LIVE! making #whatever with #verywrinkly #sweetpotatoes

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hello welcome guys i'm gonna open up my chat on my laptop so i can see you down here on a much bigger screen for those of you who are tuning in to see aaron unfortunately he will not be joining us tonight he is playing video games with his beloved brother jason um and we'll just be here alone just just you and me on a monday night how was your mondays do you like this mood lighting i've decided to not turn on my um overhead kitchen light because it's 8 p.m and i don't really feel like turning on the lights but this is it this is the lighting you're getting guys good old cell phone hello florida hello from online school oh my god why did you leave zoom class early that i'm a bad influence maybe we won't do this again because you guys are not going to sleep and you're skipping school and uh i'm just derailing your lives that's not what i'm here to do i'm here to show you these two wrinkly ass sweet potatoes that i got two weeks ago um yikes i was um filming budget eats last week and i got these the week before that week so now we're running into week three with these and they've just been sitting in the corner of the floor with my butternut squash as you can see right down there um i should probably cook those too those are even older but i have an idea of what i'm going to do with these but i also don't have an idea of how it's going to turn out and that's normally just how i play with my ingredients so if you have sweet potatoes great let's you know mess them up somehow and if you don't you can just watch this and you can grab a bag of chips and you can eat some sour cream and onion for me crunch away do we have any questions hi connecticut brooklyn winnipeg happy international women's day every day should be happy day for everyone i am so done with these one day a year holidays i hate it um can't stay for long hi hi thanks for popping in and just saying hi if my potatoes are sprouted how much of the sprouted part you should google that i don't want to give you advice and then kill you inadvertently but i think if it's green it's toxic if it's sprouted not necessarily so but usually if it's sprouted enough you'll see green around it so you want to make sure you cut off all the green and i would even go like half a centimeter beyond the green so you might not be left with that much potato depending on how much it's sprouted hello from the philippines and moscow how was your weekend it was fine it was great hi friends it's very late for you guys isn't it in france i'm going to go ahead and give these a rinse and i think what i'm going to do is i've never cooked this is a purple sweet potato it has a purple skin versus a white skin which leads me to think this is a stokes purple sweet potato and not the japanese style um which doesn't matter it's just different varieties but i'm gonna rinse these and then i think i'm gonna poke holes in this one and microwave it i've never microwaved a sweet potato before and i'm very interested to see how it affects a purple sweet potato which is usually a lot denser than north american orange sweet potatoes and it's a lot more fibrous in my experience too and then with this other one we might steam it i don't know i don't know why you came here honestly it's just to see me [ __ ] around um but i appreciate you for dropping by i already rinsed these earlier but i think there's been a lot of construction upstairs and there might be like a lot of dust settling and so i just want to make sure i'm not eating any of that because who knows who knows what's in here since i'm such an exhibitionist i just want to show you all of my utensils in this beautiful takeout container um you might have seen this one on the budget eats episode it is quite a huge serving fork that i love and i got it for like 40 cents with my friend nez and it was amazing it was a great day now we're gonna stab our potato with it carefully so that you're not stabbing your fingers i do about three pokes on all four-ish sides if you can call these sides they're not really sides and i'm just gonna toss it into my microwave as nigella lawson says and uh four minutes for now it's really weird because i can't hear anyone saying anything to me so it just feels like i am uh talking to no one and very crazy yes at least i do have water um show us the sport you can't get enough of this fork here's a spork i haven't named her yet but i think she's just a sport now that is your life spork um with this other one what i was thinking was uh i can drop a link down below actually i am talking to the potatoes yes that is the recipe that i um made for delish it's a tongue recipe and it's a glutinous rice ball that's usually filled with peanut or sesame filling and i'm thinking we can steam this other one and i can mix it with a little bit of sugar and then we can like it's probably not going to happen all tonight in this one live stream but i'm going to chill it and i'm going to try to wrap a glutinous rice wrapper around it and then we can boil it and it'll be a delicious bouncy little chewy dessert that is delightful and soul warming usually eaten around holidays for like chinese new year lunar new year and it's meant to symbolize this unity usually eaten with your family um because it's round and it's got sticky rice which if you've ever heard of like a sticky rice cake like nienko in chinese cuisine they eat that around chinese new year too because that is a homophone of like a high year meaning you have great prosperity ahead of you in the year um normally i would probably just steam this hole but i want to kind of speed up the process a little bit and given that this one is so old i think i'm just going to go ahead and peel it and i should set some water up in a steamer [Music] situation you don't need a lot of water just a little bit i'm putting like i don't know a heavy inch in there sweating my little steamer pot that fits perfectly into my ikea pot and [Music] there it is and we're just gonna go ahead and give this a peel and look it's so purple and beautiful and i love it so much i don't know if this happens to anyone else or if this is tmi but sweet potatoes make me bloat a lot so i like to moderate my intake of it if i can control myself which is not most days i think whatever fibers are in there just does not work for my system so be cautious if you're trying these it might give you excruciating bloating names is the potato starch creation from your ig going to be on youtube god no those are just like one-offs where i do stupid things to all of my victims of ingredients in my house and that's it all it gets is one instagram story and then we never talk about it again ever it is so dry i'm having such a hard time peeling this off i made noodles i made noodles dough using your yo-tail recipe today minus the baking powder and baking soda we'll make them into ugly meats tomorrow yay our purple sweet potatoes name