SQL Server 2012 Failover Cluster Installation & Configuration Step By Step

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hi friends welcome to my channel and today in this video I am going to show you how to install and configure SQL Server 2012 kony 2012 failover cluster so let's have some idea about my demo environment in my demo environment I am using three virtual machine to give you the demo of SQL Server failover installation and quantification so I have one server with Active Directory and Di's DNS installed and I am using 202 nodes you can say one is sql's SRV zero one and second one is aeschylus SRV 0 2 so here is my Active Directory server which is you can verify here name win to k12 are 2 DC 0 1 if you want to check out here is my server I have installed Active Directory and DNS role here if you go to my like local server you can verify my domain name which is victory info soul comm victim for soul calm and here is my Active Directory domain a domain controller into k12 are 2 DC 0 1 and your you can also verify my all an address which is 1 9 2 1 6 8 1 dot or 2.19 2 1 6 8 1.25 4 so this is my Active Directory server basically and second I have my first node SQL sr v 0 1 you can verify from here rescue LS r v 0 1 i have joined this machine in my domain vector info soul calm and I have to to Nick on both the nodes you can say 1 4 heartbeat and 1 foot all basic land connectivity with like my active attack thérèse over my storage and my storage storage storage sandbox or I scuzzy target and one for heartbeat both are I am using both in different subnets so you can verify for heartbeat 1 9 2 1 7 2 1 6 1.11 and for the lan 1 9 2 1 6 8 1.25 3 and same as you can verify SQL Server service 0 to I have joined this machine in domain and I have assigned IP addresses like one or two for heartbeat and 1.5 to four mile and connectivity so this is basically I have not installed yet any feature and he rolled anything on both the SQL server nodes so this is the fresh machine I have just installed operating system I have connected with my domain I have configured to IP address that's all I have not done not touch or not then any configuration anything for now so let's get our let's get started and step by step installation and configuration so so the first task is installed fader well Kristin multipathing and.net 3.51 feature on both nodes so I have two nodes so I am going on my first node and manage and add Roland features click Next Next and here is my server selected click Next and I need to install dotnet 3.5 failover cluster and multipathing as I have mentioned in my PPT you can say failure cluster multipathing and.net so and I have selected all the three and for dotnet I require the like Windows disk Windows installation media and I'm going to open the source and SS X and this is this path is basically required for 3.5 installation so click OK and proceed this way so dotnet 3.5 fail double crosser and multipathing click on install button and same I am going to do on my second cluster I roll and features maximize it click next next and my server is selected here click Next and here you need to click Next and . --an select dotnet 3.5 failover cluster add required features it's asking for some features and multipathing i/o click next and need to mention the path for a sec folder you can verify here click OK and install so it will take some time to get the installation done for these features so we can proceed with like next step which is install and create ice cozy target disk on window k12 I to DC 0 and so I am going on my DC 0 1 I am going to use a created a virtual you can say virtualize KC target for my for my storage which is going which I am going to use in my cluster cluster storage so I am going to click on from dashboard file and storage services I scuzzy and here you can see do o to install iSCSI target server start the add role and feature so I am going to click add roles and features wizard and my server is by default selected here so you can see the required roles are all by default selected I scuzzy target service just need to click Next Next and you can see here file and ask AC services iSCSI target server click on install button so it will create like you can see one oh it will install I scuzzy target on our server active active server and after that we can create a few like virtual disk or an virtual target which I need to connect with this tar storage and the mine both nodes SQL server nodes so just wait for few more seconds to get the installation done so it will take some time so here we are installation is succeed we can close this and now if i refresh this and if you go to node 1 and node 2 both are like SRB 0 and SR is 0-2 installation for features are still running so now you can see to create a nice cassis initiator start with the new is KC virtual dis so I am going to click on here and it will give you my I mean like few option to create a virtual disk so the first option is select ice QC virtual disk location so I have only one disk attached with like one one volume attached with mice of my activity server there is only C Drive and my server so no worries I am going to use my C Drive just click Next and my desk name so I am going to like provide vd0 one virtual disk 0 1 so it will automatically create folder and C Drive is KC virtual discus so click on next and here we are we need to first I am going to select create a 10 GB I am going to use dynamic expandable disk and this is basically for quorum disk and click Next and