Classroom Management Techniques for ANY GRADE

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[Music] hi everybody welcome back to my channel thank you so much for joining me I am very happy to have you back today we are going to be talking about I have three really good tips for classroom behavior management that work across all ages from TK through fifth and then nine through twelve so I assume that they work four six seven and eight I've actually never taught middle school like I don't know that I have the guts for it like I think that middle school teachers are probably up there with like being nominated for sainthood the hormones are like just a little bit too thick in middle school I don't know I just could never really do middle school so like cheers to you middle school teachers you're fantastic you're amazing people when I started this current position my traveling teacher position and if you miss my first video I explained what that's all about in my welcome to the caffeinated classroom but really fast I have been a high school teacher my whole entire career for about uh about eleven years and then last year I took a special assignment position where I spend two years I'm almost done with my tenure here and I go around to 13 different schools within my school district because we have a Unified School District so we're K through 12 I go through K through five or I'm sorry T K through five classrooms at 13 different schools three different classes on each campus there's a whole team of us and between all of us we see every elementary school student in our entire district a lot of kids I had two real fast brush up on my classroom management skills because it had been like a decade since I cleared my credential and so yeah I've been observed here and there but I didn't have like I don't know I got to the point where I wasn't like actively thinking about okay and what's my behavior management skill going to be today as I teach this lesson like how am I going to make sure that it just became second nature a lot of the tactics that I use in the techniques that I use in my own classroom to keep kids engaged and make sure that they're on task and I quickly realized especially when I was in fourth and fifth grade classrooms this is when it like hit me like a ton of bricks that my own personal teaching style relied so much on my personality and on my rapport with students to keep them engaged and keep them behaving appropriately and meeting expectations and when you go into like an elementary school classroom and they don't know you and they don't really like care what your opinion is and it's not in a bad way they just like there's no background there's no rapport between us they were bonkers and I was really given a run for my money for the first couple of months when I was trying to figure out like catch my bearings and know how to get the students on track because I would I made the mistake of treating fifth graders like ninth graders because they're big they sound like they know what's going on and some of them do know what's going on but they're ten like there there's still little kids and I mean it's something that like logically I knew and a lot of you elementary teachers watching this gonna be like yeah they're they're they're little kids Murray but you got to understand my own children at the time my daughter when I started this position was like three months old I started right after maternity leave and my son was three years old and just starting preschool so like I was in that land so like the TK classes the K classes first grade even second grade I was good to go like I had all that behavior management down I was perfectly fine fourth and fifth grade third grade a little bit but fourth and fifth grade really like threw me for a loop so I went back to my basics and here are my three tips for things that will work techniques TK all the way up till 12th graders just to keep kiddos on track I mean obviously there gonna be some anomalies but I will say that these three things work ninety-nine point four percent of the time number one is just wait expel all of your energy I made the really big mistake of coming into these classrooms and me like it's time for us to do our awesome activity today and not did two things for the little guys especially it got them all riled up and they became unruly and I wasn't able to rein them back in and it exhausted me so I would get home to my own children and just be this like lump on the couch and unable to I don't know like actually interact with my poor sweet babies and then it made me just like by Wednesday I was drained and I was so over it and like my entire weekend was spent completely recovering to try and gear back up for Monday and I was just like leaving it all on the stage there I just wait kids are great at self-regulating and this is one of the first things they teach us in the teacher credential program latency wait just wait for kids to come in and figure out that we have made a transition and that's something new is happening in class and they just have to get with and it takes some kids longer than others but I will tell you there are going to be a few in your class will turn on you're like hey or they'll be like hey guys teachers trying to talk to us that's always a little counterproductive so you just kind of to be like oh thank you so much oh you don't have to do that I'll take care of it but I appreciate your help and then when that doesn't work it brings me to my second like success key proximity I get like real close to the kiddos who are still talking so like you stand up in front of class right you are waiting you've got if you