Sri Lanka Knockoff Market Spree!

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my friend watching you make it reasonable do fight do fight how much 2500 I'll do $1,200 actually I'm good I'm sure you make a little less you make a little less okay two three three what I thought you said to file for 800 okay - eight - eight no I'm good I'm good okay I can go uh sir welcome back guys right now we are out here in Colombo Sri Lanka and I've heard from you guys in the comments that this region of the world is possibly the hardest most aggressive bargainers in the world and today we are going to put that to the test a lot of you are just like you need to go to cilantro you need to go to India you need to go to Bangladesh so we are out here we're gonna see how true this is I'm excited you guys got me a little hyped on this and let's turn this right around and let's go [Music] kasuga yeah you're done we have a plain one without this we are [Applause] yeah let me let me look at it let me see what else you have a ball like this shortening yeah how much for this elephant to end it do you have different color we have a ninety I get discount for you thousand three hundred yeah that's that's more than what I want okay six hundred eight and is I'll do six under no yeah this is good this is good um can you put can you put it in my backpack for me please thank you alright very very thank you wow this place is absolutely madness you gotta watch out where you're going here I would say it's like a five by five city block like north south east west by by five grid market so it's quite massive but like all these streets are just tax like fully loaded definitely very I haven't been to a market that has been this much of madness yet so I'm excited to see what we can find here and let's see what this place has to offer the car so you got the cars polo polo let's see you got it here maybe I don't know what I don't sizes are different everywhere I go yes what can I see it yeah yeah my side yeah polo boss yeah I know but why why is it Hugo Boss and polo hope you what yeah but why though is it a collab equal oh yeah but if you got them yeah if it's branded like this yeah how much for - I'll take - I'll take green and blue shorts you have short suit polo shirts oh no no Paul oh yeah I'll just get these like it's a polo I know you're sorry ji-sun export price oh geez yeah ah yeah no it's way way too much I'm not here it's kinda nice no I get seal on that right yeah how much in rupees and routinely rupees by thousand each yeah it's also six aha yeah I am NOT I am we see no P an export nice yeah just how much for this yeah this is - no I just want these two poles right here yeah yeah yeah how much is a dual piece for two pieces 5,600 it's 35 4 - you do like 2004 to do I'll give you two thousand thousand eight hundred three one piece I not comfy right I'll do it two two two two two thousand two hundred one piece for to peace yeah you know yeah 2040 one piece two thousand eight hundred step you oh you can't you can't do like I thought you're saying two thousand eight hundred for both piece you can't stand to see you can't do shoot up send it Oh this mean I don't want to pay them I know 3840 each one yeah yeah what's the lowest you can do for two missiles and I know what's the lowest you can do for two pieces like it's too much you can't go like I can do 25 for both twenty-five for both we play yeah I just don't wanna pay that much I'm sorry one PC son yeah I this 150 each one piece I just don't wanna hear I just want to pay that much so I don't know it's not the cop you and this orginally said oh you don't be an export no yeah I know I just don't want to I can do twenty two twenty three twenty three four ball twenty-three what's your loss you about your last place I go cut there and have twenty five well that's all I'll do one piece to piece this is for two piece turn up despite my price is two piece each yeah price is 500 or 5,000 four to go then why are you trying to give me five thousand four to who I know but yeah but you're trying to sell just for price on this Mike was placed five thousand six hundred - yeah I give the 600 is discount I can only do 25 25 ladies I give you this pen pls copy one I don't like the copyright no I'm good 25:25 me t that's all I want I mean good place to tell what you you tell me good price because that's all I want to pay like 25 that's all I want to pay I give good face ok 42 they steal anything I'll do three thousand that's at three thousand last okay I'll just do fill 3,000 3,000 okay three play okay three thousand three two or three to leave play no you can't give me you lower than three five meet me halfway meet me halfway meet me halfway meet me halfway hey right see play three three all right we got it good bargaining you're a good bargain er you are yeah yeah so far so good yeah people are so fun yeah I'm just going around here for now so yeah all right thanks guys all right have a good one all right so I'm kind of off to the side here cuz I don't wanna be walking around talking about this but um with the Ralph Lauren or Ralph Lauren however you say it a lot of a lot of its manufactured here right so basically to put two and two together you can get the good quality