Squaring The Circle: The One and the Many; Mind and World (1999)

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well I want to thank you all for coming my name is Stan tenon and I work for the marrow foundation and that's my wife Cynthia who does most of the work work and I do most of the play work this is sort of the 10th anniversary show we did the original tape for this research here about 10 years ago and things have grown and changed some in that time there's been one really major development and the rest is um a lot of what I thought was going to happen turned out really did happen in terms of how the models worked out no one should believe what I'm saying it's not that I'm telling you anything I don't think it's so it's just that you really need to be skeptical about this sort of thing this is work in progress it's an honest research I speak quickly and I may say is when I mean when I mean based on the models and based on the references it's my best conjecture that this is so I'm not saying absolute truth when I say is I'm just trying to fit things into a short time period this is very controversial material because in the words of a friendly scholar it can't be solved and what of course he means is that if it is so then there's a lot of readjustment to make and I try to explain to people that this really doesn't say anything like I'm right you're all wrong it says rather that this is a deeper level that integrates a whole range of material and it demonstrates mostly that what the scholars have been saying and what the religious people have been saying and what the different religious people have been saying they're all been right but in their own contexts and that if you go deeper then you find something more common there's almost no good place to start but maybe in the intro of seeing who else will show up before we really get into it I'll give you a quick rundown of how this all started there a few people that probably don't know I was working for an engineering company in Cambridge Massachusetts in 1967 and I had to tell the boss that he had made a mistake and he didn't like that so he fired me but then he discovered that he couldn't fire me because I'd never had a vacation so I had to take a vacation and then he got the cool off and of course he didn't fire me well I was you know unattached and and was getting paid handsomely and didn't have any real connections or plans or anything it hadn't been any place there done anything so I had three weeks and I simply I was in Boston so I went to I guess it was still Idlewild I don't know if was Kennedy field Kennedy Airport yet and got on the first plane for London in Paris and I had a friend in Israel so I went to Israel and I had no connection with any religious material or anything like that I went to Hebrew school and was bar Mitzvahed and I'd managed to learn to read the alphabet but I haven't learned to read Hebrew I didn't know any people calculator in grammar a few words I could reach street signs and I also paid no attention to any of this I was fund its food when I was 13 and that was the last time I was in synagogue or looked at any of that material because everyone knows it's a bunch of old mythology and it's kind of out of date and is like rituals and it's like kind of coats were a lot of trouble to keep all the rules and you know who needs this stuff I I had studied a lot of mathematical things that fascinated me and I was on a math team in high school I never competed but I was on the background and and they they drilled you an instant pattern-recognition because if you didn't get the answer before the teacher finished putting on the board your team was gonna lose so you really have to groggy to me instantly and see the essence of the problem and pull it out well I go to Israel this was the old blood airport was an old Quonset hut and their baggage handling system was pilot all in the middle and using one of these forklift things and just rake it up occasionally and people would climb them out and pull their bags down you know and I have no plans we got into a cab and asked the cab driver would it take us to Jerusalem right take me to your leader and this was in August 1967 and these Israelis had just retaken the old city in June and some of the people that had worked at this company were involved in Israel and they had gone off to be pilots during the six-day war and some of them stayed and one of my friends there and moved his family and bought a house in Haifa and he invited me to visit which is what prompted the visit so I had some friends and you know I was playing the tour around which is what we did but I'm getting the cab the cab driver takes us up through the old winding road to Jerusalem they hadn't opened a superhighway yet and he drops us at the gate to the old city that's nearest to the western wall of the temple which is a very holy place to Jews and which had just been cleared things have calmed down a little bit was August leave the war was over in beginning of June and it was all very spontaneous I I really wasn't thinking about it you could see the young Israeli soldiers carrying weapons looking very proud and very happy because they had taken the centre and you could see the Palestinians feeling pretty much the opposite they clearly were not happy and we're not likely to be happy and it was a very moving scene I mean it was very you know couldn't really get a sense so I stopped walking towards towards the wall and a guy grabs me and puts a cardboard hat on my head which is what they do and I go up to the wall and I just started crying I mean there was really nothing else to do it was both you know gee this is really dramatic there's this old temple here and it was also there's this this people that are really turned on and these people that are really unhappy and and for better or worse I I made a simple prayer I said you know if there's anything I can do let me know it was either a very stupid or very smart thing to say anything pointed and I didn't think much more of it we toured the country I went back of course and spent some time in Paris and spent some time in London and went back to Boston and went back to work a year later I'm sitting in my apartment in Newton Massachusetts over the Turnpike practically and there's a TV show on called the prisoner hosted by the Stars Patrick McGoohan and it's a metaphysical series and I won't go into it it's a spy who tries to get out of the spy business and they kidnap him and he doesn't know which side kidnapped them and anyhow goes on and on there's an episode of course with a code because spies are into codes it was actually the added episode that they hadn't even planned to do the one called do not forsake me oh my darling if anyone remembers about out-of-body experiences this was in 1968 it was almost exactly a year of the day from when I'd been in Jerusalem and when one comes this episode with code and something in my brain goes click and says you know I just wonder I wonder if I should look at the beginning of the Hebrew Bible well I didn't know if I had a copy in the house but I searched around and I actually found the the printed book form of the Hebrew Bible that they gave me when I was bar Mitzvahed it was my neighbor gave it to me and I never really opened it and so I opened to the first page and it says in the beginning God created having the earth and there's the Hebrew line and I don't read Hebrew words so my eyes fall on the letters it's like when you're seeing news film of an Aeroflot plane landing and it says Aeroflot in Cyrillic you maybe don't know Cyrillic but you can dope it out because some of the letters are the same and you know what it's supposed to say your eyes full on the letters you try to figure out what it says well my eyes fell on the sequence of letters at the beginning Genesis and all of the old programs in my brain from the math team class went off and said this is crazy this isn't language this is a pattern somebody made a puzzle here and I all in the same instance I said one this can't be true million won against I'm just seeing things too if it is true there's an obvious simple explanation all the Bible scholars know about this they just didn't tell me I wasn't listening and three if it's really a pattern and if it's not just in the first verse and if the Bible scholars don't know about it or can't explain it then even if the odds are a million to one against its being real those might be good odds because it might actually be important very important we're looking at the root document of Western civilization and many people have made all kinds of claims about it and people obviously are very strong beliefs well I was very naive I knew nothing I was in Boston I think I asked the Catholic priest first he was very friendly he obviously had no idea what I was talking about so I said okay well I'll ask Arab I same result he wasn't quite as friendly I asked the fellow well I asked some friends and finally someone said maven someone remember if I called the people at Harvard or MIT first but anyhow someone said it's gotta be Qabalah and I said I'd never heard of kabbala so again having a pocket full of cash nothing to do with my life I went to the bookstores and bought everything in sight Eastern Western Hindu Buddhist Muslim Christian Jewish academic religious channeled flying saucers you name it I read it over 10 years about 3,000 volumes some of them are skinny you know those old books weren't very thick and obviously I got a sense that something was going on here here is this whole body of literature the most distinguishing characteristic of which was none of it made any sense it's not to me the scholars seem to think it was poetry or superstition or personal fantasy or somebody made it up or one group took it from another group the religious people of course believe in an oil implicitly and didn't want to discuss it and I think I accumulated something like 10 or 12 translations of the Cepheid sierra the book of formation which describes the Hebrew alphabet and I got to tell you something about this this is a little discouraging you know if I walked into a room carrying a book that said chemistry translated from the French and I read it I'd expect by the end of the book even though it was a translation it was a decent translation it was going to teach me a little chemistry and was its title well here's a book that says book of formation and everyone knows it's about the letters and they discuss everything you'd ever want to know about the Hebrew letters except they never mentioned the form of the letters nor do they provide the for none of these translations delivers on the title of the book well obviously that wasn't very satisfying and clearly there was something going on here and it took me a long time to get even any sense of it I also tried every complicated thing I could think of to pull the pattern out of the sequence of letters in the text and none of it worked and the reason none of it worked was because I was doing lots of sophisticated modern things which obviously if the pattern were there and it was a few thousand years old they didn't do that so the tools I was using were not appropriate the tools had to be temporally appropriate they have to be contemporaneous with the text if I couldn't show that what I found was findable knowable in the ancient world then I was either blue to their making it up or you know that didn't make sense so it had to be had to be grounded in reality well ten years go by and Cynthia died moved to San Francisco and KQED is rebroadcasting the prisoner 1978 and Jim's gallon is running a fundraiser and we volunteered to go on the air and do a little wraparound discussion on the prisoner episodes which caught on and so we got to do it regularly we never quite joined the Union but we got close the Union people actually let us come on even when our joining the Union was very nice to them and so we're doing a live ten minutes and a tape 20 minutes for the rebroadcast we get to the same episode