Fórmula del bizcocho. Cómo hacer bizcocho ALTO sin separar las claras de las yemas

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Hello Friend how are you? I'm Svieta. In this video let's see how to prepare at home a basic cake, also called sponge cake Genoese Its formula is very simple. And it is composed of flour, eggs, sugar and a pinch of Salt. As you can see, it has some very basic ingredients and they are very few. Does not take baking powder or chemical yeast type royal. And this detail reveals that it is a sponge cake very old, that comes from that time when the baking powder did not exist yet. This cake rises thanks to the air we put to the eggs. That is, only thanks in the air the cake blooms, it becomes spongy and wonderful Also, the detail of not carrying the powders of baking, makes its flavor very authentic, very pure, very true. And I find it very delicate. I would also like you to know that the formula of this sponge cake is the mother of many other current cakes. They take this formula and modify the amount of flour, adding a little more or a little less. The same with sugar, they add a little more or subtract. They replace a part of eggs with other liquids, like oil, milk or yogurt ... they make all kinds of modifications but come on, many recipes of biscuits that exist today come from of this formula. Therefore I think I know how to do this Sponge cake is very important because it is the base of many other biscuits. So in this video we're going to look at detailed how to assemble the eggs, how to mix the flour with the eggs and how to bake the sponge cake And, also, let's see how to deal with the cake after baking it. Before I begin I would like to say a few words about the flour you need to prepare this cake. You need a normal wheat flour, the common one, the all-purpose one A flour that does not carry baking powder, ie a flour without prepare. In the event that you want to deepen a little more on the subject of flour suitable for the biscuits, I recommend that you notice in the amount of proteins it contains the flour. The smaller that amount, the better it will come out the cake, more fluffy. To make the biscuits by default they are used eggs of size M. If you for example see a recipe for a sponge cake and there they do not indicate the size of the eggs, you can be sure 99% of that they refer to the eggs of the medium size. The formula of the basic cake, too called Genoese sponge cake, it's very simple. For 1 medium egg go 30 g of flour and 30 g of sugar. I'm going to make the cake with 7 medium eggs. Therefore, for the 7 eggs I need 210 g of flour and 210 g of sugar. To make the cake I will use the mold 20 cm in diameter and 7.5 cm high. And I'm going to prepare it, so I have it on hand for when you need it. You can spread the mold with butter and sprinkle it with flour. But it is preferable to fix it with baking paper. We light the oven at 170ºC with heat up and down and we preheat it during 20 minutes. To make the cake the flour has to be sifted, to oxygenate it. So that the cake come out more fluffy. Add 1 teaspoon of salt to the flour. Salt is an ingredient that many people omit in the cupcakes and it is a big mistake. The salt highlights the cake in a spectacular way, It gives a very special touch. And we remove very well. In a bowl we shell the eggs. We add the sugar. I'm going to add 200 g of normal sugar and 10 g of vanilla sugar, for flavoring the sponge cake If you do not have vanilla sugar you can use the essence of vanilla or vanilla in branch or any other flavoring. As this sponge cake I plan to eat in the breakfasts, I will also add zest of lemon. With the help of a hand blender I will beat the eggs. You can also use a blender of table to beat the eggs or a rod manual. What happens is that with the rod manual will cost you a lot of work to assemble the eggs. I'm going to mount the eggs until I get a cream with body, thick. Then I'll give you the indications so you can orient yourself when you have to stop riding the eggs. First, so that the sugar does not fly off we remove in that way. And now we turn on the mixer to maximum power and we beat. Look, the dough is now quite liquid and when I raise the rod the drop of mass that falls immediately sinks. That wants say that although the eggs have become Whites are not yet ready to use them. Fix, the mass is a little thicker but the droplet of dough when falling sinks too much soon. We keep beating. The dough has become much thicker and the Drop of mass when falling takes time to disappear, it's a good sign, but it still disappears too soon. We must continue beating. Notice that creamy and fluffy the dough has returned And the drop of the mass takes time to disappear. If you can count to 6 - 8 before disappear, then the dough is ready. Let's do a test. The drop of mass falls ... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ... See, it's still the Mark there. That means that the eggs They are already well assembled. Set as the Drops that fall remain on the surface. I have been slow to assemble the eggs for 12 minutes. But it is possible that with your blender you need more or less, depending on the power that have We add to the flour the third part of eggs With enveloping movements, from above below, stir until the flour is integrated and the egg. That way We add a little more egg. We clean the spatula because here he has concentrated the flour without mixing. You have to remove it very carefully, so conserve the air we have put in as much as possible to the eggs. It is highly recommended to use to remove mix the spatula like mine, spatula of tongue is called or rubber spatula. They usually be very cheap and sell them in many stores and supermarkets. When you see that everything is well mixed, stop stirring We pour the mix into the mold. We put the mold to the oven. I'm baking the cake on the first shelf counting from below. And it's because I'm baking with heat from above and below. And since underneath the cake has the mold, so that it will brown me equally you have to bake it on the bottom shelf. If I put it in the middle, above will brown more than below. However, if your oven only has the heat below, or is it gas, in this case yes It is advisable to bake the cake in the middle shelf. The first 15 minutes is recommended not open the door. And, in general, I recommend you Do not open the door until the cake has gone up and is already slightly golden from above. It has been almost 40 minutes of baking. I still see it a little loose. From above It is a bit delicate. So I'm going to bake 5 - 10 minutes more. 47 minutes have passed since the baking. When moving it does not tremble, it is quite stable, It does not move. I'm going to click on it The stick comes completely clean. And when you touch it it offers resistance, it is above fluffy. I'm going to take it out now. Just as it is not advisable to bake the Sponge cake less time than necessary, because it can sink, in the same way it is not recommended Bake it longer than necessary. And it's not just because you can brown it too much above but because it dries up. Yes or not interesting As you have seen it is very easy to check if the cake is already made. You only need a wooden stick. And if the prick comes out clean, no remains of the dough, then the cake is made. There is no reason to continue to bake it. I'm going to leave the cake at rest for 5 minutes and then I'm going to unmold them. If you are going to use the cake to make a Pie, it makes sense to cool it upside down. But if you're going to eat it as is, I think which is more beautiful if you leave it cooling face up. The cake has already cooled down so what I'm going to cut so you can see how it looks inside. To preserve the sponge cake, I recommend that you keep it in a plastic bag, for Do not lose moisture and do not dry out. You can even chill the cake in a plastic bag, if you want that you have left even more humid. Once you have taken it out of the oven, unmoulded and left in a rack, after 10-15 minutes Keep it in a plastic bag. And that in the bag, cool down completely. You will see What juices will come out? How fluffy he is! Friends, it's delicious. Please tell me in the comments, what Did you think the recipe? What kind of biscuits you like them or what kind of biscuits you would like to do. Subscribe to my channel, if you have not already done, because it's totally free. See you in the next video. Ciao
Channel: Recetas de Esbieta
Views: 8,549,206
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Keywords: bizcocho, bizcocho genoves, bizcocho basico, bizcocho alto, queque, bizcocho para tartas, bizcocho para rellenar, base de tarta, bizcocho esponjosos, como hacer bizcocho, separar las claras de las yemas, bizcochuelo, formula, tarta
Id: UMQJp9ANd3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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