Spoiler Free "Caraval" Series Review!!

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hello everybody long time no see hair is now pink so midlifecrisis whoo hey guys my name is Miranda and welcome to my universe today I am going to be reviewing a young adult fantasy series that I have been reading for what feels like the past few months that is a carnival by Stephanie Garber this is a trilogy so there are three books to it and it basically follows around our two main characters Scarlett and tella who are sisters as they get wrapped up into this magical game that basically is kind of like a mystery it has a mystery whimsical feel to it where there is a lot of magic and there are a lot of performers basically any person who enters this game has no idea what is real and what is not what is a part of the game what is a part of care of all what is a part of real life like there are so many different twists in this series you never really know who you should trust now overall I did really like this trilogy I actually gave both of the first two books five stars and this one got four stars so I did enjoy it but I do have a lot to talk about a lot of complex emotions there's a reason why the this series took me so long to read so let's just get into each book and how I felt so first book karvall this book is so amazing I read this book super fast I would say that this one is my favorite in the series just because Stephenie Garber did such an incredible job introducing this world and revealing the characters to you I have found out that as a reader I really like whimsical settings and I really like circus or carnival esque settings I feel like that that was also a big reason why I really liked this series was just because everything was super magical everything felt so beautiful I just think that the whole entire concept of caravel is so creative and so unique I don't know I just within itself that made this first book so incredible and of course that was a theme that played throughout the rest of the books as well so I thought that was so much fun Wow in this first book we fall around Scarlett who is the oldest daughter she's not a very big risk-taker so really she is the sister who kind of makes sure everybody is safe and she makes sure that her sister tella is okay and that she doesn't get into any trouble following her around you get more of how she sees the world and how she sees karvall she sees it as something that is super risky something super dangerous something that they shouldn't get involved in and then went Ella kind of gets whisked away she's like well now I have to go save her the whole entire point of this game in this book is actually to find tell us so everybody who is a part of the game has to follow the clues in order to find tella so Scarlett obviously has no choice but to be a part of the game and she meets a ton of the performers and a bunch of the characters along the way and so we get to meet our love interest or at least our main love interest in Scarlett's world there are a lot of love interests in this entire series there are so many good quotes and so many concepts and themes of love in this series because there are some characters who are super magical and they actually can't love that is something that they cannot do at all otherwise it makes them human but I'll explain that later since they don't really show up in this one his first book I just loved it I completely fell in love with Scarlett's character I fell in love with the world I think Stephanie Garber her writing style is very magical and it definitely of course added to this story as a whole yes I finished this book super fast and I enjoyed every single part of it and we have a legendary which is the second book in this series this book we follow around tella and I actually had a super hard time with that when I first was starting this book it took me a very long time to actually get into just because when I started I realized wait now this is from Telus point of view but I love scarlet so this makes me really upset but of course I kept reading because I wanted to at least give tella a chance and I'm very glad I did turns out I actually relate to tell them more than I do - scarlet so that was super interesting that made it more fun for me because I just I felt so many connections to her tella is more adventurous and she is definitely more extroverted she's way more carefree than her sister scarlet so whenever she does things she's kind of just like I gotta do it all you know like I'm just I'm gonna go to that party why not I'm going to dress up why not I'm gonna be a part of karvall again why not so she gets into a lot of trouble and a lot of mischief and in this book it really follows around the sisters relationship more which I really enjoyed also talks a lot about their mother who actually left them when they were younger they were left with their very manipulative and abusive father I liked getting to know them as characters more by learning about their past and learning about their family experiences I thought it was very eye-opening and it allowed me to really understand and connect to scarlet and tella way more than if I was to know nothing about their family so this book is kind of like a whole new adventure from the first book even though we fall around the same characters and this takes place after the first year that they are a part of care of all this is kind of like a completely new adventure because we are following around tella and her heart is definitely set on finding her mother she is determined to find out what happened to her mother where her mother is why her mother left them this is when the fates come in and I touched