I Lived On My Pantry Leftovers For A Week And Made 20+ Meals | Delish

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hello y'all i am back and i am hotter than ever because it is 93 degrees fahrenheit outside right now you know how spring cleaning is a thing and then you know how in 2020 the world kind of just fell apart and we descended into chaos and nothing was ever the same again so welcome to budget eats we're not doing spring cleaning but we're doing summer cleaning edition this week i will be taking you through five days of cooking through the entirety of my kitchen stock this means that we're gonna go through my pantry my freezer my fridge and we're just gonna keep pulling things that are either expired opened unlabeled or very questionably need to be thrown out this means that we're not going to be spending any money this week we will simply be using what's already in my kitchen julia has stipulated that we are following a five day rule yes i know a week has seven days however if i keep cooking for seven days i might just melt under this heat and i would also take zac 10 years to edit instead of eight this week aaron is far gone from this apartment enjoying his own life yes he has one of his own and i don't have any taste testers except i do have a new cat fred is a new addition to this household he is about 10 years old he has about three teeth left and he's very adorable he also has asthma just like me he loves mush food i think we're soul mates lucky for me fred is not a picky eater all right you all ready for this sorry fred a single piece of american cheese [Music] i know you're angry at me i know i know okay i'm done i think given how much food i just found in my fridge freezer and upper pantry i don't even think i'm gonna go into my other pantries it's quite frightening guys i could probably live off of this thing for six months all right then let's take a look at our haul it's physically impossible to put everything out here but one quarter of buttermilk half a container of heavy cream two pounds of yogurt left in a five pound container jalapeno jar filled with condensed milk that was left over from our camping budget eats one pound of frozen expired ricotta eight ounces of farmer cheese seven ounces of white cheese one slice of american cheese one and a half blocks of frozen tofu five tomatoes very much in need of cooking one cup left over canned tomato some tomato paste cornmeal semolina sticky black rice that lena gifted me years ago and i really need to use right now five very blackened burrow bananas that i got on sale five cavendish bananas that are starting to go very ripe that i got on sale eight ounces of dark roasted almonds and by dark i mean borderline burnt one small bag of frozen galangal that i took from the delish test kitchen probably two years ago pinole flour millet flour tough grains two and a half bags of random frozen fruits five onions some of which have been cut into for an onion taste test link in the description three heads garlic one red bell pepper one very wrinkly carrot two leeks five limes a lot of greens spinach mint scallion cilantro some small cut into shallots one lot of ginger 10 eggs and an open bag of gardein imitation beef grounds and now we head into my leftovers all last week i was developing recipes for our new quarterly mag which if you're not subscribed to what are you doing have you seen these photos even if you don't cook have you seen these photos from my testing i have left over dumpling dough some dumpling filling some romesco sauce a lot of roasted red peppers which i actually don't like to eat on its own so that's gonna be tricky some heads of roasted garlic and then we have really old i don't know why i always have sourdough starter when i don't even bake sourdough bread and now i'm gonna have to find some way to stick this all back in there this week's budget eats will pay homage to our original budget eats which was shot about a year ago on my cell phone in which i spent 35 bucks for the entire week three meals a day plus snacks whatever you want that's how we're gonna swing it this time too and i know i sound like a broken record but please it's hot outside stay hydrated i know a lot of you are gonna be like june you're not gonna eat these bananas they're liquid to which i say girl you know i am i'm very excited to see just how bad they can be inside are you ready he's ready that's not bad at all guys it's not even liquid the magic of burro bananas it's so sweet it's like basically banana syrup what do you think fred do you want some bananas mushy bananas i'm no banana expert but compared to your normal run-of-the-mill cavendish banana these are a lot less sweet which leads me to believe that that's why they're not quite liquefied yet there's just not enough sugar to kind of melt that signature banana e fragrance is also a lot more toned down which leads me to believe these could be very good in savory applications too for now we'll just slap a lid on it and put it in the fridge until we decide what to do with them as for our cavendish bananas we're just gonna peel them slice them put them in containers and freeze them especially in the summer these will be great for breakfast smoothies i'm gonna separate out these more ripe brown spots these will be more syrupy and perfect and things like banana bread pancakes you name it for this week julia has encouraged me to go for the weird so uh in terms of strange ingredients that i bought once upon a time because i was so curious and then never used it i introduced to you pinole pinole is a form of roasted and then ground maize essentially it's a corn powder but it's often mixed with stuff like cocoa flavorings cinnamon and then turned into a nutrient-dense drink or other stuff it's often made into a tole di pinole and it's basically like a cooked corn beverage because it's summer we ain't gonna do that however i am thinking of blending it with a little bit of buttermilk and ice for a nice cold morning smoothie as you can see the pinole has a very gritty grainy texture and so in order to help it smooth out and bloom it a little bit we'll be cooking a little bit of the pinole with some boiling water and cinnamon on the stovetop just to make sure it's a little bit hydrated for sweetness i think we're gonna go in with our jalapeno jar of condensed milk now i know people don't usually drink buttermilk straight but like i wonder why does it taste bad tart i highly recommend that you shake your buttermilk but since this container is not really secure i'm gonna pour it into a jar and then shake it after the lid is on is this expired oh you betcha it is as with all food things pass the three step test look at it does it look fine yes smell it does it smell fine kinda smells pretty good taste it does it taste fine good enough to me cinnamony cocoae corny butter milky breakfast refreshing let's add a touch of vanilla in there imagine you took a really good corn tortilla and you blended it with some horchata and then you put in some kefir that's what this tastes like it smells really nice and earthy and homey and hearty and it tastes really nicely tart with a little bit of sweetness floating in the background the ice takes it to the next level because man anything cold right now in this heat top i'm gonna give this one a seven out of ten all right then on to lunch we go don't know about you but i have this habit of wanting to eat the things that i like the least first so i really want to do something with those roasted red bell peppers that i have absolutely no idea what to do with polenta we're gonna take some butter we're gonna brown our polenta with a little bit of spices i'm gonna go in with a little bit of fennel seeds maybe a little bit of five spice ground coriander smoked paprika and just let those get all fragrant i'm gonna pour in my water i'm gonna let it boil until it's nice and creamy and then i'm gonna splash in some cream to make it even richer as for the roasted bell peppers i'm gonna go ahead and blend them until it's nice and smooth and then i'm gonna combine it with some of our roasted garlic and two of our very very soft tomatoes and we're just gonna cook it down into a sauce [Music] kind of tastes like salsa actually to give our polenta a salty kick i'm going to be using our steak seasoning which has a lot of herbs in it alongside the salt i know you're going to be tempted as i am to walk away put the lid on it and just let it cook itself but the bottom will burn if you don't stir it so keep coming back and stirring it pretty frequently add more water as you see fit if it looks like it's getting too stodgy just drizzle on a little bit more the thing about cooking mush like cornmeal is that it's totally dependent on personal taste you like it looser more liquid you like stodgier less liquid easy and this is why sometimes recipes just can't tell you the whole truth i will just say i possibly chose the worst things to make on a 93 degree day this will never reduce down to a sauce polenta on the other hand looks pretty good i also thought i had half a container of this uh looks like i only have a quarter cup so you sparingly june in the meantime i'm going to cut up some of our shallots put them in a jar put them with a little bit of sugar salt and vinegar and give it a shake these will be a nice quick pickle to go on top for