Understand the Basic Cluster Concepts | Cluster Tutorials for Beginners

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hey guys in this video I am going to talk about cluster concepts from basics to make you understand from beginning links related to this session are mentioned in the description below if you feel something I have missed or you wanted to know more about something else on this please leave your comments and subscribe our YouTube channel for more updates and you are watching Lana tgreider net tutorials before explaining all clusters in detail with examples let me tell you that definition of trust or so what is cluster in a computer system a cluster is a group of servers and other resources that act like a single system and enable higher ability and in some cases it will enable and it will work as a load balancing and parallel processing so why do we need to bring all the systems to be acted as a single system let's see an example so that it's easy for you to understand much better an organization is having a running service hosted on our server which is very critical for its business and any impact to the service will cause huge loss to the organization the service could be anything it might be web services application services or database or any file based shares for example universe or samba service anything it might be anything all right so an organization is having and running services which is very critical hosted on our server in a single server and any losses to that services would lead to a huge loss for our organization all right so yes of course we wanted our configured services in a server to be available continuously without any downtime all right which means 100 percentage operational or never-failing right obviously we wanted our configured services in a server to be available continuously without any downtime so that we call this as a availability direct our services to be available continuously without any downtime so we call that as a availability so how do we make sure our server will not go down how do we make sure our cell server will be available 100 percentage uptime as in that this is a single standard server which will have a single power supply land this operating system on top of operating system you will be configuring some services all right as I told you before services might be anything so your clients everybody will access the services via your IP address through this network all right it is not having any redundancy any failure to any of these hardware's will lead to a downtime so clients will not able to access your server so let's see how do we make sure our server will not go down so normally in the infrastructure what we do is to ensure the availability is buying a server with redundant power supply so the server what you have will be having a two power supply or force or foreplay so if one power supply fails server will be still available with one power supply again what about the disk then again we will configuring a hardware raid and ensuring your voice on top of this hardware raid so people want dispels again raid will make our ways to be running from other operational discs all right now again what about our land if something goes wrong with the network card single network card again our server will go down right so that will have a multiple network are configured teaming of bonding with single IP which means we are ensuring that to have a redundant hardware again do you think our server will be hundred percentage operational and available without any shoe we have made and redundant for all the hardware but what about our operating system because our OS does not have a redundant if something happened to our operating system like hunk or Carol panic obviously our server will be go down so our services will not be available to the end-users or clients so here only actual high ability comes into the picture this image will show you clearly anything happen to your hardware our redundant hardware will help us to so 100 percentage operation okay this one goes down and this to will be up LAN one goes down land two will be active and power supply one goes down and power to will help us to run the server again operating system does not have any redundancy this is what the problem we have in a single standard server till now we don't have a redundant option for operating system now the high ability cluster comes into the picture so higher ability cluster is a group of computer hardware pieces that provide solution for redundant operations in the event of component failures here I would say clusters mostly for your operating systems because we don't have a redundant for that operating system till now without having the option of clusters right so again higher building clusters mostly for your operating system and commonly use cluster is two node cluster or three node cluster but we can have up to 60 4 node clusters that is depend on the software what we use for cluster solution so what happens if I configure it in a cluster as I told you before the cluster is a group of servers all right I think that I have a two servers away and sever B I have a redundant hardware but my operation doesn't go as well as on this server B as well alright so if I configured this 2.1 i IP address i think that this is my service correct my IP should be active this is my IP address 2.1 assume that I have a confidant server a something happened to my operating system the client users were not able to access my 2.1 what I do instead of configuring these 2.1 on a single server I will be merging this server a and service be using the cluster solution and I will configure the 2.1 IP address on this cluster node what happens if something goes wrong on this server a the configured 2.1 IP will be go to this server B so still the clients will be able to access this 2.1 via the server the client uses does not know from where these 2.1 is accessible they wanted to access our services that's it they wanted to access our services that doesn't care about from which server is coming up only the administrator who configured the server will know from which server it is accessing so in a cluster setup we will configure these 2.1 on any one of the server in active mode if something goes wrong on this server the automatically or manually the 2.1 should go to the second node so the users will be able to access the 2.1 from this server b this is how the class cluster setup is working so we don't configure this IP or if we do not configure any services on a single server we will configuring that in a cluster setup so it can be moved to another server so clients will be able to access it via the another working servers these are the cluster concepts now let me tell you there are two ways of clusters one is manual cluster another one is automatic caster's by continuing the nature of clusters we can divide in this format manual cluster and automatic cluster manual faster which is nothing but you will have some downtime to bring up the other mode with same data and IP address so end-users still able to access the NFS or any other applications but they do not know from which server they are accessing this is what the manual cluster I told you before that let me explain you see I think that my NFS share is working on this server alright this is my manual tester setup I do not use any softwares so this is my manual cluster setters this server is ideal service it is not connected to this machine what happened this is my server I have configured in stood at one my users are accessing via this alright now this is down myself is done what I will do instead of configuring this 2.1 this is anyway down what I will do I will login to the server and I will configure this 2.1 IP address on this machine and anyway i have the same data on the server right so see people can be able to access my another share why are these 2.1 so this is what the manual pressures we will be configuring manually to bring