Bargaining for Absolutely Everything! India - 24 Hours

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I'll lick the price I make the better price you make the price how much for the three I know how much they are in the shop yeah but these aren't in the shop though 1650s for all okay that's it final price otherwise I'm walking I'm gonna I'm gonna go all right here we go welcome back guys right now we are out here in Kolkata India and actually this is supposed to be a layover to Jaipur however this is going to turn all better because I thought it was raining out here when I was looking for cities to go to all right think I'm gonna skip that layover and just start now because it's 7:00 in the morning I think that's a better time to start this then I don't know like 11:30 all right so rules are simple super simple I can't get a deal on it I can't get it meaning if I can't get a hotel I'm homeless if I can't get some food then I'm starving this video can go one of two ways either one it becomes a disaster which if you're seeing this all right so I just had to go through immigration but we're already hitting our first issue I forgot about the whole SIM card thing and I don't know if SIM cards are bargainable because I was thinking of going to Jaipur and not Kolkata I was researching Jaipur and like areas to go to maybe find a hotel or maybe talk to a taxi driver to take me however I have no internet because the Airport Wi-Fi requires me to log in via phone number so I'm already like screwed but that doesn't mean we're not gonna try for the SIM card we're gonna try for the SIM card but like I said man if I can't get it I can't get it as soon as I started that first bargain that's when the clock starts let me just set my stuff up quick and then we'll get to it hello Oh where's ATM yeah okay okay do you know where to get sim cards to outside the a pro okay everything's out there all right thank you no no III need to go I need to go to the ATM idea yeah where there's one over here two kilometers oops there's no there's no I need a I need a phone card to put that yeah phone card and ATM here no here though what do you mean no here yeah CD oh yeah I'm just going to I don't know where I'm going yet whoa hold on hold on where's the ATM okay where's the SIM card where where what is it hold on 450 that's too much for me you do deal for a sim card you could do 250 rupees SIM card you cannot I can't do it for 450 I'm gonna go I'm gonna go over here get one then you you go lower on the SIM card that's too much sin that yeah oh I need a SIM card I'm gonna go get a SIM card in there they told me some card out here how much you give me a SIM card miscalculated e that's too much brother you do 500 rupees no you can't go lower on it you can't go lower on it no I can't do it then I can't do it I don't have a hotel I'll do it I'll do seven hundred rupees to Calcutta City you cannot do it how much seven ninety seven fifty come on brother 75077 ninety all right I'll do it the deal I got just for one I would never do this but SIM card taxi and ATM all on one cuz I couldn't find it okay real quick real quick so taxi 790 you take me to get a SIM card you take me to ATM hey dude okay all right cool holy [ __ ] that was just like to trifecta right there first I didn't think I was gonna get a SIM card free I still have to deal for the SIM card my biggest question is the hotel room so we got the taxi we're going to Calcutta City right now they have about 200 rupees off like he said I haven't liked research this place because I thought I was gonna go to Jaipur so I don't know like prices or whatever but oh [ __ ] look at this car this is my ride right here [ __ ] riding in style I want a hotel in like the centre Calcutta City Hotel yeah Hotel yeah you said 790 if you want like a safer India experience oh it's steer clear from doing by justice what if you want this kind of experience I don't know not not the 35 I just need a small room but I'm not trying to pay like 35 law just me I wanted to reflect can you do like 1500 minimum 28 you can't do like mm no I won't eat breakfast I sleep in too late I don't eat breakfast okay let's go to the other hotel yeah thank you mm yeah I feel cheapest room there was 3,500 as Louis is 2,800 which I think what is the exchange rate so 2840 dollars seems kind of steep we'll check out what this guy has to offer next 25 can I see the room can I see it [Music] not for 2500 you give me discount on it or my budgets like 1500 you can't do it mm I told you 2000 budget no I know but I told him 2000 my budget though we can go find the mm no okay yeah he'll do it [Music] where's my key key for the room you said 790 you have change I don't understand I don't understand all right thank you thank you thank you all good all good no problem all right see ya get a walk okay no charge no charge you judge no I used in what judge what about water waters free though right no free how much is this you do 20 rupees on this thank you sir all right have a good day all right so we got a room pretty nice little room got a little discount on it so here's he issue that guy I told him ATM that SIM card and then hotel I kind