Spreading SEEDING on a NEW lawn // Repairing Winter Damage in Spring

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right so despite appearances the lawn behind me is absolutely awful today we're going to start it out so join me in a sec and i'll show you what we're going to do throughout history men have always been drawn to grass whether it be in the park a sports ground or simply in your own garden there's just something about those quintessential british stripes that makes you want them for yourself not to mention getting one over on your neighbors follow daniel on his lawn journeys in his step-by-step videos this year whilst you create your own lawn journey achieving that dream lawn you have always wanted with simple and easy to follow methods the lawn you have always dreamed of is only a grass seed away now sit back and enjoy the video oh and one more thing if you want to subscribe you know what to do all right so we'll just have a quick walk over the lord this is the bottom area which doesn't see any light from october onwards to no and it's not seen that much to be honest so you see it's a bit disease damage a lot of worm cast damage and just general winter damage so it's very patchy but in the main we've got good coverage so i know this lawn will come back no problem at all looks bad but we can sort it got a bit of a it's a rye grass that but it's not a rye grass that we want so i'll get my fork on that and i've actually walked over this morning and got a load out i'll show you what i got out but this area is really bad so this really does need some attention i just need sun just need some sunlight i'm going to do it in two stages we're going to do this bit after in a few weeks once all these flowers off the trees of of the plants of the periods and the azalea have gone so today we're just going to concentrate on steve's lawn and then we can crack on with that other side at a later date steve's not getting too upset with me at the minute because he's got that side going on which looks okay just cut it with a cylinder get its first cut since we've done the renovations just getting on top of that graph next we don't want to get out of hand we want to keep it nice and sharp so we've got a bit of seed germination as well just a few red tips poking through but honestly it's cold this morning it's easter monday i always work easter monday i don't think i've ever had an easter monday off really maybe one but yeah let's get the machines out well they're already out a lie scary fire here to cylinders already out as i've just said because i've cut that jack's magic in the back of the van grass seed streamer blower tripod me we're good to go so the first job today is the scarifying showed you this before for those who haven't seen it underneath i'll just quickly show you it's got blades there's a blunt blades i've got the new ones at home it's just getting round to changing them but we can just keep lowering the height of the machine to give us that depth that we need and then we can uh get a bit more use out of these before we change them it's just laziness really so i really want to get into this today i'm going to really drop it down and really give it a good one over because we've got a bit of annual meadow grass in there a few other bits and bows that i don't really want in there and hopefully that'll get rid of most of it and then once we've scalped it we're gonna have a quick trek over and uh the annual meadow grass will be easier to see that stuff that grows really low and just creeps along which you can't see through all this foliage so let's get on with that [Music] do [Music] always amazes me how much stuff comes out quite a close look there [Music] looks awful doesn't it but i'm going to scalp all this top growth off and overseed and then we'll get with the jack's magic but first of all it's time for that favorite part of the day again where we get the rare cake and it's getting hot now because i can't take my top off because i've got my mic attached so i'm going to just sweat this one out with you so bear with me and i'll get started [Music] just thought i'd show you some of the stuff we brought up and raked up because you can see with all leaves with all like flower head things that fall down twigs just all that was in the lawn so it's good to get that up and away so we'd have to worry about that still quite a lot in there but we'll get on you know with the rotary and uh pick that up do our number one and then we'll get on with the cylinder and just take uh take that off why aren't we just going on with the cylinder straight away because the cylinder doesn't have any suction and it won't suck up all this debris that's still left from the you know because i can't pick every little grain of scarifyings up so we're going the water to do that and then the cylinders to take off all the rest of the top gruff and then we can get on with some seeding so i've just been over that with the rotary and we're quite bare actually aren't we some areas where we really do need to do a bit of scratching first so i've got a nice little tool that i've just found around the back of steve's ice which i used to have actually uh it's going to come in really handy here today you'll have seen one before but i'll let you know what it is when i do it but here it's just very uh very flat very uh like