SPITFIRE Made High-Tech Wheels and We DESTROYED THEM!

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oh [Music] so we're gonna test it Spitfire sapphires tell me like how this works though so these are they're kind of like yeah they are Spitfires like 101 Formula Four on the center and then I think they're a 90 durometer urethane on the outer kind of like a street skaters Cruiser wheel type thing so it's not like super uncomfortable to skate in the streets and you can actually kind of do some like slappies and stuff when you're cruising around so they're even softer than the dragon Wheels because the dragon ones are 93 these are 90. but is the idea that they're soft but you can still slide yeah what all right we will we will test that how do they keep coming up with this stuff I have no idea well pal comes out with theirs and then what does spiff are gonna do they have to answer you gotta answer well we're gonna put these we're gonna flat spot these but I believe you would I believe it all right well I think the orange one's the coolest so I don't know if this is totally what happened but I feel like there was this scenario where Powell made the dragon wheels and then these wheels were selling like crazy and everybody was like we have to try them they're the best wheel ever and then Spitfire had a meeting it was this giant meeting around this huge table and all these Executives were wearing suits and they were like what do we do we need to take out the pal Dragon wheels and then boom Spitfire sapphires now I literally have no idea if that's what happened so don't take that as truth that was just what I made up in my mind in the Daydream to wonder how did these come about but these wheels are 90 durometers on the outside 101 durometer on the inside which means so 90 is soft and 101 is hard so it's basically like a soft wheel combined with a hard wheel and I love what they say here keep them lit pass them on when you're done skating these wheels pass them on to someone else who could use them and these are from SF Deluxe Productions made in Mexico shout out Deluxe when are you going to invite us out to the warehouse so we can do a tour of the deluxe Warehouse wow so we're gonna we're gonna put these to the ultimate test if you've never seen one of these videos we will put these on a board we will skate them and then we will put them through every kind of most impossible test that you would never see any wheel ever go through so by the end of this video these wheels will be 100 completely toasted these do not claim on the packaging that they don't flat spot or anything like that there's nothing like that it just says you know they're 90 durometer on the outside one on the inside can I see yeah actually I'm so they look so cool I've never seen a clear wheel where you can see a graphic on the inside and it's a good design that is so sick so this inner part this inner orange ring right here I assume Zoom is the 101 right and yeah everything on the outside is the softer I thought there was no difference now that you pointed that out it's like orange here and that's 101 and then I guess this is just basically clear it's clear but it looks orange because it has that orange reflection so looking from the side I can see the Spitfire guy you see that oh what the heck what kind of science is going on here I don't know shout out Deluxe I mean they do match I mean the vibe pretty cool Derek how are these cool you like the graphic I love them yep love it like the word love came out of your mouth you love it like would you go in and out to the skate shop and buy these so I want I want Derek's opinion because he's like well what are you gonna say what are you trying to say he's a new skater he's been a skater that's been skateboarding for 30 years and has all these preconceived notions so you're gonna ride this board tell me how it feels just just a ride ooh smooth yeah can we get a drop in pretty normal okay okay now this one this is grip yeah don't don't worry about the grip you can hear the bearings smooth also I don't know I feel like that one might be I don't know if it's because of the truck I like that one yeah you do yeah okay let me see oh no Gabe these are pretty fire really let me see if they power slide though foreign I will give them that they sound like hard wheels do they they sound more hard than the than the dragon Wheels okay hold on remember that sound okay Dragon Wheels Spitfire you're right you sound harder than the dragon Wheels how is that possible check this out the Spitfires are actually softer I know so these are 93 a these are 90. what are we doing here which one sounds more like just a regular oh get your board and let's really compare yeah formula Force is that board back to the video at hand listen to this yeah now that one now this one you're right it does sound more like a normal board I think that's one point Spitfire it's Spitfire all the way no matter what all right power slide it then power slide that one and this one no comment Spitfire can you please send glow a box I gotta take the audience through this the first board he was on is the Spitfire sapphires second board with a dragon now he's gonna get his own board which I think are formula for a Spitfire [Applause] High Beast better so no do a power slide on that and then a power slide on this were you wearing shorts all day yeah yeah okay now power side this I mean a little better I think but not much come on give it like a full Wing dang it I did I'm gonna do a real test I'm gonna go and run a real power slide it's honestly hard to tell you I don't know I mean honestly I felt kind of similar all right let me try the glow board we're looking at minute differences that are going to be very hard all right that wasn't very minute this one slides better no I'm talking about dragon versus Spitfire damn that's cool all the way right there but here's one I want to point out about even just what you just said we're talking about my new differences Dragon Wheels versus these Spitfire sapphires what I want to point out is if you get anywhere even close to the dragon Wheels you've got something you got something major so if it's within my new Range we got we're onto some here Take It Outside I don't know Take It Outside do some tricks it's the difference between riding outside and inside oh yeah I forgot about that that's a real test Sapphire or Dragon first let's go Sapphire first okay Sapphire let's roll it it almost sounds like a hard wheel and then you step on it and it sounds like a soft whale hey just riding no power slides just riding it does sound more like a regular wheel yeah but when you're on it listen to this how does that sound sounds like a like a cruiser wheel like a soft wheel yeah mind blown you know I really do think it has to do with the hard wheel being connected to the bearing hard wheel connected to the bearing now this still does seem like it's way smoother yeah it does slides though better yeah oh man I don't know what to say I mean the dragon technology is something that we may never understand I actually it makes me wonder if Spitfire like took the dragon wheels and tried to analyze maybe they melted them or broke them down and then we're like or maybe they just tried to figure out how could we make something that's like this can I feel or maybe they just never even had that in