Sponge Float Plastering For Beginners | Learn How To Plaster A Wall

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[Music] hello Blaine graer from plastering skinners and stays video I'm going to show you how to do sponge full of plastering and there's a list of tools you'll need for the job mixing bucket with clean water in only clean water never dirt it's gonna mix plaster into this I've got a bucket with dirty water this is to wash our tools with bucket trials in there you need a water brush which is what's also in there and a scrubbing brush so when we've got our tools there we can clean it up and we clean it all in this book it this book is all they got clean water in this is for refilling the plaster bucket we need it plastering and later on if we need some clean water for the second mix then it's they're ready we'll need a sponge float that's for when we're sponging obviously we'll need a hawk and then we'll need a trowel so you only need one if you start now just try this but I do recommend if you think be feeling serious if you kind of get into a full time get a super flex this is a Rafina suplex and that's the Rafina plazi flex which is a plastic trowel designed just for the final trowel when you finish it but I'll go through all that with you in a bit we're also gonna have a sprayer and I'll show you that later on that's tools you'll need for the job let's do it okay let's get to it we're going to get to the skimming side as you can see I've got my trowel I've got my hock and I'm loading menchaca with the plaster don't put too much on if you start now it's no point take your time of it get used to using a trowel and hog in the first place and then go from there and I'm what I'm doing you always want to start from the top so if you're right-handed you start from the top left and if you're left-handed you start from the top right and work across but as you can see we're always starting on the top I'm right-handed so I'm working top left working top all the way across to the wall go back to the bottom then work left to right that's how you do it and that's the motion you should be following if you plaster in later on down the line you can start making your own rules up but at the beginning it's great to follow a routine it's essential and you need to do it Serge can see taking the plaster from the top off from the trowel and then working down from the top making sure you want to squeeze as much plastering and it's up between your wall and you seal in as you can you don't really want to be messing around with that you want to get it from the beginning is a knack to it but you will get it with time it's a national thing to watch and as you can see work all the way along the cross there and then again I won't buy you throughout the whole thing but that's it now when you work in from the edges take your plaster and as you can see I'm digging it from the left side of the wall and pushing out this is what you should always do when you're working from the edge of the wall always take the plaster tiddle to the edge and then work outwards and then as you'll see in a bit that's when you start doing the upward motion when you're working for the majority of the world but when you're working edges I always take the plaster to the corner of the wall first it just makes it a lot easier and you won't get the upstroke you won't manage to fill it all if you don't do it this way as you can see you will see me do a different movement in a minute but just take your time make sure you fill in all the spots and then beware of your plug sockets what I do is I knock them out at the end and I'll show you that at the end of this video but now just be a don't try and fill them up you don't want to mess ear electrician's up there is scary man they'll come and chase you down well as you can see now we're coming away from the corner and now we take the plaster load up a hole a trowel and then literally take from the bottom long sweeps reaching up this is when you get your speed in this is when the wall starts getting filled in a lot faster big big sweeps working from the bottom all the way up to that as far as you can reach for me I'm only a it's not very very high but but do your best and as you can see you curve it at the top right just make sure that when you're doing your plaster it leaves in it's easier to blend into what you leave in from behind as you can see I put it on and then I come back on myself and travel out the lines that I leave behind that way you get in your wall flat from stage one and it's a lot easier to work with it's a better process rather than throwing it on and hoping for the best so as you can see travelling it on coming back on myself flattening out the lines I'm leaving behind me you'll always see a line of plaster where he's coming over the trowel I always take it out you'll watch me do it now you can see it big long sweep stack from the bottom working up it's that stage one that's putting the first coat of plaster on stage two we do the same routine and set this time I'm gonna use a speed skim this is a mint little tool cracking it's the up speed skim great piece of kit flattening the plaster off it gets it done in no time and due to the size of it it does make your walls a lot flat flat so if you haven't got one of these even if you're our plasterer if you're an avid plaster and you're just trying to learn how to do spongy floor method if you haven't got one yet get on it because it's a great piece of clay it's brilliant it really does do the job and it makes your walls bang gone really flat just take a bit of getting used to but like anything else it's worth investing in and as you can see just work all the way across the world keeping hold of the handle don't force the blade in because it affects it and I see in no time that wall is flattened which is lovely lovely lovely feeling since we're the dirty bucket comes in dirty water put your tools just apply the first coat just flattened it even with the speed scheme our normal child but now we need to give these proper good clean it's why we have this do it what a bucket is this is