Split Triplet - Individual Women Event 7 - 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games

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it is the fittest city on earth once a year as the 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games once again invade Madison Wisconsin the fittest crowd on earth getting set to watch the fittest athletes on earth as we move indoors to the Coliseum here at the Alliant Energy Center for women's event 7 the split triplet thanks for being with us here everybody on the road iron game I'm Sean woodland with chase Ingram and we were being joined by a man who has been to the CrossFit Games three times he finished 2nd in 2008 he is competed at national weightlifting Championships where he did split style lifting I call him the master of the split snatch and energy across that josh everett josh thanks for being with us thanks for having me Sean I'm real excited to brush off my commentary skin Si and be back with you on the bootcamp yes I should say one of the founding members of the CrossFit media team so Josh it's great to have you back here as we take a look at the floor of the world feed of the CrossFit Games provided by CrossFit Tia to me your overall leader at 521 points Kristin wholethe just 5 points back right now Jamie Green hanging on to that final spot on the podium just a 27-point lead though over Carrie Pierce event number 7 is the split triplet we have a pegboard we have some double unders and then 2 movements with a dumbbell 55 pounds for the women and they have to lift it in a split style again Josh you were what I call the godfather of that movement how did you become be so good at that well practice of course but it was out of necessity for me this split position makes it easier to keep your torso up when receiving the barbell at stability for those that maybe lack some mobility and it became the way for me to lift the most weight overhead Jase let's talk about keys of this event you just kind of went over but let's talk about it again as we get set to now watch the final at women's Heat if Tony the Tiger were to tell you it's grip well played keeping the fatigue it's a it's gonna be a more of a fatigue element than it is a complete failure element we were talking earlier about grip strength for script stamina it's a little bit of both if you don't have the stamina to back up the strength which is what the double unders and the split Snatchers are going to do those pegboards are going to get a lot harder exponentially as you get in the rounds four and five these are the 10 athletes who will be with us for the remainder of the competition no more cuts for the individuals and Katherine David's honor on the left of your screen was on the outside looking in in the last event but did enough to get herself into the final 10 the overall leaders will be right in the middle of the floor TIA to me wearing the white top and red shorts she's the overall leader should be right next to Kristin Volta he's trying to track her down Holt of trails her by just five points coming into the seventh event of the 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games we start with the pegboard asset now both pegs must reach the top and both pegs buts come down and we already have a stumble from Tori helga daughter on that pegboard Tia Claire to me also fell off that peg board to start the event the one I'm looking for Shawn is the bottom right part of the screen and that is Amanda Barnhart who wasn't able to climb a single one last year it looks like she's fixed that hole once again we appreciate process providing us with these pictures from their world feeds of the single pegboard ascent is done and now it's on to the 100 double unders katrin davidsdottir was first done with that pegboard to some of the athletes in this heat don't have a whole lot of experience with this thing if this is your first time at the games you may not have seen it before yeah I think for the athletes coming up on this split snatch if they haven't practiced splitting with the dumbbell there's a coordination factor like it's not just going to be go go push and make all physiological engine there you have to think what foot goes forward as what dumbbell is in the hand how am I going to stabilize this and also remembering to stand completely up with the dumbbell before they lower it well here's the thing you mentioned thinking about in coordination you have to lift with the arm that's opposite of the foot that goes forward so if you're lifting with your right arm your left foot has to go forward that could that's enough to mess some people up think how hard that was to explain now tell someone to go and do that on the fly and I think what you're going to see here with these athletes is that you're going to see a separation between those that are just good at doing Crossfit and the athletic ones that have experience with these multiple position movements katrin davidsdottir Kerry Pearson Tia to me are on the lead pace Kristin Holt has a handful of reps back as every athlete is done with 100 others except for Amanda Varner now Barnhart may have an issue with one of her ankles I was told that she may have injured it a little bit during Mary so I'll have to keep an eye on her and how that affects her during this event the CEO to me right now is your leader five rounds interesting strategy from to me as she is doing a clean and jerk it must be just get the but the barbell in an overhead anyway are the dumbbell to overhead anyway that's a little bit slower it's gonna take her a little bit more time but possibly less fatiguing there were twenty team works out over time total repetitions in each round and Tia to me is done first back to the chalk and she will begin her second of five rounds so 22 scored repetition one for the pegboard you get credit for one when you finish the double unders have been 10 each