and by then I had lots of theories about this text and I actually a whole list of criteria about what was possible and what to look for and one of the things I was looking for was something comparable and they realized that the Arecibo message that was sent out of the Arecibo radio telescope which was designed by some people associated with JPL was an attempt to communicate the people that didn't speak our language over thousands of years of space time and so I thought I would use the same principles maybe look for something a little more subtle or maybe more appropriate to the ancient world but nevertheless same idea you're going to communicate over a couple of thousand years you really have to keep the key in the message it's got to be easily accessible it has to open up for itself well I discussed this on the air I put the beginning of Genesis on the TV screen live in San Francisco but I wrote the text out numerically or he placed the letters with the numbers a is 1 B is 2 C is three standard numerological Komachi values that are associated with the Hebrew Greek and Arabic letters and I told people was like the Arecibo message and I told them the Arecibo message was was in binary code and people suggested ultimately I try trinary ternary base 3 and when I did that things started to work now I'm not going to have time to went to all that it's on the earlier videotapes what I found is that there were certain symmetries natural to the sequence of to the alphabet when you did back you count the letters out in base three and then you compare letters that have symmetrical numbers in base three which turns out if you interpret them as Cartesian coordinates to put the letters in symmetrical positions on a three by three by three cube similar to a Rubik's Cube except there's really a QB in the middle there's 27 letters in the full long alphabet and they each lay out on the cube the olive is at the origin and the final Saudi the last letter is at the far diagonal and letters across the main diagonal of the cube have symmetrical positions and symmetrical base three camps so you can associate them all so there's an older 22 letter alphabet which is said to have front back symmetry the last letter in the in that alphabet is a T so the a compares to the T and the B compares to the S and that's called akbash which is an acronym for a TBS in Hebrew I made use of both the symmetries of the model that I was working with and of this traditional symmetry system and that naturally grouped the letters into clusters this is all up on the website so people can get that and then when I did that I was able to pair off all the letters at the beginning of the first verse of Genesis by pair off I mean very simply what you do to make a little paper model you put Tab A and slot a and tab being slot B I wrote the letters out one letter each on a bead on a bead chain but let them so they could move all around but stay in the same order curl the bead chain up until the letters paired off even the same letter with itself or letters that were in symmetrical positions on the cube and all the letters were counted for and they were all presented in the same order in pairs there was the letter on one side of the cube then it was repeated then the letter on the other side of the cube and in the first letter again a a B a and the same for all the pairs that existed at the in the first verse I checked the text to see if the patterning was just in the first verse or whether it continued because I didn't want to waste my time was just a pattern in the first verse who cared anybody could make a simple pattern out of 28 letters and not only that it could be coincidence so I did some quick statistical tests and found some anomalies where I expected to find them otherwise like predicted and anomaly and then found it and that's important because of I just went fishing it wouldn't meet as much I mean I also played the text out musically to assure myself that the patterning continued into my ear even allowing for the fact that God's name repeats all the time you get some very interesting sounds I think we'll play the tape at least in part at a breakpoint in perhaps when we have getting into this a little more so I assured myself the patterns continue this is before the statisticians did the Bible Code statistics so nobody knew about this and I'm looking at the first verse and I'm pairing off all the letters and I end up with a form which is basically a spiral vortex sitting on a torus now there's a wonderful book by Arthur Young called the reflexive universe which goes into the meaning of mapping the seven color map on a torus in a very symmetrical way and I'm not gonna repeat that here either but the problem was I had this pattern from the first verse and that didn't mean anything either if you stare at the wallpaper for 10 years you're gonna find the pattern in fact most of all paper is patterned he's saying that it's there that blank TV screen you're gonna see patterns finding a pattern is not hard particular if you look long enough the question is is this pattern meaningful does it teach you anything does it say anything is it deliberate is it accidental and eventually I found something I'm going to show you in another way from a different perspective in this talk I found that the Canon was meaningful and that it ended up producing this little model which they call the light in the meeting tent or the Tetra flame it's a tetrahedron and inside of it is little vortex and the tetrahedron is supposed to represent a vessel and the vortex is supposed to represent a fly thus the idea of a light in the meeting tent it's an archetypal form in every culture you make campfires out of tripods of sticks and the flame comes up on the tripod at Delphi they had a tripod with a serpent-entwined around it actually it's a three serpent and that turns out to be the full model and there it looks surprisingly like the eternal flame that hangs in front of the altar in synagogues and churches looks like the green flame of Islam it was aesthetically very pleasing it's a model of perfect symmetry against perfect asymmetry in a specially related way the tetrahedron is the lowest order volume that has complete symmetry it's the most compact and simplest it's the most elegant and this vortex and I'll show you how its formed later turns out to be completely asymmetrical and the contrast between symmetry and asymmetry is pretty absolute and we're going to talk about that because that's where I want to start this lecture and when you look at the little vortex the asymmetrical flame through the symmetries of the tetrahedron you see outlines that look like all of the Hebrew Greek and Arabic letters whoa so the text folds up into a form that generates the letters in which the text is written now that's neat but don't be overly impressed if I had taken a coat hanger and bent it up with a couple of squiggles and played around with Mike my shadows I'd have found all the letters in just about any alphabet it is not hard to find shadows of a squiggly form that look like letters it's hard to find a explicit meaningful form that does that and so it's the fact that that's a meaningful form that counts not just that you can make shadow grams that make letters all right now I want to back up completely and I want to start over again that's sort of the story and it wasn't wasn't over let me tell you what's wrong with this and this is where I left the tape ten years ago now there are half a dozen lectures I've given cents and so there's been a lot of development which will reveal but you know what's wrong with this it's very nice to say that it makes letters as shadows but there's no regularity to it which way do I look at it where's the coordinate system and I developed a theory that the idea why they did this was so that if you could turn this over in your mind's eye you could repeat a meditation so a sequence of letters would be the specs for a dance in the mind but if you couldn't visualize the thing didn't know how to hold it and couldn't turn it over easily how could you use it what's the natural viewing position for it now I've got a lot of good answers to that and we found the coordinate system eventually but I don't want to go that way this time the problem stands what form then you even know the answer because you all have the handouts but ask yourself what form can every human being immediately visualize in their own minds eye and the answer we're gonna find us a hand or what's in your hand all right I want to read a couple of different quotations and you'll they'll catch up with us before I do that I want to point out a few things on the board mostly this guy this is the letter bet bait it's the first letter of the text of Genesis it's the one translated in its formal meaning is house but God's not a noun God's verb in Hebrew is a real mode language that means the primary roots are verbs not nouns so it's not a house it's housing its what a house does most people don't pay any attention to this but in fact that you can check the references I think even david bohm mentions this in the quantum reality book which is so wonderful a bait represents the distinction between inside and outside and that's going to turn out to be enormous ly important now the rabbi's claim that all of the Torah all of the Bible is summarized in the first letter which is by the way written big on the Torah scroll and then they say more or less I'm going to speak freely that if you can't get it from the first letter God is very understanding and repeats it in more detail for you in the first word in the first verse in the first paragraph in the first chapter well it's a hierarchical array and the bigger the chunk you take the more data you get the higher the resolution but the image is always the same so what's the image well if this theory is right then the whole story should be in the first letter and in the first word we may get to the first verse but don't try to stick to the beginning here so we need to find out a little more about what this bate might might mean let me read you a quotation which I found very very helpful and this was pointed out to me by on professor Luke Elfman I believe a number of years ago it's a quote from G Spencer Browns book called the laws of form Spencer Brown topologist proposes what he calls the mark of distinction that archetypically distinguishes inside from outside as a definition of maximal contrast now we're going to get to it because it's important and if I don't get to it you should yell at me maximal contrast is what this is all about there's a paper in the packet called Man Bites Dog maximal contrast is anomaly the thing that attracts our attention the very most mathematicians have shown that all of formal lunch all of all of formal logic can be derived from spencer brown's mark of distinction this is quoted from the book quote the theme of this book is that a universe comes into being we're talking about creation here when a space is severed or taken apart the skin of a living organism cuts off an outside from an inside so does the circumference of a circle in a plane mmm squaring circle maybe by tracing the way we represent such a severance we can begin to reconstruct with an accuracy and coverage that appear almost uncanny this is a mathematician speaking the basic forms underlying linguistic mathematical physical and biological science and can begin to see how the familiar familiar laws of our own means follow in exer ibly from the original act of severance although all forms and thus all universes are possible in any particular form is mutable it becomes evident that the laws relating such forms are the same in any universe it's this sameness the idea that we can find a reality which is independent of how the universe actually appears that lends such fascination to the study of mathematics now notice he's not talking about the things they're all different religious people would say don't pay attention to idols he's talking about relationships and he's saying that