something different i mean this one i think is like stokes sweet potato there's other varieties there's also oh i'm smelling that are we doing okay in there there's also other varieties like a japanese variety that has a white skin but still very purple flesh um [Music] oh wow that happened so fast guys that was like four minutes and it already feels stupid hot and it's in my hands and steaming but it's like tender four minutes in the microwave all right we're not we're not even seeing this one forget that i'm gonna pop this back in for another minute just to make sure that it's getting fully tender um and uh would have been double pleasing to see aaron statch and sarcasm make a second appearance i'm sure he'll come back i'm sure he'll come back just not tonight because he's got his life with his brother um yeah there's so many aaron fans gosh what am i chopped liver i want to make that sweet potato rice pudding you made on your last budget eats please do you can literally make that with any grain that you want um i happened upon that durham wheat berry and it was delicious and i love it and i might buy that again um but i could see it working really well with like faro even quinoa um just try with all the grains why not have you heard of spoon lady abby nope nope definitely not chop spleen it would be my great honor to be chopped spleen because spleen is pretty delicious um yes oh my god i did forget to stab tater number two but it is peeled so maybe it won't explode on us but it's okay we can stop him now thank you see you guys don't see the side of me and budgie eats do you well you do probably i just mess up all the time such as life oh that one feels so good [Music] more more time more time okay in the meantime i guess i should whip up some tongue and flour so basically if you're going to make tongan i highly recommend mochiko um it's like japanese glutinous rice ground into a flower and this one is from koda farms which is based in california and california has a lot of heritage japanese rice farms and i really like their rice grains pretty high quality stuff domestically grown but with japanese varieties you can also do this with thai glutinous rice flour but that's a little bit finer and lena um our senior food editor at delish made it and she told me that it was like way softer than what mine appeared to be in my hosted video that's on that site that i posted earlier so there might be some variations and i'm sure it's all good and edible but if you use a different product there will be slight differences we're gonna go four and a half minutes on that one this one feels very nice [Music] i'll use a clear glass bowl maybe you guys can um see a clear glass bowl better do you like your sweet potatoes more in a dessert or savory dish uh i don't know actually i really like roasted sweet potato i like sweet potato fries i don't know just whatever i feel like there's no rules i'm a mess whatever go with the flow um do you plan meals ahead before you go grocery shopping when not shooting a video absolutely not no if i'm not shooting a video i'm not even gonna think about it my life is basically shooting video or creating recipes for delish so i don't even think about what i want to make for myself i just go shopping and if i see a deal i'll grab it um and then i'll figure out what to do with it later hence these sweet potatoes that i had collected for two weeks on the first few budgets uh budget eat episodes i did try to brainstorm a little bit about what my dream grocery list would be to acquire within that budget but lately i've been kind of burnt out and kind of tired and kind of just be like i don't know it's turned into this thing where i just feel like maybe if i didn't brainstorm so much it would be even funner which is what we started doing so if you're curious about the tanyan recipe that i'm currently making these are the gram amounts that's going in the dough 225 grams of glutinous rice flour by weight quarter teaspoon salt one tablespoon sweetened condensed milk which i think i'm just gonna skip because we're gonna sweeten that sweet potato filling and then we're gonna go in with a third cup of boiling water and a third cup of room temperature water and the boiling water is to kind of bloat the starches bloom the starches develop the starches in the flour a little bit more than a room temp water would do um optional but i find it gives me nice results i don't actually think i don't think i have enough flour here so i'm gonna make a half batch whoops [Music] great let's make sure i have everything so instead of a quarter teaspoon salt i will just go in with not msg or should we put msg in there um wow i don't know where my salt is i'm not very prepared for this as you can see i'm kind of just putting on a lie so that you guys can be peeping toms into my life while i do my normal random [ __ ] hope you enjoy okay we got the salt we got the flour and i'm skipping should i skip the sugar vote below should i skip the sugar which do you think is better boiling or roasting it really depends on what you want to do with your sweet potato if i'm using the sweet potato as a mash i like to boil it it's easier to mash that way if i'm roasting it i just want to eat it straight june did you see the weather uh i'm not a summer person at all actually summer is my least favorite weather does that surprise you um don't skip the sugar yes no yes no skip the sugar don't you guys are not helping we're not skipping the sugar we're skipping the condensed milk but i'll go in with a little bit of sugar less than a teaspoon just a little bit pump up that flavor okay a third of a cup of water is a third of 240 grams so that is 80 grams so i'm gonna grab um a pair of chopsticks that is not flavored with aaron's ramen broth and we're just gonna go in with 80 grams of boiling water [Music] oh my god guys i was supposed to have it wasn't i [ __ ] um maybe we'll just use all boiling water then no room temperature water what a mess uh i promised you messy mondays and i'm delivering so you can't complain okay as the kids say don't at me it's only monday calm down fall for life truly fall for life kitty update i don't have any kitty updates yet we're still waiting on his checkups and physicals um thank you for liking my outfit my mom my beloved mom bought me these lovely high-waisted jeans to um really accentuate my tummy we love it i always cherish that story i once heard about a lady who got hit head-on by a car but what protected her was her abdominal fat it's actually there to protect your organs so you know i don't always feel great about fat in that region because of media and all of that but it is useful guys it is there for a reason it is a blessing in disguise now that we have this mostly incorporated it looks fine i'm just going to skip the room temperature water because i messed up whoops but what i do want to do differently today to jazz this recipe up is um i think like two years ago i was in flushing queens with uh