Spleenies, meet gizzards!

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don't say anything wait june your image is frozen happy monday guys i think we're live um erin is gonna take over cooking today because i don't really want where's your laptop are we going to read comments i'll read comments later calm down the people are here to see aaron cook and today he will be cooking this defrosted package of very bloody gizzards um is it blood or just uh myoglobin myoglobin apparently is what it is um aaron please tell us what are you gonna do to your chicken gizzards today wait i should have had a plan for this it's okay we don't need plans uh aaron's gonna cook it in some broth and he's gonna serve it in some noodles but how he's gonna spice it and how he's going to cook it i don't really know so uh give it on over to erin yeah i'm just gonna be doing a stock basically uh if you follow my insta you know that i just make stocks like all the time because june buys cheap like uh dollar or a few dollar bags of bones or off cuts of meat and i personally try to not eat too much meat both at restaurants and at home i'm not but vegan or vegetarian or anything i just you know try to limit it because i really love me but uh you know so i get meat flavor from this off cut stuff like that because i feel like i have no idea what this is jun's telling me that i don't have to be this loud but i'm gonna keep being loud because it's my stream now taking over i'll do what the i want i'll swear i'll say the f word i just did all right you can't stop me what are you gonna do do you monetize me it's not even my channel i'll start my own youtube channel uh but uh yeah so i don't know if this is true or not but i feel like buying off cuts of meat like bones or loud or or organs or um just crap like that is not as bad as buying the prime choices of meat because the animals are mainly being killed for like the bacons and the steaks are you trying to justify your own meat consumption yeah okay so i don't so i feel like this doesn't increase the incentive to produce more animals for meat consumption not that much because like i said these aren't mainly being killed for things like the gizzards i don't know what a gizzard is really june can probably tell you it's a stomach of the chicken but apparently it's chicken stomach guys we're not gonna see fred today he's been hiding all day we have really bad construction he's been frightened all day and he's still not very comfortable with us so he's been fortunately we'll just have to let fred come out on his own yeah fred uh came home and he was in the bathroom for a while and then when he came out of the bathroom he immediately ran for the first cubby hole he saw and other than coming out to eat he's been in there the entire time he will take some time to adjust so you guys just have to wait a bit longer to see him because he's shy hi vancouver in singapore i'm gonna put this onion back because we already have one okay well i also need onions dude okay here's an onion for you bro no not not today okay for my recipe development how's everyone's mondays let me adjust the camera so that aaron can show you everything that he's yeah i'm just gonna do really boring stuff like slicing onions and garlic but uh yeah this is loosely based on a chinese lush style stock and i say loosely because i i'm not doing the exact right uh like techniques proportions for it you need to you know cook it for a certain length of time um in certain ways i'm basically just using the spice and flavor profile of it as in five spice or whatever my version of five spices which is this all the stuff that i found in june's cabinet although june and i recently learned from chinese cooking demystified that five spice actually doesn't refer to a specific five kinds of spices it is uh just a general term in chinese cooking for like using a lot of different spices in your cuisine and that these specific five spices vary from region to region and from recipe to recipe and can often be like four or five six seven or eight spices like it's not a specific five spices uh but yeah i'm doing cinnamon all star anise shortness camera dude uh they'll snap you can show them if you want all right it's your stream i'm doing cinnamon star nice uh allspice uh whole coriander and black cardamom as well as sichuan peppercorn and right now i'm just going to toast those spices in the pot and talk to your people i'm not sure if we bond over cooking but you know it's one way for us to spend time together for the most part without getting at each other's throats sometimes you know after 10 years together you kind of just have heard everything else the other person wants to ever say and sometimes you just want to be quiet together what's that meme is it like gordon ramsay uh i don't know i am always afraid of breaking this thing is it like the gordon ramsay meme where he's like just a just a splash of olive oil splash or what does he say you know what i'm talking about and then he ends up like using just a giant glug you can't just move the tripod you have to know this all right all right okay but that's what i feel like when i'm using olive oil is i'm just like oh just a splash and then it's just a boat loaded olive oil uh nez wants you to tell a story i did tell a story the story is called what the hell am i cooking tonight why don't you tell us a story in chutnez if you think i've done anything over the past year that has merited storytelling oh man i don't even know what i did most days may i transfer your gizzards into a bowl so that it's not gonna leak all over yeah go for it we're just going straight in the pot soon anyways in a minute or two [Music] but you don't want the myoglobin to splatter the liquid all over should we include the should we include the juice the blood or myoglobin or whatever this is your show chef you tell me what you want i don't know is that is that ever actually used or is the liquid always thrown away i don't i because i don't know how fresh this this is but i i also told you that you should probably prep this beforehand because the yellow bits are bitter sometimes but you didn't do that well i'm not going to all right we're gonna find out we're gonna see how it goes there's experimental cooking here has anybody ever made a uh a soup stock with chicken gizzards probably have i ever done it no we're gonna find out if it turns out to be shitty or turns out to be okay uh i will warn you guys um this i normally start this way earlier in the day because i let this go for many many hours to let the flavors all know each other so you're not going to see the finished product on the stream but we will get we will get close you'll see basically how it's going to look essentially and i will show off my noodles and maybe we'll cook some uh lanzhou noodles in the early in an early version of the stock and the onion chop doesn't really matter here because this is all just going to be basically completely broken down and i'm not going to use the onion it's just the flavor are you going to slice the gizzards up at all or are they going everything's going in whole is that right this is a very easy recipe everything goes in whole spices onion oh nearly whole for onion meats bones chilies everything goes in whole you heard him folks everything goes into a hole all right you said that not me here's the gizzards going in we're gonna let that do some browning crank that heat congratulations brianna for being with your partner for 12 years and not killing each other fantastic job tell us your secrets in september june and i will hit 10. so now we're gonna do those aforementioned spices i like to toast everything first that's why i'm not just throwing this into boiling water uh i am toasting all the flavors first and then pouring water on top i have no idea if that actually makes a better result oh yeah that's some thai uh dried chilies that we've had in the fridge forever that i use a few of every once in a while they used to be fresh i bought them fresh and then we didn't use them on time um and then they just sat in the fridge until they dehydrated and now they're basically just like dried chilies i do this with mushrooms sometimes too we like cinnamon stick i let my mushroom just sit in the fridge until they get really dehydrated and you just have dried muffins a few star anise can we get a poll in chat as to whether people say a niece or anus a niece versus anna's guys i don't know if you can hear it but the ice cream truck outside is freaking annoying and it goes for like four hours on the same pop goes the weasel tune over and over again i swear it's like the cia trying to torture us or something right after four hours of construction