crunch and acidity about half an hour of feverishly bubbling away on the stove our sauce resembles a sauce when you're using your herbs be sure to take the black leaves out first and use them cutting away the blackened edges first if you leave them in the same container as your healthy herbs they will kind of just contaminate the whole batch eventually [Music] i will just say it really does kind of feel lonely without air in here but we must eat the pepper sauce is surprisingly acidic which i guess shouldn't be that surprising because it was packaged and there was citric acid in that brine but that provides a wonderfully acidic balance that creamy creamy polenta and then with that cheese and the shallots it's very punchy i am personally a big fan of mush so this bowl is very satisfying to me and despite the fact that i am so sweaty it is so hot and this bowl is really really too hot for a 93 degree day i still like it a lot that mild creaminess blends into the bite of the black pepper and then all the spices kind of just disappear into a strange harmonious acidity dance do we think fred will approve do you like it no interest given that fred wasn't such a huge fan i believe this doesn't deserve more than a 7.5 but i think it's actually really dang good hit it with a little more mint if you want to pick up that acidity just a tad bit and then enjoy guys we're gonna put our leftovers away and then we're gonna think very hard if we even want to cook dinner because at this point is too damn hot okay while i was doing my dishes it occurred to me that i should make some banana nut muffins and yes i'm crazy because that would entail turning on my oven to bake but what else are we gonna make with mushy bananas guys besides then we'll have dessert and breakfast tomorrow now i know you guys hate it when i don't give you exact measurements and exact recipes but i'm just gonna wing this muffin because it's too hot for me to think right now and even if i don't write out the entire recipe for you you just gotta look guys you just gotta look alright alright i'm just joking here's the recipe three bananas mashed completely drizzle in a third of a cup condensed milk mix in a large egg three quarters teaspoon of salt or pumpkin pie spice salt if you know you know and then a teaspoon of vanilla some toasted almonds extremely finely ground almost until it's butter but not quite and then we go in with our dries a quarter cup of binole three tablespoons of millet flour two tablespoons semolina one tablespoon cornmeal one tablespoon tef mix in your baking soda and your baking powder until evenly combined then mix in your buttermilk it should have a nice smooth but viscous consistency now i don't recommend doing this if you're afraid of getting sick from raw eggs but science that's pretty sweet and delicious i'm going to preheat my oven to 350 degrees i'm going to take a leftover butter wrapper and just spread it all around my cups i really pray to god these release from the cups and then we'll portion about three tablespoons into each cup yo it's really hot if you don't want breaky breaky muffins let them cool in there for at least 10 minutes before trying to flip them out if you have any stubborn muffins just go very carefully around the edge with a offset spatula to help it release further and you should be good to go with a gentle tap it's nice and set on top golden brown on sides and bottom the inside is nice and moist very nice loose crumb that still holds together with that very nice schleich a vague scent of pumpkin pie spice and whatever spices were already in the pinole are shining through fantastically the almonds have kind of merged themselves into the batter and it's just nice and earthy you don't really taste the bitterness of the overly toasted almonds and you don't really taste the sugariness of either the bananas or the condensed milk they're kind of just one now the inside texture of these are kind of fascinating they almost taste as moist as a fresh pancake i'm willing to bet that these will taste even better tomorrow after they completely cool and rest and hydrate overnight what do you think fred do you like it is that a no no for now i'm gonna give these a solid seven we'll see what tomorrow brings oh my god it's so hot that's okay for dinner i think we're gonna need some vegetables in our system i'm thinking the spinach wasn't looking too great i think we'll go ahead rinse it off in cold water until all the grit is gone because spinach can be a gritty little and then i think we're gonna make a very simple easy peasy dumpling vegetable soup dumpling vegetable soup we have the dumpling dough already made and it's very old at this point i think it's been about a week since i made it and the dough has started turning a very strange color it smells fine it looks questionable but uh let's give it a shot shall we tastes sweet enough to me as for the filling this is a bacon beef which i substituted in gardein and it's flavored with gochujang and of course we can assemble these into proper dumplings but ain't nobody got time for that today what i'm going to do instead is just take a quarter of this dough we're going to toss our board with a little bit of millet flour to prevent sticking and then we'll just roll it out as thin as we can go without the dough breaking if you got wonky pieces don't worry about it welcome to the wonk [Music] and there you have it really ugly wontons [Music] just like dumplings you can go ahead and freeze these before you boil or cook them and they will freeze perfectly well for you to reheat and boil when you're ready to eat them if you do freeze them be sure to layer them in a single layer because if you stack them they will never ever come unstuck to make our dumpling slash wonton soup very simply bring some water or broth if you have it up to a boil and then we're going to slip in some ginger and garlic we're going to let that simmer until that water turns a slightly more yellowish color and then we're going to slip in our carrots let the carrots cook for about four to five minutes until they're tender crunchy and then slip in your wontons dumplings what have you cook it for two to three minutes until they float when the wontons are done their skins should be semi-translucent and you should be able to see the filling through that dough turn the heat off wilt in your spinach give it a nice good stir and then top it with some scallions because i have it on hand and i need to use it asap i'm going to put in some cilantro but i know there's plenty of cilantro haters out there optional of course as with everything in these episodes you know if you have a little bit of sesame oil we'll finish it off perfectly [Music] is it hot as hell yes am i hot as hell yes do you not see the sweat all over me but this makes it all worth it it's so comforting even in the dead heat of summer my mom used to tell me to eat super hot stuff so that it feels cooler around me is that scientific probably i trust my mom the vegetables are nice and tender the carrots are soft the galangal has basically melted into the soup with its nice woodsy herby vibe the ginger has lost its kick and bite and the garlic is creamy it makes for a very flavorful aromatic broth and then you hit it with a little bit of scallions and cilantro and then you take it all in one bite with that wonton some of my wontons did fall apart and basically lose its filling and flavor to the soup but you know what if you're going to drink it all it's flavor anyway going into the same place the dough is nice and tender slightly creamy yet still with a little bit of chew at the thickest parts and that nice gochujang filling really hitting the spot right now fred what do you think can i get a grade oh wow dang simon cowell as for me i'm going to give this dish a 7.8 i think it's pretty decent i probably should have salted the broth while everything was cooking so that the dough would have been infused with a little bit more flavor but given everything not bad june not bad i'm ready to throw in the towel for today i uh brain what is since february 2020 i've not yet eaten a single bite of cheesecake and if you didn't know this cheesecake is in my top five desserts of all time if we strain out the moisture in our yogurt and our ricotta maybe there's a chance we can attempt to give me a bite of cheesecake i'm gonna set my strainers over a bowl with enough distance to collect liquid and not have the yogurt or the ricotta sit in it then i'm going to line them with two layers of paper towel the paper towels will prevent the dairy from actually falling through that strainer and will let the liquid just collect into the bowl and if you're wondering how ricotta that's been expired for a year tastes after it's been defrosted fine go ahead and set both of these in the fridge and we'll check in tomorrow i think it's time to give fred a treat yay fred gives yogurt a 10 out of 10. you're ready to sweat welcome to tuesday it's another scorcher here in new york city fred is slowly melting away at my door frame there and let's start eating breakfast shall we keeping it simple and keeping it cool let's make a smoothie we have our frozen bananas from yesterday we also have some whey that seeped out of the yogurt overnight that we can put into the smoothie we have a lot of mint to go through so let's put in some of