like a flat pan even though it's on a slope and if we don't scratch this up before we put the seed on it'll just wash off so it's important that we this is probably the most important job of today really that we're gonna do so i did film me cutting with the rotary but when i came back to my phone it had uh stopped and wasn't even on the camera so i don't know what went wrong there so you've missed that one so i'll probably ask that but i'll definitely make sure i film part two which is uh going over it with the cylinder so what we're going to do is we're going to even flatten flatten all that soil even more so it's even more imperative that we get on with that scratching in the main it's okay but where there's just big patches um like here for example the seed will just run off that so we need to mash that up with a fork or this little tool that i've got so we'll get on with that i'm on a time limit because i'm going to the match this afternoon i'm leaving here at half one so i've got an hour and a half as it's mid day so best get moving [Music] do so you see what i mean it's all flat now so we'll get that too late and we'll ruffle that up and we'll just drop a bit of seed in as well like we did in the last video on the other side where there's like patches like this would ruffle that up and drop a few grains in just to add that patch recovery it is a bit of a nightmare this long because it just doesn't see the sun at all because you've got all that hedge and then you've got a big tree there so in the main look at the sun now coming you can just see it through the tree there and it's not even i know it's not out but when it is out it's not casting [Music] it's just casting shadows on the lawn as you can see so it doesn't really get going this long until may june when it's higher up so we'll start it it's a challenge but one i accept and one we will get right so this is the material i was talking about this is the wolfgarten one but you can get them in other mix sort of pivot there so as you push it it moves forwards but it doesn't scare effect because the blades are pointing back but as you pull back it then scarifies and then you push it forward and it pulls back for example like that so it's scarifying there and you can push it back and go like that so it's a nice easy way just to create those little grooves again that was squashed in the bigger areas like down here and he's taking some vegetation up but what we can do is we can just blow those off or rake them up because the raking or the blowing won't disturb the uh the grooves like going over it again with the mower or something so we're just going like that it's quite labor intensive i don't want to do a massive alarm with it but it just solves a little problem and it solves the problem where the scarifier can't reach like up against the wall up there i can't get right close but i could just go up with it like this and just give it a little scary fire but in the main i don't really worry too much about that i just stream it because i know i'm never going to get it perfect you see what effect we're having there we go excited and then we can just get our rake and just break it off just nice and gently just rake onto the road and then we'll just pick it up off the road loads more of the uh little twigs and branches and seed heads off the tree off the willow coming up as well but you see now we just got a nice little tilty area for that seed to sit in and not wash off job done right so good to go i've done all my ruffling up so it's nice nice and free now and the sea can just fall into all those little grooves same over that bottom end there done up the top side as well behind that wall just a little bit in the middle there doesn't really need it anywhere else so i've got me a seed in there five kilograms of berenbrug extreme i'm gonna go on there that's 100 square meters that works out 50 grams a square meter which is uh i'm happy with that and that's gonna fill in these gaps nicely and just give us a nice lawn overall and then it will look something like this hopefully fingers crossed so let's get on with that and then we'll get on with the jack's magic also what i'm going to do is i'm just going to open that up to 32 that uh right there on the the green spindle thing there which is your regulator i'm confident enough to just go on at 32 that doesn't mean anything to do with grammars per square meter that's literally just how fast it falls out seed comes out quite slow in comparison to fertilizer because there's no weight behind it so i'll know that going under 32 i'll have more than enough to do several passes without but if you're not confident you can just lower that down to whatever you want and take your time with it and just do multiple passes multiple directions and you'll get the job done nice and accurate [Music] nice bit of seed on there now all going to get raped into those one at all that would be stupid to say it's not all going to get raped into those grooves but some of it welcome a bit well but the bits that do will germinate quicker and better but it's all about just getting an even coverage at this point i just have to do by hand by the edge because you can't get it all the way up to the edge by the uh with the spreader along here nice bit of seed there and there as well [Music] so looking good it's a time now and we just