of gave up on the SIM card because I go it was tough communicating with him so I was like you know what I don't need a SIM card for today I could just get by on Wi-Fi however this room charges for Wi-Fi use so look at this 550 our accesses I think $7 so now because I didn't research this place before I came now I'm gonna have to rely on either walking around and getting a SIM card but I have to bargain for it or just use Wi-Fi spots any open Wi-Fi spots but I feel there's not really gonna be much here I don't I don't know so so what we're doing is we're just gonna explore I guess it's only 10:00 in the morning so it's only been three hours and it's already being wild for these three hours as far exceeded my expectations so far I'm gonna get ready just pack my essentials for the day and off we're gonna head right back out of here oh and also this threw me for a loop because I thought if I can't bargain for food or water at least I can rely on the hotel food and water however he was like nope you're gonna get charged for everything so if I can't bargain anything I'm starving today and I'm drinking nothing no car I'm just gonna walk no no no all right so as you can see I just got out of my hotel it stopped raining yeah okay that's new my gig oh there's a market left in your market yeah we're going through the new market okay cool very cool yeah yeah thank you thank you new markets on this way yeah [Music] all right at this point I don't even know I'm following him anymore but he's determined to take me to his shop so I don't even know what yourselves let's see what he says hey mister what do you sell yeah what do you sell yeah pyjamas Oh something like this okay cool so now we are entering the new market just don't say no we got people following me too as well I hear this guy shop right here oh nice and air-conditioned yeah yeah yeah so you got silk scarf I like standing I like Santa how do you know it's silk and I can't see the quality I don't know what the quality is are these all like the same right here yeah I don't know he brought me here and said what's up yeah I just wanted to see what you guys got Oh cheap is it I'll fit for 50 that's that's expensive though yeah it's expensive that's it it's very expensive yeah you sell them for like a hundred down there the thing is how can you prove to me how much do you do for this one right here it's quite it's quite the this is like a hundred right this is this is a hundred right here right I can't do 450 though how many keys you need just like one or two okay I'll give you two for 300 - for 300 just for you right here - for 300 for three for two for 300 300 I want like this blue one yeah let me get like a green one - there you go all right thank you I live here yeah down the street hello hello how are you good what is this it's a turquoise yes how much does something like this I'm not trying to spend spend $9,000 cool but not 9,000 it's just this one just this one nine thousand five hundred and eight thousand eight hundred really we cross that oh I don't want to sell it though I'm gonna get more than thirty forty thousand a piece easy I know I don't want to sell it though because then I have to ask to walk around on the streets and be like who wants this you know it's work so you give me a discount for labor costs then - so you give me a discount said if I have to go sell this then I'm working I'm using my time right yeah I'll give you just straight 1,000 for us you cannot do that there's no way to say each piece I can send more than a thousand people the people love to buy this old pieces so what's your what's your deal though I'll give you like my last for you just because I do like it my last two thousand give or take you cannot do it okay nobody can do that yeah is that different okay alright alright well thank you yeah but I don't want it that bad you know [Music] no I said two not three I'll make you I'll give you two five that's all right that's all one because I don't want to spend too much but I do like it it's kind of cool you cannot do too far yeah but I'm just gonna go then so alright alright thank you what's up I'm saying that that's all I'm gonna pay that's all I'm gonna say okay let's see it I told you to five years I'm sorry two five zero one [Laughter] and I cannot make three five yeah you'll do it no that's it I just want that that's no no I'm good man just no I already just looked like ten times nominally already extracted all my money I have no more money doing business no no okay yeah that's kind of cool I don't have trypophobia fear though okay I'm just gonna go though so how do you walk now I'm just gonna walk myself so thank you alright see you guys no ladies I'm good brother we already did too much business we did the good business yeah I said too much business all right one thing I forgot to mention it's for part of this challenge my thing was to say yes to a lot of people but usually when I travel you know people all come with me come with me come with me and I'm always like nah I'm good cuz to me that just screams like scammer right as you can already tell I've already followed like two couple dudes right now so cuz I was