SQL Server DBA Tutorial 09- SQL Server 2014 Cluster installation

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welcome to tech brothers in this video we're going to learn how to install sequel server 2014 in cluster mode the things that we require in order to accomplish this task number one we need to have a cluster already installed with required resources and on line number two we need a sequencer for 2014 installation media number three if you're going to use a service account in order to install during the installation of sequel server you do need a service account with the password let me put it down here the reason I'm putting password because sometimes you do know the service account but you do need the password as well during the installation number four we need a sequel server service name and IP address since sequel server is going to be installed as a role in cluster so that's why anything that you actually application or role that you install in cluster needs to have an IP address in my case the IP address is this and we'll name it sequel 2014 cluster so that's going to be our sequel service a sequel server service cluster name and then IP address is 192 168 1 40 so let's get to the installation piece let me show you first how the cluster configuration looks like that I have we go to tools and open failover clustering manager here's the cluster name Tech Brothers cluster and the domain in this case is dot Tech Brothers local and if you see the roles that I already installed is M s DT role if you're going to use distribution transaction transactions in sequel server then you need to have this role already installed so I have already installed you don't have to be you don't have to install it already but you do need this role installed if you're going to use a distribution transaction but I already installed it so we'll concentrate just installing a sequel server 2014 in class remote node I have two nodes both nodes are up I'm just going through everything on the cluster side so that you would know that you need to check this before you start installing sequel server even though the rules will check all of it but it's better idea that you go through this before you start installation storage I have disks these are all shared discs they are all online and they're on node two right now so network it's all up and running so we're ready to install sequel server in installation a sequence or 2014 in cluster mode so let's go ahead and go to node 2 and open the this is my media right here open it right click and run as administrator keep in mind that you have to do this in my case I had to do this because if you don't run as administrator it wouldn't talk between the services of node 1 and node 2 and the validation will fail so you need to run as administrator click yes one more thing I need to mention here everything all the hyper-v is running on my local machine so it's a little bit slow please bear with me is starting up the insulation alright let's click on installation first thing we need to do is a new sequel server failover cluster in solution this is one node installation once we completed the installation on node 1 then we will add another node and then once we're ready to do that we'll click on add node 2 a sequel server failover cluster so let's click on new sequel server failover clustering installation rulz we're now going to use Microsoft Update to check for the updates even though it is recommended next all right here is the summary that the rule that it ran so keep in mind that if you're doing on production you may need to look each and every warning and resolve that situation before you start installation on production server up here we have a couple of warnings right now I don't for this demo I don't care because everything is on one machine and this is not a production this is just to show you how to install sequel server 2014 in cluster mode so I'm going to just go ahead and ignore the warnings click Next you have two options that we're going to choose sequel server feature installation so click Next we're here the features that you can select we're going to go ahead and select the database engine we're going to go ahead and select the client tool connectivity and management tools let me see if we need to add any other sources I wouldn't recommend doing the analysis services or reporting services both are not cluster aware even though there are ways that you can make them cluster where but I wouldn't recommend it always install analysis services reporting services after the cluster installation even though you can choose now and it will become it won't be part of a cluster where but it'll be really hard if you will see if you try to configure it later and and you know try to work with it there would be a lot of issues if you will go ahead and install as a as a you know during the cluster installation so I would recommend that a less installed the database engine services and a client connectivity tools as well as well as management tools so let's go ahead and just click Next all right here if you wanted to keep a sequel server default you have an option or you can use a named instance so I'm gonna go ahead and name the instance sequel sequel server sequel 2014 that's my named instance all right click Next so sequel server the server cluster resource name as you can see that it's going to take as as the sequel server of sequel 2014 so we're going to keep it that way so click Next these couple discs are already taken so we're not going to won't be able to use that but we can click this 2 and this 3 as a part of this cluster click Next here's the setting that I was talking about let's go back to our node notes up here is a IP address that we need to take 1 9 2 1 6 8 1 and 40 click on ipv4 click a give the IP address everything looks ok click Next here's the service counter I was talking about right here if you're using service account up here you need to know the password of this account so we're going to go ahead and browse and we use this account as a service account click OK hit the password this sort of these service accounts can can be changed later anyway later on click OK get password here we're going to keep the collation on default you can change the collation according to your country or your requirements I should say and let me do this sometimes I type my password wrong so we're not taking it alright this time it took it always installed sequel server in mix mode if you install windows authentication mode only then it's not going to let you create sequel server account so I will go ahead and you click on mix mode I'll put the sa password here you have a option right here if you wanted to make any other account especially the service account you can do it right now make its s admin or click on as current account or if you have a different service account but you're installing single server with different account you can go ahead and click on add and get that service account and add here for that you