Transcending the Wheel of Karma (2009)

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[Music] well I'm trying to tell people it's don't get scared I'm not saying everybody's wrong this is like a rising tide it raises all ships that only swamps those with holes in their hulls there's a throwaway line I use it a lot it's not so I didn't just make it up the idea is that the tradition is are all over the place but they include most of what they include had has a basis but it's become distorted then mixed in with nonsense and they're all so ancillary teachings which may or may not be true but even if they are true to stop at that level is damning by faint praise you know the rabbi's teach if I'm getting this right that the reason that astrology is banned it's not because it's false but because it works the problem is people start relying on astrology and forget about your rot Hashem fear of God they forget they don't real and now I'm gonna tell you why that's that's a mistake this is the beauty part and they want to mention Arthur Young first Arthur says weakly physicist that created the bell helicopter rotor system and founded the Institute for the Study of consciousness and we've supported us for a while and he passed away well Arthur taught two things that were very important one the first sign of volition is saying no a child acquiesce is you don't know if the kid is just going to get the carbs there or not but if someone says no I don't want any more food then there that's the first sign of concha that's the first choice is negation that's why you have this negative space the other thing Arthur did is he identified the quantum of action the photon or other quantum mechanical particle with the quantum of conscious volition a unit of choice so we're gonna find out that photons each carry one quant one unit of the quantum of action one unit of potential quantum mechanical choice when you make a choice then the wave equation collapses using old language it's being replaced now the Hebrew equivalent to something called tall the letter 10th means if you look in the dictionary the name Tet means serpent it means a constrictor it means bound and LAN it is to learn or to teach low made it's bound learning it's a unit of information so the idea is the folk there's a constant stream of photons that the send that rain on the plant life that use the chlorophyll and other means because it's not the only path there parallel paths to get their order and what's left over they radiate back and give away back to the all there is and we we get our Negin trippy because we we consume the plant life in the same sense as the plants operate from the physical Sun to the physical sky which is by the way the zodiac Hebrew word Tzadik st. you know the one with the halo on his head zodiac exotic the letter t' sati saint halo heavens cycle this is the wheel of karma the big k can't get off the wheel of karma if you're a vegetable you can't get off the wheel of karma if you've been caught up well here's here's the Hebrew word for negative for negativity Satan the expression of being bound forever all it means is to have lost you free well it's all that word means is that have your free will taken from you the worst punishment to a creature that's previously had free will is to take it away the gift given it even is withdrawing well to be locked on to the wheel of karma is to repeat is to not know history to repeat the same mistakes over and over again to pass on the injuries of your own childhood to your children in turn and not be able to break the wheel of karma what breaks the wheel of karma the introduction of novelty the ability to make a choice units of tall units of information this 3 4 5 triangle on the top is an axe head it's the head of a hammer that shatters the wheel of karma it's the sword in the stone the sword is the axis and this is this is the blade that's a little hokey I'm not not standing on that it's the demonstrate most of what I'm telling you with stuff on I'm saying it's precisely so when I'm saying something that I don't I'm not sure of its that speculation I'm going to try to tell you because I need to say it because it helps to enable people to understand what it might be slippery there are coincidences here they're inevitable people do things we're humans we make different choices the idea is that the wheel of karma is where the idolaters and the pagans are locked on to they don't recognize the transcendent Sun that supplies us with photons that we can make choices this is the matzah the mitzrayim the flat space of Egypt where Pharaoh thought he was God didn't know God so there was no way for Pharaoh to break the wheel of karma those his chariots were swamped
Channel: Meru Foundation
Views: 5,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UXtcTg5VEE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2018
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