materials outside of the faculty that it's manufactured here for so basically what happens is when you go to a country and you have a product that's produced in that country if you're working at that factory very easy to get your hands on the materials and since you work there you kind of already know how the process goes [Music] all right now I'm gonna go look for this uh I saw this North Face like kind of like duffel bag earlier and it looks pretty cool I'm gonna make a guess here and I'm afraid he's gonna say something like astronomical number these other numbers have been getting for like the quality of these products have been pretty high something he might charge like six thousand for me it would be worth like 2,000 so I'm gonna go and see what he offers and if I can get it for like two thousand or less like that'd be a good deal for me Bouchet this your shop how much I see this okay I see it though the only one tonight I totally just caught me off guard I was not expecting that I was like mm that's it oh I always mess that one up can't do a thousand first 1000 no brother I'll give you 1000 right now no credit just straight cash what's your loss you can do that 180 at 1/2 all right I owe 1/5 1/5 less I remember because anomaly all right I'll give you one eight one eight all right thank you brother all right cool well thank you yeah I'm looking what others what other stuff do you got about like this Nike shirt oh what about this Chanel shirt what about like Chanel this show right here you got bigger size do you have a bigger I don't like that do you like bigger size of this yeah yeah at the Chanel Nike collab I like this same exact one right here but bigger size like this right here see like you got large how big is this how much you want for this you can't go 2300 can't go cheaper a little cheaper like you do like five five on this 150 for this 1000 - all you can't go like five on this you know I think there's a good price right what's your cheat what's your cheapest do like 700 you can't do South 700 no this is a sea Lanka people price I thought this was tourist price why you giving these to Lanka people price over tourist price though but why you giving you why you why you give me Salonika I'm not sure Lanka people I'm tourists so why are you giving me sir Lanka people okay I'll do eight hundred eight hundred five too much hey hunters too much give me cheaper why do I get the why do I get the good price so what I'm a tourist so why are you giving me the good fries you can't do 800 you can't do 800 no a little bit lower I'll take it a little bit lower I'll take it 950 950 falling oh I've been be caught no I'll do a thousand that's it just thousand five thousand fire fine I got you whatever I'm having a hard time believing that America alright thank you brother [Music] I don't like soccer no no I don't like soccer though okay let's see what you got that's cool I just saw I don't play cricket I don't have a 90s different kind of brain tissue no I'm just looking you have stuff in here this is your stock to the Gucci's how much you charge for the looks a good price first try good price just this one yeah just this one how much for these two your prices your price is way too high already no it's cool how much for these Gucci is just the Gucci just a Gucci what's your facebook just a Gucci what's your price point what's your price for just a Gucci way too much not that much how much not even like a thousand not even thinking like 500 for just just some sunglass here what do you think I'm yeah they export all here you're from England yeah yeah how many phones all the phones I don't know how about what keep on a cheap one no I don't know I mean I'm good what's your best play good what's your birth purse I told you 500 yeah I know I don't really really want them that's nice never know if I know my face it you make it reasonable do fight go fight how much 2500 one quits 12 quick set 2512 quits I'll give you a thousand that's it fifteen oh yeah these are all burned of the ribbons okay no one tells I'm not 35 what should make your price just a thousand seriously that's my father actually built my little that's my final quit you make a little less you make a little less okay I thought you said two five eight three two yeah sixteen quits I can do I'll do $1,200 actually I'm good I'm good okay - wait - wait no I'm good I'm good okay I can go I like the business I like okay you speak reasonable price tag you what is the reason you can do you want to 1 to 2 losses while there's no 6 quits okay good - 7 ok - salute - fire - fire okay what is your VAT price that's it - fire oh my classify the last price super - fire - fire go fight - flat ok what is your best price okay I know seriously mm my best pal okay my business back in you're a hardcore what he's absolutely it's my job to bargain actually so alright so I was getting a little heated there and there was a moment where I was trying to leave and he like kind of push back a little bit I'm like no no you're not about to do this like I was actually starting to get a little heated and I was like no I'm let me just get out of here but um I'm gonna go back to my hotel room now that I know how about what intense you can get now that I know I go back to