SQL Server DBA Tutorial 47 - SQL Server 2022 Database Cluster configuration Part 1/3

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hello everyone welcome to Cha's SQL Server DB tutorial in this video we we are going to learn how to configure the domain controller active directory for SQL Server always on availability group so begin with uh the requirement we have we need the three server first server we'll just use as a domain controller and active directory so I'm creating the Ed server and uh second server I'm going to use the primary node for the SQL Server Al on avity group and third server I'm going to use the that is the secondary server so that will be the data will be uh replicated to server one to server two means that that will be in cluster so here we need the three server server name I'm giving the Ed server and second is SQL Node 1 SQL node 2 I will give the IP address later now and in this article we'll explore the following topics domain controller active directory and join the server so SQL Node 1 SQL node 2 in the configure domain so what about the domain I will just use here so I'll just connect with the domain second is assign static IP for all virtual sub machines third is disable firewall setting fourth is validate and create a cluster so we need this uh for this this we need the three virtual machines that's all will be the power on and we should not know about the domain controller active directory and IP configuration basic knowledge we need that so enable domain controller active directory and virtual Machin for SQL Server always join avability group before enabling this features and role let's brief uh review about this description so what is the domain controller a domain controller server all the security authentication request for a Windows Server domain it is it an organization each server is the member of the domain controller so just now I'll use the chag in so that will be I will use the domain and all the related servers will be the inside the uh j.in so we use the fully qualified domain name fkd that is a fully qualified domain name and the format will be the server name do domain name so we'll go through that and DNS remembering the IP address of of server can be challenging for example connecting to cha. in j.in this is my domain name I'm going to use this so it's a more straightforward than memorizing the IP address Associated name with the IP address use the DNS as standard method and active directory it is a control that uh includes organizational units for all users their credentials and group all users must authenticate themselves to access organization resources so I already created three servers so I have created three virtual machine addit server and uh this one the node one node two now I need Ed server first so I'm go going through the Ed server remaining server I'm going to sh down if you want then okay so let me access the ID server so I'm giving the name given the name of the ID server let me check the IP address first so this is a 192 168 61.1 161 I need the remote control for This Server so for the remote control first go to the local server and here you can see the remote control is the enable so this is previously disabl just just example I'm going to the second server node one so node one I'm just going to configure the remote and IP address and disabling the firewall rule so password is default admin at that 1 23 so static IP I'm going to put 192.168 61161 so this is the so similar I'm going to put 161 this 2 and I'm giving the IP 4 1634 Noe 2 so this I this IP series I'm going to use now let me go to the second server go to the network adapter setting or you can go through the direct run command run ncpa.cpl so it will directly open right click on that go to the properties four go there and here I'm going to put insert the IP address 192.168.1 16 uh 61.1 162 DNS 4.2.2 do2 I'm going use that default DNS okay close this one let me go to control here I'm going to disable the firewall turn off the firewall Defender okay now I'm going to en uh check the IP CMD this is uh other series but I don't have any problem with that I'm going to restart this one before doing that let me open the remote control this is a remote desktop is disabled I'm going to enable allow one more thing I'm going to change the name also this is a node one so I need the name so rename the PC SQL node one next restart now similarly I'm going to configure the SQL node 2 let me check again this is node one just uh server is restarted okay this is taking the dynamic IP address so let me disable the D Dynamic IP address services.msc or dscp client is running I'm going to disable this one meanwhile let me okay let it restart let me complete the node one first okay still IP address different Auto configuration in IP address 4 let me check with the ncpa CPL here go to the properties Network IP version six I don't want to remove that one that's not issue and uh let me enable disable and enable i p c o n f i g ip config still [Music] one so I'm going to disable that one let me check with the all IP addresses so IP CF ip config SL all [Music] 1710 not one there a 162 is there there prefer duplicate so okay maybe let me check with this system IP address Note two okay 162 is taken by node 2 so let me uh change this IP address here first I want this uh here 163 let me check with the data 163 192.168 do 61.1 163 4.2.2 do2 [Music] close now let me uh configure the remote control firewall so firewall also now let me change the name name this is a Note 2 rame to PC SQL node 2 services. MSC I'm going to disable the dscp DNS sorry DCP is there okay apply okay restart now and this one also let me restart because this is a dup because of duplicate also Auto configuration is not taking so here you should knowledge about the IP add uh IP address configuration assign the static IP to all virtual machine disable the firewall and valate and create class this part we will go later so all the virtual machines have the static IP should be there let open admin at the1 123 is the password login admin 23 so server is open now wait for the server manager that's server manager open let me check with the IP or otherwise we have to uh disable the auto configuration ip config yeah 162 is there IP is correct now this one ip config 163 is there let me ping from the outside CMD ping 192.168 do 61.1 162 yeah able to Ping 163 and the Ed server IP is61 everything is pinging now now