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hello friends it's me I don't know where they keep coming from but today I got another spoiled little girl for you I'm only 13 and I almost have 3000 followers oh my gosh almost 13 3000 followers can we get our punishment your parents must be so proud Ava wants to be a social media star just like her hero self-proclaimed Beverly Hills brat Nicolette gray please tell me this is not real oh man just when I thought there was hope for this world we got little girls now looking up to people like this I think the best thing would be to start with a job y'all remember nicoleff from dr. Phil see in real life she ain't that bad but like being a fan of her on dr. Phil what are you doing where are your parents this girl dog famous on dr. Phil cuz she had a mental breakdown when her mom bought her allowance from $5,000 a month to $1,000 a month I want my mom to understand that I can't live off of $1,000 a month and I grew up on a certain lifestyle she can't just take that away from me immediately and demanded that her mom buy her a 200k car I was buying a Bentley for yourself why can't I get a g-wagen I don't know what's crews gotta be like loose in a child's brain to watch that and be like an absolutely useless leash to society uh-huh people are gonna hate on me but they wish they were okay so I've done some videos on this this is the show what would you do how the child acts is staged but like the people's reactions to how she acts are real ava is more than a social media wannabe she's also a rude and obnoxious shopper it sounds familiar I mean if you were a real social media star you wouldn't be out here and at Children's Boutique wasting your own money companies will be sending you calls for free sorry Ava you ain't doing it right this bag is so hot all of your friends are gonna be so jealous there you go if that is not my style go get me something cute cute mom look at some regular metallic Walmart Batley oh this is so hot the bag is the only thing that's hot I could literally smell your hot breath through my screen honey this bag is so oh I can't believe this girl is 13 I know I'll bring up the whole we were 13 damn right 30 rolls are so goofy looking when I was growing up and now they're wearing like makeup and like dressing all nice they be looking like mini adults now y'all in such a rush to grow up and then what you grow up and then you cry to your therapist about not having a childhood you think that's stupid work or we get it right whoa calm down man you are out of Buffalo Exchange you ain't in Gucci a bratty bossy team who's being incredibly rude and disrespectful do you let her shop away and continue with her ugly insults or do you step in until this little diva he's a fashion don't scuse me get on the shot here a fashion doll oh that hands is just so close you know what to do when your child acts up that's all you need bonus points have you got a belt so what about these no you have this is my fount awesome stuff here before you're just doing me jump Ava's rude behavior has the attention of this woman if you maybe I'll pull ahead a baker and it's all your fault because the clothes you're giving me suck oh you know another thing I have never seen a child in charge of their own shopping like clothes shopping when I was little my mom would buy everything for me I would have no say in what I wear but I guess this is like 2019 now kids will be picking their own outfits and stuff times are a-changin this is cute oh no you have a completely different style than me she alerts the store's owner who's also working with us just listen it feels uncomfortable to me all right thank you so much for telling yeah have the manager haircut I want to go talk to the manager like this girl she mean rude she make it a whole scene in the store oh the other day I was shopping and somebody made like a huge scene cuz this mom was shopping with her daughter and her son walked in the store and he just bought a hamster like a real-life hamster from Petsmart right she started screaming about this hamster and how much she hates hamsters and then she like made a formal apology she was like I'm sorry to everybody in the store like I'm loud and proud but I told them not to get a hamster and he still got it it's horrible you don't know what you're doing you don't know what you're doing this is not Gucci I would never let a child treat me like that I don't care how old you are how tall you why okay I do care how tall you are you gotta be in my height range but especially if a kid was that disrespectful to me we square it up okay you gotta calm down she's working she's doing her best for you she's not good enough I'm sorry it's not your entitled she works here and does not deserve to be treated this way I honestly don't know why you got involved when I see somebody acting unkind I feel like I need to say something I'm not unkind with New Jersey brat Oh what were you thinking I mean I just felt terrible for the woman who was working here and I do want to make sure that we're raising empowered girls to speak truths but not to mistreat people yeah we gotta raise girls and boys to not grow up to be pieces of garbage cuz you know what happens to garbage you throw it away and then the dump truck picks it up and takes it to a landfill life lesson don't be garbage or you'll end up in a landfill that doesn't scare you I don't know what will Oh Mike have you gonna get scared this mother decides to engage with Ava thirteen thirteen I mean the workers here just don't know what they're doing like she can't find anything cool this go for real right now oh man I got a four year old I ain't ready for this I mean you can't even take her seriously honestly me though if I ever have to deal with like a rude kid I would just be so busy laughing out that like child for real right now what's cool when I'm wearing like I put this together step by step I have