for the dumbbell move it's Katherine David's on her now moving back to the wall as she tries to vault herself up the leaderboard remember there are a lot of points on the line here and the gap between each finish is 10 and this is exactly one of they wanted to see from Tia Claire to me coming into this event she was losing some momentum she didn't have any bad events she just wasn't having to stand out dominating events so Tia Claire to me from what she finishing the dumbbell racing to the pegboard wasting no time this is exactly what she needs to do to reestablish herself with these top ten ladies TIA to me and Kerry Pierce are under their second of five rounds now Jamie Green picking up the jump rope as well I think the one thing we are overlooking in it is the hundred double unders in the middle for a couple of rounds two to three rounds if it really isn't that bad in fact going unbroken isn't the worst thing but if you remember the open event last year that had a hundred Dubliners in between these high-skilled movements he had dumbbell snatches muscle ups bar muscle-ups and overhead squats is by the third round and fourth round they got so much harder and so much more fatiguing so be curious to see how they handle rounds three and four moving into five Tiye to be done with her second set of 100 double unders are now on to the dumbbell 410 lit snatches from the hang position what you like about what you're seeing from TIA to rush so right now very efficient she started with that snatch which she might do is go the snatch until she gets a little fatigued when she starts going that fatigue switch to the clean-and-jerk that she did last time or maybe she got through that first round and she's like I got this and she's doing the faster but more difficult smash it's hang dumbbell snatches than it is ten hang the dumbbell clean and jerks and again you have to put the opposite leg forward from the arm that you're using to lift Katherine Davis daughters on the left she firmly sits in third in this heat that's Kerry Pierce who is in second but Tia to me once she hits 44 reps she'll be done with two rounds and she'll move back for round number three and as you guys watch you see a couple different styles one just the difference between the Statue obviously but you also see kind of a swing or a kettlebell style which again takes longer but it's a little less taxing on the heart rate in the shoulder and then you'll see more of an Olympic pool where the dumbbell stays closer to the body and goes straight up that takes a little bit more energy but it's faster so it's all going to be about what's the best strategy for pace and getting through this workout if you go too hard out of the gate you'll find yourself taking breaks later on in the workout which will obviously hurt you Tia to be back for pegboard climbing number three of five victory Helena got her on the right of your screen has been falling off the pace he was struggling with the pegboard right now to you to me is the only woman on round three and she is the leader in this heat that lead her on the standings and she is blowing the doors off of her competition at this point of the event now third set of 100 double unders for Tia to me so impressive over 300 courts completed about 12 hours ago and they're going right up that pegboard like it's nothing right they're not fatigue the biceps the lats they look like they're fresh it's amazing notice this is a back driven movement of lats and rhomboids leading those back muscles as she goes up and down that pegboard Kathy Davis daughter working her way down to pay board 100 double unders and then 10 hang split snatches with the dumbbell and then 10 hang clean and jerks with the dumbbell the 20 total movements with the dumbbell after these 100 mm is Tiye to me who's the leader 66 is the number that she needs to hit before she heads back for round number 4 still staying unbroken and all those elders after the third round and a lot of that comes down to keeping your composure and trying to turn the double honors into a rest period in between those two movements on the front and back end see you to me on to her third of five sets of hang dumbbell split snatches ten reps looks like her strategy has been to snatch the first five and then as she moves that dumbbell up so who to the clean-and-jerk as she gets more fatigue so she's how to plan she's sticking to the plan and executing it as long as you're in first place you stick with the plan right it's going well at this point well the good news for her she doesn't have to worry about any other women any other heats because these are the only ten women competing right now to me as your leader ten reps to go in this round of the hang dumbbell clean and jerk and again you got to put the opposite foot forward from the hand with which you're lifting captain David solder sits in third place as Kerry Pierce has moved into second David's daughter is closing out round number three she is on her set of ten hang dumbbell clean injuries now that's big for captain Davis daughter coming in in ninth place overall after the cuts that we had earlier today and as the points scale has changed and now it's fixed for the rest of the weekend is these are the times where you need to start chipping away you don't have to make up all those points in one event you got a few events left you don't know how many but there are a few events left going into the rest of the weekend get those little 30 to 40 point chunks while you can there are 110 total scored repetitions in this event and Tia to me is through 66 at them she is now on to round number four Carrie Pearce sits in second Davidge daughters and third Jamie Greene and then Kristen Volta has fallen off the lead pace the TIA to me looking to put some more distance between herself and Kristen Volta on the overall leaderboard to me came in with just a five point lead