don't need password so data directories up here that's important I have right now it says you know everything is F if you look at it I have the directories right here F is data directory log is log disk is log directory and we're going to use these two directories for sequel server right now so we're going to keep the user data directory in here and we're going to go ahead and change the log directory I would recommend never keep log files and data files in the same disk and temp DB I'll go ahead and actually do see butter for production I would recommend that have a different temp to be disk and it should be you know according to your according to your requirement that should be pretty big actually because this is the most busy database so filestream we're not going to enable filestream right now I meant actually have this will let you actually go ahead and do it but it's you know C is never recommended for 10 TP that's why it gave us a little warning right here so I'm going to keep it to F and L 4 and also temp DB for the for the temp DB directory so click Next and here's a summary that we have selected we're going to go ahead and click on install and this this is going to take some time I'm going to pause the video as soon as installation is completed on this node I'll be back all right as you can see that we have completed the first part of our installation which is single note sequel server 2014 failover cluster installation the next thing we're going to do is add node to a sequel server failover cluster so that our installation will complete and then after that we're going to do couple tests we're going to fail over to the other node and then from other node to the active node and see that if everything is working right so let's close this all right we're on node 1 now tag brother's VM 0 1 is the Machine name so the first part as I said that's completed second part is add node to a sequel server failover cluster we're going to click on that next it's going to check some rules and it should detect the instance that we have installed on node 2 all right some warnings it says firewall is enabled it's okay but click next and here's the instant that we just installed on node 2 so that's a sequel 2014 we're going to keep that and here's a space summary right here click Next and we're going to keep that same because this is our cluster ID that way if you remember we put that up there of 40 if you look back on our notes right here is our sequence of services cluster ID we're going to click next next is service account we're going to go ahead and this one we give the password right here and we'll be able to proceed further if you remember that we change from we gave the service account up there is a cluster admin up here on the first installation so click Next and my password is wrong again that's a little bit complicated password so I have to really remember it click Next there you go this is the summary click install and it's going to take a little bit of time I'm going to go ahead and pause the video and I'll be back once the installation of adding a failover cluster node to a failover clustering installation of sequel server is completed to finish adding a failover clustering out just to recap what we did let me show you right here first we made sure that our cluster is up and running and all the resources such as a network or shared disk are installed and online second we made sure that we have a media we used a service account with the password and then we use a sequel server service name and IP addresses and just up here first we installed on node 2 which is my active node just so that you know we installed sequel server and clustering mode on node 2 we finished that installation and after that that was successful we came on node 1 which is my passive node and we added that node in our sequel server failover clustering next time we're going to run some tests whether this installation was successful we're going to do a failover and after a fatal failover we're going to try to connect with sequel server to see if everything went all right once that's completed then that will sum up our video so as you can see that as everything is successful here is just finishing up on node 2 I mean node 1 yes that's right no one we're going to go ahead and close this and we're going to go back to no.2 which is my active node you can start usually people start with the node 1 as an active node it's active passive installation it doesn't matter what node you start really if you're active passive start from the node that's active and then add the passive node to it so I'm going to go ahead and login to node 2 and fire up the failover clustering manager which is right here I'm going to go ahead and refresh it now if we look at the roles you will see that the sequel server is added in in that so what we're going to do is go ahead and right now it's on No - we're going to failover to node 1 and see if it's successful so if you right click if you wanted to failover sequel server you you right click on that and click on move and select the node right now it's on node 1 the next possible node is node I'm sorry then right now it's on node 2 and next possible node is node 1 so we're going to select that and click OK and what watch it failover right here so this mental offline and there they're going to come online dispersed will come online and then the sequel's services so will come online right now the sequel engine is coming online and now sequence of engine everything came online on node 1 as you can see right now the owner of the node owner node is node 1 that is our passive node just in case if a node 2 which is our active node in my case will go down everything will failover to node 1 the next test is to connect with sequel server and see if everything is working alright so I'm going to go ahead and fire up a sequel server management studio management studio just show up soon it takes always a bit time to fire up management studio for the first time all right this is our cluster name and this is our sequel server instance name so let's see if we can connect it and there you go we're connected with sequel server alright so basically this is it I hope this video helped please stay tuned my next video is going to be setting up availability grouped in a sequel server 2014 and it should be interesting so please stay tuned thanks for watching
Channel: TechBrothersIT
Views: 68,865
Rating: 4.7657657 out of 5
Keywords: SQL, Server Cluster, Developer, DBA, Scripts, SQL Server Interview Questions, SQL Server 2014, SQL Server Advance Tutorial, SQL Server Tutorial for beginners, SQL Server 2014 DBA, SQL Server DBA tutorial for Beginners, SQL Data Administration Tutorial Step by Step, Database Administrator (Job Title), Computer Cluster (Field Of Study), SQL Server 2014 Cluster installation, TechBrothersIT, Tech Tutorials, Technology Tutorials
Id: Cs_q2ZJjTKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2015
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