Billy & Mandy's Big Boogey Adventure | English Full Movie | Animation Adventure Comedy

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[Music] [Music] mag [Music] you must go back in time eliminate Billy and Mandy and act as their Replacements until further instructions are given they are not to reach Horror's hand before the Lord of horor now go [Music] [Music] remember back then yo when we were young and innocent we need to get through that Vortex irn maybe we can make things right again the way they were before horror ha Rich a man I was so busy watching SE the opening credits that I forgot to follow those robots into the past through that pulsating time travel Vortex hey yo don't worry remember you drew up that schematic for a time travel machine last night we can just build our own time travel portal go back through and save ourselves from this terrible future caused by Horror's hand that's right get to work on it right away uh Billy that's a drawing of cops fighting dinosaurs what they should be working to together we'll just have to wait and hope that ourselves in the past figure out how to stop the tragic sequence of events that led up to this awful future but doesn't the fact that we're here mean that we [Music] don't you know time travel is so confusing besides it just F your be so [Music] bad I mean aside from all of humanity being enslaved by the [Music] for morning and [Music] death oh this is my favorite part of the job Ral scarf I have come for thee oh that's great can you fix the antenna my one day off and shark week's coming in all fuzzy no Reginal star I have come for thee what I'm in perfect health what this hole is just a flesh wound I don't even know where I got it Wier The Vortex with you and don't start crying and dripping snot all over me this world has got to get me through the week I'm busy you rotten little munchkins go play in traffic we're bored Grim we want you to take us to work with you no way I like to keep my work life and my home life separate I think you misunderstood me I meant you will take us to work with you you know you'd have more friends if you were a little more pleasant I don't want more friends I have you and you promised to be our best friend forever a best friend would definitely bring us to work if he had a cool job like a gorilla or the Grim Reaper we I we've got a [Music] runner aren't you forgetting something was it my deodorant oh no that's you fine good [Music] [Music] on I'm [Music] okay this calls for track number six you can't outrun death that's why I have [Music] turbo you're not doing this right I'm driving don't can't drive everyone know stop ping oh totally not my [Music] fault time for the big guns or SL say [Music] [Music] missiles I wonder what this one does oh now I [Music] remember I can't believe you two scared off another one I've got a quota to meet they're dead Grim they'll turn up sooner or [Music] later your Huggy Bear is here to Maul you with love yo not now irn my job could be on the line I have a reputation to uphold jobs don't have to be forever Grim my dad starts a new job almost every week Billy's right Grim I've been fired before and it's not bad in fact I get fired all the time why just today I got fired from my job at the frle burger for eating all of the paper cups what was that honey nothing glattus are you sure I could have sworn me not speaking your language you lost that job at Freckle Burgery y yup the point is you kids can't be mixing my business with your pleasure I can't keep losing clients like this you're the only one who [Music] cares [Music] hey gri how come you guys moving zit huh it's the [Music] man Grim Reaper you're under arrest for misuse of your powers and dereliction of Dy he said Dy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] w [Music] i' have a double cheeseburger animal style but not if the animal is a porcupine or a weasel or anything cuz then it would hurt when you put it in your mouth excuse me I think there's been a mistake hey how you doing what is this why am I here you're here to pay for abusing your powers [Music] Boo the boogeyman didn't we banish you to the nightmare realm yeah but I'm not one to hold a grudge well maybe you ought to start I've never forgiven you for all the mean stuff you did to me as a kid oh Grim please I was kidding I totally hold a grudge and when I learned that these baboons were causing you to misw workk and abuse your powers well let's just say that I felt it was my duty as a citizen to crush you and destroy everything you love that's what I would do he said t don't you find the justice system fascinating what are you talking about Boogie I've never abused my Powers but I'm going to start if you don't get out of my face I where were you when you met Billy and Mandy that was the night these RS won me in a limbo game I AC and where were you on October 31st well it was Halloween that wasn't my fault Miss I got stolen I wasn't anywhere near it when those giant pumpkins wrecked half of enville is it not true that Not only was your Scythe stolen by a headless man wearing a pumpkin on his neck but it was also taken by Billy Mandy Irwin Billy's