first uh I'm first I'm going to configure the domain controller and active directory for the SQL server on group so that will be in Ed server so I'm going to sh down this to server for now because it will take some resources let me check with the mstsc this is coming or not 161 is okay that is already configured 162 yeah I'm able to take the remote control for 162 let me check with the 163 163 is the my Note 2 SQL node 2 okay 162 not 162 163 so now remote is enabled for 162 Node 1 and node 2 both the server I'm going to set down node one or note two now I'm going uh in last I'll just configure that time I will turn on the both the server so sh down 162 you can above you can see the 192 160 61 163 what the server is down now now I'm going to access only see both the server are down now I'm going to access the Ed server that is I'm given the name for the Ed server so the server IP is 161 so this is my Ed server I forgot to change the name so here I'm going to change the name so computer name a I'm giving the name for edit server so computer name is edit server click on okay okay then close it will ask you the restart now so I'm going to restart then I I'm going to configure the Ed server again it won't take more time go there let me check this is restarting so restarted let me connect with the remote control remote desktop connection now I'm going to start the main configuration before we just uh we have done for the remote access only remote access and name change and IP address assigning so that is not a part of the uh this one important part because you should know about the configuration small configuration means IP chage and uh uh this one installation of VMware virtual machine me already video is already there in YouTube so you can go through that now our part is is starting so here here we'll just uh do that so configuration domain controller and active directory for SQL Server availability group so I'm working with the server one that is require the server for configuration domain controller and active directory so I'm going through that and here you can see this is my IP address and if I'm changing that then I'm working with the Ed server this is my IP address and this is domain controller and active directory so here first thing click on add on roles and features so so add Ro and features vard will come then go to the next Ro based feature installation go to the next next so so here I'm going to CMD ping 4.2.2 do2 internet okay generic failure is coming let me configure the internet 192.168 61.1 so that will be the Gateway okay 4.2.2 do2 still I'm not able to get the connected connected net and host and this network connection State let me check with the this one use the share of the host IPS if I'm going to click on the bridge no let me configure that one first leaveit so here we need to configure the active directory so active directory domain services dscp and DNS three things I'm going to do so active Direct active directory domain services dscp and DNS click on next no need to change anything here all the whatever selection we have done all the selection will come here so Ed DS dscp and DN DNS so go to next confirmation and here we'll just click on the select on the this one if restart needed then okay so it's starting so installation started in Ed server so installation started on ad server wait for some time 64% so this will be the my DNS server so DNS I'm going to uh g.in okay configuration requ uh required so this is the success edit server and then close now click on here here I'm going to promote This Server as a domain controller so click on the domain controller open this one so here is a three option so we need the this one is a Ed server or so I'm going to select the add as a new Forest this is my new domain name Chira doin so all the servers will belongs to cha. in next so next okay so not need to change anything so type the password for uh this one wait for some time this is loading okay so populated so now I'm putting same password you can give as for your requirement password will be there go to click on next so no need to change anything here click on next so net bi domain name will come here so cha will come here tox no need to change click on next so this is the location for the ad ads database log file and C volume so we have only C drive only so no need to change anything click on next here review a selection all the SE selection whatever you did just like uh CH netv domain name CH and this is the global we selected and this is the path for that so everything will be there and if you view the script you can click the script so click on next for it will take some time okay this is completed all prequest check passed successfully so I'm going to install now after installation it will automatically ask for the reboot because now I already I configure the domain name so domain name is.in let it complete so here in local server you can see that the computer name is this one and work group is work group okay so after restart it will change let it install securing machine software okay you are about to sign out the computer being restarted because active director domain service wi install or remove if you are installing the active directory domain or removing the active directory domain it will ask you the restart so if I'm clicking the close automatically it will restart so let it start it will take some time for the restarting because it will configure the all the things applying computer settings what about the changes we have done for the and whatever the requirement required for active directory it will configure that I he for okay completed now I'm going to access 161 okay Ed server is configured so I'm going to login with the ad server so what is my domain name cha SL Ed no no no my password is not taking let me configure the Ed server first inside there okay with the domain only I can configure here cha I'm going to put it in capital letter yeah now I'm logg in with the Ed server with the cha name here you can check in the local server there is a work group is changeed to j.in so this is my domain name now so I'll just change the network configuration as required so CMD I IP Co n fig ip config so there is a gateways something and IP address is this and net Mark so here we need to change because this is itself is a domain so here we'll change into I'll remove the Gateway no need of Gateway and here the prefer preferred uh DNS is because