what's going to take all the abuse clean ie tools up and then we're gonna get another mix of fresh plaster odd and then we're gonna do it all over again I'm gonna show you how to apply the second coat right now right of cleaning the tools now ready for stage free applying a second coat plaster same process top left working across set this time when you are applying your second coat you don't apply as much plaster general rule of thumb is you mix about the state half the amount of what you put on for the first coat and you generally put half the amount on and it's because this coat you're not really thickening it out you're just filling in any low spots you're filling in any areas you missed out on and the idea is to give it the extra 1 mil thickness so the first coat is usually 2 this is probably 1 mil and lead on so that it's half the amount you don't need to really pack it out it actually gets a bit harder to work with if the plus is too thick I find and there's a lot more chance for movement you'll find it areas which are thicker than the others you'll find it's hard a process to follow through with so if you apply a half the amount it's a lot easier to work with in the future and it just makes in terms of plaster using less you spending less and you're not working as much on your body you know you've got a bit more time as you can see that first heart follows lasting so good furred at the top off the wall there so you can really really and use it up but something in time you might decide you don't want to do it that way it's all preference give it a go and then decide for yourself in a future which way you want to do it but for now these stages are the exact same stage is what you would do for your plaster in normal while nothing's different it's only the next stage of things that's change but for now it's is the exact same process is traditional plastering nothing's different look we're just applying the plaster and as you can see just going over it one more time we're keeping up bottoms keeping the plaster as low to the bottom as possible so when it she please you know they won't be bothered about how high it is you want to keep your plaster low low so when you're skirting boards go on you'll be nothing show him and just get that knack of the long sweep get that as good as you can starting from the bottom pushing up to the wall and just try and get an even coverage all the way through as you can see I spend a lot of time flattening it but in future stages it it'll come it'll come as a great ward because I'll have to spend as much time playing with the plaster and making sure ya took all the lines out and do all the work at the beginning it makes my life a lot easier and like I said in future stages it's gonna be a lot better again approaching their plug socket trying to take your time work around them if you can and you will get a bit in there and I'll show you the end video what to do I mean when it does happen so don't worry too much because it will happen trust me but that's that that's er it's not a big problem don't worry about it so Stage four we've got the first trowel this is where I start flattening the second coat basically getting rid of any getting any rid of any of your series and need a dressing and just start to flatten the plaster you won't see it but there it this plaster isn't flat at all it doesn't need work there is a few ripples and what you can see now I'm scraping the excess plaster what's touch the top of the ceiling you scrape it back with a heavy trowel I'll show you a close-up view in a minute actually but you want to make sure you're getting the excess off the ceiling you don't leave it there scrape it off early stages it just makes it a lot easier when it comes to the final stages plastering you don't know be rushing get it done now whilst the plasters wet whilst we've still got time we're doing is just keeping your child quite close to the wall and we're just smoothing out the lines taking the plaster and you're just literally travelling out anything you can see and what we're also doing is stage is where fail at fill in any areas that hasn't got any plaster there or any areas that that seem to be a bit low and this I'm gonna walk you through not closing and put your I'm gonna take the camera so you can see up close see exactly what's up that's about so can you see the excess plaster were picking up from the wall was plaster is Carla fat what you can do is when you have a little hole like that are a few max fill it in trial it over and then cover it up basically that excess plaster just helps you fill any low spots makes you feel any spots that you've missed before that's what we're doing on this stage we're filling in any low spots and making sure we don't miss anything because go batters in yes we don't get it now so that's what this stage is for flattening the plaster and fill in any holes with a flat cool so you can see the excess plaster on the side this has been a plastic ball so I'd have been done what you can do is scrape it back with the head of your trowel this makes it easier let's get off the wall and then pushing at the edge pull out there you go all gone make sure that your edges are clean doing that now and it makes the processes of the head a lot easier okay it's a good bit this is where everything changes it's where we step away from the knob I've got a little spray area it was free quid from aster an absolute bargain it really was and it's great so if you're looking for a little sprayer go to Asda and what your own do is apply a light mist to your surface of the plaster that's already been put in the wall don't want to go ever you don't apply loads of water just a light little mist and and then what we're doing after that we're gonna sponge you up imagined yeah it makes sense that done it since we asked one floor plus well that's what I've got me I had necessary Rafi and a sponge flow and then this is quite a big wall so i doing sections so again i'm working at the top keeping that routine going which is that why i advise you to do you want to keep your flow flat to the wall make sure you got enough