father Billy's mother Billy's cousin Billy's cat Dracula General scar principal good Vib Mrs Claus The Secret Snake Club the Army Scout Troop 701 the SLE tax the president the mailman the Dingle schmi sisters the boogeyman a llama and a turkey salad sandwich hold the Mayo well yeah but aha he admits to irresponsibly losing his Scythe an epic and ancient tool filled with terrible Magics Beyond mortal understanding on multiple occasions Dr hate J well it's not my fault it's these kids they're like lip brushes for trouble so you have no free will you must do what these mere mortal children say yes yes we're his bestest friends forever oo bestest friends who steal powerful eldrich artifacts from his drunk traveled to forbidden Plains of existence and used the Grim Reaper Scythe to to unclog their toilets yep that's us need a toilet it was a supernatural clog would it be fair to say that none of you would be friends if you didn't have to be that you're just using the Grim Reaper for his powers and if he were suddenly powerless he'd be useless to you yeah sounds fair to me I'd like to call to the stand my first witness myself hello I'm the boogeyman is it true that these stinking children called you names and banished you to a nightmare realm where the screaming never stopped yes it's true these children stink and probably never bathe yes he can't be serious if I recall correctly he can't be scary either oh it was horrible modern children are so hard to scare I was just trying to do my job Oh Hang him objection the prosecutor can't question himself oh jeez is that true well in summation these deviants are unbelievably barbaric wickedly loathsome prish pimples on the face of our brave and honorable society and they're mean to baby animals I rest my case does the defense have anything to say for itself I want to plead guilty sh oh please judge it's not my fault that I'm not doing the job these kids want me in a bet illegal gambling but I'll do anything to get out of a contract invalidating a legal and binding contract shut up Boogie or I'll come over there and make you shut up assaulting an officer of the court I think I've seen enough has the jury reached a verdict Stone him uh we the jury find the defendant uh inoc you idiot that says guilty guilty yes by the power rested in Me by this infernal Court I hereby strip the Grim Reaper of title Rank and powers and condemn him and his accessories to immediate execution oh I'm sorry that says Exile my bad how could you do this boogie he doesn't like you haven't you been listening oh judge don't worry I'll take them with me my crew and I were just going out for a bit of a sail and I know the perfect place to drop them off drop them off drop them off very well I give custody of the former Grim Reaper to the boogeyman please take him far far away where he won't bother anyone ever again you made your point Boogie who are you going to get to be the Grim Reaper instead of me huh the kids next door hey come on I know my rights you've got the right to a butt kicking right [Music] [Applause] [Music] boys I've cheated death this is the greatest day of my life time for a frosty beverage what's this D you those filthy children that go door to door selling candy bars for their school fundraiser well I'm busy and poor so go away and stop tracking dir on my la [Music] [Music] no sign of the targets we must enter the domicile Larry why are we eliminating bny and Mandy our job is not to ask why we are programmed to obey they are gone I told you it took too long statement if I don't robot I wouldn't have had that 32 o liquid coolant right before we time traveled hey kids Billy's mom's a little upset right now seeing as how she's going to have to go back to work at the dog kicking Factory so I'm supposed to take you to dinner far far away from here qu will you Billy's father teach me all that you know so that I may better understand and thereby destroy my preapproved target Oh Billy I'd hoped one day that you'd realize that I'm not just a father but a father figure come let me share my knowledge over a rof be now the first thing you got to know is that life is like a basketball it do [Music] down hey hey are you guys going to the Grand Canyon on this cruise ship too no we're prisoners I like cruise ships cuz you get a buffet and and it has shrimp the buffet has shrimp how did that guy from the jury get on my ship I need to make poooo I need to make poooo real B I can't believe you got me fired Boogie you can't keep me here your stay here will be as brief as your lives but we still get the buffet right I'm not hungry yo I want to go home who's going to be the Grim Reaper if I'm not the Grim Reaper oh hey there it's me number three I just wanted to thank you Boogie for giving me this opportunity thanks to you and addition to my charity work and love of Rainbow Monkeys I can now also reap The Immortal Souls of Grownups collecting my dark Harvest with a cold iron blade yeah that'll be [Music] fun uh she's on a 6-week trial period if I had me powers right now but you don't and without your powers you can't be the scariest being alive that leaves the job up to me last