a little bit on them before those are the people who can't love if this was Percy Jackson the fates would be the equivalent of the Greek gods and the Greek goddesses are many different fates we have one named poison we have one named the assassin we have the Prince of Hearts the undead Queen different random kind of mysterious names like that so in this one we meet a lot of the fates and they are pretty evil actually they are not good people generally they have very bad intentions for the human race they kind of see them as weak and as dispensable because the fates are immortal they cannot die or they can they can die but then they kind of respawn I know that that's not like the word for it they come back to life again a few hours later every single fate does have a weakness so there is a way that you can kill them permanently and that is if they love if they fall in love it doesn't matter what kind of love they feel you actually become human when they fall in love so yours in years in the past they ended up being trapped in these cards in these magical playing cards and they eventually escaped these cards so amidst all of the chaos of tella trying to find her mother the fates are now running rabid and they have to basically pinpoint how they can defeat them they also meet the love interests of tella tella is definitely more of a love triangle at least towards the end of this book and then in this last book there is definitely a huge love triangle but let's just move on to this last book actually I think I've said enough of legendary I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars but it was very hard for me to get into it so if you want to read the series and you are struggling with the first part of this book trust me that's normal I had the same experience but the ending gets so much better all right now on to the last book finale this is my least favorite book in the series just because there was a lot of confusion on my part I don't know if it was just me but in this book we flip flop between tella and Scarlett's points of view so now we get both of their points of view so we get all of the love interests we get all of the fates so this book basically is all about love if I'm being completely honest with you you don't got to worry about sex scenes or anything like that this is very it's clean this whole series is very in that area but it does talk a lot about themes of love and how these faiths they can't love but they are trying everybody's trying to defeat the fates trying to keep the city safe from the fates so you don't know who to trust though because one of the love interests with tella is a fate I was gonna say something else but that would have totally given away some things so I'm not gonna say that but one of them is a fate so that kind of plays an even bigger part in Tellez relationship and with the way that she sees her relationships with these guys and how she makes a lot of her decisions side note I disagree it was Tellez decision I think tella chose the wrong guy I think that the one that she chose treated her like crap and even though both of them are very ambiguous they aren't very good or bad they both have a lot of evil within themselves that they have to deal with so really both of them are kind of terrible people she could have done so much better and she really kind of fell for the easy way out I think sorry I'm probably gonna start a whole lot of arguments but anyway first of all the first half of this book I was super bored and I felt like I had to drag myself through it but of course the world is magical still and I really do love Stephanie Garber's writing I absolutely love it so much I think it's one of my favorite writing styles so that's what really kept me going and I love these characters I feel for them and I really wanted to find out who tell a chose in the end the love triangle completely messed with me so that's what really kept me going and that's why it did get a 4 star instead of less than 4 stars it still kept the 4 out of 5 because it was still good it was a good ending to the series I just felt like the first part was kind of boring for me and in the last part just it confused me a lot was a lot of questions that I still have about this series and about these characters that are left unanswered there are some things in this book that I thought were super cheesy and kind of pointless characters chose to do things that in the end I feel like didn't matter and that was just so off-putting to me I don't know I had a lot of issues with this book but I still gave it four stars just because I did really love it still I don't know I'm I'm weird my emotions are weird my feelings for this series are a little weird but overall I did enjoy it and I do think it is worth reading alright guys so with all of that being said I love this series so I highly recommend if you enjoy carnivals magic whimsical worlds anything of that sort I definitely highly recommend care of all to you especially if you like young adult fantasies and you like romance I mean it's a great blend of all of those things and I definitely have a fun time reading it thank you guys so much for watching I love you all please be safe make good choices and I will see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Miranda’s Universe
Views: 2,945
Rating: 4.9316239 out of 5
Keywords: reading, favorite books, book series, fantasy, books for young adults, books for adults, books for kids, enneagram 4, quarentine 2020, haileyinbookland, jessethereader, reading vlog, book review, best books, worst books
Id: jE0sVivSQOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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