that and uh condensed milk no recipes just do what you like to really avoid the struggle of detaching the pieces you should probably freeze this in a single layer and then put them in a box [Music] [Music] cheers buddy [Music] the flavor is smooth refreshing sweet and minty it's so good to start my morning with us if i could i would drink this all day it's a 10 out of 10 for me baby and for these banana muffins that we made yesterday i ate four of them after we turned off the cameras and they are simply so much better when they're cold it's nice and fudgy now the flavors have all kind of melted together a little bit more the textures are there but less crumbly and it's just very well hydrated throughout making for a creamier bite the burnt almond taste has almost turned into this mocha-esque coffee taste and it brings me to like a fancy cafe that has financiers and croissants and all of those french things that are delicious and butter laden except this one has no butter in it ratings for the muffins the day after 8.5 i think before the day gets a little bit hotter i want to bake something because i want to bake desserts all week long because we have those frozen fruits i was looking forward to making cheesecake but it looks like the ricotta hasn't quite drained enough there's barely any liquid down there so what i think i'm going to do is place a weighted thing on top of this to help squeeze out more liquid maybe like our bananas that are now liquefying so switching lanes i think what we can do is make a cherry binolate cake i don't know how yet but we're gonna figure it out first things first i think we're gonna have to melt these stove top medium heat put them in there let them melt let them bubble up a little bit we're not really trying to cook it down to a syrup we're just trying to defrost the cherries so turn off the heat when it's ready and then squeeze in your lime nice and juicy give it a taste see if it's sweet enough for your baking needs okay we're going to fish the cherries out and leave the liquid in and then let me show you something i found in my freezer so these are cherry pits that i've probably had for almost two years now and i uh let's use them the kernels of cherry pits inside the hard shell actually has trace amounts of toxic poisons to humans so i would not recommend eating them straight however in many many cuisines and cultures around the world a lot of the kernels of pits are used as flavoring agents so to avoid getting that toxic dose of poison what i'm going to do is dump these kernels unshelled aka in their shell because english is really confusing guys into our cherry liquid and we're going to just reduce it until that syrup is nice and thick and the flavors of the cherry pit will have merged into that pot in the meantime we'll take our de-juiced cherries and we'll blitz it in our mini food processor so that we could use it as a puree in our cake after our cherry juice has simmered for about 10 minutes we're going to turn off the heat and just let it steep in there we're going to grind up the rest of our almonds to use as fattening agent in this cake because i don't have anyone else to feed i'm just gonna make four mini loaves we're gonna take an egg we're gonna separate it into a clean bowl for the cake batter you're going to take one egg yolk whisk it with condensed milk cherry mash ground almonds and then you're going to put in some baking soda baking powder and a little bit of salt you're going to add in the dries pinole millet flour and then you're going to add in some wets ricotta and buttermilk give that all a very good stir until everything's nice and combined and then you're going to preheat your oven to 350 degrees while you whip your egg whites you want to make sure that your oven is ready to go the moment your egg whites are ready because they will deflate if they sit too long i like to go in with maybe about a third of the whites just to lighten it up a little bit first and then we go in with the rest of it so that not all of it gets collapsed don't be too precious about it it's okay if you have a little bit of pockets better this than to over mix oil your loaf pans pour your batter in slide it into the oven and yes i know it's a waste to be cooking this hot on a summer day with only two mini cakes but the heart wants what i want sometimes set a timer for 15 minutes and we'll check back after your cherry pit's syrup has cooled off go ahead and strain it out at 15 minutes check in if the cakes still look a little bit soft and unset on top slide it back in for about three more minutes in the meantime we're gonna make a little bit of a brushing liquid out of our condensed milk our buttermilk and a touch of heavy cream plus our cherry syrup we're gonna brush this onto the cakes just as they come out of the oven to ensure a nice moist interior you want to almost make sure that you're over saturating them as if this were a trace day chase cake we're going to let those cakes cool because they'll taste way better once the soak has had time to actually sink in and before fred completely melts into the floor let's make lunch for lunch i want to take our leftover polenta from yesterday and make them into fritters what do you think fred polenta birders this height difference is a lot harder to manage than one with aaron i'm thinking we'll slice them into fry like shapes coat them in a little bit of millet flour sear it in a hot pan with some oil and then season it with a little bit of salt and pepper we're also gonna make a whipped white cheese dip and serve it along with a lot of my leftover romesco our white cheese sauce is gonna have white cheese plus mint plus salt plus pepper plus some buttermilk [Music] i think for a little bit of health we'll also need some greens so let's make a spinach side salad very simply i'm going to chop up some spinach slice up some onions we're going to toss it in a little bit of honey mustard dressing also available in our quarterly mag coming up next and i'm going to throw some of our pickled shallots on top as well top it with a little extra mint let's go when it comes to salads my pet peeve are salads that make you look like an ogre when you're eating them so i always like to chop up all of my ingredients to tiny little pieces that way if you need to you can even use a spoon to eat your salad fred fred are you okay buddy do you want some water stay hydrated how many times i have to tell you gotta drink your water you haven't touched your water at all bro they are not the most beautiful things that i've made but they smell delicious they smell like very toasty cornbread the outside is nice and crackly crusty and the inside is still gooey ooey moist and creamy this is why they lost a lot of shape i think my polenta yesterday was very creamy so it was very hard for them to maintain that fry shape but what matters is on the inside right that's hot introducing our two sauces my leftover experimental romesco plus a white cheese buttermilk mint sauce this is kind of like a uh yogurty ranch almost i would say messier that is dang good that sauce tangy yogurty cheesy salty minty herby refreshing indulgent all the things it's nice and thick it's not really that runny but it's just creamy enough that you're like wow this is a sexy bite unfortunately the structural integrity of these polenta sticks are not very strong but that's okay that just means you gotta adapt and you gotta eat it for what it is you know accept yourself where you are this is pretty dang good this is actually a really good textured bite there's crushed nuts in there there's kind of texture from the cornmeal and the polenta there's the crispy edges that we fried into it all in all i'm pretty damn satisfied with this meal buttermilk cheese mint is a go guys try this combo out if you haven't yet it almost looks like fish sticks and tartar sauce the romesco is nutty the buttermilk sauce is nice and rich and tangy and then you hit yourself with a slap of honey dijon i was originally going to dock myself some points for the structural integrity or lack thereof on the corn sticks but you know what it i give myself a 10. again numbers are arbitrary make yourself happy give yourself whatever number you want i do believe simon cowell back there is fully dead now so we're not even going to bother him it is currently very hot in my kitchen and literally everywhere around me so we're going to take a break but before we break i think i want to make some tortillas for dinner i think we're going to take our pinole and we're just going to mix it with water and knead it until it forms a stiff ball of dough once i have a cohesive dough i'm going to add in some millet flour pinole seems to be very very crumbly and i don't think it can really survive being cooked as a tortilla once you have a nice round bottled dough like this go ahead and slide it into a plastic container and keep it litted until you're ready to use one to two hours from now i think it's time to taste our cake how adorable [Music] how cute is this it's got a very nice even crumb structure it's very moist but also kind of grainy from the nuttiness of almonds and all the gluten-free flours that we put in here it doesn't taste like the banana bread because this is cherry but it does share a lot of the common textural similarities what really sets this one apart though is the glaze