there's a catalog of basic relationships which exist all over and that there's a basic bottom line set and he's gonna generate some of this with his mark of distinction and it's a book that is worth trying to read I don't know this you can get through it easily but it's certainly worth as far as you can get well that's what this is all about this bait represents that mark of distinction I'm going to claim and that it distinguishes inside from outside and it is related to the idea of a skin because in the Talmudic tradition the understanding of who a righteous person is a person of integrity a person whose insides are like their outsides so Coca vara that's the kind of person who would be a saint or exotic that could perhaps do a very high meditation and if a person's insides and outsides are actually the same then they metaphorically have no skin there's no need for one and of course that's an ego death situation they're dissolved into the whatever there's no distinction there's no ego embodiment so let's look at this is the first word of Genesis let's look at the first word of Genesis it's supposed to contain the whole secret it's supposed to be able to repeat this bait this basic idea in more detail so here's the bait which means in or inda and then we have this word race which is said to me at the head of because the word race means head well there's another root in here which is not usually discussed and that's this root Rochette Rochette is a woven net or network and I'm gonna say that the reason the academic statisticians have found letters skip patterns in the Hebrew Bible is because it's a woven document like a Navajo rug with stripes and if you unravel it you get skip patterns on the threat because that's what the stripes leave and I'm gonna say that that's the kind of coding that was done in the ancient world and hopefully we'll get to that so the first thing we're told is enter with a net or some kind of network or something of that sort but there's other words here the the word ratio of actually Allah Crais refers to light so we'll leave that but H olive Shin is the word for fire and Shinya Tov SI t is the word that means either six or thorne and if you combine those two you can easily see that a six Thorn is what we'd call a tetrahedron it's got six edges and they're prickly if you put little sphere points on the tips of them they turn into a cuboctahedron eventually which is part of what we maybe will talk about and I'm gonna say that this first verse that folds itself up to make these kind of vortex patterns that when you make the the vortex the appropriate shape totally asymmetrical and that means that certain kinds of spirals are excluded logarithmic spirals are self-similar they're too symmetrical so they can't be part of this that this is like a flame this is like consciousness this is fire this is this is the light and if we put the H in the sheath the light in the tent we get the light in the meeting Tet which I derived from a totally different way ten years ago when I couldn't analyze the word because I didn't know enough and I'm gonna say as you go through the rest of the first verse which says God created the heaven and the earth I'm gonna say that the earth is like a tetrahedron the four corners of the earth four corners and that heaven is like an expanse the flame and so that the first verse unfurls in the same manner but it more detail and we can go into those words but we're not going to do that now at least not this is part of the talk so what we have here is a text that's been translated to give a fairytale story about creation which some people take literally which has a very deep and long tradition that turns out to actually be meaningful literally meaningful but what's literal is the geometric metaphor not the story all right I want to go a little further here let's talk about this idea of maximum contrast there's a paper as I said called a little essay called Man Bites Dog which will say this better than I'm gonna say it right now and maybe a little clearer Roger Penrose in the emperor's new mind points out something that people have known for a long time namely that life on Earth is due to the fact that the Sun is a bright spot in the sky and sends out rather high information content visible photons which plants swallow and turn into the organization the self-organization that is their life which we then eat and then the earth plants all together radiates back out infrared photons which have less information content to the dark sky if the sky were all as bright as the Sun then there'd be no difference and you couldn't radiate back out the cooler redder photons and so you couldn't extract any information and couldn't couldn't grow and we wouldn't be here to eat them so life depends on the contrast between the Sun and the sky and that's pretty much accepted that's physical life that's the mechanical part and I'm saying that ultimately what we're going to be looking for here is not the attractor for the plants or for our plant like mechanical being but rather the attractor for our consciousness what makes us self aware where does the hyper information if you want to call it that that gives us self-awareness come from well let's just extrapolate let's just extend the process what attracts our attention is anomaly an anomaly is basically high-contrast if you see a bright spot you notice it you don't notice something that blends into the surroundings so let's hypothesize and this is a semi technical situation so I I dare to use no I want to use a real pointer I always have the laser pointer but I don't think I like it let's hypothesize what is now called the Dirac Delta function an infinite pulse there's no duration in time has absolute maximum infinite amplitude compared to anything else in the universe if we were to run that through a wave analyzer to find its spectrum if we were to take a Fourier transform of that Dirac Delta function we'd find a sea of all wavelengths all possible frequencies at unit amplitude and obviously compared to this unit amplitude see of everything which is eternal of the white the pulse is broadened against this background this is the highest possible contrast now I'm going to suggest and this is a paper on the website called the God of Abraham of mathematicians view that what Abraham did is not discover the one God like they tell you in school everybody already know about the one God in fact they knew about too many one gods people worship the mountains in the sky and the Sun and and and whatever else you might point out and also people had an internal spiritual experience in meditation of the single light in the mind what Abraham discovered was that you could set the two equal you could define God as both singularity and wholeness that the four-letter name of God refers to singularity that name is based and pronounced now on a root meaning pedestal a Lord sits high above you on a pedestal he's a bright light on a high pedestal tetrahedron is a pestle the four-letter name is compared to the Tetragrammaton that that track is is the Tetragrammaton it's compared to Ted tractus the pattern of 10 dots that had spiritual connotations to the Greeks that's a little triangle and if you pile up spheres it turns out to make a little tetrahedron I only showing four of them there it's a pedestal the name means pedestal the five letter name of God the one that comes a little later in that first sentence hello Kim it's pronounced with an H but I'll say it with a K so is not to use the name that ends in the Hebrew ending you at mem in L o Kim in Yong Yong means see if you look at a dictionary your final mem in C it's a great expanse like a flame in fact what you can say see if I pull up here yeah yes that an expanse it's like it's angular sweep all around just like all these frequencies from the beginning for the end of time all there is and this direct Delta function is like an extent it's a stretch there's one of these and there's many of those this one's in the mind this is the world if you combine the two you get the abrahamic definition of God the credo of Judaism in the Torah is the statement which is said in prayers every day here o Israel the Lord that's the four lemon name our God that's the five letter name the Lord is one they actually repeat the word Lord and that's a variation that I don't want to get into but it's it fits nicely also basically saying set Lord and God together equal to unity we heard something about that before isn't isn't there something in in quantum mechanics about Delta V Delta s equals is it h bar or something I don't know maybe I got that on that complementarity yeah that's neat well in our case what we're gonna look at I'll fit it here someplace is R theta equals 1 R being the 4 letter name fate of being the 5 what in a geometric metaphors for them and that produces a curve a spiral and that spiral is known as this is y equals 1 as I didn't do it for a while the reciprocal spiral the hyperbolic spiral it's the one that shows up under the eye of horus it's the one that shows up in the book of kells gratuitously in the every single one of those animals and other icons in the book of kells it's the one that shows up on the top of ionic columns you know you make a Greek column and it's got this thing around the top right well it's this it's um if you use the actual form with the with the second name with the four letter name gar repeated you get our squared theta then you get what is known as the lydia s-- which does the same thing except it's asymptotic to the origin and those are sags down because the square term this becomes of course the christian shepherd's crook there's a lot of other things we could say about that spiral but the most important thing about it is that it's the most asymmetrical spiral you can make because it's a combination of the two possible lines you can have the two most different possible lines a straight line in the curved line and so you get the most a symmetrical spiral to compare to the most symmetrical Thistle you put the light in the meeting tonight an aim in the four letter name and and i'm gonna suggest that that this model is a very modern model i'm saying that asymmetry and symmetry can connect can be compared to unity and diversity the light in the meeting tent the one in the many wave and particle flame and called radius and circumference Yang and Yin seed and fruit Sun and sky BIGBANG and gets it continuous creation male and female direct Delta function and all there is consciousness and physics mind and matter all of those things all the same compliments that are used as analogues for modern wave particle duality that this is a wonderful model of of everything by definition this isn't a jealous god of a petty people who says my gods bigger and better than your God because it's my god and it's the one God because I say so that's not what we're saying here I'm saying we are starting with a definition of singularity and wholeness definitions are not the basis of prejudice it's a postulate putting it down to seal good of this doesn't give us anything and if we look for the means of spanning between the one and the many we have a path that includes everything in the universe now modern physics attempts a bottom-up reconstruction take all the diversity we find all the forces in the world and pump the energy up until things merge together and eventually we can extrapolate and find the Big Bang the one from the many and I'm saying we can do this abstractly we can do this topologically in principle without any electron microscopes and cyclotrons and supercomputers we can start top down by definition start with a singularity break it up by minimal first distinction and end up with all there is and it's my guess and this is still a guess that one way or another in an extraordinarily elegant way perhaps the most elegant possible that's what the sequence of letters in the Hebrew Bible really represents now how can they be a story on top of it well Hebrew doesn't come with vowels and it doesn't