time I checked butterflies were scarier than [Music] you you won't be saying that after I sail to the aisle of peril and capture Horror's hand oh my mom makes horrible ham I'd be happy to bring it to you to save you the trip no you doof wad Horror's hand it clutches in its mighty grip the things we fear the most Horror's hand with its power I could be the scariest being alive I could easily give the old job back Horror's hand is the most frightening object in the universe Horror's hand makes you face your deepest fear but if you conquer your fear you can use the hand power to become an Unstoppable force of scariness booy boo Horrors and literally makes your worst nightmares come to life when I enter the dreams of children with the hand they will f dare me [Music] again Mortals all over the world will get so scared that they puke when they just hear the name Boogyman like that one lady puked when I mentioned your name uh it was one date she didn't give me a chance [Music] move does that mean he does or doesn't want to ham you're a hack Boogie I've met marshmallows scarier than you shall I set course for the burning Seas we could throw these punks to the fire sharks make it so Mr creeper I usually think sharks are scary but these fire sharks sound like a fine lot of gentlemen to me [Music] ladies and gentlemen boys and girls it's time for a little game called walk the plank Come On Boogie it's me you want not the kids let them go I don't think so fine take the kids let me go I'm going to miss you the most grim this is just like Titanic I don't see why we have to walk the plank I mean we're not the ones who have been your mortal enemies since the sixth grade true but I really don't like children the feeling is mutual come on in the lava is fine you that looks like fun I want to go first it's always nice to have a volunteer hot down there but it's a dry heat dance you little sausage dance do it I can't look Mommy now are you scared scary scary I'm scared but not though scary scary scary oh I'm not scared from head to Joe well I'm scared not very though I'm not afraid of a pointy sword if it's not me it's pointing sword I'm not worried of all overboard and pop my head open like a g and pop his head open like a [Music] [Applause] gourd I'm not afraid of poisonous bugs if they don't show their ugly mugs I'm not afraid of you I know you really need our hug our hug SC scary I'm scared not scary scary scary I'm not scared from to well I'm scared not Grim let's beat it while they're distracted I'm not afraid of Big Break as as a and I'm not scared of Sak if they don't bite when they don't Fe and I'm not scared if him but tell that to my freak and I'm not scared I can't see but I am kind of scared of being in by the [Music] band scary scary I'm scar scary SC scary scary I'm not scared I'm scared I'm afraid I'm not scared at all not being kicked or keyho my goodness he is so brave and Tall this bra boy I can't recall I don't know if I'm thankful or [Music] appalled I scary oh scary you're scary scary I'm not scared not fa scary oh scary oh I'm not [Music] scary I'm not scared I'm not scared I can use something it's you reach I'm really really hungry oh scared what this bil doing we need to get out of here what do you mean what am I doing I'm singing There's always songs in animated movie get out of there or I'll give you something to be scared of here scared scary scary I'm not scar to scary scary I'm SC scary I'm now that's [Music] scary it's a good thing I can't smell what I'm trying to say is when a boy becomes a man he gets super super hairy see another root beer son statement me like another root [Music] [Music] beer uh glattus I forgot does ruper always make head explode no dear it just gives him terrible [Music] gas okay he's [Music] fine yeah good one Captain you almost had me there would it kill you to fake it just once it'll make the time when you really scare me all the more special good point not that it'll ever happen what's the status on our escapes no sign of the ex Grim Reaper and his cronies boo we're also missing a death boat which means they could be out on the river well if they make it to the gatekeeper we can watch their demise through the gatekeeper's magic [Music] ey we've got to stop Boogie from getting Horror's hand otherwise he'll become more powerful than you can possibly imagine I don't know I can imagine quite a [Music] bit it almost makes me smile I know what I do with Limitless power [Music] yo you I got the best idea one candy bar please idiot and you don't ever have that thought bubble again I don't have to imagine what I do with Horror's hand I know what I'm going to do I'm going to use it to get me job well no one is allowed to be more powerful than me so we have to stop Boogie and get Grim's powers back I'll enchant the boat and we'll catch up in no time now where's my Scythe I've lost Miss sight I love that sight great maybe we can use you for an anchor that's about all you're good for now you two are the anchors always dragging me down holding me back my life will smooth sailing before you ruined [Laughter] it going to be okay he'll be fine he's going through the