the cake itself is not very sweet but you dabble on some of that extra glaze and it takes it to that perfect point between too sweet and just sweet enough that makes you want more it has a slight hint of coconut about it and it has a slight hint of that cherriness about it but it's not very overwhelming in any one direction i'm gonna give this an eight as you know condensed milk makes everything better next stop ma po tofu now you probably know of mapo tofu it's a sutranis dish it has a lot of delicious things with pork and tofu and spicy chili oil and all up in there however one of the most fundamental ingredients is topansyang which i do not have it's a fermented bean paste so we're gonna have to scrounge around and find the next best thing as far as fermented bean paste goes i have this korean bean paste that expired in october of 2020 and it has wheat flour soybean corn syrup and lots of other delicious things i think to go along with this we can also add a little bit of oyster sauce a little bit of hoisin sauce and a little bit of this jar of miscellaneous chicken chili oil that i found in my fridge we have this defrosted block of frozen silken tofu to use and i'm going to substitute in some gardein beefless ground meat for the pork by the way did you know that you can plant scallions again to have them grow a second time all right to make our knockoff budget eats mapua tofu we're going to chop up some garlic some ginger some shallots some roasted red bell pepper yes you heard me right and then we're going to set aside some ground citron peppercorns and scallions in a large pot over medium-high heat we're gonna heat up some oil we're going to throw all those things in there let them get nice and toasty for about 30 seconds and then we're going to go in with our bean paste we're going to swish that around until it's a little bit fragrant we'll throw in our beef our hoisin our oyster and a touch of condensed milk while all of that is simmering go ahead and drain your silken tofu the key to squeezing out frozen tofu without breaking it too much is to apply even pressure across the entire block do you see the room for potential here we're gonna add the tofu in chopped into little pieces and then we're going to add in some of my chicken fat chili oil add some water and just let it simmer and stir it around every so once in a while until everything's nice and delicious and you know our golden rule always be tasting spicy i have a feeling aaron would have loved this in terms of mapua tofu this is nowhere near the actual dish the silken tofu that's usually used is not found here the spongy little flavor absorber not at all the texture that is supposed to be in makbo tofu and this sweetness coming from the smoky red bell peppers doesn't belong here guess what though we're still gonna eat it do you want a bite fred what do you think that's a no this is a piggy cat i do think it needs a little more flavor so i'm gonna go in with a little bit of white pepper and also a squeeze of lime juice the little squeeze of lime juice made everything pop a little bit including the spice level and the white pepper added a whole nother layer of nuance to that sichuan pepper i also feel like without the actual meat be it real beef or pork in there the browning and the flavoring just isn't the same so i'm gonna toss in about a tablespoon and a half of ground almonds and we're gonna mix it in and see what it does the flavor is getting crazy y'all all right let's make our tortillas we're gonna put a ball of dough in between them we're going to use our entire body weight and try to use a pot to smash down a tortilla to mimic the motion of a tortilla press very crackly dough i'm not sure if we're gonna make it guys [Music] they seem okay but do they taste okay wow they can bend too check that out they are cracking a little bit i like that it's so nice and earthy really nice texture crunchy and crusty on the outside but still kind of soft and doughy on the inside i know that a proper maize tortilla is supposed to lift with a slight separation in the layers but this is not a proper tortilla after they come out of your pan stack them on a plate put a nice towel over it or maybe a pot lid or another bowl whatever you want to keep that humidity in there so that they don't get dried out to serve these i'm going to top our tacos tacos with a little bit more of cilantro mint as well as some of this sriracha peanut sauce that i developed last week also in the next quarterly guys i hope you're ready for a bite cause i am would you say this is a taco or is this sacrilegious i feel like it's sacrilegious i also feel like it's sacrilege to tofu but sometimes sacrilege tastes good these tortillas i might pay money for them pinole is also very nutritionally dense even though we made 10 of these mini tortillas i feel pretty full even after just one the peanut sauce is so luxurious it's insanely needed here because we don't have any like avocado crema or anything like that so this is much needed richness combined with the maple tofu the textures are excellent and meaty and varied and very exciting what a delicious mess we might have to file this under things only june would eat but in that case june gives this a 7.9 the heat will catch up to you though beware as for leftovers we sure got a lot y'all i went to do dishes and in the blink of an eye is going to storm outside i'mma call it a day i'll see you tomorrow red you know how sometimes you look at yourself and you think wow that was a dumb thing that i did when i was younger remember when i baked two cakes in a 350 degree oven yesterday on a 90 plus day that was dumb we're not gonna do that again today i promise to start our beautiful wednesday morning off we're going to feed fred we're going to feed me with a berry smoothie and then we'll think it's too early in my morning smoothie i'm going to go in with some frozen bananas a little bit more of our whey some blueberries and some of that cherry that we cooked off yesterday [Music] she a thick one today how is it that before i even start he's done as you can see a gorgeous color it's creamy it's smooth it's silky it's cold i love everything about it it's going to be a scorcher today again you guys 10 out of 10. now this this is a look the newest makeup trend of 2021. next thing on our to-do list soak that black sticky rice because that has got to be cooked this week when cooking any type of sticky rice i highly recommend that you hydrate it at least 30 minutes up to overnight and then you can steam it that way you don't get soggy sticky rice you get perfect separate grains of sticky rice hydrating your rice this way makes it much easier to cook evenly throughout i don't know about you but i'm definitely ready for dessert and i really want to make that cheesecake however we are not baking today so we're gonna try to make a no-bake cheesecake so a very long time ago aaron bought me this packet of agar agar powder it's a form of algae that's used as a vegan substitute for gelatin to set things however i find that it gives things slightly rubbery textures rather than a creamy set texture does that make sense given that i'm not a huge fan of it i have a feeling i'm never gonna use this if i don't use it now so let's make some no big cheesecake with this package instructions says to mix one gram of agar agar with 120 grams of boiling water and include sugar given that i have these sad limes i want to use up i think we're going to try to boil that agar agar in some citrus juice and make a lime cheesecake i'm going to wash the limes carefully dry them we're gonna zest a few of them then we're gonna juice all of them in order to get the maximum amount of juice out of my limes i like to stack two spent halves and press them again this way you can yield some of that rind oil as well as more juice and with four limes i think we just about made it to 120 grams in a small pot over medium-low heat i'm going to combine our juice with a little bit of our zest as well as a teaspoon of agar agar sprinkle it in on top evenly and then whisk it in until completely dissolved agar agar does need to have a little bit of boiling action to activate it so just bring that concoction up to a simmer and then shut the heat off in the meantime we're gonna take a little bit of what remains of our heavy whipping cream we're gonna whip it until it's a soft medium almost stiff peak and then we're going to refrigerate it to fold in as the last step i'm going to take some of our strained yogurt and i'm going to combine it with some condensed milk as well as a little bit more of our lime zest i'm going to whisk that until it's really nice and smooth taste the batter see if it's too sweet if it's too sweet perfect because we're going to be streaming in a lot of lime juice if it's not too sweet keep streaming in that condensed milk we're gonna strain our lime juice mixture right over that bowl and we're going to fold it in gradually until that mixture is nice and set i'm a little bit worried that one teaspoon agar agar wasn't quite enough so i think i'm gonna melt in another teaspoon into our remaining lime juice then i'm going to pour it into this condensed milk jar and swish it around so we can get the remaining bits of condensed milk out of there as well as cool down that lime juice mixture before we fold it into our cheese