aaron and our friend mez and we went to h-mart and we got this bag of mugwort powder which is uh apparently very medicinal and good for your body especially for your menstrual cycle apparently it regulates it um and i'm just gonna pop a little bit in there it'll turn the dough green and we like color we like some excitement in our lives it has a slightly herbally bitter flavor so don't use too much of it and it might also disturb the starch formation in your mochico a little bit too but a little bit six grams that sounds good i'll just go in maybe i'll take my chopstick out i'm feeling very frazzled without aaron telling me all the comments right now i feel like i can't do both things at once not very good at multitasking green and purple spooky vibes yeah halloween all year round baby hasn't the past year been scary enough for you it's been really scary do you recommend the scale um uh if you can afford a nice one i really like the one from oxo it has a metal top that is peelable so you can peel it off and wash it if it gets dirty and it also has a pull out monitor that you can like if your bowl is too big and it's covering the display you can pull the actual display out see how much is in your bowl without moving the bowl around but i have this um accuweight scale it's been fine it's like glass top so if i ever drop it i'm screwed but i think it was like 12 15 bucks on amazon which i don't order from any more guys i was young and dumb and we didn't know how bad amazon was back then but there you have it that's my scale i've had i've had it for a few years it's fine there's um a lot of restaurant folks like this brand called escali i think i think it's spelled e-s-c-a-l-i and they come in different colors and they're all nice and it's fine [Music] i think unless you buy a really crappy scale they're all pretty much the same let's see if we can peel this one huh nice wait if i can microwave sweet potatoes to the same consistency as like a roasted sweet potato does this mean that i'll never ever ever turn on my oven again to roast a sweet potato maybe i'm very excited for this development in life what's your dream kitchen i don't really have dreams for a kitchen like i i guess once upon a time i used to dream about white granite tops i really like a bright kitchen um white granite with those little like opalescent rainbow specks in them what a fairy tale right we actually were looking into condos a few years back and there was a studio that was like i don't know 30 less square footage than we have now and i think they were trying to sell that unit for 300 000 and that's how bad real estate here is so good luck trying to afford housing when you're not uber rich in new york city you could imitate aaron's voice already you're funny you're really funny um nobody can imitate aaron's voice aaron i've always thought has a very nice broadcaster voice i've always thought that if you really trained for it he could be a voice actor he can do some like really nice standardized broadcasting voices and i've always been jealous of that and apparently a lot of people think my voice is soothing which i'm very surprised by because i honestly whenever i hear my own voice i shirk back in slight disgust and non-recognition like who is that because when you listen to your own voice like your head voice inside it doesn't sound anything at all like what you hear when you're hearing a recording of yourself so it's so strange to see myself on budget eats and actually listen to my voice it makes no sense it's a little bit lighter lavender in the center i don't know if you can see in this crappy kitchen lighting and it's a little bit darker purple on the outside and um i don't know if it's because i didn't pick the right sweet potato or if i left it to sit for too long and now it's just over ripe but it's not very sweet it is pretty creamy though so i like this microwaving trick very successful okay i'm going to go ahead and knead our cayenne dough dough a little bit now can you see this we hear ourselves through our ears and through our bones wow my puppy falls asleep to your voice uh my favorite thing to see from fans and viewers is when they send me either pictures or videos of their pets watching budget eats it delights me to no end i am so thankful for those of you who send those in because um sorry to say this but i like animals more than i like humans and as much as i love you guys i will always love your pets that much more so keep sending them in you make my day you warn my heart and you remind me that humans don't matter the dogs and the cats will rule the world and sometimes the bunnies and whatever weird pets you have going on so that's our dough it's pretty cohesive we've definitely gone off the recipe path by not using the temperature water so the dough is a little bit sticky right now because it's warmer and the starches have bloated up even more than intended and i don't regret it because now we can see what all hot water dough looks like so while i let this dough rest and cool off and wash my hands and we're going to mash our sweet potato up somehow and try to get it not stringy honestly i think what i should be doing is breaking out my mini food processor but it's 8 30 p.m and i don't feel like making that much noise our walls are very thin here i don't really feel like racketing up our neighbors at this point so we're just going to grab a let's do one of these it's our meditation bowls i love it you ready yes okay so we're just gonna go in with some sweet potato i have it's going with eight ounces does that sound good do i have eight ounces here great right on cook perfect and then i'm gonna go in with a ton of sugar because that is my drug of choice you are free to leave this out and disappoint yourself with a not sweet filling um when people ask me can you substitute this for that my answer is always yes but you deal with the consequences obviously you can substitute anything you want you just are gonna come out with a different thing right you can't expect that was two ounces of sugar um you can't expect to have the same results by using different things we're just going to mash this in slowly so that i don't spill sugar all over the floor which i definitely have done before i think we as your budget eats family are the best humans yeah i mean it depends like i've gotten a troll recently who's very persistently commenting and today i asked them i hope you're having an okay day because i kind of worry when i see the same name pop up and it's not even funny trolling it's just like you look boring i'm not even sure what that kind of trolling really achieves i know i look boring dude who's gonna look exciting all the freaking time who has energy to do that maybe if you're a pop star or a professional athlete i'm neither of those i just make some trash food and talk to people as if they're really here but they're not june i must confess i am sometimes confused by what your definition of creamy is as a food descriptor i mean