CARAVAL by Stephanie Garber | Spoiler Free Review!

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hey guys it's Hannah and today I'm coming to you with a spoiler-free review of Caravelle by Stephanie Garber Carville is a debut y fantasy novel that follows the story of these two sisters named Scarlett aunt Ella and they live under the watch of their extremely controlling manipulative and abusive father in this world however there is this performance called Caravelle and essentially karvall is like a show / carnival slash circus type of thing and it's a performance that happens once a year and it's extremely exclusive and you have to have tickets to get invited to it and it is very very difficult to get them and to go but Scarlett has always been fascinated by Carville and ever since she was a little kid she has always wanted to go see this performance and she's been writing letters to master legend who is the man of who runs carnival ever since she was a little kid begging him for a ticket to go see the show however by the time she's 17 years old her father has arranged for her to marry this man and also at that time she ends up getting a ticket to go and see Carville however she has never left the island where she lives and she does not want to disobey her father because of how controlling and abusive he is but she wants nothing more than to go see this performance her sister tell Ahava is far more of a risk-taker so she decides to plot a way to get Scarlett to be able to get off the island and go see this karvall performance Helen gets help from this sailor Julian and the three of them end up sailing off to go to carnival however by the time that they get there they find out that tella has been kidnapped and this entire Caravelle performance is based around who can find tell ifirst so the way the car wall works is really that the audience gets to participate within the show so you can either buy a ticket to just witness the show and just watch it or you can actually be a part of the performance most everyone who goes actually just participates in the performance itself and this year their task is to find tella within the five days of the performance so Scarlett is obviously terrified because her sister has gone missing and she wants nothing more than to find her and along the way she finds out that there's a lot more going on to karvall than she expected in the first place there's a lot of magic and mystery and suspense and it is overall a fantastic novel so this book has been compared to the Night Circus by many different people and as many of you know that is my absolute favorite book of all time so when I heard that people were saying that this has a similar feel to the Night Circus or the fans of the Marcus will enjoy this book I knew that I absolutely had to read it however I don't necessarily agree with all of those comparisons just because this is a very very different entity than the Night Circus the overall kind of feel of having like that atmospheric magical mysterious sense to it is very much similar to the Night Circus but the entire plot of this story and the direction that the characters are taken in and the direction that the story is headed in is a very very different thing from the Night Circus and I'm actually pretty happy about that because I like this book being its own separate entity I like how different it is but I still like that it has that atmospheric feeling to it because that's something I absolutely adore in books so I would say that if you enjoyed the Night Circus I don't know if you'll necessarily enjoy every aspect of this book because this book is far more fast paced than the Night Circus is that one is very much a slow-paced book and that is part of the atmosphere of that book whereas karvall is very much a fast-paced action-packed sort of story so if that's more of your thing I definitely think you'll enjoy this one but going into more detail into the characters and the plot and the writing of this book I thought the writing in here was wonderful I thought it fits so well with the story like I said it is a fast paced story because it's very mysterious and it's full of twists and turns and plot twists and the writing definitely matches that style however it's also very beautifully written and lyrical at times which again goes with the atmospheric vibe of giving it that like magical mysterious setting this book is also written in third person which I very much appreciated because personally I like third-person books more than first-person stories and also I think that having it written in third person definitely helped to create the atmosphere that the story has and the overall mystery that the story has and a lot of that definitely went into the creation of the plot and the setting and everything and as far as the setting goes I thought that it was probably one of my favorite parts of the story Stephenie Garber does a fantastic job of creating a world that you can vividly imagine in your mind there's this part of the story where she first gets to carve all and there is this deserted walkway just like a street that she's walking down the cobbled stone street and there are all of these shops and everything like looks weird and mismatched and all of them are closed it's really eerie and I could so vividly see it in my mind and it looked so so amazing so there are some fantastic descriptions in here of a lot of the setting which i think is really important when you have a magical book and I thought she executed that wonderfully I also really did enjoy this book plot-wise I thought just from reading the synopsis that I wouldn't be too into it because it didn't sound like it was going to get too intense and it sounded like it might be like a little bit cliche and while it definitely did have some more like cliche tropes and things throughout it it also was very very unique usually for me when it comes to plot twists I am able to guess them way ahead of time way in advance more often than not they're not usually that surprising to me however throughout this book I was taken by surprise so often and one of the things I really enjoyed about the plot twists that happened in here where that they weren't just done for shock value they actually had a purpose to the whole story and along with that I thought that they also contributed to the suspense of the story really really well I was kind of hesitant at first because I thought that incorporating a mystery suspense magical like atmospheric kind of story altogether might make it a little bit too convoluted but actually it really didn't do that at all it all fits so well together and it was really cohesive and it flowed so fantastically I really like that the story followed these two sisters and their relationship as well as their relationship with their father and I just like that whole dynamic and it's very much because the characters in here we're also just fantastic first of all this book is diverse because there are characters of color in here and they are explicitly described as characters of color written in with olive toned or brown skin so that was something that I was so so happy to see in here the characters themselves were also extremely three-dimensional I loved Scarlett's character in here I was so so happy to read about a main female character who I didn't find annoying which is something that I've been finding in a lot of why a fantasy that I've been reading lately but with scarlet I didn't find that at all I thought that she was really determined and she really just wanted to find her sister she had her own personality independent of her love interest and independent of the other relationships that she had and that is something that I always look for in a character I also loved Julian's character he's like the main male character in the story he wasn't controlling or manipulative at all so it was a very stark contrast to her father's character there was a lot of mystery and suspense behind him obviously as there was with a lot of the characters but I we really enjoyed where his character wet in the story and the things that we get to find out about him throughout the book as well as the other characters and there are also other minor characters throughout the story who are so charismatic they are also distinct from one another so it makes them extremely memorable and it gives the entire book its own unique character as well so yeah overall like I said I absolutely enjoyed this book I thought it was such a fun read it's definitely the type of book that you'll be reading and you cannot put it down I read this book in a total of two sittings I was constantly turning to the next page because I had to know what was going to happen and it leaves off in a fantastic place for the next book to pick up and I'm so so excited this book isn't released until January 31st of 2017 so it is about like a month away before the book is released but I absolutely recommend it if you are looking for a new fun and mysterious magical story to read it's already gotten some great reviews and it's already been picked up for film so I'm super excited about that as well but yeah I just adored this story I cannot wait for more I cannot wait for it to be released so more people can read it so I can talk to people about it because there are so many things that happened in here that I just need to be able to discuss with people I ended up giving this a four out of five stars it wasn't a 5 star for me just because I think it had to set up a lot for the future books so I'm thinking that if the future books are anything like this one they're going to expand so much on the world and so much on the characters that they will probably be 5 star books for me and that just about covers all of my thoughts on karvall by Stephenie Garber let me know in the comments down below if you have already read karvall or if you're excited to read part of all any of your thoughts on it if you would like to follow me on any of my social media all of my links are in the description box as always but thank you guys so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed and I will see you in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: A Clockwork Reader
Views: 39,296
Rating: 4.9631052 out of 5
Keywords: caraval, caraval stephanie garber, caraval by stephanie garber, caraval by stephanie garber review, caraval by stephanie garber book review, book review, caraval book review, caraval review, young adult books
Id: 2fLFlMMvhHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2016
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