seven stages of grief shock how could this happen denial it's a mistake no way this could happen bargaining it's okay it's okay maybe I can fix it fear there's no way I can fix it anger I'm going to pull Boogie's nose off and put it in a jaar Despair and when I'm done with Boogie I'm coming for you little pukes he's stuck on anger anyone hungry have you zombie arms for everyone well I guess we do this the oldfashioned way everyone grab an arm and [Music] P let me do the talking these are my people I need please I am the Grim Reaper I need no ID sorry citizens can't let you in without an ID well it's really not a good picture can't you just take my word show them the [Music] ID wait a minute I don't got no eye I can't read this I'll have to summon the gatekeeper to perform the what's the test Grim how should I know tests are scary yo I feel like all those Scantron dots are little eyes staring back at me judging [Music] [Music] me behold me am gatekeeper bring greatest rler you you I think no you don't well I'm not very good at riddles but I'm not good at a lot of things right now am I you're getting pretty good at getting on my nerves hey yo I know the question and answer of every riddle known to man My Level 52 troll warlock is the only one ever to have opened the riddle door of the math wizard let me do this for the team my pet fine great go away I am the best Riddler here y gatekeeper hate riddles now me test you let me look at him [Music] first holy crud I never imagined that the Grim Reaper would be so ugly I mean he looks like a noseless mother with bad [Music] shoes [Music] good job you passed the [Music] test oh this is what we get for passing the test [Music] [Applause] seasoning needs more simonon hey I'm starving put more wood on the fire mutton head you wait for Shimon Shimon good perfect way too much cinnamon yo ow something bit me Po the snakes I don't think so if I had Miss IE we'd be so out of here what are we going to do yo Pleasers don't get eaten by cyclopses yeah I always thought I'd be eaten by something cooler like a biker [Applause] gang hey one ey I think your Stew's gone bad nope secret ingredient Sim in not bad did it just get warmer in here or is it just me Billy did you oh my goodness did not okay I did [Music] [Music] no not again we're never going to eat if you don't find it you big lump of stupid [Music] yeah it's like that little girl knows how to use Billy as a weapon we need to stop those kids before they beat us with a hand funny you should mention that I've been working on some designs for time traveling robots that could backtrack and eliminate those meddlesome little nerds you work fast wow I totally do we are from the future creeper built us to ensure that the Lord of horror reaches Horror's hand before Billy and Mary we offer our services as assassins or Maids if you need cleaning statement I like I designed you to be unthinking unfeeling killing machines bil but was damaged on the surface World [Applause] damage check behind that rock in the front yard where the hot of key is shut up no check the refrigerator and while you're in there give me a sandwich because this soup is terrible shut up no you shut up no you shut up no you shut up no you shut up shut up any idea how our dinky raft with a powerless Reaper can catch that enormous [Music] [Music] yacht doesn't this seem a little odd to anyone well strawberry frosting is a little unconventional on a chocolate cake don't you a gift cake in the mouth happy birthday Billy and Mandy it's probably a trap since we don't share the same birthday maybe it's celebrating the show's birthday yo we should probably leave it frost chastic oo this is good I can't say I've ever had a cake quite this then work putting a sleeping potion into the cake mix Billy butt Billy butt cake Mi I am dreaming that I make Pig me [Music] maret Mission successful Captain Boogeyman the targets are neutralized and ready for dream infiltration excellent work mandroid now creeper it's time for a good old-fashioned scaring oh come on you've got to laugh with me or I look like a [Music] jerk yeah ow I'm the world's top Cowboy astronaut [Music] gotcha way to go Billy you're the best this is one of the most shameful things I've ever seen what are you doing in my dream Andy reliving The Pit and the Pendulum for the thousandth time what are both of you doing in my recurring dream about puppy town and who are you I'm the real gri the guy you're riding only exists in your sad sick little dream I do this for one of my Charities it's called the stupid kids Dream Foundation yay well if that's true where's the real Irwin right here yo I have this dream every [Music] night if you're here to scare us skip it we're not in the mood oh yes Little Miss I'm always in control you're the reason I'm here you're the only threat to my plans you're coming with me let's see how you dupes do without your brain trust I'll leave you with the gift that wasn't the gift that was this morning's three cheese omelet fear the [Music] [Applause] goua I wish I could wake up but I don't usually wake up until I pee hey yo [Music] he M's been kidnapped by Boogie we have to get