outside whole coriander or coriander that's another one but everybody pronounces differently can you say sorry for me i mean i've been using it consistently for lunch now so it's been dwindling for sure we have a lot of uh yeah jennifer that's the ice cream truck this is one of my absolute favorite spices in the world it is black cardamom if you guys have never cooked with this and i thought june has shown this in some of her videos already it has like a magical mysterious flavor it's very smoky they'll like smell it smells like a peated scotch whiskey but it just provides a real sort of like depth and uh mystery to uh food i don't know june can probably describe the flavor better she's obviously the best in the world with that it kind of smells like um beef jerky and musty wood that's slowly growing in the campfire from a damp wet ember into a smoking tiny flame and then you have like a wooden log cabin about 200 feet out and then like there's a hawk 50 miles out swooping in for the squirrel that squirrel they won't see it coming so next i'm doing some of this this is just a random hot sauce i got from a chinese market i got it literally only because i have no idea if this will focus but i got this only because uh there is a dude on the front who looks like he's an extreme pain from the heat uh and i was like damn that looks like my and then i actually don't like it as a seasoning as a topping for foods because it has a strong uh shrimp flavor like i think mo uh this is 40 uh bird's eye chili and then the rest is mainly shrimp paste and it's not that i don't like shrimp paste i really love shrimp paste in like a lot of different dishes but it's such an overpowering shrimp paste thing it doesn't really work as a topping i think for most things all you really end up tasting is the shrimp paste so i use this in the uh stocks because it gets married with so many other flavors the shrimpiness isn't doesn't overpower anything yes you can cook chicken hearts the same way that you cook gizzards which is to say you can cook gizzards and chicken hearts the same way you cook any meat and any vegetable just cook it so that you like what it tastes like hi jacquelina uh june and aaron are there recipes that you make similarly i mean [Music] i don't know i feel like aaron really excels at making noodle dishes and i'm just like mush queen oh forgot the sichuan peppercorn um and green cilantro and peppercorn green citron peppercorn has a different flavor profile that's a lot my dude can i show the people yeah so green sichuan peppercorn has a slightly different flavor than red sichuan peppercorn especially if you get it fresh green sichuan peppercorn i feel like tastes a little bit more like that fresh citrusiness you get out of freshly cracked really good black pepper and red citron peppercorn has more of a earthy mustier taste to it that can get very nice toasty and golden tasting like if you made some toast and buttered it it has that kind of nuttiness red citron peppercorn is really good green citrus peppercorn is really good but i think if i could only choose one i would go with green i just really like that fresh citrus it is really floral it's really nice yeah it feels prettier it is a very beautiful flavor uh also everybody knows msg june's intimate relationship with msg none of this is measured by the way i have no recipe for this uh reviewing whole black peppercorns i do whole everything spices because this all gets strained uh when i take it out so um yes i did eliminate super chat i reached out to youtube and i asked them can i still keep the money that people have already sent me if i turn off super chat now even if that amount is not yet in my adsense account and they said yes if it's showing up on your analytics page you should be able to keep those funds so i turned it off because i hated giving google my money or your money rather that you gave me 30 is crazy dried garlic slices yeah because i didn't use nearly enough garlic cloves uh the fresh garlic so yeah garlic always more garlic that's my secret to cooking more olive oil and more garlic very italian of you yes well they make good food over there in italian jack i have been into a whole peppercorn before but you know what's worse eating a whole star anise i dared june to eat a whole star nice and the mad lad she did it um chewbacca says twitch does 30 too i don't that's not what i researched but i i don't know if you use the built-in like bits and donation things but if you do paypal through streamlabs right it's different we didn't dry the garlic ourselves we just bought it it came in like a huge spice plastic jar it's just dried garlic chips you add fifty percent more garlic i like quadruple the garlic amount if it says two cloves we're going in with eight i've recently started developing some recipes where i'm just like six large cloves of garlic even that's not enough always more garlic dell what do you mean what is vinegar what is vinegar what is vinegar june my sourdough starter was super inactive today she was bubbling like crazy the day before do you think she's still healthy sourdough starters are surprisingly um what you may call it it's not persistent i'm losing the word resilient they are very resilient so it totally depends did you feed it did you feed it at a regular interval did your temperature ambient temperature go up today uh is it a lot warmer if it's a lot warmer it tends to peak a lot sooner than it used to be before so if it's inactive is it dead or is it just running out of food you might just want to feed it lee i will not come out with a cookbook it is not is that not my thing not my thing babe yeah the whole point of uh i think june's uh cooking style is not having specific written recipes for things like it's all about being resourceful being creative and making do with whatever you can find you know and whatever you can buy for cheap although i don't think a traditional cookbook makes sense for that framework but maybe sort of like a book about food in your box about food and you know your food ideology i guess but but also that's just literally what my instagram is and also i find it i was an english literature major in college and i found it really hard to excel in that academic setting because my mind just goes everywhere so it just goes i think this is part of why i suffer so severely from anxiety from time to time it's just like if i start thinking about one thing that flares up a whole network of thoughts and then i start thinking about everything so if i start talking about cooking more dry chilies yeah i'm going to try to eat this but i don't think i can eat that very much because he's just killing it with chili this is the same thing i do every time i had a lot of feedback from my college professors who were just always saying like your paper has no one thesis you're all over the place like choose one and go with it and i'm like no i must cram five ideas in one paper and of course the paper made no sense so if you read a cookbook that i put out it's not gonna be a cookbook it's just gonna be like literally what i write on instagram put into print which why would you pay for that when you can just read it on instagram next we're doing this some uh shaoxing cooking wine uh this is a crucial ingredient in mushroom as we also learned from chinese cooking unified we've learned a lot about chinese cookies except this is not but this is not yeah this is the shitty kind they told us they told us that uh if you want to make true lucha good luch way then you should use like the stuff you can basically only find in china but i'm not in china this is what we have in a local supermarket so we'll have to make this eleanor uh but i studied it for seven years i went to college i tested into a level that was beyond just grammar and went into culture and literature study and i was completely lost because in high school i scored a four on the ap french exam but somehow did not keep up with oral skills at all so i was so lost in class and then i just like felt so bad that i quit so i can't really speak french this is some really cool soy sauce i don't know where jun got it it is mushroom soy sauce uh what's cool about it is very intense and concentrated soy sauce flavor and it's thicker than regular soy sauce it it smells incredible aged dinosaur if you know you know yeah um ian in response to your question about cooking gizzards and organ meat like other meat yes of course the texture is going to be different of course the taste is going to be different but in terms of heat application is totally dependent on the organ for example gizzards can't be cooked the same way that you can cook liver because liver cooks way faster and it's a little bit