Spring activities

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I completely forgot my tripod and so now my stand is a bunch of cooking books I'm going to make a coffee though cuz I need [Music] caffeine wish I had my tripod so I could do like a cool little overhead shot but apparently we're not always so lucky little scoop of Honey today is a spring day in my life because well it's spring and it's a day in my life and so I'm doing some little spring activities but what even are spring activities I don't even really know I want to go to the water because I I've been home since Monday it's Thursday and I still haven't gone to the ocean so it's something I defin Ely would like to do so I'm going to take my dog for a little walk because also I have to take her for a walk I don't know you'll just see it'll be a day I wasn't going to go for a run today because I went the past two days and yesterday I did like an 8 km run and my back and my legs are like in need of a break so I was thinking of just like riding a bike today but lo and behold the running shoes I ordered have arrived so for those of you who don't know if your knees or like your Achilles whatever if you're a runner your knees your Achilles start hurting a lot of the time it's because of your running shoes so I was feeling that and so I got a new pair look at these look at I mean they're I mean generally running shoes are kind of ugly but I think they're like beautiful these are my new running shoes I'm excited to to hit the town with them okay don't mind the sound in the background that is the washing machine I'm going to make some breakfast recently I've been enjoying the pepper onion what is this called spinach little breakfast with egg so I'm going to be doing that I also want something more but I don't know what else I should be adding to this put like salsa on top I don't know wao how is it already 11:00 a.m. I woke up at like 9:30 I don't know what I've been doing this pepper is like [Music] moldy yummy we got some sausage egg pepper onion and spinach breakfast OOTD going to the thrift store I'm not bringing my airpods because they create a big ear pimple in my ear or an earsy I don't even know what they are anyway here's the fit we got my little camo sweater Jorts and that's what I'm wearing today now let's go I'll probably only be there for like 20 minutes but yeah let's skidadle my period cramps right now are so severe I realized that I could literally put it right there and that is probably the most perfect angle it could be at am I dumb yes sometimes anyway it's a beautiful sunny day I haven't been God goodness me as I was saying it's a beautiful sunny day on my way to the thrift store life is good hopefully the jewelry section is open probably won't be I think it's only on Saturdays it's open otherwise I'll maybe look for some cute clothes maybe they'll have some cute stuff it's finally warm it's 18° right now it's 1130 in the morning I sound like a news reporter but it's really warm right now tomorrow it's supposed to be like 25° so my friends and I are going to go to the beach and hell yeah I'm so excited first beach trip of the Year almost at the store I used to actually work there for like okay well I worked there like a few times I was like volunteering and I kind of hated it but it's [Music] okay I'm back back didn't get anything crazy they didn't have a lot of stuff there unfortunately but I'll show you the haul so I got these earrings which are super cool they're the same as my ring and they're real silver and they were 10 bucks so I was like yeah I'm going to do that I also got this necklace which I think it will be pretty cool I just like mostly the chain cuz I know this chain is real silver so it's like a shorter chain which I was like looking for and then I also got this pendant that's it Coco putting on my shoes again because I'm going to take Coco for a [Music] walk there are like no people here it's so peaceful [Music] [Music] new Running Fit yeah maybe this will heal the severity of my cramps we don't know I don't know I'm going to go for a run I'm going to do like a light 5K because I don't feel like anything else I think I would crumble to the ground because my I I told you like these cramps are not good but exercising does actually help so let's go for a run I'm not doing well why am I sweat like that was like the worst run that I've ever gone on y'all I need Advent no oh oh my [Music] goodness time to shower cuz obviously I'm very sweaty and I feel gross so it's currently like 2:00 p.m. look at this awesome fit though I'm going to make some dumplings because I've yet to have lunch I'm just having a light lunch because I'm having dinner in like probably like 3 hours so before I go out I'm going to do some light makeup I don't know how I'm going to do my hair I think maybe I'll just let it [Music] free that was way too much blush my face is already red right now so that was a little bit excessive almost done Cur the lashes this is the outfit I think I'm going to wear it's kind of basic but I don't really care I'm doing just some white linen pants in this brown shirt I'm kind of wondering do I leave my hair as is or should I blow dry it I don't know decided to refrain from blow drying my hair simply because I just feel lazy and I put in like some sort of anti frizz product but it's I don't know I just want it to be oh natur anyway here's the full outfit I have to make cocoa dinner and now because she's a 14-year-old dog my mom has creative created an intricate dinner for her that I must prepare squash some dog food a little bit of Omega-3 and then she gets her little treats on the way oh what a beautiful go past this light then at the next one turn right thank you Siri what a beautiful GI I'm also very excited I'm excited to be eating dinner I'm hungry and this is like who is this person this is like my dad's uncle's house that I'm going to for dinner parents were at work but they're like meeting me there cuz it's downtown so I'm on my way I'm going to listen to music now so toodles probably see you when I get there [Music] oh I'm back home I'm literally so exhausted and it's like not even 11:00 p.m. this is redonkulous bro I I'm going to prepare for bed prepare myself to marinate this evening I need to rest for like 60 years goodness me I'm so ready to hit the freaking hay anyway um I'm going going to bed now because I'm tired and you know so I'm just going to bed and that was my video I hope you guys enjoyed it I hope you enjoyed the little spring day in my life it was kind of fun kind of awesome I'm happy that the weather's better the sun is shining the birds are chirping and whatnot but anyway I hope I'll see you guys in my next video and goodbye for now [Music]
Channel: Kate Brock
Views: 41,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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