i really think it depends on the context right like this is getting to a creamy stage where if i smush it on my hand it disappears right and if i eat a little bit of it it kind of melts across my tongue oh that's nice and sweet oh let's add a little vanilla in here i don't know if you guys have seen the videos that i made while we were still in the test kitchen it was mostly me baking stuff but i use imitation vanilla because um i don't know if you've realized but like real vanilla is really expensive and i don't have the mental capacity to spend that much on real vanilla and also yeah that's about it once you bake it off that kind of imitation flavor diffuses a little bit and becomes less discernible but of course real vanilla is going to taste better i know that duh that's why it costs more guys and this is probably not great for you it's probably made by some cheap mass production process where there's like a lot of solvents in there and i'll die of cancer but you know what that fate is inescapable let's just all acknowledge that right now the amount of cool whip that i've eaten in my life will definitely contribute to my early death as well as just my baseline stress level that is written in the books um june i'd love to know who your cooking chef idols are i was in love with alton brown for all of middle school and into high school and then that love was overtaken by my love and obsession with john mayer but alton brown was like the first cook who i was like wow you're cool i kind of like you a lot and i would watch all the reruns of goodies all of them and i still remember that jingle and if i could sing i would sing it right now but i'm not going to embarrass myself tonight i'm too sober and not depressed enough what about gordon ramsay oh he's okay he's apparently nicer than he has to play it up for camera i mean we all have a persona we have to project for the camera right so he's probably nice he's a dad he seems nice i've seen a couple of his tick tocks um he's fine goodies or iron chef only the japanese iron chef not the american ripoff hot takes john mayer lol yes yes i know not expected right all right guys we're fully mushed as you know i am a big fan of the mush this mush is particularly fibrous that's fine that's great um it's 8 33 i don't know how i'm gonna cool this in time to show you guys stuff but that vanilla extract is delightful whoa guys fake vanilla is where it's at man 129 a bottle only a little bit of cancer yes please all right i'm gonna scoop these little balls out just so they can get some time in the freezer to chill and in the meantime i will continue to ignore your chest because i don't have four eyes um but i do love that you guys are all here i'm glad you made it too cali girl are there any ingredients you will splurge for absolutely yes i will splurge for um expensive cheese i will splurge for oh man i almost bought aaron for his birthday some dandelion chocolate i think they're based in sf and they are one of the more transparently sourced chocolatey chocolatiers and we had their chocolate ones my friend becca that i worked in a restaurant with um brought back for me once from san fran and their chocolates are awesome if you ever have the chance to try some dandelion chocolate highly highly recommend each bar is i believe single origin and yes it's like very frou-frou talk i know i know but if you look into chocolate and how it's made a lot of it is not great a lot of child labor and basically modern-day slave labor involved in the mass chocolate companies and so a lot of these commodities that we've started to consume at high levels and not think about are actually really they come from really sad places made by people who are exploited and i'm trying to be better but obviously you know i'm still in that mentality where i can't spend ten bucks on three ounces of chocolate every day but i will splurge on it every once in a while sure why not treat yourself when you can and also i love to go to the farmers market and get apples from local growers one of my greatest joy in the past year given that we can't travel anymore i spent i must have spent something like 300 this past year during apple season on just apples um and yes that does sound quite steep but if you think about how much labor and attention and care it takes to get that food to you i think we've become very detached from our growers we've become very attached to our food sources and i don't know if you saw but yesterday i put on instagram a story of three cartons three little flats of blueberry for a dollar and a viewer wrote in and said like why is that so cheap it's so labor intensive to pick like i'm so glad that low income earners can have access to fresh produce at that price but also how is it so cheap and yes i totally agree how is it so cheap like how are you considering taking the kobe vaccine i don't i i have a history of autoimmune issues but i don't think i'm in the class of people who qualify for it ahead of time ahead of the public so of course i'm going to take it when it's available to normies um i've never had spelich wine i've never had it i don't really drink um who are your favorite bands at the moment oh man guys i don't really i just like songs i don't really like bands but my instagram has a lot of collections like the highlight collections called heartbeats i have six of them now which means i have almost 600 songs in my instagram highlights so you can check those out if you're interested uh why are eggs so expensive in new york you paid seven i paid seven for eggs that came from the farmer's market because they came from the farmer's market and not from some factory farmed miserable chicken torture factory so seven dollars divided by 12 is a little over 50 cents per egg which you know like if you think about it the chicken has to poop out an egg for you my darling i don't know if i'm willing to sell out an egg that i have to poop out for 50 something cents like i'm gonna charge you at least five dollars for it so just saying chickens are people too you know okay so we have the dough we have our filling it is chillin in the freezer and for now i'm just gonna try to portion out some pieces of tanyan [Music] and oh reserve a lid of this water that i didn't end up actually using for boiling the tongue in if the time ever comes for us to put the tongue in which i hope i hope we will get to that stage swarthmore love yes i went to swarthmore it is a tiny liberal arts in pennsylvania um roofie o'hare i've gotten that before he's pretty cute i'm not gonna complain about that what are your favorite cuisines to cook and eat besides chinese food um chinese food is pretty great it is also a very vast cuisine and i have no idea if i'm eating close to even half of all the chinese cuisine that's out there but i love japanese food both the traditional stuff and the stuff that basically japanese people have taken from other cultures and just like finesse to an incredible degree i don't know how they