this server itself is a domain server okay so completed now let me run again IP config so configuration is changed so IP address is this and the is a net marks and Gateway is nothing now next so Ed server uh the DNS is configur domain name server now I'm going to configure the reverse lookup Zone in DNS 4 DNS 4 SQL Server Al on availability group so here the is option is DNS Ed server there is a reverse lookup so open the reverse lookup zone right click on that and go to the new Jone click on next there's a primary Zone click next all domains running uh running the domain controller of the name of ch. in or DNS servers so click on next IP version 4 look up go to the next here we need the network ID so same series I'm going to put 19268 61 okay so I'm going to put the network ID do this the same series click on next click on next now I'm going to finish this one so this is a lookup type is reverse click on next so this is configure so next I'm going to create a user for active directory and assign the do domain admin permission to SQL server on group I'm going to close this one right click on that and I'm going to dsa.msc so here act active directory users computers so go to my domain is.in go there here option is there users right click on users go to the new I'm going to create new user okay so I'm going to give the name ad admin here user log on name is Ed admin and that will come with the/ ad admin just remember that whenever I'm going to login this system so I'll just j/ ad admin I'll go through that so click on next here I'm giving the password give your uh some good password for that user must change password at the next login no if you want then you can use password never expired I'm going to click next click on finish so user is created Ed admin now I'm going to open the domain admins this is my domain admin and domain admin double click on that the add admin I'm going to add the member of domain admin so click on administrator add here I'm going to check add admin check so add admin is coming so click on Okay click on apply you can check here add admin is there administrator is there both both the admins are there click on okay now I'm going to add this user to my administrator also so all domains are already here let me add this user so go to your computer management already there no need to change okay dis management is there okay no need to change so now now I'm going to start the node one and node two for adding this both the servers to this domain node one and node two as discuss this part is completed now I'm adding this two servers to the same domain same DNS 162 the part of the 161 means DNS of 161 163 also be the part of the cha dotin my system is somewhat slow that is a start 2 BMS are starting okay node 2 is started node one is also started now I'm going to get the remote control 162 also access the 163 so this one is node one 162 is node one now I'm going to the network configuration ncps CPL ncpa.cpl here it will come go to the properties ty4 here I'm going to change the DNS because I'm going to put into the same domain so my domain is 192 168 6161 so this will this is my DNS server IP address click on okay okay same thing I'll do with the 163 server right click on your adapter go there 192 168 61. 161 now this part is completed now I'm going to add SQL Node 1 into my domain name go there local server click on work Group Change my domain domain here k.in click on okay so it will pass uh permission for the domain name so add admin admin at theate 1 23 I give I have given the simple password yeah welcome to j.in domain click on okay you you must restart the domain to apply this changes click on okay close restart now similar I'll do with the node 2 SQL node 2 okay there is a wrong name I have given SQL not to let it restart I'll do it again so this one note two because of wrong name I just change the name for okay SQL not2 is there computer name there work group is work group here also we'll change I think we change the IP address or not let me check again okay this is uh DNS server IP address I already inserted so now change domain JX doin click on Okay add admin admin at that 1 2 3 click on okay okay welcome to domain restart needed close restart now let me check with the 162 that is a SQL node one so now I'm going with the domain name my domain name is cha SL add admin admin that 1 2 3 for 163 is also ready I'm just going to connect this one also go to the more choices different user j/ add admin click on okay now go to the local server now you can check my domain work group is changed to domain domain is the.in so if you click here also if anywhere if you click add roles and features also here you'll get the SQL node 1. cha. in so this is my in domain inside the domain of chak dotin and similarly we can check with the 163 server let it open so our first part is completed in this part we have learned configure domain control ER direct for SQL Server always on availability group and second part we'll just learn configure failer cluster and storage controller and km controllers for the SQL Server Al on availability group so let let me check with the node SQL node 2 so yeah this is the uh domain name .in so in this video we have learned domain control uh configure domain controller active directory for the SQL server on availability group and we have three servers three servers IP is this one node one is 161 162 is node uh sorry node one is 162 and node 2 is 163 this is the Ed server all the configuration uh basic configuration is done for domain control and active directory next part we'll just go through the configure F cluster storage controllers and quum uh configurations so thank you for watching
Channel: Chirags Tutorial
Views: 114
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Keywords: Chirags Tutorial, Chirag Technology Tutorial, Chirags, DBA Tutorial, DBA Tutorial Chirags, DBA Tutorial Learning, DB Mirroring, Database Mirroring, SQL Server Mirroring, SQL Mirroring, DBA Education, DBA Tutorial Free, Database Tutorial, SQL Server Log Shipping, SQL Server Log Shipping Remove, SQL Server Database Tutorial, SQL Server DBA Tutorial, Microsoft SQL Server Database Tutorial, Chirags DBA Tutorial, Chirags Database Tutorial, Chirags SQL Server Database Tutorial
Id: 2t2GlCQyCPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 3sec (3303 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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