her back how we going to get her back Boogie's got everything a better boat a full crew and Mandy Grim if we're going to get your powers back stop the Boogeyman and save the world from tyranny then we're going to need all of us to do it we have to to get Mandy back hey there's one thing boogy doesn't have the power of what am I looking at it's the view from the gatekeeper's eye Captain but I thought Billy ate the eye he did H you don't want to think about it too hard no matter Mandy you admitted in court under oath that Grim was no good to you without his powers with horr's hand I'll be twice as powerful as Grim ever was if you were my friend and protected me the way you protect Grimm we could rule the universe together what do you say just because I'll be best friends with a loser bag of bones doesn't mean I'll be best friends with a toad like you careful little girl or I could make the rest of your miserable little existence very scary ain't that right creeper what's that oh yes scary oo very scary Captain yes no it's not scary at all keep that up and the employee of the month is going to be that guy F I got a poo I got a poo BL BL BL BL dingdong Fred fed Burger yes it's you who should be scared Boogie why is that cuz once I get down from here I'm going to kick your slimy blue butt so hard you'll have to sit on your eyes oh now that's scary maybe you could pick up a couple of pointers from enough you're not kicking any butt little girl if you think you are you're dreaming I just had the craziest dream H I just had the craziest dream was it the one where you can't save us where are you B we can't make it without you know we can't make it without you we're [Music] [Applause] [Music] do ow let me out of here she'll be under my sleep spell until her will is broken yeah I remember when you did that to me I hate [Music] you ah it's just smooth sailing from here on out sir you might want to see this now there's something you don't see every [Music] day ha mie I will find you and save you yo what are you doing get him oh God hang on how did Rin get so cool he's driven by The Power of Love [Music] really love makes people do all sorts of stupid things I love everything that explains a lot [Music] [Music] never send monster Pirates to do a robot's job Billy bot mandroid destroy yeah she's still a yes there is but one way to break the spell this beautiful Maiden is [Music] under okay I get it terrible horrible disgusting nightmares that just keep getting worse can we just move on already this is no nightmare Mandy this is a dream come true I am the god of love uh when you're done there we've got a situation please surrender yourselves and come with me you will be a please please if you're supposed to be me then let's get a couple things straight I don't say please I don't assimilate and I don't take orders from anyone especially your pathetic excuse for a boogeyman I be [Music] [Music] giving [Music] someone think fast before they figure out they've got us outnumbered I was just in for the saving you part how fast do I have to think I'm getting dizzy hey we got you this far not bad for a weenie a dope and a useless bag of bones with no powers you figure out the rest am I the weenie or the bag of bones that's so hot [Music] yo we can't let them get to the hand first there's only one thing left to do oh sir you can't mean I do release the [Music] Kraken [Music] you think she'd be a little more grateful where are we the aisle of peril resting place of how's [Music] [Applause] [Music] head [Music] it's amazing yo I know I can see my grandma's house from here shut up Billy I'll never understand why she moved here [Music] halt who is that I am Hara the ancient long ago I magically channeled all of my fear into my left hand and then cut it off so I would forever be bold and brave you may pass no further without defeating me in a battle of wits during which I will attempt to strike you with my spear Mr Mr did cutting off your hand really make you Brave oh my goodness no I mean what was I thinking first of all I'm a lefty so once I cut it off I couldn't even sign my name then I just got bored and I gained like 20 lb now I do a lot lot of online gaming and I've learned to play a guitar with my teeth gets kind of boring so what you're saying is you're not really going to engage Us in battle at all you just want a little love and understanding rin's here and he's ready to listen yo if you defeat me you will face your greatest fear at the hand of Horror's hand well looks like we've got gone from bad to [Music] worse B he'll be fine oh great there goes our comic relief what [Music] next I'm afraid you're outmatched Grim old boy Horror's hand is mine if you want to be useful without your powers now is a good time to start my my I don't know how Boogie but we're going to beat you smoth well you can't both have hara's hand you'll have to make the cannibal run whoever comes back alive will win the honor of fighting me holy crud the cannibal run is the most Dangerously frightening section of the entire River well we're not scared we're not either totally awesome you will start from point dread go through the chasm