do it i feel like i don't know if i'm stereotyping but i feel like the japanese culture just encourages this output of like extreme expertise and it's incredible and just so impressed all the time of how high quality and masterful japanese craft is especially when it comes to food wow um i mean i love cheese when i went to italy i love the gelato i'll never forget the gelato aaron and i ate gelato every day sometimes we ate it twice a day um i think i gained five pounds from that trip that lasted like 10 days and it was worth it and i will have food memories forever and now every single scoop of that gelato is a part of me forever oh my gosh is that how you say it yes i love cheesy bread and i love like glutinous but actually gluten-free flours like tapioca and cassava and it's one of my favorite foods um there is so much food out there guys and i'm constantly learning and it's just i want to travel so bad so soon i get excited when i see ikea pots me too they're so cheap how do they do it it's probably not great would you eat dumpster dump dumpster food yes i would go friggin absolutely if i knew where to go in new york city hit me up on instagram if you know where i can go in new york city to get freaking dumping um bye go do your homework do you have a schedule no i just do this whenever i feel like it i don't want it to feel like work i don't want to set a regimen it's just a chance for me to hang out with you guys whenever i can whenever you can so don't worry about catching every one of these as you can see it gets boring after a while um and it's just you know it'll be here i'll be here you'll be here yeah i would love to go back to japan man all the company foods in the convenience stores all the snacks would you consider making a tick tock fun fact i made a tick tock when delish created a tick tock account we had to learn how to make and use tick tocks i was on there for a solid month and i made some really boring content because tick tock i've been told is for the new generation of social media creators and i am of the old generation because i am truly old now as a millennial and we are not wanted on that platform and they make fun of us and also who knows what kind of data mining is going on through tick tock i don't know guys it was just so addictive i would start by watching a clip a friend sent at like 2 am and then i would still be on there at 4 30 am which is very not good it was very not healthy i had to quit um what was the best dish you ate when you went to hanoi there you know what's funny i loved all the kind of rice flour based wraps i don't remember the names i'm so sorry but it was basically like a steamed rice flour wrap cooked on a little muslin sheet um and then you wrap like shrimp and aromatics in there and i love that texture of like steamed rice wrappers it's absolutely delightful but the first memory that came back was this lady who was um who had a stand about three blocks away from our hotel where we were staying and she was just so nice she was so nice and it's truly what i remember the most when i go traveling is yes food but also the people who are just so nice and she made us she was so nice we went back three times even though we only had the stomach to eat every place once but she made this a little whipped egg concoction with milo it's basically like whipped meringue but with egg yolks and sugar and aaron loved and i loved it and it was amazing so i'm just making little wrappers they're pretty thick but we're going to try to put our sweet potato in the middle and then kind of patch it back up so that the sweet potato filling is in the center and the dough encloses the whole thing completely and i truly don't think i gave it enough time for the sweet potato filling to set but it's coming up to an hour soon so i know people are going to start dropping off and i want to try to boil off some of these um my guess is it's gonna end in disaster because i really in my recipe i recommend that you completely chill your filling so that it's easier to wrap because when you have a soft filling it's just gonna ooze all over the place and gush out but messy mondays and yeah i haven't forgotten about the sweet potato that's still in the microwave i'll probably just eat that i'm not that innovative guys sometimes i just eat straight peanut butter and i just eat straight oatmeal like dry uncooked oatmeal if you thought aaron's diet week video was outrageous just wait till you see mine when i'm not cooking for the camera um i too will just eat three bags of chips and feel sad for myself i am normal and human and very much doomed with my bad dietary habits i was walking down the street last week and heard some girl behind me go i hate these socks i look like a millennial i look old yeah it was a really painful moment when i realized that i am old and there is nothing i can do about it and it happened when i was 28 and i was cleaning my bathtub and i just turned around to get one nook and something in my back just like pinged and i was like huh that's a pain i've never experienced before i wonder what happened and i turned around to like finish cleaning and i was like no that doesn't feel good and then three minutes later i was fully immobilized in the tub and we have one tongan so that's that guys aaron's blueberry concoction was something guys it was something and just fun fact for you the moment he said americans would love this he wanted me to take that bit out because he realized that it sounded really wrong and insensitive and all kinds of stereotypical but i even though i promised him i would take it out completely forgot about it and then we put up the final cut and he saw it and he was very upset and i was very upset because i failed him so just so you know aaron is not that insensitive he has a filter and not everything that comes out of our mouths are always great sounding and we realize we say the wrong thing sometimes um so there's a little backstory for you a little behind the budget eats or i guess that one wasn't a bunch of eats but yeah that one the blueberry peanut butter maple syrup one was a little was a little hard for me not because of how sweet it is actually it wasn't that bad but peanut butter chips the texture of the waxiness of just all those additives in there the fake coke like cocoa butter doesn't go well with like a gushy juicy blueberry it just if you melted those chips i'm sure i would have loved it if you made it into a muffin i'm sure i would have loved it just not in that form aaron i sometimes do wonder if he made those things to torture me that week but sometimes he really does eat like that um most of the time now though he just eats whatever i had to make for work because we try not to waste any food i just realized you were making tonya yes oh my god yes you can eat dessert for dinner guys the best part of growing up is making bad choices like eating dessert for dinner and then realizing that nothing in life actually matters and what you thought