I'm going to use a new I scuzzy target because it's my first so I am going to define vd0 one target and click Next and it is asking for access servers means which server can access this a disk so I am going to define my both nodes here so advanced going to find my ectrodactyly one which is very small for now so I can see my both server and Active Directory server only so first I am going to select 0 1 and click OK and this will add my 0 1 server here as I will be 0 1 server and the same way I need to select a SQL - SRV 0 2 server so both server are able to access this disk so it will take some time so same we're going to add my second SQL server advanced fine SQL - as our v 0 - click ok ok and click ok so it will add my books over here so both server I added here click Next and I am NOT going to use any authentication so click leave it default next and here is the all information like disk size target name the X server and other details so click on create so it will create a new disk new virtual disk for us and also give find the target so we have a folder is KC virtual disk here as we have selected the dynamically expendable day so it will the size of disk right now is only near about 4 MB so we are done with first disk everything is completed successfully close it and now I am going to define a second disk here so new eyes gives you disk and talk to you I'll place it in C Drive as well as as my last disk so here VD 0 2 and click Next and I am going to use my like 100 GB so it's dynamic expandable as well as like previous one so going to create new target and VD 0 2 target click next and the access server I am going to define my both resolve is 0 1 and s are v02 servers here so both server is added click Next leave the authentication and here is the all information click on create so it will create second disk here you can see we have virtual disk 1 and virtual disk 2 and we can see the status is KC connected or not and if you go little bit down you can see the other detail like properties you can see the initiated detail and other details like initiators security connections these details of click on code ok and now you can see the status virtual disc stations not connected and target status is not connected so we need to launch the we need to connect these both discs on both the nodes which is MySQL's - 0 1 and ask SQL - 0 - so you can see from now installation succeed on SRV 0 2 so we can close it and we can do one thing first open the disk management tool here on both the disk and you can see SRV 0 1 is also done with insulation so close and open the disk management here also so what I am going to do I am going to change the default letter where you can say okay leave it just bide you leave it all the information just open the you can say iSCSI initiator to connect the target and it's asking the Microsoft I asked is a service is not running so the service is required to start from some connected correctly so yes I want to start ice machine each initiator and same I am going to do on my second server so I see initiated is it started and I am going to put my ice Casey target IP address which is my active data server 1.25 for connect and I have two discs here you can see and connect the both and click ok and now you can see the both are connected and under the here you can verify volumes as well as we got the two discs and same going to do one second I am going to put my IP address details quick connect and connect the boat target you can see login success click OK and if you click on Auto config click ok and do one thing go to first machine and you can see we have two discs here and our disk management so bring the online both discs so you can see not insula is click on analyze this that will give you option for both discs and click OK so the first disc I am going to use like click next next so the tangible disc I am I'm going to use for quorum dis so I am going to define like Q as a drive letter next and I am going to type here like Goodrem disk and click Next finished and same I am going to do with like second disk let's wait for few seconds so here you can see the Khurram disk is added and same I am going to do with my do one thing let's put a D Drive and I am going to change my CD drive letter as it should drive click ok yes so it will change the drive letter and put it like click next next and it's now it's D Drive so put here like ask ask will this click on next finish so just refreshed my computer and now you can see my OS drive my D Drive like SQL desk and my quorum disk and drive as my DVD Drive and I'm going to refresh few things on my SR v02 here I'm going to just bring online both discs you need to refresh you on line and this online this too so I'm going to change the drive letter as I'm using in my oh you can say online SRV 0 1 so Z Drive so going to put chat drive for my CD drive here and my erm disk going to use Q Drive and my SQL drive has a tree drive so the all driver mapped as same as I have done on my SQL Server Zeta one here you can see both have the same configuration you can now close the disk management so almost we are done with first and second step so just check out what is the next step so here we are so we are done with like discovering iSCSI target this and connect on both node so we are done with this and now I am going to do one thing I am going to validate create validate and create cluster so before this you can see our network setting Lannon heartbeat on second and lan and heartbeat on same so we had done with