mixture we're going to fold in our whipped cream until it's evenly combined and then we're going to put it in the silicone cups that i've bought like four years ago i never used give them a little gentle tap let it settle put it in the fridge of the remaining batter i'm also going to try to freeze some of them just to see what the textural difference is i will just let you know that even if this doesn't turn out into a cheesecake it's still delicious all right y'all moving on to lunch i'm thinking of a rice bowl with leeks and tofu and pickles and dressing these are leeks that i bought almost two weeks ago i was going to use them for recipe development but didn't use them now we're going to use them for salad one thing that you do have to know about cooking with leeks is that they can be very gritty just like scallions so i'm gonna trim off the bottom the top i'm going to have it and then i'm gonna have it again and then we'll rinse it many times until all the grit is gone please do not ever skimp on the washing process and please peel back all the leaves to reveal all the grit and make sure that you are washing it completely clean otherwise there's a reason why you don't like leeks i'm almost certain that if you left this test to my chinese mother she would let this soak for eight hours but uh i'm not my mom because the greens are a little more fibrous and tough we're gonna go ahead and saute those first before we go in with our whites so cut your whites and greens separately because leeks are already very flavorful we're gonna keep the flavorings in this very simple large pot over medium heat a little bit of oil go in with a little bit of black pepper coriander and then throw in your greens of the leeks stir that around give it a little hit of salt stir it until it's nice and tender if you see a lot of water seeping out just turn up your heat and wait for that to evaporate you want to get some browning on the green bits before you go in with the whites once your leek whites hit the pan make sure that you're using that moisture coming off of them to scrape off the browning fond of the pot this gets flavor into your dish as well as taking potential burn off of it you're going to wait until this mixture is nice and caramelized and then you're going to turn off the heat and set it aside in the meantime we're gonna drain our black sticky rice and steam it fill up a pot that fits your steamer put about two cups of water in there and then set it on a medium heat when it comes up to a boil lower it to a smaller heat and then we're just gonna let it cook until it's done when your sticky black rice is done the grains should be separate but they should be completely mushy and very tender chewy and bouncy for some protein i'm gonna go ahead and slice up some of our defrosted silken tofu and i'm going to throw it in a microwave safe bowl and microwave it because i don't really want to cook this tofu in a pot i just want to make sure that all the germies are out of there we're going to douse it with some of our peanut sauce and just let that marinade in for our caramelized leeks i'm going to take about half cup of it and then blend it with a quarter cup of white cheese along with a little bit of buttermilk to loosen it into a thick dressing nice and thick and tangy in order to loosen our leaky cheese sauce a little bit i'm going to drizzle in our drained ricotta liquid mix it until smooth and sexy it's almost like a very creamy spinach dip but with leeks to assemble we're gonna put some rice into our bowl we're gonna drizzle it with our leek sauce we're going to toss our tofu cubes perfectly marinated on top garnish it with the last of our roasted red bell peppers hallelujah a little bit of mint a little bit of crushed almonds and a little bit of our pickled shallots i love it when you eat with your eyes first you know yes give it to me oh hi june you go girl first of all i just have to say this is one of the most beautiful things i've ever made not only do i feel like i'm eating nutrition i feel like my eyes are feasting on this glorious painting of a dish and the flavors and the textures they're all just so joyous together they're clean they're fresh and they love to exist and be in my mouth the nuttiness of the rice goes so well with the crunchy little bits of almond that's slightly burnt and slightly slightly toasty just like check out the flavor pockets on that tofu my man look at it oh so today i finally realized that mint mint makes me feel like i'm a grown up so i highly recommend it if you want to feel more mature i know that i've been inflating my own grades a little as seen by a 10 out of 10 on the smoothie but i think i'm gonna give this one a 10 again just because it's delighted me to my core both visually and taste wise i think this one is a real winner it's just beautiful inside and out i'm also super glad that i have a lot for leftovers because i just realized that i have all day meetings back to back on friday which means i won't be able to cook anything so this this will be a pleasant lunch break for me then all right y'all because i have all day meetings on friday and won't be able to cook i think what we're gonna do for dinner is a huge batch of boyones book below gnase bolionese language it's all very confusing to me it's going to consist of a head of roasted garlic on top of raw garlic on top of some shallots on top of some onions on top of all the tomato products that we have i'm also gonna pop in this red pepper sauce that we made from day one just you know it's red it's delicious it'll be fine i'm gonna toss a hunk of carrot in there for some sweetness we'll go in with two kinds of soy one is gardein and one is crumbled frozen and defrosted firm tofu and finally we'll go in with a little bit of ground almonds for that nice nutty richness i'm gonna go ahead and use our pot from lunch because who wants to wash dishes on this kind of a day or any day nobody that's you plus it has all of that golden fond flavor on there you don't want to waste that do you honestly i'm not even going to say what recipe i'm using because there are countless recipes for proper booleans on the internet and you don't need mine but i will just say you know how a lot of chefs always tell you to have your mies on plus before you start aka having all of your ingredients chopped and ready to go yeah not so much for this one it's going to stew for a very long time so what i'm going to do is turn that pot to medium heat drop in some oil and just add to the pan as i chop my little aromatic vegetables give it a stir every now and then while i continue prepping the rest of the ingredients if you're not nitpicky about technique when it comes to cooking and you just want some flavorful stewie type substance this is a perfectly fine way to go and it will save you a lot of time this is multitasking that an average person can actually handle [Music] beautifully for the tofu you know how we do press evenly to rid it of all of its moisture to mimic the texture of ground beef i'm just going to go ahead and crumble some of this in by hand then finally we'll add our ground meat as always give it a taste make sure you like the seasoning and then just let it simmer for as long as you can for all the flavors to bind together for me this needs a little bit of sugar and so i think we're gonna go in with a little bit of our cooked cherries the cherries can kind of substitute in for the wine that's usually found in some boyonese recipes and i think i'm also going to go in with the sauce that we made yesterday to compensate for the lack of dairy in our current version last but not least we'll go in with our ground almonds for that nuttiness and fattiness naturally to go with our ragu we're gonna make some noodles out of our dumpling dough i'm gonna use the last bit of the millet flour to flour my surface and then we're gonna roll the sheet out as thin as possible and make your slices evenly across then shake the noodles to loosen them into a strand because we're making a small batch of noodle for one a little bit of water will suffice for fresh noodles like these two to three minutes it's more than enough for perfectly cooked noodles don't know about you but i like a little bit of noodles with a lot of sauce we're gonna give the noodles a nice little toss and then we're gonna top the whole thing with some mint leaves and of course what's a meal without some cheese finish it off with a little more black pepper and you got dinner pro tip to make your pasta extra creamy drizzle on a little bit of your pasta cooking liquid this will help you emulsify the pasta when you mix it oh yeah super comforting i will admit i overcook the noodles a little bit because it's kind of hard to only cook noodles for two minutes when you're shooting it yourself and cooking and trying to narrate everything but it still tastes pretty fantastic even though it's no longer al dente nice cheese nice mint nice sauce what more can you ask for in honor of aaron i'm gonna drizzle on just the teensy bit of this prick numpla this is a super simple concoction of fish sauce and chilies a little bit of lime juice and sugar and i'll have the ratios and our next quarterly as well pungent a little tiny touch goes a long way that's it all right here we go oh yeah that really that really takes it to the next level with the addition of