fattier so gizzards might take more time to stew and freeze or you have to slice it really thin and then sear it or grill it and then just some really cheap shitty it's not really cheap oh it isn't no is it in japan oh it is yeah it's japanese soy sauce yup yup i guess it's just assumed it's cheap because the packaging is plastic and whatever cheap but it's not really it's just soy sauce this is just to i don't add any actual salt as in you know table salt or kosher salt to this all of the uh salt comes from the uh there's two kinds of soy sauces mainly hi jess do i have a favorite cookbook no not really because i don't really read but when i was auctioning off all of my cookbooks on my instagram um lady and pups um cookbook was amazing i don't even remember i think it was like the art of escapism cooking or something like that and the cover is just like a black background with a hand and like a very food porny burger which is kind of misleading because i thought it read very like macho american but she's actually a small tiny asian lady who just has a lot of personality and her writing in that book was beautiful her recipes are really fun and like fusiony but not in that kind of um flaky fusiony way just like really thought out fusiony combos and her her photos were amazing and i i feel like she is all self-produced she started with a blog called lady and pups um very impressive i see that she's been doing a few videos for food 52 recently so that that cookbook really stood out to me as fantastic um aaron bought me self-fat acid e which i honestly haven't gotten past like the first 50 pages i'm just really bad at reading books guys despite being an english literature major i'm pretty much a failure at reading would i ever make merch i don't know guys if i ever have to make a living as a full-time youtuber i'll probably need to branch out into income sources but right now i have a full-time job at delish and so i don't even the world doesn't need any more merch honestly guys the world doesn't need any more merch and a lot of people have started sending me some like funds through vemmo and i feel really bad that i even gave it out probably another mistake um i'll probably just save it all of your super chat money and all of your memo donations i'll just save in a little tab of like how much came through and i'll just hold it and i'll probably donate it or i don't know because i don't really need that money right now so and we don't need more crap so if you want to make merch i don't know i kind of like how the spleeney's instagram account is developing i love seeing everyone's cooking i love seeing everyone's pets it's just kind of like a hodgepodge of randomness but we still have like a slightly cohesive community in there and i just like that feeling of just like grass rootsy randomness if you ever need to sell merch it should be digital merch nfts everybody wants a june nfg gigi if your gizzards are hard to eat it's either because you didn't slice it like aaron didn't and in which case if you keep it whole you need to braise it and stew it for hours my mom stews it for like five to six hours you need to it's kind of like brisket right you either go slow and low or you chunk it slice it and you go hot and sear and grill it or whatever but if you take a cut like brisket and you cook it only for an hour or an hour and a half it's not gonna get tender you need to go for like two three even four five six hours for it to be fall apart so if you want your gizzards to be tender and soft just keep cooking them and make sure that you're flavoring the liquid that you're cooking them in because they really tend to absorb up all of that goodness like i'm doing june rebecca i tried audiobooks once um i get really distracted and then i just lose track and then i have to like rewind 20 minutes and then i just feel very defeated june has no focus she's gotta clang her bowls a lot more which we didn't do today by the way yes it's true fred is fine jess i think but he's been very just like um cowered away in a corner i think he's a little bit scared because we have a lot of noise and he's scared because we're new people and he's scared because he doesn't know what the hell is going on and he's scared because he's still kind of feeling sick so we'll give them some next i'm going in with the first batch of water uh i uh don't normally add all the water at once i just like add some and let it come to a boil and then add more i have no idea if that actually helps at all it just feels right to me so that's what i do but like aaron raises an interesting point right we've always been told there's one right way to cook things and i honestly think cooking is kind of a little bit like language people can be very prescriptivists when it comes to language and they say like oh you have to say this grammar in this way to be right but like what's right you know who made the rules who made the rules who says you can only cook this thing one way and who says you can only speak in one way those are all rules that we made up ourselves so if you feel like just freewheeling it if you feel like going against what has been prescribed if you feel like trying new things and experimenting do it and human culture is always changing naturally that's how new things are created through change to change also to the same [Music] every day a different utensil sometimes is harsher than others and uh you know we'll try something else next time if that was not to your liking yeah claire just said my grandpa never follows a recipe yet he's probably the best cook i've ever known cooking like anything comes out of practice and practice comes out of developing your own intuition practice is a really good way to just make mental notes and to take down muscle memory right a lot of the ways of cooking food is just through kind of almost unconscious absorption of small tips and mistakes that you give yourself so be open to the process and be open to failing because failing are kind of just building blocks to eventual success maybe i think as people say if cooking is an art and baking is a science i think it totally makes sense to follow rigid rules for baking because you're working within very tight chemistries and like timelines and you know uh just the laws of physics under that but for cooking the best way to learn is as june i think tries to preach over and over again is just doing it over and over yourself trying to be resourceful use what you have and eventually innate feeling and understanding of how food cooks how food works together how flavors meld together will just become a part of your natural uh you know understanding of food uh so yeah you can make some failures early on and that's totally fine i remember the first time i ever uh cooked fish i just wanted to be i think i was in high school and i wanted to be a fancy guy you know you can do this yeah okay i wanted to be a fancy guy who uh ate fish and i tried cooking from my family and the fish just fell completely apart in the pan and i tried making a red wine sauce with a two i was literally following a recipe so i wasn't even just winging this i followed the recipe i tried to do it exactly but my technique was off the fish fell apart into a pan the red wine like turned purple because i guess i had too much water or something and it was basically just purple fish mush it was completely evil it was terrible and if i let that uh guide me if i let that initial failure be the basis for the rest of my cooking life then i would have never branched out and tried to do it again because i would have just said i'll fail again but you know fortunately i didn't do that in college i kept trying to cook more and more and even though i don't do as much cooking as i used to these days like my main cooking is mainly these stocks that i do for quite frequently uh it's nice to have the understanding that like if i ever needed to or wanted to i could just like cook for myself food that at least i enjoyed you know every night so you just gotta keep doing it keep experimenting keep coming up with new ideas coco bits do you guys like greek food any dishes in particular there's actually this one restaurant in astoria that we love and they always give you this like soft grilled pita bread at the very beginning and i'm totally in love with that soft grilled pita bread and they give it to you with like lots of olive oil and herb seasonings just like smacked into that bread okay second vegetable yes chef so people can see the exciting act of pouring water into a pot samantha asked what are you from erin what are you from samantha he's from russia oh what are you from rochacha upstate new york yeah bill's country hi holly from yorkshire welcome