your power services available to the client the manual configuration so this will require some minimal downtime for five minutes or 10 minutes to configure your IP address it may take 5 minutes or 10 minutes right so these you are there is a downtime in this manual cluster what about automatic cluster right here we use some sort of cluster software such as Veritas cluster HP services or cluster right at Linux native cluster Sun cluster idea makes base presses there are many software's are available which will take care of this manual configuration automatically so what I have done in the manual cluster you have logged into the other node and you have configured the I quizzes and you have the data so that it will be available to the client and everything you have done manually all right but here all these actions will be taken care by this software automatically that is what the automatic cluster it does not require any downtime automatically that will switch over to the other working node so still the clients will be able to access your services all right so what happens I use some kind of automatic software instead of logging to this machine and bring up manually automatically the software will continue this IP and will con services and will enable the services and it will make it available to the client users automatically that is what the automatic clusters alright these software's will do the necessary switch over automatically which is already configured by us in the respective configurations which means already configured by us in the sense while setting up the cluster using the software's we have to do the initial configuration what are the service to be up what are the resources we have everything we have two different we have to configure it initially according to that your software's will take care of these actions all right this is what the manual cluster and automatic cluster hope you have got an idea on this what is manual pressure and automatic cluster now there are four major types of clusters for our niche alright higher ability load balancing high-performance storage I will tell you what is it so higher building which means basically active passive cluster all right high ability cluster is a group of hosts that act as a single system and provide continuous obtain higher bility clusters are often used for loader battle block balancing backup and failure surface bridges this is one of the clusters mainly using various sectors all right I will tell you what is high ability alright so I told you higher beauty means acting passive cluster as in that I have a two node cluster server EA and share would be so one would be active and one would be passive okay both the servers are up and running but the 2.1 will be configured only on this server node which means this is active alright and this is passive which means this being ideal when there is an issue which server a then the I configured IP will secure to the other node then the passive node will become as a active node all right so this is what the setup active-passive no one would be active on would be passive the passing will become active when there is a shoot at you note alright when this is recovered the server is become running and working again we can bring this configured IP back to this active node again this will become active this active node will become passive so either one of it will be active and the other one will be passive alright there is advantage as well as disadvantage advantages obviously one would be active at any time but the disadvantage is you have put a money for buying these two servers but you are using only one server not the second one service all right these are disadvantage you are not using or you are not utilizing the second node resources you are not using memory you are not using because it is still running but no one is using it it is just being ideal until the active node gets down alright these are disadvantages but the higher ability is 100 percentage available now again load balancing load balancing means active active clusters all right so load balancing scales the performance of the server based on the program such as web server by distributing the client records or by distributing the loads across multiple servers alright again we see there is a two node cluster and both the nodes here are active alright active active cluster which means load balancing both the nodes will be active so both the nodes will be running and up all the resources CPU memory everything will be walking all right so now this IP 2.1 will be configured at the both the end so what will happen the load or client requests will be distributed among these two servers differ on the load okay I think that 150 percentage of the loads are coming where client requests can be capable to manage only 100 percentage what will happen it will take 75 percentage and this will take 70 percentage of the load which means double the size of the load can be capable of this cluster if it is an active/passive node what will happen only the server will be capable to handle only 100 presentation not 200 percentage but in active acting node 100 percent at 200 percentage of the performance can be used by using active active clusters but if something goes wrong with server a still clients will be accessible your services and but the problem only here is at that time user will be able to only use this server B but there is no issue with the services still users can be accessing your servers services only using this server which is that time it can be capable to manage only 100 percent ation not 200 percentage these are one literal back again once the service got up again you will get the performance of 200 percentage on this load performance this is what active active node and this set up all the nodes configured in this cluster will be active these were the load balancing active active clusters high performance and storage or very rarely configured clusters high performance as the name says to have high performance we use these clusters all right and the storage storage clustering is the use of two or more storage servers working together to increase performance capability or reliability to have a high throughput disk storage all right how do we how could be configured this high orbital load balancing for services same way for storage operations we can use the clustering solution that is what the storage clustering you can match or you can combine more storage working together doing these performance kappa city or reliability these are the major types of clusters for one is higher beauty which means active passive in clusters and load-balancing active active classes and high performance and storage hope we have got an idea about this cluster concept from the basics alright in the next section we will see how to deploy this cluster software such as Veritas cluster HP services or clusters rad clusters we will show you how to configure all these cluster software's and how to use these cluster soft us to have our automatic clusters fellows and fallback concepts if you find this video is helpful please do appreciate our effort and hit like button share with your friends about us land at the great dotnet - to once again thanks for watching our video you
Channel: LearnITGuide Tutorials
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Keywords: cluster tutorial, cluster tutorial for beginners, clustering tutorial, server clustering tutorial, linux cluster tutorial, cluster concepts, cluster basics, cluster video, cluster tutorial videos, cluster basic concepts, basic cluster concepts, how cluster works, introduction to cluster, introduction to clustering, clustering tutorials, understand cluster concepts, cluster concepts for beginners, server clustering concepts
Id: 8BBDxzJL6fY
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Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2017
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