come originally what the letters broken up into words according to rabbinic tradition this was in The Jerusalem Post about 15 years ago according to rabbi Pincus pally there are over 900 acceptable translations to the first verse alone so there's little depending on how you write up the word the letters into words there's plenty of room to tell the story you want to tell plenty room for the translations now if you had a formal language when we talked about this as a formal language that enabled you to record something very important like a particular meditation that led to an ego death and rebirth experience in a safe way and other things besides and you had to store that someplace you'd have to put a story on top of it because the first thing that happens in bad times is they kill all the priests and the kings and the teachers it's only the peasants that survived so you have to give it meaning to people who don't have access to the deepest levels what better to do than to put the cultural history of that people as the clear text so they'll have allegiance to it so they'll want to remember it what better to do than to use known true history as best as you can know it and tell it while I who's gonna keep your text if you're live everybody knows you made it up no you picked stories already known to be true that's why the Hebrew Bible recapitulates stories that we know come from Sumer or arcot or other places and other cultures they were just trying to tell the truth as a history book but the history books the clear text arranged to be the history book because what's underneath needed to be preserved I'm saying that underneath the story could be a science of consciousness a meditational set of exercises and tools to go along with the exercises that enable an individual to have an ego death and rebirth experience and enlightenment experience a peak experience that's integrative that's healthy healing that is as modern as it as it is ancient and by the way if we're looking at unifying things like symmetry and asymmetry of highest contrast then of course if this model is what it claims to be it's not just a spatial model it's a temporal model it's intended to unify the past and the present in the future too there's a lot more to come I want to get through with one little section of this first though so if we try to make the most a symmetrical spiral possible we discover that the one specified by the credo of Judaism is the one to use and if we bring it up into three dimensions as I'm going to show you how to do in a moment we end up with this little spiral and when we look at it from different directions we find all the letters of the Western sacred alphabets and now with this understanding all of a sudden the word sacred is not just a vanity that's just not by saying my language is sacred because I'm bigger and better than you and it's my language therefore it's sacred no this is actually a meaningful designation it's sacred because you can use it to read and write meditations and it's sacred because you can use it as a base space to specify any quantum state vector now they didn't have quantum mechanics but they could have understood what I just said and maybe we'll get to that part too and it's also sacred because it becomes the basis of a natural universal language and I'm saying that what we've discovered here what I'm about to tell you is the pre Tower of Babel universal language alluded to in the Bible that it's not mysterious and miraculous it's obvious and in fact I don't know why the universe works this way but the current issue of American scientists it's an article actually I shouldn't do this yet I won't do one other thing first people want to know why I have this hat on and I'm keeping Sabbath and keeping kosher if I'm obviously not really feeling like the kind of person that keeps rituals well I had this model and I couldn't figure out how to use it I was stymied and I happened to show it to a rather impressive Orthodox rabbi that was travelling in California and of course doing his job my background being Jewish he had an obligation Stan come on you're doing this work all these years you gotta keep kosher you got to keep the Sabbath you got to say the prayers it's only right you should do that don't be a baby be a mensch take on the obligations stop messing around and I say of course I can't do that I don't believe in this stuff how can I be a hypocrite that would be terrible but I thought about it I thought about it and I realized that that wasn't the issue you know if you drink the sweet water of the town well and I've been drinking this for 20 years by then and you're a healthy mature person you don't quibble over the architecture of the well or who built it or who owns it you're dependent on it everyone's dependent on it you pitch in and take care of it that's what you do how do you pitch in and take care of a spiritual tradition you stand up for it you say I join I'll be here I'll be counted Jesse Jackson says you can't just talk to talk he got to walk the walk so I said as a matter respect I'm drinking this sweet water I'm building my my career on researching this alright it's not such a big thing I can keep the Sabbath I can keep kosher I they killed all the king crab already anyhow there's nowhere left to eat I don't have you crab anymore I can do without without pork there's lots of good Jewish food substitutes it's not such a burden but you know this prior stuff I can do that but you got to put on tefillin when you say the prayers now at the fill in the phylactery are those boxes that you put on your arm and your forehead you see in the newsreels people at in Jerusalem wearing them Orthodox Jews and and I said rabbi look this is embarrassing funny but you know you can't back out right you got to play fair so one night down in the basement and no one was looking I said ok I'm gonna do it and so I'm sitting there and I'm putting this strap on my arm which is how you bind the caisson now the thing about the filling in the prayer is it follows immediately after the SMAW hear o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one it's what follows naturally from that point he put your hand over your eye and you say the Shema and then you read it and you've got the tefillin on and and and as you wouldn't the film is on you wrap it on your hand the strap and on your hand you're supposed to see like what a shame let it doll it and the letter yud and your hand and the strap in your hand in the strip oh my god Instant Karma drop my ego defenses and bingo the little flame model is a model hand some model hand it's a one-third chunk of this Apple of these tourist models which if we get a chance we'll talk about but there are most of the other tapes it's a hand you know what about a hand like I was saying before we started the tape you can always see your hand in your mind's eye you can always see what's in your hand in your mind's eye you can reach behind you you can tell a salt shaker from an apple from the fork most people can't if you haven't had too much to drink the traffic cop is not going to have a you know you can do this you know what your nose is I don't have to have my eyes open so when you put the this is a thicker model it's easier to see from the smaller models these are finger with those are hand with it's the same idea the edge of the curve is the same shape and just spread more when you put them flame in your hands on by the way where's the tetrahedron anybody ever see the opening move two fists and two elbows the corners of the tetrahedron you put in your hand you can immediately see it in your mind's eye takes a few minutes practice when you make different gestures with your own hands you see different outlines different shadows of the same model the fact you can see all the Hebrew letters and you know what each Hebrew letter has a name and the name of the letter pay make the letter pay it's name means mouth and you see it when you make this gesture that's the Hebrew letter pay now you'll see it my left hand I'll see it in my right hand so it's a symmetrical set this gesture produces the letter Zion anybody want to guess what Zion means how about project that's not a big secret if I were to spell Hebrew words using these gestures well you tell me what they mean I'm Christopher Columbus I tell people and you're the American Indians and it says in the Diaries they spoke the American Indians in Hebrew and everyone thinks that's crazy except Mormons who believe that American Indians of the Lost Tribes how could it be well the crew consisted of escaping Muslims and Jews they were escaping the Inquisition 1492 was when the Jews in the Moslems had to convert or be killed or driven out so the rich guys and the educated guys joined Columbus's crew and set off for why stay home it's gonna be bad so they knew if I'm right these gestures the letter shapes I get matched the handwriting that was used in Islamic Spain rushing like mana DS it's what's called and if I'm Christopher Columbus and I asked you to get me something like this would someone like to say what a kind of thing I want an adjective maybe something that is anybody for the tape come on Apple is good ground ground obviously ground yeah this is the Hebrew letter gimel for those who know Hebrew and this is the Hebrew letter lammott that's the doorbell gimel lammott spells round that's the root for the word round from a traffic cop and I do this everyone knows I mean come towards me fate olive vomit good means come towards me now not everything's that simple I'm picking examples that make the point obvious but I'm saying that the Hebrew and almost certainly the Greek and Arabic letters are based on hand gestures because hand gestures have natural meaning and I'm gonna say that the natural meat the meaning selected to be characterized by the letters were picked in a formal way to produce a complete system we might get to that I want to read a quotation now that I was about to read which I think makes the case now I've been saying this for about eight years now I think since just about after that we made the first tape here ten years ago this is uh in the current issue of the American scientist March April 1999 gestural origins of language human language may have evolved for manual gestures which survive today is a behavioral fossil coupled to speech now this is a very long and very fine article and it's actually not the one that I first spotted this was spotted for me by a friend but I'm going to read a subsection that's quoted in here from a paper that we got off the internet by asking the authors if we could have it this was announced in Scientific American last month and it's by Jana iris in at Indiana University in Bloomington and susan goldin-meadow University of Chicago Chicago why people gesture when they speak and I'm just gonna excerpt a little when people talk they gesture however individuals were blind from birth never actually see speakers moving their hands as they talk and thus have no model for gesturing here we show that congenitally blind speakers gesture despite their lack of a visual model even when speaking to a blind listening woo moreover the spontaneous hand movements that co-occur with speech are not random going further down we found that all 12 blind speakers gestures as they spoke despite the fact that they had never seen gesture at the blind group gesture the rate not reliably different from the sighted group and convey the same information using the same range of gesture forms for example speakers both blind and sighted tilted a c-shaped hand in the air as though pouring liquid from a glass to indicate that a liquid had been transferred to a different container now if you look on the charts that I gave you hopefully if I can find my copy of them you'll find that there's a gesture for the letter dollar which traditional meaning is door in which in operational meaning means to divide it literally means to pour out like what happens at a delta the Greek letter where river divides dilates dilutes all DLT