was bad choices is actually just you doing what you want to do before you die which is the whole point of life so eat dessert for dinner if you want who's gonna stop yeah i'm not gonna stop you i do it almost every day um i don't know how long we're gonna live but also i don't know how long you think you wanna live i don't think i wanna live that long so it's fast eat all the foods we have three erin do you want anything yeah no no no okay aaron doesn't want any tongan so i'm just gonna try to set my water to a boil and we'll try to boil some of that off shall we i'm gonna eat a little bit of this filling i should have tasted more of it that's pretty good eight ounces of sweet potato to two ounces of sugar with a splash of vanilla extract imitation i usually don't like to cook on mondays feeling a little bit more inspired now i mean you cook whenever you want to cook just whenever you feel like it i think this year has been a year of exercising the realization that like all these things that we've been taught we should feel and think are actually kind of not real and then you start to think what is real and that's when anxiety hits but like if you can storm through that anxiety wave and survive maybe you'll find a little bit of liberation from all the prisons that we've been held in bagged salads i never got behind those i truly never understood bad salads why would you want salads that have already been washed and handled by machines unfeeling hands wrapped in sad plastic and sometimes they're just so bruised i've seen a lot of like really bruised bags of salad greens but if you have access to like really good salad greens eat however you want i'm not here to judge do your parents live in the states yes dad's in philly mom's right here in the city do i have any siblings no one child policy china um [Music] i felt that way too about not needing to live too long until i made the decision of having a child now i have to live healthy for him you created a prison for yourself congratulations um but we all live in prisons of our truth of our own choosing my mom certainly did when she gave birth to me and uh good god if i don't give her grief every single minute of my existence but that is what you sign up for when you decide to be a parent sometimes you hit the jackpot and you end up with a very nice kid that you mesh together with most of the times you don't and that's that and then you become a different person and you learn more about yourself and you change with whatever life throws at you and that that is that this water is taking very long to come up to a boil i do apologize for the weakness of my stove didn't think we would get held up on my stove but maybe it's getting back to me for overusing it so frequently is the dough different or more difficult to work with because you used 100 boiling water no actually it feels pretty similar um i guess you just need two thirds cup water whatever temperature you want what do i know i'm not a food scientist i think i know food and then i tell you things that i think i know about food and then you believe me so which of us is the actual fool trust no one guys if you're an adult and you're still trusting other people i don't know what you're doing can't even trust yourself these days so you're doing great june thank you doesn't matter if it works out cynical june you haven't seen cynical june before i'm so surprised i feel like if you follow me at all on instagram you would have seen this side much sooner favorite restaurant in the city uh if you saw the erin diet video if you saw me mention it and a couple of other budget eats fioul it's right here in jackson heights they sell tibetan food absolutely divine the momos are amazing the wrappers on the momos are just like the perfect consistency in a steamed bun dumpling type of thing and i love them so much and if you go especially on a cold day you have to order the beef radish soup it is my absolute favorite soup it is milky it is a bone broth consistency it tastes described as a by a friend uh like gravy but it has the consistency of just like watery soup um they put a little bit of pepper corn in there and it's not numbing at all it's just like fragrant which is the way i'm salivating the way they balance the spices in that soup is so expert and i've never had a more balanced tasting soup than that one and if you go order a little tingmo it's like a steamed bread it's adjacent to like chinese mento it's basically steamed bread you tear a little bit of that bread which has also the perfect steamed texture like fluffy but also dense like chewy but not tough you dip it into your ting mo uh you dip the ting mo into the soup and then you put some of their hot chili oil that comes on every table on it and it's like i don't even know why i'm making this tamiya now i don't want it anymore i want file please talk about my hair um salon 87 in brooklyn my friend charlie uh go there to get facials and um she loves it there because all the stylists are japanese and she's studying japanese and so when she goes they talk to her in japanese and she saw that they were shooting for this art book and they were doing like yakuza style new school yakuza style hairstyles and they were looking for hair models and i was like prick why not let's go get my hair [ __ ] up so i went and they were like are you sure you want this cut like are you sure you want to live with this and i was like yeah what else am i living for um and it was really cool like these bleached bits were pink when they first styled it and they did an amazing job i have i just showered before this live i have no styling products in my hair and you can see that he did a fantastic job just cutting the hair because it's like already styled which is great because i'm lazy and i don't have time to put on anything in my hair or on my face very low maintenance i love it thank you so much i think his account is hiromari on instagram h i r o m a r i i think but salon 87 is the place in willyburg brooklyn if you go um obviously i got this for free because i was a hair model so i don't know what their haircuts actually cost probably not something i can afford on the regular favorite ramen i'm not the ramen person aaron is um not just not to say i don't like ramen i just don't love ramen the way aaron does so he's probably the person who can tell you what the favorite ramen is but aaron's dying meal is lentil la men which is beef noodle soup hand pulled noodles from lenjo a part of china um which part of china shoot aaron which part of china is lenzo aaron yes which part of china is lenzo province in china um and that is where he taught for a year when we met in china and uh remains to be his favorite meal i think we've made a lot of time guys wow look at that holy shmoles my water is up to a boil everything is going great this just means that tomorrow's going to be horrible right that's how karma works give a little take a little um what's your mbt i think i'm an infj the last time i