over Volta as Carrie Pierce works her way back to begin round number four to me my friend big round where we decide like what is the toll that what kind of toll is getting taken on these athletes right we've already done three pegboard ascents 300 double unders 30 clean and jerks and snatches on each arm with a 55 pound weight this round 4 is Cana you're going to see that breaking point for a lot of the athletes CEO to me on the left of your screen is your leader eighty eight repetitions that's the number that will let you know that she is done with round four [Applause] Carrie Pierce has moved into second she is also on her fourth rather double-unders she's on the right side of your screen the interesting to see how they handled it the double unders on the last few rounds here are they the dumb doubt in the last few rounds here is the shoulders and lats are fatigued from the climbs and the double unders to me back to the dumbbell ten hang split snatches that she has to complete alternating each arm after that it is ten hang and clean and jerks so this looks so smooth out there a lot of times gonna see if athlete is laboring us don't look at the quality of the movement look at the expression on their face because that gives it away right a lot of poker players out there and the Tia Claire Timmy's face is so calm and so relaxed watching her sprint back and forth to the rig and the dumbbell speaks volumes the intensity that she's bringing to this event Tia to me is leaving everybody in her dust as Carrie Pierce's nine reps back Jamie green 14 and Katherine Davis are all three of them are still on their fourth round of 100 double unders two Me's getting ready to close out round number four once she hits 88 reps she'll move back to the pegboard for a fifth and final time Carrie Pierce now on to her hang dumbbell snatches she just finished 10 of those now it's the hang dumbbell clean injury that's materially the TOB at this at this point knowing that she's in the lead she doesn't have to press it's going with their normal strategy go smooth smooth is fast of course and the reason why her face is so calm she's in a place where she can be calm right I'd be interesting to see if someone can sneak up on there the facial expressions start to start to change the little bit all of tio2 B's rounds have looked basically identical she doesn't look like she is slowing down at all misses her fifth and final trip up and down that pegboard when you look at the movements from a technical aspect as these are very rhythmic movements you can get in sync and get into agree pegboard is one of them there's a dance between the pull and the twist of the torso and the engaging of the court finding a rhythm on double-under staying relaxed using your feet and just focusing on your wrist and with hang snatches and clean and jerks again when you're switching arms and says that's swing in that rhythm if you can find that and just settle in that is a massive advantage for you if you have the fitness to back it up Tia to me is on her fifth and final round of 100 double unders Carrie Pierce is on her fifth and final pegboard climb she is behind to me but to me is just putting a ton of distance between herself and Pierce at this moment David's daughter still sits in third and Jamie Green is in for [Music] kristan Jota is right now in fifth place as Jamie Greene looks to track her down for second place overall in the standings [Applause] and there is Kristen holda who had just got done now with round number five to me back to the dumbbell she has 20 reps remaining she has to complete ten dumbbell split snatches and then ten dumbbell clean and jerks and in those hips to drive the hips open we're talking quarter extremity movement here real important that that hips finish before the elbow bends before you start to split those feet so we get the full power of the legs doing the work and not muscling it with the arms that's efficiency right there which is going to lead to less fatigue power 10 reps remain for Tia to me Carrie Pearson's second place now on to her hang split snatches and now we know rep for to me but it doesn't matter she has a ton of distance between herself and Carrie Pearce it's a little mistake there she snatched that first rep and she's required to do a clean and jerk then and as you get fatigued the thought process starts to go right five reps remaining for to me now a no rep again and Kerry peers forgot to split the feet they're creeping up but to me does have about a six rep lead on her scary Pierce right to work to me continuing to crank away final repla to me second win for Tia to me Harry Pierce looking to lock up second place peers coming into this event in fourth place overall 77 points off the lead if she takes second she will earn 90 points [Applause] Pierce's Aiden Pearce will take seconds Catherine davidsdottir the leader on the floor right now looking to lock up third place and earn 80 points can't begin to describe how valuable that is for captain Davis otter sitting in ninth Ashiya I mean shouldn't win the games two years in a row and podium again because he's not fit enough to be here she made the cut she survived but she has a great opportunity to jump up a few spots in this event alone captain Davis daughter is not dead in the water yet David's daughter is done and she is in third place with Katherine Davis daughter 80 points as she looks to continue to climb up the leaderboard Jamie green on the left of your screen she is now the leader on the floor she has one rep remaining Jamie Green is in fourth place and 70 points for Jamie Green who is now playing to gain some ground on that woman but if Kristen hope does next across the finish line all she's going to surrender our ten points to Jamie Greene about a forty five point buffer coming in over Jamie green but she's only five points behind Tia Clara to me says she's not going to