routes Delta tallit dilute what a river divides out as it meets the sea in a delta it means to pour out and the gesture that I show on the chart for making the letter dalet is this that's exactly the same one as these researchers just found was congenital and there's the letter dollar that hasn't proved that the roll is safe but it proves that this is plausible and that there should be a range of gestures that could be universalized and that are quite natural and the idea of course is that there's an assessed center in the brain that generates both gesture and speech and in fact the article in American scientist is discussing the possibility that speech came second that the original language was gestures and that it later developed into speech and so early humans would have gestured before they spoke it's a very good article and it's quite complete and I recommend it so that's what we have here we have a natural universal gesture language turned into a formal system for recording and playing back meditational exercises which can become the true basis for a science of consciousness which in modern terms becomes a religion or several religions actually in fact that's also what this model talks about let me see if I want to check my notes to make sure I haven't skipped anything important and then I want to go a little further here a way to think about Hebrew since each letter has the name and meaning of its own is that words or sentences and we're dealing with acronym language that you can read the meaning of Hebrew roots letter by letter and as it turns out you more or less can now you don't get any o matic meanings but you get the kind of operational set of meanings which underlie the idiomatic meanings and which appear to be common to both the Hebrew and Arabic names the names of the Arabic letters are associated with the attributes of Allah so they're in a slightly different context but if you go back to the operational meaning you get basically the same system and the sets of meanings are based logically I don't know how many of you know the works of author M Young the reflexive universe but he lays out a a model of process on the seven colormap associated with the Taurus and I take his seven layers of process universal topological process natural process self-organizing process and I embed them between singularity and homeless making nine and I do that in three levels so you get 27 meanings and that produces a kind of matrix of meaning and you can actually read it off off the little will be killed the first level is archetypal the second level is spiritual the third level is physical so the first letter olive is all consciousness the next letter the first letter of the next level yard hand is personal consciousness will obviously talk more about that and the first letter of the third level level coof which literally means monkey is monkey consciousness mechanical thinking and the skull the vessel for consciousness and you can go through the whole set of the alphabet letter by letter and those same rules hold as you go through the layers as you go growth growth growth horizontally or vertically it's a true matrix that lays out meaning now and I'm saying that in an abstract space the 27 letters probably can be shown to correspond meaningfully in the sense that Arthur Young produces the geometry of meaning from his metaphor with the 27 lines to solve the general cubic equation which correspond to a set of 27 well you can say they're like vectors coming off a hyper sphere they're really not but it could be related so that what you have is a hyper sphere with a set of basic pointing directions coming off of it and because there's more symmetry variations in three and four dimensions than in higher dimensions whatever is sufficient to navigate by these distinctions in four dimensions would be sufficient for any dimensionality so these 27 little unit vectors that correspond to these meanings of the letters should be sufficient to form the base space for any quantum state vector in a Hilbert space now I don't know if that's true and someone who knows more physics than I do needs to work that out detail but it seems highly likely that that's the case particularly when you consider the possibility that the abrahamic and the brahmic traditions are actually related because in the brahmic traditions we have the Sri Yantra the mandala of creation which I pulled out the three dimensions and it consists of nine interlace triangles which unfurl from a Bindu point a toroidal point into a hyper sphere and of course nine triangles is 27 lines so I'm saying that this Sri Yantra which occurs in a allegedly 3d form although it's usually not shown properly really is an early way of representing the 27 lines to solve the general cubic solve the general cubic equation did they know that in the ancient world aren't I violently might what I said at the beginning this has to be known in the ancient world or I can't be right well it turns out that they did know it or it's likely they knew it there is evidence on the Rhind papyrus from Egypt which is the oldest mathematical document we have I think of their ability to solve simple cubic equations in some special cases and that's described in a book on Egyptian mathematics is it Gillings yeah I don't remember but if people wanted like I can dig up the reference on that and it turns out that in term in order to make calendars you need to you need to know certain things and they make calendars and we don't know exactly what their formalisms were but they did work out some of these things in special cases so they could have understood this there's also a more direct way to get to it which I'm not going to show tonight the same same with it with this this reciprocal spiral which shows up under the Eye of Horus reciprocal spiral means it's it's based on one over everything well Egyptian fractions were all won over and so this is the spiral that you get from the table of Egyptian fractions which is very nice and as I said earlier it can't be a logarithmic spiral because if a lot spirals to self-similar that includes the golden spiral can't be it can't be an arc median spiral because it also has too much symmetry although it's a cruder form it has to be this spiral and if you examine this this spiral very carefully you find that it shows up in many different places some of them very unexpected it's the archetypal wind up and pitch of David and Goliath it's the flight path of a bird of prey from a tree in an oasis in a desert out over the out to the horizon where it dives on its prey bird of prey lost itself on the air currents and so it spirals up and then dives and that's the same archetype but as I said and that's a process and all the words in Hebrew that describe a bird of prey doing that including the word for desert and the word for the vortex and the word for the bird itself and the word for the horizon a real spell of exactly the same letters I in race bait but people will say well it looks then this how can we know the evidence of this why isn't there any archaeological remains why didn't they write it down well they did write it down and there shouldn't have been in the archaeological remains one there were rules against making idols and two if I'm right about it being at the fillings strap tefillin is made is a leather strap if you found it on the ground made of leather scrunched flat you wouldn't know what shape it was a piece of leather it's leather dark that's all it looks like but it's been preserved and we've all seen it the great mathematical physicist mathematician physicist Dirac proposed an explanation for the reason that fermions like particles like electrons have spin of 1/2 takes two times around and come back to the same location same direction he said that that this was due to something which can't be called a Dirac string trick which Dirac himself compared to the plate trick or the philippine wine dance philippine wine dance it's also known in the Middle East as the flame dance you put a candle in your palm and obviously don't tip it over you put a glass of wine in your palm and obvious don't tip it over the idea is that you want to go around continuously in the same direction by being there going above and below your shoulder and no I won't do it with the glass of water that would be foolish well this is the Philippine wine dance well we've all seen the Cleopatra drawings it's not hard to believe that that's part of the same idea and we of course know about sufi dances and middle-eastern dances and this is a kind of universal thing most cultures have it if you were to actually look at the path of the dance I'm saying that this is the orbit of the dance well the Kabbalah says this book of formation which no one can make sense of says put five against five and everyone knows the five means hand and five against five will of course be like this it's simply two of the hand wells I left on the right hand that's the orbit of the dance and of course the direct straight trick a lot of stuff here what the Dirac string trick says is that you have an outer sphere and an inner sphere and they are connected by a ribbon which I probably can't draw very well and that if you curl up the ribbon I don't know if I can do it give it two turns and if it's stretchy which you can do is unstretched it by flopping it underneath and pulling it around and then it straightens out and that's why as you go around you do and undo the same curve you're connecting an inferior the eleventh verse of Genesis says God created a fruit tree yielding fruit whose seed is in itself this is a fruit and this is the womb big apple no it's not New York City it's a big handful it's a big apple I'm taking a chunk out of this Apple I'm pulling a serpent out of the apple on the earth plane which is the equatorial plane of the Apple otherwise known as Eden and of course I've got 12 fingers on the circle because I've got three hands in my model that comes from Genesis and we're going to not talk about that in detail so I've got 12 fingers on the circle on the edge of the earth plane 12 houses 12 nights 12 apostles 12 tribes old twelve round ones and I've got an upper and a lower and they rub against each other against a threshing floor where I could put grain down the middle Hamlet's mill and in this this Apple in the middle of the Apple of course I have the seed and if I'm going to map the lifecycle of the fruit tree onto its own fruit fruit tree yielding fruit whose seed is in itself well if that's the see the golden seed in the middle then this is the tree and this is the fruit a natural module of a living system and I could also map the stages of the whole alphabet onto this but we're not going to do that tonight now I think I actually have the quote here they tell us in the Bible not only that the Torah is a tree of life for those who grasp it grasp pulled in the hands tree of life recursive hierarchy but they also tell us if I can find it I should redo that quote anyway Moses said this is a pointing the architects to build a tabernacle Moses said to the Israel's God has selected betsa loyal son of early son of car the tribe of Judah and has filled them with divine spirit of wisdom understanding and knowledge a talent for all types of craftsmanship he will thus be able to devise plans and work in gold silver and copper in its century also will eventually be able to brocade embroider and weave so I'm saying that it's not that the Torah is in the tabernacle or in the Ark is that the Ark is in the Torah woven in and I'm saying that this is the golden point gold and silver and brass star son the Prophet the Temple Mount the seed and this part the part in the palm of the hand is the silver part Hebrew word for silver and what word for money kesef coughs off cough means palm and soft is the anus off the Sophia the Sufi the whole model hold and the word for copper or brass and the word for serpent is the same so this is the snaky part this is the copper and together they form the whole system now I'm also going