarus you know he the the jewish people always believed that after three days you know you know but he waits until four days for a reason to raise lazarus from the dead and and and yet still fall he went on you know but as we go on in know christian pathway you know it's not it's it's a learning process but the whole thing is trusting in god you know i have a little testimony that i want to share my my grandson he was in florida for a period of time and um his heart was in new york he want to come here he loved church he loved here he wanted to be back in new york so he came up for for for father's day for a brief period of time but um he said he's he don't want to go back i said well that's not my call did i say mom everybody have to you know they have the decision but grand people pray for you amen so he was outside in the parking lot midday week and he said um school was on vacation he said i said so let's before you go back i know you're going back tomorrow i say let's go in church and pray i want to pray that god would keep you and watch over you during the course of the time you don't you see grumpy could you pray for me to stay i was like let this boy have more feet he he exhibited more faith than i i i'm seeing that hey you belong down there you know your family down there you gotta go back but you telling me to pray to stay i say well listen man with god all things are possible you know so long and show to the story we came in here we knelt and we pray and i asked god to give him the desire of his heart you know and um wasn't wasn't more than three weeks later he was back in new york and he said that grumpy guess what i am not going back we come here to stay i see in god almighty god ain't got an answering god of prayer hello and here he is here today worshiping with us so it's all about trusting god you know trusting god and obeying god and taking him at his word you know it no if so but so maybe about it he said he's going to provide exactly he's yes ma'am yes yes but you know prior to that what he told me he said he read something on youtube and some prayers something and he said he told me that god is going to the text says that god is going to give you the desire of your heart yes look at this see we i mean to interrupt you a bit i remember your good lady once in church she came to preach and she spoke about her taking her son to the embassy and she promised him that god would give him a visa that was a big problem but when she went when she went there the lady said no at the interview and she turned and looked at the lady and said listen i'm not leaving without it she said i told my son yes that god is going to give him a visa hallelujah my son is not going home knowing that god cannot be trusted so she said you need to do something and she said i'll wait on you because we're going to pray and she said and then you'll give me the visa yes and it happened just like that we serve almighty god amen yes he's able and willing to give us all the desire of our hearts if we only only trust him i have so much stories about trusting in god and faith in my life that if i start now we might probably end up sometime late next week you know i mean before we go on i know that there is someone here right now i would take a testimony right now even in the midst of the lesson where god has answered your prayer through faith by trusting in him i see you have the mic in your hand and your hands are raised already so beautiful is here maybe it's god speaking because i've been telling the story since i reached sisterbot last night oh brother i've been somewhere to work and the lady gave me a schedule which began at 5 00 a.m and finishes at eight and each time on it went from half hour each half hour anyway it so happened that like it would say start feeding oatmeal at seven at 7 30 you're expected a person to finish oatmeal and then you'll start the sandwich at 7 30 and the sun will finish at 7 30 so 8 o'clock would be something else to do and it that schedule went like that till 8 pm in the night and i'm gonna tell you this apparently it happened to her and to maybe everybody else that she met but i remember going on my knees and i said god you are the giver of time yes you can step into time and the time that she doesn't want to give me you can give me and i say listen i'm gonna feed the lady every morning and i started at seven o'clock and before she's ready to eat i said god you're gonna open this lady mouth and whatever food i'm gonna give her you're gonna feed her for me so the meal would finish at 7 10. 7 15 7 20 no later so she started coming and asking me did i feed the lady i said of course she ate because she cannot believe that i ended up with half hour and sometime an hour for me which she didn't give me and i'm like yes she did so she started searching the garbage bin to see if i throw away the food i started to look at her to say lady are you crazy i don't know if who you have employed were dishonest persons but i would never throw away an old lady's food just outside of me there's somebody that i serve that i cannot do it it's not about you it's about who i serve i could not do that see so afterwards the scheduling to realize that it's not working i'm ending up with time that she doesn't give and i have to tell her that listen god gives time i would sing on every day as the gentleman turned to me and said lady where do you get your attitude from i tell him that listen there's a man upstairs yes it's not about ringing doorbell and saturday you can't ring doorbell yes and your car will drive and you just walk no it has nothing to do with that it's the man upstairs yes hallelujah for the time you don't want to give he gives because he is the man who gives time amen and the bible says if i be lifted up just lift me up and i will draw all man onto me just by your example just by your example amen uh we touch on how could we touch it we did i don't know if we touched on um on wednesday had had not your heart you know we did barely touch on it but you know the hardening of the heart you know this period of the covet 19 and pandemic that we went through you know this should be a means of of of of our hearts being softened to the word of god but again we go back as israelites really israelites you know despite the fact that we see things happen and things was there to draw us closer to god and we did come closer some way somehow sometimes people tend to go back to their old ways and 9 11 when that happened a lot of the church was filled all over people were baptized by the thousands and the hundreds and before you know it when you look around the church was empty you know it's all about being consistent the word of god says if you continue in my words he told the disciple then and only then you are my disciple let's see if you fall on the side of the way if you continue in my my word is a process it's a daily daily daily communication and the enemy is wise you know he tried to distract us in so many different ways just for us not to take up our bibles to get on our knees and to worship and praise him the chaos of the world the bible says we could get caught up with the cares the pride of life the loss of the eyes and the loss of the flesh this is the strategy that the enemy use to distract his people but we got to stay focused we got to stay focused until dead because jesus is soon to come you know it's again it's a daily walk the hardening of your heart no this is time for us to be softened and to trust god more and more daily because eyes haven't seen no air's heard neither have it enter into any man's heart the things that god has gone to prepare for those that love him union wireless imagination cannot imagine we have been to places nice places that we see in our eyes lit up but this is not in no comparison to what god has gone to prepare for us amen sister are we closing up now hallelujah give god praise and let us continue to worship and praise him in the beauty of holiness thank you very interesting lesson so much to be covered but we don't have much time thank you lebron and thank you elder wilson we'll take our welcome from sister rose green followed by a special in song from sister hendrix happy sabbath everyone the privilege is mine to welcome you to sabbath school which is almost over but my name is jacqueline rose green for those who don't know me and i'm just gonna ask you to sit and enjoy the rest of the program i must add tweet that to the persons who are visitors can you raise your hand please and i'm gonna tell you this jacqueline rose green is a visitor so can you imagine how warm central white sleep is and i think you deserve to give the map clap i'm giving them a club central islip is very warm because jacqueline rosen is a visitor and they have appointed me to do the welcome from visiting a little a while with them and central high school i must tell you thank you have a wonderful sabbath everyone happy sabbath okay um i'm not feeling well this morning i walked in and i'm just i'm not myself but i did promise my sister that i will do the song and by god's grace i'll do it you know god is a god whom we can trust and whether we're up or we're down he's still god he's there in the good times and he's there in the bad times so if you don't see him or you don't feel him just call on him in faith and believe that he's there life is he when you're up on the mountain and you've got peace of mind like you've never known but things change when you're down in the valley but don't lose faith for you're never alone when things go wrong he'll make it right but the god of the good is still god in the night you talk of faith when you're upon but faith comes easy when life's at its best but it's down in the valley of trials and troubles that's when your face is truly put to the test but the god on the mountain is when things go wrong he'll make it right and the god of the gods the god of the day he still god in the night yes the god of the day he is still god in the night beautiful beautiful thank you my sister god bless you um thank you sister rose green for your welcome my caption this morning was rests in a world of restlessness observing god's sabbath becomes a delight and a weekly experience in the rest god has for his people those steadfast saints who keep the commandment of god and our faith in jesus we take our refuge in him he is our peace is our rest picture the following a small child is crying the christ tell us that ver they're very upset they have no peace the mother takes them in her arms and rests them against her shoulder they move in their discomfort gently she pats their back and speaks softly to them