water on you don't if it starts pulling and you feel the flow dragging you ain't got enough water on there so keep the keep the sprayer in your left hand and then that way if it is a bit lower water you can just give it a spray as you go in you want to keep your flow flat to the wall and and it should just glide all over the plaster you should flat you shouldn't feel any resistance whatsoever because the wall is keeping it lubricated you you softening the plaster back up bringing it back and then you literally just gliding across with the flow easy easy nothing to worry about but you just make sure you've got enough water on there you don't laughing the grain or push into the plaster and then you'll struggle to try it out and let your down the line so that's up our for the world Don doing now again it's just same process giving it a light haze I've gone over the wall I won't bore you you don't have to watch me spray it all but it's the same thing you literally just make sure you got enough water and then keep it in your hand that's what I do it's what I like about a lot of little sprayers you can just top it up when you need it again it'll just glide across that wall I've got no resistance just because the plasters been live and up again and it Wow take you a bit closer so this is a fine sponge flow it's not medium one I just prefer using these so if you're new to the game you'll have an option of a medium thick which is coarse or a fine one I use a fine one that's my preference but I would say I wouldn't recommend you use the coarse one definitely not that's for more rendering she was either the medium or the fine one don't choose anything else other than them because that we're really just damaged plaster and when it comes to traveling lines out you're really struggle so that's that so I just can say I've got my sponge flop in the bucket giving it a good clean that's what you need to do otherwise they'll dry out and harden on your sponge flow now is crack you wait three to five minutes sometimes push it to ten I don't like to push it too far if you wait too long it'll dry up and can you see all these lines on the world they'll dry out and they'll leave that on the plasti so you want to make sure you travel it within a decent time period I recommend like I said freeze five minutes the child I've got is the Rafina super flex map - this is what I use for this stage it just takes the lines out really well and it allowing us to get a flat finish even though it is a flexi travel cuz we floated it it's done the flattening and process for us it's taken any way any high spots and it's leveled the wall off a lot more than what you would do without the flow so this point I used super flex shall find it a bit easier to work with at this stage and I just find that it's generally a lot nicer to use when it comes to flattening in after sponge flowing so flex travel is what I recommend it doesn't have to be the Rufina one but I do recommend you use a flexi saying that he could still use a marshalltown again it's all preference I'm just showing how I go about it but this is what I'd recommend for that moment in time as you can see same process up across and you're just using the trowel to flatten and get rid of that that indentation and a flow in his left and what you'll leave and what you'll have left is a nice flat constant wall and it looks very it looks very much same consistency this is a close-up you can see the grain as soon as you try out how you're just completely removing all that away and all you're left with is a nice smooth plastic background behind it obviously still very wet at this stage and so the last thing you want to do is have it where it's too wet so do a test if you find it's not pulling too much fat off the wall and you find this you know it's charleen out in a nice consistent way then you know you're on a winner I'm gonna show you a clip in a bit in a few minutes such a where I'll show you what happens if it is too wet you just won't be able to do it so look working from the bottom long strokes up and I'm still filling in the plastic you see any areas where you know it's a bit low you've got a little few dents just fill it with the wet plaster the fact that you put your our picking up and just make sure that you are filling it as you go and this section is what happens if it is bit wet this is a bit wet in the area I'm going to show you what it's a little far can you just can you see you're pulling too much plaster off it's just as you'll see in a second I'm taking huge areas of plaster off they can see there it's a load of fat that is probably a bit too wet if it is like that you've gotta wait a few more minutes combat swings a bit drier and you'll find - moving it out you're not pulling all the plaster off the wall that's the last thing you want you want to keep the plaster on the wall keep it on now you don't take it off for your trowel now I've waited another 10 minutes that's what I usually do now we're doing is just trying out again now the plasters gonna start to dry up it's gonna start to get dry run away with I mean this is where you can start really getting your plaster flat and just start sculpting it into a nice consistent manner now again what I do is I'm not gonna use a water brush the walls already wet enough even though his drain I'm just going to use it to clean my charl off when I'm trial in the wall you might get a little bit of fat on your child you don't want a lot though you don't want to be taking anything off at this stage and we keeping the plaster on the world all we're doing it's moving it now if there's any areas where there's a few ripples or a few lines we're just getting rid of him trailing him out and again I'm still under super flux this is a flexi trial flexi travel and again I just find it was like a stage the plastering they're really nice to use the pre-broken him so if you are starting out I'd recommend a Marshalltown for the first stages and then as you can see the video is where start going towards a flexi trowels towards a later stage as a plaster him when the flatness has been created all we're doing