to point out that this is true of all whole systems at all levels this is the hero's journey this is the perimeter of the earth plane the equatorial plane you descend to the depths and you fight your way back in seven sacred quest till you get home to the center it's a map of the external hero's journey and I'm going to suggest that that quest that set of tests that tests one's ethical behavior in the world is in fact the external transformation of the meditation in the mind that the reason religious traditions insist on ethical behavior thou shalt not mess up your neighbor is because that's how one externalizes what one experiences the meditation and the other way around two people who had equal death experiences come back humbled and more caring and more ecologically concerned and all of that more integrated their insides and their outsides are unified so this is the conceptual level clear thinking the seed this is the work level where the tree puts out a trunk and spreads its branches and the fruit is the result clear thinking hard work and what is the fruit - it drops from the tree it lets go and letting go clear thinking hard work and letting go that's the manifesting principle that's how you found your house - your car or your husband or your wife you know what you want you work like crazy to find it and just at the point you've given up the realtor calls and says I've got a house for you or a wife or a car or whatever it is you're looking for that well everything comes into the world that way whether you're conscious of it or not and you can read on the website something I call the three Abrahamic covenant and the car passing trick which tells you how you can use this principle to get by a slow driver without crossing the double Yodle or getting a ticket I mean Cynthia will tell you she's actually seeing police cars pull over it's got a cop get out of the car and shake his head where did I stop because nobody will pass the police car and you're really stuck going the speed limit if you come up behind the car well it's not only the manifesting principle but it's the proper relationship among the three major components of the Abrahamic faiths Judaism Christianity and Islam the seed clear-thinking the Covenant of the law is the Jewish covenant the tree the cross hard work passion and compassion Dharma that's the Christian covenant and it's the fruit of Islam and that fruit must fall to the earth let go Muslims let go submit to Allah yield up their egos when it falls the earth and breaks open it becomes the fertile ground for the new seed so this model predicts that when everybody's gotten it all out of their system it's the Muslims who are gonna rebuild the temple and they're gonna take pride in being the custodians for the Jews and the Christians the Muslim ideal is hospitality that's what they admire an Abraham and they see themselves they call themself it's the fruit of Islam that's their place and so they're gonna take pride in being the guaranteed guarantors of the system instead of adversaries and the Christian tradition understands it's the link between the two and its place in the world is pretty well known and the Jews are not going to be upset with the situation because they'll recognize their place in the body politic just like all the letters are different perspectives of this same model of the hand of God because after all when I make gestures and my ego isn't there the gestures are the gestures of God they're not coming from me just like the letters are different perspectives on the same model the organs in our body are different projections of the same common DNA my heart and liver appeared to be different they worship in different ways they have different religions but if they go inside they find the same common core you go inside the different vessels and you find the same light when you're climbing a holy mountain on the earth plane everything is diverse as possible things are all spread out they are many but as you approach the peak all the paths converge all the paths converge this is actually the model you get you get three hands above and three hands below the 310 tourists and the center column has the same twist as Bucky Fuller's model of DNA if you stack up 99 tetrahedra if you circumcised this column by slitting it and pulling it around you get this outline of an apple with a tree with a seed and so I'm saying that that's the basic model and it produces a set of six hands around the center point those are the six days around the Sabbath the still point in the middle this is the Temple Mount this is the Temple Mount and it's a whole system and so if each of these Western traditions goes deep into itself not listening to hate the others doing its own thing as best it can it'll come to a common core and realize it's part of a bigger body politic and my heart my liver and my lungs had better learn to get along with each other or I'm not going to last very long this is an ecological model it says that every people every nation has a vital contribution to make we haven't gotten the appendices or fingernails everybody here is a right to be here and as a place if they go deep into themselves or their own traditions they're gonna find something like the same model it's a truly universal model and they're many reasons to believe that I want to back away because this is getting awfully heavy and do something a little more experiential then I want to check my notes and I want to allow time for questions and for you to hear the music a bit so let's all go to the model in your pack and I'm gonna take a different one and you can do this at home later what you want to do is this is how you square the circle you can read the details in the blurb with a straight edge and a compass a circle made by a compass Illustrated and a line made by straightedge and we're gonna simply cut them out and fold them up hopefully I can do this fairly rapidly I want to do it from scratch so I can show you how to fold it up and so I'm not going to make this one as pretty as I might in fact I'm doing a terrible job take more time than I'm taking the idea is in the ancient world the most important riddle was how do you square a circle with a straight edge and a compass and there are scholars who think that the ancients were dumb and didn't know you couldn't do it and there's a few minority scholars who believe that they knew you couldn't do it and they were talking about it because they were pointing to something more subtle and I have some references that say both and before I do this I want to show you that it isn't as if they didn't leave us any record of this it isn't as if this isn't described the problem is that we have in our time only certain scholars who look at this stuff and they're all scholars of the Bell Arts and Letters literary scholars not scientists not geometers they don't recognize geometric metaphor and even if they noticed it they wouldn't know what his purpose was why is it important who cares but people in the ancient world weren't literate their big thing wasn't the story they were craftspeople they worked with their hands they naturally recognized geometric metaphor any housewife who braids a Halle Halle bread for the Sabbath or weaves clothing or is as a carpenter I think there's a good reason why Christians believe that Jesus was a carpenter he worked with his hands well people who do those sort of things recognize metaphors based on using your hands and there's no necessity for very high-level geometry here we're talking about the fact that a farmer knows that two legged stools fall over and three-legged stools stand up otherwise you can't milk Bosse at least it gets to be our Harold terrible mess let me read you a couple of quotes and I think they're in your packs so maybe I can find them there oh yeah I'm gonna read the other second the third one this was from the origin of letters and numerals according to the suffragettes hereby Phineas more Dell 1914 it's available from Samwise or copyright 75 the references are there we must conclude that the so-called Arabic numerals in the alphabet originated from the ten digits and the zero or rather from two symbols 1 and 0 the stroke and the circle knellman his essay on the origin of letters shows that all elementary characters or letters derive their forms from line and circle as I understand the Cepheid CRA it also holds that all written characters originated from a line in the circle but from a line that was originally a symbol for unity and a circle that was originally a symbol for 0 he's wrong it's actually homeless similarly we don't have to go on look anybody reading that any literate person would say gee gosh wish that's pretty obvious all the letters are made up of straight lines and arcs and leave it at that isn't that the natural obvious meaning of the quote a line in a circle you look at letters they have straight parts and they have curved parts it isn't as if they didn't write it down it's that the people doing the interpreting and translating for us didn't notice or look for or think there ought to be a deeper meaning and they didn't look for a deeper meaning because they presumed that the folks from the ancient world weren't very bright or knowledgeable they were simple enough to think that that was an important statement not an obvious statement and I'm saying the solution is much nicer the reason for posing the riddle wasn't because the Greeks didn't know you couldn't square the circle with a stray lesion a compass it's because they did know that you couldn't do it geometrically but that thinking about it philosophically recorded the fact that universal language is hand gesture language because when you take your circle and your line and you curl them up rather tightly curl up the circle if you've cutted that you can do this and you'll have to over call it so when it snaps back it holds its shape and if you bend up the line voila now I made some prettier ones earlier and we only have a couple more of these kits around and of course they unsprung themselves a little in transit but they're not bad that's that's the answer to the riddle it's a model hand that generates the sacred letters of the Western alphabets that you need if you're going to learn the meditation or make use of them for their cosmological models it's as simple as that this is the same model as is this is a little bigger I think it's got approximately one and a half turns you know you made it right when it comes to about the same level and the tour approximately parallel and you can make various gestures that make the letters with it so cut it out carefully and cut it out from the side with the sharp design so you get the right outline and Bend it gently so it doesn't crimp and you'll be able to make pair of hands and I'm saying that this is the solution to squaring the circle and reconciling the idea of the one in the many and as a model of the four letter name of God and the five letter name of God I've got lots more detail here we can go into the symmetry groups and the tourist knots I can show you white tetrahedron Tauruses go together we can unfurl some of the forms they didn't need any of the jaw any of the formal geometry you could do it by stacking oranges in the Agora you know how you stack fruit in the marketplace well that's cube octahedral sphere packing it turns out the cube octahedral sphere packs can be used to lay out the same forms to the same vortex forms very elegantly if you didn't get the curve from what I just said and you happen to worship the Sun God Helios Sun in the center the earth plane going around all that stuff the Plato's cave Helios the Sun God well it's very convenient if you take a sundial and you mark a spot at the same time every day that's the curve you get Helios draws his own curve experimentally to a person who would have common knowledge of how to make a sundial in the ancient world no analytical forms required now I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to shape the cone to get the right kind of vortex