of blades across the bottomless Falls pass through the hole of oddies past Monster Island through the sunken city of the witch queen stop for lunch of the picnic grounds of Terror jump the glacier of evil past the whirlpool of suffering and finally over overcome the Cliffs of crushing wow man I'm glad I don't have to go through all that you have that all down Grim old chum I'd hate to see you and your delightful companions get lost or Worse along the way see you at the Finish Line Boogie our backsides perhaps I miss Billy yo I told you Billy's fine fine he's been underwater for 6 hours Billy's always fine we can't do this without him we need him you ladies lose your mascot that's a crying shame we don't need Billy anyway right we need to be together oh Billy's always [Music] fine I'm f [Music] first the kraken ate me and I thought i' drown but I kept Alive by breathing my own farts let me and the Kraken became friends he's really fun when you get to know [Music] him told you he was fine we might as well quit now there's no way we're going to win the cannibal one is impossible no one's ever survived it you can't quit why not because I said so don't treat me like a three-year-old it was you kids that got me powers taken away Boogie got your powers taken away because of you too hey Grim when we won you in that game of limbo you agreed to be our best friend forever powers or no powers don't remind me and best friends stick together even through the tough times but this is an impossible time you said that sometimes people do stupid things out of love this is one of those stupid times but I don't love any of you in fact I pretty much hate all of you and we feel the same way but our only other option is losing Horror's hand to Boogie do you really want that I hate you guys but I hate him even more let's do this thing yo woo go [Music] us and you're [Music] off row row you Scurry dog [Music] [Music] I'm useless not yet grab the back seat neck and neck it's coming no we're ahead oh curses no I'll cut you we're going to be the first into two [Music] a Chasm of blazes what now you we lose what about all that stuff you said about friendship and trying and never giving up yeah you know sometimes I just say stuff you [Music] know where do we get one of those [Music] a so Grim are you all caught up about losing Horror's hand have I shredded any Hope of Victory are you falling apart at the seams I could almost handle losing my Powers forever if I didn't have to listen to this [Music] guy sorry I'm allergic to blades Oh Billy hurry sneeze on Mandy if you do that I will bring it on we're a river booger and you said you didn't need me well I hope you kitties can fly too cuz you're going to need to to get over the bottomless Falls creeper activate the Rockets there's no way we're getting over that pit powers are no powers we're not losing quick Mandy mclo hang on to meoak it's going to be a bump r s out of my butt [Music] trar ass suckers what's that y'all that would be the hole of Addies why is it called the hole of a we're about to find out oh now I get [Applause] it I'm a forearm from the w down that was [Music] [Applause] [Music] disturbing oh my bottom feel in more sunken city of the witch Queen I don't see no [Music] City [Music] [Music] [Music] Rob R bit you [Music] [Music] out I really got to lay off those cheese bles no no w row these are moving too fast we'll never get through we need more speed bilot mandroid destroy them that's an order St destroy I don't take orders especially from a pathetic excuse for a boogy man like [Music] you suck Cannonball yes yes yes woohoo [Music] [Applause] [Music] H I'm the Laughing suck of the underworld maybe scaring really isn't your thing ah you are indeed Fearless now the only thing you must do is [Music] defeat oh all right let's grab this thing and blow this [Music] [Music] dump remember cor's hand is an artifact of unimaginable power but once we get close to it the hand will open and your worst nightmare will spring for it's only if you can overcome that fear that you get the hand so let me go first I ain't afraid of nothing what about spiders yo and clowns and the mailman [Music] let's make you a pony little boy no one can help him now he must battle his own demons gosh that scary Yo who's going to go up there next cuz it ain't going to be oh no telling jokes to wild bears my worst nightmare uh so a bear and a rabbit they're pooping in the woods amateures hey I'm looking for Horror's hand have you oh hello me I remember being your age when I was all gloom and doom instead of Sunshine and Lollipops but I was bong I was wrong about a lot of things when I was your age I never told Billy and Grim how important they really were to me I don't why don't you come in and have some brownies you're not me you can't be me I'm supposed to do something important nothing is more important been friendship except maybe love hey little lady I see you met my wife [Music] yo I told you you should have let me go first the hand won't affect me I live me worst nightmare every day living with you two jerks hand over the hand or we'll handle you [Music] roughly and now Mr former