my hotel room chill off for the night and then we're gonna go back tomorrow prepared for this and we're gonna finish this off tomorrow [Music] it's all yours I have my size you have my size yeah come the same exact ones same exact ones how much oh that's a lot though no you can't like at like a thousand you can't do like hey it's you again oh how are you alright good yeah should warm today right two thousand thousand is this yours too do you run this whole place these are a thousand no no he's a three thousand what's the difference between this and her I just want those Oh probably like you buy one not two just one just one I like these cuz they're really thin thousand you can't buy 1,001 times you get like this short 1000 for the shorts you have shorts of these this brain what's your Chi less I make three six eight six three six basics I can do one six alright American dollars just 1600 that's my top that's my top I'm no I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good bro I'm good you can do you can't do one six on this that's like it's like $10 this is this is good look I mean it's thin its thin dawg it's just yeah no not again maybe a little bit more I can imagine just $10 not get me a little mini 11 but dollars you do $12 on it how many rupees all right let me let me let me cross the reference to make sure I trust you I just I I just don't know these like currency 2500 $15 you said $12 I think I'm done shopping right you got you guys robbed me too much already no I'm kidding I'm kidding okay you guys are good bargainers you guys I know I was just joking thank you you guys get a lot of tourists coming in here yeah every day even today yeah all right cool oh it's nice seeing you guys again yeah you said yesterday I was from England that's why when you're saying pounds I was like I was like I don't know what pounds are so yeah I think oh yeah because you kept saying in pounds here you kept saying pounds and I'm like I don't know yeah yeah yeah I'm just like in my head like so I was doing like rupees and everything so alright thank you very much all right all right cheers thank you all right thank you brother all right guys thank you for watching I just want to say Salonika has been a good experience everybody has been very friendly and very accommodating and I enjoyed my time here also I get a lot of questions of what do you do with all this stuff that you bargain for because as you know I don't have like a home base so I'm always traveling and I'm always cycling through clothes sometimes I get rid of the clothes but a lot of the times I donate it so when I have like a lot of clothes like building up like I'll just kind of like pack up a bag of stuff and you know donate it so basically oh this is what I travel with it's when it's full it's like 60 to 70 pounds and so what I'm doing is right now I'm doing like a mega donation I'm gonna pack stuff into this bag although I do want to keep it but uh I think would be better just to get rid of it to be honest and I'm gonna donate these polos I got today I'm gonna donate the shirt this hat and just a bunch of other stuff that I've bargained for in the past also believe it or not everything you see in these videos it's not everything I bargained for because I bargained for more than what I need for the video just because like I want to make sure I have enough content for the video but what I've been doing lately is I've been cutting those up to like a minute long throwing the extras up on Instagram I have a couple of Istanbul bargains up right now but right now I'm literally going through my whole backlog of like Vietnam China Bali you know even this video I have extra bargains so I'm doing that I'm gonna post those periodically and also you can also follow to see where I will be in the next country because obviously once I go to that country these videos take a while to filming at it so you'll know where I am before a video comes out oh speaking of which I also do like Q&A videos on Instagram as well too so like things like that so I'm gonna treat that as like a more like kind of like get to know each other kind of thing like you know I talked to you guys see what you guys want to see like the stuff that you guys want to see like hit me up on Instagram obviously in the comments below everything like that so with all that being said I just want to say thank you for watching you know got some merch right here if you want to buy Lincoln the top comment yeah thank you for watching and we'll see you in the next country later
Channel: Collin Abroadcast
Views: 1,884,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sri lanka, colombo, chanel, Nike, supreme, balenciaga, india, bargaining, gucci, jordan, hypebeast, colombo city, bargain, Fake markets, kaken, stussy, intense, sri lanka tourism, north face, sneaker shopping, kandy, sri lanka tourist, haul, clothing haul, replica, counterfeit, try on haul, adventure, fake, designer haul, imitation, travel vlog, black market, adidas, sneakers, luxury, luxury vlog, shopping, vlog, belt, fashion, designer, trends, shopping spree, cheap, asia, travel, shop, yeezy
Id: EiHxfypxMwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 01 2018
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