took a quiz but sometimes i like flub between the eye and the e and the whatever whatever guys i don't know i don't know what do i seem like to you you tell me would you recommend making those edible crunchy bones you're always eating i would highly recommend you make the salmon ones erin love those the the pork bone ones he wasn't crazy about but the salmon ones we enjoyed just really do be careful when you eat those guys they are so sharp so if you don't like chew it the right way you might actually stab your own mouth with it with high-risk food so you have been warned okay do not sue me i will be able to give you exactly two very old butternut squashes in the corner there if you sue me and it's not worth the legal fees i promise you now have you tried any filipino dish yes sisig and that um rice vermicelli dish that has like little bits of pork in it i love it i love rice vermicelli anything and i live in woodside which is little philippines so there's a lot of filipino food around us i just never go eat it but my friend samira is filipina and um she's introduced me to this like fantastic filipino stat snack the little corn puffs the golden little corn balls that you saw in the msg video if you saw that one so good it tastes like creamed corn in a puffy snack okay we're gonna go in i'm just gonna make three one two three and i'll give it a little stir so that it doesn't get stuck to the bottom and we'll let that go for maybe six minutes thank you for sticking around it's been an hour i'm sorry i didn't realize it would take this long but messy mondays goodness gracious green balls of we got green balls made out of mochiko a little bit of sugar and what's giving it the green is the mugwort powder this is korean h-mart product mugwort powder it's basically a mountain herb of sorts that they dry up and grind into a powder and you can put it into mochi balls if you want i want to smush two of these together to make a ginormous tanyan do you enjoy boba tea or know how to make it i've never made it before i do highly enjoy boba tea yes a true asian aspect of me is enjoying boba tea um the green powder doesn't taste at all like matcha what is the name of the powder mugwort no it doesn't taste like matcha it is kind of dirt like like matcha but it doesn't have that like sweet mariney vegetal flavor of matcha quite exactly it's a little bit more dustier dusty earthy um you have to try lumpia yeah aaron had it once and he didn't invite me and i was very angry so i've never had lumpy in my life i'm very sad what book are you reading i don't read books huh thank you though for thinking i read books so sweet um yes sweet corn that's exactly right that is the name of the snack oh my god i want a bag samira where are you she used to deliver bags of sweet corn to me and once your water is up to a boil just make sure it's not sticking to the pot turn down your heat a little bit so that the vigorous boiling bubbles don't destroy the integrity of your balls that sounds so good um but they're actually quite sturdy and the sweet potato filling isn't as loose and runny which is good because you don't need to freeze it i guess the way you need to freeze the peanut and the sesame ones but this also means that when i bite into the tongan it's not gonna flow out like lava which is a quite pleasing facet of eating tongan but we're not gonna get that today with these fillings just fine i'll deal with it um thank you for spending time with me my therapist told me i should be more social so i guess this counts would you ever move out of new york city four years ago five years ago six years ago i really tried i went to seattle i went to oregon portland um and i was like maybe i'll move out here where it's cleaner and brighter and there's more nature and i'll maybe be less depressed and maybe there will be less homeless people that make me so sad because i feel like i can't help them and i feel like i should help them but i also feel like i can't help them and then i went to seattle and i saw a whole tent cities homelessness is a thing everywhere because that's just the way our society is structured that some people will always be the bottom of the barrel we can't seem to get our [ __ ] together and so i think that's just really the sad thing that i can't escape is how we can't get our [ __ ] together my monday has been terrible but it's good to see you i'm glad thank you for joining i'm sorry your monday has been terrible some days are just no good i have been to i don't know if i've been to buffalo actually but aaron is actually from rochester so i've been upstate and it's absolutely lovely up there there's alpaca farms there's apple farms uh if i drove it would be great to move to upstate but i don't drive i'm absolutely useless outside of new york city i will never survive in another place without public transit um unless of course i moved to my own alpaca farm so let me know if you want to find me and i'll pack a farm do you and aaron have a p.o box for your supporters to send you guys gifts no we don't we don't really have that many people who are offering us gifts yet but i mean i'm also hoping that once everyone's vaccinated we can actually go back to the office because then you can send me stuff to the test kitchen um but right now we don't have a p.o box and honestly we live in such a tiny apartment that if we got any more things i'm sure aaron will kill me over the past year we've accumulated a lot of equipment like lighting tripods shoot stuff and we feel like the walls are closing in on us slowly in our limited space so thank you so much for the thoughtfulness and i really appreciate your gift-giving intentions but let's hold on the gifts um i work with the homeless most people don't really understand everything that contributes to someone being in the street there's a lot of different reasons uh i think at the end of the day we all have to realize that nobody wants to be on the streets um and as much as it pains as much as it pains us to see them there and feel like they're intruding upon our lifestyle or our mental space that we need to do more for them um i think the guilt is really what trips me up the feeling like i should do more and i don't do more so the moment when i can turn that hopelessness and feeling of failure into something more actionable is probably the moment when i'll be happier and society will be happier these are big boys i don't actually know if they're cooked at six minutes um let's just take one out and usually kanyen is served in a sweet soup some people like to serve it in a little bit of like a ginger syrup i've seen that done in like southern china hong kong um it's also served in like there are some tongans that don't have filling inside and they get served in a broth that's actually sweetened red bean broth there's a lot of different variations they're all delicious it's like sticky rice i'm not going to bite into this right now because i really don't want to tear up my mouth like that so