it's true food mistakes cath they can become faves you just never know until you try something so that's the importance of experimenting and allowing yourself to have failures i feel like the way people set aside money for like a little treat yourself event and people set aside money to like buy themselves whatever i feel like you need to set a self set aside some brain space and lower your expectations and just be like today i'm going to fail today we're going to try this crazy thing and we're going to see if i like it and if i don't like it i already set up the mind space to fail and so that was the purpose of it and therefore even if i fail i succeeded in allowing myself to experiment and try something new like this right here do chicken gizzards make an okay soup stock i have absolutely no idea but i'm going to find out i feel like at this point this is less of a chicken gizzard soup stock and more of a condiment and spicy soup well i mean that's what that's what a good way and just you know broth heavy flavored soup stock is it's you know it's about getting those concentrated flavors uh and like june told me oh i should probably trim off the weird yellow fibers on the chicken gizzards because they might be bitter or something but of course i'm lazy so i can order and we're gonna find out if that makes it inedible or doesn't matter maybe it improves it hi anna from san diego uh i've been doing these lives almost every day since i started two weeks ago but there's no promises i just do them whenever i feel like i'm going to cook something and if i'm going to cook something why not have some company over the internets welcome it's really you guys doing june the favor like giving her company yeah you're actually doing a lot to like keep my mental health in line she should be giving you guys donors it's true where do i donate to you where do i donate i'm gonna give you all of your money back plus more i sound like one of those snake oil salesmen like if you give me 10 bucks today i'll give you a hundred thousand tomorrow tofu brain i think a lot of people like when they watch my budget eats they're like why does she say she doesn't measure stuff and then she has a scale out it's because i know people are going to ask for rough recipes so i might as well jot down the amounts that i'm putting in and that's a lot of what i do sometimes when i cook is i make all these recipes that i never go back to anyway just to have an account of roughly how much of everything i put in there and also keeping a journal like that helps you gauge like huh i wonder what this batter looks like with that amount in it it's all part of like building that muscle memory building that like eye memory of paying attention to what things look like and paying attention to how the batters feel and what that batter will produce later on it's kind of like it internalized guessing over time it's just expertise is just a lot of trial and error collected over time that's it then we're gonna freshens up freshen up fred's water bye dal did you ever try ice with him no you should okay we're about to uh can chat tell us if cats like ice juice said that they did thank you rebecca for reminding us to push in tripod yeah do your cats like ice yeah we put catnip in fred's water bowl last night and he kind of started drinking it nice i can't kiss fred for you because he still has a ringworm and we have to figure out how to get close enough to him to actually apply medication and bathe him without him freaking out ned says they like ice if it's hot out yes i took my vitamin d thank you [Music] cath says they love ice it's healthy i'm your idol god i hope not idols all need to go idols need to die you need to watch your idols die so that you can be your own idol yeah she clearly didn't watch can't get you out of my head if she wants an idol yo people who didn't watch the documentary series can't get you out of my head you need to go google that right now on youtube it is on youtube for free streaming right now it is a six part bbc documentary taking you through recent history of how people man these social justice movements hoping or at least saying they're hoping for change for better and they all just i won't spoil it for you you need to watch it um your cat likes celery that's good to know amelia i can't show you the cat the cat is very frightened and hiding away in a cubby hole sorry feliway diffusers are helpful to calm cats what the hell is that i don't know does fred have a blanket fred i tried to give him a towel but he didn't take it gg stop asking for my memo and nobody give it out to gigi gg is too rich pride also hat as a weird cat and that he actually really likes resting and sleeping on hard surfaces that's what our foster told us and our adoption center told us and we found that true like we had a bed and everything laid out for him but he immediately went to like a hard wooden plank just laid down on it we set out a box for him initially in the bathroom and i put a towel in there and because the bathroom was so small we couldn't put anything else in there he was actually in the box for a while because there was i guess nowhere else to like really situate himself but once we open the bathroom door after a couple of hours of leaving him in there he was just like very curious and he stuck his little head out of the doorway and so aaron and i were just like well if he wants to explore i guess we should let him out so he like kind of sniffed around took a look around went into our living slash bedroom and then immediately hid under the bed for a couple of minutes and then he slinked into the little cubby empty cubby at the very bottom corner of uh aaron's tv stand and that's where he has been for basically 24 hours holly says keep cat food away from water water near a food source in the wild will be contaminated so they may avoid it i don't know don't put the food next to the water don't put the water next to the food okay well peace i mean that hasn't stopped him from eating so far yeah i agree tallu just let him get comfortable i tried to disturb him as little as possible i tried to offer him toys i tried to offer him a little pillow i made a little pillow out of my softest used socks and he like used it for five minutes and then you nudged it away um wayley we are cooking chicken desserts aaron is cooking it in a very flavorful spiced broth with a lot of soy sauce and different kinds of chilies and peppers and he put a little bit of fake shaoxing wine in there and a lot of flavor maybe we will probably make noodles with the broth yes aaron do you want to show them i will show them my noodles i will uh by the end of the stream um by the end of the stream i'll do what i don't normally do and scoop out and ladle out enough to cook some of these in uh this is lonjol onion and uh i normally cook the i normally cook japanese soba in the broth just because it's cheap and it's like available everywhere and i like it uh i don't normally get the like pre-made uh lamian but i'm treating myself today and i'm treating you guys good to see it jun and i lived in the part of china that has uh this kind of noodle and we loved it me especially i ate it every single day so i'm really excited whenever i get the chance to eat uh langell onion again gabriella how do you make lean meat taste fattier add butter baby yeah add butter weren't they saying that was the secret to uh franklin's barbecue is uh that that beef tallow yeah just like coating it and just like layers of beef tele um do you and aaron enjoy the same genres of media she doesn't play video games i don't play video games aaron claims i have terrible taste in music but aaron also just likes steely dance so i have the best taste of music you know um aaron tends to be a lot more politically consumptive than i am he knows a lot more history and no purpose geography and just because my brain's broken yeah i can't stand politics and i can't connect the dots beyond just the philosophical overarching theme of humans suck we cannot do anything but fail um so that's where my head is at guys this is about as uh full as i ever go with it and during the course of an entire day cooking it off um i will normally re-add the water a few times and i know that results in a less concentrated flavor but i just because this takes a long time and i only do it maybe you know once a week at most i like to have uh you know more stock available rather than less but if you guys do this at home feel free to you know not add water and you'll just end up with less stock which will be more concentrated and more flavorful um we're in tr where in china did you meet we met in lindsang in yunnan beautiful part it would like rain every day and then