well if you assemble six of these hand models obviously I made the wrong hands in this let's take the other one six of the same kind these are identical now that could put the rest of the fingers in and you'd have a full basket and if you were to lay out the letter skip patterns and you write the tour on this the letters skip patterns would form concentric bands just like stripes on a Navajo rug so they'd have to do any heavy duty math to code the text coding it was simply a matter of looking at it - checking it anyway Oh another interesting point is you know how they wrote codes in the ancient world kept secret codes one of the most common ways general a would send a message to general B by taking a strap and winding it on a pole and writing across the windings and if general B knew the diameter of the pole in general they only sent the limp strap with a lot of miscellaneous stuff filled in the only way you could read the message was to wind it on the st. Paul and the second general would get the message well that's how you see the patterning in the first verse of Genesis these are the symmetry groups showing the letters a a be a as I told you early on they'd be a a a B a so that this was a form of coding that was known in the ancient world and used but they didn't wind it up just on a straight pole I think they wounded on this special scepter George comes to mind in the Eastern traditions this kiddush cup if they're all if it had all these spheres packed in it they'd be like grapes so we have our wine cup we have our Grail cup yes it comes with ass caliber right inside of it see it's Center column is this caliber and if you pull this out and flip it around you get the Levite sword dance very similar to some Sufi dances in modern sword dancing which I'm not going to demonstrate and the unit turn of this column this is 1/3 unit turn is exactly enough room for one letter each of the 22 letter Hebrew alphabet and turning it inside out into this 3d form leaves room for the other five final letters for the 27 letter alphabet so they need to transform like a group like a gluon and an event in super string theory now did they know super string very absolutely not but they knew that's basic topology from braiding Hollis for the Sabbath and milking cows yes they did and they could have checked it in meditation instead of at the cyclotron so they had a way to test it and they had an experimental science based on musical harmonies which paralleled the geometries if you earned to the music I highly recommend the work of Ernest G MacLean was a former chair of Music at Brooklyn College now retired who's written several really brilliant books showing tonal mandalas that are associated with Hebrew Greek and Arabic texts and Eastern Vedic material as well brilliant material these are sixteen carpet pages from the Leningrad codex which is the oldest Hebrew Bible in existence 2,000 years old it was taken from from Cairo and then ended up at the Hermitage in st. Petersburg long story you will notice that they are highly geometric in fact those who know some physics will recognize the baronial rings which invert to produce hyperbolic space you'll also notice various tourist knots and pre Kabbalistic drawings and of course the demyx scholars treat this is nothing but artistic embellishment and have never even looked at this sitting there in front of them and they've never even thought it was anything other than artistry so I would suggest there's a lot more to do to find out what all that means okay I'm gonna stop we have the music and why don't I take some questions first so you're now a true believer and we're all going to go out and have a revival meeting right reading Georgie Renaissance yeah Renaissance kabalists right in working with derivative versions that have been externalized but but let me say during the pre-christian the Islamic period in Spain there is considerable evidence that Jewish and Christian and Muslim researchers worked together very closely and knew and appreciated each other's material and translated for each other yeah was the insertion yeah I mean it's a four-letter name to give the name Jesus yeah with what that does it turns to be sin because they're kind of courses of this list something right yeah I've seen that well one can play with that and there is geometric metaphor associated with it but I guess since you've asked I should tell you what my take on the Christian story is because this reflects on it the in terms of Muslim tradition this is a model of Muhammad's night flight to Jerusalem he rides the Steve Barak his horse is named Barack Barack is mistranslated as emerald as in the Emerald Tablet which is what this is also describing the Barack actually means lightning bolt this is the lightning bolt this is the Temple Mount this is the path of the night flight in the Christian tradition every one of the geometric attributes of the model maps on to the Christian story the locations or the people involved the center point is obviously Jesus the whole shaded area is the manger but it's also the supper table that passes over a table with the twelve apostles around it in Hebrew the word for tower is mig dal this is the tower in the middle this is Mary Magdalene she connects between Jesus and the apostles she is in some people's renditions some sort of holy prostitute that's because she has a male aspect and a female aspect and connects between the whole form is Golgotha the skull and the homunculus of the hand fits right over and this becomes the spinal column and this becomes the site of the motor cortex that controls speech and hand motion so this is called Gotha this the skull I have a more detailed model that shows the Mari the rivers that perform a womb for the figure inside and what I'm saying is that what Jesus did was essentially the same thing as rabbi Akiba story of rabbi Akiba is that he and three companions did the meditation nobody knows where it is or what it I'm saying the only place an Orthodox rabbi would look for a meditation if they didn't want to get hit by fire from heaven would be in the Torah otherwise it's lost so what Akiba does is he does the meditation and he goes to par days to the orchard Paradise is the English word par days garden of eden is considered to be paradise parties parties is an acronym for four levels in Torah study other pay means the simple meaning the race means hence the ballot D means discussion and s at the end means is sought is the foundation your Sode Sode Sode on the Kabbalistic level a person who can go through all four levels who can hold the whole text in their mind like Toscanini could hold a symphony in his mind or Mozart could generate one all as a unit can do the meditation the first meditator died in the meditation didn't come out of it was too wonderful didn't come back the second guy comes back through space case a basket case can't function at all out of it third guy occur the other sometimes compared to Jesus in Jewish tradition under some conditions comes back with his mind intact but he no longer is open to Jewish spirituality he goes his own way and rabbi Akiba is the only person who enters whole and balanced and therefore comes out whole and balanced don't enter Chapel perilous with weapons we saw it in star wars you don't go to this place defended so if you enter it and balance it in peace you can do the trip excuse me and come out of it Akiba eventually designates den kasuba is Bar Kochba son of the star when cos he was a Jewish general fighting the Romans the star we're talking about is this point in the center the temple now the avatar the messiah and he appoints been casillas Bar Kochba the Jewish Messiah who in the story in Judaism is killed by the Romans end of story I already have Ken Thanks thank you the story of Jesus is the same story it was Constantine that deified Jesus Jesus is in my opinion a rabbi who was an avatar who could do the meditation and who because he taught in his own name offended the rabbi's and was sent away but basically was teaching the same thing I don't think Jesus was asking for worship he was asking people to follow his path well the path is the meditation is the hero's journey it's the path that Moses is said to have written down it's where a kiva obviously looked it's the path that Muhammad followed followed on Barack to the Temple Mount the same thing what I'm saying is if you read through the Christian Bible you find descriptions of the same geometric metaphor if you read through the corner and you find it you find it in Rumi's description of the Mevlevi sufi round dance you find it in the discussion descriptions of the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus Hermes is Hiram Hiram built the temple for Solomon according to some people you find it in the Grail legends you only see the Grail when your particular state of consciousness you only see the arc when you're a particular state of consciousness we're talking about the same model it's a model of ego death Moses is said to have merited receiving the Torah because he was the humblest of all people why was he the humblest of all people well compared to the infinity of God everybody is infinitely humble because by definition this is an infinitely potent point same is true of a teacher like Jesus whose main characteristics were this completely open compassion he let him you know turn the other cheek be totally humble the reason Moses beats Pharaoh was very very interesting Pharaoh and Moses had the same education about the world they knew all the magical the high teachings all the priestly teachings of Egypt that's all I don't know where I have it here anymore that's all L Oh Kim that's all the 5-letter name that's all external in the world they had the sciences but Moses recognized the one God and was infinitely humble while Pharaoh didn't and acted on his own volition and therefore Pharaoh loses and Moses wins and so this is a matter of an ego death a you milk humbling that humiliate a humbling experience unexpected keeper is killed by the Romans were being skinned alive about a thousand years later in the court of James the first of Aragon a disputation is ordered by the Holy Inquisition they picked Pablo Christian II against mock Monte's the Kabbalists and leader of the Jewish community Monte's is forced to admit that the Talmud says that the Messiah is going to be born when the temples destroyed and so Christianity asked them well what's your problem with Jesus the temple was destroyed there's this guy did this know what's your problem and like mana D says a person doesn't act in the world when they're born so Christi is a little where's he been waiting all this time where is your Messiah and luck mana D says he's in con Adan in par days in the meditation each of us reaches the greeter the answer amorphous ization of the messiah in our own ego death experience perhaps in meditation perhaps by psychedelics or by yoga perhaps by trauma and we come back healed and home surely that's a valid basis for a whole range of spiritual traditions and I'm saying that's something like this is what's going on here already a lot of other questions huh but I won't take something for you yes no sounds like this yes the R theta curve produces the original model the simplified one is the circle in line and when you make the annular ring when you make this ring one-third of the radius there's room for the other two and they naturally make this cop now you know again this is Orion thank you for asking that in the ancient world we assume they didn't have analytic geometry they didn't have algebraic functions how do they know how to make that curve well they made it by a construction I wish I had a string that I could use that was loose but let's say you had a stick sitting on the desert floor and you had a string connected to one edge and you walk perpendicular and pulled it something like this let me draw it on board we don't need this guy anymore here's your stick sitting on the origin and here you are here's a string and you're gonna