these okay no I don't like ham oh I'm not a cable you're not a camel oh yeah that's a problem that's horrible you could definitely do better girl you are wearing acid-wash and you gonna tell me I don't like ham I'm not a camo girl I could go to the Walmart child section and dress a toddler better than this girl right here I got her snap at someone we rolled her eyes I could promise you she wouldn't do it boy well I told her to expect the very best I'm a mom and I definitely wouldn't let my daughter Sam her hand like this and her eyes rolling out a grown-up that wouldn't happen either well the absolute best and only white mom come back well well that's it that's the end there is no retaliation yes seriously I feel like if you don't roll your eyes and have an attitude with an adult if it wasn't for the law there would be a ninety nine point six percent chance that you won't get the backhand then what you could talk the talk but you can't walk the walk oh just when your daughter is 15 and tells you go don't know why maybe you just don't understand fashion likely to clearly not and that's not my priority but no my party little girl who knows that I roasted this is how it starts I think you gotta catch me outside girl then y'all got an all-expenses-paid trip to dr. Phil this is how it starts like this is a real thing like there are actual kids like that and the parents they allow them to behave like this or they don't know how to deal with them and they just let them do their thing because they feel like they can't stop them and that's how most people get on dr. Phil but it's okay because then they'll just be a youtuber to find some way to make a career out of it and if you don't know what you doing ladies social media has changed the way we interact with people and we see these little girls taking on these adult personas they're rude and they're you know it's some of it is parenting and some of it really just is an immaturity I don't want to listen to a little girl act like it sorry I don't she's saying whoa that's why she got that coffee yeah I need nobody want to hear a kid with an attitude I can't even imagine like what teachers must deal with in 2019 like I know there's probably some kids that are like way out of control way more than like it was when I was growing up like my friend is a teacher and she got bit the other day I know that's not like it has nothing to do with like an attitude or anything but this kid was mad and bit her bones oh I thought you were a cheeseburger kids are wild teachers are like they don't those look like half the stuff they got a deal with this woman is in disbelief mom that was my child we pulling off the belt in the middle of the shoe while unacceptable and I know I make a lot of jokes about that there's a difference between disciplining your kid when they need it I was disciplined to the kid and I came out all right but some kids don't learn and they just need like the extra oof in their life it looks cheap looks like what the poor kids are we're hi there how are you oh my god stop it she's totally from Jersey oh I pray that one day I will be in a situation where I could be on this show like you just gotta be at the right place at the right time then when that dude rocks up to you you know it's all fake I'm gonna cry because when I heard her say this stuff's for the poor kids I almost walked out that side you can't say that stuff I used to be a poor kid we still get all our clothes from either Walmart or used clothes stores look at me now in all Gucci just kidding this forever 21 I don't even have any Gucci clothes that's expensive our last shopper of the day she's a teen herself can't take a picture of me so I could add to Instagram oh thank you so much I love it and she quickly befriends the polite Ava thing but cute little Ava oh my gosh you know is about to show her true colors you first start dating someone and you haven't seen their bad side like that must be so awkward to like stay character like hey this is a girl she wants to like actually be my friend oh but I'm still playing this part of a garbage child me living my best double life so do you like something like this no and now Jessica Goldman has changed from friend to foe you can't do that I deserve the bathroom oh right that door closed it's okay this woman's an idiot she's not helping you know Oh stuffs Vanegas spicy and juicy like I wonder what this girl is thinking right now I thought we were cool I guess thought I was making a new friend but the friends actually say yes I'm Lily she knows we're going to spend a lot of money here right now and that's kind of a part of what they do she's just a worker I'm done I'm out of here she's like I can't I can't do this anymore I'm going to leave crew where is my Betsy mocha frappuccino some girl actually talked back to me I'm done I'm out of here dramatizing really need to teach your daughter better learners she can have whatever she wants I think my mom would kick me out house oh they saved the best for last this is a teenager telling her mom what's up it happens you know why did it touch you so these people are so nice I love all of them they're my family friends and stuff and they're not me that's so sweet this girl's such a good person we appreciate nice people did Ava get her mocha frappuccino find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this video hit that like button and uh hey you would never ever allow your child to act like this comment below what would you do if your child acted like this when you know you've failed as a parent I'd make sure you subscribe to the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 19,895,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, spoiled, sniper wolf, spoiled girl, girl, funny, reacting, react, rich, funniest, spoiled kids, kids
Id: osZjBqsorQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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