turn sunny and it's just like eternal spring there and we met during teacher training for our respective teaching fellowships um another question is what are your thoughts on cooking with lard lard is great a lot of chinese pastries are made with lard but also bacon fat rendered is basically salted lard and that is delicious bacon fat is delicious to cook with so i am very pro lard especially if you're already using the pork you might as well use the fat don't throw away the lard it is perfectly perfectly good fat you got a lot of steely dan lovers well yeah they have good taste kathy you like country music i really like what's his face um the dude with the huge like conway twitty no i mean call me twitty is fine damn i can't remember him right now but there is a country artist that i am in love with now i have to go to my spotify and look him up simpson i love sturgill simpson somebody said aaron seems like an aphex twin kind of guy no no he says no uh you also like glenn campbell all the glenn campbell songs look like glenn campbell uh the name of the documentary is can't get you out of my head favorite movies erin do you have a favorite movie i don't um i'll talk about video games all day but i am less of a consumer of movies i love movies my formative movie viewing experience i think will always be memento by christopher nolan i had to read that wikipedia page like eight times and then watched the movie three times before i think i got it i think i got it did i get it this is seven servings per container and i don't want to use all this so what would be the best way of splitting this i think just pulling it out and trying to pull it apart well you can also just cut it with scissors i do care about the length so i'll try to pull it apart well you didn't defrost it it is mostly defrosted okay all right aaron you guys get to i hope this is on camera so you can see me just massacre this is it overflowing are you giving me a mess to work with no i'm just saying the noodles are going to become a mess are you guys in the dsa aaron is have you ever thought of making the stock in a thermal pot what is a thermal potluck like an instant pot or i don't have an instant pot erin why don't you put a lid on it'll boil sooner uh because you guys can see it i'm filming it i have the lid ready i normally do put a lid on it once it's come to a boil we buy a lot of our teas from harney and sons uh they have a shop in soho and i really love the store atmosphere they're very friendly very helpful they let you do a free tasting every time you go in and pre-covet they used to do three free tastings on the hour for just everyone who walks in they have like three teas on display and it's actually pretty affordable one of these tins will run you around six bucks for the cheaper teas which is like a really nice treat you know like in new york city a tin of tea for six bucks usually tastes fantastic and i've quite a few favorites there so i like them there this is my mess of noodles now although i did manage to separate it into a normal one standard serving and i had more noodles for later turn this down to a simmer aaron lives dangerously yeah he does or sometimes he's just a fool how do i live dangerously by doing this girl what do you mean it's gonna boil over it's not gonna boil it's never boiled over i think just for stuff to boil over you need like something to give it a foam element but this is never like foamed up are harney and sons tea bags made of plastic or paper i think they are uh oh the ones that i have the green tea sencha ones are paper but i feel like they do have classier ones i think they have the nylon ones also but honestly june and i pretty much never buy harney in bags we only buy loose leaf and we only mainly drink amelia says we'd love to hear aaron speak mandarin uh i did last stream uh she should just like go watch that tammy you've missed nothing except aaron's delicious broth and no nobody has seen fred yet because fred is a literal scaredy cat um annalisa i currently don't have any youtube channels i binge but somebody recommended pasta grannies and i've been loving putting pasta grannies on and just seeing the different variations of homemade pasta noodles um yeah that was a great recommendation whoever suggested pasta grannies it's awesome a soft white underbelly sounds cool erin i feel like you'd be into this maybe interviews with people mostly on skid row and macarthur park in la don't worry noted have you guys ever been to canada we went to vancouver it was lovely i have a drinking game for the chat take a shot every time june's you can call there and girl yeah girl you guys are not gonna survive that one this is luscious looking isn't it look at it smell it it caresses you softly underneath your nose at your cupid's bowl we've been live 48 minutes already it kisses your eyelids it touches your hair it's the most gentle lover of all we're 50 minutes already yeah these things go fast that's crazy yeah i'll scoop i'll uh scoop out some broth for you soon why don't you even though why don't you just cook the noodles in there and that'll help me thicken up the broth and then you can fish it out with tongs hmm i don't think i'll be able to fish a lot of them out some of them broke while i was uh okay yeah may i have any scallions um yeah do you want window scallions i need any scaling yeah can you take some window scallions this one looks very sad can you give me some scissors my hair parts like this because they did a fantastic job cutting it and also my hair has been basically trained to part right here when i had really long hair i just kept doing a side part and now i guess it's muscle memory see everything's muscle memory guys is that enough for you yeah perfect hi philippines yes it's gizzards you got the spleen you got the gizzards what's next guys hyper normalization no i haven't seen that previous your mom's making fun feed me mom feed me uh the noodles that erin got are refrigerated lentil lawn man they're very skinny little handful noodles i got medium thickness medium thickness but they look skinny i think they're gonna puff up a little run like a turtle too i am not going to be dying my hair again because i don't feel like buying dye and also i'm a very lazy person when it comes to like maintaining my own aesthetics if you haven't noticed on budget eats i put on some blush and i try to make sure that there's no gunk in my eyeballs before i film but sometimes i even fail at that and then sometimes i have stuck things stuck in my teeth i just don't give a sometimes you know did you get the noodles from a grocery store or a special place a chinese grocery store chinese grocery store oh we've never had rooster comb and i've never seen them sold but aaron has made chicken feet before and i love eating it he makes a fantastic broth with chicken feet yeah um talu i know they have a shampoo that deposits color in your hair it's pretty expensive though it's like 30 or 40 bucks per color i just i just don't feel like it's not necessary you know this is fine we'll work with it we'll work with what we got pig trotters yeah overtone it's not worth it i've heard great things about overtone but yeah their marketing is fantastic their colors look great but i just again i feel too lazy about applying color in my hair and i don't want to spend the money and i don't want to spend the time and i just i don't need it what do i need i need peanut butter but i don't need hair dye that cinnamon really comes through this one stick yes try oh i've never cooked try any tips for could you try gabriella onion skins for my hair really is it going to look darker than this kath what happened did you say something and i missed are you okay uh-oh is it flooding again are you flooding over there uh oh east coast of australia no oh no cath everything to order from miami fruit and do an exotic fruit trying video now lisa i've not had good luck with buying exotic fruits that come from relatively far away i would much rather just be in miami and eat it straight from the source anytime a local product gets shipped i feel like the quality is degraded by at least 30 it's just not worth it and also i don't feel like shipping stuff right now the system is kind of overloaded and i don't need fresh things to be shipped do you have a plan for the near future regarding anything really that you wish to share with us no no plans literally no plans i don't i'm not a planning type of person i've like i thought i was going to do one thing in life i ended up doing another and then i ended up doing another and i think in my early 20s i just kind of adopted this philosophy that i will never actually know what i am doing because i am constantly shifting