Spring 2024 21 Day Meditation Challenge: Day 9

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good day welcome to day eight of our spring 2024 21-day meditation challenge inviting you to settle in make sure that your spine is supported that your body is comfortable if you wish to gaze about your room as a means of coming into the body connecting with the senses in order to come into the body certainly invite you to gaze about eventually though the eyes will either gentle closed or the Gaze will narrow maybe a check in with sound check in with smell with taste and with a sensation of touch very consciously connecting with those five physical Sensations the senses by which you experience the external world having checked in with the senses inviting you to connect with the breath to take big breaths in complete breaths out inhaling so that the belly expands exhaling so that the belly deflates inhaling the belly expands exhaling the belly to flates inhaling fill up exhaling empty out inviting you to continue long deep breaths and to notice what you're experiencing within the Mind notice any thoughts and notice any emotions are thoughts being electricity firing from neuron to neuron feels like they're just happening the brain thinking that the brain is is supposed to do our emotions ending energy in motion and experience whether thoughts or emotions or and emotions these as experiences that you're having again the awareness will come to the breath deepening the inhale deepening the exhale your belly expanding as you inhale your belly deflating as you exhale inhaling the belly expands exhaling the belly to flates focused on the breath concentrated on the breath remembering that this doesn't mean that the Mind stops but it means that we attend to the breath consciously choosing to focus on the breath rather than to engage with our thoughts remembering that the deeper the breath is the easier it is to do that another thing that might be helpful is to add a montra be something that you're repeating in your head space as you breathe an example is breathing in I know I'm breathing in breathing out I know I'm breathing out dwelling in this present moment it is a precious moment breathing in I know I'm breathing in breathing out out I know I'm breathing out dwelling in the present moment it is a precious moment your breath or your Mantra they serve as an anchor focusing concentrating use your next exhale to gently tuck the chin down down towards the chest and allow the head to hang heavy the face to soften the shoulders to soften tucking the chin down and in remembering that vegus nerve that we've spoke to cranial nerve involved in in our rest response with an inhale you're going to roll your right ear up and over to your right shoulder exhaling gently roll the chin back down to the chest inhale left ear will roll up and over towards left shoulder exhaling slowly roll your chin back to to your chest and inhale take the right ear up and over towards the right shoulder exhaling the chin will roll down to the chest inhale left ear will roll up and over to the left shoulder exhale roll the chin back to the chest pause face a soft Jaws release shoulders are soft let an inhale bring your head to the center exhaling to soften inhaling to roll the shoulders up towards the ears back and down inhale roll your shoulders up towards your ears exhale roll them back roll them down and pause we'll bring our palms together tuck the thumbs in at the heart if you want the chin can bow towards the chest that symbolism pausing noticing how you feel now and then sealing your practice with gratitude purposely noting something anything in this day in your life that you have appreciation for training our brains to see to see more of un threat to see to appreciate grateful for your presence here and grateful for this Pac known as death for
Channel: Vibrant Lives of Montana
Views: 34
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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