the chili juice we're going to have to give this one a 9 out of 10. this is pure comfort in a bowl it's four i have to run to a meeting but when i come back we're gonna eat those cheesecakes so we made this pretty first thing in the morning and it should have set by now because it's been six hours however it's not quite sad guys won't keep me from eating it though i guess there is a possibility that it'll be more set by tomorrow but i doubt it as is though it's like a pretty thick yogurt which is what we started with i would say as far as texture goes this was a moderate fail it certainly isn't cake-like like cheesecake but it is very enjoyable if i closed my eyes and didn't know what color this was i'd almost say that this was a key lime pie curd it's as smooth and as thick and viscous as curd and it tastes just sweet and tangy enough the same way curd would the mouth feel is very pleasant for the most part pretty smooth although i do feel like there's a bit of zest in there that's giving me a slight texture as you can see i licked it clean because i love it i probably should have used a little bit more agar agar to really set that intense amount of filling but we still have those frozen ones i wonder what they taste like i have a feeling these are gonna be a little bit shardy because there's just not quite enough cream in our concoction to not have shardiness however you get to see the design i was going for it's slightly fluted really beautiful really nicely set and man is it burning my hands with cold right now so yes there definitely is a little bit of iciness but it's not like that kind of crunchy ice where you're like oh what is that in my frozen treat this is actually quite enjoyable and the flavor is like a really good froyo this would have been a great popsicle despite the less than perfect and less than ideal texture i love everything about this it's simple it's pure it's got that nice yogurty tang with that nice sweetness from the condensed milk and the limey fragrance running throughout it all i'm going to give this one a 9.5 out of 10 baby my god what a successful day good morning y'all day four fred has woken me up since 5am so uh before he gets too hot today let's bake some dessert in terms of the flowers that we have left we have a little bit of cornmeal a little bit of tef and a very tiny amount of semolina and what i think we'll do is grind all of these up in the vitamix so that we have flowers finer flowers you know for a moisture cake fred what are you doing it's not breakfast time yet i don't know how many times we have to say this why you wake me up so early i know you're not starving fred it's gonna get really loud in here buddy you might wanna run now [Music] all right now that we have our flowers let's rock and roll with this trash peach cake we've officially used up all of our sweetened condensed milk so i have no sweetener now except i have all these random jams jellies caramels failed caramels and also that cherry liquid in addition we also have those very sad bananas they smell so boozy right now first things first i'm gonna blend up some of this blood orange marmalade with some of this apple syrup so that we have a more even smooth consistency give it a taste oh sharp given that i have a super aptly citrusy syrup to use i don't think i'm going to combine the caramel which has a more smoky chocolaty flavor to it instead what i think i'll do is make a banana caramel cake and then a peach citrus cake it's your lucky day y'all it's a twofer and boy oh boy is that gonna be mad about this for our fat and creaminess we're gonna be using our strained ricotta to make the cake take your strained ricotta and mix it with one large egg then stream in your apple syrup and orange marm concoction with a pinch of salt stream in a little bit of vanilla stir in a little bit of baking powder baking soda and then go in with your cornmeal and a touch of semolina [Music] we're going to put a little bit of sugar in there as well to help it caramelize then we're going to place some peach segments on the bottom of every cup go ahead and drop a little more sugar on top for extra sweetness and a little bit of crunchy texture turn your oven to 350. we're gonna slide it in there until hopefully it bakes nice and golden for your banana cakes take two of your very ripe mushy bananas and mush them to mush stream in your caramel your ricotta and then give it a whisk [Music] whisk in baking powder baking soda and then fold in some fine semolina along with tef flour [Music] top with some ground almonds along with some mold and salt and throw it into the 350 oven let the peach cakes cool for about 10 minutes and then gently flip it onto a tray to reveal your upside down fruitcakes to ensure the cleanest release ever it's always a good idea to run along the edges with your offset spat not all of them came out perfectly but you know what nothing in life ever really do you just fake it and then you show people the prettiest ones and you don't tell them about the rest that's how the professionals do it anyway it looks beautiful on top and beautiful on the bottom and to be honest the crumb isn't too bad i think i over baked it a little bit because it is a little bit dry almost like a cornbread consistency however that's nothing a little syrup can't help we can just take a little bit of our remaining apple syrup concoction mix it with a little bit of our cherry liquor and brush it right on top much better you know what would make this even better is a little more cheese yes a smear of cheese a little dollop of syrup makes this bite complete it feels all very wholesome i'm gonna give this one an eight same thing with the banana caramel muffins let them cool a little bit run your offset along the edges and then flip as for these little guys well they look just adorable don't they these look a lot moister that banana really does it for you smells vaguely like a bran muffin [Music] [Applause] that texture is amazing perfect moistness it's already delicious but who can resist when you have caramel on hand of drizzling even more caramel on top not i i will not resist this temptation that's a sexy bite ladies and gentlemen holy shmoles i'm entranced we must have another this this is what life is for i'm in love i'm in love i am in love this tastes like a bran muffin crossed with a molasses cake crossed with salted caramel divinity are you looking at it because it's perfect this is possibly perfect i think if we wanted this to be a more punchier straight dessert we would have added a little more sugar to it but i used all the caramel that i wanted to use in there a lot of chinese people will love this one because it's not too sweet as for everyone who likes their desserts high up to sugar heaven you might need to drizzle just a little more caramel on here like i have you know what no screw it 10 10. i was so happy i was so in love that's a 10. it looks like it came out of a freaking bakery i can do this all day zach i can do this all day wow now let's think about lunch all right y'all because we just ate a lot of breads and cakes we're gonna keep lunch pretty simple and light i found in my fridge this little container of miso that's been expired and it's just waiting to be put out of its misery we have some tofu we have some carrots we have some spinach some galangal and ginger i say we make some miso soup and it's pretty perfect that i just happen to have two small pieces of kelp left this is as easy as it goes you chop up all your veggies you put some water dissolve the miso put in your kelp put in your veggies let it stew until everything's nice and tender or crunchy as you like it and you drink it for this miso soup i'm going to drop in the kelp first along with the galangal and the ginger once the kelp is nice and softened i'm going to fish it out and then i'm gonna chop it into bite-sized pieces we're gonna put that back in and then we can put in our miso and stir until it's dissolved once that's all nice and combined we'll go in with all of our veggies at once you wanna hold the spinach until the very last thing i only put in spinach to wilt after the heat has already been off otherwise you might overcook those green leaves my favorite way to wilt greens is to put them at the bottom of my bowl and then pour the hot stuff over it that way it can cool down your soup as it gets cooked smells vaguely like fermented soy beans which is exactly what miso is yum it's light it's soothing it's healthful with a lot of veggies and a little bit of protein it's kind of like a hot salad and a lot of dressing is that essentially what soups are the tofu are like little sponges of flavor and juice the seaweed is nice and slithery and tender the spinach is well wilted and the carrots are nice and crunchy i think i just miss erin a lot but i want to add something spicy to it i just feel like it needs a little bit of oomph you know let's see what it does maybe it can work its magic yet again it did and you know what i want a little more sometimes all you need is a little bit of chili and stanky fish it's super low effort super comforting super fast and super filling i'm gonna give this one a 7.2 for dinner i think we're gonna have to use up that dumpling dough i think we're gonna have to make dumplings and i think we're gonna have to make romesco dumplings and boyognese dumplings