curious to see where would lead to and it's actually not as bad as I thought it was I mean I did walk into two freaking rooms was like five dudes a piece in which could have technically could have been a bad situation but uh we did it and that's what's up anyways what I want to do right now is I want to just like walk this market by myself because I haven't been here by myself here because I was following those guys maybe try to find some like some good brands or whatever and then after that we're gonna go to other areas and bargain other stuff outside of market how much whose soul oh I don't want it if I thought it was fos si yeah Brad no I know I know it's copy I know it's copy I thought it was no I don't wanna I'm sorry let's go again don't take me too far though what other ones you have okay how much for the three how much for each how much for you I roll out sir those are all too much for me though yeah I know how much I know how much they are in the shop yeah but these are in the shop though so I so you got you got 65 43 455 16 15 for all that's a lot that's a lot how much this like 1,500 like 1,500 feet deep all different given my pain already played not the same I'll give you I'll give you 4,000 for all of them for for all of them you can't do it everybody be reasonable you come to me again what I get nothing if I lose you what I get nothing if I buy from you that why would I lose a lot of money I can give you four for all of them no I can only do four for all of them well no I just want these I don't want those I bought many of these before I'll give you four or five that's it final price otherwise I'm walking I'm gonna I'm gonna go three five three seven I have to go to ATM ATM yeah yeah okay here just bring this and bring this and we'll go together if you want it yodel my friends will all look at me and I'll be like yeah you think so yeah my friends will all think I'm I'm a high roller right you do that guys my friends are gonna think I'm a high roller right say high roller hi yeah yeah yeah [Music] how much for the egg chicken roll yeah how much to do a deal for - yeah how much for - I they said they would do a deal for - so I'm gonna see what that deal is yeah yeah yeah how much for - 90 rupees - 80 all right thank you all right thank you all right so there's miscommunication I was like can you do a deal and shook his head yes and like he told me to sit down I was obligated to buy it however I'm not gonna eat it because that would be breaking the rules so I'm gonna do is I'm gonna probably just give it to like a homeless person or something cuz that have been like really dick move for them to make that food and I'm like no way I don't want it anymore hey bro you want this you want this let's go to a corner store see if I get some snack how much for a bag of chips how much 10 rupees I'll give you I'll give you a hundred for 11 for 11 bag I'll give you a hundred for 11 bags no you can't do it looks like I'm starving tonight boy we're gonna do one more if I can't do it cold enough it buzz oh that's a bar in there yeah like you guys yeah you want to go let's go oh damn yeah all right nice to meet you so he left me I'm gonna walk through it looks kind of intimidating so uh let's walk through here quick I got to do it Hey how much for the wine yeah what's here I can't get some I get some I've got dingy sleepy come on [Music] huh okay yeah what do you got what's this oh this is good wine good very good oh thank you thank you [Music] all right thank you Oh take this okay thank you all right my friends all right I went up to the bar and the bartender told me to go across the street I think he said something about like foreign liquor across the street I was like no I want this stuff but uh another like person saw that so he gave me the bottle so I went cheering with like some random people at that table and they all gave me like crackers and [ __ ] so I guess I got some sustenance with me tonight I got the alcohol got some crackers I don't know I'll go back to my room we're gonna wake up tomorrow and finish yourself [Music] time has passed I'm so hungry let's go eat practice I feel a lot better now I want to know what your thoughts are I continue to make more this is all up to you also the second channel is up now for those subscribe to their we're gonna do a lot of cool things on that channel let me know when it comes to low what you think and we'll see you guys next time thanks for watching love you guys
Channel: Collin Abroadcast
Views: 2,354,877
Rating: 4.8107495 out of 5
Keywords: India, Rolex, real india, Kolkata, New Market, Cartier, Indian, Designer, bargaining, hypebeast, bargain, Fake markets, haul, replica, counterfeit, try on haul, adventure, fake, imitation, travel vlog, black market, sneakers, luxury, shopping, vlog, fashion, designer, trends, shopping spree, cheap, asia, travel, shop, GH5, Spree, market spree, bonanza, bazaar, scams, bollywood, Silk, Fossil, silk scarf, bargain for hotel, 24 hours, how to travel india, Colin Abroad, 24 hour challenge, Colin Abroadcast
Id: pzR35RltMVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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