after a while their crying slows then it stops a few minutes a few more turns of their head then they take a deep breath and rest their head on the shoulder all quiet they are at rest can you picture yourselves the same way resting in god arms the eternal god is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms deuteronomy 33 and verse 27 when all about you is in conflict picture yourself safe in the arms of jesus his promises i will never leave you or forsake you you have found sabbath amen um just some information those who are interested in the hard copy of their quarterly please see sister murray that she can make an order for you i want to say bye from sabbath school and i ask sister navi please to close us in prayer and after sister nablet the next voice you will hear is ldpg for personal ministry have a blessed rest of the sabbath let us stand for prayer most righteous and eternal father we thank you for revealing yourself to us through the review of this week's lesson thank you for the promise that better things is there for us your children thank you for that beautiful reminder in song that your god of the good times the bad times all times thank you for your faithfulness to us your people father forgive us where we have filthy and come short and help us lord in areas that we doubt you to trust you so that we can receive the full measure of your blessings that you promise to those who trust and obey you may you hasten the footsteps of those on their way and we ask you to tabernacle with us a little bit longer so that today's sabbath experience will be like none other father remember those who are sick we ask you to extend your healing hands remember those who are not feeling well lord put your arms of love around them and embrace them in your peace and your comfort so that by the time they leave here today they can say truly they got a touch from you lord father we love you thank you for loving us unconditionally keep us faithful because you promise you're coming and we hold you to those promises because are faithful who of promise in jesus name amen happy sabbath to everyone we welcome you into the house of our lord the creator of the universe we are his children do we believe that we are god's children as as a christians it is not easy to take the name of christ so easy also lightly because if we call ourselves christians that means we have become like we are a part of christ we bear his character we bear his testimony so in the book of john chapter 3 first john chapter 3 verse 10 it says for this is the message that you have heard from beginning this is the message we have heard from the beginning that we should love one another we have a responsibility to love each other with no discrimination yes we do not asking who was of that wicked one and slew his brother and wherefore slew he him because his own words were evil and his brother's gratules marvel not my breading if the world hate you john is telling us we should not wonder if the world does not like christians and it's true the world hates christians in the book of john chapter 3 verse 17 it says the light has come into the world but people love darkness more than the light we know that we have passed from death onto life because we love the brethren he that loves not his brother abide in death is a serious thing one of the characteristics of every christian is love love should be manifested in our daily life the bible said we are the light of the world and jesus said as long as i am in the world i am the light of the world so wherever you go we know the pipe the world is dark the world is dark but as light goes where they like where there's darkness the light illuminates and take control of that particular area so that is the character characteristics of every christian we are the light of the world we shine so if we do not have the love of christ in us that which we are not christians first john 3 16 see help hereby perceive that love of god because he laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren you should not buy it each other we should not gossip about each other but let's try to lift each other's up even if one falls because we are all sinners born and in shaping iniquity so the public is directing us to lift each other up when we fall to the righteous for how many times seven times we are not perfect but because of the lord of christ that was shed of calvary we are cleansed through faith because without faith it is impossible to please god reclaim the blood and the blood will sanctify us and make us whole so we are being reminded today that we should love one another it is hard and it's heartbreaking to hear a brother complaining that he or she or a sisters complained that he is not being treated he's not being welcomed or a physicist may come to church and found some he found some fault do not look onto the appearance but look what is inside because perhaps all our righteousness is like filthy rag do not look onto the outer part of the body but what is inside and god is able to cleanse clean it up from inside out so we are being reminded to love one another if you love one another then we are the children of god and anyway we go the testimony we bear the testimony that we are christians before the followers of christ were called the way they were not called christians in the beginning they were called the way but in antioch the people there the people they knew jesus christ so they studied the disciples of christ did not even know they were disciple christ but they found something unique about them i said this group must be the followers of christ that's why they gave them the name christians so we if we claim to be christians let our actions speaks louder than our words i'm going to end here is anybody has any testimony just one person a testimony that they want to they want to present to strengthen someone to encourage someone or to lift somebody's app just testimony one testimony yeah i know god has done a lot for each and every one we all have a testimony we all even waking up in the morning it's a testimony even getting in your car and drive here it's a testimony the devil has could have just snapped your life away from you but god protected us so you all have a testimony to say to praise god so we're going to stand up and offer a word of prayer shall we please the most gracious and eternal father lord of lord and king of kings we give you praise honor and glory that is deal unto your most holy name we thank you for bringing us here safe into your sanctuary to worship in spirit and intrude we thank you for the visitors who are here they could have been somewhere else but they have chosen to come and worship with your children so bless them and bless each and everyone that is here those who are watching beauty on youtube even those who could not come here for some reason bless your people and put your word in your mouth that wherever we go or we may go we may share the word that we have given to us we m our word and our action may be a manifestation that we are your children and people who see and come to know you and give their life to you and this is our prayers in jesus name amen please be seated good morning and happy sabbath i was glad when they said unto me let us go to the house of the lord so i want to see who is glad to be in the house of the lord this morning amen i mean there's so few of us we're kind of scattered like we're scared to be in the front but god's still hearing man we're gonna do as we do every week we're gonna stand on our feet as we usher in the presence of god and the platform party as we sing welcome into this with your voice and say welcome sexy into this place is again lift your voice so we lift our hands one more time me our call to worship can be found on page two of our bulletin let us hold unswervily onto the hope we profess for we who promise is faithful and let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds let us not give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing but let us encourage one another and all the more as you see the day approaching amen and amen we are called to worship affirmation of faith the sabbath day to keep it holy six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord thy god in it thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter thy man's servant nor that means servant nor thy cattle nor thy stranger that is within thy gates for in six days the lord made heaven and earth see and all that is them is and rested the seventh day wherefore the lord blessed the sabbath day and holiday lift your voice and say praise please ah is o great god honor heavenly father we have come to your house this day your house that should be called a house of prayer for all people and so we come praising you praying to you and giving you adoration because you're god all by yourself el shaddai yahweh el elyon you enthroned above the circles of the earth but yet you can't descend to be with us sinful though we be you send your son jesus to christ to die in calvary so that we might have life and have it more abundantly and so today we are energized oh god we are we are elated to just be in your presence today because in your presence there is fullness of joy i hope somebody would say amen today oh god we do i praise you and we adore you we lift your name higher and we give you thanks we give you thanks we praise you today from the bottom of our hearts and we say thank you god for you have preserved our lives you have brought us into your house today to worship you and today if we don't worship you then the rocks and the stones are going to cry out and so we give you thanks today oh god in the beauty of holiness condescend and tabernacle with us today in the name in the name in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost let the church of god say amen welcome back pastor it's good to see you good to see you after a prayer like that oh this is the jackson oh sister jackson welcome back after a party like that how can you just sit down like that come on on your feet everyone on your feet on your feet on your feet we have so much to be thankful to god for we have so much to say hallelujah praise the lord glory be to god i'm alive i'm breathing we have so much to be grateful for so don't be sitting there as if there is nothing to be thankful for i heard brother pj earlier said is there any testimony you know what i'm a living testimony and i can testify until the sun comes down of the goodness of god in my life i'm supposed to do welcome but you know what i'm charging you right now don't be afraid to say praise god don't be afraid to leave your hands in the