like network part we are done with a storage part so we can go to go to validate the cost cluster so I am going to click on tools' failover cluster manager so it's adding snapping so here we have here because the manager and I'm going to click on validate configuration so this is validation configuration wizard going to click Next and select the servers or the cluster so I am going to select my servers both High School's over no desk will say will node one and a school server not to so I'm going to create the cluster of these two servers so click Next and test option you can where you can like provide the run only test which is you select you can select from here like Network whatever you want to run but in my scenario I I recommend you to run the all tests and Microsoft also recommend to then also I am going to click on next and now it will verify your cluster validate your cluster configurations so here is all the things which we are going to check during the well cluster validation so click Next and now you can see it started and it's verifying few things few things are the path the test passed so it will few it will take 1 or 2 minute to get the test for all the required required things which is required in a Windows over cluster so let's just wait wait for a few minutes so it says to wear validating so we need to run the cursor validation wizard on any of the single node which you want to participate so it will check for both both the or both or whatever nodes a you want to run in you want to select invalidation with that so in my scenario it will check the both servers so it's getting data about node two now node one so for till now we can see all the test is passed only nothing is failed so it's looking good so the validation is almost done about to complete so you can see validation is complete and now if we check like reports click on view reports you can verify the report if there was any warning any error so cancel it so we are good to go like invent to success network success story succeed and system information success so everything is completed successfully so if you want to save this report for future you can save like you can save this as a as like webpage WebP is complete so you can save it here on a desktop saving web page so now you can close this and if you want to check the report again you can do from here like launch here and you will get the old report once again for future reference if you want to save it you can save it like we are good and if I click on finish here is one check box create the cluster now using the validation well II dated node so click on finish so it will launch the create coaster wizard and click Next and it will ask for the cluster name so I am going to put here SQL you can say when SQL cluster so I'm going to use like IP addresses and my snare you I am going to use 251 is next V available so click Next so it will give you like some information the IP address for cluster virtual host oh and the coastal name and this so click Next and now you can see it's creating the coaster so it will take few minutes - Oh like create the cursor and add the node required no required load required storage and require networking configuration - failover cluster manager so almost done and you have successfully completed the create cluster wizard click on finish now you can see the failover cluster manager with cluster of in SQL cluster so it will take some time and now you can see we have a vehicle cluster and if you want to verify the details like name of the cluster IP of the cluster and cluster disk any information you can verify from here so here is our column disk so expand it and no tools installed till we will install the school server soon so next nodes we have two nodes like SQL - SRV 0 1 as a v-0 - both are up and under the storage you can see our both disk like quorum disk and the Skrulls over disk so I am going to rename it I call it Gorem disk so we can easily identify this and the second disk is SQL disk so which you define here as will desk apply okay and under the networking you can see we have tunic and one is for cluster only so if if you click on properties you can see allow cluster management communication on this network so this is basically heartbeat so I'm going to type heartbeat here and the second wing is our land which is connected with ice QC and my ad server so I am going to put here LAN apply and here allow manage cluster Network communication on this network and allow client to come connect through this network so we are done here and now if you go and check in Active Directory I just want to show you under the india open the servers and now you can see the new virtual host is or automatically created in our active directory which is when when - Haskell - cluster and in description you can see failover cost a virtual network name account so this is created here and if you want to ping it you can ping like pain - a one nine two one six eight hundred two five one three two five one and you have to put like DNS record it's not a bitter yet so reverse lookup need to be done so on the forward we have the GTD year so I'm going to put here the reverse lookup record and now you can verify the same it will take some time to abate so after all we are getting the reply from our our cluster node which we have just created so what is the next step so we are done with the basic of configure the basic setting for cluster so the next step is install SQL Server 2012 fear over custard so now I am going with the