i gave "Pet Semetary" a second chance.... | Book Review

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all right i'm gonna be completely honest with you guys it is 10 30 right now i just got off work i just finished an energy drink i'm all over the place i have a lot of things i want to talk about in this video so i'm going to try to make it as organized as possible but please bear with me let's get through this together i really wish that i would be able to sleep tonight but i don't think that's going to happen so let's talk about pet cemetery instead hey guys my name is miranda welcome to my universe today if you couldn't already tell i'm not gonna take my shirt off why would you ever think that i'm really sorry but today we are going to be talking about the first ever stephen king book i read and also the first stephen king book that i have read a second time i don't usually reread books it's a very rare occurrence for me it takes a lot for me to pick a book up a second time and tell myself yes let's read again it's also interesting because for those of you who have been around my channel have watched some of my videos you have probably heard me talk about this a million times so if you don't want to hear me talk about my history with pet cemetery again i'll have a time stamp down below it'll take you straight to my thoughts now and the actual review for those of you who have decided to stay here with me and listen um i'll give you a brief history lesson when i turned 18 years old my mom gave me pet cemetery it's the first ever stephen king book i owned first ever stephen king book i read i was terrified to read it okay i had to prepare myself for reading it just because everybody talked about it everybody it talks about stephen king you know like he's known as the king of horror so i love scary things i love scary movies they're it's like my favorite genre and i've read horror books before but they were all young adult so i was terrified of pet cemetery but when i turned 18 i told myself i'm an adult now i'm going to read adult horror i'm going to get through this when i read it first of all i was really sick i stayed home from school for two days and i binge read the book and second of all i was severely disappointed i feel like a lot of people just hyped it up and i feel like i just i was not scared i was disappointed in the characters i liked the plot but i feel like stephen king when i first read it i have very different opinions now but when i first read it i thought that there was a lot of nonsense explaining which is not new to stephen king he does really like description but when i read it the first time i really disliked that for all gave it three stars so it was still good i was just very disappointed in what i was reading but here's the thing about pet cemetery if you've ever read it you would know that the cemetery itself calls to people when you think that you have put it in the back deep dark corner of your mind and you will never think about it again its little voice whispers out through the shadows and reaches you and it says you can't ignore me and that is exactly what it did to me exactly what this book did to me it sat on my shelf and i thought i was going to get rid of it but i never did because now i have a stephen king collection because even though i was disappointed with pet cemetery i decided to pick it up and i loved it and so i started reading more of his books pet cemetery did not stop me from reading stephen king which i thank god for because i love stephen king one of my favorite authors now but i kept pet cemetery on my shelf you guys and for the past few weeks i would take notice of it i don't know if this happens to other people and i'm just blabbling on at this point but when i walk in my room i know what book to read by which book i keep looking at and pet cemetery kept popping out at me i kept thinking about it and i was like what the heck is happening i think i need to read this book again i'm very glad i did because now i love it i have a shirt to prove it i love this book it is so rich with so many themes so much symbolism i kind of went insane let's talk about it for those of you who do not know what pet cemetery is about i feel like i should probably explain that cemetery follows around this family of four in ludlow maine who just move into this new house and the pet cemetery happens to be right in the property behind them it's just a cemetery that a bunch of children have buried their pets in who live in the town it's kind of like they take care of the cemetery they make sure it is clean lively and it's just filled with pets it's pretty innocent right follow around our main character louis creed as he discovers something about pet cemetery in fact it's about the burial grounds beyond pet cemetery because you have the normal cemetery but if you keep walking there's this special burial ground that has been known to the native people as a haunted place turns out if you bury anybody in the burial ground beyond pet cemetery whatever you bury into the ground rises again so with this newly acquired knowledge we follow around lewis creed his family the rest of our characters as they undergo very big life changes decide to meddle with the walking dead if you will anyways okay let's talk about why i loved this book so much a second time around i read this book because i wanted to i didn't read this book because i wanted to read stephen king i hope that makes sense it's kind of like when you want to read and you're kind of like any book will do so you pick up any book versus when you actually want to read a specific book and you end up reading that specific book that's what happened with this the second time around the first time i just read i read it because i wanted to read stephen king but this time i read it because it's pet cemetery and i wanted to know why the frick people really like it it has excellent reviews and i was like am i missing something girl you were missing a ton of things the first time you read what were you thinking first of all let's talk about the characters each character is so complex and this is why a lot of people like stephen king because he it makes very complex characters very relatable characters characters that are not inherently good nor bad they are very much like you don't know if they're the hero of the story or the villain and a lot of the times they end up being an enemy to themselves this is what is so beautiful about stephen king's writing because his stories are enriched with these characters that have such realistic lives that end up being impacted by something that is supernatural amount of grief and how the different characters dealt with grief in different ways and how you can either give grief the power to overcome you or you can grow from it and you can heal from it and i just the different ways that you see grief represented in this book are so powerful so deep lewis's wife rachel she actually has a fear of death she is always her entire life something terrible happened to her older sister when she was only eight years old her sister ended up dying and she really has not dealt with that she hasn't really let herself cope with that so she has a very unhealthy and unrealistic image in her head on what death is and so seeing how she has this completely different view of death than her husband does who is a doctor lewis is a doctor so he is very well acquainted with death very knowledgeable on it and just seeing their interactions and how they dealt with it with in their marriage and how they are so different yet there is something just underlining that is similar it was so cool like i just could not keep up with everything that was happening but it was like a good kind of like i can't keep up but this is incredible please tell me more i want to know more and i loved it it was a perfect balance of let's have all of this imagery in symbolism but let's kind of keep them in the dark about it all like some lines i would read and i would just sit there and just stare at the sentence and be like what the heck just happened this book is so terrifying because not because of like visual or or actual physical things that are described it is terrifying because of its exploration of grief and death and how the way us humans encounter death and deal with it i want to read something specific this has to do with grief the body lolled bonelessly from side to side and a sudden awful certainty came over him when he lifted his body up it would break apart and he would be left with the pieces he would be left standing with the feet on the sides of the graveliner with the pieces screaming and that is how they would find him it's interesting because that is very much how grief makes us feel it makes us feel like we are left with the pieces we are left to be we we are left alone with this brokenness and we don't know how to deal with it and so the way that the character ends up dealing with it is not exactly the right choice and he ended up not doing the right thing and it ends up ruining his life even more and i just i can't i can't stress this enough my mind and the way that i see death as a whole in grief in general has been radically changed and it's so funny because the first time i read this book i didn't pick up on that and i so wish i did this book is incredible i highly recommend that you read this i am absolutely shook that the first time i read this i didn't like it because it's a five star book for me now thank you thank you pet cemetery this is a church winston churchill winston winston churchill i probably should try to go to bed now considering it is 11am thank you all so much for watching this video and for listening to me kind of ramble on i love you all please be safe make good choices and i will definitely see you next time bye
Channel: Miranda’s Universe
Views: 478
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Keywords: stephen king, horror, scary books, scary stories, spooky, halloween, favorite books, reading, books, book review, enneagram 4, books for adults, books for young adults, the shining, IT book, jessethereader, haileyinbookland, reading vlog, least favorite books, book to movie
Id: lstXn89yiy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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