sanctuary and say hallelujah don't be afraid to say glory to god because you know what he's mighty to save and listen to me people when you're on your back you cannot praise god when you're lying down and you're so sick that you all you can think of is what's going on in your life right now you can't even say have mercy because every time you open your mouth to say have mercy the only thing you can think of is your situation don't wait until you get there i'm begging you i'm a living example of that i'm telling you what i've been through don't wait until you get there before you lift your hands to god because it might be a little bit too late god gave me one more chance and i'm gonna make every opportunity of it because i don't know what my tomorrow is going to be so i welcome you all in the name of jesus and i ask that today make it a day as if it's the last day in your life so what i need you to do reach out to the person next to you and say welcome thank you so much now you may be seated thank you very much brother ben i'm just going to do a few of your announcements for today um we have a sympathy for um goes out to pastor ralph williams and family he was a former pastor at the golden heights church that's before we were in um become their sister church so we send our sympathy to his family now tomorrow the large committee of delegates will be meeting to um to choose the nominating committee that's for election that is coming up in um the 26th of this month so we're going to ask you to pray for all the delegates our pastor will be on that committee tomorrow so we're going to ask you to pray for them as they make their selections and we ask that you continue to pray and fast throughout this time there's a 40-day fasting going on but so you can also pray and fast that um this election will be directed by the holy spirit um just remember that our pantry continue to open first and third sabbath of each first and third wednesday of each month um we're going to ask that you will invite let those that we know in need because there's so many people in need now that we are open um first and third wednesday of each month and don't forget our prayer meeting that um per study bible study and lesson study that we do each a day um 5 30 a.m 7 30 12 30 p.m and 7 30 p.m each day join us i know you will be blessed and for those who you don't get to study the lesson um sometime during the week we also do the lesson in the morning so join us if you haven't joined us um as yet we also have a letter from the fire um the fire department and sunday october 3rd they'll be having a prevention week starting which ends saturday october the 9th they'll be um it will um they will do demonstration on fire safety exhibits and educational information to help your children even yourself how to take to um help yourself when there's a fire in your house or around you and so they ask that you could join them if you can there'll be um um there'll be a presentation for um for the poster for the elementary school winner for the for a poster that they have going on the competition is going on so we they asked you to join them if you can for this demonstration and to help out in any way you can so that will be starting october 3rd through the 9th yeah there's open house um let's see when i said the open house will be open house will be held on friday october 8th um they didn't put the time exactly but i guess it may be all through the day october it's october yeah so if you can the friday well it's all week so whichever day you can join them please do so oh yeah yes also we have a um thank you charlotte um the north american division a previous um president that passed away um i don't know how many peop um of us remember him pastor bradford um please remember the family in your prayers also and the conference as they mourn this loss have a good day everyone and god bless you thank you very much sister wilson welcome back um thank you very much sister wilson and um happy sabbath everybody um you know i i think i have not been around for a while i'm not sure did was i oh i don't know i don't know if you missed me but i don't know if i was around for a while was i was i missing well good good to be back you folks look so beautiful and so healthy and wealthy and wise and you know um one thing that this church has going forward it's our this district is the three times a day prayer and bible study every day very significant and um once you get on that line you will be blessed and we have people from all over should i say the world countries so so this is international is it global it's global we you know we have people from the cayman islands from bahamas we have from barbados we have people from jamaica wherever but the mixture of the of the participants and it's so enriching and we want to thank this church and we want to thank elder mendes for his faithfulness for three times a day if nobody else is there ella mendez is there so i want to thank ella mendez and the elders ella wilson and lebron mayors and all the elders and participants of this program and brother benjamin sister sheila always saying hallelujah and benjamin always saying shalom and his children but it's just i really look forward to this bro it's such an enriching and ex experience that you should not miss it tell your friends and neighbors about it and let them come on because you know the people that pray together stay together and i want to tell you it is not the mask it's not the vaccine it's the prayer prayer is power and if we want to really get close to god to get to the mind of god and to get things happening we have to learn to pray pray more than ever the bible says men ought always to do what are not faint and so the solution to a problem is prayer let's get to this line and let's keep praying all right we we're going to you know start some things we'll tell you about them in the in the weeks to come but we also as we pray we want to use even prayer as a means towards evangelism there are some people who ought to be saving god's kingdom and the signs are showing that everything is coming to an end and so you have people friends who you want to be saving the kingdom don't you have people you want to be saved you have people in your home you want to be saved you have your children that you want to be saved so put them on the list let's pray for them let's work with them let's study with them and let's work with them so that we can all get into the kingdom we can all get to the kingdom together i don't want to go to heaven and my children are not there seriously i want them to be there with me brother ben brother ben i want us to be in heaven together god give you a second chance to preach the gospel to a dying world and we got to do that all right um there's a funeral that's going to be conducted here on thursday morning uh interestingly i buried the father for this young lady called donna um i was her pastor at macedonia church and i buried the father i bury her brother and now i'm burying the mother see they had made arrangement to they were trying to locate me but i was in jamaica but they got in touch with me and they want me to they were setting up to doing it at the nazarene church but they were adventists they grew up as adventists and she asked me i said okay we can do it here on thursday morning at 10 o'clock so we're gonna have a funeral i want you to keep that family in mind and this afternoon we'll be having a wedding here yeah where do people go i'm gonna be married this evening and where's your wife okay so so hope she looks so shy you can answer brother how is she look so shy is that shy wife you have oh hallelujah he said she's overjoyed so they're going to um they're going to legalize whatever they have this evening and so and um i'm just going to remind them that they just have to wait until the sabbath is over you're ready sunset yeah when you get when sunset you can go get yourself upset but yeah but that's a good day to do it yeah and then you go off into the sunset you might not see them for a couple weeks or a couple days they might just come up to catch ear but i am happy to be able to do that for them and then i'm going to do one on october 3rd people getting married in kovita huh yes it's a blessing you're guaranteed that you can't quarantine that's the time to do this thing man there's no time like now so god bless you happy to be back and i wish the spirit of god will be with us today and our worship will be of such that it will meet heaven's approval god bless you our hymn of praise can be found on pages is is is is say is is is it's praising worship time amen oh worship the lord and the beauty of holiness always love that it's one of the hymns my family sings um during our family worship and it's just worship to learn how to worship god in spirits and in truth amen amen i'm gonna put in a plug real quick that we are looking for always we're always looking for people who want to sing with us amen amen let you know we're getting very weary coming up here week after week and we don't get to switch around and have new singers up here so if you are interested come and talk to me and i will get you singing amen amen so how many know that jesus is worthy to be praised amen i see a few hands and know that jesus is worthy to be praised he's a loving caring mighty and awesome god so we're gonna sing praise this to his name jesus blessed savior is worthy to be praised so everybody i know you guys know this song so i invite you to sing with us so lift your voice and sing praise him say praise him praise him praise him praise him praise him jesus jesus blessed savior is worthy praise him please jesus come on let me hear the audience come on praise him praise it praise him praise him praise him praise him jesus jesus lift your voice he's worthy jesus is worthy jesus come on why don't you praise him come on he's worthy jesus is worthy he's worthy he's worthy to be up and praised him give him all the praise he deserves all the praise blessed savior he's worthy is before salvation is foreign come on say it again jesus jesus come on jesus jesus he's my redeemer jesus come on david call him jesus call him jesus flee in the name of him jesus him like he's your savior he's your redeemer jesus jesus jesus hallelujah hallelujah jesus he's not only my redeemer tj didn't know i'm going to do this i kind of surprised him here blindsided him but jesus is my redeemer i just got to get up and say that he's not only my redeemer he's not only my savior but he's my healer i gotta share a testimony with you because i can't keep quiet it was boiling i was boiling in my seat and i got closer and