pull it this way and so you start pulling this point out what you're going to find is this sort of thing right that's what the track tricks as you well know if you rotate a track tricks to reduce the surface both sides of the origin you get a pseudo EU or you pseudo sue you're a sphere is a surface of constant positive curvature everything is always a positive radial distance from the center the pseudo sphere is a curve of constant negative curvature its inverse we're talking about relating inverses at every stage here embryology proceeds by invagination turning inside out between stages of growth and this is also the embryonic spiral it matches the shape of an embryo so by simply pulling a stick in the sand you generate that shape the way I make this curve by pulling this guy up and letting it rotate at the same time naturally makes the pseudo sphere out line solving a riddle that had made me crazy for a long time how did they know how to make the cone shape and what's the correct shape no I haven't and it's in someone should and I don't know if you were here earlier but Sri Yantra it should be there I think the brahmic and abrahamic pads are had a common origin or at least had a lot of cross fertilization and that the eastern systems are going to turn out to be complements and taught up to the Western systems and so also American Indian and indigenous religions all over the world everybody dances around the campfire dances around the campfire and dances around the campfire everyone does these things I'm saying that this is a model of a general projective principle naturally linking consciousness in physics and as a principal whose shape is dependent on this basic geometry and topology it's universal and can be embodied in any form as they quoted from Spencer Brown any form so dolphins don't have hands but they're self-aware we think they'd use acoustic pressure waves to point to their solar plexus to make a letter A or etc but it would be the same set of symbols in the full system elephants might use their trunks I don't know and of course we know that gorillas and chimps use their hands Coco can use sign language and it's in partly in the article here too and there's two other books on hands that are really important one is by Frank Wilson called the hand and another one is I forget the name hand in mind I think by guy named McNeill and they talk about tool-making and magic tricks and musicians and all these these dance or all the uses of a hand and what it implies very well done the material next I recently listening to some of my Birds tapes yes and he the large the six that follows is the generation of the subsequent six fears the The Tree of Life is generated by taking the two ways you can make the seven colormap and putting them on the same torus and you get ten crossing points which if you want for our layout the tree I don't want to comment on berg because I don't have anything nice to say but that doesn't mean everything he teaches is wrong this side anybody I'm gonna you know the letter and then the word adverse yeah the first one I did I called the temple Tinkertoy and I built it out of an old tinker toy kit and it had these left and right symmetries and the spiraling arms and it wasn't very elegant but it laid out a little symmetry I could find and it took me how many years Cynthia maybe almost 10 years to reduce that to these patterns it was very painful I had to try thousands of combinations and I was not easily satisfied because I'd be cheating if I were it was the AAA beep be a pattern it was this repetitive introduction of the same letters here look I'll show it to you yeah I'll show it to you I'll shut you let me let me erase a little here which we don't need and I'll show you exactly what I saw as caught my eye goodbye Fourier transform by Heisenberg this is the way that verse continues you say this is here this they now tell us means created but I couldn't understand why there was such a quick repeat it seemed out of place and there were several others like that and then when I did a looking I discovered that the letters weren't introduced into the text in the normal distribution thank you for coming people in fact is a letter I was mentioning this earlier when I first noticed that the letters paired off the rage in the lawmen went together race is a 201 count in the law it is 102 and they're mirror image letters and if you look at the sentence it's racially schlomit race one race another racial lammott and then way out here is another race so you get this a a B a pattern which is the weaving pattern that I've eventually found well there are letters that you would expect to see that don't show up when you look for letters in fact when you get to the I think it's the file HUF which is the two one one letter you would expect to find in the same sentence if this map if this model were correct the 1 1 2 letter the summer but this letter doesn't show up I told you I laid out criteria early at the beginning that I could test to see if this was worth doing well one of my criteria was that if we're taught that the Torah is a tree of life for those who grasp but it's going to have some qualities like a tree and the most obvious quality grass but now obviously means means to hold it in your hand in fact Moses brings down the two tablets Bayardo in one hand in his hand nothing like that not like Charlton Heston sorry trees unfurl in golden mean proportions that's pretty common so I conjectured that there was going to be a quality to this text that had markers at golden mean counts in the letter sequence my original ideas and I had already realized that that letter corresponds to a golden function in the Greek alphabet but I don't want to show it to you now but the f the die gamma and I can't say that the Greek name I don't remember it's Chaya sigh I don't even know how to pronounce it it's one of the letters in the middle corresponds to the golden function letters but this letter didn't show up now it's a fairly common letter not the most it begins the word for book suffer safer it doesn't exist in English by the way that's the missing letter it's another s sound but there's no English equivalent for it there is a Greek equivalents so I started counting this was before computers I bought a copy of the Hebrew Bible and I put a little number above each letter and I counted out now in ordinary use the sum occurs every hundred hundred fifty odd letters in the Bible but I'm counting in 150 letters no Sonic I'm counting in three hundred letters no Sonic 500 letters no Sonic finally I find the first Sonic at two thousand two hundred and seventh position well the trouble is that - 206 I mean has a calculator can check it it's almost an exact power of development mean and occurs in a word whose name was word that means surround encircle so bade and the shape of the letter is pretty much a circle so I said gee that's really anomalous and it also fits this geometric metaphor idea so that was one of the original coding things the other thing I did was music it's just sure myself so it was an order a hero book coding that I used as a test I didn't do anything else I couldn't find anything else one more question yeah please I think the hamsa is as it a hamsa is an amulet this is terrible and and they write Hebrew letters all over it and it's a magical amulet I think the magical and alchemical material is a bastardized version of what I'm talking about on some of the hamsa IME let's you will find a table three by four table which lays out permutations of the four-letter name good hey bub and hey but taking three at a time it turns out if you were to label a tetrahedron with those letters at its apex this is hard to see the twelve edges mapped the table on the hamsa amulet so it's a kind of condensation of some of the geometry in a kind of degraded form in my opinion I don't know enough of that I think that this whole model is very ancient I think that this is this predates Judaism that this idea of using a formal hand gesture language probably goes back before Abraham and was lost and found and used it was a formal language not used for speech initially it probably wasn't clarified in formalizes we know it now until it became the alphabet for recording Torah scrolls but the principle would have been known there there are hands coming off the Akhenaten solar disk remember and I think that's pretty strong evidence since I'm saying that this is the Sun in the middle and these hands do come off a solar disk in that metaphor so I think that this goes back right for you see the problem isn't the technology the good guys the bad guys everybody finds the same science in every age if they look deeply enough but what makes the religious tradition special is the way they embody this teaching there are traditions that try to run off and just do the technical stuff and they don't want to have any ethical considerations well they don't survive because the ethics is the external manifestation of the meditation and if you shock the AK ethics you can't reach the meditation the reason that Judaism Christianity and Islam continue and other related faiths is because they become living systems they've created a vessel that self generates this is an oak tree that yields acorns that protect the germ of the next oak tree and any system that reaches that level is part of this covenant that's what it's saying it's not a magical thing it's a real thing good help okay we should another one in go quickly a quirky anybody a quirky please no I think the start date yeah I think there's a relationship I think Nathaniel this is Fuller's of course what's not directly from Philip but this is the lead cube octahedral jitterbug that Bucky fuller likes to point out the octahedron he wants the octahedron and come on there and you look across it you see the double star you see and the larger the struts between I think professor Hellerstein here has a whole paper on paradox logic and it's unfoldment through this double star of david' form and i'm sure he would love to give you a copy of his paper yeah there's a 3/8 torus knot is one of the one of the carpet pages stay I think yeah but it's next to the Leicester this is backwards this turns out to be the 3/8 torus knot which is directly related to this is a 310 torus knot very very close the torus knots by the way are associated mathematically with the platonic solids and the symmetry groups that relate to them so that this actually has not in formal meaning to that what you're thinking about yeah maybe I should play the music and let's just somebody with an aching question there's more on the website we have some videos of the earlier talks marrow has no ongoing funding so we accept contributions if you need a tax deduction we are legit you can get one go to the website mmm excuse me well I'm doing it because I asked God if there was anything I could do to help and drop this on me and I couldn't walk away from it and because I believe thank you for refocusing the question I appreciate that I don't think that this is a panacea this doesn't in itself solve problems or make us love each other or care about each other but you can't solve a problem unless you have a model and ideal a sense of where you're going this infinite anomaly I erased it is the ultimate focal point it's a common definition that doesn't offend anybody that can enable us to stretch between singularity and wholeness and so I see it as an ecological principle that's a vital part of planetary ecology and that if it becomes known and appreciated will inspire the populations to act on it just like we believed the law of gravity it's about time we took the golden rule as a rule of nature and not just an empty admonition and this demonstrates it might well be
Channel: Meru Foundation
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Id: J6OsDczx5iM
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Length: 117min 35sec (7055 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2016
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