How to Configure Failover Cluster in Windows Server 2019 - Step by Step

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hello as you know my name is kinds on the genus and today i'm going to take you step by step on how to configure failover cluster in windows server 2019 step by step so first i'm going to show you the setup i'm going to be using the site that i'm going to be using is a full node setup so we have the first node is going to be our active directory our domain controller the first node is node one we have node two so these two nodes are they are going to participate in the fill of a cluster and we have no tree to be our storage node configured to hold the storage disks now how to set up this network is also is also right there on my website so let me just show you just in case if you want to get to my website you can actually just go to google and type kind of genius i can easily get to my website right here and you can find this page so if you get to my website to simply let's see okay it's taking some time to load okay so you simply scroll down a little bit you can find all this uh interesting stuff or you can search you can use as such to find whatever you are looking for you can find to find tutorials you want to take but today let's focus on what we have today let me explain how this works if you are joining me for the first time i would like to recommend you subscribe so that you don't miss any updates from me so we have node 1 is going to be when this node 1 fails then automatically node 2 is going to start working if node 2 fails automatically node 1 is going to start working and this node 3 holds the disks because in the fellow bar cluster you need uh disks so this disk can actually be placing node one or two but since the disks holds the actual information is better we have them outside on another storage uh node which is configured as a storage uh server so how to do this configuration is also right there in the description box and right in my website so let me show you all my computers at this point uh so have the site up here this is what i'm just explaining right now so i have this nodes this is node one it is not configured it's just windows server 2019 and we have the second node node 2 also not configured windows server 2019 and we have node 3 this is what i told you are storage nodes windows server 2019 configured to be the story disk the storage are nodes and we have the domain controller you can see all my computers right here and the domain controller before i start let me just show you my storage node so there is a storage uh node so if i go to server manager in the storage nodes and the computer configured to hold the disk and i go to file and storage and go to ice qc you could see that there are three disks that are already there so how to configure uh storage disks on a computer is also there on my website so let's go ahead to get started right now since i'm going to be following this step by step i would like to move this to my second screen so that it doesn't distract me all right so step one says uh let's see so okay step one says we have to determine the cluster disks so basically we want to make sure that we have the cluster disks available and i've also checked my note 3 and the disk available as i showed you so basically if i go to my node 3 where i have the storage disk and go to this pc you can see this three disk this one disk two this three although they are in node three they are they'll be used as a storage disk for the fellow backlossa in node one and two i'm going to be explaining this as i go all right so let's go to node one and two the first thing you want to do is to configure uh is to configure node one and node two by adding the fill over closer row so let's start with node 1 simply go to uh server manager permit me to just put back the one second all right so what i was saying is that let me have this page right here just in case i could refer back to it so that you can see where i am exactly so let's start with node one so start with node one if you go to node one you'll need to add the failover cluster role in node 1. so simply go to add draw some features and go next next and this is our node 1 and simply go next as well and go next as well so select the failover clustering right here and click on add feature and then go next and install so this is what you are going to do in all the nodes that will participate in the clustering in the failover clustering let's proceed to node 2. so these are node 2 as you can see let's also do the same thing at the fillover clustering feature in node 2. so i'm going to go to add draw some features okay it's coming up i'll draw some features go next next next next and you can see the fill of a clustering right here select it and say add feature go next and install so wait for a couple of seconds so that it installs so this installation completes i'm going to simply close it and after closing it requires that you restart the system so i'm going to simply come here and just restart all right restart and i'm going to check the status in node 2 okay still installing so meanwhile this one is restarting okay the installation completes in node 2 so i'm going to close and i'm going to restart it as well so i click on restart and continue so let's allow it to restart and at this point we've created the fill over cluster uh role with other developer cluster role in node one and two so let me log into node one all right so node one has a failover cluster rule i'm going to show you how to check if this role is actually available so let's check note 2 note 2 restarts as well so i'm going to login on to node 2 as well so i'm going to enter my password so let's go back to node one this is uh node one so to check if the failover clustering rule is there you can actually go to tools and you can see fill over closer manager so make sure you have on that tools fill by closer manager on the tools and the same thing in node 2 make sure you have the fellow buffalo manager as well so yeah you can see it right here okay now the next step i'm going to show you the next step uh with other developer clustering rules so we are now in step in part four we will now use the fill of a closer manager to create a cluster so in node 1 click on the manager and select fill over closer manager so now i'm back to node 1 so i'm going to select fill over cluster manager right here i meet me to close this window so i have failover closer manager selected and i'm going to click on validate configuration so when you click on validate configuration is you are going to specify all the nodes you want to use for the clustering and it's going to check that they meet up the requirement for failover clustering