closer to the edge of my seat because last week from sunday to wednesday i was having severe pains in my side i i don't know what it was but when i rolled up got up the sunday morning and i rolled onto my side i was in pain but i moved around as if i wasn't in pain but i was feeling some severe pain and it hurt to breathe whenever i breathe deeply it hurt i was working on on my car the following day underneath the car because i'm preparing it for a journey and and it hurt i i wasn't working and i was hurting so if i twisted and moved i felt severe pain and i think it was wednesday night sister wilson decides to google it and she's coming with all the the worst case scenarios that you can think of and that was happening to me because i was in pain and i decided to give it over to god and i called on the the wednesday prayer meeting and i said pray for me because i have a pain in my side as somebody somebody prayed for me after and then pastor prayed at the end but then while that first prayer was going on i felt different i got on the bed and put myself into the position that i know i would feel pain and there was no pain i breathed deeply and there was no pain i moved around and i said don't think i'm crazy i'm just testing out what god has done because i felt no pain god is my healer and so i just want to give you a reason to sing god is still in the business of healing he is real and in these days i say try him try him o taste and see that the lord is good i didn't plan this but we gonna sing the song real quick somebody prayed for me he had me on your mind he took the time to pray for i'm so glad i'm so glad he prayed my sister my he sister the time to pray for me i'm so glad i'm so glad he prayed i'm so glad he prayed my church break my church i'm so glad how many people know that they just need jesus they need jesus in your life like you yearn for him you thirst for him i'm pretty sure everybody knows this old song and then we head out of the way to continue the service amen as the deer say uh you alone my you're my friend and you're my brother you are my king i love me you are my heart i want you more than silver and gold i want you more than gold or silver only you alone are the real joy to you my you may my spirit is you alone maybe desire and i belong to hey our loving heavenly father invites us to come boldly before the throne of grace he invites men and women everywhere come without fear come without intimidation come in faith and he admonishes us to knock and the door shall be opened seek and you shall find ask and it shall be given unto you and he follows it up by saying we don't have because we don't ask and sometimes when we ask we ask a miss we ask for the wrong things we ask for the things that glorify the flesh but jesus invites us to come he will receive us come in faith come believing let us come boldly before the thorn of grace at this time our father oh god which out in heaven we come with grateful hearts to worship and to bow down before the king of kings and lord of lords the creator and sustainer of the universe in him we move and have a being and without thee we can do nothing for every breath or every heartbeat is because of your grace and power oh god you woke us up this morning and put it in our hearts to come to worship and to bow down before the king of kings and lord of lords we are reminded that men do not seek after god but god came in search of us and we are indeed so grateful that god so loved us that he gave his only begotten son that if we would only believe and surrender to his lordship in faith we will not perish but have eternal life and jesus the only begotten of the father thought it not robbery to be equal with god but he emptied himself surrendered to be murdered by the hands of those he came to save for he came that we might have life he came that we might be redeemed by his blood and so this morning we completing the merits of the blood of christ upon our sin-sick souls lord our characters are defective our hearts need to be redeemed to be cleansed to be transformed to be empowered we must be born again if we will be a part of the kingdom of god so come thou lord and visit every worshiper this morning speak to every heart come into our hearts lord jesus and unshackle us set us free from the sins that we have inherited and the sins that we have cultivated what can wash away our sins nothing but the blood of jesus what can cleanse and make us whole nothing but the blood of jesus education cannot cleanse us oh status cannot cleanse us oh what can wash away our sins the merits of the blood of jesus so circumcise every heart this morning come into our hearts lord jesus and make us the remnant people we should be take our lives and let it be surrendered and consecrated to the one who died on calvary and says he is not willing that any should perish come unto me and be saved lord we want to remember those who mourn this morning we want to remember elder bradford who his family the mighty soldier of the cross a mighty preacher that has served this church for generations we recognize that the living know that they shall die but their families and mourning remind them this morning that death is the last enemy that shall be destroyed we want to remember elder williams mighty soldier of the cross and his family the dead knows nothing but we pray that you will come for those you see death we never get accustomed to death comfort their families and there are so many others who are weeping as we worship this morning men their broken hearts may the god of heaven comfort their weeping souls we thank you for the testimony of brother wilson this morning you a mighty god a loving god a faithful god uh what you have done for elder wilson this morning we ask you that you would go visit brother messer go visit lord visit their sick room brother lewis and touch sister started and brother clive starred in sister alves and sister chase and sister sonia lord comfort them touched their broken and diseased bodies uh elder mcginnis and sister squire and brother reginald langston and oh sister malcolm she's got a son in the hospital make your rounds like the divine physician that you are touch broken hearts and touch sinful minds and reclaim us lord from the hand of the enemy and give them grateful hearts to remember the god who has healed them may they never be like the nine lepers who took that healing and walked on as nothing happened may they find themselves in the house of worship when they have been healed like the leper who came back and bow down to say god i am grateful and appreciated for what you have done for me and now we want to pray for our pastor as he stands before the living and the dead this morning lord in the congregations in every congregation there are some folk who are like dead men walking and the pastor has been given the opportunity to lift up christ and jesus declares to us if i be lifted up this morning i will draw all men please do the drawing lord please do the drawing it is much later in the world than we think it is it's much later in the church than we think it is lord matthew 24 is all around us telling us get ready get ready get ready and most of us are sleep walking or way to petition revive us transform us empower us may the holy spirit speak to hearts as never before bring us to full and complete surrender to the lordship of jesus christ and now we ask that your will be done in individual we ask that central i slip 70 adventist church will be a beacon in this part of the vineyard and we pray that by god's grace we will see men and women requesting to be part of the remnant people asking what must we do to be saved because of the light that is shining in us and through us men will want to come and taste and see that the lord is good so thank you god for hearing and answering meet us at a point of need this morning accept our humble worship may we go down from this place rejoicing and not because of what we have heard but because we have been in the presence of the most high god bless us individually bless us collectively may god be glorified in this congregation in each family we thank you and praise you for what you're doing and what you would continue to do in the name of the father in the name of the son in the name of the holy ghost we pray let everybody say amen oh i must tell jesus jesus our special music and meditation will be um given to us by one of our girlfriends marnette forbes monette hold on i'd like to say a couple words before i start happy sabbath everyone oh you can do better than that happy sabbath everybody i am so happy to be here with you all i hope you guys are having a great sabbath and i hope this song blesses you as it blesses me sent down from glory many things many things glory down oh 10 glory things you jesus jesus is oh you are the living room yes oh hey jesus jesus amen amen amen thank you marnette for touching our hearts with that that song keep on keep on ministering with that voice god will certainly bless and multiply at this time in malachi malachi chapter three starting at first girls forgive me i don't have my glasses i wasn't i didn't come here prepared to to do anything this morning well then sit in the plus but and i will come near you for judgment i will be a swift witness against sorcerers against adulterers and against perjurers against those who exploit wage earners and widows and orphans and against those who turn away an alien because they do not fear me says the lord of hosts for i am the lord who do not change therefore you are not consumed o sons of jacob yet from the days of your fathers you have gone away from my ordinances and have not kept them return to me and i will return to you says the lord of hosts but you said in what way shall we return will a man rob god yet you have robbed me but you say in what way have we robbed you in tithe and in offerings question is asked will a man of god so many times we have defrauded god of what is rightfully his but let us remember that we are but stewards of what god has placed in our hands we have to get out of this the baby stage you know what word the babies love to say they learn is i think it's one of the first words they they like to say except for narayanara says amen um did you say that babies like to say mine it's mine and we brought believing that everything that is out we have is mine but it's actually god so let us return a faithful tithe and offering on to the lord no matter what the circumstances may be sister lovely talked about uh god told us to pay tithe on our rent or our our mortgage is due there should be no hard decision to make which one should i pay first