did that bit up there in that top corner that's like my little turf nursery up there so if you have any when i get that looking decent and they have any uh problems anywhere i'll just take a bit from there and replace it in uh with the lawn where needed say like you got a patch of annual meadow or a wee grass or something that comes in you just want to quickly might do a they've got their dutchman in the wood turning industry where you replace a bit of wood with another and we do the same with the grass over there and we've also got that little slither on the other side next to the wood which we can take it from as well because we know that's the same so now it's time for jack's magic okay so we're at that time of the day again where we want to spread out jack's magic same drill as always rake doesn't have to be this way it can be any rake but this rake's a good one it's a landscapers rake from if you live in britain from screw fix direct it's a rough neck 36 inch so that's what that is so you don't need to leave comments asking what it is because i've told you and if you do then that means you're a slider and i don't like sliders even though i'm on myself on videos i don't like people sliding on mine obviously um no i've never thought about buying a compost spreader i've got one it's called a rake i won't be buying one because they're paying to store um they're about three four hundred pound for for the best ones which is what i would buy because you don't buy cheap in my game if you buy cheat you'll end up replacing it 10 times before you actually would if you uh bought a decent one like jeans have you bought a decent pair of jeans and 10 years later they're still as blue as the day you bought them but then you bought other jeans which are as deer maybe and then you bought several purrs in the same time frame because they faded in the wash so it's the similar thing really so we just get our rake which is class of the compost bear isn't it today so if you want to be picky yes i have thought about buying one because i've bought one and we'll just break it out we're not disturbing the seed don't worry about that because this is just floating over the surface the rick's barely touching the soil and the soil and the top the compost is so light it's just it's just been dragged on the surface and leaving that seed where it is you know if you was to get a microscope out and actually like look underneath and make a geographical reference on a gps device of where your seed was and and where it ends up yeah it might move a millimeter but that's fine it's not like we started at the top of the lawn and it's all going to end up at the bottom so just do that it's not bad stuff today this this is nice it's been uh at the middle of my pile so it's kept dry and we've had a bit of rain overnight and so it's not saturated or anything like that spreading really nice soon dries out even though we've had quite some heat like to say some rain over it's quite heavy rain but this is drying out already so we'll have to be honest with the watering you know once we've done this over this next week because there's none due now so we'll have to keep on top of that just keep coming every day a bit of a ritual cost me a fortune in diesel because we're right in the bottom of a massive hill here where we are i noticed when i come down my gauge like starts at full and then as i leave it it's on empty because it's [Music] such a drag going up and down every day right that's it so just rake that up that's all the stuff that we're going to take off so that could stay on the lawn if need be it'll just rot down but um if we're going to rake and it's there any pound just take it off and save a job [Music] okay so that's the jacks magic on all that's left here to do is to water that will be tomorrow now i'll start watering tomorrow and then we'll have to keep on it twice a day until that seed germinates then we can get me some soap pro and join me on the journey and i'll show you what and when to put on we had a bit of an issue here last year didn't we when i first seeded we had a big heavy down point all washed away so it's a good job we left this side because if we had some heavy rain it would have happened because it's on a hill the the top dressing's like an avalanche almost it just comes down like that and washes away so we've got the opportunity now just to hand water and hopefully by the time we do get some heavy rain that'll have all degraded down the sea will have come through meaning we're not going to end up with a nice lush border here so that's it for today i hope you've enjoyed this easter monday special i'm off to the match now so until we meet again take care
Channel: Daniel Hibbert Lawn Expert
Views: 103,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spreading seeding on a new lawn, spreading seed on lawn, seeding a new lawn, seeding a new lawn after construction, seeding a new lawn uk, seeding a new lawn in spring, seeding a new lawn from scratch, seeding new grass, seeding with lawn seed, spreading seed on new lawn, grass seeding a lawn, spreading grass, spreading grass seed, spreading grass seed with spreader, spreading grass seed in spring, spreading grass seed on existing lawn
Id: _9SkTkb6trU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 18 2022
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