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in today's video I'm gonna help you improve your tired worn-out or just plain ugly lawn with as little work as possible through a process called over seating now I'm going to show you how to oversee your lawn in the springtime this is the way that most professionals oversee lawns today because they get a good result and it takes them the least amount of time but I'm going to adapt it so that you can do it yourself at home getting the same great results and ultimately give you a better lawn over seeding your lawn is a real professional secret to having it look great and the reason it works is because your lawn is not one plant it's a mini forest comprised of millions of individual grass plants and just like a real forest some trees die they get diseased or damaged and on your lawn that results in things like bare spots yellow grass and other problems so when you over seed you're introducing new plants throughout your existing lawn you can do this job yourself just like a professional would because they've learned how to save time they combined the process of core aeration or lawn aeration with over seeding now if you're not familiar with aeration you really should be because aerating your lawn is an excellent thing essentially you're poking holes in your lawn but it's for a good reason these holes are gonna allow things like water air and nutrients to get deeper into the roots and the holes are only temporary they will close up in just a few weeks but while they're open they really help also loosen up the dirt real magic begins when you're finished aerating because you're gonna go back to your lawn using a regular garden spreader but this time you're gonna load it with grass seed and when you spread that grass seed across your lawn many of those seeds will go right into the holes that you just made with that aerator in doing it this way can be done at lightning speed and you can still get great results and the reason is those little holes act like planners for the grass but they also protect the seed because things like birds cannot get their beaks down deep enough in the holes to eat it there's a real problem for people of huge bird populations and end up trying to seed their lawn and the birds just see it like a smorgasbord so this is a great advantage that over seeding your lawn after you aerate can really provide you can do this entire process and literally just an afternoon and you really can get great results because when you water your lawn after over seeding with aeration the water goes directly into those holes doing a better job of keeping those new seeds moist but it also protects the seed from washing away from heavy rains now my other videos I've told you that seeding in the fall is best and that is true because the fall is gonna usually offer lower temperatures and more rainfall but you can oversee it in the spring as long as you keep an eye on the temperatures because if they skyrocket you want to be ready to make sure you're applying enough water to keep the seed moist so that it can grow and germinate the other consideration is around weeds because weeds like the spring better than they like the fall but it doesn't mean you can't over seed in the spring you totally can you've just got to over seed your lawn and then keep an eye on the weeds in many cases you may not have a lot of weeds at all but if you get a huge amount of weeds popping up in those spots you can go ahead and treat them with a post emergent weed control that just means that you're gonna spray the weeds after you see them there are pre-emergent weed controls you can put down with those new seeds but in my experience I wouldn't bother and most professionals don't either if they're over seeding an existing lawn so I'd save the time and expense and treat weeds after the fact if you get them this is a perfect method if you've got a lawn that needs some improvement and you don't want to spend a lot of time or effort you do need to rent the aerator but that's just one piece of equipment that you pay a small fee for to rent it for the day now you might be thinking what about those seeds that didn't fall into the holes and did you just throw your money away because they're never gonna grow at all well the good news is that many of those seeds will grow on their own and most professionals are gonna just do the method the way I showed you and get great results but if you want to help even more of that seed germinate you can do one last trick now you're not gonna see many professionals do this but as a homeowner this is something you can easily do just grab your garden rake and you want to go around the lawn now you're not raking those cores up don't even touch them because they will break down in their own what you're trying to do is just scratch the surface of bed so those grass seeds that didn't fall into the holes will benefit from a little bit of scratching end once you rake a bit those seeds will touch the soil even more and you'll get a better germination rate now personally I don't rake the lawn afterwards I just allow the over seating in the aeration holes to do its job the reason that so many pros use this method is because it works it combines two great processes into one aeration is always good for your lawn and over seeding is the secret to having a great lawn throughout year to year now there are other ways to over seed your lawn you can bring in truckloads of dirt tear it up and spend your life to be a slave to your lawn but in my case that's not what I can do I want to have a good looking lawn with the least amount of work and that's why I love this method soulfully this gave you some good ideas and a better way to oversee your lawn this spring if you liked this video please give me a thumbs up subscribe to my channel if you're not already from more videos coming up
Channel: Silver Cymbal
Views: 946,529
Rating: 4.9242978 out of 5
Keywords: lawn care, lawn, lawn tips for beginners, renovating a lawn, renovating your lawn, lawn renovation, fixing my lawn, improving lawn, ugly lawn, beautiful lawn, lawn transformation, lawn before and after, fixing a bad lawn, lawn looks dead, get the lawn you want, lawn you want, silvercymbal, silver cymbal, ultimate lawn fix, diy lawn care, diy lawn, fix an ugly lawn, fix a bad lawn, overseeding, spring overseeding, how to overseed a lawn, overseeding before and after
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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