and it's okay to not know um in my early 20s it made me feel very insecure that i didn't know what i wanted to do and i didn't have a direct path but i think now i'm just like take life as it comes because i mean people literally just step out into the street one day and then die because of an accident so what's the use in planning things that far ahead of time when you don't even stay you for that long feeding this max is the plan nez i would love to feed you snacks what would you like was the butter mochi not enough june i can't find you on instagram thank nine stars okay my instagram is linked to on my youtube banner also i'm pretty sure if you google june ca i think her your insta is like the second result right after delish now google knows everything uh gg are you asking that because you were gonna find my vemo did you trick me and aaron answered you without seeing that you were gigi behave yourself i've been bamboozled yet again for the last time did you color your hair blonde no i think it's just the lighting i have blonde it looks blondish in certain white it's like a light brown you know what gg if you want to give me money i'm not going to turn you down if you have that much money that you're just like lol i'm gonna play a joke on you and trick you into giving you money okay i'll take it gigi thank you we are in our early 30s now it's just the fact that june's streaming in 720p that makes us look younger film on a potato and they will never know how old you are if you saw us in 4k oh no good you wouldn't enjoy that i think aaron has actually uh yoshi my my username is thank number nine the nine is a number not a letter and gigi if you give whatever memo name that is it's probably not me girl make sure my photo is me um but yeah aaron has actually gotten younger looking since i met him and i've gotten significantly older looking he's been sucking my my energy he's been sucking my chi pickle y'all are trolling what is your top kitchen must-haves in terms of ingredients or tools tools i love my cast iron i love my chef's knife yeah knife yep yep yep i love a nice little mini scraper spatula like my skelly boy here love this love him i went back today to my please don't stab me yeah so it is pointed right at jun's heart uh ignore that i'm just showing them because this has the kanji on it uh i got this in college so this knife has been with me over a decade and i don't use it often i mainly just use the cheap winco knife that we have around here i don't know if anybody knows that restaurant equipment supply brand winco but oh man i love this knife it just a good knife increases the pleasure of cooking and if you enjoy it more you'll do it more often it's true um yeah i love my knife too it's also a japanese made knife and it wasn't that expensive it was i think i said 109 before like it was i think on sale for new year's it was like 102 plus tax whatever whatever and it's lasted me from 2013 until now no this is from brooklyn kitchen okay when they still were alive well corn i think is still around uh if you guys are ever in new york and want a chef's knife go to corn k-o-r-i-n it's a small business they do only like really high-quality important japanese cookware uh you know it's way better than buying your knife from amazon or you know william sonoma or any of that those stupid stores aaron is the nyc dsa worth joining i have no idea i'm not involved in it uh i just joined it to give them some money i am very bad at actual political organizing and political activity i uh basically just read about politics consume politics have my own ideas about politics and we'll discuss it with people in my personal life but other than like donating to bernie voting for bernie and you know joining organizations like the iww and the dsa i don't really do anything because i'm fundamentally very lazy and you know it's just sort of like how june was talking about it's hard to envision a world it's hard to envision your change actually you know that you want coming into fruition in the world and so i'm kind of nihilistic about that but i still have my hopes for the peeps who are asking aaron you are pulling in the most views we've ever had concurrently yeah i've seen i see that people love aaron you know what this is my youtube channel hey guys welcome to aaron's channel this is the wet stone that i use to sharpen my knife what i do is there's a 1000 side which is the coarser grit side and then there's a 4000 side which is the finishing side and what you do is you never soak the finer one you always soak the 1000 side for about 10 minutes or so and then you flip it and you just you can look up videos you kind of gently press your knife at an angle and just you'll hear the sounds of it you'll see the metal streaks kind of start wearing off from the knife and you'll get this very lovely grit sand pattern coming off of the water on the wet stone and you just keep going until you stop feeling burrs on either side of the knife i'm not a professional at knife sharpening people spend their entire lives finessing this skill i just do it to the point where i'm like okay this feels sharper great um so this is aaron's tool actually when i was a restaurant cook that's also from corin i got this over 10 years ago i didn't have money to buy a lot of the stuff that i needed to buy from my very first actual restaurant job where they gave us a list three pages of equipment we had to bring in our first day and it was over like two hundred and fifty dollars worth of stuff that we had to bring in on the first day of a job that paid us ten dollars an hour and i was like are you kidding me but thankfully um aaron had this and i bought a knife and i bought like maybe a third of the stuff they told us we needed to have and i showed up to work and i just hope that other people will let me put their link in chat this is not sponsored not sponsored if you're ever in new york city you can go in it's a little intimidating for me i actually didn't feel comfortable in corn which is why i didn't buy my knife there their knives are a little bit more upscale brooklyn kitchen had a lot more kind of entry level a lot more german knives but corn is exclusively japanese style knives it's either western-style knives made in japan or it's japanese um so it it is higher quality it has a lot of craftsmanship built into it but that also means a higher price tag my very first restaurant job was at court street grocers which has the most fantastic sandwiches but that was not the restaurant i was referring to that made us buy all the equipment the first restaurant well at court street grocers i was just basically a sandwich assembler i didn't really cook i just put together sandwiches i also worked front of house i worked the register a little bit it was a very small space um and then i worked at barbolinat which was a fantastic like new mediterranean slash israeli uh lebanese food and the food was great it was just very restauranty in a lot of not good ways very high pressure um i remember there was one time where i was new on the garmon jay station and i was responsible for checking up on the mise-en-class for the night and i didn't check up on the bag of arugula which turned out to be really spotty and unusable and unservable and you know with good reason the chef got really pissed and so when we found that out instead of sending me out to like buy more arugula she sent me downstairs into the prep kitchen area and made me pick out the usable arugula which was very minimal out of the whole bag of unusable arugula and i believe i was down there for like an excruciating hour and 20 minutes and every minute felt passed by i felt like just pure embarrassment and humiliation and i feel like that was very formative for me in terms of my restaurant experience and knowing exactly what kind of um emotional traumas you work you walk away with in addition to the physical intensity that you kind of just wear yourself to the bone um restaurant world is not pretty for the most part you earn very low wages with very little worker protection the culture is such that you are responsible for everything and every failure you have to own and um people get very angry over food that isn't perfect and i think even though i spent four and a half years in there it was very foundational for me to experience that in order to feel comfortable in embracing imperfection because man working in restaurants that sell dishes for 20 to 40 something dollars is just a whole different world i could never see myself being on the consumer side of it and feeling comfortable not to say that food isn't worth that much but the whole hype the whole class that restaurant tries to sell you is a very different story than