so i'm going to click on this so it says to taste an existing class out to validate this set of clauses add the names of all the servers we want to use for the clustering so i'm going to click on browse um i'm going to click on advanced and simply find okay it's asking me okay so there is a computer that have uh this is an account that has a size to browse your computers in the network so one use node 1 and node 2 as nodes of the failover cluster so i'm going to select them and click on ok and click on ok again so it's going to add them right here under the selected service so you can see they are added right now so i'm going to click on next wait for a couple of seconds and then the next button is now uh enabled so you leave it at run all tests it's recommended go to next and this inventory of all the texts that the tests that need to be run and go to next so it's going to run tests on the systems basically it's going to be checking the storage space it's going to be checking the ip address that there is no conflict it's going to be checking the memory capacity to make sure that it meets up the requirement for the fill of a clustering is going to be checking the network connection and after the checks uh the validation is complete and then we can proceed so let's wait for a couple of seconds for the validation process to complete so it seems to me that the test is almost completing so once the test completes uh you'll see that some tests actually may have uh all of the tests should pass but some might return a warning all right so you can see that it tastes uh complete so this is a test report you can actually view it or you can actually save it so for now you can see that there are some warnings possibly uh so those warnings for instance this one says network configuration so provided that is just a warning then there is no problem you have software update warning you have some other warnings you you don't have to worry about it but basically you can actually decide to view the detailed reports so if you look at the detailed report you can see inventory passed network came out with a warning on the validate network configuration and um it's actually nothing to worry about so let's just proceed so let's not all right so the validation completes successfully the next thing we want to now do is to click on create a cluster so we are going to click on click on create a cluster right here so click on create a class i remember we are in node one and um the next thing we want to do is to go next we are going to use this wizard enter the names of the servers that you want to participate in the cluster so exactly the same thing we did before we are going to select uh the two computers we want to use so it's always i think i have to simply disable this so i'm going to select node 1 and node 2 i'm going to say okay i'm going to say okay and i'm going to say next i actually want us to specify a cluster name and let's call it ktg cluster you can give any name actually but um yeah so let's leave it at ktg cluster i'm going to click on next and nest so hopefully is going to create this cluster and it comes out as a node in the active directory computers with an ip address so for instance if i go back to my active directory we are going to see the cluster created right here so let's go back to node one so it's creating this closer so let's wait for a second yes you have successfully completed the colossal visa so i'm gonna click on finish so now we have a cluster created and we have it has a cluster ktd has zero cluster and two nodes okay so this error here recently event you can actually ignite is simply um uh sas to do closer name field registration associated dns named failure so he's not able to associate the name with the ip so this is the clause are created right now now the next thing we want to do at this point so let's see this is the step by step we are following remember so we are going to add disks to the closer so this is where we are but before then let me just show you in the active directory that the closer is actually created so if i refresh you can see ktg cluster here on his fellow backlash our visual network name account so let's go back to node 1. we are going to add disks to this cluster so you can go to storage you can go to storage and you can click on disks so basically after creating the class i simply click on add disk when you click on add disk you specify all the disk you want to select so in this case we have this this two and three and you need to select them so sometime if is in your case you might have all the three disks are listed here and you are going to select them and they will be added so you have this one next to this three okay um okay so so this this these three dicks have been added so for now is saying the three disks are in the two but they can actually switch between node one and the two because it's this in the real sign they are actually in node three as virtual disks so let's see where we are at this point so okay lazy procedure we are following um okay so perfect so at this point we've succeeded in creating a fill over closer and adding disks to the cluster so here it says this quickness in quorum a valuable story and available storage as well and then it says number of this partition and okay this is basically how to create a fellow backlossa two nodes current both one assign both status are op and then we have the disks and then in our active directory we have the cluster created now the question now you might actually be asking uh what else how do we verify that this is working how to verify that when node one goes down then node two is going to continue working uh continue working so for now node 1 and node 2 you can see node 1 and node 2 they are up but if node 1 goes down the 2 is going to start working so in the next tutorial i'll work on creating an sql server uh fill over cluster so that we have it on node one and two and when one of the nodes fails we see that the instance of the sql server will fail to know the second note i'd like to stop here remember to subscribe to my channel if you have any challenges please uh leave a comment below below for me i'm going to respond to you like and share my video as i mentioned you find everything you want right here in my website step by step and you can see how to do it yourself i'm going to stop here i remain content genius and we see in the next part
Channel: Kindson The Tech Pro
Views: 101,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Failover Cluster, Microsoft Windows Server 2019, iSCSI, Cluster Manager, Active Directory, Domain Controller
Id: AsCWgIva1xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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