mind at all and they just wanted to make some cool looking Wheels with a cool Spitfire guy I have no idea maybe it's a little unfair to compare them to dragons but yes you can feel them Gabe Cruz I want you to ride them both let me get on this thingy here hopefully I don't fall dragons first Gabe's normal board new trucks new trucks I almost just hit your car yeah it slides so good they slide so good like the grittier the surface the better they slide that's literally it you want to know why it's more porous surface so less surface area science who said I'm not a science man oh wow that feels good though right I think it might feel it as good if not better yeah well 90 of through 93 but now do a slide it's not as good don't fall yeah Vicky don't get me wrong it's definitely way less sticky than a soft wheel somehow but it's it's not good at sliding they feel great though they do feel pretty good I would say like if you're a skater and you want to just go ride around and you don't want to be that guy that has a skateboard with the cruiser wheels on it you would get these yeah but you wouldn't do tricks on them like it's a casual Cruise type wheel I mean you can do tricks well with that being said let's go see if we can do some tricks on it maybe not something wow holy they do pop pretty good yeah it feels a little less impacty let's get around foreign my theory is here let me see him I might have to go deep into my Bill Knight stuff right now let's go Science Guy all right here's what I'm thinking right I've just disproved my own Theory never mind what were you thinking what I was thinking is that if if it's a harder interior like around this ring yeah and then softer on the on the outside yeah depending on how thick this inner ring is if you're locking into a grind or like a fever or something on a rail theoretically you could be locked in on the rail on that harder part that would slide but I don't think that's the case with this no because it's too thin but hey maybe I just gave someone an idea yeah let's go in a line oh you know no test is complete without a little mini ramp sesh oh bro silent oh okay they slid there pretty decent that's why it's just fine I actually might have even slide better there than the dragons foreign hurt myself vert ramp yeah you're gonna hit drop in no I don't know bro it feels pretty good they slide on here though oh on the ramps they feel really good though because I feel like sometimes I could give it a little bit of yeah classic Nolly Hill oh I could roll with you now that's sick all right if you're watching this sometimes things are a little scary and this is one of those things foreign [Music] I'll take full credit for the Great Clip it's still Spitfire it's a lot so no nothing no advertisement no nothing just everywhere I can find it just says what they are it just says 90 durometer on the outside yeah I don't know I know what you say I wonder what Spitfire thinks of this video that we make right now Spitfire leave it in the comments below sounded kind of kind of soft but then sometimes it doesn't what are these wheels just skate them hey do the national front three show oh just skate him I'm not Matt I like it well here's what they are 101 durometer on the inside 90 durometer on the outside ah okay okay what what for what does that do for you I think it's less impact for like regular skating like on the curb you'd feel impact since the softness on the outside kind of absorbs it you get the smooth like Cruiser wheel Vibe but you could definitely get uh pick up speed because the hardcore Best of Both Worlds huh these are tight right here first try Must Die go outside and do a bunch of power slides regular power yeah we gotta see if we can flat spot them before oh yeah I forgot about that regular power slide test you know what that dark spot is in the parking lot butter I cannot slide these so wait maybe I can slide them in butter well not even the butter could get it to slide well if they're long lasting but if they don't slide they will last forever because you can't flat spot them well they won't slide so should I just keep doing this yeah hit like five more foreign let's check the flat spot nothing not even the slightest flat spot I really put working on that too shoo where am I put my keys you ready to drive Dan you got to be careful in this parking lot there's a lot of glass and a lot of things that could go wrong oh you're right this ain't gonna fall on my fingers right no no no that's the wrist a whole hand completely off can you imagine I just lose both hands [Laughter] a little faster a little faster oh that was it okay you're starting out good and then just a little faster right here for the Barbie movie yeah faster faster faster my arms are bleeding I don't know bro they're looking pretty good what they're looking Prime let's take them to the inside and see if there's a flat spot I mean they're definitely less smooth than they were but zero flash spot like you would hear it it would be going you hear nothing no flat spot Spitfire Sapphire is undefeated that's impressive that is impressive I slide it where is this energy with the formula Force wow okay Prius gang some quality building right there yeah all right you ready Izzy yeah go oh no use the Prius they said okay I said a little faster faster than that's the noise we like okay stop I got grease on my hands now that's a flat spot we got a flat spot situation right there it's a little booger slide man I'm not gonna lie that is really impressive though for how much we just did how much we just did really I was really hoping that we were going to get a flat spot right over the face we just missed it dang it smell that no I don't oh ow bro we are almost there when we hit that inner core though it's going to go nuclear so wait how many was that that was two times around the track around the lap is probably half of that lap this is our new our new condensed course and go faster [Laughter] [Applause] yeah tighten up your back all right stop stop oh everything hurts everything hurts light the fire oh you made it you can definitely clearly see it we do a little bit more we might hit that logo go ahead [Applause] something almost popped wow I'm proud of you son you did it oh yes that one's so good right over the Spitfire dang that actually hurt my knee well should we go do the kickflip test if they still capable they're still good right yep [Applause] I mean it's almost the same kickflip as when they were regular Wheels I know shocker all right well these wheels are pretty sick I can say the 90 durometer was a really nice ride but look at that flat spot what do you guys think leave it in the comments below pal dragons or Spitfire sapphires let's go we hope you enjoyed the video please subscribe like leave a comment below and you yes you learn to ride a skateboard we got everything you need at brailleskateboarding.com
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 76,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, aaron, kyro, braille, how to skate, braille skateboarding, aaron kyro, spitfire, spitfire wheels, spitfire f4s, spitfire f4, spitfire formula 4, spitfire sapphire, spitfire wheel review, spitfire review, spitfire sapphire wheels, sapphire wheels
Id: V9UU2hH6Bu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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