got a class of 30 you've got 28 of them hook line and sinker they are in there waiting for you and there are still two kids or even one kid who just cannot get their cookies together and they're just like talking as if nobody else in the world exists and you know we've all had that student in our class and they're just kind of like out there and often they're the most creative ones but man are they hard to rein in so you just walk up to them and stand there sometimes I just put like a little pink just one little finger on their shoulder and they kind of look at you like yeah yeah and you're like hi and when they realize what the whole rest of the room is quiet they go oh and then you could just start talking I I normally don't even say anything to these kiddos I just stand there and I'm like hi it's time for us to start but without my words I just stand there staring and it just it's it's a nice way so that I don't have to get totally embarrassed by getting berated all the time those chatty kids they hear their own name more than anything in class because they're the ones who have to get redirected redirected redirect and you can just stand there and then you're not exhausted once again this is not revolutionary stuff but if you're somebody like me who's been teaching for a long time and you kind of like forget about thinking about these things really directly it's just a good like brush up and I can tell you it's really working and I'm no longer completely roadkill exhausted by the end of like Tuesday afternoon because all of my energy is spent trying to get kids attention because that we transition a lot there's there's a lot of change in what we're doing from instruction to guided practice to individual practice and then we go outside and then we're walking in the hallway and we're lining up and there's just all these things and so these are these are tactics that have really really saved me so my third and final like really big good tip is to whisper I used to do this all the time I have a very very loud voice as you can tell I have to in all of these videos I've had to like bring down my volume because even though I'm only speaking at a conversational tone my voice totally distorts the whole microphone so apologies but I I'm really really good at using my voice to get attention and as a person who never loses my voice like I'm vocally trained I've been a theatre student and then a theatre teacher for a very long time I don't lose my voice I was losing my voice all the time because I was trying to overpower kids and I was forgetting but like I'm in charge and they're good they're going to be listening to me and that's how this is going to work and so I just started to lower my voice and twisper oh my gosh everything I said was like they were hanging on my every word and it works this this one works the best with really really young kids way older kids because there's something like they want to be like in the know so with like the little little guys kindergarteners first graders second graders when I bring my voice down really low and I kind of they get really excited like I'm gonna tell them this really cool secret and even though I'm like and then you're going to sit in your seat and take out a pair of scissors it's like the master and they all do it with like tenth graders they feel like they're like learning some dirt or something and you're you're telling them something that they and they're like exclusive and they've got the VIP scoop and it's the most hilarious thing in the world but it it really does work and it saves my voice and it saves my energy and it just gets us all going in the same direction that we need to be going and it keeps us all on track I really hope that for those of you who are veteran teachers like me maybe just like thinking about these things well make you go oh yeah I totally do that and you can be more mindful about these behavior management skills in your own and these techniques in your own teaching practice and if you are just starting out this is your first second your maybe or your student teaching these are things that you're going to be told by your teachers by your guide teacher and by like your mentors and they're not saying it just to hear themselves talk these tactics really really work they're very very simple all you have to do is wait and then when that's not working proximity going stand or sit right next to the kiddo that needs a little bit of help paying attention and then last but not least just lower your voice and it kind of makes everybody lean in please let me know in the comments below how these work for you and also if you've got like a no-brainer behavior management technique that you're like listen I have not done this since my training and I started doing this and it's the most amazing thing and I can't believe I haven't been doing this all along please please please comment below and we can share our practices our best practices as professionals with each other and help each other succeed Cheers thank you so much for watching today's video if you have a moment please go ahead and hit that subscribe button down below let's connect on social media too i'm on instagram at the cabin native class and my blog is WWF I'm a Detroit [Music]
Channel: The Caffeinated Classroom
Views: 47,830
Rating: 4.8892307 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, teaching, public school, education, educator, teacher blog, teacher vlog, classroom management, early edventures, pocketfull of primary, too cool for middle school
Id: s4c5wGgfLV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 18 2018
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