the food is trying to sell you do you have suggestions on where to buy spices that's not amazon um i collect a lot of my spices from just local stores i go to a lot of mediterranean stores in astoria where i pick up a lot of bulk spices yeah check local shops um manhattan fruit supply was in chelsea market and that was the coriander box that you saw aaron pull out earlier and that one is it like expired for three years but you just toasted it like you never buy spices online right i never buy spices online no and the chefs do have like places where they source spices um burlap and barrel is a new um spice company that popped up recently that a lot of chefs are embracing comes with a higher price tag but apparently they pay the farmers much more fairly so you know price tags mean different things it could mean better marketing or it could actually mean better sourcing and therefore better pay for the people who actually grow your food i think you just got to do a little bit of research and you got to figure out who's actually selling the good stuff versus who's just selling you and telling you it's good you have plenty of mccormick in your cabinet it does the job i have plenty of mccormick in my cabinet because i stole it all from the delish test kitchen we had like five redundant spices uh when we shut down for the pandemic so on my few return trips to test kitchen i just started collecting spices because i realized more and more that i was going to produce more and more content from home and i didn't want to have to like source all of it when we already had five redundant jars of everything there so i just started taking stuff home spices don't stay good forever i mean they won't kill you but they'll start losing their flavor so i just wanted to make sure that we used up what we had already before buying new are you still doing videos for delish yeah that's my full-time job guys that's where she works you better know that one thousand two thousand views on these videos ain't paying the bills uh i think i just checked up on it and my previous lives each of them has anywhere from a dollar to seven dollars worth of ad revenue so to give you an idea june's made about what seventeen dollars on ad revenue the biggest night of revenue is when you guys gave me over two hundred dollars on super chat and out of that two hundred dollars i'm only getting on 130 something and then i think i have maybe like fifteen dollars in ad revenue out of all the videos i've done so far so just to give you an idea if anybody's thinking about doing a youtube channel even with the abundant amount of ads that are currently in my video i think i have like over a dozen in some of them you don't get paid sometimes so just to give you an idea of what youtube is like listen i don't need the money this is fun this is a learning experience for me it's good for me to know in the future in case i do decide to like be my own thing but um yeah it's hard making a living just making content on youtube that only a couple thousand people watch but i'm thankful for you guys here my current hope for these lives is just to hang out right now it's not to earn a source of income at all it's just for the community and the camaraderie and the company for our mental health look at the nice color developing on these gizzards really letting that soy sauce spice mixture soak in it turned uh it went from like gray when i first heated up to like uh the color isn't really coming through on the camera that's too bad but uh yeah it's just like a really nice rich burgundy almost i guess now what is that color let's find out yeah i guess it's still better i don't know i mean nothing's ever as good as seeing in real life i guess but i just really like how the colors come along and what are we at now for the time a long time yeah i guess all over an hour yeah i'll scoop now and we'll we'll cook some nudes uh do we have a ladle measuring cup oh true yeah perfect i'm just gonna not i'm just gonna norm so to preface i never would normally take the soup out this early this is just so you guys can see some noodle action see some nudes i know you guys want to see the nudes uh so uh i'm gonna scoop some out and also this is not how i would get the broth out i filter it through not a sieve i guess but just a pretty fine yeah strainer pretty fine colander so i'm gonna try my best to not get the spices here i think i'm gonna get some but it's fine i'll eat around it i'll get that warmed up on the back burner and then i'll add more water to the main broth although this already has a nice color it's not going to taste bad it's just not going to be as concentrated as rich and as rich as uh it would be if i let it go the full time and i have no set time that i cook this for it really just depends on like my schedule for the day if i like i think i've done anywhere from like three hours to nine hours on these for us that should be good oh yeah we spices definitely indian stores have a lot of spices we have a patel brothers here i got like my turmeric there i got my um aspatita there a lot of really good stuff definitely check out your indian stores if you have any there spice uh selection is amazing yeah guys you don't see ads during a live stream but i can turn them on right after the live stream ends so people who are watching this after the live stream is actually not live anymore we'll probably start getting ads but that's the great thing about tuning in while it's live is i can't put ads in because youtube doesn't actually know what the what the video is so they can't cut off a live stream yeah they can't figure out if it's monetizable until after the video is done you wouldn't want brands associated with questionable content my brands yes tammy the black salt definitely came from patel brothers and honestly an amazing salt like there's a lot of bougie salts out there who claim to give you uh flavors but black salt is actually not really processed to have flavors it's just apparently mined and naturally flavored a little bit savory like sulfur a little bit farty and delicious um so it's great why not save the concentrated broth and add in extra water when you use it later uh that's a good question i don't really have a good reason for that other than i uh i've always done it this way and i could do that i just kind of want the broth to all you know get married together as much as possible and i think that works better if it all cooks together so um i have augmented a little bit with water if i like you know didn't scoop out the right amount when i went to uh cook noodles i honestly think the way you're suggesting it would work perfectly fine i'm not saying not to do it i'll just do it this way jackson hike 74th street not only has awesome spice stores i mean that part is little india so yes it has a lot of spices but that's where a lot of the really great grocery um prices are found so definitely check that area out along 37th avenue bye lishwen have a good night yes hang aka asfetida very interesting smell it's almost like if you took like pungent fresh garlic and made it into a powder and then added it with like black and white pepper and a little bit of um like a little tiny bit of cumin and then you jacked up that spiciness that doesn't hit your tongue as much as it hits inside your nostrils kind of like when you eat mustard and just like flares out dragon's breath through your nostrils that's what hing reminds me of you want to get these nudes going yes news are going in i should check the bag and see how long these cooks were but until it's all done yeah i can usually guess i don't think your marinade would go bad with aspatita and black salt it probably just smells bad it probably just smells like farts guys what did you think of my very strange video collage yesterday did you like it do you want to see more of it were the sounds too jarring i kept i didn't do any sound mixing i just kept the windy noisy blasting city on full i don't know if there was a word for al dente and mandarin hard yeah i think i think we saw it in a video actually we were talking about that sort of texture something about teeth i think the word involved i'll google it yes we'll get more nes in there as geez so like that basically replaces a lot of my instagram stories because i felt like on instagram i tend to post a lot of shots of the city um and sometimes i just have way too many photos so i feel like it could be really fun for me to just take moving photos aka video clips and then slush them together in one video and then show it to you guys uh pen yeah apparently i think that's just the direct translation of what al dente is i don't actually know if that's a phrase in china is there a difference between