because if i repay my if i return my tithe god will take care of the mortgage and the rents because if it's in his will it is also in his bill so there is no need to rob god and bring down all these judgments upon ourselves let us pray father in heaven we do thank you lord for your mighty works that you have wrought in our lives we thank you for the jobs that you have given us there are many people who are still seeking jobs today but you have kept some of us even during the the the the coving you you you you provided for us our cupboards are never bare our pantries are always filled with food there is always abundance of food on our table so much that our refrigerators are bursting at the seams so we give you thanks and not only are the refrigerators bursting at our seats we have grown coveted stomachs because we are so full we thank you o father for all that you have done and we asked all that you will bless what we have returned to you and that you will multiply it so that your work will be finished and be preached in all the world so that at the end we will hear well done thou good and faithful servant lord we thank you for your rich rewards we we thank you for your blessings in jesus name let the church say amen we give thee back thine we give whatever me yes the work has not yet done but we are we still pick up our building fund because we still have to even in these times we still have to be faithful in paying our mortgage and we often say that god has no hands but mine god has no feet but mine not but mine and so as we recognize that what we have belongs on to god let us be faithful as we we we give towards the the building and and the the maintenance of his house so please feel free to place what you have in the baskets we take uh we don't refuse any currency oh give thanks unto the lord for he is good yes he the is for he is good yes he is good yes he is good for he is worthy worthy for he is good yes he is good yes is worthy worthy for he is good yes he jesus we thank you and we glorify your name because you have been good to us and we thank you for the good life that you have given to us lord we promise this morning into your hands bless it and bless everybody who contribute to this glorify your name we thank you we thank you bless all of us and take control of our lives in jesus name i pray amen hi please have a church i hope you all had a wonderful week now let us stand and listen to the word of god this scripture reading is taken from the book of genesis 17 verse 1 through to 10. let us read and when abram was 19 years old and nine the lord appeared to abram and lit and said unto him i am the almighty god walk before him and be thou perfect and i will make my covenant between me and thee and will multiply thee exceedingly and abram fell on his face and god talked with him saying as for me behold my covenant is with thee and i and thy shall be a father of many nations neither shall thy name anymore be called abram but thy name shall be called abraham for a father with many nations have i made thee and i will make thee exceeding fruitful and i will make nations of thee and king shall come out of thee and i will establish my covenant with between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant to be a god unto thee and thy seed after thee and i will give unto thee and to thy seed after thee the land within without are a stranger all the land of canaan for an everlasting position and i will be be their god and god said unto abraham thou shalt keep me covenant keep my covenant therefore thou and thy seed after thee in their generations this is my covenant which ye shall keep between me and you and thy seed after thee every man child among you shall be circumcised amen you may be seated and may the lord richly bless you our speaker of the hour is our own pastor jackson and we are blessed to have him back after such a long vacation in jamaica but i know while he was there on vacation he wasn't going to the beach every day and having a wonderful time i know he was ministering to souls while he was there so i'm also happy that is what blessed that his wife is back with him yes and he is two boys i don't know if they're if they went with him but i know with them but i'm quite sure that they are blessed to have their dad and mom back as we stay uh here today we want to give honor and glory because if it wasn't for the love of god after going over the in the plane and traveling up and down we are blessed to have them back with us so after our song of meditation we will sit back and listen to the message that god has prepared for us as he ministered to us it's still a happy sabbath everyone um this song i heard this song uh this hymnal it was sang by this wonderful lady and it just reminded me that there is going to be a day of reckoning for all of us and that either you're going to meet jesus as your savior save your eyes your judge so i hope that you meditate on the words of these songs of this song face to face with christ my savior face to face what will it be jesus christ face to face i shall see is is sky is i shall see him is there's face to face i shall see jesus christ sky face to face i shall see him face to face with christ my savior face to face what will it be father we have come with the recognition that one day soon and very soon we shall see you for ourselves face to face and not another but until then we will keep on serving you we will keep on worshiping you and today we pray god that as we come into your presence that your power and your holy spirit may embrace us we know that you are a consuming fire and we pray that the fire from your presence as seraphim veiled their face in approaching you twain have they covered their feet and twain have they covered their faces and claimed they did fly saying holy holy holy lord god almighty condescending your majesty and in your presence and power and your omnipotence today speak to our hearts like you have never done before it is our prayer it is our asking in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost let somebody say somewhere amen and the word said and the word said and when abram was 99 years old and we want to thank the young gentleman the young brother for reading it rather so eloquently you can look at him and you can see where he's going he is they are the future they are the men and women of today and they tell us what our future is going to be somebody said long time ago whatever you are going to be you're now becoming and children must be trained and taught in the fear and admonition of god because the only thing that children grow out is their clothes don't wait for an accident to happen for them to be transformed you know you can train them and they can get out of the training but they will not depart so thank you ella benjamin for training your children to fear god and to worship them thank all those who participate in the program the singing of the hymns the meditation and i want to thank all the visitors who came in today to worship with us in the beauty of holiness so let's get to the meal thy words were found have you found the word i don't see that is it an electronic word or is it do you have the hard copy word brother benjamin because that thing can lose power you know you can't even get a text from the devil when you're in that but if is the word found is the word found is the word found by word were found is a word found the words need to be found just an oblate is a word found sister navlet is the word found thy words were found is the word found if if you have a neighbor bro and i don't see a word where your word brown hold up the word thy word were found and i what are we ready to eat what if we had some ackee and saltfish and some escovitch fish and your chicken sister you're talking the thing i was walking down the road and a lady said are you looking for chicken i said do i look like a chicken man she said well if you're looking for chicken the best jerk is not right here but down the road you understand but our words were found are words or what and i did what are you ready for the meal turn to your neighbor and say neighbor i'm ready for the meal ah are you smelling the seasoning the teriyaki seasoning the jar are you smelling the seasoning on the meal thy words were found and i what and i what and i did eat them and they became the joy hallelujah somebody said the joy and rejoicing of my heart so let's get to the word let's get eating and when abram was 90 and how many years old 99 years old or somebody say young the lord appeared to him and what did the lord say the lord said unto him i am one i am the almighty god i am the almighty god at 99 he appeared to him and said i am the almighty god and what do you need to do walk before me walk before me at 99 years old god appeared to him and said i am the el shaddai hallelujah i am el shaddai i am all sufficient i am the god who enthroned about the circles of the earth i am the god who spake and it was done i am the god who commanded and it stood first i am all sufficient i provide for you copiously and and lavishly you don't have to look to the left or to the right i am el shaddai and what you ought to do and you need to recognize that you ought to walk before me and be one be thou be thou perfect so god is looking for a perfect walk god is looking for us to walk in front of him blamelessly the hour is too late this is not time for flippant living for water down lifestyle the end is upon us and and when it comes to our christian life this is not time to dumb it down this is not time to try to fit in and have the world squeeze us into his mouth and so our lifestyle should dictate that we need to walk in front of god he said walk in front of me perfectly god is looking for perfection in our living in our dwelling in our behavior when somebody sees me can he says there goes a christian if somebody is looking for enough evidence to conv to convict me as a child of god will they find enough evidence see when it comes to christian living we water down everything water down the way we dress the way we behave we walk with all these clothes that are so tight that we have to keep pulling down and i said to the lady some years ago i said you come to church keep pulling down your dress so often why don't you start from sunday because you start from sunday by summer you should get rid of it you see our christian walk must be backed up by a christian talk now it's not time for careless living piercing your ears piercing this piercing that tattooing this and tattooing that and we don't want to come up in god's church and see you you're lifting holy hands that's no time for that