yes i realize we're basically just repackaging last night's dinner into a different form but you know whatever as long as it tastes good does anything else really matter because i don't want to spend the rest of my life crimping dumplings we're going to make some big dumplings i'm also thinking we'll pan sear these for like a little bit of a pot sticker vibe i'm going to roll the dough into a log and cut the log into six even pieces then i'm going to squish each piece with the heel of my palm cut side down on the board that's going to give you a form that's close to a round and then all you do is take your rolling pin and turn that round often for a more even circle in the end if you're working during the summer or on an especially hot day it's really important to keep your doughs well floured so that they don't stick and get gunky [Music] [Music] they can't all be winners these are possibly the biggest dumplings i've ever made it's like a quarter of my face maybe more i have a big face though we're gonna shallow fry these babies up medium heat cast iron skillet a lot of oil when you see a bubble happening that means it's cooking on the inside the edges should start to look a little bit brown go ahead and give it a flip gentle gentle clip go until they're both golden on all sides and then we're going to serve it with a yogurt mint sauce and by yogurt i mean buttermilk and white cheese [Music] so [Music] will you guys give me extra points if i do this 23. you really can't beat fried dough in any any cuisine fried dough can i just say that the textures are on point shatteringly crisp on the outside tender and doughy and kind of chewy on the inside mushtastic on the filling and then you have the mint sauce there's sweetness there's herbaliness there's spiciness there's nuttiness there's crunchy there's chewy there's mushy there's tender i truly don't know why i have not been using mint like this in my life but after this episode mint is going to be a staple favorite herb in my household this is more than just the sum of its parts this is magic my life will never be the same again a time a ton i don't know how i did it but i did it i exceeded my own expectations it's time for a reward this is amazing i've attained happiness because i won't be cooking tomorrow because i'm in meetings all day i think what i'll do is mix a little bit of this teff with a little bit of flour and try to see if we can get like a slight sourdough thing going tef is most frequently used in ethiopian cuisine to make injira which is a kind of sourdough leavened bread and only two ingredients are teff and water so uh let's give it a try shall we i don't really know what amount to use so we'll just play it by ear i'll go in with about 50 grams or 65 grams that'll work too and maybe an equal amount of water and i'll see you guys in two days [Music] i know i know yes i know okay it's 4 15 i just finished all of my meetings for the day and i'm pretty damn hungry i think we need to cook something because i'm pretty wiped out from all the meetings we're going to keep it simple we have the leftover tortillas we have some onions we have some bell peppers we have some leftover leek we can just toss those all together and try to make like a vegetarian fajita of sorts throw a couple of eggs on the pan toss in this really sad slice of american cheese dinner or more like lunar because i have miso soup for lunch is that even lunch i'm also going to put the rest of our galangal out of its misery it's looking pretty worse for wear we're going to strip it of its skin and just try to salvage what we can and plop it in there galangal has a nice little spicy hint and earthy hint to it so it'll do very nicely with our pinot lay tortillas a little bit of oil in the pan over medium heat let those cook until they're nice and golden and slightly caramelized a little salt a little pepper maybe a little taco seasoning and then we'll go in with our leftover leeks fold to combine and once they're nice and tender move them off the pan a little more oil plop in our eggs let those cook and then we can warm up our tortillas in that leftover flavorful cast iron skillet toasting the tortillas once first side is warm i flip it to the second side and then we'll top it with some american cheese oh yeah trash fajitas here we come once the cheese is nice and melty go ahead and assemble your mini fajitas however you want a little bit of egg a little bit of vegetables a little bit of cilantro maybe pickled shallots maybe a drizzle of peanut sauce [Music] trash fajitas this could become a regular thing not gonna lie i'm so tired i'm not even gonna plate these guys they're just coming straight off of the hot pan this is a bad idea this is a bad idea that's hot better idea plates it somehow works the egg is delicious it is possibly the messiest thing ever to eat because everything's falling out all over the place from the mini tortillas but man the creamy yolk of the eggs paired with that spicy peanut sauce makes it super creamy then you have that earthy pinot wrapper tortilla thingy majiggy set against the crunchy sharp acidity of the shallots hold on i need another one yes please give me more can we just um say hallelujah to that great american processed cheese it is it is it just is check out that layer of american cheese right there check it out that's something that you want to marry this one is a 10. for ease for flavor for texture for satisfaction for surprise factor for how random chaos and chance and luck sometimes in life we'll get you exactly what you need and you know what best of all it came together in like 25 minutes tomorrow i'll see you for a fresh bright full saturday we're gonna try a day without blush or makeup yeah fred and people who want to police my face can come at me in the comments final day yes i do believe i'm breaking julia's rule of five days only however rules were made to be broken julia before we make breakfast however i would like to report on some very sad news remember our tef starter that we did on thursday well it's moldy guys there's little white fuzzies all over that surface now normally i would probably just scrape the top surface mold off and use the rest of it but because this is a show for you guys i don't want to promote that kind of dangerous behavior and so i'm just going to say we're going to compost this it's really sad for me i almost never throw things away and this hurts so much even the bird outside is judging me you know what though this gives us a great opportunity to use that sourdough discard that is probably very old but let's not get too far ahead of ourselves because breakfast smoothie we're gonna use up that leftover frozen banana we're gonna combine it with some of my forage mulberry that have been sitting in the fridge and water for a very long time i found these mulberries on the new york city streets so i decided to soak them a little bit but now we got like mulberry wine going on here they're really pretty though [Music] sorry i'm just kind of disgusting today okay let's take a bite oh yeah it is cold indeed nice and soft a little bit like a smoothie a little bit like a soft serve that's melting there's little seeds from the mulberries not quite as crunchy as blackberry seeds and also not quite as tart as blackberry seeds but delicious nonetheless if you've never had mulberries they are a treat and they're free on the streets of new york i get a slight creaminess from the mulberries i get a slight tart sweetness from the blueberries you can really taste the bananas and you can definitely really taste the spirulina which if you're not a fan of green algae flavor this bowl is probably not for you it is a very fun color though this this gets a 6.5 fred fred i'm trying to shoot a cooking video here bud this is why the health department doesn't want you guys in here all righty guys for lunchy brunch we're gonna make a shakshuka but with romesco and we're gonna try to use up this last cornmeal to make a little cornbready thingy to dip into our shakshuka that sounds like a plan to me for the cornbread we're gonna mix a little bit of olive oil a little bit of farmer cheese one egg some baking powder a little bit of salt and i'll probably throw in some black pepper we're gonna mix it all together until it's nice and smooth and then we'll fold in our cornmeal i think we'll also go in with some scallions just for a little bit of herby freshness and punch now i'm definitely not going to turn on the oven for this little amount of cornbread because we did that with muffins and we're not doing that again so instead what i think i'm going to do is put it on the stovetop in a cast iron skillet mildly oiled and then we're going to top a lid to trap the steam and to see if it can cook purely on the stovetop we're going to do this over fairly low heat so that the heating is gradual and the cornbread does not burn on the bottom to give the cornbread a little more intrigue we're gonna sprinkle a little bit of sesame seeds on the very bottom of this cake we're gonna slowly push the cake into a round as much as we can and then once the bottom is set you can slap a lid on top in the meantime we're going to prep our veggies for the shakshuka very simply a small onion a lot of garlic we're going to toss those into a oiled small skillet and caramelize them stirring frequently when the