now is creating a nice finish this is when the Flex is coming to the roll really and they make a really really nice job of it so that was the second trial now we're gonna go on stage six which is a wet towel quick word don't do it when it's wet you want it to be almost dry as you can see I'm putting fingers while it's not leaving any prints you want your walls to be virtually dry before you do the wet trail you don't want them to be you know you don't want any moisture on there because what you're gonna do is you're going to add moisture against in a while but this time just to give it a Polish this isn't for anything other than mistakes now really all we're doing I've got them a little sprayer again I'm gonna show you two options in this video but I've got my sprayer giving it a light haze you don't load to water and all we're doing it's just really smooth in that wall up now like I said the plasters virtually Drive give it a touch test if it's not leaving fingerprints on the wall and you'll be doing all right give it a quick spray and then however doing is again the same same way we're starting from the top and then I'm gonna do a cross chyle in a second that's why it works so it's all good and this time what we're doing is adding what a bliss Scarlett crush trowel this is where we travel the wall horizontally and what we're doing is we're essentially testing a flatness of a wall so if there is any ripples running upwards where we up in trial and upwards this is where the crush trowel should hopefully remove them Heights and make the wall even flatter because we're working in both directions this also gives you a really lovely finish it leaves a nice consistent look to the plaster and in terms of flatness if you run your hands across it you'll find doing a cross channel or just give a lot better results so that was me using a sprayer is the eruption and there's the option and I still prefer even when I'm doing a wet trail I still prefer to use a wire brush so I just run a wire brush across the wall planting water and here's the thing with a cross trial I have lots of pressure hold your arms tight and really push against that ball you don't be taking any plaster off for this stage nothing you want all plastids down the wall no we're doing it's just giving it a nice polish push hard eh I'll give it a lot of pressure and really really push that plastering and again a cross trowel you'll get to a point where you won't be able to do cross trowel and your tiptoe so you can start from the bun Charlie not this time yeah we don't expect you to do a cross trial touching a skateboard line I mean that could be quite hard even I'm a but even I can't do that so at this stage I would do him using it charleen up words from the bottom the same motion giving it a nice curve at the top and trying to follow that line you don't any water to be left Charlie off and as you'll see the plasters so porous at the moment it's just gonna suck it all in so you won't have any any remnants of water left on the wall as you can see that's the wet trowel give it another 10 minutes or so 15 minutes now this is a dry towel I'm using Rafina plazi flex unbelievable trowel for polishing and trust me this isn't leaves an amazing finish the plastic touch doesn't bring any moisture to the front which means it leaves a nice matte finish really recommend this trowel that's done by it's unbelievable and I'm doing again is crushed trowel just giving it that final polish this way you want the walls but completely dry if you take him plaster off the wall at this stage you've done something wrong you don't really want to be pulling anything off the wall you want it the wall to be virtually well no you not virtually you want wall to be dry touch dry completely dry and all we're doing is giving it polish well you'll find his trowel is if there is moisture on the plaster you'll get suction and the trowel will tell you it's too early you just want to be able to glide across the world with the plazi flex and it should be easy it should be no resistance that's when you know the timings are right you've done the right process and what you'll find is a lovely matte finish to the plaster you'll see the results for yourself unbelievable it really is great trowel app and this process of plastering generally gives a nice finish as you can see nice flat wall slight shine but not too much for the air for the painters and decorators now I want to do remember talking about plug sockets before I'm getting it whilst it's still slightly slightly you know I mean if this is dry now but what I'm cracking the plaster out of the bat boxes we don't want any plaster in there we don't lit electricians skip his stuff and we don't want him to smash ours up so what we're doing I'm cracking it out now I wrapped all the cables inside they're out the way now I'm doing this getting rid of the plaster I always do this never leave past me about boxes keep all the tradesmen happy make sure everyone who's getting in front yeah hasn't got a hard job because end a role and it's gather and that's that that's the process - you're a sponge flow in that's the full video everything you need to know and said this is a great process and great for anyone to learn but if you'd like to know the traditional sense of plastering I've got a welcome cause I'm under a link underneath this video so you gotta mix plaster which tools you'll need how to plaster a wall in another method which I'll show you in that video and that's ideal for anyone's die now but for now Lisa's playing great pass from beginners hope you enjoyed the video if you did please like and if you like - that much please subscribe so any videos in the future you know you'll have a full heads up um thanks for watching really appreciate it see on the next one back
Channel: Plastering For Beginners
Views: 283,731
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Keywords: plastering, learn how to plaster, plastering for beginners, sponge float, sponge float plastering
Id: X-4C7SonsJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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