you have to excuse me the time is too late my preaching is different because i'm not going to allow anybody's blood to be on my shoulder the hour is too late god is through this confident environment god is showing us how to live and how to behave because we are called to preach the everlasting gospel he said walk before me and be what so here's the struggle that god had with abraham chapter 12 let's let's get let's get to the food let's get to the food chapter 12. all right verse see a couple verses in in chapter 12 verse 1 god appeared unto abraham chapter 12 verse 1. abram and god said get you out of your what um the first get he must get his daughter what get out of your country so sometimes the country that you're in is not conducive to your spiritual growth sometimes if you're gonna get god gonna get to you and you're gonna fulfill the will of god in the life you have to get so the first get is that is what get out of the country what's your next get from your what skin dread sometimes you have to get away from the people your own family members you know you must recognize that if you want to grow some people must go your physical spiritual growth cannot be enhanced if you are among some people so god wants a movement he said you must get whatever you want that's why some people leave jamaica all right that's kind of people going back i don't know but he said get out of your country get from your kindred sometimes if the biggest problem you have are with your family members they hate on you they don't love you they curse you they convict you so god said we must what no anything god said you won't secure yourself bro that's why you leave trinidad get out of your country get out from your kindred and guess what here's the next get get out of here get out of your father's house you must stay too long in your father's house because you like your mother cook food get out get out of your father's house i have two boys don't want to leave my house and sometimes he does put her in this store and all your tear for them listen get out of your father's heart sometimes you want space 19 20 29 you're still in my house get out of your father's house i put i played downstairs in the den so they can't hear it i play it upstairs get out of your father's house sometimes i'll write it and put it on the wall get out of your phone and not even god get out of what like church my with me i'm not be saying get out benjamin did you leave your father house yes get out of your father's house because god wants to do some things for him god says and i want you to get out and get into a land that i will what show you you can't see the vision until you get out and i will make you a what see when we look at genesis chapter 11 it's all about what man is going to do chapter 12 is talking about what god is going to do god said i will make thee a great what and i will what bless thee and make thee what thy name and thou shalt be a one so god is making him promises gonna make you a great nation i'm gonna bless you i'm gonna make your name great now the greatest one of the greatest bible names is abraham he's revered by muslim by jews by people all over it's a great name why is his name great because god said i'm gonna make your name great but god said in order for that to happen you must what you must get out now you see this is not the first time god made this promise to him according to acts 7 verse 2 to 5. god made this promise to him in ur of the child deeds but guess what he didn't obey because his father tyra was still alive and he did not obey but guess what his father died and when his father died god came back with the promise and said you must get up and go and get out and so he did he obey this time but you must understand god said i will bless them that one and i will what that's a powerful promise those who bless will be blessed and those who curse will be cursed that's a that's a promise god placed upon abram in verse 4 he said and abram what and the lord as the lord god has what and lot went with him now was abraham was abram obedient he was partially obedient why did you say that god said you must leave your kindred did he bring lots with him and lost was a lot see when god said you must leave you must what live and don't bring any family with you but he decided to bring lot his his nephew and we saw that lot became a source of his frustration and problem so anytime you name lot you have a lot even with a plot see when god talks to us he is looking for complete obedience but this man decided to do what he wanted to do so he went with la now god made him a promise that he will show him this land which land did the lord show abram huh cana so he gave him canaan promised him canaan he was in canaan with his wife sarah and what came in canaan the word is there what came in canaan a famine did their farming there was a famine in canaan god just brought him there and strummed the land and said all this land is yours and all the families of the earth going to be blessed through you this is your land but then came famine in the land that god gave him so what did he do huh what did he do he went down to here should he have gone to egypt if god promised you this land and he promised your posterity this land and he said he's going to bless you and he's going to curse those who curse you and bless those who bless you in the land that he promised the land of promise and famine is in the land should you have left the land should he be concerned should should he have been concerned about the famine and feeding his family well yes he could he should be concerned about that to be honest she should be concerned about that but should he not trust god to provide for him in the land of promise should he have should he not have he should have trusted god because if god god gave you something he's going to provide for you as a matter of fact if he brings you through it he's going to bring you through it he should have trusted god but instead he start to rationalize you know something if you want to do something that is wrong you can have enough good reason isn't it benjamin if you want to do wrong things you can find enough good reason to do the wrong thing and i want to tell you if you don't if you can't find enough reason check the devil he will give you enough so he found justification and he went down to egypt he was in the land of promise and he left the land of promise because there was famine on the land and god was just testing him and so he went down to egypt and while he was going down to egypt he said to his wife sarah you know the egyptians don't know they like pretty women now how old was sir at that time sierra was 60 years old when god called abraham he was 75 years old and sarah was 60. keep in mind this number abraham lived to be 175 years sarah lived to be 127. all right so keep those seekers in mind but god called him when he was 75. why for 60. so huh the years were shorter well i don't know but i'm just dealing with the biblical texts and i'm not going to get vexed i just deal with the biblical text see and that's why it's good the bible said oh taste and see what so your taste is different my tasting but the lord is still good can somebody say amen but i see i see what you're saying yes i mean men used to live longer than we live now you know ella mendes and i are the only one in here saying we're going to live to 120. elements are you saying amen yes but but the point i'm making sarah was 60 years old and he is concerned about the beauty of his 60 year old wife she must have been magnificent she must have been mouth-wateringly delightful and delicious and delectable her beauty was dripping like honey out of a honeycomb thank you sister jackson she helped me to preach yeah hallelujah what a beauty of this middle-aged woman 60 years old she has a star studied hollywood has nothing to do i can't touch sarah a legend says that when abram was going down to egypt he had her in a coffin yeah had her in a coffin and when he reached a custom border the egyptian custom officer says you have um he said he have barley in the coffin so what barley they said no i think you have wheat he said well i paid a custom for wheat then some officers say i think you have pepper you say i'll pay the i'll pay the customer and paper the customer officer said i think you have gold he said i'll pay the customer and gold because some of it says i think you have rubies he said well i'll pay the customer and rubies the customer officer said well i have to open this casket and when you open the casket her beauty radiated in the entire egyptian situation that all the women around they pale into significance her beauty was so magnanimous that it overtook the entire egyptian population but my sister maybe she was in her 30s in hawaii are you feeling more comfortable now hallelujah you see when we're eating food we have something for everyone oh taste and see that the lord is what good so let me show us in our thirties when we compare the age thing right now but she was beautiful and abraham abram said you know because of your beauty now god keep in mind god didn't send him to egypt he decided to go to egypt and so when you're stepping out of god's plan you're walking in your own plan for the goodness of god and the mercy of god not because i am obedient and i'm walking on the will of god that does not mean that god changes his plan for my life because that is not contingent on me it is contingent on god and god mercy still endures throughout all generation and i tend to tell you somebody this morning it is because of the mercies of god why we are not consumed and so he was going down to egypt following his own plan making his own way he said tell them that you are my sister genesis 20 says well he is not completely lying it was his what of sister but what was what was abram's intent in doing all of this was it to be honest or to deceive is a half true truth is half true truth no if it's half is not true it's a lie and how many times we liars feed church people rely on our income tax you're you're your church quiet church quite hot you're so quiet i don't know this church to be so quiet allah one lady even tell me say you know in america if you're taught the truth you don't get true you can't you say you can't tell the truth in america you understand and the bible says thou shalt not what you know tenula and so he is lying because he is walking in his own plan and he knew it god just gave him a land of promise but he decided to go to egypt and he went to egypt and he lied and said the woman is her cyst and she was so beautiful that the men in egypt said yes this this this this