cornbread looks like it's starting to set on top we're gonna flip it so that both sides can get a little bit of a golden brown action it's like a big pancake if your romesco is super thick go ahead and thin it out with water so that you have enough moisture to cook off while the eggs are cooking we want the eggs to have set white and runny yolks as for the cornbread once both sides are golden brown we're going to unlit it and we're going to toast it on both sides until it feels like it's crispy for this part you can turn up the [Music] heat if you see one egg cooking faster than the other just go ahead and move your pan on the stove to direct the heat over the uncooked one i turned off the heat because i smelled some burning i threw some cilantro on there and we're gonna see how it tastes the egg is just barely set back there and that one is definitely set our cornbread looks pretty dang decent nice golden bottoms and tops with that sesame seed embedded in there and it looks like it's cooked all the way through i love that i can see little specks of scallion and cheese everywhere in there oh yeah that's nice nice salty vibes combined with that dairy creaminess along with that kind of like curved spicy herbiness of the scallions because we put one whole egg in there this kind of tastes like a crossover between an omelet and cornbread and it's really nice and rich and now we did that is such a good combo is the bottom a little burnt yeah is that a low flavor yeah should i eat all the burnt crust no but what i can eat on top is pretty dang delicious guys you can even go ahead and make yourself a little shakshouka sandwich kinda like a sloppy joe i will just say i think i diluted the nuttiness of that romesco too much so i'm going to add on a little bit of our peanut sauce when in doubt slap on a condiment now we're in business i think on its own the shakshuka would have gotten like a 6.7 out of me but with the peanut sauce it's an 8.5 peanut sauce is amazing all right y'all it's time for our final meal in terms of our raw ingredients our major players are one really disgusting banana some peaches onions scallions cheese tef and one egg we also still have a little bit of our toasted almonds that we can use in something as always my mind goes to dessert first and i think for peaches we can cook it down with our remaining cherry syrup and serve it over some farmer's cheese which is relatively unsalty so it could just be like a peaches and cream situation in our small pan medium heat just dump both of those things in stir it pretty frequently so that it doesn't burn on the bottom like it did for the shakshuka and then go until it's nice and jammy take it off the heat let it cool and serve with your cheese in the meantime we're gonna combine our sourdough starter discard with our tet flour add a little bit of water as well as a little bit of baking powder and we're gonna plop in that egg give that a whisk season it with a little bit of salt go until smooth and we have a tough pancake batter i'm going for like a crepe like batter consistency here so if you need to add a little more water depending on the starter discard that you used go ahead and just make it until it's drizzleable we're gonna let this pancake batter sit and then we're gonna caramelize some of our onions and don't mind the noise it's not a ghost it's not a monster it's not the end of the world it's just a new neighbor moving in upstairs caramelized onion fairly simple slice them thin throw them in an oiled skillet add some salt and pepper in there the salt will help you drop that moisture and it will help caramelize the onions a little bit faster i'm going to be also adding in our remaining shallots as well as some of our scallions to caramelize onions properly you should be going at a medium-low heat for a very long time now if you're impatient and you have a lot of onions in a very small pan like i do crank up the heat and just stir very frequently to make sure no burning is happening once your moisture is mostly driven off and there's no watery puddles on the bottom of the pan then turn down the heat and keep stirring as well when the caramelized onions get close to being done we're going to slip in all of our roasted garlic in the meantime i think we're going to make a sauce with this disgusting banana i want to cook it with some black pepper maybe a little bit of our almonds as well as this expired instant coffee that actually doesn't taste half bad it did however expire in october 29th and 20-something nobody will know now i'm imagining it to be a little bit sweet a little bit savory and a little bit weird [Applause] we're really not having a good day with the burns huh yikes as for this banana thingy majiggy that we made i'm not sure how i feel about it i can taste the coffee but it's a little bit accurate the banana is a little bit fermenty and alcoholic and overall this is just very strong i think the only way to fix it is to go even stronger a little bit of sugar a little bit of cream and a little bit of alcohol yes i believe we have just made queen's first alcoholic caffeinated banana jam tastes like brunch this gives me a little bit of banana foster's vibe and a little bit of irish coffee vibe and it's honestly perfect ugly dougly pancake time make sure there's no oil sitting on the bottom of the pan or else that will cause a lot of splattering we're waiting to see some bubbles on the surface and for the edges to look a little bit more dry and matte and then we're going to flip it once both sides look a little bit golden and it feels like there's a little more bounce to it i think before we continue with the others we simply have to taste this one to see if it's absolutely disgusting i don't know if you can see but there's tiny little holes that's letting in through light that's pretty cool smells vaguely like whole wheat flour not a lot of sourdough smell at all actually and it's wonderfully spongy and rather tasteless which is going to be great as a vessel to hold all of our fillings we have our peaches we have our banana jam we have some almonds we have cilantro we have a lot of spreads including more romesco peanut sauce we have our leek sauce we have two different kinds of cheeses we have a little bit of spinach we have a lot of boyognese and there's more pickle shallots and other condiments in the fridge that i cannot list right now because it's just too much there's too much all you have to do is choose your own fillings wrap it up and enjoy for my savory pancake and jira knockoff i have a layer of farmer's cheese a layer of romesco our leek sauce some spinach caramelized onions a little bit of our peanut sauce and cilantro as well as more white cheese it looks pretty dang good guys you gotta give it to me i am the queen of trashy meals i don't know how i do it every time but it never ends up tasting that bad despite it just being 100 leftovers but i'm pretty proud of this one guys it's pretty damn good you got the sweet and spicy peanut sauce kicking it together with that caramelized onion vibe then you have the slight crunch of the spinach along with that wrap and all the creamy sauces inside it's a really nice textural contrast if you ever want a wrap inception you can wrap your wrap inside spinach leaves spinach on the inside spinach on the outside is june crazy as for dessert i think it's simply breathtaking look at that look at that crazy goodness cherry peach mint airplanes yet again the colors are so beautiful here but does it taste good does folks sword does when paired with the fruit here the tough pancakes start to take on a very rye-like flavor it pairs really nicely with the farmer cheese and it gives it sort of like a bagel bagel vibe so sweet soft pancakey bagel as for our drugged out banana crepe nothing to do but to try it hmm that works oh and i can feel the baileys inside me already if you like bananas and you like brunch and you like boozy boozy meals you're gonna like this one before i get too drunk i'm gonna give you an 8.5 the tanginess of the banana works really well with the farmer's cheese works really well with the slight background sourdough tang and then it binds together with the natural sweetness of the bananas and the bitterness of coffee sorry it's sitting right now i think overall these sourdough tough pancakes whatever you want to call them oh god it's cool i'm good hi welcome uh thank you so much for watching budget eats yes ladies and gents this is why i don't drink um i'm gonna clean up but in the meantime thank you so much for watching budget eats and let me know what meal you thought was the most delicious and let me know if you try out any of these recipes and let me know if you love to see fred more and uh that's it i think we're done right bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Delish
Views: 632,766
Rating: 4.9214897 out of 5
Keywords: kitchen lessons, delish, food, recipes, how to, how - to, food hacks, cooking, cook, delish recipe, by june, june xie, june xie delish, june xie budget eats, budget eats, fridge cleanout, freezer cleanout, budget challenge, only cooking with leftovers, frugal fridge, clean out the kitchen, pantry challenge
Id: XWfK_NG774w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 39sec (5919 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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