next step which is our install X goes above a double star and I am going to mount the installation media of SQL Server my DVD drive on node 1 so school Server 2012 click OK and double click then switch media so the school server installation center click on installation and here we are going to click on new SQL server fade over cuz the installation so it will launch the school's over or fade over cursor installation wizard for in a few second we're checking the few rules like set setup administrator and few more details so everything is passed successfully click on ok so it will launch the installation screen so I am going to use a revelation was in here click Next I accept the license terms click Next product check no don't want to check for product my cell is not connected with Internet so it's copping then solution set of files in a drive so everything past few wording few like related to firewall and like a distributed transaction coordinator these things so we can escape from here click Next and SQL Server feature installation click Next and now we need to select the feature so I am going to select SQL database engine service and you can say management tool also so click Next so it's like checking some pre requests for selected features so cluster supported for addition past and Visual Studio instant is also past click on next so here it is asking for SQL server network names so I am going to define here like SQL SQL clustered 0 1 and I'm going to use the default name instance for SQL server click Next and now it will check for like disk and close the resource so we are done here click Next so we have like available storage cluster group both click Next and now we have like a disk which is available for cluster so SQL desk is available click Next and specify the IP address for our cluster node so 1 9 2 + 6 8 1.25 0 I am going to use click Next and now put the service account information so I am going to use like vector info so slash SQL admin account and the password for account is here so what I say so I am going to use the same account for SQL Server agent an exclusive database engine click Next so I am going to use like Windows authentication here and in the data directories you can verify few things like where we are going to save data root directory D data like E or user database directory user database log and TAM DB and time local DVDs information and backup directory so all I am going to use T Drive as my D Drive is equals to a school disk which is coming from cluster click on next and click one more next and everything is passed and now we can click on next and this will give you all the information which we are going to perform or during this installation so click on install so now once this relation is finished you can see here the role which is SQL is installed here and we can see their school instance running here so it will take some time to get the installation done for SQL so I am pausing the recording here once a once the SQL Server installation is done will maximum so just wait for few second it will start the installation like so the SQL installation is started and just wait for like 10 to 15 minutes depending on the speed of your server and feed of your machine for the installation get done so just feed pausing daily calling you so here you can see installation is completed and we are like everything is completed successfully and if we go and close this and here under the roles you can verify we have a school server mysql role which is running and same if you launch the failover cluster from second node so here is information MySQL server is instant name and the current owner is a school server or as ru01 and if you go to properties here you can see like the information just wait for few seconds so we are at the last step verify a source of a cluster role on Windows failover cluster so we have like a preferred owner I am going to select the booth host as a preferred owner and priority as a high so under the fade over you can see maximum fail in the specified period one period hours so these details and click OK and here you can see the status running priority high owner node sql's - server 0 and client a client access name and IP address so under the resource you can verify the issue resources like the name and IP address a school of the resources cassava and school agent and the school desk so this is all about the like creating the SQL Server clustered on Windows server on a Windows favored cluster so on this one owed to you can verify the same also so finally we are done with all the installation and configuration and validation so thank you for watching please subscribe me for more videos and if you have any question any suggestion related to my this video please let me know on my given mail id thank you once again bye bye
Channel: Labs Hands On
Views: 105,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SQL Server 2012, Failover Cluster Installation, Failover Cluster Installation & Configuration, SQL Server 2012 Failover, SQL Server 2012 Failover Cluster Installation & Configuration Step By Step, Failover Cluster, SQL Server Failover, SQL Server Failover Cluster, SQL Server Failover Cluster Installation, Installing a Failover Cluster, SQL Server Multi-Subnet Failover Cluster, Always On Failover Cluster Instances, sql cluster setup step by step
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 0sec (2460 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2016
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