specimen of human beauty the only man who deserves this is the fear the pharaoh have to have the best bro and so they they brought her to the to the pharaoh says the fear of have no fear we brought to somebody who's looking so beautiful and the pharaoh decided that he was going to take a deep dive but god had to intervene you see because god made abraham and sarah they were in god's divine plan god designed the womb of sarah to bring forth the line of jesse jesus christ the redeemer of the world and god had a mark on that womb and no hidden king who no hidden king could infiltrate what god has put his mark upon and god sent his angels to plague pharaoh's house pharaoh couldn't sleep the woman was special and so pharaoh woke up early i said man why did you do that to me why did you play in my house why did you lie huh if you had told the truth you would have been saved i still wouldn't touch you because abraham should have recognized that pharaoh can't kill him god made a promise on him he's gone promised in his life god put a promise on his life and no demon in hell no pharaoh can disturb it because god said it and i believe it and it's going to happen because of the promise of god when you trust god and obey god and god put a blessing on you no man can curse you who god bless and so he got the rebuke from the heated king he said why didn't you tell me the truth and pharaoh pack him up with silver and gold and cattle and handmade send him home send him away with a rebuke so where did he go he went back to canaan chapter 13 verse 1. he went back to canaan laid him down with cattle and riches and stuff like that went back even with handmade and then in verse 15 the word of the lord came to him again and god said i am your shield and your what god said i am your shield and your butler then you you would have imagined that he would have gotten the idea by now god kept on revealing himself to him but the bible said he believed god verse 6 of 15 and it was counted unto him for what righteousness he believed god but when i pick up in verse 16 look at what happened chapter 16. sarah had no children the bible said she could bear no children but didn't god say that she was going to be productive her womb was going to bring forth nations and kings and then abraham all the families of the earth going to be what bless but what did sarah do sarah she was in egypt she got a hand made by the name of what hey god see you have to be careful when you go to egypt and the things you pick up in egypt because the egyptian lifestyle is not going to leave and so after 10 years from coming from egypt and dwelling in canaan she had no children and she went to her husband and said listen god is not dealing with me right i'm not producing anything so take my hagar my handmaid and do what going with her as a wife what abraham said what she said he said no do it i thought he said no i couldn't do such a great thing i couldn't do that and sin against my god now maybe he just didn't want to to displease his wife you're serious well i don't know and see oh taste and see that the lord is good but he didn't say no see god said that your wife sarah are going to bring forth but now she brought this idea and the man of god called by god who god appeared to on several occasions and spoke with him face to face he he's he's going to this plot he was what he was weak but he said he went in and as what what is god doing in all of this but is he also not testing he's testing them see because isaiah said that he said my ways are what not your ways and my thoughts are not your thoughts god is testing him is he passing the test so far are we better than abraham and so he went in and and here god got what he got what pregnant was hagar happy was sarah happy what what wait on your plan are you a plan is your plan and your plot you see anytime we are not walking in god's will we will never be happy any time we can't wait upon god they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall run they shall mount up with wings like eagles shall walk and not be weary they shall run and not faint we got to wait upon god they wanted to do their own thing as a matter of fact did she even consult god and ask god if she should have done this did abraham consult god hmm everybody this is an opportunity of a lifetime see but anytime we're walking out of god's will my friends we're bringing more problems on ourselves first of all they went to egypt and they got this egyptian girl living in their home and now they he went along and her life became miserable sarah and so god tired of all this foolishness in chapter 17. god tired of all his foolishness call this man and he's going on with all this since i'm verse 17 and it says when he now he was 99 years old from 75 to 99 how many years elapsed is that 24 24 years after 24 years god is tired of it some of us in the church for 40 years and we still have not gotten it together as a matter of fact we some of us said we are third fourth fifth whatever generation seventy adventists and we still don't know our head from our feet you mean we are so close yet so far we are teetering on the brink of eternity see anything that i have not accomplished already in this life there's nothing else to look for nothing else what else do you want out of this life you want to build a mansion down here what is it what is it you're looking for you're looking for a husband to keep you warm because winter coming oh taste and see is is what it's good and so god appeared to him at 99 years old and said unto him god has to tell him his name you see god has to reveal himself to him he said i am god almighty you're looking for stuff in all the wrong places the things that you're looking for i have already i have it all the resources of the universe i have everything that you're you're longing for that you're going to whoring after i am god almighty the hebrew word there is el shaddai it means i am all sufficient i i can fulfill all your desire and all your needs i have all the resources to take care of you you don't have to go wandering after any other god any other situation i am god almighty at 99 year old what are you looking for again what are we looking for church of god living god in all honesty what are we looking for a bigger pension social security is going to be bankrupt did you know that benjamin it's going to be bankrupt the american economy is going to tank i didn't say it is a prophecy don't you know american prophecy america has to fulfill its role in prophecy it's going to get worse not better so god said to him as a matter of fact god called him and gave him all his land and you know genesis 12 says abraham built an altar and he picture tent what's the significance of that he builds an altar what's the significance of the altar a place where he can worship meet with god offer sacrifices and praise god but yet he bill a tent because he's a pilgrim a pilgrim is not a nomad a pilgrim is as a drifter a pilgrim is one who has a a goal they have a what a goal they have a golden mind and what was abraham's goal can somebody find hebrews chapter 11 and read verse 8 to 10. hebrews 11 verse 8 to 10. he has a goal and as children of god we ought to build altars and pitch tents because this world is what who has found the text hebrews 11 8-10 by what go ahead read it please oh verse 10 that's right he looked for a city that has one who's builder and maker is god he dwell in tents first peter 2 and verse 11 who has found a text first peter 2 and verse 11. should we be like abraham be the two and verse 11. huh as what as strangers and what we are we strangers and pilgrims what should we abstain from that's right so we are strangers and we are pilgrims so we must abstain from flesh to lust don't allow the things of this world to engineer us because we are what we are pilgrim and strangers this world is not a home hebrews 11 verse 14 to 20. sika what a country uh-huh a better country abraham thank you so much so you're looking for what what kind of country a better country a better country we are heirs of a heavenly country this is not our world this is not our home don't get comfortable down here and if you and don't look for people to treat you comfortably here we are misfits we're aliens we are just passing through so if you don't have the super abundance of the things of this world don't worry about it see if you don't invest in wall street or if you're just on main street don't worry whether you drive a a bug or a catalog a cadillac or your driver a honda fit it doesn't matter we are looking for a heavenly country so god message is to us today as i close it is to be he perfect in other words what does that mean to be perfect it means that you ought to be blameless there's not an occasion he's calling him to be blameless there should not be an occasion in your life where somebody can bring a charge against you as as not living a godly life has not been obedient to god what does being blameless mean god is calling abraham to make a commitment to be committed to him totally to give his heart to him unreservedly he's asking for a commitment from him he said i am god almighty walk before me and be blameless it is time for you to commit to me with all your heart it's time for you to stop this half-hearted business church of the living god it's time for us to make that commitment so that our calling an election sure too long have we been playing church too long have we been saying that we are children of god are we living as children of the devil joshua said if god be god serve him and if build the bill serve him it's too long we are vacillating oh we we we are between two two is what opinion i used to play again when i was a smaller boy in the river it's time to make a commitment because every time you know it's interesting we say we love god but yet we sin and and i don't mean sinning unwittingly we know the thing is wrong and we still do it and we know that sin hurts the heart of god sin alienates us but we continue to do it yes that's crazy baby even a little child shall lead them see that's what it is and so god wants a commitment from abraham at this time he's asking for the same from us he wants a commitment from us today i am god almighty walk before me and be blameless as we sing the song all to jesus i surrender all to him i freely give i will ever love and trust him in his presence daily 309 when we say all we mean all when god asks for a commitment he's asking for total surrender and if you're not if you're willing to surrender to him totally today you're tired of playing church you're tired you're sick and tired of being sick and tired of playing with the