cooking chopsticks and eating chopsticks i feel like cooking chopsticks are sometimes skinnier and longer marina i want to see dogs on my walks too sometimes i walk with friends and they're like whoa did you see that person and i'm like no i was paying attention to the dogs over there that's really good already is that really good already yeah is it time to turn the heat off um not on the main broth i don't think those are fully done yet though the dudes yes carol i think you're right qq it's like very i think it's a taiwanese saying or is it a mainland saying now too but i've heard qq yeah it means like bouncy bouncy i really like these nudes i know they're not the best london onion we can get it was imported from china so it's been frozen shipped across the world but uh whoa j you that that tip is almost like sourdough but with broth so the tip is you save a little bit of your illusion and add it to the next yeah i think that's what's commonly done it's your eternal broth sally asks i know you hate plans but do you want to live in the city forever or would you like to live in the countryside one day dude wants an alpaca farm i just don't know if i can survive in the countryside i don't drive so i would either need to be able to walk everywhere or learn how to bike without killing myself which is you know questionable if i can do that it's a whole lifestyle change it would have to be at a period in my life where i'm like i'm definitely set on money and i don't need any more and i don't need to be in contact with humans hold on oh okay there we go and then to make it look appetizing bam scallions that's the trick green throw some green on there i do love scallions too all right june taste it's too hot [Music] so are you gonna put any chicken dessert in there um no because you know what i could because so normally when i've done this i've cooked straight up bones i haven't cooked like chunks of meat like the chicken gizzard are so yeah let's let's go crazy uh normally i save the bones and the meat off the bones for june to eat she like picks them clean um but let me try to fish out a chicken gizzard you can do it yeah go for it i'll wash the cutting board i need a place for my laptop but yeah this is sort of like a ramen it's sort of like a chinese noodle soup uh i love both so that's what i make for myself it's something that reminds me of both how did you get so spice resistant aaron uh i mean i it's not something i've trained for it's just you know i naturally love it so i've eaten more and more throughout my life one for you and one for me yes [Music] yeah we gotta eat the chicken gizzards on camera people gotta know if they're edible can you give me a tiny little dish just uh enough to contain one gizzard can i also have onion yeah i'm going to straighten out the onion anyway so have as much as you want let's see if aaron was a spice what would he be come on you know the answer to that it's farty mcfarts tonight because the onion yeah nice your noodle bowl is gonna be very hot dude yeah are you gonna keep this going yeah this is gonna keep going for a few more hours all right let's do oh i like how you folded the noodles over nicely okay i want to get a spoon do you want to eat back here so i can lift the camera up yeah and so you don't have to um let's do whatever you think is best do you have the chinese stuff the what the chinese soup stuff yeah erin is in the bag you told me to put everything away in the bag [Music] all right look at that richness oh my god i love that color that's a broth color right there boys that's what i'm talking about look at that broth color um damn one of my finest works yet i can already tell that i don't know how that gizzards themselves are gonna taste but they didn't ruin the broth this is fantastic honestly one of the better broths i've done and this isn't even like close to as long as i know so the gizzards are not cooked yet guys you can see the resistance against the fork they're very very chewy this one is a little bit more cooked so they're still safe to eat though they even boil no they're they're cooked they're just not tender so like somebody else mentioned earlier why is it so tough it's because you need to let it go longer so i'm gonna release that one back into the pot but this one my fork sinks into it a little bit easier how is that it's great a lot of the flavor did leach from the gizzard into the broth so the broth is actually way more flavorful than the gizzard but the broth is mainly what i'm going for when i cook this so it's fine [Music] yum i love that slightly chewy chocolate yeah i think june's going to enjoy the gizzard more than me honestly because she doesn't like really really powerful flavors like i do and it's got a nice chew it's got a really good resistance to it if you want to do your fake chinese word or whatever yum thanks aaron try some nudes you gotta let us know probably this is my first time doing this instead of soba guys the gizzard's so good they have that slight meatiness that umami kick and then they have that slight gaminess that you can get out of organ meat but they're not like stinky or off or anything it's just like a very nice rich umami gaminess the onions are now both sweet and spicy really nice [Music] try the nudes before they go you know don't let dudes wait careful because i there might be whole spices in that i see there's one rolling off the bodacious noodles should we switch from sofa now yeah this is too this is too good i'm not going back to silva i'm crying because when you slurp noodles that are spicy it goes straight into your throat tears the noodles are perfectly dense they're not overcooked right now but they will in a few minutes as they sit in here and they'll just get softer right now they're silky and creamy in terms of texture on the outside and the middle is a little bit denser like slightly under baked bread it just kind of condenses between your teeth into this almost slight pudding gumminess sophia these are uh lanzhou uh hand pulled i guess we've been saying in chinese the whole time like ramen lamian literally means hand pulled noodles and lanzhou is a city in china where they're famous for their hand-pulled noodles you know what the broth is fine but it's so much better when you get the broth on the noodles and then you eat the noodles it makes the broth come alive they have to like dance a little bit in your mouth you know it's almost as if noodle soups have been eating for thousands of years because it's really good together almost the broth on its own is like very nicely silky with that slight umami msg curve on it and then you can get a little bit of the spices but they're dulled but once you get that sweet carby doughy noodle in your mouth there's a chemical reaction there that happens to your taste buds that is like sweet meat salty salty meat sweet and then together you will make a spicy umami baby and there you go you chew you chew it comes alive it branches into your gums it dances around your tongue it plops on your palate and then you're alive i'm serious i'm not going back to soba i'm glad we were able to experiment with this together because oh man i miss chinese noodles they're incredible all right guys it's dinner you asked for aaron cooking aaron cooked erin succeeded in cooking erin made delicious things probably way better than my mush let's be honest no jun you're really good i'm going to give that noodle an 11 out of 10. i'm going to give the gizzards a 10.7 out of 10 because they need a little more time but it is delicious guys absolutely would eat again um it's fantastic thank you guys so much for watching i love that you tune into this every night i give myself a 10 out of 10 not an 11 out of 10 because you know you got to stay humble stay humble stay humble to the person who just said you need a recipe i know this isn't very zen of me what the hell did you just watch what did you just watch stay zen stay humble eat good food experiment don't be scared to fail let yourself succeed by just trying happy monday happy tuesday maybe we'll see you tomorrow
Channel: junelikethemonth
Views: 54,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: budgeteats, lowcost, cooking, cookwithme, junexie, byjune, delish, trashfood, nyc, newyorkcity, queens, cheapeats, homecooking, howtocook, cookingvideo, cookingshow, recipes, norecipecooking, cookingchannel, food, cookingathome, homecook, easycooking, lowcostcooking, foodchallenge, foodrecipes, vlog, vlogging, foodvideo, cookingvlog, baking, frying, boiling, foodblog, foodforthought, fooddiary, foodoftheday, snacktime, foodporn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 47sec (5387 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.