Quick weekend trip in MTL

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good morning good day I'm not going to hold the camera that close because my face is so dry that it looks a little not fun but anyway good morning it's 8:45 in the morning that was a brutal arise that was very difficult to wake up good Goodness Me goodness gracious goodness me pretty much I'm going to Montreal to visit my sister we're doing lots of fun things and I thought that I would take you guys along with me for the trip so today I'm just kind of prepping to go the reason why I woke up so early is cuz I'm taking a boxing class at 9:30 which I do not think it was the right option for me because I'm in so much pain because I played two soccer games on Sunday and then and then another one last night night and my neck hurts and I think my body needs a break but I don't want to I don't want to miss out on this class because then I have to pay like $20 so let's let's get ready to go caffeine toasted in the toaster oven and I got to get ready [Music] I don't know what's going on but there's like construction everywhere and it's super loud but I just went to the store and I got some little shorts because I need some more sleeping shorts so I just got some cute little shorts yeah I'm excited to wear these to sleep I needed some sleeping shorts I will be packing those okay it's currently 11:44 p.m. I made dinner I went to the store I've been way too lazy to film any of this because I'm just freaking tired guys I woke up at 9:30 in the morning and I'm exhausted so I have to finish packing for the evening but like all my clothes are packed and everything so I just need to pack my toiletries and then I'll be done and then I'll be good to go okay guys greetings okay this is day two this is me preparing to go on my little trip so right it's so loud outside I'm sorry I'm making some egg making a some scrambled eggs and I also have to make my lunch and now for lunch I will be having a chicken Caesar wrap that's my lunch plan I made a bunch of chicken last night I made way too much chicken frankly like this is not going to all be going into my wrap but I'm literally leaving so what the [ย __ย ] am I supposed to do with my chicken I don't know I have to leave in like an hour which is concerning because I have to make breakfast I have to shower I have to make lunch and I have to get ready to go but that's actually not that much anyway cutting up the chicken I'm excited to get out of Toronto for a few days it'll be nice do you I freeze the chicken I [Music] guess okay so I'm going to put that in the [Music] [Music] wrap ohya breakfast time this feels like such a childhood breakfast for me scrambled eggs a glass of orange juice you know what I've always wondered is like why does orange juice the stuff that's already made why does it taste so different from real orange juice okay I'm like pretty much ready to go there just a a few things that I need to do I still have to empty the dishwasher clean out the sink and the garbage and that is all within the span of 15 minutes but I also want to do my makeup should I prioritize cleaning and could potentially do my makeup on the bus yes but I really am not going to do that the bus leaves at 2: and I still have like an hour until it leaves but I want to give myself at least 30 minutes 30 to 45 minutes to get there cuz it takes 15 minutes to get to Union Station which is where the bus is going to be leaving from and then even though I've been there before the entire station is really confusing and so actually finding where to go is yet another difficult task even though again I've already been there before so why is it so difficult I don't know so a little bit concerned no I'm literally going to make the bus so it's awesome we're going to be so on time I'm not going to have to wait which is going to be fun yeah leaving perfectly on time place is clean let's [Music] go currently in Montreal got here last night just woke up the blow a bed unfortunately is [Music] deflated all right in Montreal we're on the way on the way to where where are we going uh jeal Market lealon Market I haven't been there either so like first time too awesome it to be fun [Music] yes who told you that it was too late when was it that you started leaning that way three four tires cut into the clay it dries up and now there's just one road to take it's growing up over with green [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kate Brock
Views: 22,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gwu--V9g8zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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