fires of hell and you want to give your life totally to jesus so that he can work in you as a matter of fact he asked abraham he said you know i am god almighty and then walk before me and be perfect and the first time you read the story abraham fell on his face fell on his face before god and he made a commitment to god and god changed his name from abram to abraham you say abe abram means father of many and think about this man he's father of many and your wife can't have no picking everywhere he goes abram but father of many we're the children but when god declared himself to abraham say i am almighty i have what you're looking for you're looking for children i'm gonna make you a great nation but your name has to be changed because the name that you have there is half-hearted it does not fulfill the complete picture i am changing the name to abraham abraham means father of nations many nations many nations kings gonna come out of you hallelujah god has to change your name and i want to tell you that we have to have a name change the songwriter says there's a new name hallelujah there's a new name written down in glory and his mind and change of name is a change of character a change of your psychological situation it changes your trajectory now his name brings him in in conformity to the will of god is there a name is there a name change here today you're changing your course you're walking not in disobedience anymore but you're walking in obedience when you're walking in obedience god can do some things for you that the devil sits by the side and marvel because greater is he greater is he greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world god wants to turn around your situation god wants to shame all the demonic force in the world but you are still not in compliance with god god said you can find me oh hallelujah you can find me when you search for me with all your heart god does not want half of your heart he wants all of you all of you all to jesus i surrender all to him i freely give i will ever love and trust him in his presence they live all to jesus oh he wants all of you my brothers and sisters all of you are you willing are you ready to give him all of you all of you said if today today if you hear my voice hardly not your heart he said today if you give me your heart i will give you my father's kingdom all of you all of me if you're ready to give him all of you if you're ready to give him all of you if you are ready to give him all of you what will you do at this time what are you willing to do at this time are you willing to give him all of you what are you willing to do to demonstrate to all of us that you're willing to give him all of you what are you willing to do with this are you willing to give him all of you why don't you stand to your feet if that's what you're willing to do all to jesus i'm having a funeral here on thursday in january i bury the fall in june i bury the brother and in september i'm burying the mother one family we don't know what the next moment holds do you know what tomorrow holds as a matter of fact it is foolish to put your hopes in tomorrow because tomorrow is not promised the only moment that we have is now only moment we have is now and i want to tell you i must confess that the pandemic have allowed me to live differently to look at my soul salvation differently to look at the things that matter differently and the only thing that i come up with the only thing that matters is my relationship with jesus christ not money not education not worldly acquisitions i see in the pandemic i have so many suits and i couldn't wear them so many shoes that i couldn't wear them i could go and zoom and i could be naked down here but you know just the way nobody knows because all you see is my face clothes didn't matter my cars were parked up there and and and the brakes were rusty couldn't drive it brother benjamin other human beings were like any become buttons there's a stairway because you could be infected so i came to the realization that the only thing matters i am determined by god's grace that nothing is going to come between my soul and the savior nothing between my soul and the savior because he says to me in john 14 let not your heart be true he believe in god believe also in me in my father's house i want many mansions don't worry about the roach infested houses and apartment down here many mansions and he's coming back to take us home my prayer is that all of us here will make it into the kingdom we'll make it into the kingdom we'll make it in to the kingdom eloise come and pray for us father in heaven we do thank you for the the comfort and the assurance that we find in your words and the reminder that i have a mansion that has been prepared for me and i invite those who want to be with jesus to claim their mansion because jesus said that in my father's house are many mansions and so lord we thank you and we ask you father that as we have stood up on our feet to recommit our lives and to consecrate our lives to you that you will accept us and that we will truly make heaven our home place a blessing upon each person that stood here today and may we in expectation of having a new name that is written in glory claim it and say it is mine it's all mine in jesus name i pray let god's children say amen amen remain standing for our closing hymn which is um trust and obey five nine five nine zero five nine zero when we walk with the lord in the light of his word what a glory sheds on our way while we do is to be happy in jesus but to trust an obey not a shadow can rise not a clown in the sky but his smile quickly drives it away not a doubt no trust but to trust and obey but we never can prove the delights of his love and the joy trust and obey for no other way to be happy in jesus but to trust in the way what he says we will do where he says foreign just before our closing him i want to thank everyone for being here today i want to thank um everyone who participated thank pastor for his message thank you most of all for being here and i just want to say though that this morning after we had worship we were discussing what took place 20 years ago 9 11. and we asked the question do you remember where you were when it happened and everybody remembered exactly where they were i was across the other side of the river and i could see people jumping out of the building papers blowing out of the building it would look like snow there were so many papers blowing out so and i didn't realize that it had affected me until a year later i'm driving and they're recounting this story and telling the story again and tears was coming out down from my eyes because i know what i saw i was there seeing people lose their lives and so i just want to in our closing prayer prayer for the survivors pray for those who are still struggling with the loss of loved ones because it is hard to lose someone tragically in the way that they did so let us just bow our heads in prayer father in heaven we thank you for the message that we heard today we thank you all that you remind us that i have a home that has been prepared for me and i invite everyone else to to claim the promises of of jesus and so that we will not so be so concerned about our dwelling place here but that we will be more like abraham instead of building a house that has foundation he lived in a tent and and because he looked forward to a house that whose builder and maker was god the god was a very person who who who dug the found the foundation and planted the cornerstone and and built upon that cornerstone and so he'd wandered from place to place and got until god brought him to where he wanted them we thank you lord for that reminder that god is leading in our lives and we need to listen to that still small voice that directs our path and tells us where to go and and when god speaks we should not question but we should just move in accordance to god's will and his command so we thank you father we ask you lord that you will continue to bless us and keep us but lord before i close this prayer i want to ask you lord that you will be with those who who who are struggling with the loss of their loved ones because of the attacks on the world trade center the attacks on the pentagon the attacks on the plane and there are many people who still today don't believe that it took place there are people who believe just the same way people don't believe that there was such a thing as a holocaust there are unbelievers even things that happened in the in front of their very eyes just the way they uh didn't believe when even when jesus did miracles upon the place of this land and so we ask father that you'll comfort their hearts may they not blame you but but find solace pray your father that the the custom officer who who people are blaming for letting these two last terrorists get on the plane and he's he's struggling himself if only if only i had stopped them but lord your will will be done in our lives and we help us lord that we will truly go get into your words that we can find peace because true peace and rest comes from you so bless us this day and keep us and may we never forget from where you have led us and where you're taking us in jesus name let god's children say amen oh man yes then oh please be seated for a moment of silent meditation may the words of our mouths and meditation of our hearts be acceptable in thy sight oh lord our strength and our demon thanks again for coming we want to thank all our visiting friends who have found it possible to be here if you are visiting with us today just stand and be recognized if you are visiting with us today all our visiting friends all right you're a member here good to have you all right and i want to thank all those who come and i see principal grant and her husband and her sister-in-law here today i want to thank you for coming and who else did i not recognize that's your sister okay her baby sister okay all right i'm trying to see if um sister jack is here because with the mask it's hard to tell this is the jack here okay she hold it on her head hi sister jack good to have you in church god bless you thanks for coming everybody god bless you and we're gonna have bible class online and i have a wedding to do and i'm here today so god bless you thanks for coming may god bless you bless you until next time
Channel: Central Islip SDA Church
Views: 94
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: game, great
Id: WbOBe4xoXxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 58sec (11398 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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