Grim Reaper I think I'll take this opportunity to scare you to pieces no no Boogie not like this not like [Applause] this oh Mandy this isn't fun anymore Billy for once I completely agree with you yeah I want to go home yo not so fast I'm sure I've got room for you in my slave [Laughter] Army I've done it I'm the scariest dude alive now all that's left is to rule with an iron [Laughter] [Music] fist hi there what hang on a minute I scared you to pieces no really I scared you to pieces I totally blew me F on purpose you couldn't scare a puzzle to pieces I I don't understand I'm scary the hand it's making my worst nightmare come true You've Lost Your Edge Boogie you're through now that you mention it I don't know anyone I'm scarier creeper no wait I'm supposed to be afraid of that you're no spider clown mailman that's for sure you'd last two seconds with a [Applause] bear I'm scary I'll just be taking that no seriously I'm [Applause] scary I I'm scary [Applause] I [Applause] [Music] who's scar check what do you say so the boogeyman's worst nightmare was realizing that he's not scary at all that may have been Boogie's worst nightmare but we can't blame the hand I turned it off right after I picked it up see so it really wasn't ever scary at all nice one Grim hang on a second this means I'm acting Captain I'll be taking that hand [Music] now nachos well that really Burns me up yeah nice job but Fred fredburger so didn't deserve that acceptable losses so you and me can be friends now right [Applause] suggestion so who gets the hand with its powers I could be someone again and I could SC people into thinking I'm smart I could use it to uh make someone love me you you'll never get it it's mine those nachos hurt my tummy but if I had never eaten them I wouldn't have known I could finish them all what the heck is he talking about nachos wait he's on to something really yes this whole Voyage has been like eating nachos yes if we'd never come we never would have known how far we'd go to get what we wanted naos and we would have never seen that we had what we wanted all along yes Grim you still save the day even without your powers Mandy still always gets [Music] away wiwin got to kiss his true love and I'm going to get a new bike for Christmas and we all did it without Horror's hand and we did it together now I am thirsty did you come to give me myob back no oh we came to finish what the boogeyman started banishing you forever on I don't think so bonehead here just saved all your butts from a future ruled by the boogeyman so I think you're going to say thank you get his scythe and give him his job back now um okay really I could be the Grim Reaper again so sorry girlfriend you're just not working [Music] out I missed you so much who's your Daddy get you for this Grim if it's the last thing I do she was a heck of a Reaper in her own way [Music] [Music] stop right there don't give her the hand my eyes what the I come from a time two weeks in the future a future with the Lord of horror rain Supreme two week sounds about right A girl's got to have goals it burns you look just like me but why are you naked huh is it because close can't time travel because nothing in organic can come through the time stream nah I just like to feel the breze on me enough the hand needs to stay out of everyone's possession forever so I'm going to store it in me trunk yeah because no one ever steals anything from that trunk suck Lord of horror it's the boogeyman boogeyman where oh no did I leave the oven on hey you guys got to help me I wow yo Boogie's afraid of everything a few too many hits on the nogget looks like a talking [Music] skeleton or Boogie I don't know I think I prefer him this [Laughter] [Music] way well all's well that ends well not that anything ever really ends well but I'm going to call this one a victory then the time is come for me to go goodbye future Billy I Hope We Meet Again Som days can you tell me what I'm having for lunch next Tuesday I could tell you but then I going to kill you I like that guy you know I couldn't have gotten M job back without you kids I mean don't get to thinking I like you or anything cuz clearly I don't if there's one thing I learned down there it's that you shouldn't be ashamed of your feelings Grim I have feelings too you do yeah I'm feeling hungry go whip us up some sandwiches I don't know why I put up with you two because we own you because you love us yeah yeah well that was lame I don't know why I put up with you two because we own do exclamation Because you love us yeah yeah [Music] a
Channel: DDF: Reel Films
Views: 113,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, film, watch movie, Reel Films, ddf, full version of the movie, FullFreeMovies, AnimationMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, Billy & Mandy's Big Boogey Adventure, Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Robert Alvarez, Russell Calabrese, Shaun Cashman, Grey Griffin, Greg Eagles, Richard Steven Horvitz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 0sec (4680 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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