lose a lot but it's C and that just shows you how the point scale is now changing on the run entire competition but these little individual races it's a bit much bigger difference now between a third place in a sixth place than it was just one of them to go right pays big time to be a winner right now and Kristen bolta is in I mean it's crazy thing to Josh's point like oh no she got fifth what it what a tough event that must have been 60 points for Kristen Volta Jamie Green will creep ten points closer to her now Hayley Adams look at a lock-up sixth hurry helga daughter bethenny Chadron and anna frag who fallen way back but they are on their final rounds here vana sunshine finish this event Canada might move up towards the top five and we saw Tia they're number one in the world coaching up the newcomer heylia is that Haley Adam students coach coach not back there but that's the that's the spirit of CrossFit and how it developed in the early days does everyone come encouraging each other and there's someone that's trying to take your crown and T is coaching her up during the event Haley Adams she is next across the finish line for the youngster making her debut appearance here in the individual competition will take sixth that will be good enough for 50 points now Bethany shad Verne looking to lock up seven a chaise you mentioned it earlier but keep in mind the amount of grip work and pulling that these women did less than 24 hours ago in the meri event a shad would come across the finish line it's a lot of pulling okay I mean you got the massive vertical pulls down on the pegboard and up from the dumbbell snatches and no reprieve in between on the double unders so I don't know what's coming up after this but I'm sure they're all hoping is like just don't let it be muscle [Laughter] the Bethany shadow locked up seven plates three women left on the floor to mandibor her Cherie Hilary daughter Anna frag dude [Applause] and it's not costing Hillary daughter anything to rest right now as Amanda Barnhart who has been struggling on the pegboard she is in her fifth round and Barnard's gonna finish that trip as cherry hung about her looks to finish up her event [Applause] helga daughter with four reps left [Applause] final repertory hell Your Honor [Applause] and she will get in inside the time cap in Cherry Hill get out are locking up eighth place 30 points for her final 30 seconds Franklin Barnhart won't be completing this event inside the 20 minute time cap is 20 seconds to go franku on her hang split snatches five seconds to go the frag who's gonna take tonight and Amanda Barnhart we'll finish 10th Tia to me it's her second event win in the competition and it's Carrie Pearce who takes second place and Tia to be able to overcome an early mistake on the pegboard OS and it's like she needs to come in just guns blazing and not quite the start you really wanted she slipped off the peg board right to begin with I tell you what there's nothing to juice you up a little bit more than a shot of adrenaline by falling on you're falling off the pegboard but you know she fell off we saw another athlete fall up as well but after that that was it that was the only stumble that she had I mean show me round one and show me around five and I don't know if I can tell the difference and that's what she wanted to see from a lot of these athletes coming in but he said coming in that TN need to needed to reestablish herself not just for the field and not just on the leaderboard but I think for her you can see that celebration it's almost got a sigh of relief but it's like everything's okay I'm back in business back in the Coliseum Tia Clare to me that's what we wanted to see it for event number seven there are so many points right now and you were super smooth through all those movements but a little hiccup to start on the pegboard what happened there I just slipped out of the hole nothing biggie and we've seen you through all these movements before we've seen you on the pegboard we've seen you on double unders those dumbbell movements are a little bit more unique with the splits how comfortable did you feel with them well I mean dumbbells always come up in training and they you really have to focus on those movements just with alternating arm and leg so there was a few times that I stuffed up there but that was a great workout this is the first time we've seen just this small amount of ten final women out on the floor does it change your mindset at all knowing that we've gotten here over the course of cuts through the weekend you know those girls that are being cut so far are my friends and it's actually quite emotional even thinking about it they deserve to be here and and you know I hope that they know that they can walk away with their heads held high and it's just an honor to be a part of the 10 here out on the field cuz they're phenomenal athletes as well congratulations thank you thank you Tiye to me with her third straight finished inside the top four and her second event win in the competition as she gets some breathing room between herself and Kristen Volta now leading her by 45 points in the overall standings to meas winning time at 1407 27 seconds better than Kerry appears Katherine Davis daughter continues to march up the leaderboard she will finish in the third place and she has moved up four more spots in the overall standings Jamie Green and Kristen Hopa rounding out the top five we're gonna take a quick break we'll be back to set up the men's split triplet as we continue here on the road iron game the Madison Wisconsin
Channel: Rogue Fitness
Views: 184,495
Rating: 4.7774343 out of 5
Keywords: Rogue Fitness, crossfit, rogue, made in the usa, american made, fitness
Id: 9wlrwapa5cA
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Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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