we'll let that cool while you guys chill and hang would you ever do an apartment tour probably not guys uh it's not there's not a lot to see besides your sick voyeurism um it's pretty boring uh we don't even have like a sofa or a couch we have a cheap ikea bed with a broken plank that we got like 20 15. mattress is absolutely disgusting you don't want to see that crap is what i'm trying to say okay the kitchen is the best part of this apartment with the beautiful christmas lights um tell us more about the book auctions you hold those started because we were actually thinking about moving to a different apartment and i looked at my bookshelf and i was like wow that's a lot of books it's going to be really heavy to move and also i haven't read them in a very long time some of them i've never even touched and i thought why not try to auction them off and why not start the string of um getting people together to share cookbooks and share charities and organizations that are working towards some causes that people care about and just give away these books but also in a way that kind of generates more good in other ways than just me offloading my crap and for the most part i think people have loved receiving the books and thank you guys so much for bidding on them i'm truly delighted with the response to the auction series and i'm so happy to see them in homes that can actually appreciate them and read them and cherish them instead of just collecting dust on my bookshelf so thank you for participating as always have you tried the hong kong dry tongue with crushed peanuts sesame and coconut shreds maybe but i don't know i'm not sure if you want to work with the homeless in nyc my friend works for coalition for the homeless they seem to do some great work yeah i would love to motivate myself and get myself to a place where i can do volunteer work if i'm honest with you right now i don't have the mental or physical bandwidth um but maybe one day i'll be a better person soon before the world goes to [ __ ] even more we're gonna turn this off because you can see that the balls are starting to float unpleasantly um you can see that they've started turning not smooth and they started turning bumpy and more in line with our messy monday aesthetics but this one that i pulled out at six minutes is quite nice and smooth yes has aaron got you to try a rochester garbage plate yet maybe it's been a while it's been four years since i've been in rochester wow so soft so gummy so mushy it's everything that i love and it's not very sweet because we didn't really flavor the um dough with that much sugar wow that's hot but purple and green what a color combo using nature's food coloring now so amazing what does it taste like um it tastes like a sturdier doughy or mochi so not as bouncy and sticky as what you might be thinking of when you're thinking of mochi and the inside is basically like a um slightly more dried out sweet potato casserole it's just very soft very creamy um there's not a lot of resistance but it's still got a little bit of a nice chew to it and the dough with the mugwort definitely has a little bit of that like dirt like herbaceous herbaly taste to it so it does kind of it doesn't taste like matcha but it kind of feels like if you had like a quarter teaspoon of matcha around rolling around in your mouth you know that kind of like almost dry powdery taste yeah we are boiling limes plot twist i'm actually eating limes that are purple on the inside i want to try this but i only have normal potatoes you know what you can use peanut butter you can use nutella you can use whatever sweet mash you want but also in the southern part of china they stick like savory meats in their tongue ends so if you want to make a potato filled tongue in you do that nobody's stopping you like you just make the dough and it's like any other dumpling you feel whatever you want in it it's like a sticky rice ravioli i bet this would taste absolutely delicious if you stuffed potatoes in it and then you covered you drowned it in like a tomato based marinara sauce and then you put a lot of cheese on it east meets west yes those green powders make great everything i like putting them in how else is mugwort used i would totally recommend googling it because i don't use mugwort that much i just i've only seen it in um dessert applications or like sticky rice applications i'm sure there's more uses for it i'm not very familiar with korean cuisine so um [Music] you should do a live book option on your personal youtube for us i'll definitely bid for a book i feel like that would get like really aggressive and that is not the environment i'm trying to uh create here and i feel like it would make people who don't have that much funding to auction off feel kind of sad so thanks for the suggestion i don't think i'm gonna do it just yet but i'm also kind of running out of books to put up for auction anyway but i think the instagram thing is working out really well because it gives me some time to like digest what's happening and to go out to staples and grab the mailing labels and then actually write stuff inside the books and then package the books and absolute pieces of trash um and then ship them so can you use bread flour for this uh not you won't be making tongue yeah because onion is made with glutinous rice flour which is mochi like so it's a little bit chewy and sticky not i feel like bread flour would give you more of like a more westernized kind of italian ravioli type deal like southern chicken and dumplings type deal it would be a very different texture i think but that's not to say you can't try it i'm just saying i don't think that would be taiyan but can use mugwort okay guys i hope you enjoyed this live making some dank mugwort green and purple sweet potato tonion wow what's the color that's so hot my hand is gone but maybe you can see more of the texture if i break it apart but yeah it's uh it's sticky it's mushy it's hot so hot that was a bad idea so i'm pretty sure i have uh mochi that's green stuck on my teeth and i will bid you guys good night i hope you enjoyed tuning in to my nonsense and i'll see you guys next time have a great week
Channel: junelikethemonth
Views: 12,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: budgeteats, lowcost, cooking, cookwithme, junexie, byjune, delish, trashfood, nyc, newyorkcity, queens, cheapeats, homecooking, howtocook, cookingvideo, cookingshow, recipes, norecipecooking, cookingchannel, food, cookingathome, homecook, easycooking, lowcostcooking, foodchallenge, foodrecipes, vlog, vlogging, foodvideo, cookingvlog, baking, boiling, foodblog, foodforthought, fooddiary, foodoftheday, snacktime, foodporn, sweetpotatoes, purplesweetpotatoes, microwave, microwavemeals, tangyuan, dessert, mochi, mugwort, glutinousriceballs
Id: jWvVE7dPXA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 40sec (4600 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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